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Fotobefragung im Kontext raumbezogener Sozialraumforschung: Eine methodologische Untersuchung visueller Erhebungsmethoden

by Claudia Nußer

Claudia Nußer festigt die wissenschaftliche Einbindung von visuellen Erhebungsmethoden durch die Systematisierung bestehender Untersuchungsdesigns und potentieller Forschungsansätze. Sie arbeitet konkrete Qualitäten und Grenzen von Photovoice-Erhebungen heraus und untersucht alternative Fototechniken (z.B. Lightgraffiti) hinsichtlich ihres spezifischen Aktivierungs- und Reflexionspotentials. Dazu analysiert sie 480 Fotos und vergleicht sie mit den Ergebnissen einer schriftlich befragten Referenzgruppe.

Fotografie und Gesellschaft: Phänomenologische und wissenssoziologische Perspektiven (Sozialtheorie)

by Niklaus Reichle

Fotografie blieb in den Sozialwissenschaften bislang ein eher unterbelichtetes Thema, obwohl ihre Bedeutung in der Gegenwartsgesellschaft rasant zugenommen hat. Der Band schließt diese Lücke: mit Analysen nicht nur der Bildinterpretation, sondern auch der fotografischen Handlung selbst sowie der Auseinandersetzung mit Fotos. Die Beiträge renommierter Autor_innen über die Fotopraxis von Laien und Professionellen, den Übergang von der analogen zur digitalen Fotografie, das Fotografieren mittels Smartphone und Foto-Apps, die Gebrauchsweisen von Fotografie im Alltag und in den Medien sowie die Besonderheiten der Bildkommunikation und -interpretation wenden sich nicht nur an Sozial-, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaftler_innen, sondern an alle, die sich für Fotografie interessieren. Mit Beiträgen von Nina Baur/Patrik Budenz, Oliver Bidlo/Norbert Schröer, Aida Bosch, Roswitha Breckner, Achim Brosziewski, Jochen Dreher, Thomas S. Eberle, Paul Eisewicht/Tilo Grenz, Ronald Hitzler, Felix Keller, Hubert Knoblauch, Bernard Langerock/Hermann Schmitz, Christoph Maeder, Jörg Metelmann, Klaus Neumann-Braun, Michaela Pfadenhauer, Angelika Poferl/Reiner Keller, Manfred Prisching, Jürgen Raab, Jo Reichertz/Sylvia Marlene Wilz, Bernt Schnettler, Franz Schultheis, Hans-Georg Soeffner, Ilja Srubar und Anna Lisa Tota.

Fotografische Annäherungen an Kindheit: Visuelle, sozialpädagogische und methodologische Grenzgänge zwischen Lebenswelten (Kinder, Kindheiten und Kindheitsforschung #24)

by Samuel Keller

Die Studie von Samuel Keller möchte zentrale Bedeutungen in Lebenswelten von Kindern im Vorschulalter anhand visueller Daten ersichtlich machen. Hierfür lädt er zum analytischen Eintauchen in durch junge adoptierte Kinder aufgenommenen Fotografie-Welten ein. Die Erkenntnisse machen sichtbar, wie junge Kinder ihre Umgebung wahrnehmen und zwischen ihrem eigenen Kosmos, den darin liegenden Handlungs- und Entdeckungsmöglichkeiten und geteilten Orten changieren. Darüber hinaus verdeutlicht diese Studie, welche Bedeutung das Visuelle für die Kindheitsforschung hat. Seine theoretische und methodologische Diskussion öffnet sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf das Nicht-Sprachliche. So lassen sich Kindheits-Diskurse entscheidend weiterbringen.

Foucault: Eine Einführung

by Brigitte Kerchner Silke Schneider

Das Buch bietet eine fundierte Einführung in die Theorie und in das Verfahren der Diskursanalyse für das Fach Politikwissenschaft. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Ansatz von Michel Foucault.

Foucault: A Critical Introduction (Key Contemporary Thinkers)

by Lois McNay

This work provides an introduction to the work of Michel Foucault. It offers an assessment of all of Foucault's work, including his final writings on governmentality and the self. McNay argues that the later work initiates an important shift in his intellectual concerns which alters any retrospective reading of his writings as a whole. Throughout, McNay is concerned to assess the normative and political implications of Foucault's social criticism. She goes beyond the level of many commentators to look at the values from which Foucault's work springs and reveals the implicit assumptions underlying his social critique. The author also provides an account and assessment of recent literature on Foucault, including that of Habermas and Taylor. She discusses Foucault's position in the modernity/postmodernity debate, his own ambivalence to Enlightenment thought and his place in recent developments in feminist and cultural theory.

Foucault: A Critical Introduction (Key Contemporary Thinkers)

by Lois McNay

This work provides an introduction to the work of Michel Foucault. It offers an assessment of all of Foucault's work, including his final writings on governmentality and the self. McNay argues that the later work initiates an important shift in his intellectual concerns which alters any retrospective reading of his writings as a whole. Throughout, McNay is concerned to assess the normative and political implications of Foucault's social criticism. She goes beyond the level of many commentators to look at the values from which Foucault's work springs and reveals the implicit assumptions underlying his social critique. The author also provides an account and assessment of recent literature on Foucault, including that of Habermas and Taylor. She discusses Foucault's position in the modernity/postmodernity debate, his own ambivalence to Enlightenment thought and his place in recent developments in feminist and cultural theory.

Foucault: Historian or Philosopher?

by Clare O'Farrell

A discussion of the writings of Michael Foucault, focusing particularly on "Histoire de la Folie" written at the beginning of his career and "What is Enlightenment?" written at the end. Foucault's work is examined as a reflection on the "limits" of history, society and culture.

Foucault and Derrida: The Other Side of Reason

by Roy Boyne

The writings of Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida pose a serious challenge to the old established, but now seriously compromised forms of thought. In this compelling book, Roy Boyne explains the very significant advances for which they have been responsible, their general importance for the human sciences, and the forms of hope that they offer for an age often characterized by scepticism, cynicism and reaction. The focus of the book is the dispute between Foucault and Derrida on the nature of reason, madness and 'otherness'. The range of issues covered includes the birth of the prison, problems of textual interpretation, the nature of the self and contemporary movements such as socialism, feminism and anti-racialism. Roy Boyne argues that whilst the two thinkers chose very different paths, they were in fact rather surprisingly to converge upon the common ground of power and ethics. Despite the evident honesty, importance and adventurousness of the work of Foucault and Derrida, many also find it difficult and opaque. Roy Boyne has performed a major service for students of their writings in this compelling and accessible book.

Foucault and Derrida: The Other Side of Reason

by Roy Boyne

The writings of Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida pose a serious challenge to the old established, but now seriously compromised forms of thought. In this compelling book, Roy Boyne explains the very significant advances for which they have been responsible, their general importance for the human sciences, and the forms of hope that they offer for an age often characterized by scepticism, cynicism and reaction. The focus of the book is the dispute between Foucault and Derrida on the nature of reason, madness and 'otherness'. The range of issues covered includes the birth of the prison, problems of textual interpretation, the nature of the self and contemporary movements such as socialism, feminism and anti-racialism. Roy Boyne argues that whilst the two thinkers chose very different paths, they were in fact rather surprisingly to converge upon the common ground of power and ethics. Despite the evident honesty, importance and adventurousness of the work of Foucault and Derrida, many also find it difficult and opaque. Roy Boyne has performed a major service for students of their writings in this compelling and accessible book.

Foucault and Education: Putting Theory to Work (ISSN)

by Stephen J. Ball

Specially selected by Stephen Ball, this is a collection of the best and most interesting recently published papers that ‘use’ Foucault to analyse, destablise and re-claim educational ‘problems’. Arguably the best known social theorist in the western world, Foucault’s work is now widely used by researchers and writers in many fields of social science. These papers not only demonstrate the practical applicability of Foucault to things ‘cracked’ and things ‘intolerable’ in making them ‘not as necessary as all that’; they are also transposable, in that they offer forms and methods of analysis which can be taken up and applied and used in other settings, sectors, and policy fields.

Foucault and Education: Putting Theory to Work (ISSN)

by Stephen J. Ball

Specially selected by Stephen Ball, this is a collection of the best and most interesting recently published papers that ‘use’ Foucault to analyse, destablise and re-claim educational ‘problems’. Arguably the best known social theorist in the western world, Foucault’s work is now widely used by researchers and writers in many fields of social science. These papers not only demonstrate the practical applicability of Foucault to things ‘cracked’ and things ‘intolerable’ in making them ‘not as necessary as all that’; they are also transposable, in that they offer forms and methods of analysis which can be taken up and applied and used in other settings, sectors, and policy fields.

Foucault and Educational Ethics

by Bruce Moghtader

In his works on ethics, Foucault turned towards an examination of one's relationship with oneself and others. This differs from the modern approaches that explore the relationship between and the responsibilities of actors to each other by adopting criteria. Ethical criteria engender assumptions about the actors by focusing on their responsibilities. Instead of relying on criteria, Foucault's writing and lectures contributed to an awareness of the activities we take upon ourselves as ethical subjects. His reconstruction of the Greco-Roman ethics seeks to examine the possibilities of the reconstitution and transformation of subjectivity. Through this, he offers an avenue of understanding the formation of ethical subjects in their educational interrelationships.

Foucault and Lifelong Learning: Governing the Subject

by Andreas Fejes Katherine Nicoll

Over the last twenty years there has been increasing interest in the work of Michel Foucault in the social sciences and in particular with relation to education. This, the first book to draw on his work to consider lifelong learning, explores the significance of policies and practices of lifelong learning to the wider societies of which they are a part. With a breadth of international contributors and sites of analysis, this book offers insights into such questions as: What are the effects of lifelong learning policies within socio-political systems of governance? What does lifelong learning do to our understanding of ourselves as citizens? How does lifelong learning act in the regulation and re-ordering of what people do? The book suggests that understanding of lifelong learning as contributory to the knowledge economy, globalisation or the new work order may need to be revised if we are to understand its impact more fully. It therefore makes a significant contribution to the study of lifelong learning.

Foucault and Lifelong Learning: Governing the Subject

by Andreas Fejes Katherine Nicoll

Over the last twenty years there has been increasing interest in the work of Michel Foucault in the social sciences and in particular with relation to education. This, the first book to draw on his work to consider lifelong learning, explores the significance of policies and practices of lifelong learning to the wider societies of which they are a part. With a breadth of international contributors and sites of analysis, this book offers insights into such questions as: What are the effects of lifelong learning policies within socio-political systems of governance? What does lifelong learning do to our understanding of ourselves as citizens? How does lifelong learning act in the regulation and re-ordering of what people do? The book suggests that understanding of lifelong learning as contributory to the knowledge economy, globalisation or the new work order may need to be revised if we are to understand its impact more fully. It therefore makes a significant contribution to the study of lifelong learning.

Foucault and Managerial Governmentality: Rethinking the Management of Populations, Organizations and Individuals (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

by Alan McKinlay Eric Pezet

In the last two decades there has been an explosion of research inspired by Michel Foucault’s suggestion of a new concept, ‘governmentality’. The distinctive feature of modern governmentality is that across all sorts of fields, rule is predicated upon the active subject as the vehicle through which—and by which—power is exercised. The appeal of governmentality is that, whether we are considering the workplace, the school or welfare regimes, it opens up new ways of looking at familiar institutions. Foucault and Managerial Governmentality is about Michel Foucault’s concept of governmentality. The novelty of this concept is that looks at the ways that populations and organisations are imagined in ways that premise collective gains through expanding individual freedoms. Specifically, how are technologies of freedom devised that improve the overall performance—health, productivity, or parental responsibility—of a given population? Understanding the operation of technologies of control is a simple enough task, argues Foucault, but also one that blinds us to the increasing prevalence of technologies of freedom. Foucault and Managerial Governmentality aims not just to locate this concept in Foucault’s wider research project but to apply it to all sorts of management techniques. By applying governmentality to questions of management and organization we will also develop Foucault’s original, somewhat sketchy concept. This book has three innovative narratives: an awareness of the historicity of the concept; the application of governmentality to specific forms of management means that we escape the temptation to read any and all forms of technology and organization as an expression of neoliberalism; and, finally, the interviews with Peter Miller and Nikolas Rose provide unique intellectual and personal insights into the development of the governmentalist project over the last thirty years.

Foucault and Managerial Governmentality: Rethinking the Management of Populations, Organizations and Individuals (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

by Alan McKinlay Eric Pezet

In the last two decades there has been an explosion of research inspired by Michel Foucault’s suggestion of a new concept, ‘governmentality’. The distinctive feature of modern governmentality is that across all sorts of fields, rule is predicated upon the active subject as the vehicle through which—and by which—power is exercised. The appeal of governmentality is that, whether we are considering the workplace, the school or welfare regimes, it opens up new ways of looking at familiar institutions. Foucault and Managerial Governmentality is about Michel Foucault’s concept of governmentality. The novelty of this concept is that looks at the ways that populations and organisations are imagined in ways that premise collective gains through expanding individual freedoms. Specifically, how are technologies of freedom devised that improve the overall performance—health, productivity, or parental responsibility—of a given population? Understanding the operation of technologies of control is a simple enough task, argues Foucault, but also one that blinds us to the increasing prevalence of technologies of freedom. Foucault and Managerial Governmentality aims not just to locate this concept in Foucault’s wider research project but to apply it to all sorts of management techniques. By applying governmentality to questions of management and organization we will also develop Foucault’s original, somewhat sketchy concept. This book has three innovative narratives: an awareness of the historicity of the concept; the application of governmentality to specific forms of management means that we escape the temptation to read any and all forms of technology and organization as an expression of neoliberalism; and, finally, the interviews with Peter Miller and Nikolas Rose provide unique intellectual and personal insights into the development of the governmentalist project over the last thirty years.

Foucault and Post-Financial Crises: Governmentality, Discipline and Resistance (International Political Economy Series)

by John G. Glenn

This title explains the causes of the financial crisis and the economic reforms that were created subsequently through a Foucauldian philosophical lens. The author sets out the approaches established by Foucault – namely governmentality, biopolitics and disciplinary mechanisms – explaining how these influenced the shift of production from a local to a global level, alongside a shift towards financialisation. Glenn applies Foucauldian principles to aid understanding of the self-corrective mechanisms applied to the financial system, and the interpellative processes that led to the emergence of a new mode of subjectification. Concurrently, this title examines the retreat of the state from the financial sphere. This shift, the author posits, did not mean the complete absence of governance; rather governance became more concerned with ensuring that financial behaviour was contained within certain limits.

Foucault and the Human Subject of Science

by Garðar Árnason

​This book offers a clear analysis of Foucault’s work on scientific knowledge and its relationship to individuals and society. It suggests a way of using Foucault’s tools for science criticism and resistance, while avoiding the pitfalls of vulgar relativism or irrational anti-science views. Two cases of scientific conflict are considered. The first considers left-handers as subjects of science, in particular studies which purport to show that left-handers die on average younger than right-handers. The second case considers Icelanders as subjects of science in the context of a partly failed attempt to construct a genetic database encompassing the entire nation.The book will be of interest to bioethicists and philosophers who are concerned with the interaction between science and its human subjects, as well as scholars concerned with Foucault’s work on science.

Foucault and the Modern International: Silences and Legacies for the Study of World Politics (The Sciences Po Series in International Relations and Political Economy)

by Philippe Bonditti, Didier Bigo and Frédéric Gros

This book addresses the possibilities of analyzing the modern international through the thought of Michel Foucault. The broad range of authors brought together in this volume question four of the most self-evident characteristics of our contemporary world-'international', 'neoliberal', 'biopolitical' and 'global'- and thus fill significant gaps in both international and Foucault studies. The chapters discuss what a Foucauldian perspective does or does not offer for understanding international phenomena while also questioning many appropriations of Foucault's work. This transdisciplinary volume will serve as a reference for both scholars and students of international relations, international political sociology, international political economy, political theory/philosophy and critical theory more generally.

Foucault as Educator (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Stephen J. Ball

This book considers Foucault as educator in three main ways. First, through some consideration of what his work says about education as a social and political practice. That is, education as a form of what Allen (2014) calls benign violence – which operates through mundane, quotidian disciplinary technologies and expert knowledges which together construct a ‘pedagogical machine’. Second, through an exploration of his ‘method’ as a form of critique. That is, as a way of showing that things are ‘not as necessary as all that’, a way of addressing what is intolerable. This suggests that critique is education of a kind. Third, through a discussion of some of Foucault's later work on subjectivity and in particular on ‘the care of the self’ or what we might call ‘a pedagogy of the self’. Each chapter introduces and discusses some relevant examples from educational settings to illustrate and enact Foucault’s analytics.

Foucault Contra Habermas: Recasting the Dialogue between Genealogy and Critical Theory

by Dr Samantha Ashenden Dr David Owen

Foucault contra Habermas is an incisive examination of, and a comprehensive introduction to, the debate between Foucault and Habermas over the meaning of enlightenment and modernity. It reprises the key issues in the argument between critical theory and genealogy and is organised around three complementary themes: defining the context of the debate; examining the theoretical and conceptual tools used; and discussing the implications for politics and criticism. In a detailed reply to Habermas' Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, this volume explains the difference between Habermas' philosophical practice and Foucault's between the analytics of truth and the politics of truth. Many of the most difficult arguments in the exchange are subject to a detailed critical analysis. This examination also includes discussion of the ethics of dialogue; the practice of criticism; the politics of recognition , and the function of civil society and democracy.

Foucault, Governmentality, and Critique

by Thomas Lemke

Michel Foucault is one of the most cited authors in social science. This book discusses one of his most influential concepts: governmentality. Reconstructing its emergence in Foucault's analytics of power, the book explores the theoretical strengths the concept of governmentality offers for political analysis and critique. It highlights the intimate link between neoliberal rationalities and the problem of biopolitics including issues around genetic and reproductive technologies. This book is a useful introduction to Foucault's work on power and governmentality suitable for experts and students alike

Foucault, Governmentality, and Critique

by Thomas Lemke

Michel Foucault is one of the most cited authors in social science. This book discusses one of his most influential concepts: governmentality. Reconstructing its emergence in Foucault's analytics of power, the book explores the theoretical strengths the concept of governmentality offers for political analysis and critique. It highlights the intimate link between neoliberal rationalities and the problem of biopolitics including issues around genetic and reproductive technologies. This book is a useful introduction to Foucault's work on power and governmentality suitable for experts and students alike

Foucault, Health and Medicine

by Robin Bunton Alan Petersen

The reception of Michel Foucault's work in the social sciences and humanities has been phenomenal. Foucault's concepts and methodology have encouraged new approaches to old problems and opened up new lines of enquiry. This book assesses the contribution of Foucault's work to research and thinking in the area of health and medicine, and shows how key researchers in the sociology of health and illness are currently engaging with his ideas. Foucault, Health and Medicine explores such important issues as: Foucault's concept of 'discourse', the critique of the 'medicalization' thesis, the analysis of the body and the self, Foucault's concept of 'bio-power' in the analysis of health education, the implications of Foucault's ideas for feminist research on embodiment and gendered subjectivities, the application of Foucault's notion of governmentality to the analysis of health policy, health promotion, and the consumption of health. Foucault, Health and Medicine offers a `state of the art' overview of Foucaldian scholarship in the area of health and medicine. It will provide a key reference for both students and researchers working in the areas of medical sociology, health policy, health promotion and feminist studies.

Foucault, Health and Medicine

by Alan Petersen Robin Bunton

The reception of Michel Foucault's work in the social sciences and humanities has been phenomenal. Foucault's concepts and methodology have encouraged new approaches to old problems and opened up new lines of enquiry. This book assesses the contribution of Foucault's work to research and thinking in the area of health and medicine, and shows how key researchers in the sociology of health and illness are currently engaging with his ideas. Foucault, Health and Medicine explores such important issues as: Foucault's concept of 'discourse', the critique of the 'medicalization' thesis, the analysis of the body and the self, Foucault's concept of 'bio-power' in the analysis of health education, the implications of Foucault's ideas for feminist research on embodiment and gendered subjectivities, the application of Foucault's notion of governmentality to the analysis of health policy, health promotion, and the consumption of health. Foucault, Health and Medicine offers a `state of the art' overview of Foucaldian scholarship in the area of health and medicine. It will provide a key reference for both students and researchers working in the areas of medical sociology, health policy, health promotion and feminist studies.

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