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Showing 74,451 through 74,475 of 75,163 results

The Necessity of Aesthetic Education: The Place of the Arts on the Curriculum (Bloomsbury Philosophy of Education)

by Laura D’Olimpio

The Necessity of Aesthetic Education is a manifesto. That which is experienced through engagement with art, through the many various and diverse art forms and media, is uniquely and essentially valuable to the lives of human beings. In order to fully appreciate and gain the most out of the arts, which offer a variety of aesthetic experience, there are concepts, skills and techniques integral to such understanding. In this book, Laura D'Olimpio argues that aesthetic education ought to be a compulsory part of education for all school-aged students, from pre-primary to high school, on the basis of its distinctive value. Such an argument is timely, given the so-called crisis in the arts and humanities, with declining student numbers in subjects that do not have a direct vocational correlative, and increased focus on science, engineering, technology and mathematics (STEM) subjects. As funding cuts increasingly slash the support for the arts, there is a need to argue for why the arts and arts education is valuable, for their own sake, as well as for the positive contributions they can and do make to society. Through critical engagement with a range of thinkers including Maxine Greene, John Dewey and Elliot Eisner, D'Olimpio offers a unique and important contribution to aesthetic education, and to research within philosophy of education.

The Necessity of Aesthetic Education: The Place of the Arts on the Curriculum (Bloomsbury Philosophy of Education)

by Laura D’Olimpio

The Necessity of Aesthetic Education is a manifesto. That which is experienced through engagement with art, through the many various and diverse art forms and media, is uniquely and essentially valuable to the lives of human beings. In order to fully appreciate and gain the most out of the arts, which offer a variety of aesthetic experience, there are concepts, skills and techniques integral to such understanding. In this book, Laura D'Olimpio argues that aesthetic education ought to be a compulsory part of education for all school-aged students, from pre-primary to high school, on the basis of its distinctive value. Such an argument is timely, given the so-called crisis in the arts and humanities, with declining student numbers in subjects that do not have a direct vocational correlative, and increased focus on science, engineering, technology and mathematics (STEM) subjects. As funding cuts increasingly slash the support for the arts, there is a need to argue for why the arts and arts education is valuable, for their own sake, as well as for the positive contributions they can and do make to society. Through critical engagement with a range of thinkers including Maxine Greene, John Dewey and Elliot Eisner, D'Olimpio offers a unique and important contribution to aesthetic education, and to research within philosophy of education.

Artificial Misinformation: Exploring Human-algorithm Interaction Online

by Donghee Shin

Critical Pedagogy and Cultural Power

by David W. Livingstone

Hybrid Voices and Collaborative Change: Contextualising Positive Discourse Analysis (Routledge Critical Studies in Discourse)

by Tom Bartlett

In this study, Bartlett presents a theoretical and descriptive development in the discipline of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) extending the recent trend away from critiques of hegemonic practices and towards the description of alternative and minority practices that has been labelled Positive Discourse Analysis (PDA). Through an in-depth case study of intercultural development discourse, the book goes beyond the top-down model of power in CDA and the oppositional approach of PDA to develop a model of power in language as multifaceted and potentially collaborative. This model is used to analyse the particular circumstances of the case study, but is primarily presented as a framework for practical applied linguistic contributions within a wide range of sociocultural contexts. Drawing on social and linguistic theory and methods from a range of functional and applied approaches to language, the book explores the connections between language form and social function, the contextual constraints on discursive action and the potential for the renegotiation of existing discourses and social practices.

Hybrid Voices and Collaborative Change: Contextualising Positive Discourse Analysis (Routledge Critical Studies in Discourse)

by Tom Bartlett

In this study, Bartlett presents a theoretical and descriptive development in the discipline of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) extending the recent trend away from critiques of hegemonic practices and towards the description of alternative and minority practices that has been labelled Positive Discourse Analysis (PDA). Through an in-depth case study of intercultural development discourse, the book goes beyond the top-down model of power in CDA and the oppositional approach of PDA to develop a model of power in language as multifaceted and potentially collaborative. This model is used to analyse the particular circumstances of the case study, but is primarily presented as a framework for practical applied linguistic contributions within a wide range of sociocultural contexts. Drawing on social and linguistic theory and methods from a range of functional and applied approaches to language, the book explores the connections between language form and social function, the contextual constraints on discursive action and the potential for the renegotiation of existing discourses and social practices.

All the Lonely People: Conversations on Loneliness

by Sam Carr

'Empathetic, enlightening, deeply human' - Michael Harris, author of SolitudeAn intimate portrait of loneliness, All the Lonely People sees psychologist Dr Sam Carr collect hours of conversations with people young and old, including single parents, carers, teenagers and the bereaved – all shared over countless cups of tea.In stories of love and loss, of trauma and hope, told from care homes, living rooms, classrooms and kitchens, Carr discovers that while each of their stories is utterly unique, they are all born out of the same desire for human connection.As Carr interweaves these touching and powerful tales with his own personal narrative, he opens a window onto the inner lives of regular people – the forgotten, misplaced or misjudged – who all feel isolated in some way.Sparking a profound conversation about a universal emotion, which may simply be an inevitable part of life in an increasingly disjointed world, he questions what we can do to build stronger human relationships, and to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.

Applied Linguistics Methods: A Reader

by Caroline Coffin Theresa Lillis Kieran O'Halloran

Applied Linguistics Methods: A Reader presents the student with three contemporary approaches for investigating text, practices and contexts in which language-related problems are implicated. Divided into three parts, the reader focuses in turn on the different approaches, showing how each is relevant to addressing real world problems, including those relating to contemporary educational practices. Part One introduces the reader to Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) as an approach particularly well suited to the description of language and language-related problems in social contexts. Part Two examines Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) as a means of uncovering the relationships between language use, power and ideology. Part Three presents Ethnography (and linguistic ethnography) as a methodology for observing the use and significance of language in real-life events as they unfold. The editors’ general introduction introduces the student to the tools of SFL, CDA and ethnography and explains how the three approaches each offer distinct as well as, in some cases, complementary perspectives on language in use. Each part is made up of one classic theoretical reading, one cutting-edge theoretical reading, and three problem-oriented readings and includes an introduction, which provides synopses of the individual readings making the book highly usable on courses. Applied Linguistics Methods: A Reader is key reading for advanced level undergraduates and postgraduates on Applied Linguistics, English Language, and TESOL/TEFL courses.

Language And Power

by Norman Fairclough

Language and Power is widely recognised both as a classic and an essential introductory textbook to the field of Critical Discourse Analysis. It focusses on how language functions in maintaining and changing power relations in modern society, the ways of analysing language which can reveal these processes and how people can become more conscious of them, as well as, more able to resist and change them. In this twenty-fifth anniversary edition, Norman Fairclough includes a substantial new introduction and brings the discussion up-to-date. He shows both the importance of the book in the development of critical discourse analysis over the past three decades and how language and power relations have changed due to major socio-economic changes. It remains vital reading for all students of discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis and other related courses.

The Language Of The News

by Martin Conboy

The Language of the News investigates and critiques the conventions of language used in newspapers and provides students with a clear introduction to critical linguistics as a tool for analysis. Using contemporary examples from UK, USA and Australian newspapers, this book deals with key themes of representation – from gender and national identity to ‘race’– and looks at how language is used to construct audiences, to persuade, and even to parody. It examines debates in the newspapers themselves about the nature of language including commentary on political correctness, the sensitive use of language and irony as a journalistic weapon. Featuring chapter openings and summaries, activities, and a wealth of examples from contemporary news coverage (including examples from television and radio), The Language of the News broadens the perceptions of the use of language in the news media and is essential reading for students of media and communication, journalism, and English language and linguistics.

Transformation von Mittelstädten: Über neue Kulturen des Stadtmachens (Urban Studies)

by Agnes Förster Cordula Kropp Sabine Kuhlmann Frank Lohrberg Christopher Neuwirth Jan Polívka Christa Reicher

Mittelstädte haben eine besondere Relevanz für die Entwicklung von robusten, krisenfesten und nachhaltigen Raumstrukturen in Deutschland. Zugleich stehen sie vor fundamentalen Zukunftsaufgaben wie Klimawandel, demografischem Wandel und Strukturwandel - und zwar etwas anders als Großstädte. Die Beiträge zeigen, wie im Rahmen des Graduiertenkollegs »Mittelstadt als Mitmachstadt« Stadtforschung und Mittelstadtpraxis zusammenwirken, um gemeinsam Impulse für die Transformation kleiner Mittelstädte zu entwickeln. Besonderes Innovationspotenzial machen sie in der verbesserten Verknüpfung von Raum-, Governance- und Prozessgestaltung aus, an deren Schnittstellen sich neue Perspektiven für eine nachhaltige Zukunft eröffnen.

Unterwegs in die Stadt der Zukunft: Urbane Gärten als Orte der Transformation (Neue Ökologie #11)

by Andrea Baier Christa Müller Karin Werner

Urbane Gemeinschaftsgärten sind aus der Stadt nicht mehr wegzudenken. Aus vereinzelten Pionierprojekten entstand im Laufe der vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnte ein Netzwerk von rund 1000 Initiativen. Als erdverbundene Orte haben sie das Potenzial, Stadt wie Gesellschaft grundlegend zu verändern. Doch was ist das Besondere an urbanen Gärten und warum sind sie unverzichtbar? Gemeinsam mit Autor*innen aus Wissenschaft, Forschung und Aktivismus beleuchten wir die unterschiedlichen Dimensionen der neuen urbanen Gartenbewegung - und loten ihre Rolle bei der Mitgestaltung einer menschen- und naturgerechten Stadt der Zukunft aus.

10 Minuten Soziologie: Land (10 Minuten Soziologie #9)

by Holli Gruber Laura Scheler Anna Henkel

Ländliche Räume sind im Umbruch: Digitalisierung, Agrarwandel und Energiewende verändern Landschaften, Alltagspraktiken und Zukunftsvorstellungen auch jenseits der Städte. Trotzdem erfährt das Land im Vergleich zur Stadt von der Soziologie noch immer zu wenig Aufmerksamkeit. Die Beiträger*innen nehmen sich diesem Desiderat an und liefern kompakt und verständlich wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zur ländlichen Transformation. Aus verschiedenen soziologischen Perspektiven betrachten sie u.a. Aspekte wie Digital Farming, Migrationsethik, Mobilität in peripheren Regionen oder die Ästhetik von Landschaften - und geben so Impulse für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung ländlicher Regionen.

Kontingenz und Bildung: Migrationspädagogische Überlegungen zu einem politischen Bildungsbegriff (Pädagogik)

by Matthias Rangger

Migration ist eines der zentralen Themen der Gegenwart. Migrationsphänomene spiegeln dabei nicht nur die machtvolle Bestimmtheit der sozialen Welt, sondern auch ihre grundlegende Unbestimmtheit. Matthias Rangger geht der Frage nach, wie Bildung unter dieser Bedingung gedacht werden kann. Mittels der Modellierung hegemonietheoretischer Perspektiven leistet er eine migrationspädagogische Akzentuierung eines politisch gedachten Bildungsbegriffs in einer postkolonialen Welt. Bildung zeigt sich hier als Bewegung, die nach einem grundlegend anderen Verhältnis zu sich selbst, zu anderen und zur Welt sucht, um darüber bessere Lebensbedingungen für alle zu ermöglichen.

Neue Suburbanität?: Stadterweiterung in Zeiten der Reurbanisierung (Urban Studies)

by Uwe Altrock Henriette Bertram Arvid Krüger

Nach einer starken Phase der Reurbanisierung verändern sich sowohl die fachlichen Debatten als auch die Stadtentwicklungspraxis wieder hin zu einer verstärkten Bautätigkeit am Stadtrand. In mehreren deutschen Großstädten entstehen neue Stadtteile für bis zu 10.000 Menschen. Veränderte Lebensstile, Haushaltsstrukturen und Arbeitsmärkte, die Ausdifferenzierung von Wohntypen und Trägerformen sowie die Infragestellung klassischer »Schlafstädte« bringen dabei neue Formen von Suburbanität hervor. Die Beiträge untersuchen diese neuen Stadtteile und fokussieren dabei auf Milieus, stadt- und freiraumplanerische Leitbilder, Quartierstypen, Governancearrangements und Umsetzungsstrategien.

»Deradikalisierung« als Transitional Work: Integrative Praktiken rund um den Strafvollzug (Gesellschaft der Unterschiede #88)

by Dörte Negnal Robert Thiele Anna Kristina Sauerwein Henrike Bruhn

Wie werden aus (potenziell) »gefährlichen« Leuten »gewöhnliche« Gesellschaftsmitglieder? Kategorien, die aus Menschen behördliche Fälle machen, sind hartnäckige Produkte institutionellen Arbeitens. Sie zu lösen, bedarf umfangreicher Arbeiten. Die Autor*innen liefern ethnografische Einblicke in die Praktiken der »Deradikalisierung« und Extremismusprävention, die sicherheits- und justizbehördliche Fälle in Gesellschaftsmitgliedschaften zu überführen versuchen. Diesen Rückbau von Statuskategorien bewirken häufig Coaches aus nichtstaatlichen Organisationen durch beiläufige Vorarbeiten sowie permanente Adressierungen und Vorschläge - was zeigt, wie vielfältig und unverzichtbar Transitional Work rund um den Strafvollzug ist.

Queering Desire: Lesbians, Gender and Subjectivity (Routledge Research in Gender and Society)

by Róisín Ryan-Flood and Amy Tooth Murphy

Queering Desire explores, with unprecedented interdisciplinary scope, contemporary configurations of lesbian, bi, queer women’s, and non-binary people’s experiences of identity and desire. Taking an intersectional feminist and trans-inclusive approach, and incorporating new and established identities such as non-binary, masculine of centre (MOC), butch, and femme, this collection examines how the changing landscape for gender and sexual identities impacts on queer culture in productive and transformative ways.Within queer studies, explorations of desire, longing, and eroticism have often neglected AFAB, transfeminine, and non-binary people’s experiences. Through 25 newly commissioned chapters, a diverse range of authors, from early career researchers to established scholars, stage conversations at the cutting edge of sexuality studies. Queering Desire advances our understanding of contemporary lesbian and queer desire from an inclusive perspective that is supportive of trans and non-binary identities.This innovative interdisciplinary collection is an excellent resource for scholars, undergraduate, and postgraduate students interested in gender, sexuality, and identity across a range of fields, such as queer studies, feminist theory, anthropology, media studies, sociology, psychology, history, and social theory. In foregrounding female and non-binary experiences, this book constitutes a timely intervention.

Queering Desire: Lesbians, Gender and Subjectivity (Routledge Research in Gender and Society)

Queering Desire explores, with unprecedented interdisciplinary scope, contemporary configurations of lesbian, bi, queer women’s, and non-binary people’s experiences of identity and desire. Taking an intersectional feminist and trans-inclusive approach, and incorporating new and established identities such as non-binary, masculine of centre (MOC), butch, and femme, this collection examines how the changing landscape for gender and sexual identities impacts on queer culture in productive and transformative ways.Within queer studies, explorations of desire, longing, and eroticism have often neglected AFAB, transfeminine, and non-binary people’s experiences. Through 25 newly commissioned chapters, a diverse range of authors, from early career researchers to established scholars, stage conversations at the cutting edge of sexuality studies. Queering Desire advances our understanding of contemporary lesbian and queer desire from an inclusive perspective that is supportive of trans and non-binary identities.This innovative interdisciplinary collection is an excellent resource for scholars, undergraduate, and postgraduate students interested in gender, sexuality, and identity across a range of fields, such as queer studies, feminist theory, anthropology, media studies, sociology, psychology, history, and social theory. In foregrounding female and non-binary experiences, this book constitutes a timely intervention.

Organization Studies and Posthumanism: Towards a More-than-Human World (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

This book aims at exploring the reception of critical posthumanist conversations in the context of Management and Organization Studies. It constitutes an invitation to de-center the human subject and thus an invitation to the ongoing deconstruction of humanism. The project is not to deny humans but to position them in relation to other nonhumans, more-than-humans, the non-living world, and all the “missing masses” from organizational inquiry. What is under critique is humanism’s anthropocentrism, essentialism, exceptionalism, and speciesism in the context of the Anthropocene and the contemporary crisis the world experiences. From climate change to the loss of sense at work, to the new geopolitical crisis, to the unknown effects of the diffusion of AI, all these powerful forces have implications for organizations and organizing. A re-imagination of concepts, theories, and methods is needed in organization studies to cope with the challenge of a more-than-human world.

Organization Studies and Posthumanism: Towards a More-than-Human World (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

by de Vaujany, François-Xavier Silvia Gherardi Polyana Silva

This book aims at exploring the reception of critical posthumanist conversations in the context of Management and Organization Studies. It constitutes an invitation to de-center the human subject and thus an invitation to the ongoing deconstruction of humanism. The project is not to deny humans but to position them in relation to other nonhumans, more-than-humans, the non-living world, and all the “missing masses” from organizational inquiry. What is under critique is humanism’s anthropocentrism, essentialism, exceptionalism, and speciesism in the context of the Anthropocene and the contemporary crisis the world experiences. From climate change to the loss of sense at work, to the new geopolitical crisis, to the unknown effects of the diffusion of AI, all these powerful forces have implications for organizations and organizing. A re-imagination of concepts, theories, and methods is needed in organization studies to cope with the challenge of a more-than-human world.

Fit Nation: The Gains and Pains of America's Exercise Obsession

by Natalia Mehlman Petrzela

How is it that Americans are more obsessed with exercise than ever, and yet also unhealthier? Fit Nation explains how we got here and imagines how we might create a more inclusive, stronger future. If a shared American creed still exists, it’s a belief that exercise is integral to a life well lived. A century ago, working out was the activity of a strange subculture, but today, it’s almost impossible to avoid exhortations to exercise: Walk 5K to cure cancer! Awaken your inner sex kitten at pole-dancing class! Sweat like (or even with) a celebrity in spin class! Exercise is everywhere. Yet the United States is hardly a “fit nation.” Only 20 percent of Americans work out consistently, over half of gym members don’t even use the facilities they pay for, and fewer than 30 percent of high school students get an hour of exercise a day. So how did fitness become both inescapable and inaccessible? Spanning more than a century of American history, Fit Nation answers these questions and more through original interviews, archival research, and a rich cultural narrative. As a leading political and intellectual historian and a certified fitness instructor, Natalia Mehlman Petrzela is uniquely qualified to confront the complex and far-reaching implications of how our contemporary exercise culture took shape. She explores the work of working out not just as consumers have experienced it, but as it was created by performers, physical educators, trainers, instructors, and many others. For Petrzela, fitness is a social justice issue. She argues that the fight for a more equitable exercise culture will be won only by revolutionizing fitness culture at its core, making it truly inclusive for all bodies in a way it has never been. Examining venues from the stage of the World’s Fair and Muscle Beach to fat farms, feminist health clinics, radical and evangelical college campuses, yoga retreats, gleaming health clubs, school gymnasiums, and many more, Fit Nation is a revealing history that shows fitness to be not just a matter of physical health but of what it means to be an American.

Internationalization and Organizations: Challenges and Prospects (Routledge Frontiers in the Development of International Business, Management and Marketing)

To fill in the gap in theoretical and empirical aspects in the existing international management literature, the book covers a broad variety of issues relating to the challenges facing companies after the recent worldwide crises of financial, sanitary, and geopolitical nature. The book offers an overview of these challenges along three axes: the challenges related to the processes of adapting to the international environment, the challenges affecting the actors of internationalization, and finally the challenges related to the specifics of the international context.The book aims to offer a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical and practical attributes related to the adaptation processes in international business, the cultural evolutions of actors, and the changes in the international environment. It also seeks to help managers and scholars alike to better understand the new challenges in diverse aspects pertaining to international management.To cover these issues, the book addresses topics, which up till now have not been investigated in depth or have not been researched at all. It includes both theoretical and managerial viewpoints and various international examples.

Internationalization and Organizations: Challenges and Prospects (Routledge Frontiers in the Development of International Business, Management and Marketing)

by Eric Davoine Olivier Furrer Sophie Nivoix

To fill in the gap in theoretical and empirical aspects in the existing international management literature, the book covers a broad variety of issues relating to the challenges facing companies after the recent worldwide crises of financial, sanitary, and geopolitical nature. The book offers an overview of these challenges along three axes: the challenges related to the processes of adapting to the international environment, the challenges affecting the actors of internationalization, and finally the challenges related to the specifics of the international context.The book aims to offer a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical and practical attributes related to the adaptation processes in international business, the cultural evolutions of actors, and the changes in the international environment. It also seeks to help managers and scholars alike to better understand the new challenges in diverse aspects pertaining to international management.To cover these issues, the book addresses topics, which up till now have not been investigated in depth or have not been researched at all. It includes both theoretical and managerial viewpoints and various international examples.

Co-Intelligence: Living and Working with AI

by Ethan Mollick

'Co-Intelligence is the very best book I know about the ins, outs, and ethics of generative AI. Drop everything and read it cover to cover NOW' Angela DuckworthConsumer AI has arrived. And with it, inescapable upheaval as we grapple with what it means for our jobs, lives and the future of humanity. Cutting through the noise of AI evangelists and AI doom-mongers, Wharton professor Ethan Mollick has become one of the most prominent and provocative explainers of AI, focusing on the practical aspects of how these new tools for thought can transform our world. In Co-Intelligence, he urges us to engage with AI as co-worker, co-teacher and coach. Wide ranging, hugely thought-provoking and optimistic, Co-Intelligence reveals the promise and power of this new era.

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