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Can Small Urban Communities Survive?: Culturological Analysis in Urban Rehabilitation - Cases in Slovenia and Scotland (Routledge Revivals)

by Branka Berce-Bratko

This title was first published in 2001. Throughout the post-war period, there has been much activity in the conservation and renewal of old town centres throughout Europe. A considerable body of knowledge has been built up on the technical side of rehabilitation over a period of 40 years, but little attention has been paid to related societal and cultural aspects. More often than not this results in a degree of failure in the rehabilitation process. This is an exploration of how the planning and design of urban areas might be improved by the incorporation of culturological analysis within the town planning process. European practice in residential rehabilitation and conservation is renewed in order to gauge what progress has been made, with particular emphasis on solutions and remedies associated with cultural, ethnicity and minority issues.

Neoliberalism, Economic Radicalism, and the Normalization of Violence (International Perspectives on Social Policy, Administration, and Practice)

by Vicente Berdayes John W. Murphy

This compelling volume analyzes the wide-scale societal impact of neoliberal economic policy on contemporary life and behavior. Synthesizing perspectives from politics and economics with insights from psychology and linguistics, it argues that market-driven public institutions promote antisocial thinking, discourage critical reflection, and inure individuals to inequity and cruelty. Chapters cite the ubiquity of violence in modern society, from the marketing of the military to impersonal mass upheavals in the job market, as devaluing human worth and thus self-worth. But the editors also assert that these currents are not terminal, and the book concludes by identifying conditions potentially leading to a more civil and egalitarian future. Included in the coverage: The language of current economics: social theory, the market, and the disappearance of relationships. Neoliberalism and education: the disfiguration of students. Slicing up societies: commercial media and the destruction of social environments. Neoliberalism and the transformation of work. Economics, the network society, and the ontology of violence. A new economic order without violence. Given the centrality of economic events on the global stage, Neoliberalism, Economic Radicalism, and the Normalization of Violence stands out as both a springboard for discussion and a call to action, to be read by political and cultural economists, political scientists, and sociologists.

Transformationen von Schule, Unterricht und Profession

by Kathrin Berdelmann Bettina Fritzsche Kerstin Rabenstein Joachim Scholz

Im vorliegenden Band setzen sich erziehungswissenschaftlich und (bildungs-)historisch arbeitende Forscherinnen und Forscher mit Perspektiven und Erträgen praxistheoretischer Forschung im Fragenkreis der Transformation von Schule, Unterricht und Profession auseinander. In den Beiträgen wird eruiert, welche Problem- und Fragestellungen aus praxistheoretischer Sicht gewinnbringend bearbeitet werden können und wo die Grenzen liegen.Der InhaltPraxeologie in der Bildungsforschung ● Aspekte einer Praxeologie ● Verstehen als Gespräch ● (Nichtgelehrte) Gelehrtenkommunikation im Medium des Briefes ● Zeitdiagnostik ● Konturierung des Klassenunterrichts um 1800 ● Die deutsche Unterrichtsausstellung auf der Weltausstellung in Brüssel 1910 ● Blicke in die Schulmännerliteratur ● Affect, Embodiment and Pedagogic Practice in Early-Twentieth-Century American Progressive Education ● Children’s Drawings as Historical Sources for the Study of Education in World War One ● Beobachten in Basel ● Zu Abitur und Ritual ● Benutzungspraktiken von Forschungsbibliotheken ● Der Bibliothekskatalog als historische Quelle? ● Zur Transformation des „eigenen“ Blicks auf den Gebrauch von Schülertafeln in Senegal und Frankreich ● Zur Institutionalisierung des Pädagogischen am Beispiel familialisierter Vergemeinschaftung ● Professionsentwicklung im Ganztag ● Wenn Lehrer/innen forschen Die Herausgeber*innenDr. Kathrin Berdelmann ist Postdoc am DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Berlin.Dr. Bettina Fritzsche ist Professorin an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg.Dr. Kerstin Rabenstein ist Professorin an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.Dr. Joachim Scholz ist Leiter des Forschungsbereichs der Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung am DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Berlin.

Janusz Korczak: Educating for Justice (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Joop W. Berding

This book presents the educational view and practice of the Polish-Jewish doctor, writer and pedagogue Janusz Korczak (Warsaw 1878–Treblinka 1942). In the authors' reconstruction five core elements stand out: respect for every child; participation; justice; dialogue as expression and communication; self-awareness and reflection on the part of the educator.These elements do not constitute a well-rounded theory or philosophy, but are part of many stories of living together with children, in Korczak’s case orphans. Korczak, actively involving the children themselves, organized this life in such a way that justice ruled. He is the pedagogue of narrativity and of democratic upbringing. Korczak explored many, and today still challenging ways of participative education.The book shows that besides the now domineering positivist outlook on education, with its technocratic language and stress on output, standards, testing, etc., another language is possible, one that is more practice-based and that teachers will relate to immediately: love for children, a pedagogical ethos, and seeking ways to live together in a just way.

Alltag im urbanen Quartier: Eine ethnografische Studie zum städtischen Zusammenleben (Interkulturelle Studien)

by Nina Berding

Nina Berding liefert eine dichte ethnografische Beschreibung von Alltagspraktiken in einem diversitätsgeprägten Quartier in Düsseldorf. Die Autorin beschreibt die routinierten Handlungen der Bewohner*innen im Alltag und zeigt, wie handlungsfähig Stadtgesellschaft im Umgang mit urbaner Vielfalt eigentlich ist. Sie stellt heraus, dass sich gesellschaftlich wirksame Integrationsparadigmen häufig nicht aus den gelebten Erfahrungen im urbanen Alltag heraus bilden, sondern durch hegemoniale Diskurse, die die intrinsische Balance des alltäglichen Zusammenlebens immer wieder ins Ungleichgewicht bringen.

Die kompakte Stadt der Zukunft: Auf dem Weg zu einer inklusiven und nachhaltigen Stadtgesellschaft

by Nina Berding Wolf-D. Bukow Karin Cudak

Das Buch greift die Diskussion um Inklusion in den letzten Jahren in den unterschiedlichsten gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhängen kritisch auf. Ausgangspunkt der Betrachtung ist die Stadt und das urbane Zusammenleben. Denn insbesondere Städte und hier kompakte, also dichte und gemischte Quartiere bieten sich für die Inklusionsforschung und -praxis an, da sie adäquate Sozialräume darstellen, die das heute immer stärker urban geprägte Zusammenleben reflektieren und neu durchbuchstabieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund setzen sich die Autorinnen und Autoren empirisch und theoretisch mit der Frage nach der Gestaltung eines zukunftsorientierten und professionellen Referenzrahmens für eine inklusive und nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung auseinander, die auch einer weiter zunehmenden Mobilität und Diversität gerecht wird.

Die Zukunft gehört dem urbanen Quartier: Das Quartier als eine alles umfassende kleinste Einheit von Stadtgesellschaft

by Nina Berding Wolf-Dietrich Bukow

Urbanität ist längst zu einem weltweiten Narrativ geworden und motiviert die Menschen mehr und mehr, auf urbanes Zusammenleben und die damit erhofften neuen Möglichkeiten zu setzen. Das Narrativ verspricht die Verknüpfung von Arbeiten, Wohnen und Versorgung in einem praktikablen, alltagstauglichen und überschaubaren Lebensumfeld. Das vorliegende Buch bietet kurze Beiträge von Praktiker*innen und Wissenschaftler*innen aus den Disziplinen der Stadtforschung und Stadtentwicklung zu den Forderungen, die aus der jeweiligen individuell-fachlichen Sicht heraus zu stellen sind, damit das Konzept einer Stadt der kurzen Wege und damit eine verbesserte und zukunftsfestere Lebensqualität im urbanen Quartier umgesetzt werden kann.

Empty Signs, Historical Imaginaries: The Entangled Nationalization of Names and Naming in a Late Habsburg Borderland (Austrian and Habsburg Studies #27)

by Ágoston Berecz

Set in a multiethnic region of the nineteenth-century Habsburg Empire, this thoroughly interdisciplinary study maps out how the competing Romanian, Hungarian and German nationalization projects dealt with proper names. With particular attention to their function as symbols of national histories, Berecz makes a case for names as ideal guides for understanding historical imaginaries and how they operate socially. In tracing the changing fortunes of nationalization movements and the ways in which their efforts were received by mass constituencies, he provides an innovative and compelling account of the historical utilization, manipulation, and contestation of names.

Machiavellianism: The Psychology of Manipulation

by Tamás Bereczkei

The world abounds with tricksters, swindlers, and impostors. Many of them may well be described with the term Machiavellian. Such individuals disrespect moral principles, deceive their fellow beings, and take advantage of others’ frailty and gullibility. They have a penetrating, rational, and sober mind undisturbed by emotions. At times we cannot help but be enchanted by their talent even though we know they misuse it. Recent studies have revealed that Machiavellians possess a complex set of abilities and motivations. This insightful book examines the complexities of the Machiavellian trait, in relation to attitude, behaviour, and personality. By integrating results and experiences from social, personality, cognitive, and evolutionary psychology, Tamás Bereczkei explores the characteristics of Machiavellianism (such as social intelligence, deception, manipulation, and lack of empathy), and the causes and motives guiding Machiavellian behaviour. The author also demonstrates how Machiavellianism is related to strategic thinking and flexible long-term decisions rather than to a short-term perspective, as previously thought, and explores Machiavellianism in relation to the construct of the Dark Triad. The first comprehensive psychological book on Machiavellianism since Christie and Geis’ pioneering work in 1970, Machiavellianism summarises the most important research findings over the last few decades. This book is fascinating reading for students and researchers of psychology and related courses, as well as professionals dealing with Machiavellians in their work and practice.

Machiavellianism: The Psychology of Manipulation

by Tamás Bereczkei

The world abounds with tricksters, swindlers, and impostors. Many of them may well be described with the term Machiavellian. Such individuals disrespect moral principles, deceive their fellow beings, and take advantage of others’ frailty and gullibility. They have a penetrating, rational, and sober mind undisturbed by emotions. At times we cannot help but be enchanted by their talent even though we know they misuse it. Recent studies have revealed that Machiavellians possess a complex set of abilities and motivations. This insightful book examines the complexities of the Machiavellian trait, in relation to attitude, behaviour, and personality. By integrating results and experiences from social, personality, cognitive, and evolutionary psychology, Tamás Bereczkei explores the characteristics of Machiavellianism (such as social intelligence, deception, manipulation, and lack of empathy), and the causes and motives guiding Machiavellian behaviour. The author also demonstrates how Machiavellianism is related to strategic thinking and flexible long-term decisions rather than to a short-term perspective, as previously thought, and explores Machiavellianism in relation to the construct of the Dark Triad. The first comprehensive psychological book on Machiavellianism since Christie and Geis’ pioneering work in 1970, Machiavellianism summarises the most important research findings over the last few decades. This book is fascinating reading for students and researchers of psychology and related courses, as well as professionals dealing with Machiavellians in their work and practice.

Energy Services for the Urban Poor in Africa: Issues and Policy Implications (African Energy Policy Research)

by Bereket Kebede and Ikhupuleng Dube

Africa has been experiencing higher rates of urbanization than any other continent, and today about one-third of the continent's population live in urban areas. But studies of energy services for urban residents, especially the poor, are still rare. The supply of electricity to poor city dwellers has not kept pace with urbanisation: in 1970 some 40 million had no access to electricity; by the year 2000 there were over 100 million. The urban poor continue to rely on wood fuel, charcoal, kerosene and dung cakes for energy, with all their environmental drawbacks.This book examines the affordability of modern energy sources for the poor; the relevance of energy subsidies; the impact of subsidies on public finances; and how electricity tariffs affect the operations of small and medium enterprises, the main source of livelihood for the majority of the urban poor outside the formal economic sector.

New Work: Turning Point for Entrepreneurs, HR Professionals, Coaches and Employees (essentials)

by Benjamin Berend Michaela Brohm-Badry

The essential introduces the New Work idea, the core of which is to pursue work that one "really, really wants". This approach is updated with regard to the three areas of individual, organization and society. Special consideration is given to findings from positive psychology and strength-oriented organizational research. With reference to examples and scientific findings, innovative working time models, organizational forms and management practices are presented. Finally, New Work is discussed in the context of progressive social ideas such as basic income, breathing life courses and post-growth.

New Work: Zeitenwende für Unternehmer, Personalverantwortliche, Coaches und Angestellte (essentials)

by Benjamin Berend Michaela Brohm-Badry

Das essential führt in die New-Work-Idee ein, deren Kern es ist, einer Arbeit nachzugehen, die man „wirklich, wirklich will“. Dieser Ansatz wird im Hinblick auf die drei Bereiche Individuum, Organisation und Gesellschaft aktualisiert. Besondere Berücksichtigung finden dabei Befunde aus der Positiven Psychologie und der stärkenorientierten Organisationsforschung. Unter Bezugnahme auf Beispiele und wissenschaftliche Befunde werden innovative Arbeitszeitmodelle, Organisationsformen und Managementpraktiken vorgestellt. Schließlich wird New Work im Kontext progressiver gesellschaftlicher Ideen wie Grundeinkommen, Atmende Lebensläufe und Postwachstum diskutiert.

Handbook of Research on School Choice

by Mark Berends Ann Primus Matthew G. Springer

Updated to reflect the latest developments and increasing scope of school-based options, the second edition of the Handbook of Research on School Choice makes readily available the most rigorous and policy-relevant research on K–12 school choice. This comprehensive research handbook begins with scholarly overviews that explore historical, political, economic, legal, methodological, and international perspectives on school choice. In the following sections, experts examine the research and current state of common forms of school choice: charter schools, school vouchers, and magnet schools. The concluding section brings together perspectives on other key topics such as accountability, tax credit scholarships, parent decision-making, and marginalized students. With empirical perspectives on all aspects of this evolving sphere of education, this is a critical resource for researchers, faculty, and students interested in education policy, the politics of education, and educational leadership.

Handbook of Research on School Choice

by Mark Berends Ann Primus Matthew G. Springer

Updated to reflect the latest developments and increasing scope of school-based options, the second edition of the Handbook of Research on School Choice makes readily available the most rigorous and policy-relevant research on K–12 school choice. This comprehensive research handbook begins with scholarly overviews that explore historical, political, economic, legal, methodological, and international perspectives on school choice. In the following sections, experts examine the research and current state of common forms of school choice: charter schools, school vouchers, and magnet schools. The concluding section brings together perspectives on other key topics such as accountability, tax credit scholarships, parent decision-making, and marginalized students. With empirical perspectives on all aspects of this evolving sphere of education, this is a critical resource for researchers, faculty, and students interested in education policy, the politics of education, and educational leadership.

The Sage Handbook of Sociology of Education

by Mark Berends Barbara Schneider Stephen Lamb

The Sage Handbook of Sociology of Education is an international and comprehensive groundbreaking text that serves as a touchstone for researchers and scholars interested in exploring the intricate relationships between education and society. Leading sociologists from five different continents examine major topics in sociology from a global perspective. This timely, thought-provoking Handbook features contributions from leading and emerging sociology scholars, who provide their own cultural and historical perspectives on diverse—yet universal—topics; these include educational policy, social stratification, and cross-national research. 39 Chapters delve into the pressing issues faced by our global society, such as the effects of residential mobility on educational outcomes, gender and ethnic inequalities, and the impact of COVID-19 on early childhood education. Readers will gain a multifaceted view of the contours of educational inequality, from various international perspectives and focusing on country differences, as well as recommendations for expanding the practices, programs, and policies that could reduce the rising tide of inequities—especially for populations most at risk. This Handbook offers rich, diverse perspectives on the interplay between education, social inequality, and human rights around the world, making it an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and practitioners across a range of fields, including sociology, education, and social policy. PART 1: Education and Persistent Inequality PART 2: Social & Family Contexts PART 3: Schools & Educational Policy PART 4: Neighborhoods & Community PART 5: Education & Innovation in a Global Context

The Sage Handbook of Sociology of Education

by Mark Berends Barbara Schneider Stephen Lamb

The Sage Handbook of Sociology of Education is an international and comprehensive groundbreaking text that serves as a touchstone for researchers and scholars interested in exploring the intricate relationships between education and society. Leading sociologists from five different continents examine major topics in sociology from a global perspective. This timely, thought-provoking Handbook features contributions from leading and emerging sociology scholars, who provide their own cultural and historical perspectives on diverse—yet universal—topics; these include educational policy, social stratification, and cross-national research. 39 Chapters delve into the pressing issues faced by our global society, such as the effects of residential mobility on educational outcomes, gender and ethnic inequalities, and the impact of COVID-19 on early childhood education. Readers will gain a multifaceted view of the contours of educational inequality, from various international perspectives and focusing on country differences, as well as recommendations for expanding the practices, programs, and policies that could reduce the rising tide of inequities—especially for populations most at risk. This Handbook offers rich, diverse perspectives on the interplay between education, social inequality, and human rights around the world, making it an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and practitioners across a range of fields, including sociology, education, and social policy. PART 1: Education and Persistent Inequality PART 2: Social & Family Contexts PART 3: Schools & Educational Policy PART 4: Neighborhoods & Community PART 5: Education & Innovation in a Global Context

Privacy Technologies and Policy: Third Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2015, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, October 7-8, 2015, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9484)

by Bettina Berendt Thomas Engel Demosthenes Ikonomou Daniel Le Métayer Stefan Schiffner

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the Third Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2015, held in Luxembourg, Luxembourg, in October 2015. The 11 revised full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 24 submissions. The topics focus on privacy by design (PbD), i.e. the attempt to combine technical and organizational measures to ensure the basic rights of the individual. The papers are organized in three sessions: measuring privacy; rules and principles; legal and economic perspectives on privacy.

From Web to Social Web: Workshop on Web Mining, WebMine 2006, Berlin, Germany, September 18, 2006 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #4737)

by Bettina Berendt Andreas Hotho Dunja Mladenic Giovanni Semeraro

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Workshop on Web Mining, WebMine 2006, held in Berlin, Germany, September 2006. Topics included are data mining based on analysis of bloggers and tagging, web mining, XML mining and further techniques of knowledge discovery. The book is especially valuable for those interested in the aspects of Web 2.0 and its inherent dynamic and diversity of user-generated content.

Prozesse der Thematisierung in publizistischen Konflikten: Ereignismanagement, Medienresonanz und Mobilisierung der Öffentlichkeit am Beispiel von Castor und Brent Spar (Studien zur Kommunikationswissenschaft #48)

by Harald Berens

Initiativgruppen wie Greenpeace, die Anti-AKW- oder die Anti-Castor-Bewegung erzielen durch spektakuläre Protestaktionen erhebliche Medienresonanz. Sie mobilisieren die Öffentlichkeit und können dadurch politische oder unternehmerische Entscheidungen zum Teil weitreichend beeinflussen. Die Analyse der publizistischen Konflikte um Castor und Brent Spar zeigt: Thematisierungsverläufe verlaufen nicht stetig, sondern sprunghaft. Im Wechselspiel zwischen dem öffentlichem Handeln der Akteure und den Situationsdefinitionen durch die Medien schaukelt sich ein Konflikt als Kettenreaktion aus Schlüssel- und Folgeereignissen wellenartig auf. Entscheidend für die erfolgreiche Medienkarriere eines Themas sind Schlüsselereignisse, die sich durch Prognostizierbarkeit und hohe Handlungsrelevanz auszeichnen.

Conspirituality: How New Age Conspiracy Theories Became a Health Threat

by Derek Beres Matthew Remski Julian Walker

Conspirituality takes a deep dive into the troubling phenomenon of influencers who have curdled New Age spirituality and wellness with the politics of paranoia—peddling vaccine misinformation, tales of child trafficking, and wild conspiracy theories. In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, a disturbing social media trend emerged: a large number of yoga instructors and alt-health influencers were posting stories about a secretive global cabal bent on controlling the world&’s population with a genocidal vaccine. Instagram feeds that had been serving up green smoothie recipes and Mary Oliver poems became firehoses of Fox News links, memes from 4chan, and prophecies of global transformation. Since May 2020, Derek Beres, Matthew Remski and Julian Walker have used their Conspirituality podcast to expose countless facets of the intersection of alt-health practitioners with far-right conspiracy trolls. Now this expansive and revelatory book unpacks the follies, frauds, cons and cults that dominate the New Age and wellness spheres and betray the trust of people who seek genuine relief in this uncertain age. With analytical rigor and irreverent humor, Conspirituality offers an antidote to our times, helping readers recognize wellness grifts, engage with loved ones who've fallen under the influence, and counter lies and distortions with insight and empathy.

Queer Families in Hungary: Same-Sex Couples, Families of Origin, and Kinship (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life)

by Rita Béres-Deák

Set against the backdrop of a country which upholds a heteronormative and narrow view of family, this book provides insights into the lives of Hungarian same-sex couples and their heterosexual relatives. Béres-Deák utilizes the theoretical framework of intimate citizenship, as well as findings from ethnographic interviews, participant observation and online sources. Instead of emphasizing the divide between non-heterosexual people and their heterosexual kin, the author recognizes that these members of queer families share many similar experiences and challenges.Queer Families in Hungary looks at experiences of coming out, negotiation of visibility, and kinship practices, and offers valuable insights into how individuals and families can resist heterosexist constraints through their discourses and practices. Students and scholars researching kinship studies, LGBT and queer studies, post-socialist studies, and citizenship studies, will find this book of interest.

South Africa’s Political Crisis: Unfinished Liberation and Fractured Class Struggles

by Alexander Beresford

South Africa's current political upheavals are the most significant since the transition from apartheid. Its powerful trade unions are playing a central role, and the political direction they take will have huge significance for how we understand the role of labour movements in struggles for social justice in the twenty-first century.

The Routledge International Handbook of Mad Studies (Routledge International Handbooks)

by Peter Beresford

By drawing broadly on international thinking and experience, this book offers a critical exploration of Mad Studies and advances its theory and practice. Comprised of 34 chapters written by international leading experts, activists and academics, this handbook introduces and advances Mad Studies, as well as exploring resistance and criticism, and clarifying its history, ideas, what it is, and what it can offer. It presents examples of mad studies in action, covering initiatives that have been taken, their achievements and what can be learned from them. In addition to sharing research findings and evidence, the book offers examples and insights for advancing understandings of experiences of madness and distress from the perspectives of those who have (had) those experiences, and also explores ways of supporting people oppressed by conventional understandings and systems. This book will be of interest to all scholars and students of Mad Studies, disability studies, sociology, socio- legal studies, mental health and medicine more generally.

The Routledge International Handbook of Mad Studies (Routledge International Handbooks)

by Peter Beresford Jasna Russo

By drawing broadly on international thinking and experience, this book offers a critical exploration of Mad Studies and advances its theory and practice. Comprised of 34 chapters written by international leading experts, activists and academics, this handbook introduces and advances Mad Studies, as well as exploring resistance and criticism, and clarifying its history, ideas, what it is, and what it can offer. It presents examples of mad studies in action, covering initiatives that have been taken, their achievements and what can be learned from them. In addition to sharing research findings and evidence, the book offers examples and insights for advancing understandings of experiences of madness and distress from the perspectives of those who have (had) those experiences, and also explores ways of supporting people oppressed by conventional understandings and systems. This book will be of interest to all scholars and students of Mad Studies, disability studies, sociology, socio- legal studies, mental health and medicine more generally.

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