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Showing 74,726 through 74,750 of 75,545 results

The Politics of the Elite: Ideological Orientations, Mothering, and Social Mobilities in Neoliberal Chile (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Modesto Gayo María Luisa Méndez

This book is a study of class formation at the top of the social hierarchies during the turbulent and changing early twenty-first century. Contrary to perceptions that privileged individuals exist according to little more than market and economic logics, the book provides evidence that they are by no means absent from politics and civic engagement. Adopting a focus on reproduction, distinction, and politics, it delves into the complex relationship between cohesion and fragmentation that exists within the most privileged groups formed over the course of the contemporary neoliberal period. By knitting a dialogue between spatial analysis, multiple correspondence analysis, and in-depth interviews, the book provides insights into the intricate relations between institutions and political subjectivities, and the role of space and mothering in the political socialisation of Chile’s most privileged families. The result is a dense description of a social class fragmented by subtle ideological lines based upon economic inheritance, socialisation within homogeneous family environments, paths into the labour market, and social and political activities. This book will constitute a much-needed research resource for academics, students, and professionals in areas such as elite studies, social stratification, inequality, social reproduction, accumulation, political socialisation, and contemporary conservative/progressive views.

Politisches Wissen: Korrekte Kenntnisse, Fehlvorstellungen und Ignoranz (Politisches Wissen)

by Bettina Westle Markus Tausendpfund

Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zu politischem Wissen der Bevölkerung in Deutschland konzentrieren sich zumeist auf die Analyse vorhandener Faktenkenntnisse und stellen diesen die zusammengefassten fehlenden und falschen Antworten gegenüber. Damit wird die Differenzierung zwischen Fehlvorstellungen (falsche Antworten) und Ignoranz (fehlende und „weiß nicht“ Antworten) vernachlässigt. Die Beiträge dieses Bands greifen diese Differenzierung mit unterschiedlichen Untersuchungsdesigns und zu verschiedenen Politikbereichen auf. Die Befunde zeigen, dass falsche und fehlende substanzielle Antworten nicht zusammengefasst werden sollten, da sie sowohl mit unterschiedlichen Determinanten als auch verschiedenen Folgen verbunden sind.

Polygyny and Gender: The Gendered Narratives of Adults Raised in Polygynous Families

by Zamambo V. Mkhize

The people of Africa have contrasting perspectives on gender, feminism, and the family from their Western counterparts. Similarly, social structures like, religion, capitalism and the law require a context-specific application to polygyny. This book examines the construction of gender identity in adults raised in Zulu polygynous families in the Hammarsdale area in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It highlights the complexities of gender identities as participants negotiate between modern, constitutional, and individual freedoms and patriarchal, cultural, and communal customs and traditions. The themes also point towards the argument between individuality and collectivism in the creation of gender identity within polygynous families in Zulu culture. The South African Constitution guarantees gender equality and individual rights and freedoms for its citizens, yet customary law practices, like polygyny, appear to contravene these principles. The participants reveal that although women and men experience different consequences, they cite similar prevalent factors like gender role socialisation, naming practices and the doctrine of seniority, influencing their gender identity construction. Print edition not for sale in Sub Saharan Africa.

Polygyny and Gender: The Gendered Narratives of Adults Raised in Polygynous Families

by Zamambo V. Mkhize

The people of Africa have contrasting perspectives on gender, feminism, and the family from their Western counterparts. Similarly, social structures like, religion, capitalism and the law require a context-specific application to polygyny. This book examines the construction of gender identity in adults raised in Zulu polygynous families in the Hammarsdale area in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It highlights the complexities of gender identities as participants negotiate between modern, constitutional, and individual freedoms and patriarchal, cultural, and communal customs and traditions. The themes also point towards the argument between individuality and collectivism in the creation of gender identity within polygynous families in Zulu culture. The South African Constitution guarantees gender equality and individual rights and freedoms for its citizens, yet customary law practices, like polygyny, appear to contravene these principles. The participants reveal that although women and men experience different consequences, they cite similar prevalent factors like gender role socialisation, naming practices and the doctrine of seniority, influencing their gender identity construction. Print edition not for sale in Sub Saharan Africa.

The Portuguese Colonial War and the African Liberation Struggles: Memory, Politics and Uses of the Past (Memory Studies: Global Constellations)

The Portuguese Colonial War and the African Liberation Struggles: Memory, Politics and Uses of the Past presents a critical and comparative analysis on the memory of the colonial and liberation wars that led to a regime change in Portugal and to the independence of five new African countries: Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde and São Tomé and Príncipe. Covering more than six decades and based on original archival research, critical analysis of sources and interviews, the book offers a plural account of the public memorialization of this contested past in Portugal and in former colonized territories in Africa, focusing on diachronic and synchronic processes of mnemonic production. This innovative exercise highlights the changing and crossed nature of political memories and social representations through time, emphasizing three modes of mnemonic intersections: the intersection of distinct historical times; the intersection between multiple products and practices of memory; and the intersection connecting the different countries and national histories. The Portuguese Colonial War and the African Liberation Struggles: Memory, Politics and Uses of the Past is the major and final output of the research developed by CROME – Crossed Memories, Politics of Silence, a project funded by a Starting Grant (715593) from the European Research Council (ERC). The book advances current knowledge on Portugal and Africa and deepens ongoing conceptual and epistemological discussions regarding the relationship between social and individual memories, the dialectics between memory, power and silence, and the uses and representations of the past in postcolonial states and societies.

The Portuguese Colonial War and the African Liberation Struggles: Memory, Politics and Uses of the Past (Memory Studies: Global Constellations)

by Miguel Cardina

The Portuguese Colonial War and the African Liberation Struggles: Memory, Politics and Uses of the Past presents a critical and comparative analysis on the memory of the colonial and liberation wars that led to a regime change in Portugal and to the independence of five new African countries: Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde and São Tomé and Príncipe. Covering more than six decades and based on original archival research, critical analysis of sources and interviews, the book offers a plural account of the public memorialization of this contested past in Portugal and in former colonized territories in Africa, focusing on diachronic and synchronic processes of mnemonic production. This innovative exercise highlights the changing and crossed nature of political memories and social representations through time, emphasizing three modes of mnemonic intersections: the intersection of distinct historical times; the intersection between multiple products and practices of memory; and the intersection connecting the different countries and national histories. The Portuguese Colonial War and the African Liberation Struggles: Memory, Politics and Uses of the Past is the major and final output of the research developed by CROME – Crossed Memories, Politics of Silence, a project funded by a Starting Grant (715593) from the European Research Council (ERC). The book advances current knowledge on Portugal and Africa and deepens ongoing conceptual and epistemological discussions regarding the relationship between social and individual memories, the dialectics between memory, power and silence, and the uses and representations of the past in postcolonial states and societies.

Positive Psychologie - Erfolgsgarant oder Schönmalerei?

by Michael Tomoff

Positive Psychologie - Erfolgsgarant oder Schönmalerei? Entdecken Sie die Doppelkante der Positiven Psychologie: Ein Schlüssel zu mehr persönlichem und beruflichem Erfolg oder doch nur eine rosarote Brille? Diplom-Psychologe Michael Tomoff entführt Sie in eine Welt, die sowohl die glänzenden als auch die schattigen Seiten dieser bewegenden Wissenschaft beleuchtet. Das vorliegende Buch ist weit mehr als ein Glücksratgeber. Es ist eine fundierte, kritische und dennoch humorvolle Untersuchung der Positiven Psychologie, die sich sowohl an Lehrer, Eltern, Führungskräfte, Mitarbeiter, Coaches und auch Trainer richtet – egal ob Laien oder Experten. Mit einem klaren Blick auf die wissenschaftliche Basis und die praktische Anwendung beleuchtet der Autor die Mythen und Missverständnisse rund um die Wissenschaft des Wohlbefindens: Macht Geld glücklich? Sind Eltern zufriedener als Kinderlose? Welche Rolle spielen Schuld und Scham bei der Kindererziehung? Wie kann die Positive Psychologie die Schule oder das Unternehmen von morgen unterstützen und formen? Und sollte sie das überhaupt? Durch die elegante, mundgerechte Zusammenfassung aktueller Forschungen, die Vorstellung leicht umsetzbarer Übungen, Tools und Interventionen sowie die Erörterung der Relevanz der Positiven Psychologie in verschiedenen Kulturen und Lebensbereichen bietet dieses Buch einen umfassenden Überblick und praktische Anleitungen. Erfahren Sie, wie die Positive Psychologie in Schulen, Unternehmen und im persönlichen Leben konkret Anwendung finden kann, und welche Vorteile sie bietet. Michael Tomoff ist nicht nur ein erfahrener Psychologe, sondern auch ein leidenschaftlicher Botschafter für das Potenzial der Positiven Psychologie, das Wohlstand und Wohlbefinden zu fördern und dabei realistisch und kritisch zu bleiben. Mit seiner Ausbildung an der University of California in Berkeley und seiner breiten Erfahrung als Trainer, Berater und systemischer Coach bringt ereine einzigartige Perspektive und eine Fülle von praktischen Einsichten in dieses fesselnde Werk ein. In seinem Blog „Was Wäre Wenn“ gibt er wichtige Impulse zu einer Vielzahl von Themen wie Dankbarkeit, Komplimenten, dem Nein-Sagen, Grenzensetzen oder auch stärkenfokussierter Führung.

Positive Psychologie - Wege zu Erfolg, Resilienz und Glück

by Florian Becker

The Positive Psychology of Laughter and Humour (Positive Psychology in Practice)

by Freda Gonot-Schoupinsky Merv Neal Jerome Carson

Humour is officially recognized in positive psychology as one of the 24 ‘character strengths’. However, laughter has an uneasy relationship with positive psychology, despite being key to communicating joy and happiness.The Positive Psychology of Laughter and Humour corrects this disconnect by combining academic insight with real-world experience. Drawing on the authors’ diverse backgrounds and expertise, this is the first academic volume dedicated to the rarely discussed topic of laughter and humour in positive psychology. Freda Gonot-Schoupinsky, Merv Neal and Jerome Carson demonstrate how laughter and humour differ, and how both can be applied within positive psychology to boost mood and maintain positive outcomes.The Positive Psychology of Laughter and Humour includes case studies and real-world insight as well as providing a methodological and theoretical background to the topic, giving rigorous theoretical and methodological insight for researchers, and including pedagogical sections in each chapter useful for teachers and researchers.

The Positive Psychology of Laughter and Humour (Positive Psychology in Practice)

by Freda Gonot-Schoupinsky Merv Neal Jerome Carson

Humour is officially recognized in positive psychology as one of the 24 ‘character strengths’. However, laughter has an uneasy relationship with positive psychology, despite being key to communicating joy and happiness.The Positive Psychology of Laughter and Humour corrects this disconnect by combining academic insight with real-world experience. Drawing on the authors’ diverse backgrounds and expertise, this is the first academic volume dedicated to the rarely discussed topic of laughter and humour in positive psychology. Freda Gonot-Schoupinsky, Merv Neal and Jerome Carson demonstrate how laughter and humour differ, and how both can be applied within positive psychology to boost mood and maintain positive outcomes.The Positive Psychology of Laughter and Humour includes case studies and real-world insight as well as providing a methodological and theoretical background to the topic, giving rigorous theoretical and methodological insight for researchers, and including pedagogical sections in each chapter useful for teachers and researchers.

Post-Pandemic Welfare and Social Work: Re-imagining the New Normal

by Goetz Ottmann Carolyn Noble

The COVID-19 pandemic represents a critical juncture in the development of the welfare state affirming its importance for its citizens’ economic, health and wellbeing, and safety especially for its most vulnerable populations. It demonstrated that the crisis preparedness that is crucial for an effective protection of its citizens, the ultimate purpose of the welfare state, unquestionably exceeds the narrow horizon of a corporatized welfare industry with its singular focus on the maximisation of profit for the elites and cost containment for the government. Social workers need to engage with the contradictions and tensions that spring from an underfunded welfare services and engage in the political struggle over a well-resourced welfare state. Contributors to this book take on this challenge. By tracing the various contradictions of the pandemic, the contributors reflect on new ways of thinking about welfare by exploring what to keep, what to challenge and what to change. By highlighting important challenges for a social justice-focused response as well as exploring the many challenges exposed by the pandemic facing social work for the coming decades, contributors critically outline pathways in social work that might contribute to the shaping of a less cruel and more capable welfare state. Using case-studies from Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australia, Italy, Slovenia, Estonia, Sweden, Spain, South Africa, Canada, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, China, and the US, the book features 19 chapters by leading experts. This book will be of interest to all social work scholars, students, and practitioners as well as those working in social policy and health more broadly.

Post-Pandemic Welfare and Social Work: Re-imagining the New Normal

The COVID-19 pandemic represents a critical juncture in the development of the welfare state affirming its importance for its citizens’ economic, health and wellbeing, and safety especially for its most vulnerable populations. It demonstrated that the crisis preparedness that is crucial for an effective protection of its citizens, the ultimate purpose of the welfare state, unquestionably exceeds the narrow horizon of a corporatized welfare industry with its singular focus on the maximisation of profit for the elites and cost containment for the government. Social workers need to engage with the contradictions and tensions that spring from an underfunded welfare services and engage in the political struggle over a well-resourced welfare state. Contributors to this book take on this challenge. By tracing the various contradictions of the pandemic, the contributors reflect on new ways of thinking about welfare by exploring what to keep, what to challenge and what to change. By highlighting important challenges for a social justice-focused response as well as exploring the many challenges exposed by the pandemic facing social work for the coming decades, contributors critically outline pathways in social work that might contribute to the shaping of a less cruel and more capable welfare state. Using case-studies from Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australia, Italy, Slovenia, Estonia, Sweden, Spain, South Africa, Canada, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, China, and the US, the book features 19 chapters by leading experts. This book will be of interest to all social work scholars, students, and practitioners as well as those working in social policy and health more broadly.

Post-Philosophical Sociology: Eliasian Perspectives on the Sociology of Knowledge (Classical and Contemporary Social Theory)

by Richard Kilminster

In a hyper-individualistic age and in the face of the narrowly focused, policy-oriented research ubiquitous in the social sciences, this book revisits the humanistic world-view that is integral to Norbert Elias’s pre-eminent figurational-process sociology, with the aim of increasing the fund of sociological knowledge that has the human condition as its horizon. Clarifying the contentious ‘post-philosophical’ aspects in order to supplement standard histories of sociology with new insights, it offers incisive evaluations of some of the bewildered attempts by prominent sociologists to diagnose the malaise of contemporary globalised society. It also challenges the orthodox limitation of the empirical scope of sociology to ‘modernity’. With its ominous warnings of the destructive prevalence of ‘overcritique’ in the discipline and lack of in-depth sociological psychology, Post-Philosophical Sociology will appeal to scholars of sociology, psychoanalysis, social philosophy, cultural theory and social and political theory with interests in developmental and dynamic thinking and the history of the discipline.

Post-Philosophical Sociology: Eliasian Perspectives on the Sociology of Knowledge (Classical and Contemporary Social Theory)

by Richard Kilminster

In a hyper-individualistic age and in the face of the narrowly focused, policy-oriented research ubiquitous in the social sciences, this book revisits the humanistic world-view that is integral to Norbert Elias’s pre-eminent figurational-process sociology, with the aim of increasing the fund of sociological knowledge that has the human condition as its horizon. Clarifying the contentious ‘post-philosophical’ aspects in order to supplement standard histories of sociology with new insights, it offers incisive evaluations of some of the bewildered attempts by prominent sociologists to diagnose the malaise of contemporary globalised society. It also challenges the orthodox limitation of the empirical scope of sociology to ‘modernity’. With its ominous warnings of the destructive prevalence of ‘overcritique’ in the discipline and lack of in-depth sociological psychology, Post-Philosophical Sociology will appeal to scholars of sociology, psychoanalysis, social philosophy, cultural theory and social and political theory with interests in developmental and dynamic thinking and the history of the discipline.

(Post)Socialist Transformation of Primary Schools: Processes, Stories and Challenges in the Czech Republic

by Jiří Zounek Oto Polouček Michal Šimáně

This book addresses the transformation of primary education in the former Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic) after the fall of the communist regime in 1989. It follows the overall transformation of education and school policy and offers original insights into the everyday life of the schools at that time. It also provides a unique perspective on the whole transformation process. The work discusses the school environment in the context of specific local characteristics, such as parents, community, regional institutions, and national and international contexts. The book specifically focuses on the changes in primary school management in terms of economics, organization, and personnel. The processes of pedagogical change are an essential theme of the book. They cover how teachers proceeded through the changes in their work at the time of the transformation and the reasons for their resistance to change, including the challenges that the transformation introduced into their work and personal lives. The book also monitors how the teachers navigated the selection and use of new textbooks and tools, such as digital tools. The work originates in historical-pedagogical research, based primarily on the oral history method and complemented by the study of contemporary documents.

Posthuman Buddhism and the Digital Self: The Production of Dwellspace

by Les Roberts

In Posthuman Buddhism and the Digital Self, Les Roberts extends his earlier work on spatial anthropology to consider questions of time, spaciousness and the phenomenology of self. Across the book’s four main chapters – which range from David Bowie’s long-standing interest in Buddhism, to street photography of 1980s Liverpool, to the ambient soundscapes of Derek Jarman’s Blue, or to the slow, contemplative cinema of Tsai Ming-Liang – Roberts lays the groundwork for the concept of ‘dwellspace’ as a means by which to unpick the shifting spatial, temporal and experiential modalities of everyday mediascapes. Understood as a particular disposition towards time, Roberts’s foray into dwellspace proceeds from a Pascalian reflection on the self/non-self in which being content in an empty room vies with the demands of having content in an empty room. Taking the idea of posthuman Buddhism as a heuristic lens, Roberts sets in motion a number of interrelated lines of enquiry that prompt renewed focus on questions of boredom, distraction and reverie and cast into sharper relief the psychosocial and creative affordances of ambience, spaciousness and slowness. The book argues that the colonisation of ‘empty time’ by 24/7 digital capitalism has gone hand-in-hand with the growth of the corporate mindfulness industry, and with it, the co-option, commodification and digitisation of dwellspace. Posthuman Buddhism is thus in part an exploration of the dialectics of dwellspace that orbits around a creative self-praxis rooted in the negation and dissolution of the self, one of the foundational cornerstones of Buddhist theory and practice.

Posthuman Buddhism and the Digital Self: The Production of Dwellspace

by Les Roberts

In Posthuman Buddhism and the Digital Self, Les Roberts extends his earlier work on spatial anthropology to consider questions of time, spaciousness and the phenomenology of self. Across the book’s four main chapters – which range from David Bowie’s long-standing interest in Buddhism, to street photography of 1980s Liverpool, to the ambient soundscapes of Derek Jarman’s Blue, or to the slow, contemplative cinema of Tsai Ming-Liang – Roberts lays the groundwork for the concept of ‘dwellspace’ as a means by which to unpick the shifting spatial, temporal and experiential modalities of everyday mediascapes. Understood as a particular disposition towards time, Roberts’s foray into dwellspace proceeds from a Pascalian reflection on the self/non-self in which being content in an empty room vies with the demands of having content in an empty room. Taking the idea of posthuman Buddhism as a heuristic lens, Roberts sets in motion a number of interrelated lines of enquiry that prompt renewed focus on questions of boredom, distraction and reverie and cast into sharper relief the psychosocial and creative affordances of ambience, spaciousness and slowness. The book argues that the colonisation of ‘empty time’ by 24/7 digital capitalism has gone hand-in-hand with the growth of the corporate mindfulness industry, and with it, the co-option, commodification and digitisation of dwellspace. Posthuman Buddhism is thus in part an exploration of the dialectics of dwellspace that orbits around a creative self-praxis rooted in the negation and dissolution of the self, one of the foundational cornerstones of Buddhist theory and practice.

Postmodernism. What moment? (Angelaki Humanities)

by Pelagia Goulimari

This collection assembles many of the major theorists of postmodernism, across the humanities and the social sciences, to reconsider the nature and significance of the postmodern moment, as historical phase and as theoretical field. The authors look back on their own contributions to the postmodernism debate of the 1980s and 1990s and address the ways in which the contemporary world and their own concerns have developed, and the continuing validity or otherwise of ‘postmodern’ as a master designator of the contemporary.Following a substantial introductory survey, the 15 compact articles include contributions from: Linda Hutcheon, Robert Venturi, Zygmunt Bauman, Douglas Kellner, Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, Lawrence Grossberg, Gianni Vattimo and Ernesto Laclau. The collection provides an important testimonial source for researchers interested in contemporary theoretical developments, whether in the arts and humanities or the social sciences. It will be a useful text for teachers leading classes with a focus on postwar intellectual history and cultural theory.

Poverty Alleviation Via Forest Carbon Sequestration: Theory, Empirical Evidence, and Policy Implications (International Research on Poverty Reduction)

by Weizhong Zeng Fan Yang

This book focuses on two issues: the creation of benefits and opportunities for the poverty-stricken people and the trade-off between FCS and poverty alleviation. At the theoretical level, it explains the essential characteristics of PAFCS, analyses the impact mechanism of FCS projects in poverty alleviation, clarifies the stakeholders and their interests and demands, and delineates the dynamic mechanism of FCS projects and poverty alleviation. Based on this theoretical framework, the current situation and challenges for PAFCS in southwest China's ethnic areas are examined in depth. Project performance was quantitatively measured both for projects themselves and for community farmers. The research emphasises that FCS projects in poverty-stricken areas are not the same as PAFCS, highlights the combination of poverty alleviation theory and ecological compensation theory, and considers PAFCS as an intersection of poverty research and ecological compensation research. Additionally, theresearch suggested that FCS projects are not general poverty alleviation projects, highlights the need for full respect to be granted to the subjective will and value judgement of farmers, including poverty-stricken farmers, takes the lead in focusing on the win–win goal of combating climate change and reducing poverty, and makes a breakthrough in researching some key issues that need to be solved in the practice of PAFCS in the ethnic areas of Southwest China. This book is helpful for global scholars in the field of sustainable development, anti-poverty and forest carbon sequestration, government officials, and organisations in developing countries concerned with agricultural development, forestry economy, and sustainable development, as well as all the people around the world who want to find innovative solutions in the climate negotiations.

The Power of Company Culture: How Any Business can Build a Culture that Improves Productivity, Performance and Profits

by Chris Dyer

Learn how to enhance workforce performance, strengthen workforce retention and better your leadership by cultivating and expanding on your company's culture with The Power of Company Culture.This new edition provides detailed insights on the need for company transparency at work, the importance of a strong and positive culture and how leaders can go from supervising to supporting their teams to overall build a better work culture, all through hybrid and flexible working.This book shows how to develop a company culture that improves productivity, performance, staff retention, company reputation and profits. Packed full of insights from leading practitioners at the forefront of developing outstanding company cultures from global companies such as Vayner Media, General Motors and Southwest Airlines. This is essential reading for all HR Managers and business leaders who are responsible for building, monitoring and managing culture in their organizations.

The Power of Company Culture: How Any Business can Build a Culture that Improves Productivity, Performance and Profits

by Chris Dyer

Learn how to enhance workforce performance, strengthen workforce retention and better your leadership by cultivating and expanding on your company's culture with The Power of Company Culture.This new edition provides detailed insights on the need for company transparency at work, the importance of a strong and positive culture and how leaders can go from supervising to supporting their teams to overall build a better work culture, all through hybrid and flexible working.This book shows how to develop a company culture that improves productivity, performance, staff retention, company reputation and profits. Packed full of insights from leading practitioners at the forefront of developing outstanding company cultures from global companies such as Vayner Media, General Motors and Southwest Airlines. This is essential reading for all HR Managers and business leaders who are responsible for building, monitoring and managing culture in their organizations.

The Power of Energy Justice & the Social Contract (Just Transitions)

by Raphael Heffron Louis Fontenelle

This open access book focuses on the energy sector and will make a significant contribution to its continued evolution. For many years, the energy sector has been missing a raison d’etre and now finally there are increased calls for that to be justice. Hence, this book will develop the concept of energy justice and how it needs to be formalised in a new ‘social contract’ with all stakeholders in society. The focus will be on improving legal systems at local, national and international levels while ensuring that justice is a core issue within energy law, the legal system and more broadly in society.

The Practical Accomplishment of Everyday Activities Without Sight (ISSN)

by Brian L. Due

This book is about the everyday life of people with visual impairment or blindness. Using video ethnographic methods and ethnomethodological conversation analysis, it unpacks the practical accomplishments of everyday activities such as navigating in public space, identifying objects and obstacles, being included in workplace activities, interacting with guide dogs, or interacting in museums or classes in school.Navigation, social inclusion, and the world of touch constitute key phenomena that are affected by visual impairment and which we study in this book. Whereas sighted people use their sight for navigating, for figuring out the location of co-participants and the embodied cues they produce, and for achieving understanding of objects in the world, visually impaired people on the contrary cannot rely on vision for navigating, for interpreting embodied cues, or for identifying or recognizing objects. Other sensory resources and other practices are employed to accomplish these basic human actions. The chapters in this book present examples and findings relevant to these issues and draw out the general theoretical implications of these findings. Whereas existing research often studies visual impairment from a medical, cognitive, and psychological perspective, this book provides insights into how visually impaired people accomplish ordinary activities in orderly, organized ways by a detailed study of their actions. While most books describe cognitive and biological issues, many of them using experimental methods, this book provides empirical findings about the actual daily lives as it naturally unfolds based on video recordings. The book contributes insights into the practices of living with visual impairment as well as perspectives for rethinking some of the most basic aspects of human sociality, including perception, interaction, multisensoriality and ocularcentrism (the view that the world is de facto designed by and for sighted persons). As such, the book provides novel findings in the field of ethnomethodological conversation analysis.Renewing the social model of disability, this book will appeal to scholars of sociology with interests in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, the emergence of practical skills, and understandings of disability in terms of relations between the individual and the social environment.Chapter 1 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license.

The Practical Accomplishment of Everyday Activities Without Sight (ISSN)

by Brian L. Due

This book is about the everyday life of people with visual impairment or blindness. Using video ethnographic methods and ethnomethodological conversation analysis, it unpacks the practical accomplishments of everyday activities such as navigating in public space, identifying objects and obstacles, being included in workplace activities, interacting with guide dogs, or interacting in museums or classes in school.Navigation, social inclusion, and the world of touch constitute key phenomena that are affected by visual impairment and which we study in this book. Whereas sighted people use their sight for navigating, for figuring out the location of co-participants and the embodied cues they produce, and for achieving understanding of objects in the world, visually impaired people on the contrary cannot rely on vision for navigating, for interpreting embodied cues, or for identifying or recognizing objects. Other sensory resources and other practices are employed to accomplish these basic human actions. The chapters in this book present examples and findings relevant to these issues and draw out the general theoretical implications of these findings. Whereas existing research often studies visual impairment from a medical, cognitive, and psychological perspective, this book provides insights into how visually impaired people accomplish ordinary activities in orderly, organized ways by a detailed study of their actions. While most books describe cognitive and biological issues, many of them using experimental methods, this book provides empirical findings about the actual daily lives as it naturally unfolds based on video recordings. The book contributes insights into the practices of living with visual impairment as well as perspectives for rethinking some of the most basic aspects of human sociality, including perception, interaction, multisensoriality and ocularcentrism (the view that the world is de facto designed by and for sighted persons). As such, the book provides novel findings in the field of ethnomethodological conversation analysis.Renewing the social model of disability, this book will appeal to scholars of sociology with interests in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, the emergence of practical skills, and understandings of disability in terms of relations between the individual and the social environment.Chapter 1 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license.

A Practical Guide to Group Facilitation: The Threefold Approach

by Yorck von Korff

A Practical Guide to Group Facilitation introduces a unique threefold approach to facilitation, blending Person-Centered Practice, system knowledge, and method expertise together. It serves as a comprehensive resource for facilitators seeking to enhance their professional skills.The book delves into the significance of Person-Centered Practice as the cornerstone of facilitation, exploring personal facilitator qualities like congruence, empathic listening, and unconditional positive regard, inspired by the principles of Carl Rogers. It successfully integrates Jane Loevinger's personal development theories with facilitator skill development, illustrating the symbiotic relationship between personal growth and effective facilitation. Additionally, the book incorporates Nonviolent Communication (NVC) into the facilitator's toolkit, offering practical strategies for navigating challenging situations. It covers a spectrum of facilitation methods, from structured approaches to the Person-Centered style of Carl Rogers, equipping facilitators to face diverse group contexts.Presenting valuable skills and insights to enhance professional practice, this book will be highly relevant reading for facilitators, mediators, and those offering training. It will also be useful reading for professionals in participatory processes such as coaches, team leaders, organizational leaders, managers, and mentors.

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Showing 74,726 through 74,750 of 75,545 results