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The Performance Complex: Competition and Competitions in Social Life

What's valuable? Market competition provides one kind of answer. Competitions offer another. On one side, competition is an ongoing and seemingly endless process of pricings; on the other, competitions are discrete and bounded in time and location, with entry rules, judges, scores, and prizes. This book examines what happens when ever more activities in domains of everyday life are evaluated and experienced in terms of performance metrics. Unlike organized competitions, such systems are ceaseless and without formal entry. Instead of producing resolutions, their scorings create addictions. To understand these developments, this book explores discrete contests (architectural competitions, international music competitions, and world press photo competitions); shows how the continuous updating of rankings is both a device for navigating the social world and an engine of anxiety; and examines the production of such anxiety in settings ranging from the pedagogy of performance in business schools to struggling musicians coping with new performance metrics in online platforms. In the performance society, networks of observation - in which all are performing and keeping score - are entangled with a system of emotionally charged preoccupations with one's positioning within the rankings. From the bedroom to the boardroom, pharmaceutical companies and management consultants promise enhanced performance. This assemblage of metrics, networks, and their attendant emotional pathologies is herein regarded as the performance complex.

Performance Management Transformation: Lessons Learned and Next Steps (The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Professional Practice Series)

No other business process has endured such great debate as performance management. Viewed as a critical cornerstone for organizational alignment, it is often met with anxiety and confusion by both managers and employees. For over 50 years, strategies such as cascading goals and employee ranking have tried to add value to performance management with little success. But in recent years, new ideas have transformed the field into a less formal process designed to encourage employee behaviors that actually drive performance. Performance Management Transformation takes a practical approach to the current and future state of performance management across the organizational landscape. Case studies from Toyota, Patagonia, Medtronic, GoGo Inflight, and AbbVie, alongside research and commentary by thought leaders in the field, showcase how organizations are taking control and redesigning their performance management processes to address their specific organizational goals, strategies, needs, and preferences.

The Persistence of Taste: Art, Museums and Everyday Life After Bourdieu (CRESC)

This book offers an interdisciplinary analysis of the social practice of taste in the wake of Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology of taste. For the first time, this book unites sociologists and other social scientists with artists and curators, art theorists and art educators, and art, design and cultural historians who engage with the practice of taste as it relates to encounters with art, cultural institutions and the practices of everyday life, in national and transnational contexts. The volume is divided into four sections. The first section on ‘Taste and art’, shows how art practice was drawn into the sphere of ‘good taste’, contrasting this with a post-conceptualist critique that offers a challenge to the social functions of good taste through an encounter with art. The next section on ‘Taste making and the museum’ examines the challenges and changing social, political and organisational dynamics propelling museums beyond the terms of a supposedly universal institution and language of taste. The third section of the book, ‘Taste after Bourdieu in Japan’ offers a case study of the challenges to the cross-cultural transmission and local reproduction of ‘good taste’, exemplified by the complex cultural context of Japan. The final section on ‘Taste, the home and everyday life’ juxtaposes the analysis of the reproduction of inequality and alienation through taste, with arguments on how the legacy of ideas of ‘good taste’ have extended the possibilities of experience and sharpened our consciousness of identity. As the first book to bring together arts practitioners and theorists with sociologists and other social scientists to examine the legacy and continuing validity of Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology of taste, this publication engages with the opportunities and problems involved in understanding the social value and the cultural dispositions of taste ‘after Bourdieu’. It does so at a moment when the practice of taste is being radically changed by the global expansion of cultural choices, and the emergence of deploying impersonal algorithms as solutions to cultural and creative decision-making.

Personal Sustainability Practices: Faculty Approaches to Walking the Sustainability Talk and Living the UN SDGs (New Horizons in Sustainability and Business series)

Personal Sustainability Practices is a collection of 19 academic and practitioner perspectives on the topic of faculty personal sustainability. The book addresses the issues of whether, how, where, and when faculty who teach, research, consult, and perform academic and community service are, or need to be, practicing and communicating their own sustainability behaviors to students and other stakeholders. The contributors represent multiple countries, disciplines, academic levels and affiliations, and orientations on those issues and on the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals related to their personal sustainability practices. The chapter contributions highlight the several main concepts of systems, internal and external integration, curriculum development, and social movements. The key takeaway is that many sustainability scholars are practicing and communicating a wide variety of sustainability actions but that greater consistency and frequency among faculty sustainability values, expression, and actions are generally possible and necessary, and that further exploration of this overall topic is encouraged.Current faculty and doctoral students in the field of environmental or socio-economic sustainability, as well as business, government and nonprofit organization executives who interact with said faculty, will be inspired by the examination of values and personal practices.

Perspectives on the Impact, Mission and Purpose of the Business School (EFMD Management Education)

With contributions from some of the leading thinkers in business school education, this book explores the impact and purpose of the business school, and addresses some of the most important questions facing management education today. The diverse perspectives brought together by the EFMD in this volume examine a number of common questions, themes and challenges. These include: whether business schools should be viewed as schools of management, given the complexity of the business environment; what is the positive impact of business school research, and the balance of relevant, practical impact and academic rigour; the strategic evolution of business schools and how they may evolve in a more purposeful direction; and why business school leaders compete strongly but are reluctant to collaborate, and how collaboration may encourage greater positive societal impact. With insightful commentary and illustrative case studies, this book serves as a landmark publication on the value and impact of business schools. The book will be of particular interest to those working in business schools, higher education leaders, policy makers and business leaders seeking insight into the value, impact and future of business and management education.

Perspektiven auf Mehrsprachigkeit im Fremdsprachenunterricht – Regards croisés sur le plurilinguisme et l’apprentissage des langues (Literatur-, Kultur- und Sprachvermittlung: LiKuS)

Der Sammelband bündelt aktuelle Arbeiten zu Mehrsprachigkeit und Mehrkulturalität aus fremdsprachendidaktischer Perspektive. Die Beiträge beleuchten neuere Fragestellungen, empirische Forschungsansätze und Unterrichtsmaterialien aus Deutschland, Frankreich und der Schweiz. Zentral ist die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Konzept mehrsprachiger und mehrkultureller Kompetenz, wie es der Gemeinsame Europäische Referenzrahmen für Sprachen des Europarates entwirft. Die Texte in deutscher und französischer Sprache sind aus einer internationalen Tagung an der Universität Göttingen hervorgegangen. Der Band richtet sich an Leserinnen und Leser aus Fremdsprachenforschung und Unterrichtspraxis.

Perspektiven wissenssoziologischer Diskursforschung (Theorie und Praxis der Diskursforschung)

Das Buch stellt unterschiedliche und interdisziplinäre Beiträge vor, die sich mit der Wissenssoziologischen Diskursanalyse auseinandersetzen, sie für spezifische Forschungsvorhaben nutzen und adaptieren oder sich mit angrenzenden Fragestellungen zum Verhältnis von Wissenssoziologie und Diskursforschung beschäftigen. Im ersten Teil des Bandes geht es um theoretisch-methodologische Fragen, die solche Perspektiven adressieren und ebenso um die Einbettung wissenssoziologisch-interpretativer Ansätze in die aktuelle Landschaft der Diskursforschung. Im zweiten Teil des Bandes stehen empirische Studien im Vordergrund, welche Forschungsfelder und -gegenstände wie Medizin, Bildung und Partnerschaft in den Blick nehmen.

Phantastik: Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch

Das Phantastische in Kunst, Literatur, Film, Musik und Alltagskultur. Das interdisziplinäre Handbuch nimmt die unterschiedlichen methodischen Zugänge zur Phantastik und deren intermediale Vielfalt in den Blick. Ebenso dargestellt wird die historische Entwicklung in verschiedenen Sprachkreisen: vom Englischen, Französischen und Deutschen bis zur skandinavischen, slawischen und iberischen Tradition. Eine Reihe von Einträgen widmet sich typischen Themen, Motiven (wie z. B. Feen, Zeitreise) sowie poetischen und poetologischen Schlüsselkonzepten.

Philanthropy in Democratic Societies: History, Institutions, Values

Philanthropy is everywhere. In 2013, in the United States alone, some $330 billion was recorded in giving, from large donations by the wealthy all the way down to informal giving circles. We tend to think of philanthropy as unequivocally good, but as the contributors to this book show, philanthropy is also an exercise of power. And like all forms of power, especially in a democratic society, it deserves scrutiny. Yet it rarely has been given serious attention. This book fills that gap, bringing together expert philosophers, sociologists, political scientists, historians, and legal scholars to ask fundamental and pressing questions about philanthropy’s role in democratic societies. The contributors balance empirical and normative approaches, exploring both the roles philanthropy has actually played in societies and the roles it should play. They ask a multitude of questions: When is philanthropy good or bad for democracy? How does, and should, philanthropic power interact with expectations of equal citizenship and democratic political voice? What makes the exercise of philanthropic power legitimate? What forms of private activity in the public interest should democracy promote, and what forms should it resist? Examining these and many other topics, the contributors offer a vital assessment of philanthropy at a time when its power to affect public outcomes has never been greater.

Philosophical Foundations of Education

This volume introduces philosophy as a foundational discipline of education. Taking a broadly inclusive approach to the branches of philosophy, it offers an accessible yet duly rigorous orientation to the field. Revealing the values, premises, arguments, and conclusions that inform contemporary philosophical discussions of education, this book equips its readers with the conceptual and analytical resources necessary to engage with and make meaningful contributions to that grand discourse for years to come. About the Educational Foundations series: Education, as an academic field taught at universities around the world, emerged from a range of older foundational disciplines. The Educational Foundations series comprises six volumes, each covering one of the foundational disciplines of philosophy, history, sociology, policy studies, economics and law. This is the first reference work to provide an authoritative and up-to-date account of all six disciplines, showing how each field's ideas, methods, theories and approaches can contribute to research and practice in education today. The six volumes cover the same set of key topics within education, which also form the chapter titles: - Mapping the Field - Purposes of Education- Curriculum - Schools and Education Systems - Learning and Human Development - Teaching and Teacher Education - Assessment and Evaluation This structure allows readers to study the volumes in isolation, by discipline, or laterally, by topic, and facilitates a comparative, thematic reading of chapters across the volumes. Throughout the series, attention is paid to how the disciplines comprising the educational foundations speak to social justice concerns such as gender and racial equality.

Philosophy and Community: Theories, Practices and Possibilities

'Why should we care about philosophy?'Public philosophy, or 'doing philosophy' in the community, is an important and growing trend – revealed not only by the phenomenon of the Parisian philosophy café, but also the contemporary rise of multiple grassroots projects, for example the Philosophy in Pubs movement. This book is the first to offer academic examination of the theoretical contributions and practical applications of community philosophy.Bringing together voices from diverse contexts and subject areas, from activism and political action to religious environments, arts organisations and museums to maximum security prisons, this collection asks key questions about the point of making philosophy available for everyone: 'How do you “do philosophy” with the public?'; 'Is philosophy in the community the same as academic philosophy?'; 'Why is community philosophy important?'Including contributions from practitioners and researchers from professional philosophy, education, healthcare, and community philosophy, this collection offers perspectives on a growing area of study. It offers a timely and critical introduction to, and analysis of, what philosophy can be when grounded in socially-engaged activities.

Philosophy of Biology Before Biology (History and Philosophy of Biology)

The use of the term "biology" to refer to a unified science of life emerged around 1800 (most prominently by scientists such as Lamarck and Treviranus, although scholarship has indicated its usage at least 30-40 years earlier). The interplay between philosophy and natural science has also accompanied the constitution of biology as a science. Philosophy of Biology Before Biology examines biological and protobiological writings from the mid-eighteenth century to the early nineteenth century (from Buffon to Cuvier; Kant to Oken; and Kielmeyer) with two major sets of questions in mind: What were the distinctive conceptual features of the move toward biology as a science? What were the relations and differences between the "philosophical" focus on the nature of living entities, and the "scientific" focus? This insightful volume produces a fresh but also systematic perspective both on the history of biology as a science and on the early versions of, in the 1960s in a post-positivist context, the philosophy of biology. It will appeal to students and researchers interested in fields such as history of science, philosophy of science and biology.

Physical Culture, Ethnography and the Body: Theory, Method and Praxis (Qualitative Research in Sport and Physical Activity)

The corporeal turn toward critical, empirically grounded studies of the body is transforming the way we research physical culture, most evidently in the study of sport. This book brings together original insights on contemporary physical culture from key figures working in a variety of disciplines, offering a wealth of different theoretical and philosophical ways of engaging with the body while never losing site of the material form of the research act itself. Contributors spanning the disciplines of sociology, anthropology, communications, and sport studies highlight conceptual, methodological, and empirical approaches to the body that include observant-participation, feminist ethnography, autoethnography, physical cultural studies, and phenomenology. They provide vivid case studies of embodied research on topics including basketball, boxing, cycling, dance, fashion modelling and virtual gaming. This international collection not only reflects on the most important recent developments in embodied research practices, but also looks forward to the continuing importance of the body as a focus for research and the possibilities this presents for studies of the active, moving body in physical culture and beyond. Physical Culture, Ethnography and the Body: Theory, method and praxis is fascinating reading for all those interested in physical cultural studies, the sociology of sport and leisure, physical education or the body.

Planning, Sustainable Urbanisation and the Commonwealth: The Commonwealth Association of Planners, Past, Present and Future

By 2050, an additional 2.5 billion people will be living in the world’s towns and cities, almost 50% of them in the 56 Commonwealth countries. To a significant extent, the future of the planet hangs on how cities and human settlements are managed. It is in our cities that the emissions creating climate catastrophe are stoked and where change can – and must – make a difference at scale. Food security, water, basic services, migration, shelter, jobs, environment: sustainable urbanisation is about changing direction to strive for a fairer and less environmentally damaging future. This well-illustrated book by authors from around the Commonwealth tells how the Commonwealth Association of Planners across five decades has campaigned to make a difference. It also looks ahead, scoping the urgent, practical action that is now required.

Pluriversal Conversations on Transnational Feminisms: And Words Collide from a Place (Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality)

This edited volume brings transnational feminisms in conversation with intersectional and decolonial approaches. The conversation is pluriversal; it voices and reflects upon a plurality of geo- and corpopolitical as well as epistemic locations in specific Global South/East/North/West contexts. The aim is to explore analytical modes that encourage transgressing methodological nationalisms which sustain unequal global power relations, and which are still ingrained in the disciplinary perspectives that define much social science and humanities research. A main focus of the volume is methodological. It asks how an engagement with transnational, intersectional and decolonial feminisms can stimulate border-crossings. Boundaries in academic knowledge-building, shaped by the limitations imposed by methodological nationalisms, are challenged in the book. The same applies to boundaries of conventional – disembodied and ethically un-affected – academic writing modes. The transgressive methodological aims are also pursued through mixing genres and shifting boundaries between academic and creative writing. Pluriversal Conversations on Transnational Feminisms is intended for broad global audiences of researchers, teachers, professionals, students (from undergraduate to postgraduate levels), activists and NGOs, interested in questions about decoloniality, intersectionality, and transnational feminisms, as well as in methodologies for boundary transgressing knowledge-building.

Police Force, Police Service: Care and Control in Britain

British policing faces major decisions about its future direction. Should it promote itself as a police force, dedicated to the attack on crime and public disorder, or should it adopt the mantle of police service, devoted to providing reassurance, flexibility to community wishes, and care? These are the critical decisions that the police face. The choice made will have implications for all citizens in our society. Together, a panel of eminent contributors examine the issues involved in this choice. They push the debate forward and show how complex are the interconnections between care and control within British policing. The implications are far-reaching and will influence not only the quality of policing but also the quality of life for all of us.

The Policies of Childcare and Early Childhood Education: Does Equal Access Matter?

This timely book reveals how policies of childcare and early childhood education influence children’s circumstances and the daily lives of families with children. Examining how these policies are approached, it focuses particularly on the issues and pitfalls related to equal access. Chapters explore early childhood education and care policies in different social and geographical contexts, highlighting the different ways in which stakeholders – including parents, administrators and policy makers – approach issues of equality. The book further analyses what is meant by, and expected of, early childhood education and care in society and how this varies between nations. Key case studies in the context of liberal, conservative and universal approaches to welfare are used to show the broad differences between them, problematizing the notion of equal access. Social policy, family studies and sociology scholars will appreciate the new insights into the question of the equality of societies offered in this book. It will also prove incisive for researchers looking at the family and early childhood education, as well as for politicians and administrators working in the field.

The Political Geography of Contemporary Britain

...a well conceived book..[which] will be of great value to those wishing to gain an overview of policy changes in the UK in the last decade. The material should be particularly useful in providing a springboard for seminar discussion in a wide range of disciplines.' Steven Pinch, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.

The Politics of Curiosity: Alternatives to the Attention Economy (ISSN)

Through a variety of studies in the emerging field of attentional studies, this book examines and seeks alternatives to the current attention economy. Bringing together the work of leading scholars of ‘critical attention studies’ to reflect on issues such as techno-politics, socio-politics, and the politics of distraction, it offers a new and multi-disciplinary conceptualization of attention that emphasizes the connections between attention and curiosity, distraction, decoloniality and care. Above all, The Politics of Curiosity asks us to consider the nature and ambivalence of the curious forms of politics that might be taking shape in the shadow of our current attention economy.The “attention economy” has become a household name: we all know our attention is being harvested, commodified and packaged to be sold to advertisers by capitalist platforms. We all complain about it; some of us dream of disconnection; others call to fight back. By focusing on attentional deficits, and by reducing attention to being focused, however, the common view may miss wider stakes, and more promising opportunities. This collective volume provides a new frame of analysis based on three displacements. First, it relocates attentional issues within a triangulation that explores a continuum between attention, distraction and curiosity. Second, it invites us to investigate into the mental infrastructures that socially condition our perceptions and understandings of the world. Third, it points towards emancipatory politics of curiosity to provide alternatives to the attention economy. Contributions range from pedagogy to media theory, via digital studies, epistemology, sociology, political philosophy, literary history, aesthetics, film and dance studies. They gather some of the leading scholars who shaped the study of attention, questioned the values of distraction and explored the potentials of curiosity over the recent years. They extend across nine countries, four continents and seven languages, to provide a multicultural approach to these debates. Together, they help us understand how our current mental infrastructures have taken shape, under specific regimes of power and authority, in a world dominated by capital, colonialism and patriarchy. But they also sketch what can be done to redeploy them around imperatives of respect and care – from a better awareness of our mental biases, online behaviors and bodily movements, to our collective capacity to restructure classroom interactions, to launch alternative digital platforms, to build democratic movements.The first platform for discussion of the politics of attention and curiosity – and an essential point of reference for future debate – this book will appeal to scholars of sociology, politics and psychology.

The Politics of Engaged Gender Research in the Arab Region: Feminist Fieldwork and the Production of Knowledge

Critical analysis of what we know - and do not know – about women in the Arab region is needed to support social change. But how is knowledge on women and gender produced in the region? How does this change when it is undertaken by Arab women researchers? Through a critical examination of local fieldwork experiences, the contributors of the volume - who are Arab women researchers themselves - answer these questions. The book examines the specific structural conditions that shape people's lives in the Arab region, from the effects of imperialism, settler colonialism and the neo-liberalization of economies, to racial capitalism, securitization, and embedded patriarchal ideologies and structures. The authors assess the implications of these different dynamics on undertaking research and also examine their own daily lives, the lives of their interlocutors, and the practices of their field. In doing so, they are able to escape hegemonic approaches and frameworks to the study of gender and to instead theorize from the local context to produce knowledge as they see it. This 'engaged gender research' challenges dominant discourses in academia, rejects the presumptions of 'Arab exceptionalism', and challenges liberal feminisms. It devises a new way of undertaking research on gender in the region to lay the foundation for a more just tomorrow.Covering Morocco, Tunisia, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Iraq and the Arab Gulf, the book argues that an engaged gender research - which is feminist and critically analyses the historical, political, economic and social contexts of the research topic first - will transform how we understand women and gender, and the Arab World.

The Politics of Ethnic Consciousness

The Politics of Ethnic Consciousness criticizes essentialist and unitary notions of ethnicity and shows the complex interaction between historical processes, recent political developments and competing views within and about ethnic groups. Welcoming the social constructionist turn, the editors disagree with its overemphasis on the arbitrary character of ethnic identification and the neglect of political economy. Contributions on such diverse regions as Brazil, Ghana, Macedonia and Sri Lanka, examine the multivocal process of the construction and reconstruction of ethnic identities through time.

The Politics of the Public Encounter: What Happens When Citizens Meet the State

On the ground floor of government, citizens interact with teachers, medical staff, police officers and other professionals in public service. It is during these encounters that laws, public policies and professional guidelines gain further substance and form. In this insightful book, Peter Hupe brings together expert contributions from scholars across the globe to study the social mechanisms behind these public encounters. Integrating empirical case studies with cutting-edge theory, The Politics of the Public Encounter investigates what happens when citizens meet the state. Adopting a realist perspective, contributors examine the dichotomy between what is expected to happen and what actually happens at the street level of government. Chapters explore topics such as rule application and individual agency, the relationship between discretion and accountability, the consequences of digitalization and citizens’ impression management. Hupe concludes with a reflective essay and gives an account of what has been left aside, advancing a clear agenda for future research into the relationship between citizen and state. Advanced students and scholars of law, political science, public administration, sociology and philosophy interested in the mechanisms behind the citizen/state encounter will benefit from the book’s multi-disciplinary approach. Its realist insights will also be an essential reference point for public service professionals.

The Politics of Truth in Polarized America

In American politics, the truth is rapidly losing relevance. The public square is teeming with misinformation, conspiracy theories, cynicism, and hubris. Why has this happened? What does it mean? What can we do about it? In this volume, leading scholars offer multiple perspectives on these questions, and many more, to provide the first comprehensive empirical examination of the "politics of truth" -- its context, causes, and potential correctives. With experts in social science weighing in, this volume examines different drivers such as the dynamics of politically motivated fact perceptions. Combining insights from the fields of political science, political theory, communication, and psychology and offering substantial new arguments and evidence, these chapters draw compelling -- if sometimes competing -- conclusions regarding this rising democratic threat.

Politische Komplexität, Governance von Innovationen und Policy-Netzwerke: Festschrift für Volker Schneider

Politische Komplexität, Governance von Innovationen und Policy-Netzwerke stehen im Mittelpunkt des akademischen Wirkens von Professor Dr. Volker Schneider. Aus Anlass seiner Emeritierung im Sommer 2020 versammelt diese Festschrift 20 Essays mit kreativen Forschungsdesigns und innovativen Forschungsideen, die unterschiedliche Aspekte von Governance, also die Frage nach Steuerungs- und Regelungssystemen unterschiedlicher Bereiche von Politik und Gesellschaft, hervorheben und damit Anstöße für die weitere wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung geben.

Popular Contention, Regime, and Transition: Arab Revolts in Comparative Global Perspective

Although episodes of resistance and contention in authoritarian and authoritarian-like regimes constitute the majority of mass political movements worldwide, the theories and models of popular contention have been developed on liberal-democratic assumptions. Prompted by the recent revolutionary waves in the Middle East and North Africa, Popular Contention, Regime, and Transition offers a deeper understanding of the complex and indeterminate linkages between popular protest, regime type, and transitions in democratic and authoritarian regimes alike. Through a diverse array of case studies from countries around the world, this volume places the Arab Spring uprisings in comparative perspective, demonstrating the similarities and parallels between contentious events in democratic and authoritarian-like regimes. Leading scholars in the fields of political science, sociologoy, and international studies discuss topics such as the set of initial conditions involved in the protest, prospects of contention, and forms of protest, as well as the role of historical legacies, regime responses, the military, social polarization, and external factors in the divergent outcomes of protest. By situating the study of contention in authoritarian and semi-authoritarian regimes in comparative perspective, Popular Contention, Regime, and Transition generates powerful insights into the impetus, dynamics, and consequences of contention in all contexts.

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