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The Dynamics Of Race And Gender: Some Feminist Interventions (Gender And Society Ser.)

by Haleh Afshar Mary Maynard

During the past decade, feminism and women's studies have been forced to acknowledge the diversities of women's experiences, as well as the patriarchal oppression that they share. The emphasis on difference has shattered the illusion of homogeneity and sisterhood which previously characterized white, middle-class Westernized feminist politics and analysis.; There is relatively little work which concentrates on the inter-relationships of race and gender in general, and the consequences of racism, for women of different backgrounds, in particular. "The Dynamics of Race and Gender" aims to contribute to the debate and understanding in this area. Emphasis has been given to age, class, disability, race and sexuality. The contributors to this volume are from different religious, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, giving a balanced and broad ranging perspective on this important social question.; Organized around three main themes, which are; issues of theory and method, questions of identity, racism and sexism at work, the chapters of this book indicate how the processes of race and gender interrelate in highly complex and contradictory ways. Demonstrating the benefits to be gained from analysing the interplay of various axes of differentiation in specific empirical and historical locations, and in doing so, under- scoring the point that diversity among women cannot be seen as a static phenomenon.

The Dynamics of Radicalization: A Relational and Comparative Perspective

by Eitan Y. Alimi Chares Demetriou Lorenzo Bosi

Why is it that some social movements engaged in contentious politics experience radicalization whereas others do not? The Dynamics of Radicalization offers an innovative reply by investigating how and when social movement organizations switch from a nonviolent mode of contention to a violent one. Moving beyond existing explanations that posit aggressive motivations, grievances or violence-prone ideologies, this book demonstrates how these factors gain and lose salience in the context of relational dynamics among various parties and actors involved in episodes of contention. Drawing on a comparative historical analysis of al-Qaeda, the Red Brigades, the Cypriot EOKA, the authors develop a relational, mechanism-based theory that advances our understanding of political violence in several important ways by identifying turning points in the radicalization process, similar mechanisms at work across each case, and the factors that drive or impede radicalization. The Dynamics of Radicalization offers a counterpoint to mainstream works on political violence, which often presume that political violence and terrorism is rooted in qualities intrinsic to or developed by groups considered to be radical.

The Dynamics of Regulation: Cultural Management and Policy: a case study of broadcasting advertising in the United Kingdom

by George Gantzias

This title was first published in 2001. New technologies and the liberalization of the broadcasting and telecommunications market, together with the digitalization and globalization of new services, have challenged irrevocably not only the traditional markets and instructional structures but also the legal systems of broadcasting and telecommunication sectors in the 21st century. This text takes into account changes in digital broadcasting and telecommunication by pointing out that convergence is the process through which broadcasting, telecommunication, press and information sectors are transformed into new sectors (info-com arteries, info-com products, info-com services and info-com content) in order to be fully compatible with the emerging new info-communication industry in the digital transformation and info-communication era.

The Dynamics of Regulation: Cultural Management and Policy: a case study of broadcasting advertising in the United Kingdom

by George Gantzias

This title was first published in 2001. New technologies and the liberalization of the broadcasting and telecommunications market, together with the digitalization and globalization of new services, have challenged irrevocably not only the traditional markets and instructional structures but also the legal systems of broadcasting and telecommunication sectors in the 21st century. This text takes into account changes in digital broadcasting and telecommunication by pointing out that convergence is the process through which broadcasting, telecommunication, press and information sectors are transformed into new sectors (info-com arteries, info-com products, info-com services and info-com content) in order to be fully compatible with the emerging new info-communication industry in the digital transformation and info-communication era.

The Dynamics of Social Change in Latin America (International Political Economy Series)

by Henry Veltmeyer J. Petras

This study examines fundamental theoretical and conceptual issues of social change in Latin America in the context of detailed empirical analysis. It challenges the major assumptions and propositions that underlie globalization theory, reworking and fine tuning the concepts of imperialism and social class as relevant to understanding the 'new world order'. The study centers on the structural features of Latin America and the state policies reconcentrating power in the capitalist class at the expense of labor. The study surveys the contradictory tendencies of concentrated wealth and power and the emergence of new socio-political movements and alternative development strategies to the dominant paradigm.

The Dynamics of Social Practice: Everyday Life and how it Changes

by Dr Elizabeth Shove Dr Matt Watson Mika Pantzar

Everyday life is defined and characterised by the rise, transformation and fall of social practices. Using terminology that is both accessible and sophisticated, this essential book guides the reader through a multi-level analysis of this dynamic. In working through core propositions about social practices and how they change the book is clear and accessible; real world examples, including the history of car driving, the emergence of frozen food, and the fate of hula hooping, bring abstract concepts to life and firmly ground them in empirical case-studies and new research. Demonstrating the relevance of social theory for public policy problems, the authors show that the everyday is the basis of social transformation addressing questions such as: how do practices emerge, exist and die? what are the elements from which practices are made? how do practices recruit practitioners? how are elements, practices and the links between them generated, renewed and reproduced? Precise, relevant and persuasive this book will inspire students and researchers from across the social sciences. Elizabeth Shove is Professor of Sociology at Lancaster University. Mika Pantzar is Research Professor at the National Consumer Research Centre, Helsinki. Matt Watson is Lecturer in Social and Cultural Geography at University of Sheffield.

The Dynamics of Social Practice: Everyday Life and how it Changes

by Dr Elizabeth Shove Dr Matt Watson Mika Pantzar

Everyday life is defined and characterised by the rise, transformation and fall of social practices. Using terminology that is both accessible and sophisticated, this essential book guides the reader through a multi-level analysis of this dynamic. In working through core propositions about social practices and how they change the book is clear and accessible; real world examples, including the history of car driving, the emergence of frozen food, and the fate of hula hooping, bring abstract concepts to life and firmly ground them in empirical case-studies and new research. Demonstrating the relevance of social theory for public policy problems, the authors show that the everyday is the basis of social transformation addressing questions such as: how do practices emerge, exist and die? what are the elements from which practices are made? how do practices recruit practitioners? how are elements, practices and the links between them generated, renewed and reproduced? Precise, relevant and persuasive this book will inspire students and researchers from across the social sciences. Elizabeth Shove is Professor of Sociology at Lancaster University. Mika Pantzar is Research Professor at the National Consumer Research Centre, Helsinki. Matt Watson is Lecturer in Social and Cultural Geography at University of Sheffield.

Dynamics of the Cold War in Asia: Ideology, Identity, and Culture

by T. Vu W. Wongsurawat

This book focuses on the neglected cultural front of the Cold War in Asia to explore the mindsets of Asian actors and untangle the complex cultural alliances that undergirded the security blocs on this continent.

The Dynamics of Transculturality: Concepts and Institutions in Motion (Transcultural Research – Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context)

by Antje Flüchter Jivanta Schöttli

The purpose of this volume is to identify and analyze the mechanisms and processes through which concepts and institutions of transcultural phenomena gain and are given momentum. Applied to a range of cases, including examples drawn from ancient Greece and modern India, the early modern Portuguese presence in China and politics of elite-mass dynamics in the People’s Republic of China, the book provides a template for the study of transcultural dynamics over time. Besides the epochal range, the papers in this volume illustrate the thematic diversity assembled under the umbrella of the Heidelberg Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context.” Drawing from both the humanities and social sciences, stretching across several world areas and centuries, the book is an interdisciplinary work, aptly reflected in the collaboration of its editors: a historian and political scientist.

Dynamik der Geschlossenheit: Eine Theoriefigur der späten Moderne und ihre Entfaltung bei Hans Blumenberg

by Andreas Kirchner

Dass sich jegliches Geschehen der operativ geschlossenen Verknüpfung von Ereignissen verdankt, ist sicherlich die theorieästhetische Provokation der Moderne. Die Dynamik der Geschlossenheit wird als eine Theoriefigur ins Spiel gebracht, welche die sich seit der Neuzeit entwickelnde Idee der Selbstbezüglichkeit radikalisiert und jegliche Beobachtung von einem Absoluten entlastet. Aus der theorieästhetischen Perspektive wird auch die kultur-phänomenologische Anthropologie Hans Blumenbergs unter dem Signum der operativen Geschlossenheit entfaltet. Indem mit Niklas Luhmann und Hans Blumenberg zwei Perspektiven ins Gespräch gebracht werden, die man sonst nicht in einem Atemzug nennt, kann letztlich Blumenberg in einer innovativen Lesart nicht nur als Denker der Neuzeit, sondern auch als Beobachter der späten Moderne verstanden werden.

Dynamik sozialer Praktiken: Simulation gemeinsamer Unternehmungen von Frauengruppen (Computersimulationen in den Sozialwissenschaften)

by Solveig Hofmann

Dieses Buch über Simulation von sozialen Praktiken eröffnet einen großen - reich von interessanten und wichtigen Anwendungen. Soziale Praktiken bilden die Grundlage vieler sozialer, komplexer Systeme, wie Gemeinschaften, Gese- schaften, Genossenschaften, Organisationen, Institutionen, Staaten und viele andere mehr. Dieses Buch analysiert und simuliert eine generische Fallgruppe, in der es hunderte ähnlicher Fälle gibt. Die Untersuchung von sozialen Systemen benutzt hier gleich zwei für - künftige Forschungen wichtige Simulationskomponenten. Erstens erschließt dieses Werk die psychologische Welt der Akteure für Computersimulationen. Diese Welt lässt sich mit den Begriffen der Überzeugung, der Absicht und des Wunsches aufbauen. Frau Hofmann verwendet zwei der drei zentralen psycho- gischen Begriffe, nämlich Überzeugung und Absicht, während die Welt der Wünsche in dieser Arbeit nur impliziert benutzt wird. Diese Komponenten werden sicherlich bei vielen folgenden Simulationen eine Rolle spielen. In den hier beschriebenen Simulationen werden eine große Menge von Überzeugungen und eine kleinere Menge von Absichten der Akteure generiert. In einem ersten Schritt wird nur ein grobes Gerüst von Rationalitä- postulaten verwendet. Die vielen „Logiken“, mit denen die Überzeugungssys- me in eine rationale Ordnung gebracht werden, können in einer Simulation nur angewendet werden, wenn die Überzeugungssysteme rational mit Inhalt gefüllt sind. Die normale, menschliche Welt ist aber nur begrenzt rational und die nicht rationalen Anwandlungen der Menschen sind bis jetzt nur in ersten Ansätzen in formalen Abteilungen der Wissenschaften zu finden. Deshalb wurde als zweite Komponente der Simulation eine Komponente benutzt, die bis jetzt stiefmütterlich behandelt wird, nämlich die Handlungen.

Dynamik sozialer Rollen beim Wissensmanagement: Soziotechnische Anforderungen an Communities und Organisationen

by Isa Jahnke

Isa Jahnke untersucht die Relevanz von Rollen, in denen Akteure am Wissensaustausch beteiligt sind und deren soziale Strukturen die Form des Austauschs prägen, am Beispiel einer Organisation. Sie verdeutlicht die Wirkmechanismen des Rollenhandelns sowie die damit verbundenen formellen und informellen Rollenstrukturen und leitet Erfolgsfaktoren für soziotechnische Communities und Organisationen ab.

Dynamiken (Sozialstrukturanalyse)

by Nicole Burzan Peter A. Berger

Mittlere soziale Lagen stellen seit jeher ein analytisches Problem für die Ungleichheitsforschung dar, weil es sich um heterogene Gruppen handelt, die sich nur schwer auf einen gemeinsamen Nenner bringen lassen. In jüngerer Zeit nun hat die „Mitte“ neue Aufmerksamkeit in der Diskussion erfahren, unter anderem durch die Thesen ihrer Schrumpfung sowie zunehmender Abstiegsängste. Der Band richtet sich auf Dynamiken sozialer Ungleichheit, die sowohl auf die individuelle Ebene abzielen, beispielsweise in Form sozialer Mobilität, aber auch auf Dynamiken der gesellschaftlichen Mitte als Kollektiv und ihre sozialen Funktionen. Zu diesem Zweck vereint der Band sowohl Beiträge, die empirisch aktuelle Entwicklungen auf verschiedenen Ebenen thematisieren und dabei die obigen Thesen hinterfragen, als auch solche, deren Schwerpunkt auf konzeptionellen Argumenten und der Diagnose des gesellschaftlichen Rahmens für Veränderungen dieser „Mitte“ liegt.

Dynamiken der öffentlichen Problemwahrnehmung: Umwelt, Terrorismus, Rechtsextremismus und Konsumklima in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit

by Volker Gehrau Judith Väth Gianna Haake

In diesem Buch wird die Anlage des DFG-Projektes „Einflüsse der Aggregierung von Personen-, Themen- und Zeitangaben auf die Ergebnisse von Agenda-Setting-Studien“ vorgestellt. Es handelt sich um eine Sekundäranalyse von werktäglichen Befragungsdaten und täglichen Mediendaten aus der BRD zwischen 1994 und 2006. Die Daten wurden auf Wochen aggregiert und fusioniert. Zunächst wird anhand dieser Daten dargestellt, was in diesem Zeitraum die aus Sicht der Bevölkerung wichtigsten Probleme waren. Anschließend wird die Dynamik der Medienberichterstattung sowie deren Niederschlag in Interesse und Relevanzeinschätzung der Bevölkerung an vier Beispielen nachvollzogen: Politik, Terroranschläge, NPD-Verbotsverfahren sowie Konsumklima.

Dynamiken lokaler Flüchtlingshilfe: Engagement im Spannungsfeld von Staat und Zivilgesellschaft (Bürgergesellschaft und Demokratie)

by Verena Schmid

Die vorliegende Arbeit geht der Frage nach, welche Bedeutung, Formen und Funktionen zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement in Krisenzeiten einnimmt. Expliziert wird dies am Beispiel der sogenannten Flüchtlingskrise 2015 in Deutschland untersucht. Zunächst wird die lokale Flüchtlingshilfe als strategisches Aktionsfeld betrachtet und die Flüchtlingskrise als exogener Schock gesehen, welcher das Feld in die Krise stürzte. Zudem wird das bürgerschaftliche Engagement in seiner Pluralität, Relationalität und Historizität beleuchtet. Drittens werden die Besonderheiten der lokalen Ebene thematisiert. Die Studie zeigt, dass sich die beiden lokalen Felder nach dem ersten Schock durch die Krise zunächst über Netzwerke strukturieren, unterstützt vom Ausbau von Kooperationen, welche die Beziehungen und Positionen im Feld festigen, bevor weitere Strukturen entstehen oder sich professionalisieren. Nicht alle Akteure im Feld sind in der Lage, sich über diesen Prozess zu etablieren, dennoch entsteht schrittweise ein neues, stabiles Feld der lokalen Flüchtlingshilfe, welches dem vor der Krise in seiner Ausgestaltung stark ähnelt. Die Arbeit leistet durch ihre ganzheitliche, empirische Betrachtung der Geschehnisse während der sogenannten Flüchtlingskrise einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Verständnis zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagements in seiner lokalen Eingebundenheit.

Dynamiken von Lohnungleichheiten in Europa: Betriebliche und arbeitsmarktpolitische Anpassungen während der Eurokrise (Sozialstrukturanalyse)

by Sven Broschinski

Diese Studie rekonstruiert die Entwicklungen der Löhne und Lohnungleichheiten während der Eurokrise aus einer gesamteuropäischen sowie inner- und zwischenstaatlichen Perspektive. Es wird gezeigt, dass die unterschiedlichen betrieblichen als auch arbeitsmarktpolitischen Anpassungenin den Mitgliedsstaaten zu sehr heterogenen Mustern der innerstaatlichen Lohnentwicklungen beigetragen haben. So erfuhren vor allem die osteuropäischen Mitgliedsstaatensowie Deutschland einen deutlichen Anstieg des unteren Lohnniveaus, während es in den südeuropäischen Ländern sowie Großbritannien zu starken Reallohneinbußen gekommen ist, die teilweise durch die veränderte Zusammensetzung der Arbeitnehmerschaft verdeckt werden. Gleichzeitig haben diese Entwicklungen zu einer EU-weiten Konvergenz der Löhne sowie einem Rückgang der zwischenstaatlichen Lohnungleichheiten geführt. Ein zentraler Erklärungsfaktor für diese Trends sind die rechtlich-institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen, die die Auswirkungen der makroökonomischen Schocks auf die Lohn- und Beschäftigungsstrukturen in hohem Maße moderiert haben und die selbst auch zum Gegenstand krisenbedingter Anpassungsprozesse wurden.

Dynamische Arrangements städtischer Sicherheit: Akteure, Kulturen, Bilder

by Jan Abt Leon Hempel Dietrich Henckel Ricarda Pätzold Gabriele Wendorf

Der Befund einer Pluralisierung der Sicherheitsproduktion und Allgegenwärtigkeit von „Sicherheit“ in der Diskussion um Stadt kann darauf zurück geführt werden, dass die Akteure, deren Verbindungen untereinander, ihre Aufgaben und Techniken weniger eindeutig als in der Vergangenheit fixiert sind. Anspruch des vorliegenden Bandes – an der Schnittstelle zwischen sozialer und räumlich orientierter Sicherheitsforschung – ist es, die lokal vielfältigen Formen der Sicherheitsproduktion zu illustrieren und die Konflikte, Widersprüche und Folgen für das Leben in den Städten sowie das Handlungsfeld urbane Sicherheit aufzuzeigen. Sicherheit wird damit im Spannungsfeld der Materialität des urbanen Raums und übergeordneter kulturell tradierter Deutungsmuster thematisiert.

Dynix: A Guide for Librarians and Systems Managers (Routledge Revivals)

by Jacqueline Gilmartin

Published in 1992. Investing in, running and managing an automated library system is an expensive, time-consuming activity. This guide, one of a series looking at library automation systems, will not only help prospective users in their systems choice, but will also give current users a better appreciation of the potential of their own system. Written by users of the system and reflecting their experience, the guide examines DYNIX’s place in the automated libraries’ market, the company’ history, reliability and support services. All the hardware and software used in connection with DYNIX are described and the reader is taken through all the processes involved in setting up the system, and introduced to the specific packages and applications. This guide will also be of interest to students of information management, information science and librarianship.

Dynix: A Guide for Librarians and Systems Managers (Routledge Revivals)

by Jacqueline Gilmartin

Published in 1992. Investing in, running and managing an automated library system is an expensive, time-consuming activity. This guide, one of a series looking at library automation systems, will not only help prospective users in their systems choice, but will also give current users a better appreciation of the potential of their own system. Written by users of the system and reflecting their experience, the guide examines DYNIX’s place in the automated libraries’ market, the company’ history, reliability and support services. All the hardware and software used in connection with DYNIX are described and the reader is taken through all the processes involved in setting up the system, and introduced to the specific packages and applications. This guide will also be of interest to students of information management, information science and librarianship.

Dysconscious Racism, Afrocentric Praxis, and Education for Human Freedom: The selected works of Joyce E. King

by Joyce E. King

A dynamic leader and visionary teacher/scholar, Joyce E. King has made important contributions to the knowledge base on preparing teachers for diversity, culturally connected teaching and learning, and inclusive transformative leadership for change, often in creative partnership with communities. Dr. King is internationally recognized for her innovative interdisciplinary scholarship, teaching practice, and leadership. Her concept of "dysconscious racism" continues to influence research and practice in education and sociology in the U.S. and in other countries. This volume weaves together ten of her most influential writings and four invited reflections from prominent scholars on the major themes the work addresses. In the World Library of Educationalists, international scholars themselves compile career-long collections of what they judge to be their finest pieces—extracts from books, key articles, salient research findings, major theoretical and/or practical contributions—so the world can read them in a single manageable volume. Readers will be able to follow the themes and strands of their work and see their contribution to the development of a field.

Dysconscious Racism, Afrocentric Praxis, and Education for Human Freedom: The selected works of Joyce E. King

by Joyce E. King

A dynamic leader and visionary teacher/scholar, Joyce E. King has made important contributions to the knowledge base on preparing teachers for diversity, culturally connected teaching and learning, and inclusive transformative leadership for change, often in creative partnership with communities. Dr. King is internationally recognized for her innovative interdisciplinary scholarship, teaching practice, and leadership. Her concept of "dysconscious racism" continues to influence research and practice in education and sociology in the U.S. and in other countries. This volume weaves together ten of her most influential writings and four invited reflections from prominent scholars on the major themes the work addresses. In the World Library of Educationalists, international scholars themselves compile career-long collections of what they judge to be their finest pieces—extracts from books, key articles, salient research findings, major theoretical and/or practical contributions—so the world can read them in a single manageable volume. Readers will be able to follow the themes and strands of their work and see their contribution to the development of a field.

The Dysfunctional Politics of the Affordable Care Act

by Greg M. Shaw

While analyzing the contentious debate over health care reform, this much-needed study also challenges the argument that treating medical patients like shoppers can significantly reduce health expenditures.This revealing work focuses on the politics surrounding the Affordable Care Act (ACA), explaining how and why supporters and opponents have approached the issue as they have since the act's passage in 2010. The first book to systematically examine public knowledge of the ACA across time, it also documents how that knowledge has remained essentially static since 2010, despite the importance of health-policy reform to every American.An important book for anyone concerned about the skyrocketing costs of health care in the United States, the work accomplishes three main tasks intended to help readers better understand one of the most important policy challenges of our time. The early chapters explain why congressional Democrats designed the Affordable Care Act of 2010 as they did, clarifies some of the consequences of the act's features, and examines why Republicans have fought the implementation of the law so fiercely. The study then looks at how the intersection of economics and politics applies to the ACA. Finally, the book details what the public knows—and doesn't know—about the law and discusses the prospects for citizens gaining the knowledge they should have about the overall issue of health-policy reform.

The Dysfunctional Politics of the Affordable Care Act

by Greg M. Shaw

While analyzing the contentious debate over health care reform, this much-needed study also challenges the argument that treating medical patients like shoppers can significantly reduce health expenditures.This revealing work focuses on the politics surrounding the Affordable Care Act (ACA), explaining how and why supporters and opponents have approached the issue as they have since the act's passage in 2010. The first book to systematically examine public knowledge of the ACA across time, it also documents how that knowledge has remained essentially static since 2010, despite the importance of health-policy reform to every American.An important book for anyone concerned about the skyrocketing costs of health care in the United States, the work accomplishes three main tasks intended to help readers better understand one of the most important policy challenges of our time. The early chapters explain why congressional Democrats designed the Affordable Care Act of 2010 as they did, clarifies some of the consequences of the act's features, and examines why Republicans have fought the implementation of the law so fiercely. The study then looks at how the intersection of economics and politics applies to the ACA. Finally, the book details what the public knows—and doesn't know—about the law and discusses the prospects for citizens gaining the knowledge they should have about the overall issue of health-policy reform.

Dyslexia: The Government of Reading

by T. Campbell

The diagnosis of 'Dyslexia' and the medical problematisation of reading difficulties were almost unknown one hundred years ago, yet today the British Dyslexia Association estimates that up to ten per cent of the UK population may have some form of dyslexia, with numbers in the United States estimated to be as high as twenty per cent. The Government of Reading investigates how this problematisation developed and how a diagnostic category was shaped in response to this.

Dyslexia: Developing the Debate (Key Debates in Educational Policy)

by Julian Elliott Rod Nicolson Andrew Davis Christopher Winch

Dyslexia is often presented as a clearly delineated condition that can be diagnosed on the basis of appropriate cognitive tests with corresponding forms on intervention. However, this approachable text explores the issues behind this assertion in bringing together leading figures in the field to debate dyslexia.Julian Elliott shows that understandings and usage of the dyslexia label vary substantially with little consensus or agreement and in putting forward his critique draws upon research in several disciplinary fields to demonstrate the irrationality of these arguments. Roderick I. Nicolson demonstrates that current approaches to understanding, identification and support of dyslexia are catastrophically flawed in terms of their failure to consider the developmental nature of dyslexia. He develops two themes: first that the underlying cause of dyslexia is 'delayed neural commitment' for skills and neural circuits, and second that the cause of the reading disability is the introduction of formal instruction before the dyslexic child's neural circuits for executive function are sufficiently developed. He argues that a more effective and cost-effective approach to identification and support involves 'assessment for dyslexia' rather than 'of dyslexia'. Elliott and Nicolson respond to the points each other raise before Andrew Davis investigates how far the key claims of Elliott and Nicolson can withstand close conceptual investigation, and explores the inherent limitations of scientific research on this topic, given the value and conceptual issues concerned.

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