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Showing 2,326 through 2,350 of 13,356 results

Bewegung und Sport gegen Burnout, Depressionen und Ängste

by Viola Oertel Silke Matura

Dieser Ratgeber soll psychisch erkrankten Menschen helfen, von mehr Bewegung zu profitieren. Durch Burn-out, Depressionen oder Ängste entstehen oft Barrieren, die es für die Betroffenen noch schwerer machen, sich für mehr Aktivität im Alltag zu motivieren. Die erfahrenen Autorinnen erklären zunächst, warum Bewegung gerade für psychisch erkrankte Menschen wichtig ist und geben Beispiele, wie diese trotz aller Barrieren aktiver werden können.

Education for Citizenship

by Denis Lawton Jo Cairns Roy Gardner

There is now broad agreement that citizenship should form an important part of the curriculum. And that, broadly, is where the agreement ends., yet busy practitioners have to teach citizenship effectively now. Education for Citizenship is based on the assumption that theory needs to be related to practice and that there is already a wealth of good practice from which we can learn.

The Achilles Tendon: An Atlas of Surgical Procedures

by Hajo Thermann Christoph Becher Michael R. Carmont Jón Karlsson Nicola Maffulli James Calder C. Niek van Dijk

This book, written by leading experts in the field, is a comprehensive guide to the best available techniques in Achilles tendon surgery. Each surgical procedure is described step by step, covering all of the approaches employed for the most common and important Achilles tendon pathologies. The clear descriptions are complemented by superb drawings prepared by a medical artist on the basis of photographs supplied by the authors. Pearls and possible pitfalls are identified to ensure optimal outcomes for patients. The book is the outcome of a collaboration among international Achilles tendon experts – the Achilles Tendon Study Group – that has already resulted in four other books on current concepts relating to the Achilles tendon. Like these previous volumes, The Achilles Tendon – An Atlas of Surgical Procedures is based on the highest level of evidence and expertise. It will be invaluable for orthopaedic surgeons, trauma surgeons, and residents, assisting them in their daily clinical work.

Shoulder Instability Across the Life Span

by Andreas B. Imhoff Felix H. Savoie III

This book outlines the consensus findings of the ISAKOS Upper Extremity Committee regarding the treatment options for patients suffering from shoulder instability. The aim is to furnish readers with a precise knowledge of the presenting features of conditions typical of different ages, thereby facilitating assessment of patient characteristics and optimal treatment decision making based on the consensus of the Committee. All age groups are covered, from the very young through to the older patient. The structuring of the book essentially according to age group reflects the fact that certain forms of shoulder instability are observed at different ages. For example, while young patients tend to demonstrate instability combined with hyperlaxity, in later years, bony defects of the glenoid and humerus gain in importance. Similarly, the scope for conservative treatment varies across the life span. Each management-oriented chapter of the book includes information and guidance on anatomy, clinical examination, imaging, surgical indications and technique, rehabilitation, outcomes, and complications and their avoidance, and the text is supported by numerous high-quality illustrations.

Bio-orthopaedics: A New Approach

by Alberto Gobbi João Espregueira-Mendes John G. Lane Mustafa Karahan

This book introduces the exciting field of orthobiology, which will usher in a new array of therapeutic approaches that stimulate the body’s natural resources to regenerate musculoskeletal tissues damaged by trauma or disease. The book addresses a range of key topics and discusses emerging approaches that promise to offer effective alternatives to traditional treatments for injuries to bone, cartilage, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. It explains in detail how a variety of innovative products, including biomaterials, growth factors, and autogenous cells, together provide the basis for the regeneration of these musculoskeletal structures and how recent scientific progress has created unique opportunities to address pathological situations that until recently have been treated with unsatisfactory results. The authors are experts from across the world who come together to provide a truly global overview. The book is published in collaboration with ISAKOS. It will be invaluable for all with an interest in this area of medicine, which has already attained huge popularity in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine and has also attracted the attention of the lay public.

Muscle and Tendon Injuries: Evaluation and Management

by Gian Luigi Canata Pieter D'Hooghe Kenneth J. Hunt

This book explores in a comprehensive manner the causes and symptoms of muscle and tendon pathologies, the available diagnostic procedures, and current treatment approaches. Specific aspects of the anatomy, biomechanics, and function of muscles and tendons are analyzed, and detailed guidance is provided on the most innovative methods – both conservative and surgical – for ensuring that the athlete can make a safe and quick return to sporting activity. Optimal care of tendon and muscle injuries in sportspeople requires effective cooperation of sports scientists and medical practitioners to identify the best ways of preserving muscle and tendon structures and to develop new strategies for their rehabilitation and regeneration. Muscle and Tendon Injuries is an excellent multidisciplinary reference written by the leading experts in the field and published in collaboration with ISAKOS. It will appeal to all specialists in sports medicine and sports traumatology who are seeking a state of the art update on the management of muscle and tendon disorders.

Leitfaden zur medizinischen Trainingsberatung: Rehabilitation bis Leistungssport

by Paul Haber

Sport kann zur Entwicklung der motorischen Grundeigenschaften, aber auch zur Behandlung von Funktionsdefiziten angewandt werden. Das Buch behandelt die physiologischen Grundlagen und stellt Trainingsmethoden in Form einer medizinischen Trainingslehre dar. Für die 3. Auflage wurde das Kapitel zu Sport im Alter überarbeitet sowie eines zu Genderaspekten ergänzt. Ärzte können mit Hilfe dieses Ratgebers konkrete Trainingsrichtlinien anbieten: vom mehrwöchigen Rehabilitationsprogramm bis hin zum mehrjährigen Aufbautraining.

Sports Day: A Bloomsbury Young Reader (Bloomsbury Young Readers)

by Jane Lawes Sarah Jennings

Emmie's school is having a big sports day and everyone has to choose an event to take part in. There are running races, long jump, an egg-and-spoon race, and even the three-legged race. But Emmie isn't sure what to choose and she is sure that she is going to come in last...This fun and sporty adventure from author Jane Lawes is perfect for children who are learning to read by themselves and for Key Stage 1. It features engaging illustrations by Sarah Jennings and relatable characters young readers will find hard to resist.Bloomsbury Young Readers are the perfect way to get children reading, with book-banded stories by brilliant authors like Julia Donaldson. They are packed with gorgeous colour illustrations and include inside cover notes to help adults reading with children, as well as ideas for activities related to the stories.Book Band: WhiteIdeal for ages 6+

Teacher Supply: The Key Issues (Continuum Empirical Studies in Education)

by Stephen Gorard Beng Huat See Emma Smith Patrick White

Issues concerning the supply of teachers are of perennial concern to both policy-makers and researchers in the world of education. This trenchant and wide-ranging study not only provides major new research findings but also a re-interpretation of extant data. Combining qualitative and (very extensive) quantitative research, Teacher Supply provides a rigorous and iconoclastic treatment of issues relating to the recruitment, quality, training, and retention of teachers throughout the developed world and offers important recommendations for the future.

Essays on Citizenship

by Sir Bernard Crick

Citizenship, both the subject and the practice, should be a bridge between the vocational aims of education and education for its own sake. Not all of life is productive: there is leisure, there is culture, both of which active citizens can defend, indeed enhance. This book may, I hope, help teachers and all involved in education (governors, parents and even inspectors) gain or reinforce a sense of civic pride and mission.

Atlas sportorthopädisch-sporttraumatologische Operationen

by Andreas B. Imhoff Matthias J. Feucht

Akute Verletzungen, Verletzungsfolgen von Fehlbelastungen und Überlastungsschäden sind typische Krankheitsbilder in der Sportmedizin. Bei der Behandlung der meist jüngeren Patienten stellt sich für Operateure die Frage nach dem wirkungsvollsten Eingriff. Ein Expertenteam der Technischen Universität München, Abteilung für Sportmedizin, stellt in dem Operationsatlas die 75 am häufigsten durchgeführten Operationsverfahren vor. Alle Operationen sind detailliert beschrieben und mit 300 brillanten Operationszeichnungen versehen.

Kraftvoll ins Wasser: Krafttraining für mehr Erfolg beim Schwimmen

by Britta Steffen Andreas Hahn Miriam Hilgner Michael Behringer Dieter Strass

Britta Steffen, Olympiasiegerin im Schwimmen, hat selbst zur Feder gegriffen und beschreibt ihr persönliches Krafttraining während ihrer leistungssportlichen Karriere. Sportwissenschaftler verschiedener Institute in Deutschland haben in diesem Buch weitere Aspekte zum Krafttraining im Schwimmen aufgegriffen (Grundlagen, Leistungsaufbau und Spezifik für Kinder und Jugendliche).Wohl wissend, dass Erfolge im Schwimmsport nicht nur durch ein umfängliches Training im Wasser, sondern maßgeblich durch ein Krafttraining begleitet werden, und dass dafür bisher kein Patentrezept existiert, erhalten Sie mit diesem Werk bewusst keine Übungssammlung, sondern eine anschauliche Zusammenstellung der Grundlagen für das spezifische Krafttraining im Schwimmen. Sie erfahren alles Wichtige über die leistungsorientierte Entwicklung der Kraftfähigkeiten und lernen, wie präventiv eine lang andauernde Belastbarkeit im Krafttraining gefördert wird. Last but not least geht es darum, dass durch ein optimales Training die Gesundheit eines jeden Athleten gesichert werden kann.Dieses Buch richtet sich an Akteure im Sportschwimmen, insbesondere aus dem Bereich des Nachwuchsleistungsschwimmens, sowie an Personen, die das Schwimmtraining im Athletik- bzw. Landtraining begleiten. Selbstverständlich können jedoch auch Leser von diesem Buch profitieren, die im Schwimmen freizeit-, aber zielorientiert trainieren. Auch für Personen aus anderen Sportarten ist dies eine interessante und gewinnbringende Lektüre.

Sportsponsoring: Grundlagen, Konzeption und Wirkungen

by Stefan Walzel Manfred Schubert

Sportsponsoring ist die mit Abstand bedeutendste Erscheinungsform des Sponsorings. Es zählt zu den zentralen Instrumenten der Markenkommunikation von Unternehmen und zugleich zu den wichtigsten Einnahmequellen des Zuschauersports. Das Lehrbuch stellt Sportsponsoring als Kommunikations- und Finanzierungsinstrument in seiner ganzen Breite und Vielfalt vor. Thematisiert werden u.a. Akteure und Zielgruppen, die Erfolgs- und Wirkungskontrolle von Sportsponsoring-Maßnahmen, unerwünschte Effekte wie Ambush-Marketing sowie die soziale Verantwortung von Sponsoren und Gesponserten. Das Buch bietet eine gute Einführung für Studierende, enthält aber auch wertvolle Informationen für ehren- oder hauptamtlich Tätige im Sport und für Marketingmanager in Unternehmen. Lernziele, Verständnis- und Diskussionsfragen, Zusammenfassungen sowie weiterführende Links und Literaturempfehlungen zu jedem Kapitel erleichtern die Nutzung des Buches, sichern den Lernerfolg und regen zur vertiefenden Auseinandersetzung mit einzelnen Themen an.

Return to Play in Football: An Evidence-based Approach

by Volker Musahl Jón Karlsson Werner Krutsch Bert R. Mandelbaum João Espregueira-Mendes Pieter D'Hooghe

In this book, leading experts employ an evidence-based approach to provide clear practical guidance on the important question of when and how to facilitate return to play after some of the most common injuries encountered in football. Detailed attention is paid to biomechanics, the female athlete, risk factors, injury prevention, current strategies and criteria for safe return to play, and future developments. Specific topics discussed in depth include concussion, anterior cruciate ligament and other knee injuries, back pathology, rotator cuff tears, shoulder instability, hip arthroscopy, and foot and ankle injuries. The chapter authors include renowned clinicians and scientists from across the world who work in the field of orthopaedics and sports medicine. Furthermore, experiences from team physicians involved in the Olympics, National Football League (NFL), Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), and Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) are shared with the reader. All who are involved in the care of injured footballers will find this book, published in cooperation with ESSKA, to be an invaluable, comprehensive, and up-to-date reference that casts light on a range of controversial issues.

Handball Sports Medicine: Basic Science, Injury Management and Return to Sport

by Lior Laver Philippe Landreau Romain Seil Nebojsa Popovic

This book is designed to help improve the medical care of athletes across the world who play team handball – including not only handball itself but also such sports as beach volleyball and mini-handball. It provides concise practical information on the nature of frequently encountered injuries, the management of these injuries, injury prevention, and rehabilitation following treatment. Individual sections also focus on physiologic, endocrinologic, biomechanical, and nutritional aspects; special considerations in particular groups of players; and psychological issues. The medical needs of a handball team are explained, and guidance offered on preparticipation assessment and screening. All of the authors are leaders in their field. Their excellent teamwork ensures that the book, published in collaboration with ESSKA, will represent a superb, comprehensive educational resource. It will meet the needs of both handball medical caregivers and handball personnel, providing readily accessible answers to a wide range of medical questions and facilitating effective collaboration among the various professionals involved in team handball.

Angstfrei tauchen: Ein Leitfaden für Tauchlehrer und Tauchausbilder

by Frank Thiele Mercedes Huscsava

Panik unter Wasser? Ein Alptraum für Tauchschüler und Tauchlehrer. Damit dies nicht geschieht, liefert das vorliegende Buch Tauchlehrern und Tauchausbildern wertvolle Informationen, wie man Stress oder Ängsten bei Tauchschülern erfolgreich begegnet. Die Autoren erläutern das menschliche Verhalten dabei sowohl aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht, also „Warum haben wir Angst?“, oder „Wie entsteht Angst überhaupt?“ und geben gleichzeitig zahlreiche Tipps, die in einer Akutsituation helfen - vor oder während des Tauchgangs. Auch auf die Besonderheiten beim Tauchen mit Kindern in den verschiedenen Altersgruppen geht das Werk ein.

Knots in Orthopedic Surgery: Open and Arthroscopic Techniques

by Umut Akgun Mustafa Karahan Pietro S. Randelli João Espregueira-Mendes

This well-illustrated book presents the state of the art in suture materials and provides clear, step-by-step guidance on how to tie the most frequently used knots. The opening section addresses terminological issues and describes how the biological and mechanical properties of suture materials may impact on healing potential. The basics of knot biomechanics are explained, highlighting the risk of failure of knots and sutures if their capacities are exceeded. Subsequent sections give precise instructions on the tying techniques for the various open and arthroscopic knots, including the square knot, the surgeon’s knot, half hitches, and sliding and non-sliding knots. The special instruments available to facilitate the tying of arthroscopic knots are thoroughly discussed, equipping the surgeon with the knowledge required to ensure optimal handling of the soft tissues and manipulation of sutures in arthroscopic surgery. A literature review on suture materials and arthroscopic knots completes the coverage. This book is published in cooperation with ESSKA. It will be a valuable instruction manual for surgeons in training and will supply more experienced surgeons with an excellent update that will further enhance their practice.

ESSKA Instructional Course Lecture Book: Glasgow 2018

by Gino M.M.J. Kerkhoffs Fares Haddad Michael T. Hirschmann Jón Karlsson Romain Seil

This book, comprising the Instructional Course Lectures delivered at the 18th ESSKA Congress in Glasgow in 2018, provides an excellent update on current scientific and clinical knowledge in the field of Orthopaedics and Sports Traumatology. A variety of interesting and controversial topics relating to the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, and foot are addressed, all of which are very relevant to the daily practice of orthopaedic surgeons. All of the contributions are written by well-known experts from across the world. The presentations will enable the reader to gain a better understanding of pathologies and may permit more individualized treatment of patients. The book will be of interest to clinicians and researchers alike.

The Art of Horsemanship

by Xenophon Morris H. Morgan

Among the earliest known works on choosing, caring for, and riding horses, this book is still hailed--2,300 years after it was written — as one of the most complete, thoughtful, and accessible guides of its type. Civilization has changed radically in the centuries since it was written, but the equestrian arts have remained essentially the same. Much of what we presently accept as common wisdom about horsemanship derives from this volume.A student of Socrates, Xenophon was an accomplished cavalryman and one of the foremost scholars of his day. This translation by Morris H. Morgan offers a fluid interpretation of the ancient Greek's advice, plus 38 carefully chosen illustrations. Equestrians and other horse lovers as well as military history buffs and students of Greek culture will find The Art of Horsemanship a treasury of practical tips and enlightened observations.

Hunting and Shooting: A Vintage Classic

by Daniel Beard Bellmore H. Browne

Boy Scouts co-founder and avid outdoorsman "Uncle Dan" Beard offers young readers a clear, enthusiastic introduction to the joys of hunting in this timeless guide. Together with Bellmore H. Browne, an expert mountaineer and big-game hunter, Beard provides practical advice on setting up decoys and blinds as well as useful pointers for everything from shooting waterfowl to upland hunting for quail and grouse. Originally published a century ago, this engagingly written and charmingly illustrated guide imparts timeless wisdom that includes respect for weapons and nature, commonsense safety tips, and helpful hints for enjoying the outdoors. In addition to discussions of trap and field shooting, the authors include a brief survey of the history of firearms and guidance on preparing for a hunting trip. Parents wishing to share the sport of hunting with their growing children will find this classic an ideal place to begin.

French Rugby Football: A Cultural History (Berg French Studies Series)

by Philip Dine

As France's oldest team sport, rugby football has throughout its 125-year history reflected major changes in French society. This book analyzes for the first time the complex variety of motives that have led the French to adopt and remake this rather unlikely British sport in their own image. A major site for the construction of masculine, class-based regional and national identities, France's tradition of 'Champagne rugby' continues to be as subject to dramatic upheavals as the society that produced it. The game's precocious professionalism and endemic violence have not infrequently caused the French to be cast as international pariahs. Such isolation, exacerbated by internal politics, has led the French not only to encourage the extension of the sport beyond its British imperial base (into Italy and Romania, for instance), but also to engage in some uncomfortable tactical alliances, most obviously with apartheid South Africa. Taking his analysis both on and off the field, the author tackles these issues and much more: the relationship of sport and the state (including particularly the Vichy period and the period under de Gaulle); professionalization; the persistence of colonial and postcolonial structures (including the role of ethnic minorities); and gender issues - especially masculine identities. At the same time he links the evolution of the sport to the broader context of French socio-economic, political and cultural history. This book will be essential reading for anyone interested in the cultural analysis of sport or French popular culture.

A Beautiful Game: International Perspectives on Women's Football

by Jean Williams

FIFA, the world governing body of association football, declared 'The Future is Feminine' in a 1995 press release. Since then, football has been claimed as the fastest growing participation sport for women globally. An estimated twenty million women play the game around the world, and that figure is on the rise. However, the history of women's participation goes back to at least 1895 and in our enthusiasm for the present, the memory of that longer history can be overlooked or forgotten. A Beautiful Game examines contemporary women's football internationally, with case studies from England, the United States, China and Australia. In each case study, Jean Williams considers the evolution of the women's game against a backdrop of issues, such as media representation, access to facilities, lack of resources, coaching, sponsorship, talent identification, training and professionalisation. The author examines contentious questions, such as why women are absent from the highest levels of professional football, combining source material from archives, oral history and artefacts. A Beautiful Game analyses the status and image of the women's game from the late nineteenth century to the shifting social values of the present.

Management of Failed Shoulder Surgery

by Giuseppe Milano Andrea Grasso Angel Calvo Roman Brzóska

In this book, leading European shoulder experts review the current status in the management of failures of surgical treatment of different pathological conditions around the shoulder, such as instability of the glenohumeral joint and the acromioclavicular joint, rotator cuff disease and pathology of the long head of the biceps tendon, and glenohumeral osteoarthritis. The aim is to equip readers with clear guidance on how to manage such failures in everyday practice. There is a particular focus on all aspects of the management response to failure of shoulder arthroplasty. Information is provided on the reasons for failure of the various procedures, and key points on controversial topics are highlighted. Furthermore, case examples are used to present challenging scenarios and their possible solutions. The numerous high-quality illustrations aid comprehension, and readers will also have access to supplementary online videos. The book, published in cooperation with ESSKA, will be invaluable for orthopaedic surgeons and highly relevant for other medical and health practitioners such as sports medicine doctors, physical medicine doctors, and physical therapists.

Sport, Revolution and the Beijing Olympics

by Grant Jarvie Dong-Jhy Hwang Mel Brennan

The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing but many human rights activists support a boycott. They liken the circumstances to previous governments that used the games to glorify their regimes - most notoriously the Nazis in 1936. What has led to this perception and is it fair? Sport, Revolution and the Beijing Olympics is a cultural history of sport in China and challenges many such ingrained Western assumptions. The authors unpick the relationship of sport to imperialism and revolution, and examine its significance in both China and Taiwan at governmental and everyday levels. In the process, they successfully debunk harmful myths, such as the prevalence of drugs in Chinese sport among women athletes, and present a balanced view that is a much-needed corrective to popular understanding.

Patienteninformationen Sport in der Neurologie – Empfehlungen für Ärzte: Mit den häufigsten Begleiterkrankungen

by Carl D. Reimers Andreas Straube Klaus Völker

Sport, ein viel beachtetes Thema in den Medien und in der Freizeit, gehört zu den wichtigsten therapeutischen Maßnahmen, die Patienten selbst ergreifen können. Dieses Buch hilft Ärzten dabei, dies zu vermitteln: Gegenstand sind die häufigsten neurologischen Erkrankungen und die Komorbiditäten aus der Inneren Medizin, der Orthopädie und der Psychiatrie. Warum ist die körperliche Betätigung für die Prävention und Behandlung wichtig? Wie gelingen Einstieg und Motivation zum Sport? Fragen wie diese werden allgemeinverständlich, übersichtlich und präzise beantwortet, so dass der Arzt für die Gespräche mit den Patienten gerüstet ist. Mit Kauf des Buches erhalten Sie die das E-Book und können relevante Kapitel als Ausdruck Ihrem Patienten aushändigen, da die Texte auch für medizinische Laien lesbar sind.

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