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Showing 29,726 through 29,750 of 75,477 results

"Miracle Worker" and the Transcendentalist: Annie Sullivan, Franklin Sanborn, and the Education of Helen Keller

by David Wagner

Helen Keller and her teacher, Annie Sullivan, remain two of the best-known American women. But few people know how Sullivan came to her role as teacher of the deaf and blind Keller. Contrasting their lives with Franklin Benjamin Sanborn, the era's prominent abolitionist, this book sheds light on the gender and disability expectations that affected the public perception of Sullivan and Keller. This book provides a fascinating insight into class, ethnicity, gender, and disability issues in the Gilded Age and Progressive-Era America.

"Miracle Worker" and the Transcendentalist: Annie Sullivan, Franklin Sanborn, and the Education of Helen Keller

by David Wagner

Helen Keller and her teacher, Annie Sullivan, remain two of the best-known American women. But few people know how Sullivan came to her role as teacher of the deaf and blind Keller. Contrasting their lives with Franklin Benjamin Sanborn, the era's prominent abolitionist, this book sheds light on the gender and disability expectations that affected the public perception of Sullivan and Keller. This book provides a fascinating insight into class, ethnicity, gender, and disability issues in the Gilded Age and Progressive-Era America.

**Missing**: Psychoanalysis and Social Formation (Studies in the Psychosocial)

by D. Hook

(Post)apartheid Conditions: Psychoanalysis and Social Formation advances a series of psychoanalytic perspectives on contemporary South Africa, exploring key psychosocial topics such as space-identity, social fantasy, the body, whiteness, memory and nostalgia.

Mit mehr Selbst zum stabilen ICH!: Resilienz als Basis der Persönlichkeitsbildung

by Albert Wunsch

Wer hat ihn nicht, den Traum vom mühelosen, zufriedenen und erfolgreichen Leben? Aber immer aufs Neue wird ganz ernüchternd deutlich: Träumen alleine hilft nicht! Denn um einen anerkannten Platz im jeweiligen Lebensumfeld zu erhalten, ist Wollen und Können, kurz zielgerichtetes Handeln erforderlich. Dreh- und Angelpunkt ist dabei die Resilienz, d.h. Ich-Stärke bzw. die Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber den Widrigkeiten des Lebens. Denn diese entscheiden darüber, ob wir unsere eigenen Talente nutzen oder nicht. Auch reagieren widerstandfähige Menschen gelassener auf Alltagsstörungen und geraten nicht ständig in Ärger oder Konflikte, frei nach der Devise: ‚Was stört’s den Mond, wenn ihn ein Hund anbellt’! Zielsetzung dieses Lebenspraxis-Buches ist es, die verschiedenen Facetten und Faktoren der Resilienz zu beleuchten. In anschaulich lockerem, allgemeinverständlichem Stil bringt der Bestsellerautor die Inhalte informativ und praxisnah auf den Punkt. Herausgestellte Kernsätze sollen ein ‚Querlesen’ ermöglichen und neugierig machen. Ein Quellennachweis von Zitaten plus Literaturliste und Stichwortverzeichnis bietet für Fachkräfte und andere recherchierende Interessiertewertvolle Zusatzinfos.​​ ​​Obwohl das Buch nicht als Ratgeber gedacht ist, steht doch klar die Entdeckung der eigenen - vielleicht schlummernden - Fähigkeiten im Zentrum, um so für den Leser zur Ermutigung für das Leben in Beruf, Partnerschaft, Familie, Freundschaft und Freizeit beizutragen. Der Leser bekommt eine Anleitung, wie man den eigenen "Resilienz-Faktor Ich" weiter entwickeln und voll zur Geltung bringen kann. Dazu gibt es viele komprimierte Informationen, Selbsteinschätzungsaufgaben, Praxis-Übungen und Umsetzungsbeispiele, die in einer sehr lebensnahen und leichten Sprache die notwendigen Informationen und Starthilfe geben. So verbirgt sich in dem Werk ein grosses Potential, dem Leser neben der Information zum Thema Resilienz zu mehr Zufriedenheit und Lebensqualität zu verhelfen. ​

Mitbestimmung in Aufsichtsräten

by Till Jansen

Die Unternehmensmitbestimmung wird immer wieder in Politik und Öffentlichkeit diskutiert. Dennoch ist wenig über die Praxis der mitbestimmten Aufsichtsratsarbeit bekannt. Die vorliegende Studie greift auf knapp 180 Interviews mit Aufsichtsräten großer deutscher Unternehmen zurück und nähert sich der gelebten Aufsichtsratspraxis. Es wird analysiert, wie Arbeitnehmer- und Anteilseignerinteresse konstruiert werden und welche Formen der Zusammenarbeit zu beobachten sind. Dabei entfaltet sich eine Typologie von vier Umgangsformen, die unerwartete Blicke in die Aufsichtsratsarbeit gewährt.

Mixed Emotions: Beyond Fear and Hatred in International Conflict

by Andrew A. Ross

In recent years, it’s become increasingly clear that emotion plays a central role in global politics. For example, people readily care about acts of terrorism and humanitarian crises because they appeal to our compassion for human suffering. These struggles also command attention where social interactions have the power to produce or intensify the emotional responses of those who participate in them. From passionate protests to poignant speeches, Andrew A. G. Ross analyzes high-emotion events with an eye to how they shape public sentiment and finds that there is no single answer. The politically powerful play to the public’s emotions to advance their political aims, and such appeals to emotion also often serve to sustain existing values and institutions. But the affective dimension can produce profound change, particularly when a struggle in the present can be shown to line up with emotionally resonant events from the past. Extending his findings to well-studied conflicts, including the War on Terror and the violence in Rwanda and the Balkans, Ross identifies important sites of emotional impact missed by earlier research focused on identities and interests.

Mixed Emotions: Beyond Fear and Hatred in International Conflict

by Andrew A. Ross

In recent years, it’s become increasingly clear that emotion plays a central role in global politics. For example, people readily care about acts of terrorism and humanitarian crises because they appeal to our compassion for human suffering. These struggles also command attention where social interactions have the power to produce or intensify the emotional responses of those who participate in them. From passionate protests to poignant speeches, Andrew A. G. Ross analyzes high-emotion events with an eye to how they shape public sentiment and finds that there is no single answer. The politically powerful play to the public’s emotions to advance their political aims, and such appeals to emotion also often serve to sustain existing values and institutions. But the affective dimension can produce profound change, particularly when a struggle in the present can be shown to line up with emotionally resonant events from the past. Extending his findings to well-studied conflicts, including the War on Terror and the violence in Rwanda and the Balkans, Ross identifies important sites of emotional impact missed by earlier research focused on identities and interests.

Mixed Emotions: Beyond Fear and Hatred in International Conflict

by Andrew A. Ross

In recent years, it’s become increasingly clear that emotion plays a central role in global politics. For example, people readily care about acts of terrorism and humanitarian crises because they appeal to our compassion for human suffering. These struggles also command attention where social interactions have the power to produce or intensify the emotional responses of those who participate in them. From passionate protests to poignant speeches, Andrew A. G. Ross analyzes high-emotion events with an eye to how they shape public sentiment and finds that there is no single answer. The politically powerful play to the public’s emotions to advance their political aims, and such appeals to emotion also often serve to sustain existing values and institutions. But the affective dimension can produce profound change, particularly when a struggle in the present can be shown to line up with emotionally resonant events from the past. Extending his findings to well-studied conflicts, including the War on Terror and the violence in Rwanda and the Balkans, Ross identifies important sites of emotional impact missed by earlier research focused on identities and interests.

Mixed Emotions: Beyond Fear and Hatred in International Conflict

by Andrew A. Ross

In recent years, it’s become increasingly clear that emotion plays a central role in global politics. For example, people readily care about acts of terrorism and humanitarian crises because they appeal to our compassion for human suffering. These struggles also command attention where social interactions have the power to produce or intensify the emotional responses of those who participate in them. From passionate protests to poignant speeches, Andrew A. G. Ross analyzes high-emotion events with an eye to how they shape public sentiment and finds that there is no single answer. The politically powerful play to the public’s emotions to advance their political aims, and such appeals to emotion also often serve to sustain existing values and institutions. But the affective dimension can produce profound change, particularly when a struggle in the present can be shown to line up with emotionally resonant events from the past. Extending his findings to well-studied conflicts, including the War on Terror and the violence in Rwanda and the Balkans, Ross identifies important sites of emotional impact missed by earlier research focused on identities and interests.

Mixed Emotions: Beyond Fear and Hatred in International Conflict

by Andrew A. Ross

In recent years, it’s become increasingly clear that emotion plays a central role in global politics. For example, people readily care about acts of terrorism and humanitarian crises because they appeal to our compassion for human suffering. These struggles also command attention where social interactions have the power to produce or intensify the emotional responses of those who participate in them. From passionate protests to poignant speeches, Andrew A. G. Ross analyzes high-emotion events with an eye to how they shape public sentiment and finds that there is no single answer. The politically powerful play to the public’s emotions to advance their political aims, and such appeals to emotion also often serve to sustain existing values and institutions. But the affective dimension can produce profound change, particularly when a struggle in the present can be shown to line up with emotionally resonant events from the past. Extending his findings to well-studied conflicts, including the War on Terror and the violence in Rwanda and the Balkans, Ross identifies important sites of emotional impact missed by earlier research focused on identities and interests.

Mixed Emotions: Beyond Fear and Hatred in International Conflict

by Andrew A. Ross

In recent years, it’s become increasingly clear that emotion plays a central role in global politics. For example, people readily care about acts of terrorism and humanitarian crises because they appeal to our compassion for human suffering. These struggles also command attention where social interactions have the power to produce or intensify the emotional responses of those who participate in them. From passionate protests to poignant speeches, Andrew A. G. Ross analyzes high-emotion events with an eye to how they shape public sentiment and finds that there is no single answer. The politically powerful play to the public’s emotions to advance their political aims, and such appeals to emotion also often serve to sustain existing values and institutions. But the affective dimension can produce profound change, particularly when a struggle in the present can be shown to line up with emotionally resonant events from the past. Extending his findings to well-studied conflicts, including the War on Terror and the violence in Rwanda and the Balkans, Ross identifies important sites of emotional impact missed by earlier research focused on identities and interests.

Mixed Race Identities (Identity Studies in the Social Sciences)

by P. Aspinall M. Song

This book explores the ethnic and racial options exercised by young mixed race people in Britain. It reveals the diverse ways in which young people identify and experience their mixed status, the complex nature of such identities, and the rise of other identity strands which are now challenging race and ethnicity as dominant and salient identities.

Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: 9th International Conference, MOBIQUITOUS 2012, Beijing, China, December 12-14, 2012. Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering #120)

by Kan Zheng Mo Li Hungbo Jiang

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 9th International ICST Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking, and Services, MobiQuitous 2012, held in Beijing, China, Denmark, in December 2012. The revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. They cover a wide range of topics such as localization and tracking, search and discovery, classification and profiling, context awareness and architecture, location and activity recognition. The proceedings also include papers from the best paper session and the industry track, as well as poster and demo papers.

Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services: Fourth International Conference, MobiCASE 2012, Seattle, WA, USA, October 2012. Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering #110)

by David Uhler Khanjan Mehta

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services (MobiCASE 2012) held in Seattle, Washington, USA, in October 2012. The 18 revised full papers presented together with 9 revised poster papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 51 submissions. The conference papers are organized in five topical sections, covering mobile application development, multi-dimensional interactions, system support and architecture, mobile applications, and mobile services.

Mobile Web Information Systems: 10th International Conference, MobiWIS 2013, Paphos, Cyprus, August 26-29, 2013, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #8093)

by Florian Daniel George A. Papadopoulos Philippe Thiran

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10 th International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems, MobiWIS 2013, held in Paphos, Cyprus, in August 2013. The 25 papers (20 full research papers, 4 demonstration papers, and one abstract of the keynote speech) presented were carefully reviewed and selected from various submissions. The papers cover the following topics related to mobile Web and Information Systems (WISs), such as mobile Web services, location-awareness, design and development, social computing and society, development infrastructures and services, SOA and trust, UI migration and human factors, and Web of Things and networks.

MOD: From Bebop to Britpop, Britain’s Biggest Youth Movement

by Richard Weight

Welcome to the world of the sharp-suited ‘faces’. The Italianistas. The scooter-riding, all-night-dancing instigators of what became, from its myriad sources, a very British phenomenon.Mod began life as the quintessential working-class movement of a newly affluent nation – a uniquely British amalgam of American music and European fashions that mixed modern jazz with modernist design in an attempt to escape the drab conformity, snobbery and prudery of life in 1950s Britain. But what started as a popular cult became a mainstream culture, and a style became a revolution.In Mod, Richard Weight tells the story of Britain’s biggest and most influential youth cult. He charts the origins of Mod in the Soho jazz scene of the 1950s, set to the cool sounds of Charlie Parker and Miles Davis. He explores Mod’s heyday in Swinging London in the mid-60s – to a new soundtrack courtesy of the Small Faces, the Who and the Kinks. He takes us to the Mod–Rocker riots at Margate and Brighton, and into the world of fashion and design dominated by Twiggy, Mary Quant and Terence Conran. But Mod did not end in the 1960s. Richard Weight not only brings us up to the cult’s revival in the late 70s – played out against its own soundtrack of Quadrophenia and the Jam – but reveals Mod to be the DNA of British youth culture, leaving its mark on glam and Northern Soul, punk and Two Tone, Britpop and rave. This is the story of Britain’s biggest and brassiest youth movement – and of its legacy. Music, film, fashion, art, architecture and design – nothing was untouched by the eclectic, frenetic, irresistible energy of Mod.

Modeling and Using Context: 8th International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT 2013, Annecy, France, October 28 - 31, 2013, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #8175)

by Patrick Brézillon Patrick Blackburn Richard Dapoigny

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 8th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context, CONTEXT 2013, held in Annecy, France, in October/November 2013. The 23 full papers and 9 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. In addition the book contains two keynote speeches and 9 poster papers. They cover cutting-edge results from the wide range of disciplines concerned with context, including: Cognitive Sciences (Linguistics, Psychology, Computer Science, Neuroscience), and computer science (artificial intelligence, logics, ubiquitous and pervasive computing, context-awareness systems), and the Social Sciences and Organizational Sciences, as well as the Humanities and all application areas, including Medicine and Law.

Modern Couples?: Continuity and Change in Heterosexual Relationships

by Jenny van Hooff

Have heterosexual relationships become more intimate and equal over the past forty years? Simply put, this is the central question underpinning this book. Within the context of late modern social processes, including most notably individualization and detraditionalization, authors such as Giddens, Beck and Beck-Gernsheim, and Bauman have come to focus on a posited transformation of personal relationships. This has culminated in a sociological debate over the nature of contemporary relationships, with proponents of change celebrating the emergence of an intimacy based on personal satisfaction rather than traditional obligations. Detractors reject this interpretation and instead lament what they consider to be the destruction of commitment and the demoralisation of personal relationships by the rise of individualism and consumerism. While these two entrenched positions have dominated the debate, a third, marginalised perspective has emerged, which questions the extent to which contemporary relationships have become detraditionalized, and emphasises evidence of continuing gender inequalities. This book is essentially a qualitative empirical investigation of the changes and continuities posited within the debate, which evaluates existing work and details the findings of van Hooff's research into the relationships of two generations of heterosexual couples. It provides the reader with a grounded interpretation of the evidence, questioning to what extent lived reality has matched the rhetoric within contemporary relationships.

Modern Couples?: Continuity and Change in Heterosexual Relationships

by Jenny van Hooff

Have heterosexual relationships become more intimate and equal over the past forty years? Simply put, this is the central question underpinning this book. Within the context of late modern social processes, including most notably individualization and detraditionalization, authors such as Giddens, Beck and Beck-Gernsheim, and Bauman have come to focus on a posited transformation of personal relationships. This has culminated in a sociological debate over the nature of contemporary relationships, with proponents of change celebrating the emergence of an intimacy based on personal satisfaction rather than traditional obligations. Detractors reject this interpretation and instead lament what they consider to be the destruction of commitment and the demoralisation of personal relationships by the rise of individualism and consumerism. While these two entrenched positions have dominated the debate, a third, marginalised perspective has emerged, which questions the extent to which contemporary relationships have become detraditionalized, and emphasises evidence of continuing gender inequalities. This book is essentially a qualitative empirical investigation of the changes and continuities posited within the debate, which evaluates existing work and details the findings of van Hooff's research into the relationships of two generations of heterosexual couples. It provides the reader with a grounded interpretation of the evidence, questioning to what extent lived reality has matched the rhetoric within contemporary relationships.

Modernism’s Second Act: A Cultural Narrative

by I. Nadel

European modernism underwent a massive change from 1930 to 1960, as war altered the cultural landscape. This account of artists and writers in France and England explores how modernism survived under authoritarianism, whether Fascism, National Socialism, or Stalinism, and how these artists endured by balancing complicity and resistance.

Modernity's Classics (Transcultural Research – Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context)

by Sarah C. Humphreys and Rudolf G. Wagner

This book presents critical studies of modern reconfigurations of conceptions of the past, of the 'classical', and of national heritage. Its scope is global (China, India, Egypt, Iran, Judaism, the Greco-Roman world) and inter-disciplinary (textual philology, history of art and architecture, philosophy, gardening). Its emphasis is on the complexity of the modernization process and of reactions to it: ideas and technologies travelled from India to Iran and from Japan to China, while reactions show tensions between museumization and the recreation of 'presence'. It challenges readers to rethink the assumptions of the disciplines in which they were trained

Moments, Attachment and Formations of Selfhood: Dancing with Now

by Kelly Forrest

Using innovative empirical data, this book presents a unique approach to looking at moments, exploring the deeper meanings of why memories stand out and how they influence an individual's sense of self. Forrest challenges the privileged position of narrative coherence as the basis for healthy identity and formations of selfhood.

Montesquieu and the Discovery of the Social

by Brian Singer

Montesquieu is often considered the first social thinker. Today, when 'the end of the social' has been proclaimed, it is time to reconsider its beginnings. In a wide-ranging, original interpretation of The Spirit of the Laws, this book explores what did it mean to 'discover the social', and what can it mean to recover the social today?

Moral Crusades in an Age of Mistrust: The Jimmy Savile Scandal

by F. Furedi

The epidemic of scandals unleashed by the Savile Scandal highlights the precarious status of relations of trust. The rapid escalation of this crisis offers insights into the relationship between anxieties about childhood and the wider moral order. This book explains why western society has become so uncomfortable with the exercise of authority.

Moral Panics in the Contemporary World

by Julian Petley Jason Hughes Chas Critcher Amanda Rohloff

Moral Panics in the Contemporary World represents the best current theoretical and empirical work on the topic, taken from the international conference on moral panics held at Brunel University. The range of contributors, from established scholars to emerging ones in the field, and from a working journalist as well, helps to cover a wide range of moral panics, both old and new, and extend the geographical scope of moral panic analysis to previously underrepresented areas. Designed from the outset to comprise a coherent and integrated set of viewpoints which share a common engagement with critically exploring moral panics in the contemporary world, it contains case studies instantly recognisable and familiar to a student readership (drugs, alcohol, sexual abuse and racism). The collection brings a fresh approach to analysis and argument by testing and extending the concept of moral panic and analyzing a range of topics and geographical contexts, accurately reflecting the state-of-the-art moral panics research today.

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