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Showing 75,026 through 75,050 of 75,406 results

Towards Posthumanism in Education: Theoretical Entanglements and Pedagogical Mappings (Routledge New and Critical Studies in Education)

by Jessie A. Bustillos Morales Shiva Zarabadi

This edited volume presents a post-humanist reflection on education, mapping the complex transdisciplinary pedagogy and theoretical research while also addressing questions related to marginalised voices, colonial discourses, and the relationship between theory and practice.Exhibiting a re-imagination of education through themed relationalities that can transverse education, this cutting-edge book highlights the importance of matter in educational environments, enriching pedagogies, teacher-student relationships and curricular innovation. Chapters present contributions that explore education through various international contexts and educational sectors, unravelling educational implications with reference to the climate change crisis, migrant children in education, post-pandemic education, feminist activists and other emergent issues. The book examines the ongoing iterations of the entanglement of colonisation, modernity, and humanity with education to propose a possibility of education capable of upholding heterogeneous worlds.Curated with a global perspective on transversal relationalities and offering a unique outlook on posthuman thoughts and actions related to education, this book will be an important reading for students, researchers and academics in the fields of philosophy of education, sociology of education, posthumanism and new materialism, curriculum studies, and educational research.

Towards Posthumanism in Education: Theoretical Entanglements and Pedagogical Mappings (Routledge New and Critical Studies in Education)

This edited volume presents a post-humanist reflection on education, mapping the complex transdisciplinary pedagogy and theoretical research while also addressing questions related to marginalised voices, colonial discourses, and the relationship between theory and practice.Exhibiting a re-imagination of education through themed relationalities that can transverse education, this cutting-edge book highlights the importance of matter in educational environments, enriching pedagogies, teacher-student relationships and curricular innovation. Chapters present contributions that explore education through various international contexts and educational sectors, unravelling educational implications with reference to the climate change crisis, migrant children in education, post-pandemic education, feminist activists and other emergent issues. The book examines the ongoing iterations of the entanglement of colonisation, modernity, and humanity with education to propose a possibility of education capable of upholding heterogeneous worlds.Curated with a global perspective on transversal relationalities and offering a unique outlook on posthuman thoughts and actions related to education, this book will be an important reading for students, researchers and academics in the fields of philosophy of education, sociology of education, posthumanism and new materialism, curriculum studies, and educational research.

Durkheim and the Birth of Economic Sociology

by Philippe Steiner

An illuminating account of the development of Durkheim's economic sociologyÉmile Durkheim's work has traditionally been viewed as a part of sociology removed from economics. Rectifying this perception, Durkheim and the Birth of Economic Sociology is the first book to provide an in-depth look at the contributions made to economic sociology by Durkheim and his followers. Philippe Steiner demonstrates the relevance of economic factors to sociology and shows how the Durkheimians inform today's economic systems.Steiner argues that there are two stages in Durkheim's approach to the economy—a sociological critique of political economy and a sociology of economic knowledge. In his early works, Durkheim critiques economists and their categories, and tries to analyze the division of labor from a social rather than economic perspective. From the mid-1890s onward, Durkheim's preoccupations shifted to questions of religion and the sociology of knowledge. Durkheim's disciples, such as Maurice Halbwachs and François Simiand, synthesized and elaborated on Durkheim's first-stage arguments, while his ideas on religion and the economy were taken up by Marcel Mauss. Steiner indicates that the ways in which the Durkheimians rooted the sociology of economic knowledge in the educational system allows for an invaluable perspective on the role of economics in modern society, similar to the perspective offered by Max Weber's work.Recognizing the power of the Durkheimian approach, Durkheim and the Birth of Economic Sociology assesses the effect of this important thinker and his successors on one of the most active fields in contemporary sociology.

Individual and Society: Sociological Social Psychology

by Lizabeth A. Crawford Katherine B. Novak

Unlike other texts for undergraduate sociological social psychology courses, Individual and Society covers each of the three research traditions in sociological social psychology—symbolic interactionism, social structure and personality, and group processes and structures. With this approach, the authors make clear the link between sociological social psychology, theory, and methodology. Students will gain a better understanding of how and why social psychologists trained in sociology ask particular kinds of questions; the types of research they are involved in; and how their findings have been, or can be, applied to contemporary societal patterns and problems.This new, third edition makes the emphasis on social inequality within sociological social psychology, a key theme in earlier versions of the book, more salient throughout the text by including new or expanded discussions of intersectionality, positionality, the experiences of gender and sexual minorities, racial microaggression, contemporary social movements, and the complexities of allyship. Other additions to the text address the ubiquity of the Internet and social media, where the authors consider how these phenomena have shaped the experiences of Generation Z, the first “digital natives,” and altered individuals’ self-concepts and social relationships. Engaging exercises and group activities are also embedded within each chapter to enhance students’ readiness to reflect and think critically about the social world around them and to improve their understanding of the different dimensions of sociological social psychology and how they relate to everyday life.

Individual and Society: Sociological Social Psychology

by Lizabeth A. Crawford Katherine B. Novak

Unlike other texts for undergraduate sociological social psychology courses, Individual and Society covers each of the three research traditions in sociological social psychology—symbolic interactionism, social structure and personality, and group processes and structures. With this approach, the authors make clear the link between sociological social psychology, theory, and methodology. Students will gain a better understanding of how and why social psychologists trained in sociology ask particular kinds of questions; the types of research they are involved in; and how their findings have been, or can be, applied to contemporary societal patterns and problems.This new, third edition makes the emphasis on social inequality within sociological social psychology, a key theme in earlier versions of the book, more salient throughout the text by including new or expanded discussions of intersectionality, positionality, the experiences of gender and sexual minorities, racial microaggression, contemporary social movements, and the complexities of allyship. Other additions to the text address the ubiquity of the Internet and social media, where the authors consider how these phenomena have shaped the experiences of Generation Z, the first “digital natives,” and altered individuals’ self-concepts and social relationships. Engaging exercises and group activities are also embedded within each chapter to enhance students’ readiness to reflect and think critically about the social world around them and to improve their understanding of the different dimensions of sociological social psychology and how they relate to everyday life.

The Precarity of Masculinity: Football, Pentecostalism, and Transnational Aspirations in Cameroon

by Uroš Kovač

Since the 1990s, an increasing number of young men in Cameroon have aspired to play football as a career and a strategy to migrate abroad. Migration through the sport promises fulfillment of masculine dreams of sports stardom, as well as opportunities to earn a living that have been hollowed out by the country’s long economic stalemate. The aspiring footballers are increasingly turning to Pentecostal Christianity, which allows them to challenge common tropes of young men as stubborn and promiscuous, while also offering a moral and bodily regime that promises success despite the odds. Yet the transnational sports market is tough and unpredictable: it demands disciplined young bodies and introduces new forms of uncertainty. This book unpacks young Cameroonians' football dreams, Pentecostal faith, obligations to provide, and desires to migrate to highlight the precarity of masculinity in structurally adjusted Africa and neoliberal capitalism.

The Commercialisation of Massive Open Online Courses: Reading Ideologies in Between the Lines

by Seb Dianati

This book critically examines the role of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in higher education, against the backdrop of rapid developments in online learning. Reporting on a method by which one could isolate ideologically charged words from websites, the author underlines the need to pause, question and understand the underlying motives behind MOOCs, and ask fundamental questions about their data use, commercial interests, and ability to provide ‘good’ education. With its step-by-step ideological analysis, the author challenges educators, policymakers, and students alike to reconsider the fabric of online courses and their associated platforms. The book will appeal to scholars of digital education and sociology, as well as scholars from the critical sciences.

Organisationen sind keine Maschinen: Organisationen sind Lebewesen - Antworten für eine turbulente Welt

by Renate Henning Klaus Henning

Wachsende Komplexität und Dynamik prägt diese Welt und auch die meisten Organisationen. Die damit verbundene zunehmende Turbulenz besser zu verstehen und zu meistern ist Anliegen dieses Buches. Es zeigt, dass Organisationen keine Maschinen sind, sondern als Lebewesen verstanden und gesteuert werden sollten. Die Autoren beschreiben, wie diese systemische Denkweise seit Mitte der 1940er Jahre in vielen Disziplinen zu finden ist und als kybernetischer Ansatz vernetzt ist mit den biologischen, soziologischen, psychologischen, technischen und chaostheoretischen Ansätzen. Schon das erste Mal, als wir Mitte der 80iger Jahre mit dem OSTO-Ansatz in Berührung kamen, hat es uns gepackt. Von nun an begannen wir Organisationen als Lebewesen, als soziologische Einheit, zu sehen und nicht als statisches, militaristisches Gebilde. Damals war das für uns etwas völlig Neues. Die Organisation als ein Lebewesen, dass sich verändern kann und nicht stehen bleiben muss in vorgegebenen Mustern zu betrachten, das ist eine Chance für Menschen in Organisationen, die in der immer turbulenter werdenden Welt zurecht zu kommen wollen und müssen.Die Auseinandersetzung mit den komplexen Zusammenhängen der jeweiligen Zeit waren für uns immer schon von großem Interesse. Während Klaus Henning Elektrotechnik studierte und Renate Henning Pädagogik besuchten wir in unserer Münchener Studienzeit beide die Hochschule für Politische Wissenschaften in München. Diese Kombination prägt unser Denken und Handeln bis heute.

Deep-Time Images in the Age of Globalization: Rock Art in the 21st Century (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology)

by Oscar Moro Abadía Margaret W. Conkey Josephine McDonald

This open access volume explores the impact of globalization on the contemporary study of deep-time art. The volume explores how early rock art research’s Eurocentric biases have shifted with broadened global horizons to facilitate new conversations and discourses in new post-colonial realities. The book uses seven main themes to explore theoretical, methodological, ethical, and practical developments that are orienting the study of Pleistocene and Holocene arts in the age of globalization. Compiling studies as diverse as genetics, visualization, with the proliferation of increasingly sophisticated archaeological techniques, means that vast quantities of materials and techniques are now incorporated into the analysis of the world’s visual cultures. Deep-Time Images in the Age of Globalization aims to promote critical reflection on the multitude of positive – and negative – impacts that globalization has wrought in rock art research. The volume brings new theoretical frameworks as well as engagement with indigenous knowledge and perspectives from art history. It highlights technical, methodological and interpretive developments, and showcases rock art characteristics from previously unknown (in the global north) geographic areas. This book provides comparative approaches on rock art globally and scrutinises the impacts of globalization on research, preservation, and management of deep-time art. This book will appeal to archaeologists, social scientists and art historians working in the field as well as lovers of rock art.

Implementation of the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: A Legal and Policy Scan (MARE Publication Series #28)

by Julia Nakamura Ratana Chuenpagdee Svein Jentoft

This book provides a transdisciplinary assessment of multiple countries’ legal and policy frameworks vis-à-vis the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication, adopted in 2014 by the Committee on Fisheries of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Based on an appraisal framework used to facilitate the unpacking of those frameworks, this book collects country experiences and regional perspectives on a range of cross-cutting issues underpinning the protection of the rights and the promotion of justice for small-scale fishers and their communities.This book aims to be the first collection to present a systematic and in-depth assessment of existing national legal and policy frameworks vis-à-vis the SSF Guidelines. This assessment is done through the transdisciplinary and collaborative work of researchers, governments, and civil society organizations for the analysis of the cross-thematic questions, which the contributors of this book aim to address. Firstly, what are the relevant laws and policies that matter for securing rights of small-scale fishers and their communities? How are small-scale fisheries defined by national laws and policies? How are small-scale fisheries treated (i.e., specifically or generally) in these instruments? Are there specific provisions and references to small-scale fisheries or any of its associated terminologies (e.g., artisanal, subsistence, traditional, indigenous)? Secondly, how the relevant instruments address the 8 small-scale fisheries key issues outlined in that rapid appraisal study? What are the strengths and gaps in these instruments? Do they address issues that are not covered by the SSF Guidelines? Do they contribute to clarifying other legal issues that are relevant for sustainable small-scale fisheries? Finally, since the book also aims to explore the accessibility of these legal and policy instruments for those to which they matter the most (the small-scale fishers), the following questions were also considered: What challenges do they face in knowing and understanding the relevant laws and policies in place? Which tools, measures and processes are available in the countries to ensure small-scale fishers can claim for their rights? To what extent judicial courts have recognized and/or granted rights to small-scale fishers?Chapters 11 and 20 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Crises and Conversions: The Unlikely Avenues of "Italian Shiism" (Palgrave Studies in New Religions and Alternative Spiritualities)

by Minoo Mirshahvalad

This book explores the phenomenon of conversion to Shi'a Islam in Italy. It thoroughly examines the motivations behind this religious transition and scrutinizes the doctrinal characteristics that Shiism incorporates thanks to the contributions of Italian converts. The text emphasizes the significance of René Guénon’s Traditionalism as a pivotal factor in driving this religious mobility. Additionally, the book delves into the writings of figures such as Julius Evola, who introduced Guénon to Italy, shedding light on Evola’s impact on the youth in the post-World War II era. Furthermore, it evaluates the influence of Henry Corbin on this spiritual journey. To realize this study, between 2018 and 2023, Minoo Mirshahvalad employed multidisciplinary methods that integrated sociology and history.

Figures of the Future: Latino Civil Rights and the Politics of Demographic Change

by Michael Rodríguez-Muñiz

An in-depth look at how U.S. Latino advocacy groups are using ethnoracial demographic projections to bring about political change in the presentFor years, newspaper headlines, partisan speeches, academic research, and even comedy routines have communicated that the United States is undergoing a profound demographic transformation—one that will purportedly change the “face” of the country in a matter of decades. But the so-called browning of America, sociologist Michael Rodríguez-Muñiz contends, has less to do with the complexion of growing populations than with past and present struggles shaping how demographic trends are popularly imagined and experienced. Offering an original and timely window into these struggles, Figures of the Future explores the population politics of national Latino civil rights groups.Based on eight years of ethnographic and qualitative research, spanning both the Obama and Trump administrations, this book investigates how several of the most prominent of these organizations—including UnidosUS (formerly NCLR), the League of United Latin American Citizens, and Voto Latino—have mobilized demographic data about the Latino population in dogged pursuit of political recognition and influence. In census promotions, get-out-the-vote campaigns, and policy advocacy, this knowledge has been infused with meaning, variously serving as future-oriented sources of inspiration, emblems for identification, and weapons for contestation. At the same time, Rodríguez-Muñiz considers why these political actors have struggled to translate this demographic growth into tangible political gain and how concerns about white backlash have affected how they forecast demographic futures.Figures of the Future looks closely at the politics surrounding ethnoracial demographic changes and their rising influence in U.S. public debate and discourse.

The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober: THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER (The Unexpected Joy Of #1)

by Catherine Gray

Going sober will make you happier, healthier, wealthier, slimmer and sexier. Despite all of these upsides, it's easier said than done. This inspirational, aspirational and highly relatable narrative champions the benefits of sobriety; combining the author's personal experience, factual reportage, contributions from experts and self-help advice.

Artificial Intelligence Foundations: Learning from experience

by Andrew Lowe Steve Lawless

In alignment with BCS AI Foundation and Essentials certificates, this introductory guide provides the understanding you need to start building artificial intelligence (AI) capability into your organisation. You will learn how AI is being utilised today to support products, services, science and engineering, and how it is likely to be used in the future to balance the talents of humans and machines. You will explore robotics and machine learning within the context of AI, and discover how the challenges AI presents are being addressed. You will delve into the theory behind AI and machine learning projects, examining techniques for learning from data, the use of neural networks and why algorithms are so important in the development of a new AI agent or system.

The Art of Rest: How to Find Respite in the Modern Age

by Claudia Hammond

Shortlisted for the British Psychological Society Book Award for Popular Science Much of value has been written about sleep, but rest is different; it is how we unwind, calm our minds and recharge our bodies. The Art of Rest draws on ground-breaking research Claudia Hammond collaborated on: ‘The Rest Test’, the largest global survey into rest ever undertaken, completed by 18,000 people across 135 different countries. The survey revealed how people get rest and how it is directly linked to your sense of wellbeing. Counting down through the top ten activities which people find most restful, Hammond explains why rest matters, examines the science behind the results to establish what really works and offers a roadmap for a new, more restful and balanced life.

Opening Windows: Embracing New Perspectives and Practices in Natural Resource Social Sciences (Society and Natural Resources Book Series)

by Douglas Jackson-Smith Jaye Mejía-Duwan Michaela Hoffelmeyer Angie Carter Gabrielle Roesch-McNally John Schelhas Jasmine K. Brown Michael Dockry Sarah Hitchner Sarah Naiman Grace Wang Evan J. Andrews Christine Knott Solange Nadeau Courtenay Parlee Archi Rastogi Rachel Kelly Maria Andrée Lópex Gómez Madu Galappaththi Ana Carolina Esteves Dias E. Carina H. Keskitalo Richard Dimba Kiaka Paul Hebinck Rodgers Lubilo Prativa Sapkota Rebecca M. Ford Maddison Miller Andrea Rawluk Kathryn J. H. Williams John R. Parkins Christopher Jadallah Eliza Oldach Abraham Miller-Rushing Caitlin Hafferty Ian Babelon Robert Berry Beth Brockett James Hoggett Bryanne Lamoureux Melanie Zurba Yan Chen Durdana Islam Kate Sherren Robert Emmet Jones Tobin N. Walton Simon West Wiebren Johannes Boonstra Sasha Quahe Jessica Cockburn Nosiseko Mtati Vanessa Masterson Gladman Thondhlana Anna Haines Brett Alan Miller Polly Nguyen William Stewart Daniel R. Williams

The third decennial review from the International Association for Society and Natural Resources, Opening Windowssimultaneously examines the breadth and societal relevance of Society and Natural Resources (SNR) knowledge, explores emergent issues and new directions in SNR scholarship, and captures the increasing diversity of SNR research. Authors from various backgrounds—career stage, gender and sexuality, race/ethnicity, and global region—provide a fresh, nuanced, and critical look at the field from both researchers’ and practitioners’ perspectives. This reflexive book is organized around four key themes: diversity and justice, governance and power, engagement and elicitation, and relationships and place. This is not a complacent volume—chapters point to gaps in conventional scholarship and to how much work remains to be done. Power is a central focus, including the role of cultural and economic power in “participatory” approaches to natural resource management and the biases encoded into the very concepts that guide scholarly and practical work. The chapters include robust literature syntheses, conceptual models, and case studies that provide examples of best practices and recommend research directions to improve and transform natural resource social sciences. An unmistakable spirit of hope is exemplified by findings suggesting positive roles for research in the progress ahead. Bringing fresh perspectives on the assumptions and interests that underlie and entangle scholarship on natural resource decisionmaking and the justness of its outcomes, Opening Windows is significant for scholars, students, natural resource practitioners, managers and decision makers, and policy makers.

Opening Windows: Embracing New Perspectives and Practices in Natural Resource Social Sciences (Society and Natural Resources Book Series)

by Kate Sherren Gladman Thondhlana Douglas Jackson-Smith

The third decennial review from the International Association for Society and Natural Resources, Opening Windowssimultaneously examines the breadth and societal relevance of Society and Natural Resources (SNR) knowledge, explores emergent issues and new directions in SNR scholarship, and captures the increasing diversity of SNR research. Authors from various backgrounds—career stage, gender and sexuality, race/ethnicity, and global region—provide a fresh, nuanced, and critical look at the field from both researchers’ and practitioners’ perspectives. This reflexive book is organized around four key themes: diversity and justice, governance and power, engagement and elicitation, and relationships and place. This is not a complacent volume—chapters point to gaps in conventional scholarship and to how much work remains to be done. Power is a central focus, including the role of cultural and economic power in “participatory” approaches to natural resource management and the biases encoded into the very concepts that guide scholarly and practical work. The chapters include robust literature syntheses, conceptual models, and case studies that provide examples of best practices and recommend research directions to improve and transform natural resource social sciences. An unmistakable spirit of hope is exemplified by findings suggesting positive roles for research in the progress ahead. Bringing fresh perspectives on the assumptions and interests that underlie and entangle scholarship on natural resource decisionmaking and the justness of its outcomes, Opening Windows is significant for scholars, students, natural resource practitioners, managers and decision makers, and policy makers.

Schoolishness: Alienated Education and the Quest for Authentic, Joyful Learning

by Susan D. Blum

In Schoolishness, Susan D. Blum continues her journey as an anthropologist and educator. The author defines "schoolishness" as educational practices that emphasize packaged "learning," unimaginative teaching, uniformity, constant evaluation by others, arbitrary forms, predetermined time, and artificial boundaries, resulting in personal and educational alienation, dependence, and dread.Drawing on critical, progressive, and feminist pedagogy in conversation with the anthropology of learning, and building on the insights of her two previous books Blum proposes less-schoolish ways of learning in ten dimensions, to lessen the mismatch between learning in school and learning in the wild. She asks, if learning is our human "superpower," why is it so difficult to accomplish in school? In every chapter Blum compares the fake learning of schoolishness with successful examples of authentic learning, including in her own courses, which she scrutinizes critically.Schoolishness is not a pedagogical how-to book, but a theory-based phenomenology of institutional education. It has moral, psychological, and educational arguments against schoolishness that, as Blum notes, "rhymes with foolishness."

Multilevel Pedagogical Leadership in Higher Education: A Non-Affirmative Approach (Educational Governance Research #25)

by Janne Elo Michael Uljens

This Open Access book addresses the theoretical grounding of the pedagogical dimensions of higher education leadership and its empirical study. The book’s general point of departure is that educational leadership is a multi-level phenomenon, operating as policy work on a transnational and national level, as educational leadership on various organizational levels, and as supervision and teaching on an interactional level. It is in and through these discursive practices that policies are initiated, interpreted, translated and enacted. The volume demonstrates how Non Affirmative Theory (NAT) of education applies to understanding and dealing with the pedagogical dimensions of the multi-level and multi-actor phenomena of HE leadership in a coherent manner. It allows one to explore how the pedagogical scope of action at each level of leadership is framed or staged by the other levels, as well as how actors at different levels utilise their scope. The book starts out by exploring the pedagogical aspects of HE leadership as a multi-level and multi-actor phenomenon at a theoretical level. It continues to discuss nation state HE in a global perspective, and HE leadership in an organisational perspective. Next, the book looks at departmental leadership, management and development. Parallel with this, the volume critically explores the non-affirmative position itself by a contrasting dialogue with other theoretical approaches.

Climate and Society: Transforming the Future

by Robin Leichenko Karen O'Brien

This bold and passionate textbook has become a go-to introduction to current and emerging thinking on the social dimensions of climate change, presenting key concepts and frameworks for understanding the multifaceted connections between climate and society. Using clear language and powerful examples, Robin Leichenko and Karen O'Brien explore the varied social drivers, impacts, and responses to climate change. They highlight the important roles that worldviews, values, and – especially in this updated edition – emotions play in shaping interpretations of climate challenges. They include additional material on climate justice and equity, eco-centric discourses, paradigm shifts, and other topics. Situating climate change within the context of a rapidly changing world, the book demonstrates how dynamic political, economic, and environmental contexts amplify risks, often unequally for different groups based on race, gender, wealth, and location. Yet these shifting conditions also present opportunities for transformative responses: the new edition strengthens its emphasis on individuals’ power to influence systems, structures, and cultures. With updated references, examples, and data, and expanded pedagogical features, this informative and engaging new edition empowers undergraduates across the social sciences and other disciplines with a broader and deeper understanding of climate change and the potential for equitable and sustainable responses.

Brave New Words: How AI Will Revolutionize Education (and Why That’s a Good Thing)

by Salman Khan

‘Salman Khan has long been on the cutting edge of education, and in Brave New Words, he shows us what’s next. The book is a timely master class for anyone interested in the future of learning in the AI era. No one has thought more about these issues—or has more interesting things to say about them’ Bill GatesWhether we like it or not, the AI revolution is coming to education. In Brave New Words, Salman Khan, the visionary behind Khan Academy, explores how artificial intelligence and GPT technology will transform learning, offering a roadmap for teachers, parents, and students to navigate this exciting (and sometimes intimidating) new world.A pioneer in the world of education technology, Khan explains the ins and outs of these cutting-edge tools and how they will forever change the way we learn and teach. Rather than approaching the ChatGPT revolution with white-knuckled fear, Khan wants parents and teachers to embrace AI and adapt to it (while acknowledging its imperfections and limitations). He emphasizes that embracing AI in education is not about replacing human interaction but enhancing it, so that every student can complement the work they're already doing in profoundly new and creative ways, to personalize learning, adapt assessments, and support success in the classroom, preparing students for an increasingly digital future.But Brave New Words is not just about technology - it's about what this technology means for our society, and the practical implications for administrators, guidance counsellors, and hiring managers who can harness the power of AI in education and the workplace. Khan also delves into the ethical and social implications of AI and GPT, offering thoughtful insights into how we can use these tools to build a more accessible education system for students around the world.

Refuge: Social Science Debates

by Birgit Blättel-Mink Torsten Noack Corinna Onnen Katrin Späte Rita Stein-Redent

The welcome culture of 2015 in Germany has, not least due to the (re)definition of safe countries of origin, turned into a deportation policy. How can this change in policy be understood and is it also accompanied by a change of attitude among the population? Which reasons for and which reasons against the admission of refugees are cited in social debates? This volume brings together analyses of the social discourse on dealing with refugees, questions of labour market integration and the practice of counselling refugees. Alongside academic analyses are reflective contributions from the practice of migration policy.With contributions by Olaf Struck.- David Stiller.- Helge Döring and Sebastian Kurtenbach.- Ann-Christine Lill, Janis Schneider and Sam Schneider.- Kirsten Hoesch. - Kathrin Weis.- Theresa Köhler and Kerstin Ettl.- Doris Beer.- André Pohlmann.- Katharina Resch, Gertraud Kremsner, Michelle Proyer, Camilla Pellech, Regina Studener-Kuras and Gottfried Biewe.The editors: Prof. Dr. Birgit Blättel-Mink is Professor of Sociology with a focus on industrial and organizational sociology at the Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main. Torsten Noack, M.A. Sociology, Head of the School for Work Education of the International Federation Stuttgart. Prof. Dr. Corinna Onnen is university professor for general sociology at the University of Vechta. Dr. Katrin Späte works at the Institute for Sociology at the University of Münster. Apl. Prof. Dr. Rita Stein-Redent works at the University of Vechta.

Sociological Theory: From Comte to Postcolonialism

by Alessandro Orsini

This textbook analyses the work of classical and contemporary sociological theorists. The first part is dedicated to Comte, Spencer, Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Pareto, and Simmel. The second part covers the major contemporary sociological perspectives: Functionalism, Marxism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionism, Phenomenological Sociology, and Rational Choice Theory. The third part is devoted to Postmodern Theory, Feminist Theory, Postcolonial Theory, and Race Theory. The author combines academic rigour with clear and accessible language, offering students an in-depth and extensive overview of the main, recurring problems that have troubled sociological theory from its origins to the present day. The textbook uses contemporary examples, analysing how sociological theory can explain the most tragic phenomena of our time, including the war in Ukraine, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, US-China competition over Taiwan, nuclear proliferation, radicalization, neofascism, white suprematism, jihadism, and terrorism. With pedagogic features aiding learning, this book helps navigate the various approaches, methods, and research that divide sociologists into distinct schools. This textbook is therefore an invaluable tool to any sociology student looking to gain a comprehensive understanding of the foundational thinkers that have shaped the discipline.

The Groupuscular Far-Right in Portugal: Nationalism and The Reach of Digital Communication

by Gabriel Fernandes Guimarães

This book analyzes two types of nationalisms that are represented by the Portuguese groupuscular right, that is, the extra-party right. One faction is guided by ethnonationalism and nativism, looking at Portugal through an ethnically European prism. Small groups fight for a white Portugal linked to an imagined white world, rooted in ideas such as race and biology, following models from the US. The other faction looks for a future in a non-European confederation and wants Portuguese citizenship for non-European groups originating from the former colonies, while maintaining ties with the Portuguese extreme right, notably, the one that comes from the Salazar right-wing dictatorship (Estado Novo, 1926–1974). This faction suggests addressing questions of immigration by accepting immigration of non-European people from former imperial space and by initiating a confederation of countries, in which Portugal is the only state with a white majority. Guimarães analyzes the means of communication of these two factions, the language they use to articulate their viewpoints, and the worldviews of various groups in Portugal. He argues that the far right in Portugal is a space filled with radical styles of nationalism.

Practical Web Accessibility: A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Inclusion

by Ashley Firth

Everyone deserves to use the Internet. An estimated 1.3 billion people experience significant disability. That’s 16percent of the world’s population, or one in six of us. At the same time, over 96 percent of the one million most popular websites have an accessibility issue. Add to this the massive rise in legal cases around sites not being accessible, including Beyoncé, Disney, and Netflix, and you have an important topic that more and more people are starting to engage with.In this updated and revamped second edition of the Amazon technology chart-topping Practical Web Accessibility, you’ll be guided through a broad range of disabilities and access needs. You’ll understand the ways these users typically engage with the web, the barriers they often face, and practical advice on how your websites and content can be compliant, but more than that, inclusive and enjoyable to use. There’s also a new chapter on “Outsourcing Accessibility,” exploring third party “bolt-on” tools, “build your own website” platforms like Wix, and popular design systems. You‘ll explore whether they’re helpful or detrimental in the fight to make the web more accessible.Throughout this book you’ll learn to test for, spot, and fix web accessibility issues for a wide range of physical and mental impairments. Featuring content from the latest compliance frameworks, including the newly released WCAG 2.2 and exploratory concepts in WCAG 3, you’ll see how to go beyond the basic requirements in order to help your users. You’ll also learn that an accessible approach won’t just help people with disabilities, it will improve your website for everyone.This book comes complete with practical examples you can use in your own sites, along with a brand-new approach to auditing and improving a website’s accessibility, and a team’s approach to it, based on tools created by the author and refined over years as a consultant — The FAIR framework and ACCESS checklist. With these tools, you can set up processes for yourself and your team that will drastically improve the accessibility of your sites and, importantly, keep them that way in the future. Suitable for those of any profession or experience level, Practical Web Accessibility gives you all the information you need to ensure that your sites are truly accessible for the modern, inclusive web. If you would like to learn about web accessibility in a clear and actionable way, this book is for you.What You Will LearnA greater understanding of a vast range of disabilities that have online access needs, and the issues they typically face accessing content online.Ways to apply the practical steps required to cater for those needs.How to take your sites, and colleagues, on a journey from being inaccessible to accessible.The importance of accessibility in your designs, code, content, and more.The best ways to test andimprove your sites, so you can be compliant, and truly accessible. Who This Book Is For Anyone, regardless of what they do, who wants to learn how to make websites and their content more accessible for those with disabilities. In the world of web, the book has been used by front and backend developers, designers, product and project managers, team and business leaders.

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