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Y Ddinas ar Ymyl y Byd (Cyfres y Dderwen)

by Arwel Vittle

Tu fewn i furiau'r Ddinas mae milwyr creulon, dynion busnes llwgr, Ceidwad hollbresennol, merch â marc dirgel ar ei hysgwydd a chyfrinachau'r awdurdodau. Mae'r Argyfwng a'r Haint wedi gadael eu hôl ac wedi troi natur ben i waered. Nofel ddychmygus i bobl ifainc ac oedolion yng Nghyfres y Dderwen gan awdur Dial yr Hanner Brawd a Talu'r Pris. [Within the City walls there are cruel soldiers, corrupt businessmen, an ever-present Keeper, a girl with a secret mark on her shoulder and the secrets of the authorities. The Crisis and the Disease have left their mark and turned nature up-side-down. An imaginative novel for teenagers and adults in the Cyfres y Dderwen series by the author of Dial yr Hanner Brawd.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y Ddwy Lisa - Cysgod yr Hebog (Cyfres y Dderwen)

by Gareth Williams

Dilyniant i Y Ddwy Lisa - Sgrech y Dylluan. Mae bywydau'r ddwy Lisa yn gorgyffwrdd fwyfwy, er mor annhebygol mae hynny'n ymddangos ar yr olwg gyntaf. Nofel sy'n treiddio i gymeriad y ddwy a'u hymateb i berthynas â'u rhieni, ffrindiau a chariadon. [A sequel to Sgrech y Dylluan. In this novel we get to know the families of the two Lisas, by seeing the obvious tensions within the households. When Lisa Marie comes into contact with Lisa Angharad's father, the lives of the two girls become interlaced in an unimaginably dark way.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y Ddwy Lisa - Sgrech y Dylluan (Cyfres y Dderwen)

by Gareth Williams

Mae Y Ddwy Lisa yn adrodd hanes Lisa Angharad a Lisa Marie, y ddwy ar yr wyneb yn gymeriadau hollol wahanol i'w gilydd. Ond mae bywydau'r ddwy'n dod ynghyd mewn modd tywyll sydd y tu hwnt i realiti. Nofel sy'n dal gafael hyd at y diwedd. [Y Ddwy Lisa tells the story of Lisa Angharad and Lisa Marie, who's characters, on the surface, appear to have nothing in common. Their lives, however, come together in a sinister way which pushes the bounds of reality. A gripping story right to the end.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y Diffeithwch Du (Cyfres Y Melanai #2)

by Bethan Gwanas

Mae'r nofel yn olrhain hanes Efa, sy'n dywysoges ar y Melanai, ar ôl iddi hi a'i ffrindiau ddianc o'r Palas rhag iddi orfod lladd ei mam, y frenhines, yn dilyn traddodiad y wlad. Maen nhw wedi cyrraedd Y Diffeithwch Du sydd yn llawn peryglon ac yn cwrdd â chawr o'r enw Id, a nifer o anifeiliaid a sefyllfaoedd peryglus a heriol. Ail deitl mewn trioleg. [A novel telling the story of Efa, princess of the Melanai, after she and her friends flee the Palace before she has to kill her mother, the queen, as decreed by tradition. On reaching The Dark Desolation which is full of dangers, they meet the giant Id, a number of animals and treacherous challenges. The second title in a trilogy.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y Dyn Gwyrdd

by Gareth F. Williams

Un tro - yn reit ddiweddar, a dweud y gwir - roedd bachgen ifanc o'r enw Derwyn yn byw efo'i rieni mewn hen fwthyn yn y goedwig. Dysgai ei fam yn yr ysgol gynradd a'i dad yn yr ysgol uwchradd. Anodd iawn oedd dweud pa un ohonyn nhw oedd yn cwyno fwyaf. [One day - quite recently, in fact - a young boy named Derwyn lived in an old cottage in the woods. His parents were both teachers, his mother taught in the primary school and his father at the secondary school, but it was often difficult to tell which one complained the most.]

Y Ffôn yn Marw

by Anthony Horowitz Tudur Dylan

Dyw ffôn symudol David ddim yn stopio canu, ond nid galwadau arferol yw'r rhain. Mae hi'n edrych yn debyg fod David yn gallu cysylltu â'r nefoedd ... neu uffern. Mae gan Isabel deimlad ofnadwy fod y bath Fictoraidd, y mae ei rhieni wedi ei osod, yn disgwyl amdani. Ond a fydd y dŵr yn glir neu'n goch? [David's mobile won't stop ringing, but these are no ordinary callers. He seems to have a hotline to heaven ... or hell. Isabel has a nasty feeling that the Victorian bath her parents have installed is waiting for her. But it won't be a bubble bath she gets, more of a bloodbath.] Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y "Fo" yn y Tŷ

by Mair Hughes

Stori iasoer am deulu ifanc yn gorfod symud i fyw i hen dy sy'n mynd â'i ben iddo, a chanfod bod presenoldeb annifyr a pheryglus iawn yn byw yno. [A story about a young family who have to move to a dilapidated old house, and find that a very unpleasant and dangerous presence lives there.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y "Fo" yn y Ty

by Mair Hughes

Stori iasoer am deulu ifanc yn gorfod symud i fyw i hen dy sy'n mynd â'i ben iddo, a chanfod bod presenoldeb annifyr a pheryglus iawn yn byw yno. [A story about a young family who have to move to a dilapidated old house, and find that a very unpleasant and dangerous presence lives there.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y Jaguar Glas Tywyll

by Elgan Davies Delyth Ifan James Field

Mae Gethin Evans, 15 oed, yn ffansïo'i hun fel tipyn o dditectif. 'Dyw hi ddim yn syndod felly fod swydd dros yr haf gyda Margam Powell, Gwasanaeth Ymholi Personol, yn apelio ato. Ond prin bod dychymyg byw Gethin hyd yn oed wedi rhagweld yr hyn sy'n digwydd ar ôl ei gyfweliad. Gyda help Caryl, mae Gethin yn rhoi ei sgiliau ditectif ar waith. [Gethin Evans, 15 year old, fancies himself as a detective. It's no surprise then that he wishes to work during the summer holidays for Margam Powell, Personal Query Service. But even Gethin's vivid imagination could have predicted what would happen following his interview. With Caryl's help, he puts his detective skills to work.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y Mabin-OD-i

by Hilma Edwards

Nofel fer fyrlymus a hwyliog ar gyfer yr arddegau sy'n gyforiog o gymeriadau cyfarwydd o'r Mabinogi mewn sefyllfaoedd cwbl gyfoes. [A short humorous novel for teenagers in which familiar characters from traditional Welsh legends are placed in completely contemporary situations.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Y Pair Dadeni (Manawydan Jones)

by Alun Davies

Nofel antur i'r arddegau cynnar - y nofel gyntaf ar gyfer yr oed yma gan awdur straeon y ditectif poblogaidd Taliesin MacLeavy. Y canolbwynt ydi bachgen mud 15 oed, Manawydan Jones, sy'n darganfod taw ei gyn-daid ydi Manawydan fab Llŷr o'r Mabinogi. Nofel hawdd i'w darllen gyda themâu dwys, yn rhoi gwedd newydd ar rai o straeon y Mabinogi i gynulleidfa ifanc. [An adventure novel for the early teens - the first novel by the author of the stories about popular detective Taliesing MacLeavy. The hero is 15 year old mute, Manawydan Jones, who discovers that he is descended from Manawydan fab Llŷr of the Mabinogi. An easy read with serious themes, presenting a modern look at some Mabinogi tales for a young audience.]

Y Pibgorn Hud

by Gareth Evans

Nofel antur wedi'i lleoli ym merw'r chweched ganrif ym Mhrydain yn y flwyddyn 552. Ynys ranedig, llawn tensiwn, sy'n bygwth ffrwydro fel llosgfynydd. Ynys sy'n simsanu ar ôl i'r pla sgubo drwy'r tir. Y cleddyf sy'n rheoli bellach, ac mae'n rhaid i bawb ddilyn y drefn. Yn enwedig plant. Yn enwedig merched. Pawb heblaw merch deuddeg oed o'r enw Ina. [An adventure novel set amidst the turmoil of 6th century Britain. Its the year 552 and the island is divided, with tensions threatening to explode like a volcano. The island is unsteady after the plague that has swept the land; the sword rules and everyone has to bow to the law. Especially children. Especially women. Everyone, apart from 12 year old Ina.]

Year 5 Comprehension Pupil Book: (PDF)

by Keen Kite Books Staff

Pupils can quickly get to grips with KS2 comprehension using questions that become progressively more challenging. Fully in line with the new National Curriculum.

Year 6 Comprehension Pupil Book (PDF)

by Keen Kite Books

Pupils can quickly get to grips with KS2 comprehension using questions that become progressively more challenging. Fully in line with the new National Curriculum.

The Yearling (Illustrated Classics Series)

by Marjorie Rawlings

An American, bestselling classic and a Pulitzer Prize–winning novel, The Yearling epitomizes the love between a child and a pet. When young Jody Baxter adopts an orphaned fawn he calls Flag, he makes it a part of his family—and his best friend. But life in the Florida backwoods isn’t easy, and as his family fights off wolves, bears, alligators, and economic ruin in farming, Jody and his family realize that the maturing Flag is endangering their survival, and Jody is forced to face the reality of the situation and to make the toughest decision he’ll ever have. Penguin Random House Canada is proud to bring you classic works of literature in e-book form, with the highest quality production values. Find more today and rediscover books you never knew you loved.

Yes! No (maybe... )

by Liz Pichon

The laugh-out-loud Tom Gates is back in another brilliant instalment of Liz Pichon's bestselling illustrated series. Sometimes making up my mind isn't easy to do. Especially when my grumpy sister Delia is LOOMING over me. Mum's on a mission to TIDY UP the whole house. She says if I can't decide what to get rid of, she'll do it for me. Which would be a DISASTER! Lucky for me, The FOSSILS come to my rescue (more than once!)

Yes You Can - Ace School Without Losing Your Mind

by Natasha Devon

Ace school without losing your mind with this one-stop, inspiring and empowering guide.Secondary school can seem overwhelming – but it doesn't have to be.In Yes You Can: Ace School Without Losing Your Mind, mental health campaigner and education expert Natasha Devon uses her expertise to show you how to navigate school and stay calm in the face of exams.* Learn how your brain works – understand the point of stress and sort and tackle your anxieties* Take a quiz to find out what kind of learner you are and tailor make your own schedule* It's not all about work. Plan your study breaks with tips on baking, doodling, dancing and relaxation techniques* Deal with exam days with the help of mindfulness, power poses, recall and planning techniquesRevolutionize the way YOU do school.

Yes You Can: Ace Your Exams Without Losing Your Mind

by Natasha Devon

Ace your exams without losing your mind with this one-stop, inspiring and empowering guide.Exams can seem overwhelming – but they don't have to be. In Yes You Can: Ace Your Exams Without Losing Your Mind, mental health campaigner and exam expert Natasha Devon uses her expertise to show you not just how to stay calm in the face of exams, but also how you can absolutely smash them.* Learn how your brain works – understand the point of stress and sort and tackle your anxieties* Take a quiz to find out what kind of learner you are and tailor make your own revision schedule* It's not all about work. Plan your study breaks with tips on baking, doodling, dancing and relaxation techniques* Deal with exam days with the help of mindfulness, power poses, recall and planning techniquesRevolutionize the way YOU revise.


by Mary H. Choi

From New York Times bestselling author Mary H.K. Choi comes a funny and emotional story about two estranged sisters and how far they'll go to save one of their lives - even if it means swapping identities.Jayne and June Baek are nothing alike. June's three years older, a classic first-born, know-it-all narc with a problematic finance job and an equally soulless apartment (according to Jayne). Jayne is an emotionally stunted, self-obsessed basket case who lives in squalor, has egregious taste in men, and needs to get to class and stop wasting Mom and Dad's money (if you ask June). Once thick as thieves, these sisters who moved from Seoul to San Antonio to New York together now don't want anything to do with each other.That is, until June gets cancer. And Jayne becomes the only one who can help her.Flung together by circumstance, housing woes, and family secrets, will the sisters learn more about each other than they're willing to confront? And what if while helping June, Jayne has to confront the fact that maybe she's sick, too?

You and Your Teenager: Understanding the Journey

by Jeanne Meijs

The teenage years can be challenging time, but family therapist Jeanne Meijs sees teenagehood as a journey along a path, a journey that parents and teenagers can travel together. This books helps parents to understand the journey, and how to support their child along the way. As the relationship between parents and teenagers changes and develops, it can feel as if the child is rejecting all usual forms of love and care. Meijs explores how to find new kinds of love, as well as encouraging parents to examine their own teenage years and how that time affects their approach to their own children's teenagehood. The book includes sections on teenage excess, approaches to passivity and boredom in teens, sexuality, difficult behaviour (including addiction), being a teenager in a digital age, and issues that arise from divorce. You and Your Teenager is both a considered overview of teenagehood, and a thoroughly practical and down-to-earth book from which parents can draw strength, inspiration and guidance.

You Are a Champion: How to Be the Best You Can Be

by Marcus Rashford

It’s hard to know what is possible until you start. You have to be able to dream big and be prepared to work towards your dreams. I’ve achieved a lot so far, but it didn’t come in one go; big things rarely happen overnight, and good things rarely happen as if by magic . . .Marcus Rashford is famous worldwide for his skills both on and off the pitch – but before he was a Manchester United and England footballer, and long before he started his inspiring campaign to end child food poverty, he was just an average kid from Wythenshawe, South Manchester. Now, Marcus Rashford MBE wants to show YOU how to achieve your dreams, in this positive and inspiring guide for life.No matter who you are and no matter where you come from, every single person in the world has the potential to be a champion. In You Are a Champion, the nation’s favourite footballer gives you the tools you need to reach your full potential, showing you how to be the very BEST version of yourself you can be.Written with journalist Carl Anka, this empowering guide is packed full of stories from Marcus’s own life, brilliant advice and top-tips from performance psychologist Katie Warriner. Perfect for readers who need to hear that they already are champions – they just might not know it yet.It shows kids how to:- Be comfortable with who you are – you can't be a champion until you're happy being you!- Dream big- Practise like a champion – good things take hard work and time- Get out of your comfort zone and learn from your mistakes- Navigate adversity in a positive way- Find your team- Use your voice and stand up for others- Never stop learningWith an afterword by Tim S. Grover.

You Are Awesome: Find Your Confidence To Be Good At Almost Anything (PDF)

by Matthew Syed

SUNDAY TIMES NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER "A very funny and inspiring read! Brilliantly practical with a wide variety of examples that make it relevant for both boys and girls (and adults)!" - Amazon Customer "A truly inspiring book for the younger generation!" - Amazon Customer "Brilliant book - perfect for that child/person who needs a little bit of confidence" - Amazon Customer "Everyone should read this ... Very motivational and inspiring." - Amazon Customer "Genuinely funny and engaging. There are messages in this book for both adults and children. It's a must read." - Amazon Customer This positive and empowering guide, by bestselling mindset author Matthew Syed, will help boys and girls build resilience, fulfil their potential and become successful, happy, awesome adults. I'm no good at sport ... I can't do maths ... I really struggle with exams ... Sound familiar? If you believe you can't do something, the chances are you won't try. But what if you really could get better at maths, or sport or exams? In fact, what if you could excel at anything you put your mind to? You Are Awesome can help you do just that, inspiring and empowering young readers to find the confidence to realise their potential. The first children's book from Times journalist, two-time Olympian and best-selling mindset author Matthew Syed, it uses examples of successful people from Mozart to Serena Williams to demonstrate that success really is earned rather than given, and that talent can be acquired. With hard work and determination, practice and self-belief, and, most importantly, a Growth Mindset, there's no reason why anyone can't achieve anything. Practical, insightful and positive, this is the book to help children build resilience, embrace their mistakes and grow into successful, happy adults. Coming soon - The You Are Awesome Journal

You Are So Awesome: Uplifting Words to Help You Shine

by Summersdale Publishers

Never doubt your awesomeness Be the boss of your thoughts and feelings, and don’t let any negative vibes get you down with this little book of feel-good quotes and statements. Dip into it whenever you need a boost and let the encouraging words help you reflect on how amazingly awesome you are.

You Can Change the World!: Everyday Teen Heroes Making a Difference Everywhere

by Margaret Rooke

This inspirational book tells the stories of more than 50 of today's teenagers who've dared to change the world they live in. It's been written to show other teens they can do the same.Bestselling author Margaret Rooke asks teens about their experiences of being volunteers, social entrepreneurs and campaigners, online and beyond. They explain how they have survived in a world often obsessed by celebrity, social media and appearance, by refusing to conform to other's expectations. If you want to achieve against the odds and create genuine impact, this book may be the encouragement you need.The interviews cover race, sexuality, violence, grief, neurodiversity, bullying and other issues central to life today.Read about teens from around the world includingTrisha, 18, who has invented a way of preventing bullying onlineDillon, 18, who takes damaged and donated clothing and upcycles it for the homeless Guro, 13, who persuaded a pop band to portray women differently in its video'Happy D', 19, who learned to read at 14 and found ways to build his confidenceHeraa, 19, who fights Islamophobia online.Ruben, 18, bullied because of Down's Syndrome, now a successful actorLucy who, at 14, walked into Tesco head office and persuaded them not to sell eggs from caged hens.Cameron, 17, who has cerebral palsy and was side-lined by soccer teams who set up his own team 'Adversity United'Alex, 18, who broke his back on his 15th birthday and says his injury has taught him to care for othersAmika, 18, who fights 'Period Poverty'Jesse, 15, who's seven feet tall and embraces his statureBilly, 18, who wore full make up every day at high schoolAnd many more

You Can Make a Difference!: A Creative Workbook and Journal for Young Activists

by Sherry Paris

Packed with fun activities for self-reflection and development, this creative workbook is the ultimate toolkit for all young activists looking to make a difference and create change. Each chapter includes voices from inspiring young game changers to encourage readers to channel their passion for social justice into positive action. Focusing on identity, discrimination and oppression, it offers the space to explore new ideas, self-reflect and expand awareness of the systems underpinning injustice. Chapters engage with a range of social justice and identity issues, including race, gender, sexual orientation and disability, providing the tools needed to facilitate and encourage personal growth. Through creative art activities, journal prompts, interviews and more, this workbook will inspire, engage and empower you to realize your own social justice project and put it into action.

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