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Showing 75,001 through 75,025 of 75,321 results

Solitude: The Science and Power of Being Alone

by null Netta Weinstein null Heather Hansen null Thuy-vy T. Nguyen

The average adult spends nearly one-third of their waking life alone. How do we overcome the stigma of solitude and find strength in going it alone? Whether we love it or try to avoid it, we can make better use of that time. The science of solitude shows that alone time can be a powerful space used to tap into countless benefits. Translating key research findings into actionable facts and advice, this book shows that alone time can boost well-being. From relaxation and recharging to problem solving and emotion regulation, solitude can benefit personal growth, contentment, creativity, and our relationships with ourselves and others. Learning what makes us better at spending time alone can help us move toward our best possible selves.

Sons, Daughters, and Sidewalk Psychotics: Mental Illness and Homelessness in Los Angeles

by Neil Gong

Sociologist Neil Gong explains why mental health treatment in Los Angeles rarely succeeds, for the rich, the poor, and everyone in between. In 2022, Los Angeles became the US county with the largest population of unhoused people, drawing a stark contrast with the wealth on display in its opulent neighborhoods. In Sons, Daughters, and Sidewalk Psychotics, sociologist Neil Gong traces the divide between the haves and have-nots in the psychiatric treatment systems that shape the life trajectories of people living with serious mental illness. In the decades since the United States closed its mental hospitals in favor of non-institutional treatment, two drastically different forms of community psychiatric services have developed: public safety-net clinics focused on keeping patients housed and out of jail, and elite private care trying to push clients toward respectable futures. In Downtown Los Angeles, many people in psychiatric crisis only receive help after experiencing homelessness or arrests. Public providers engage in guerrilla social work to secure them housing and safety, but these programs are rarely able to deliver true rehabilitation for psychological distress and addiction. Patients are free to refuse treatment or use illegal drugs—so long as they do so away from public view. Across town in West LA or Malibu, wealthy people diagnosed with serious mental illness attend luxurious treatment centers. Programs may offer yoga and organic meals alongside personalized therapeutic treatments, but patients can feel trapped, as their families pay exorbitantly to surveil and “fix” them. Meanwhile, middle-class families—stymied by private insurers, unable to afford elite providers, and yet not poor enough to qualify for social services—struggle to find care at all. Gong’s findings raise uncomfortable questions about urban policy, family dynamics, and what it means to respect individual freedom. His comparative approach reminds us that every “sidewalk psychotic” is also a beloved relative and that the kinds of policies we support likely depend on whether we see those with mental illness as a public social problem or as somebody’s kin. At a time when many voters merely want streets cleared of “problem people,” Gong’s book helps us imagine a fundamentally different psychiatric system—one that will meet the needs of patients, families, and society at large.

Sons, Daughters, and Sidewalk Psychotics: Mental Illness and Homelessness in Los Angeles

by Neil Gong

Sociologist Neil Gong explains why mental health treatment in Los Angeles rarely succeeds, for the rich, the poor, and everyone in between. In 2022, Los Angeles became the US county with the largest population of unhoused people, drawing a stark contrast with the wealth on display in its opulent neighborhoods. In Sons, Daughters, and Sidewalk Psychotics, sociologist Neil Gong traces the divide between the haves and have-nots in the psychiatric treatment systems that shape the life trajectories of people living with serious mental illness. In the decades since the United States closed its mental hospitals in favor of non-institutional treatment, two drastically different forms of community psychiatric services have developed: public safety-net clinics focused on keeping patients housed and out of jail, and elite private care trying to push clients toward respectable futures. In Downtown Los Angeles, many people in psychiatric crisis only receive help after experiencing homelessness or arrests. Public providers engage in guerrilla social work to secure them housing and safety, but these programs are rarely able to deliver true rehabilitation for psychological distress and addiction. Patients are free to refuse treatment or use illegal drugs—so long as they do so away from public view. Across town in West LA or Malibu, wealthy people diagnosed with serious mental illness attend luxurious treatment centers. Programs may offer yoga and organic meals alongside personalized therapeutic treatments, but patients can feel trapped, as their families pay exorbitantly to surveil and “fix” them. Meanwhile, middle-class families—stymied by private insurers, unable to afford elite providers, and yet not poor enough to qualify for social services—struggle to find care at all. Gong’s findings raise uncomfortable questions about urban policy, family dynamics, and what it means to respect individual freedom. His comparative approach reminds us that every “sidewalk psychotic” is also a beloved relative and that the kinds of policies we support likely depend on whether we see those with mental illness as a public social problem or as somebody’s kin. At a time when many voters merely want streets cleared of “problem people,” Gong’s book helps us imagine a fundamentally different psychiatric system—one that will meet the needs of patients, families, and society at large.

Soundings and the Politics of Sociolinguistic Listening for Transnational Space (Contemporary Studies in Linguistics)

by Kinga Kozminska

In a world dominated by the visual, this book presents how a focus on the sounded experience and acts of listening may carve a way to reformulate emerging publics, create space for critical multilingual engagement and deepen recognition of emancipatory practices. Examining the emerging logics and rhythms among a group of post-EU accession UK Polish migrants, this book focuses on the semiotic processes through which contemporary moving bodies and communities place themselves in sociolinguistic landscapes. It considers how they develop metrics to account for sociolinguistic change and authenticate their projects and practices in transnational timespace. In doing so, the book brings power differentials to the centre of language and objectivity debates and foregrounds material semiotics as an approach that enables a new collective potential and redefinition of sociolinguistic listening. By connecting research on scale in migration contexts with studies of embodied soundwork and of stance in semiotics, this book highlights how a focus on the sounded sign may bring us closer to the ways in which bodies and meanings are (re)made, and collective doing and thinking are formed in the globalised world.

South Koreans and the Politics of Immigration in Contemporary Australia (Routledge Research on Korea)

by David Hundt

The book explores the politics of immigration in Australia through an in-depth study of the ‘new generation’ of young Korean migrants in Melbourne. States with high rates of immigration such as Australia can largely determine who enter their societies, but some migrants, such as younger Koreans, can determine how and where they live due to desirable attributes such as their skills, education, and adaptability. The book uses Albert Hirschman’s ‘exit, voice, and loyalty’ schema to explore the choices available to such new and would-be citizens, especially when faced with economic, social, and/or political decline in their host society. Through in-depth interviews, the book explores if young Koreans were most attracted to the options of staying in Australia (loyalty), changing it from within (voice), or leaving (exit). The most common experience among younger Koreans, the book finds, is loyalty: most respondents express satisfaction with their lives in Australia and want to make it their home. These findings reveal how a particular group of migrants negotiates their citizenship with a would-be host society. By extension, the book illustrates the range and degree of strategies available to other migrants and would-be migrants, and how they might secure their livelihoods and well-being at a time of greater restrictions on international migration. This book will be of interest to scholars of multiculturalism and immigration history in Australia, citizenship and migration, and Korean studies.

South Koreans and the Politics of Immigration in Contemporary Australia (Routledge Research on Korea)

by David Hundt

The book explores the politics of immigration in Australia through an in-depth study of the ‘new generation’ of young Korean migrants in Melbourne. States with high rates of immigration such as Australia can largely determine who enter their societies, but some migrants, such as younger Koreans, can determine how and where they live due to desirable attributes such as their skills, education, and adaptability. The book uses Albert Hirschman’s ‘exit, voice, and loyalty’ schema to explore the choices available to such new and would-be citizens, especially when faced with economic, social, and/or political decline in their host society. Through in-depth interviews, the book explores if young Koreans were most attracted to the options of staying in Australia (loyalty), changing it from within (voice), or leaving (exit). The most common experience among younger Koreans, the book finds, is loyalty: most respondents express satisfaction with their lives in Australia and want to make it their home. These findings reveal how a particular group of migrants negotiates their citizenship with a would-be host society. By extension, the book illustrates the range and degree of strategies available to other migrants and would-be migrants, and how they might secure their livelihoods and well-being at a time of greater restrictions on international migration. This book will be of interest to scholars of multiculturalism and immigration history in Australia, citizenship and migration, and Korean studies.

Southern Theories: Contemporary and Future Challenges (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

This book critically explores Global South perspectives, examining marginalised voices and issues whilst challenging the supremacy of Global North perspectives in literature. The unique value of this book lies in its extensive coverage of various Southern challenges, including disaster management, climate change, communication, resilience, gender, education, and disability. It also underscores the relevance of indigenous philosophies such as animism, Buen Vivir, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Neozapatism, Qi vitality, Taoism, and Ubuntu. Stemming from regions as diverse as Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America, these philosophies are brought into public discourse. By demonstrating their practicality in designing intervention programs and influencing policy-making, the book fills a critical gap in global Southern literature while promoting context-specific knowledge for improving well-being in the Global South contexts. This book’s content resonates with a diverse audience, encompassing students, academics, researchers, NGOs, and policymakers from postcolonial states in the Global South and those from Global North countries. Furthermore, it is highly relevant to communities within the Global North that mirror the Global South – those grappling with equity issues for indigenous populations. It has a versatile appeal that transcends disciplinary boundaries, encompassing cultural studies, sociology, international development, philosophy, and postcolonial studies, thus making it accessible to all educational levels. It holds particular interest for those in development studies, indigenous studies, government departments globally, international organisations, and universities worldwide.

Southern Theories: Contemporary and Future Challenges (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Oliver Mutanga Tendayi Marovah

This book critically explores Global South perspectives, examining marginalised voices and issues whilst challenging the supremacy of Global North perspectives in literature. The unique value of this book lies in its extensive coverage of various Southern challenges, including disaster management, climate change, communication, resilience, gender, education, and disability. It also underscores the relevance of indigenous philosophies such as animism, Buen Vivir, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Neozapatism, Qi vitality, Taoism, and Ubuntu. Stemming from regions as diverse as Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America, these philosophies are brought into public discourse. By demonstrating their practicality in designing intervention programs and influencing policy-making, the book fills a critical gap in global Southern literature while promoting context-specific knowledge for improving well-being in the Global South contexts. This book’s content resonates with a diverse audience, encompassing students, academics, researchers, NGOs, and policymakers from postcolonial states in the Global South and those from Global North countries. Furthermore, it is highly relevant to communities within the Global North that mirror the Global South – those grappling with equity issues for indigenous populations. It has a versatile appeal that transcends disciplinary boundaries, encompassing cultural studies, sociology, international development, philosophy, and postcolonial studies, thus making it accessible to all educational levels. It holds particular interest for those in development studies, indigenous studies, government departments globally, international organisations, and universities worldwide.

Soziale Arbeit für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Daniela Voigt

Sozial — Alles, was Sozialarbeiter schon immer wissen wollten Ein Buch für Studierende und Sozialarbeiter, das einen wunderbaren Überblick über das Thema gibt und dabei Theorie und Praxis verbindet. Sie lernen Hand-lungsfelder, Akteure und Rahmenbedingungen der Sozialen Arbeit kennen und gewinnen ein Grundverständnis von Methoden und Theorien. Zugleich erhalten Sie für Ihren Arbeitsalltag als Sozialarbeiter Survival Hacks und Überlebenstipps. Daniela Voigt erklärt verständlich und anhand vieler anschaulicher Beispiele, was Soziale Arbeit ausmacht und wie sie dazu beitragen kann, Menschen zu unterstützen, gesellschaftliche Probleme zu lösen und die Welt ein wenig sozialer und gerechter zu machen. Sie erfahren Was die Arbeit mit Menschen so speziell macht Welche Methoden Ihnen helfen, Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe zu geben Was den idealtypischen Sozialarbeiter ausmacht Wissenswertes über die Entstehung der Sozialen Arbeit

Soziale Netzwerkbeziehungen in Coworking Spaces: Eine Untersuchung zur organisationalen Einbettung von Freelancer*innen

by Michael T. Knapp

Die Studie von Michael Knapp befasst sich mit den sozialen Netzwerkbeziehungen von Freelancer*innen im Kontext von Coworking Spaces als flexibel nutzbare Büro- und Arbeitsräumlichkeiten. Dabei wird insbesondere auf die Bedeutung dieses Kontexts in Bezug auf die Beziehungs- und Netzwerkbildung eingegangen und gezeigt, wie die Nutzung eines Arbeitsplatzes in diesem zur organisationalen Einbettung im Freelancing beitragen kann. Dazu greift die Arbeit auf Methoden der egozentrierten Netzwerkanalyse in Kombination mit qualitativen Interviews zurück. Anhand von persönlichen Freelancer*innen-Netzwerken, biografischen und sozial-räumlichen Hintergründen werden verschiedene Beziehungsinhalte und -konstellationen deutlich gemacht, die sich aus der Arbeit im Coworking Space ergeben können. Die Studie trägt damit zum Verständnis von Coworking Spaces für unternehmerische Prozesse im Freelancing bei und verweist auf die Relevanz von sozial-räumlicher Kontextualisierung.

Soziologie leiblicher Kopräsenz: Praxistheoretische Zugänge

by Michael Hubrich

Das Buch stellt die sozialtheoretische Frage nach der besonderen Qualität leiblicher Kopräsenz, verstanden als Urszene des Sozialen, und beantwortet sie mit den Mitteln einer leibphänomenologisch instruierten Praxistheorie. Ausgehend von einer Kritik am Cartesianismus klassischer Intersubjektivitäts-, Interaktions- und Kommunikationstheorien wird ein sich gegen tradierte epistemologische Dualismen richtendes und relational formuliertes Vokabular entwickelt, welches sich maßgeblich an den Begriffen der Praxis und des Leibes orientiert. Dadurch ist es möglich, die Sozialität in gemeinsamer Anwesenheit als ein sich in Wahrnehmung und Bewegung entfaltendes und dadurch affektives wie habituelles Praxisgeschehen zu erfassen. Im Zentrum des Buches stehen damit praxistheoretische Zugänge für eine Soziologie leiblicher Kopräsenz, mit denen (über-)situative Qualitäten der Mit-Anwesenheit soziologisch sicht- und analysierbar werden.

Soziologische Erzählkunst: Ein Werkstattbesuch bei Pierre Bourdieus „Das Elend der Welt“

by Franz Schultheis

Vor drei Jahrzehnten legten Pierre Bourdieu und sein Team eine aufsehenerregende soziologische Studie zum Thema "Das Elend der Welt" vor. Sie hatte für ein wissenschaftliches Werk von fast 1000 Seiten Umfang einen ganz erstaunlichen Publikumserfolg, wurde aber auch angesichts ihrer mit vielen Regeln des akademischen Betriebs bewusst brechenden Forschungsstrategien, Methoden und literarisch anmutenden Erzählkunst zur Zielscheibe heftiger Kritik. Oft war die Rede von einem Bruch mit den für Bourdieu bis dahin kennzeichnenden "Regeln der soziologischen Methode", und es wurde viel darüber spekuliert, wie diese Form vermeintlich "undisziplinierten" Forschens zu verstehen sei. Dank der Entdeckung bislang unbekannter Quellen im Pariser Pierre Bourdieu-Archiv ist es uns jetzt möglich, einen direkten Einblick in die Forschungswerkstatt Bourdieus zu bekommen und die Entstehung dieser bedeutenden soziologischen Studie Schritt für Schritt zu rekonstruieren. Anhand der persönlichen Aufzeichnungen Bourdieus und der Protokolle der Teamsitzungen wird hierbei die Praxis des Forschens selbst – von Fragen der Interviewtechnik, über Stichprobenziehung und Transkriptionsmethoden bis hin zur Komposition einer komplexen gesellschaftstheoretischen Collage – zum Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Objektivierung und kritischer Reflexion im Hinblick auf die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen soziologischer Erzählkunst.

The Spaces of Public Issues: How Social Media Discourses Shape Public Imaginations of Issue Spatiality (The Refiguration of Space)

by Daniela Stoltenberg

Ideas about matters of public concern are shaped by the spaces associated with them: Events occur in particular places, political regulations apply to specific territories, people in different locations are differentially affected by issues. Yet, political communication research has neglected the question of how the spaces of public issues are constructed in the public sphere. This is especially true for research on social media communication, which is often perceived as placeless. Yet, social media discourses are driven by unequal attention patterns based on users’ interests, resources, and abilities. To understand how these patterns manifest spatially, this interdisciplinary monograph builds on public spheres theory, communication infrastructure theory, and urban sociology to develop the framework of issue spatiality. It focuses on how social media users discuss different places in urban policy issue discourses. By applying the framework to four large-scale Twitter discourses on housing markets and cycling infrastructure in two German cities, Berlin and Frankfurt, the research reveals the spatial patterns and inequalities of social media discourses. It demonstrates that digital discourses are overwhelmingly focused on a small number of places in the urban center. These places emerge as the locus of activism and political controversy, while the urban periphery remains hidden or is discussed in purely administrative terms. Places with dense civic infrastructure and privileged residents receive disproportionate attention. The book provides an in-depth look at the ways in which socio-spatial inequalities are inscribed in public communication and shape ideas about societal issues.

The Spaces of Public Issues: How Social Media Discourses Shape Public Imaginations of Issue Spatiality (The Refiguration of Space)

by Daniela Stoltenberg

Ideas about matters of public concern are shaped by the spaces associated with them: Events occur in particular places, political regulations apply to specific territories, people in different locations are differentially affected by issues. Yet, political communication research has neglected the question of how the spaces of public issues are constructed in the public sphere. This is especially true for research on social media communication, which is often perceived as placeless. Yet, social media discourses are driven by unequal attention patterns based on users’ interests, resources, and abilities. To understand how these patterns manifest spatially, this interdisciplinary monograph builds on public spheres theory, communication infrastructure theory, and urban sociology to develop the framework of issue spatiality. It focuses on how social media users discuss different places in urban policy issue discourses. By applying the framework to four large-scale Twitter discourses on housing markets and cycling infrastructure in two German cities, Berlin and Frankfurt, the research reveals the spatial patterns and inequalities of social media discourses. It demonstrates that digital discourses are overwhelmingly focused on a small number of places in the urban center. These places emerge as the locus of activism and political controversy, while the urban periphery remains hidden or is discussed in purely administrative terms. Places with dense civic infrastructure and privileged residents receive disproportionate attention. The book provides an in-depth look at the ways in which socio-spatial inequalities are inscribed in public communication and shape ideas about societal issues.

Spatial Futures: Difference and the Post-Anthropocene

by LaToya E. Eaves Heidi J. Nast Alex G. Papadopoulos

Spatial Futures invites readers to imagine power and freedom through the lens of the ‘Black Outdoors’, a transdisciplinary spatial concept that operates beyond the planetary, stratigraphic confines of the ‘Anthropocene’. The chapters collectively point to the ontological-epistemological contradictions involved in forging liberatory spatial futures. Bringing new spatial imaginaries to bear in and outside geography, the book refuses the strictures of the ‘cenic’, entertaining difference as world-making.

Spatial Statistics for Data Science: Theory and Practice with R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Science Series)

by Paula Moraga

Spatial data is crucial to improve decision-making in a wide range of fields including environment, health, ecology, urban planning, economy, and society. Spatial Statistics for Data Science: Theory and Practice with R describes statistical methods, modeling approaches, and visualization techniques to analyze spatial data using R. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the varying types of spatial data, and detailed explanations of the theoretical concepts of spatial statistics, alongside fully reproducible examples which demonstrate how to simulate, describe, and analyze spatial data in various applications. Combining theory and practice, the book includes real-world data science examples such as disease risk mapping, air pollution prediction, species distribution modeling, crime mapping, and real state analyses. The book utilizes publicly available data and offers clear explanations of the R code for importing, manipulating, analyzing, and visualizing data, as well as the interpretation of the results. This ensures contents are easily accessible and fully reproducible for students, researchers, and practitioners. Key Features: Describes R packages for retrieval, manipulation, and visualization of spatial data Offers a comprehensive overview of spatial statistical methods including spatial autocorrelation, clustering, spatial interpolation, model-based geostatistics, and spatial point processes Provides detailed explanations on how to fit and interpret Bayesian spatial models using the integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) and stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE) approaches

Spatial Statistics for Data Science: Theory and Practice with R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Science Series)

by Paula Moraga

Spatial data is crucial to improve decision-making in a wide range of fields including environment, health, ecology, urban planning, economy, and society. Spatial Statistics for Data Science: Theory and Practice with R describes statistical methods, modeling approaches, and visualization techniques to analyze spatial data using R. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the varying types of spatial data, and detailed explanations of the theoretical concepts of spatial statistics, alongside fully reproducible examples which demonstrate how to simulate, describe, and analyze spatial data in various applications. Combining theory and practice, the book includes real-world data science examples such as disease risk mapping, air pollution prediction, species distribution modeling, crime mapping, and real state analyses. The book utilizes publicly available data and offers clear explanations of the R code for importing, manipulating, analyzing, and visualizing data, as well as the interpretation of the results. This ensures contents are easily accessible and fully reproducible for students, researchers, and practitioners. Key Features: Describes R packages for retrieval, manipulation, and visualization of spatial data Offers a comprehensive overview of spatial statistical methods including spatial autocorrelation, clustering, spatial interpolation, model-based geostatistics, and spatial point processes Provides detailed explanations on how to fit and interpret Bayesian spatial models using the integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) and stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE) approaches

Sport in der totalen Institution – eine Gefängnisethnographie (Sport – Gesellschaft – Kultur)

by Johannes Müller

Justizvollzugsanstalten müssen Gefangenen die Möglichkeit anbieten, sich sportlich zu betätigen. Basierend auf mehrjähriger ethnographischer Forschung in einem Gefängnis untersucht das Buch die vielschichtigen Bedeutungen, die der Sport aus Sicht der Gefangenen besitzt. Die Befunde zeigen, dass sich Sport für einen Teil der männlichen Insassen als Bewältigungsstrategie zur Linderung der hafttypischen Belastungen erweist, indem er Freiheitsmomente birgt und Möglichkeiten eröffnet, gefängnistypischen Gefühlen von Angst, Einsamkeit, Langeweile und mentaler Niedergeschlagenheit zu begegnen. Darüber hinaus stellt der Sport ein probates Mittel zur Konstruktion bzw. Verteidigung von Männlichkeit, zur Selbstaufwertung und zur Positionierung in der sozialen Hierarchie unter den Gefangenen dar. Die Befunde zeigen weiterhin, dass speziell die Teilhabe an anstaltsorganisierten Sportangeboten voraussetzungsvoll ist und das besondere Gefängnissetting viele Inhaftierte von einer Sportteilhabe abhält.

Sport Migrants, Precarity and Identity: Brazilian Footballers in Central and Eastern Europe (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)

by José Hildo de Oliveira Filho

This book takes a close look at the experiences of migrant athletes, their precarious careers, and at what this can tell us about wider themes of globalisation, identity, race, gender, and the body.Based on in-depth ethnographic research on male Brazilian footballers and futsal players working in Central and Eastern Europe, this book helps to fill gaps in previous research on sports migration and global sports labor markets. This book uses life-history interviews to reveal how race, gender, and class are articulated in the everyday experiences of migrant athletes; how they express their religious affiliations; and how they navigate the relationships with injuries and pain that are characteristic of precarious athletic careers. This book considers the transnational networks that are essential in sustaining international athletic labor flows and the role that borders and emotions play in the lives of sports migrants and also the agency that migrant athletes can have in issues such as player development and retention.Presenting a more nuanced, ground-level perspective on sports migration and the sociological dialogue between identity, culture, and the body, this book is fascinating reading for anybody with an interest in the socio-cultural study of sport, migration, globalization, or global inequalities.

Sport Migrants, Precarity and Identity: Brazilian Footballers in Central and Eastern Europe (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)

by José Hildo de Oliveira Filho

This book takes a close look at the experiences of migrant athletes, their precarious careers, and at what this can tell us about wider themes of globalisation, identity, race, gender, and the body.Based on in-depth ethnographic research on male Brazilian footballers and futsal players working in Central and Eastern Europe, this book helps to fill gaps in previous research on sports migration and global sports labor markets. This book uses life-history interviews to reveal how race, gender, and class are articulated in the everyday experiences of migrant athletes; how they express their religious affiliations; and how they navigate the relationships with injuries and pain that are characteristic of precarious athletic careers. This book considers the transnational networks that are essential in sustaining international athletic labor flows and the role that borders and emotions play in the lives of sports migrants and also the agency that migrant athletes can have in issues such as player development and retention.Presenting a more nuanced, ground-level perspective on sports migration and the sociological dialogue between identity, culture, and the body, this book is fascinating reading for anybody with an interest in the socio-cultural study of sport, migration, globalization, or global inequalities.

Sports Policy and Politics in the Western Balkans (Routledge Research in Sport Politics and Policy)

by Marko Begović

This book examines how states in the post-socialist Western Balkans region have used sport as a policy tool, and how sport in the region has been shaped by politics, history, and culture. Looking closely at the intersection of sports policy and politics in the countries of Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, this book explores the roles of sport in nation-building and how sport has been used by regimes looking to establish political legitimacy in the transition from the post-socialist era. It offers a fascinating insight into the way that sport has been co-opted for political purposes, and into the complexities of formulating sports policy and wider public policy in societies in which governance structures may be weak and in which clientelism, corruption, and partisanship pose constant challenges. This book is fascinating reading for anybody with an interest in the history and politics of sport, in public policy, or in the history, politics, and culture of the former Yugoslav countries.

Sports Policy and Politics in the Western Balkans (Routledge Research in Sport Politics and Policy)

by Marko Begović

This book examines how states in the post-socialist Western Balkans region have used sport as a policy tool, and how sport in the region has been shaped by politics, history, and culture. Looking closely at the intersection of sports policy and politics in the countries of Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, this book explores the roles of sport in nation-building and how sport has been used by regimes looking to establish political legitimacy in the transition from the post-socialist era. It offers a fascinating insight into the way that sport has been co-opted for political purposes, and into the complexities of formulating sports policy and wider public policy in societies in which governance structures may be weak and in which clientelism, corruption, and partisanship pose constant challenges. This book is fascinating reading for anybody with an interest in the history and politics of sport, in public policy, or in the history, politics, and culture of the former Yugoslav countries.

Städte auf dem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit: Ethnographische Einblicke und Analysen (VerKörperungen/MatteRealities - Perspektiven empirischer Wissenschaftsforschung #28)

by Britta Acksel

Angesichts von Extremwetterereignissen, Klimaprognosen und Bewegungen wie Fridays for Future lässt sich schwer leugnen, dass ein Teil der Menschheit auf eine Weise lebt, die eine gut bewohnbare Welt höchst unwahrscheinlich macht. Städten wird in dieser Situation eine zentrale Rolle zugeschrieben. Sie können die Welt vor der Erderwärmung retten - oder sie sind die Ersten, die untergehen. Doch was genau wird getan, um Städte in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit zu transformieren? Britta Acksel nimmt Aktionspläne, Klimafestivals, Awards und weitere Transformationsinstrumente in den Blick. Ethnographisch fundiert zeigt sie auf, wie sich die Arbeit mit dieser speziellen Form von Policy-Werkzeugen gestaltet - und welche Bemühungen besonders aussichtsreich erscheinen.

StadtTeilen: Neue Praktiken gemeinschaftlicher Nutzung urbaner Räume (Urban Studies)

by Floris Bernhardt Nada Bretfeld Josefine Buzwan-Morell Helena Cermeño Sina Doukas Elisabeth Güde Constantin Hörburger Carsten Keller Florian Koch

Praktiken des Teilens stellen Möglichkeiten dar, Stadt alternativ zu gestalten, und sind zugleich komplexe Aushandlungsprozesse. Kann der Schulhof abends von der Nachbarschaft genutzt werden? Oder hat die Hausgemeinschaft Interesse an einem gemeinsamen Garten und Veranstaltungsraum? Offen ist, was solidarische und widerständige Praxen des Teilens begünstigt und welche architektonischen Interventionen die Teilbarkeit von öffentlichem Raum erleichtern. Auf der Grundlage empirischer Studien in drei deutschen Städten und einem Praxislabor werden Praktiken des Teilens, ihre Bedingungen, Potenziale und Grenzen untersucht. Die Autor*innen liefern Denkanstöße für Politik, Verwaltung, Wissenschaft, Initiativen und Wohnungsunternehmen.

Start-up Wolf: The Shenzhen Model of High-Tech Entrepreneurship

by Olivia Yijian Liu

Transnational entrepreneurs with technological know-how have been promoted by the Chinese state and academic literature as a central force for regional development of industrial competitiveness. But what motivates them, and what do they experience and aspire to when building a start-up in China? This book answers these questions by examining how socially privileged entrepreneurial talents adopt and champion the "wolf culture" – a fast-paced, competitive, and aspirational work culture – that has become prevalent since China's mass promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation.Based on extensive field research, including participant observation and interviews in Shenzhen's high-tech industry, this book challenges the popular notion of entrepreneurship as entirely self-initiated and passion-driven. Outlining the concrete instruments of governance of the local state, the author argues that transnational talent from elite schools or elite professions is often "entrepreneured" in China. Moreover, she argues that the different standards of selection of entrepreneurial talents by state and market actors create localised precarious conditions for them. This book offers fascinating insights into the contradictions inherent in the Chinese model of entrepreneurship.Start-up Wolf will appeal to scholars and students of China studies, the anthropology of entrepreneurship, science and technology studies, and economic geography, as well as business practitioners interested in innovation and high-tech start-ups.

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