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Streiten gegen die Erosion der Demokratie: Politikwissenschaft für das 21. Jahrhundert

by Rainer Eisfeld

Europaweit und darüber hinaus unterliegen Demokratien alarmierender Aushöhlung. Rapider wirtschaftlicher, kultureller, politischer Wandel weckt Unsicherheiten und Aggressionen; Politiker, Parteien, selbst Regierungen versuchen Bürger durch systematische Lügen zu täuschen; neoliberale Deregulierungen schwächen die Bereitschaft zum zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagement; schroffe Einkommens- und Vermögensunterschiede treiben die Demokratie in Richtung Plutokratie; fremdenfeindliche Vorurteile polarisieren Gesellschaften; Antiterrorismus-Strategien untergraben bürgerliche Freiheiten; Vetospieler hemmen klimapolitischen Wandel. Zugleich wird seit Jahren gestritten über die Fragmentierung der Politikwissenschaft, ihre zweifelhafte Relevanz und ihre Abkopplung von der breiten Öffentlichkeit. Dieses Buch ist die erste umfassende Studie, die beide Fragenkomplexe miteinander verknüpft und präzise zu ergründen sucht: Wie kann, wie sollte die Politikwissenschaft dem Niedergang der Demokratie in jedem der erwähnten Bereiche entgegenwirken?Rainer Eisfelds Antworten lauten: Entwicklung einer Wissenschaftskultur öffentlichen Engagements; Auseinandersetzung mit Ursprüngen, Mustern und partizipativer Bewältigung durchgängigen Wandels als Hauptgegenstand der Disziplin; kategorisches Auftreten gegen Tendenzen zu einer Herrschaft notorischer Lügner; Konzentrierung der Forschungsprioritäten auf die Schlüsselbereiche, in denen Demokratie sich zurückbildet; für Laien zugängliche Darstellung gewonnener Resultate; Erweiterung der Analyse zur Präsentation konkreter Gestaltungsvorschläge.Dazu, so Eisfelds Fazit, bedarf es einer Disziplin, die als normativ orientierte, empirisch gestützte Demokratiewissenschaft brisanten Problemen den Vorrang einräumt vor ausgefeilten Methoden und bürgernaher Relevanz vor immer weiterer Spezialisierung.

International School Policy Development: Insights from China (Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices)

by Jian Li

This book investigates the international school policy reform in China from various perspectives. In recent years, international schools, international classes, international departments, and various international education projects have emerged in the field of education in China. This book explores and analyzes the idea of international schools, and discusses different aspects of the conceptual model of international education policy development in China, including international school policy, student cultivation, teacher cultivation, school management, curriculum, and quality assessment of international schools. In addition, this book offers a comprehensive, systematic, and practical perspective on shaping China’s international school policy development and management. This book serves as a guide for scholars and researchers who are interested, and work in, research on internationalization development in China, administrators, and stakeholders in China's education system, and graduate students who major or minor in the field of internationalization development in China.

Organizing Occupy Wall Street: This is Just Practice (Alternatives and Futures: Cultures, Practices, Activism and Utopias)

by Marisa Holmes

This book is the first study of the processes and structures of the Occupy Wall Street movement, written from the perspective of a core organizer who was involved from the inception to the end. While much has been written on OWS, few books have focused on how the movement was organized. Marisa Holmes, an organizer of OWS in New York City, aims to fill this gap by deriving the theory from the practice and analyzing a broad range of original primary sources, from collective statements, structure documents, meeting minutes, and live tweets, to hundreds of hours of footage from the OWS Media Working Group archive. In doing so, she reveals how the movement was organized in practice, which experiments were most successful, and what future generations can learn.

Digital Learning based Education: Transcending Physical Barriers (Advanced Technologies and Societal Change)

by Amitava Choudhury Arindam Biswas Sadhan Chakraborti

This book presents the systematic evolution of digitized education: trends, advances, challenges encountered and their solutions toward the use of advanced technologies. The book mainly covers variety of areas such as blended learning in modern education, flipped classroom, ICT-based education, digital transformation of education. Explosion of information and communication technologies has transformed the way we live, learn, work and socialize. This heavy intervention of technologies in the modern world has triggered us to think how we engage and interact with each other and how we make use of these digital tools and communications channels. And consequent upon which societies are transforming into digitized education where datafication, platformization and algorithmic governance are a common vocabulary.

Regional Culture and Social Change: A Study of Miao-Inhabited Areas of Southwest China

by Yuhua Ma

This book explores Shimenkan—a Miao-inhabited area in Weining County, China—and its rural society from a comprehensive and long-term perspective, drawing on research conducted by the author in the course of ten years. Located in the northwest of Weining County in Guizhou Province, Shimenkan is a multiethnic area, where, e.g., the Hans, Miaos, Yis, Huis, and Buyis live. Until the early twentieth century, it was a small mountain village; the introduction of Christianity led to significant cultural and social changes in this area. Focusing on China in the twentieth century, the book addresses the traditional culture of the Miao people, the popularity of Christianity in early modern times, the management and control by the government, the socialist reform in the period of the People’s Republic of China, and the changes following the reform and opening-up in recent years. Covering a century’s worth of history, it discusses the major historical events in Northeastern Yunnan and Northwestern Guizhou around Shimenkan and analyzes local social structures, religions, ideologies, customs, and ethnic psychologies, making it a valuable addition to the study of regional social history. The book draws on archives, literature reviews, and field surveys and pursues a multi-disciplinary approach combining history, anthropology, and other disciplines. It offers a valuable resource for researchers in history, religion, and ethnology, as well as readers interested in the spread of Christianity in the Miao-inhabited areas of southwestern China.

Uyat und die Kultur der Scham in Zentralasien

by Hélène Thibault Jean-François Caron

Dieses Buch wirft einen interdisziplinären Blick auf die Kultur der Scham in Zentralasien und bewertet ihre Rolle bei der Regulierung der sozialen und politischen Interaktionen in der Region. Die Beiträge zeigen, wie "uyat" auf patriarchalen und hierarchischen Geschlechternormen beruht, die sich negativ auf Frauen und queere Körper auswirken. Die Beiträge befassen sich insbesondere mit dem Tabu der Sexualerziehung in kasachischen Schulen, der bevorzugten Heteronormativität und ihren Folgen für queere Körper sowie mit der Verpflichtung der Eltern, ihr Erstgeborenes zur Adoption an die Eltern des Ehemanns in Kirgisistan zu geben. Das Buch geht auch darauf ein, wie diese Normen von der jungen Generation in Frage gestellt werden. Schließlich bietet das Buch auch eine neue Sichtweise auf die lokale politische Dynamik, indem es die Rolle der Scham in der kasachischen Politik als eine Form der Rechenschaftspflicht in Abwesenheit von echtem politischen Wettbewerb untersucht. Dieses Buch ist für Zentralasienwissenschaftler, Gender-Theoretiker und Wissenschaftler post-sozialistischer Gesellschaften von Interesse.

Cultural Capital and Parental Involvement: A Comparison of Students’ Music Participation between Beijing and Hong Kong

by Siu-hang Kong

This book uses Pierre Bourdieu’s cultural capital model as a theoretical framework for exploring how students in Beijing and Hong Kong perceive parental influences—their parents’ cultural capital and support—on their participation in musical activities. By studying students’ perceptions of their parents’ cultural capital and support for their musical activities, this book revisits the applicability of Bourdieu’s cultural capital model in the contemporary Chinese context and reveals how inequality in terms of parental cultural capital governs parents’ support and influences the intergenerational transmission of cultural capital, which in turn contributes to inequality in terms of students’ cultural capital.

Religions and the Global Rise of Civilizational Populism (Palgrave Studies in Populisms)

by Ihsan Yilmaz Nicholas Morieson

This books explores the rise of civilizational populism throughout the world, and its consequences. Civilizational populism posits that democracy ought to be based upon enacting the ‘people’s will’, yet it adds a new and troubling dimension to populism’s thin ideology: a civilization based classification of peoples and division of society. Today, we increasingly find not conflict between civilizations, but conflict within states over their civilizational identity. From Western Europe to Turkey, and from India and Pakistan to Indonesia, populists are increasingly employing a civilization based classification of peoples in order to define the identities of ‘the people’ and their perceived enemies. This book is the first to examine civilizational populism as global phenomenon rather than a uniquely Western form of politics. Through a series of case studies, the book examines the role played by religion in forming civilizational identities, but also investigates the often deleterious consequences of civilizational populism entering the political mainstream.

Re-imagining Senior Secondary Religious Education: Evaluating the Religion, Meaning, and Life Curriculum (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by William Sultmann Janeen Lamb Peter Ivers Mark Craig

This book examines and reports the findings regarding the level of satisfaction by students, teachers and parents with an innovative senior secondary Religious Education curriculum ‘Religion, Meaning and Life’ (RML). The stimulus for RML is found in the changing profile of students within faith-based schools and the motivation of school authorities to be inclusive and responsive to changing needs and priorities of students and families. Curriculum practices typically mirror this continuing renewal as community expectations give rise to innovation in curriculum practice. This concept of continuity and discontinuity is evidenced in the field of Religious Education,, which recognizes religious plurality while giving preference to an imagination centred on inclusion, hospitality and respectful dialogue. In this context, new pathways are being explored as the reality and significance of Religious Education in faith-based school remain a priority for Christian organizations in Australia.Mindful of the diversity of expectations within the Catholic school, the curriculum initiative of RML was developed, supported and implemented. The La Salle Academy of the Australian Catholic University reviewed this senior secondary curriculum across three years and presents in this book an independent, evaluative report of the findings, together with insights for implementation at scale and associated applications across Christian faith-based institutions.

Applying Metascientific Principles to Autism Research

by Matthew Bennett

This book presents several metascientific strategies and explains how they can be used to improve research about the autism spectrum. It begins with an introduction to the field of metascience and the benefits that it brings to academic disciplines and society. It then outlines recommendations that researchers can adopt so that they do not incorporate specious autism research from predatory publishers into their research activities. An introduction to reproducibility and strategies that can improve the reproducibility of autism research are then outlined. This is followed by chapters about improving the peer review process and reducing the prospect of questionable research practices from occurring. This book concludes with a chapter about strategies that researchers can use to improve the participation of autistics in research. Such knowledge will equip academics, regardless of their experience, with the skills and expertise they need to produce high-quality and inclusive research about the autism spectrum.

Transformation of Knowledge and Educational Reform

by Zhongying Shi

This book defines the concept of knowledge transformation, describes the historical process of knowledge transformation, and analyses its deep influence on education theory and practice by virtue of multiple discipline resources. The general scope of this book encompasses the philosophy of education, curriculum studies, and education reform research. It enables readers to understand how 'hidden' epistemological factors have changed or reshaped the education system throughout history and at present.

Cultural Forms and Practices in Northeast India (People, Cultures and Societies: Exploring and Documenting Diversities)

by Kailash C. Baral

The present book examines cultural diversities of Northeast India. The sixteen essays included in the volume cover various aspects of cultural forms and their practices among the communities of Northeast. The present volume is expected to serve as a bridge between vanishing cultural forms and their commodification, on the one hand, and their cultural ritual origins, evolution and significance in identity formation, on the other. The book analyses continuity of cultural forms, their representations and often their reinventions under globalisation. Further, the book underlines historical forces such as colonialism and religious conversion that have transformed communities and their cultural practices. Yet some of the pre-colonial, ritual-performative traditions hold on. Through insightful analyses, this book offers an informed view of the region’s historical, ethnic and cultural practices. It is expected that the volume will be useful for scholars and students interested in Northeast studies.

Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies: Intelligent Strategies for ICT (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #615)

by M. Shamim Kaiser Juanying Xie Vijay Singh Rathore

This book contains best selected research papers presented at ICTCS 2022: Seventh International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies. The conference will be held in Chandigarh, India, during December 9–10, 2022. The book covers state-of-the-art as well as emerging topics pertaining to ICT and effective strategies for its implementation for engineering and managerial applications. This book contains papers mainly focused on ICT for computation, algorithms and data analytics and IT security. The work is presented in two volumes.

Public Policy and Indigenous Futures (Indigenous-Settler Relations in Australia and the World #4)

by Nikki Moodie Sarah Maddison

This book focuses on Indigenous self-determined and community-owned responses to complex socioeconomic and political challenges in Australia, and explores Indigenous policy development and policy expertise. It critically considers current practices and issues central to policy change and Indigenous futures. The book foregrounds the resurgence that is taking place in Indigenous governing and policy-making, providing case studies of local and community-based policy development and implementation. The chapters highlight new Australian work on what is an international phenomenon.This book brings together senior and early career political scientists and policy scholars, and Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars working on problems of Indigenous policy and governance.

Beyond Shakespeare: Film Studies, Performance Studies, and Netflix

by Iris H. Tuan

With joy and grace to accompany the readers to have the translocal tour to visit about thirty-seven works, this monograph applies the academic critical theories of Performance Studies, Film Studies, Psychoanalysis, Postmodernism, and Visual Culture, to interpreting the special selection works. The focus and common theme are on race, body, and class. With the background of COVID-19 since 2019 up to the present, the book offers the readers with the remarkable insight of human beings’ accumulated wisdom and experiences in surviving with the dreadful diseases like the plagues in Shakespeare’s time. After the supreme reading, may the global readers in the world acquire the knowledge and power to live in sustainability with education and entertainment of films, performances, and online streaming Netflix TV dramas.

New Advances in Legal Translation and Interpreting (New Frontiers in Translation Studies)

by Junfeng Zhao Defeng Li Victoria Lai Cheng Lei

This book describes interdisciplinary exploration of matters related to the translation and interpreting of legal texts. Translation of legal texts has grown exponentially since the beginning of new millennium in response to the fast-increasing volume of international trade and business as well as all sorts of other transnational activities in a myriad of spheres. International trade demands translation of trade laws and business contracts, immigration leads to rise in court interpreting services, and countries may seek to enhance their international influence through translating and making known to the world their laws and/or other legal documents. These legal translation activities occurred mostly between languages officially used in international or regional organizations, such as the United Nations and the European Union, and between the languages of major countries who exert or seek influence on international economy and law. On the other hand, rapid advances in computer technology and artificial intelligence in recent years have also brought about changes in the practices of legal translation. With changes also come problems in both theory and practice that merit our immediate attention. This edited volume highlights the newest developments in the theory, practice, and training of legal translation, with contributions from international leading researchers in this area. It will be a standard reference for anyone who is to embark on research and practice of legal translation in the twenty-first century. It is also adaptable as teaching materials for translation and interpreting training.Chapter “Translating Legal Terms at International Organisations: Do Institutional Term Banks Meet Translators’ Needs?” is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Green Recovery with Resilience and High Quality Development: CCICED Annual Policy Report 2021


This open access book is based on the research outputs of China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) in 2021. It covers major topics of Chinese and international attention regarding green development, such as climate, biodiversity, ocean, BRI, urbanization, sustainable production and consumption, technology, finance, value chain, and related topics. It also reviews the progress of China‘s environmental and development policies and the impacts from CCICED. This is a highly informative and carefully presented book, providing insight for policy makers in environmental issues.

Shrinking Japan and Regional Variations: Along the Tokaido (SpringerBriefs in Population Studies)

by Fumie Kumagai

Taking the Goki-Shichido (Five Home Provinces and Seven Circuits of Ancient Japan) as a theoretical framework, this book examines shrinking Japan from a regional variation perspective by municipality along the ancient Tokaido, which comprises 15 provinces, and seven prefectures today. The study identifies the principal explanatory factors based on the small area data of e-Stat through GPS statistical software tools such as G-census and EvaCva, within a historical perspective. This historical knowledge helps in understanding the significance of the regional cultural heritage that remains in each municipality today. The book pays special attention to municipal variations within the same prefecture, presenting a completely unique approach from what other researchers have pursued.This volume studies two present-day prefectures along the ancient Tokaido for detailed analyses of the impacts of regional variations of population decline in Japan. They are Shizuoka Prefecture, made up of the former Tootoumi, Suruga, and Izu provinces, and Mie Prefecture, formed by the ancient provinces of Iga, Ise, Shima, and the eastern part of Kii as examples to show the impacts of municipal power on regional variations of shrinking Japan. The reasons for selecting these two prefectures of the ancient Tokaido are twofold. First, they are made up of a multiple number of the ancient provinces. Second, other prefectures that fall under the Tokaido have been studied in the previous works of the present author by adopting the same methods of analyses. Thus, by presenting unique analyses of regional variations on small municipal levels, with demographic variables, social indicators, and historical identities of municipalities in Shizuoka and Mie prefectures along the Tokaido, this book offers suggestions for effective regional policy to revitalize shrinking Japan to a sustainable one.

Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies: ICT: Applications and Social Interfaces (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #623)

by Amit Joshi Mufti Mahmud Roshan G. Ragel

This book contains best selected research papers presented at ICTCS 2022: Seventh International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies. The conference will be held in Chandigarh, India during 9 – 10 December 2022. The book covers state-of-the-art as well as emerging topics pertaining to ICT and effective strategies for its implementation for engineering and managerial applications. This book contains papers mainly focused on ICT for computation, algorithms and data analytics and IT security. The work is presented in two volumes.

Case Studies of Information Technology Application in Education: Utilising the Internet, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Cloud in Challenging Times (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology)

by Yang Shen Xin Yin Yu Jiang Lingkai Kong Sheng Li Haijun Zeng

This book includes 43 case studies showcasing the application of basic education informatization. It shares the experiences of 43 schools in the construction and application of educational informatization in various regions in China. It aims to promote the balanced development of education and expand the coverage of quality education resources. This book also highlights the achievements of these schools in constructing school-based resources, and changing teaching modes and optimizing classroom teaching. This collection of case studies not only reflects the current trend of informatization application moving from 'universal application' to 'integrated innovation' but also uncovers the potential of applying information technology to transform education processes, innovate education environment, and optimize education governance.

Gated Communities and the Digital Polis: Rethinking Subjectivity, Reality, Exclusion, and Cooperation in an Urban Future (Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements)

by Kon Kim Heewon Chung

This edited collection provides an alternative discourse on cities evolving with physically and virtually networked communities—the ‘digital polis’—and offers a variety of perspectives from the humanities, media studies, geography, architecture, and urban studies. As an emergent concept that encompasses research and practice, the digital polis is oriented toward a counter-mapping of the digital cityscape beyond policing and gatekeeping in physical and virtual gated communities. Considering the digital polis as offering potential for active support of socially just and politically inclusive urban circumstances in ways that mirror the Greek polis, our attention is drawn towards the interweaving of the development of digital technology, urban space, and social dynamics. The four parts of this book address the formation of technosocial subjectivity, real-and-virtual combined urbanity, the spatial dimensions of digital exclusion and inclusion, and the prospect of emancipatory and empowering digital citizens. Individual chapters cover varied topics on digital feminism, data activism, networked individualism, digital commons, real-virtual communalism, the post-family imagination, digital fortress cities, rights to the smart city, online foodscapes, and open-source urbanism across the globe. Contributors explore the following questions: what developments can be found over recent decades in both physical and virtual communities such as cyberspace, and what will our urban future be like? What is the ‘digital polis’ and what kinds of new subjectivity does it produce? How does digital technology, as well as its virtuality, reshape the city and our spatial awareness of it? What kinds of exclusion and cooperation are at work in communities and spaces in the digital age? Each chapter responds to these questions in its own way, navigating readers through routes toward the digital polis.Chapter "Introduction - The digital polis and its practices: Beyond gated communities" is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Digital China: Big Data and Government Managerial Decision

by Qing Jiang

This book is the first practical case study on the application of big data in China's government management scenarios, which is important for comprehensively presenting the achievements of China's e-government and digital construction as well as deeply understanding the implementation of big data strategy in China.The author of this book is one of the earliest practitioners engaged in the study of big data applications, and has personally experienced the development, major events, application cases, and industry changes of big data in China. Cases in this book are all actual projects carried out. The author of this book explains the development history of big data she has personally experienced, presenting in an easy-to-understand way the basic concept and characteristics of big data and practical interpretation, which provides important reference for the practical work of government and enterprise managers. The application ideas of big data in management innovation are proposed, and scenarios are described and discussed in terms of accelerating research on sharing big data in government affairs, breaking barriers, realizing data flow information sharing, creating one-stop services, improving the corresponding policy system for sharing big data in government affairs, building public information platform for e-government, and strengthening network and information infrastructure.Especially for the government personnel in departments, this book will give them a better understanding of the charm and value of big data, intuitively understand the utilization and analysis of big data, carry out effective government management and make correct decisions, so as to improve the data literacy of organizations and individuals, form scientific support for their own government's decision-making and management, thus promote the continued construction of digital government, digital China, and digital economy era based on the application of big data.

The End of Rationality and Selfishness: A Story on the Asymmetry, Uncertainty and the Evolution of Cooperation

by Rui-Wu Wang

This book reviews the antinomy of rationality and selfishness raised from egoism, though rationality and selfishness are understood as basic evolutionary dynamics of humans and other organisms in both classical economics and evolutionary biology. Based on the research and a comparison with human’s social cooperative behavior, the author presents his belief that the social cooperative system, in its essence, cooperation and conflict are of uncertain stochasticity resulting from their intrinsic asymmetric interaction between cooperative partners. The book then discusses limitations of Newton’s methodology of monism in both biology and social science. The understanding of the asymmetric and uncertain characteristics found in cooperation system needs perspective of quantum physics of pluralism. At the end of the book, the author undertakes a review of consistency of Newtonian and monism philosophy and the links between quantum physics and pluralism philosophy.

Cultural Perspectives on Indigenous Students’ Reading Performance: A Participatory and Exploratory Case Study at a Regional School in Australia

by Gui Ying Yang-Heim

This book explores the contextual, particularly cultural-related, factors that may impact reading outcomes of young Indigenous learners in their early years, underpinned by the conceptual framework of cultural capital originated by Bourdieu. By drawing upon a participatory and exploratory case study, conducted at a regional school in Australia over a period of six months, it highlights the challenges that Indigenous students face in reading, and how the contextual factors contribute to Indigenous students’ development in reading skills and their reading performance. This book helps readers to gain a better and deeper understanding of Indigenous culture, the importance of the role that culture plays in Indigenous children’s literacy education, and how it shapes the way they learn and think.

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