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Showing 6,401 through 6,425 of 75,163 results

Local Memories in a Nationalizing and Globalizing World

by Marnix Beyen Brecht Deseure

In historical studies, 'collective memory' is most often viewed as the product of nationalizing strategies carried out by political élites in the hope to create homogeneous nation-states. In contrast, this book asserts that collective memories develop out of a never-ending, triangular negotiation between local, national and transnational actors.

The Voice of Music: Conversations with Composers of Our Time

by Anders Beyer

This title was first published in 2000. Extensive and generously illustrated interviews have been a feature of the lively Danish music periodical "Dansk Musik Tidsskrift" (Danish Music Review) since the 1960s. Now a long-standing tradition, these "conversations" with influential composers from all over the world are prepared by professional musicians and experienced writers on music. This volume is a collection of interviews selected from issues published since 1990 by Anders Beyer, the journal's editor-in-chief. The book gives an up-to-date picture of the North European musical perspectives through interviews with composers from each of the Nordic countries. These are further complemented by interviews with trend-setting composers from the rest of Europe and America. The interviews have been edited and translated into English to make them accessible to a wider audience. The volume features interviews with composers including Erik Bergman, Tikhon Chrennikov, Edison Denisov, Hans Gerfors, Philip Glass, Sofia Gubaidulina and Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgreen.

The Voice of Music: Conversations with Composers of Our Time

by Anders Beyer

This title was first published in 2000. Extensive and generously illustrated interviews have been a feature of the lively Danish music periodical "Dansk Musik Tidsskrift" (Danish Music Review) since the 1960s. Now a long-standing tradition, these "conversations" with influential composers from all over the world are prepared by professional musicians and experienced writers on music. This volume is a collection of interviews selected from issues published since 1990 by Anders Beyer, the journal's editor-in-chief. The book gives an up-to-date picture of the North European musical perspectives through interviews with composers from each of the Nordic countries. These are further complemented by interviews with trend-setting composers from the rest of Europe and America. The interviews have been edited and translated into English to make them accessible to a wider audience. The volume features interviews with composers including Erik Bergman, Tikhon Chrennikov, Edison Denisov, Hans Gerfors, Philip Glass, Sofia Gubaidulina and Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgreen.

Fit für Nachhaltigkeit?: Biologisch-anthropologische Grundlagen einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung

by Axel Beyer

Das Buch zeigt Möglichkeiten auf, für eine angemessene Umweltpädagogik evolutionssoziologische mit sozial- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Aspekten zu verknüpfen. Seit der Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen 1992 zu ,Umwelt und Entwicklung' wird versucht, eine Erweiterung des umweltpädagogischen Arbeitsfeldes zu betreiben, indem ökologische mit sozialen und ökonomischen Aspekten verbunden werden. Im Besonderen wird versucht, mit der Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung die grünen Themen der Umweltbildung durch einen Paradigmawechsel um sozial- bzw. kulturwissenschaftliche Aspekte zu erweitern.

Kongruenz in der Crossmedia-Kommunikation: Eine Untersuchung der Determinanten und Wirkungen (Schriftenreihe der HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management)

by Christina Beyer

Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass Crossmedia-Kommunikation im Vergleich zu monomedialen Kampagnen eine höhere Werbewirkung erzielen kann. Wichtige Einflussfaktoren stellen hierbei die inhaltliche und formale Ausgestaltung sowie der Grad der Integration – also die Kongruenz – der Werbemittel dar. Christina Beyer untersucht die Wirkung von inhaltlicher sowie formaler (In-)Kongruenz auf den Werbeerfolg und leitet Implikationen für die Kommunikationspolitik ab. Eine Inhaltsanalyse von Online- und Offline-Werbung sowie ein experimenteller Versuchsaufbau liefern die methodischen Grundlagen

Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 24th International Conference, TACAS 2018, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 14-20, 2018, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10805)

by Dirk Beyer Marieke Huisman

This book is Open Access under a CC BY licence. The LNCS 10805 and 10806 proceedings set constitutes the proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2018, which took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, in April 2018, held as part of the European Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2018. The total of 43 full and 11 short papers presented in these volumes was carefully reviewed and selected from 154submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: theorem proving; SAT and SMT I; deductive verification; software verification and optimization; model checking; and machine learning. Part II: concurrent and distributed systems; SAT and SMT II; security and reactive systems; static and dynamic program analysis; hybrid and stochastic systems; temporal logic and mu-calculus; 7th Competition on Software Verification – SV-COMP.

Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 24th International Conference, TACAS 2018, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 14-20, 2018, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10806)

by Dirk Beyer Marieke Huisman

This book is Open Access under a CC BY licence.The LNCS 10805 and 10806 proceedings set constitutes the proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2018, which took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, in April 2018, held as part of the European Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2018.The total of 43 full and 11 short papers presented in these volumes was carefully reviewed and selected from 154submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows:Part I: theorem proving; SAT and SMT I; deductive verification; software verification and optimization; model checking; and machine learning. Part II: concurrent and distributed systems; SAT and SMT II; security and reactive systems; static and dynamic program analysis; hybrid and stochastic systems; temporal logic and mu-calculus; 7th Competition on Software Verification – SV-COMP.

Managerherrschaft in Deutschland?: ”Corporate Governance“ unter Verflechtungsbedingungen

by Jürgen Beyer

Kapitalistischen Systemen wird häufig eine immanente Tendenz zur fortschreitenden Trennung von Eigentum und Kontrolle zugeschrieben. Als Vorbedingung für die daraus folgende "Managerherrschaft" gilt eine fragmentierte Eigentümerstruktur (klassische Variante) bzw. neuerdings die Ring- und Überkreuzverflechtung von Unternehmen. Die Analyse der Eigentums- und Verflechtungsstruktur von 694 deutschen Großunternehmen zeigt, daß sich die These der Managerherrschaft in bezug auf den deutschen Fall nur bedingt anwenden läßt. Die Spezifität der deutschen Unternehmensverflechtung läßt die Annahme von sich gleichsinnig entwickelnden kapitalistischen Systemen zweifelhaft erscheinen - sie verweist vielmehr auf eine eigenständige Traditionslinie.

Vom Zukunfts- zum Auslaufmodell?: Die deutsche Wirtschaftsordnung im Wandel

by Jürgen Beyer

Lange Zeit schien es so, als ob die auf Konsens und langfristige Entwicklungen setzende deutsche Wirtschaftsordnung für den internationalen Wettbewerb gut vorbereitet wäre. Inzwischen scheint allerdings mehr als fraglich, ob die komparativen Vorteile des einst als vorbildhaft gepriesenen "Modell Deutschland" noch hinreichend sind. Was bleibt angesichts von neuen Herausforderungen und Reformbemühungen vom einstigen Zukunftsmodell? Wie weitgehend sind die derzeit stattfindenden Wandlungsprozesse? Die Autorinnen und Autoren des Bandes kommen aufgrund ihrer Analysen (z.B. zu betrieblichen Pakten, Standortstrategien, Unternehmensverflechtungen, tripartistischen Arrangements und Shareholder-Value-Orientierungen) zu differenzierten Einschätzungen. Eine durchgängige Angloamerikanisierung der Wirtschaftsordnung ist demgemäß aber kaum wahrscheinlich.

Finanzmarktsoziologie: Entscheidungen, Ungewissheit und Geldordnung

by Jürgen Beyer Konstanze Senge

Die Finanzmärkte verdienen heute mehr Aufmerksamkeit, als es bislang der Fall war. Und vor allem: Die Finanzmärkte verdienen heute Aufmerksamkeit in anderer Weise. Seit der Finanzkrise hat sich der Blick auf die Finanzmärkte derart verändert, dass kritisch hinterfragt werden muss, ob die wachsende Finanzialisierung zu einer gesunden und vernünftigen Ökonomie und Geldordnung beiträgt. Die Beiträge in diesem Band analysieren typische Koordinationsformen von Finanzmarktaktivitäten, untersuchen die gesellschaftliche Organisation von Finanzmarktrisiken und Ungewissheit sowie aktuelle Konstruktionsbedingungen der monetären Ordnung.

Religion and Globalization (PDF)

by Peter Beyer

In his exploration of the interaction between religion and worldwide social and cultural change, the author examines the major theories of global change and discusses the ways in which such change impinges on contemporary religious practice, meaning and influence. Beyer explores some of the key issues in understanding the shape of religion today, including religion as culture and as social system, pure and applied religion, privatized and publicly influential religion, and liberal versus conservative religions. He goes on to apply these issues to five contemporary illustrative cases: the American Christian Right; Liberation Theology movements in Latin America; the Islamic Revolution in Iran; Zionists in Israel; and religious environmentalism.

Religions in Global Society

by Peter Beyer

Peter Beyer, a distinguished sociologist of religion, presents a way of understanding religion in a contemporary global society - by analyzing it as a dimension of the historical process of globalization. Introducing theories of globalization and showing how they can be applied to world religions, Beyer reveals the nature of the contested category of ‘religion’: what it means, what it includes and what it implies in the world today. Written with exceptional clarity and illustrated with lively and diverse examples ranging from Islam and Hinduism to African traditional religions and new age spirituality, this is a fascinating overview of how religion has developed in a globalized society. It is recommended reading for students taking courses on sociology of religion, religion and globalization, and religion and modernity.

Religions in Global Society

by Peter Beyer

Peter Beyer, a distinguished sociologist of religion, presents a way of understanding religion in a contemporary global society - by analyzing it as a dimension of the historical process of globalization. Introducing theories of globalization and showing how they can be applied to world religions, Beyer reveals the nature of the contested category of ‘religion’: what it means, what it includes and what it implies in the world today. Written with exceptional clarity and illustrated with lively and diverse examples ranging from Islam and Hinduism to African traditional religions and new age spirituality, this is a fascinating overview of how religion has developed in a globalized society. It is recommended reading for students taking courses on sociology of religion, religion and globalization, and religion and modernity.

The Social Construction of the US Academic Elite: A Mixed Methods Study of Two Disciplines (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Stephanie Beyer

This book explores the stark stratification and struggles over classifications in US academia from a relational perspective, looking beyond material differences and tracing its roots to symbolic power relations. Based on a mixed methods study drawing on both interview and quantitative data, it offers an account of the workings of academia, shedding light on the structures that permit elite departments to define categories and impose legitimate scientific definitions, to which the non-elite must adhere. With a focus on two scientific disciplines, the author shows how the translation of objective structures into mental structures establishes a relationship of power with regard to the definition of scientific categories, thus determining access to resources and opportunities to participate and move within the academic field. A study of the unequal intrusion of economic logics into the academic domain, this volume will appeal to scholars, policy makers and institutional leaders with interests in higher education, inequality within science, academic careers, power relationships and competition in the academy.

The Social Construction of the US Academic Elite: A Mixed Methods Study of Two Disciplines (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Stephanie Beyer

This book explores the stark stratification and struggles over classifications in US academia from a relational perspective, looking beyond material differences and tracing its roots to symbolic power relations. Based on a mixed methods study drawing on both interview and quantitative data, it offers an account of the workings of academia, shedding light on the structures that permit elite departments to define categories and impose legitimate scientific definitions, to which the non-elite must adhere. With a focus on two scientific disciplines, the author shows how the translation of objective structures into mental structures establishes a relationship of power with regard to the definition of scientific categories, thus determining access to resources and opportunities to participate and move within the academic field. A study of the unequal intrusion of economic logics into the academic domain, this volume will appeal to scholars, policy makers and institutional leaders with interests in higher education, inequality within science, academic careers, power relationships and competition in the academy.

Work Teams: Past, Present and Future (Social Indicators Research Series #6)

by Michael M. Beyerlein

From Post-Democracy to Neo-Democracy (The Anthropocene: Politik—Economics—Society—Science #20)

by Klaus Von Beyme

This book of a renowned political scientist and specialist in political theory fundamentally challenges the new fashion of post-democracy by offering an outlook on ‘neo-democracy’. The political periods are similar to epochs in modern art, where ‘neo’ succeeded Post-impressionism and Post-expressionism. This book reviews the topical debate on postdemocracy and scenarios of decline in democratic theory without the alternative of dictatorship. It discusses criticism of politics in the old and new media and a new culture of protest. It addresses new forms of participation and the dangers of populism and right-wing extremism. It proposes institutional reforms of democracy, of the parliamentary system and the party state, in negotiations of coalition-building, in governmental declarations and for the policy output. The book concludes with a debate of normative models of democracy from ‘Post-democracy’ to ‘Neo-democracy’, models of justice and theories of democratic reform.

Rightwing Populism: An Element Of Neodemocracy (Springerbriefs On Pioneers In Science And Practice Ser. #40)

by Klaus Von Beyme

This book, written by a prominent German political scientist and specialist for political theory and comparative government, analyses right-wing populism as a topical theme of postmodern party systems in Europe and the United States.

Patterns of Social Inequality: Essays for Richard Brown (Longman Sociology Series)

by Huw Beynon Pandeli Glavanis

Written by a group of the UK's leading Sociologists, this book covers in one volume all of the themes central to an understanding of contemporary British Society. Essays provide an historical overview of such topics as class, gender, work, ethnicity and community but also make a theoretical and substantive contribution to current debates.

Patterns of Social Inequality: Essays for Richard Brown (Longman Sociology Series)

by Huw Beynon Pandeli Glavanis

Written by a group of the UK's leading Sociologists, this book covers in one volume all of the themes central to an understanding of contemporary British Society. Essays provide an historical overview of such topics as class, gender, work, ethnicity and community but also make a theoretical and substantive contribution to current debates.

Masculinities and Culture (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Media, Film & Cultural Studies)

by John Beynon

* What is 'masculinity'? Is 'masculinities' a more appropriate term?* How are masculinities socially, culturally and historically shaped?* How are particular masculinities created, enacted and represented in specific settings?* How can masculinities best be researched and theorized?Masculinities and Culture explores how 'masculinities', or ways of 'being a man', are anchored in time and place; the products of socio-historical and cultural circumstances. It examines the emergence of a masculinity fit for Empire in the mid to late nineteenth century and, by way of contrast, the more recent media-driven, commercial New Man and New Lad masculinity. The author considers some of the media discourses shaping masculinities today, and the formation of specific masculinities in specific settings (such as prisons, hospitals and schools) which both define, and in turn are defined by, strongly held conceptions of acceptable masculine behaviour. He concludes by reviewing a range of ways in which masculinities might be researched, from fieldwork and auto/biographical and life history approaches through to semiotics and the use of both film and literary texts. This lively text provides a comprehensive introduction to contemporary debates concerning masculinities as gendered constructions, along with the means of researching and theorizing them.

Cognitive Technology: 4th International Conference, CT 2001 Coventry, UK, August 6-9, 2001 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #2117)

by Meurig Beynon Chrystopher L. Nehaniv Kerstin Dautenhahn

Cognitive Technology: Instruments of Mind Cognitive Technology is the study of the impact of technology on human cog- tion, the externalization of technology from the human mind, and the pragmatics of tools. It promotes the view that human beings should develop methods to p- dict, analyse, and optimize aspects of human-tool relationship in a manner that respects human wholeness. In particular the development of new tools such as virtual environments, new computer devices, and software tools has been too little concerned with the impacts these technologies will have on human cog- tive and social capacities. Our tools change what we are and how we relate to the world around us. They need to be developed in a manner that both extends human capabilities while ensuring an appropriate cognitive t between organism and instrument. The principal theme of the CT 2001 conference and volume is declared in its title: Instruments of Mind. Cognitive Technology is concerned with the interaction between two worlds: that of the mind and that of the machine. In science and engineering, this - teraction is often explored by posing the question: how can technology be best tailored to human cognition? But as the history of technological developments has consistently shown, cognition is also fashioned by technology. Technologies as diverse as writing, electricity generation, and the silicon chip all illustrate the profound and dynamic impact of technology upon ourselves and our conceptions of the world.

After the Berlin Wall: Germany and Beyond

by Germany And Beyond

Twenty years after its fall, the wall that divided Berlin and Germany presents a conceptual paradox: on one hand, Germans have sought to erase it completely; on the other, it haunts the imagination in complex and often surprising ways

Räume und Kulturen des Privaten

by Eva Beyvers Paula Helm Martin Hennig Carmen Keckeis Innokentij Kreknin Florian Püschel

Der interdisziplinäre Band setzt sich damit auseinander, wie räumliche Aspekte die Vorstellung von Privatheit in westlichen Gesellschaften beeinflussen und wie verschiedene Kulturen des Privaten daran beteiligt sind, spezifische Räume zu erschaffen. Die Autorinnen und Autoren fokussieren auf aktuelle Entwicklungen und stellen vor allem das Zusammenspiel von realen und digitalen Räumen in den Mittelpunkt. Ihre Beiträge beleuchten räumliche und kulturelle Aspekte von Privatheit aus kultur-, medien-, sozial- und rechtswissenschaftlicher Perspektive und erschaffen damit ein weites Panorama diverser Problemfelder, die heute immer deutlicher in den Vordergrund rücken.

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