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Ageing with Dignity in Hong Kong and Asia: Holistic and Humanistic Care (Quality of Life in Asia #16)

by Vincent Tin Sing Law Ben Yuk Fai Fong

This book advocates the application of holistic and humanistic approaches in elderly care and services to achieve the goal of ageing with dignity in Hong Kong and Asia. It responds to the needs of an increasing ageing population that has to deal with related health needs in long-term care, community health and social services, particularly for chronic conditions and psychosocial support. The book consists of three sections on policy and development of aged care, holistic and humanistic care for older adults, and capacity building for ageing with dignity, respectively. Topics include the latest initiatives in aged care, appropriate services and delivery models, lifestyle modification, psychosocial and environmental considerations, professional development, technologies, and social capital. The chapters review and discuss these issues within a global context, illustrated by examples from Asian countries, underpinned by locally based empirical research. Contributors include academics and practitioners from diversified professional backgrounds that include medicine, nursing, pharmacy, traditional Chinese medicine, dietetics, and allied health. The book traverses into territories in the social sciences, life sciences, and sports sciences, while also touching on areas of business and administration, hospitality, law, public policy, and information technology in connection with public health. The contents serve as a topical reference for tertiary studies in ageing and related disciplines such as well-being and are also useful to policymakers, community and public health practitioners, health executives and interns working in areas of policy and practice pertinent to care development, health delivery models, planning, quality, ethics, better health promotion, professional training, and monitoring for older adults.

Hinterher ist man immer schlauer!: Wissenstransfer in der gehobenen Gastronomie

by Uwe Wilkesmann Heiko Antoniewicz Maximiliane Wilkesmann

Im Buch werden zum ersten Mal die vielfältigen Forschungsergebnisse zum Wissenstransfer auf die gehobene Gastronomie übertragen. Anhand vieler praktischer Beispiele aus der Gastronomie werden unter anderem folgende Fragen beantwortet: Was ist eigentlich Wissen und welches Wissen ist in der Gastronomie wichtig? Wie funktioniert Wissenstransfer in verschiedenen Küchentypen? Von welchen Faktoren hängt die Weitergabe von Wissen ab? Wie kann man Wissen in der Gastronomie managen? Welches Wissen braucht es im Service? In welchen Bereichen spielt die Beratung als Wissensquelle eine Rolle?Diese Fragen werden auf der Grundlage von wissenschaftlichen Studien beantwortet und unterhaltsam dargelegt. Hierbei kommen auch viele bekannte Persönlichkeiten aus der gehobenen Gastronomie zu Wort und erläutern Herausforderungen und mögliche Lösungen für den Wissenstransfer in ihren Betrieben.

Experience, Caste, and the Everyday Social

by Gopal  Guru Sundar  Sarukkai

Experience, Caste, and the Everyday Social offers a sustained argument that the social is experienced in various ways, through the senses as well as through conceptualizations such as self, time, and friendship. By looking at the experiences of everyday life in societies like India, it attempts to understand how different socialities are formed and sustained. It offers new insights on themes such as the ontology of the social, the way the social is experienced, the nature of social that operates in the world as invisible authority, along with the creation of notions such as social self and social time. Endorsing the concept of ‘Maitri’, signifying ethical relationship among multiple social entities, the book offers a distinct theory of the social supported by ample empirical observations.

Mining the Landscape: The Archaeology of Mount Shamrock (Contributions To Global Historical Archaeology)

by Geraldine Mate

Mining was one of the primary elements of colonial enterprise in Australia and a factor in movement on colonial frontiers. In the second half of the 19th and early 20th century, mining—particularly of gold—saw transformations of the land itself, as well as in the way that people working in mining engaged with the landscape around them. Landscape archaeology provides a theoretical perspective that allows an articulation of how people created and understood the place in which they lived and worked.The impact of and narrative surrounding gold mining has meant that it has long been a focus of study, both historical and archaeological. The archaeology of mining has traditionally fallen under the umbrella of industrial archaeology, with analyses based on historical, economic and technological evidence. However this is changing. From an industrial focus, examining the remnants of mines and associated processing equipment, archaeology has progressed towards understandings of the social aspects of mining, recognising that people, not just equipment, occupied these landscapes. Nevertheless, there remains a separation between industrial/technology-based studies and purely social/ household-based archaeological studies—a division that overlooks the integration of home and livelihood.This work addresses these very challenges, using a landscape-based approach that articulates a nuanced, meaning-ladened and experienced mining landscape. Integrating the social and the industrial, the case study of Mount Shamrock, a gold-mining town in Queensland, Australia, demonstrates how this methodology can enhance our understanding of the past. The work presents an integration of social and industrial perspectives in a mining settlement, and provides an exemplar in the application of landscape theory to Australian historical archaeology. These concepts and approaches, developed in an Australian context, are of universal interest.

Ambivalenzen der Optimierung (Würzburger Beiträge zur Designforschung)

by Gerhard Schweppenhäuser Judith-Frederike Popp Christian Bauer

Innovation, Wachstum und Optimierung sind normative Grundlagen des Designs, der Technologie, der Wirtschaft, der Gesellschaft und der Kultur. Unter dem Vorzeichen der Digitalisierung zeichnen sich neue ›Optima‹ ab, in denen Menschen zum Bestandteil entgrenzter Netzwerkstrukturen werden. Die in Würzburg entstandenen Aufsätze des vorliegenden Bandes gehen ambivalenten Aspekten dieser Entwicklung mit wissenschaftlichen und gestalterischen Methoden nach. Der Gastbeitrag geht der Frage nach, was dialektisches Denken in Diskurs und Praxis der Gestaltung bedeutet.

Indian Federalism

by Louise Tillin

To understand how politics, the economy, and public policy function in the world’s largest democracy, an appreciation of federalism is essential. Bringing to surface the complex dimensions that affect relations between India’s central government and states, this short introduction is the one-stop account to federalism in India. Paying attention to the constitutional, political, and economic factors that shape Centre–state relations, this book stimulates understanding of some of the big dilemmas facing India today. The ability of India’s central government to set the economic agenda or secure implementation of national policies throughout the country depends on the institutions and practices of federalism. Similarly, the ability of India’s states to contribute to national policy making or to define their own policy agendas that speak to local priorities all hinge on questions of federalism. Organised in four chapters, this book introduces readers to one of the key living features of Indian democracy.

‚Öffentliches Leben‘: Gesellschaftsdiagnose Covid-19 (Medienkulturen im digitalen Zeitalter)

by Kornelia Hahn Andreas Langenohl

Mit Ausbruch der Covid-19-Pandemie beobachten wir plötzlich gravierende Veränderungen des sozialen Lebens, die die aktuelle Situation als tragisches Krisenexperiment fungieren lassen – ein Experiment, das sich besonders auch im Hinblick auf die Konzeptualisierung von Öffentlichkeit und die soziologische Beobachtung empirischer Öffentlichkeiten zeigt. Nicht zuletzt aufgrund des Drucks öffentlicher Kommunikation hat die Covid-19-Pandemie global zu fast vergleichbaren gesellschaftspolitischen Reaktionen geführt: Das öffentliche Leben ist innerhalb kürzester Zeit und flächendeckend wie nie zuvor eingeschränkt worden. Diese Einschränkung wird als fraglose Gegenmaßnahme kommuniziert, die sich aus der Art der pandemischen Bedrohung rational ableitet. Aus einer öffentlichkeitssoziologischen Sicht manifestiert sich in dieser Reaktion eine Gesellschaftsdiagnose mit Universalismusanspruch, die indes ambivalent bleibt: In Zeiten von Epidemien gilt öffentliches Leben als ebenso gefährlich wie gefährdet.

On Disney: Deconstructing Images, Tropes and Narratives (Studien zu Kinder- und Jugendliteratur und -medien #9)

by Ute Dettmar Ingrid Tomkowiak

Disney – This name stands not only for a company that has had global reach from its early days, but also for a successful aesthetic programme and ideological positions that have had great commercial success but at the same time have been frequently criticised. Straddling traditionalism and modernism, Disney productions have proven adaptable to social discourses and technical and media developments throughout its history. This volume brings together scholars from several European countries to explore various dimensions that constitute ‘Disney.’ In line with current media and cultural studies research, the chapters deal with human-human and human-animal relations, gender and diversity, iconic characters and narratives, Disney’s contribution to cultural and visual heritage, and transmedial and transfictional spaces of experience and practices of participation associated with Disney story worlds.

Origins of Cattle Traction and the Making of Early Civilisations in North China (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology)

by Minghao Lin

This book is the first to apply systematic palaeopathological, archaeological and historical investigations (using bones as a focus as well as other supporting lines of information) to Chinese osteological materials in order to answer the question about the origins of cattle labour. Structurally, this monograph flows from an introduction and review of previous scholarship and questions, through employed theory and developed methods, to analyses of archaeological materials, and finally finishes by overall discussion and closing remarks.Topics covered in this monograph include the significance of the study of cattle traction in North China, understanding and research into cattle traction within history, art and archaeology, and identifying traction in cattle bones. The author also uses the Pathological Index-refined (PIr) and morphometrics to test the reliability of both methods in identifying traction in cattle bones. The author applies both methods to archaeological sites in the Yellow River region. This book is of interest to researchers studying the Late Bronze Age and zooarchaeology.

Informal Livelihoods and Governance in South Africa: The Hustle

by Zaheera Jinnah

This open access book offers a compelling account of everyday life, livelihoods, and governance in post-apartheid South Africa among the urban poor and marginalized, anchored in and through a critique of the concept of informality, or living outside of the state, its laws, services, and protection. Using a case study of the Zama Zama, loosely translated from the isiZulu as ‘to hustle, or to strive’ and colloquially used to refer to those working as informal artisanal miners on Johannesburg’s numerous disused and abandoned gold mines, the book documents an ethnography of this community’s everyday lives, struggles, and hopes. It provides an intimate account of a community, its social relations, and its political relationship to the state. The narratives of the Zama Zama are used to raise broader questions about precarity, belonging, and governance in post-apartheid South Africa, and suggest that pervasive informality could risk the country's democratic order.

Music as Cultural Heritage and Novelty (Numanities - Arts and Humanities in Progress #24)

by Oana Andreica

This book provides a multifaceted view on the relation between the old and the new in music, between tradition and innovation. This is a much-debated issue, generating various ideas and theories, which rarely come to unanimous conclusions. Therefore, the book offers diverse perspectives on topics such as national identities, narrative strategies, the question of musical performance and musical meaning. Alongside themes of general interest, such as classical repertoire, the music of well-established composers and musical topics, the chapters of the book also touch on specific, but equally interesting subjects, like Brazilian traditions, Serbian and Romanian composers and the lullaby. While the book is mostly addressed to researchers, it can also be recommended to students in musicology, ethnomusicology, musical performance, and musical semiotics.

Sundarbans and its Ecosystem Services: Traditional Knowledge, Customary Sustainable Use and Community Based Innovation (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Rashed Al Mahmud Titumir

This edited volume focuses on the largest single tract contiguous mangrove forest in the world— the Sundarbans— exploring traditional knowledge, customary sustainable use and community-based innovation. The book analyses the current state of the Sundarbans, its multiple values and ecosystem services, to demonstrate that Indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) is essential for the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. Not only does this play an integral role in realising SDG 14 (life below water) and SDG 15 (life on land), it also actively contributes towards achieving many other goals and targets. It contributes a new understanding of sustainability by bringing human-nature relationships in view of the renewed interest in biodiversity and climate change— heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic. The book links scientific knowledge with multi, inter, trans- disciplinary nature of ILK for sustainable development collected from the ground. It challenges the market-based approach in valuing the natural resources, and demonstrates that the valuation of environmental resources through market penetration pricing does not reckon the social benefits and values coproduced through complementarity between humans and nature.

This is How We Dance Now!: Performance in the Age of Bollywood and Reality Shows

by Pallabi Chakravorty

This book is the first scholarly study of Indian dance reality shows and the attendant celebrity culture. It presents an ethnographic and behind-the-scenes study of the lives of reality show dancers and choreographers in obscure and well-known corners of Mumbai and Kolkata. The dancers’ classes, rehearsals, aspirations, and voices—which are often hidden from public gaze—are explored in detail, along with the themes of subjectivity, media-embodiment, pedagogy, gender identity, and social mobility. These explorations are framed by new and original intersections of ideas from the fields of anthropology, dance studies, philosophy, media studies, gender studies, and postcolonial theory. The author offers fascinating, multi-layered analyses into cosmopolitan modernity and the changing visual culture of liberalizing India. Using the lens of dance and dancers, this book offers deep insights into some of the most profound changes taking place in Indian culture today.

Hermann Schweppenhäuser: Gesammelte Schriften, Band 3 (Gesammelte Schriften von Hermann Schweppenhäuser)

Der dritte Band der Gesammelten Schriften von Hermann Schweppenhäuser enthält im ersten Teil systematische Erörterungen sozialphilosophischer Begriffe, im zweiten Teil Abhandlungen mit philosophiegeschichtlichen Schwerpunkten (vom späten 18. bis zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts) und im dritten Teil Texte, die im Zusammenhang mit der akademischen philosophischen Lehre stehen. Ergänzt wird der Band durch einen Brief von Theodor W. Adorno aus dem Jahre 1960 und ein Nachwort von Schweppenhäusers langjährigen Kollegen Günther Mensching. Eine „spezifische Verbindung von scharfer Kritik am Üblichen und Konventionellen mit eindringlicher Besinnung auf die Verbindlichkeit vergangener geistiger Zeugnisse kennzeichnet, über die Gründer der Frankfurter Schule weit hinaus, die Denkweise Hermann Schweppenhäusers. Die Komplexität seines Stils macht die Anstrengung spürbar, Kontinuität und radikale Diskontinuität der europäischen Kultur, zumal der deutschen, zusammenzudenken. Kein anderes Mitglied der Schule hat sich so hingebungsvoll seinen Gegenständen zugewendet wie er.“ (Günther Mensching)

Die Geschlossene Gesellschaft und ihre Ligaturen – eine Kritik am Beispiel ‚Landschaft‘ (RaumFragen: Stadt – Region – Landschaft)

by Olaf Kühne Karsten Berr Corinna Jenal

Angesichts großer Herausforderungen hat utopistisches Denken aktuell Konjunktur. Dass Utopien, mit ihren Vorstellungen einer idealisierten Zielgesellschaft, mit den Grundzügen einer Offenen Gesellschaft nicht vereinbar sind, hat bereits Karl Popper in seinem Buch ‚Die Offene Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde‘ unter dem Eindruck von Nationalsozialismus und Stalinismus herausgearbeitet. In dem vorliegenden Buch werden weitere Formen Geschlossener Gesellschaften und die prinzipiellen Ähnlichkeiten (und Verschiedenheiten) ihrer Konstruktion untersucht. Dies geschieht in Rückgriff auf Ralf Dahrendorfs Lebenschancenkonzept, in dem er sich mit dem Zusammenspiel von Optionen und Ligaturen befasst. Die Ambivalenz des Verständnisses von Ligaturen bei Dahrendorf, da sie einerseits Optionen einschränken, ihnen andererseits auch Sinn verleihen, wird durch eine dreifache Differenzierung aufgelöst: in ethische und moralische, innen- und außengeleitete sowie explizite und implizite Ligaturen. Während die jeweils erstgenannten dazu geeignet sind, Lebenschancen zu ermöglichen, schränken die jeweils zweitgenannten diese tendenziell ein. Davon ausgehend, arbeiten die Autoren heraus, welche landschaftlichen (Neben)Folgen verschiedene Geschlossene Gesellschaften aufweisen und wie wenig geeignet sie für den Umgang mit aktuellen Herausforderungen sind.

Early Detection of Mental Health Disorders by Social Media Monitoring: The First Five Years of the eRisk Project (Studies in Computational Intelligence #1018)

by Fabio Crestani David E. Losada Javier Parapar

eRisk stands for Early Risk Prediction on the Internet. It is concerned with the exploration of techniques for the early detection of mental health disorders which manifest in the way people write and communicate on the internet, in particular in user generated content (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, or other social media).Early detection technologies can be employed in several different areas but particularly in those related to health and safety. For instance, early alerts could be sent when the writing of a teenager starts showing increasing signs of depression, or when a social media user starts showing suicidal inclinations, or again when a potential offender starts publishing antisocial threats on a blog, forum or social network. eRisk has been the pioneer of a new interdisciplinary area of research that is potentially applicable to a wide variety of situations, problems and personal profiles.This book presents the best results of the first five years of the eRisk project which started in 2017 and developed into one of the most successful track of CLEF, the Conference and Lab of the Evaluation Forum.

Preaching to Korean Immigrants: A Psalmic-Theological Homiletic (Asian Christianity in the Diaspora)

by Rebecca Seungyoun Jeong

In terms of practical-theology’s critical reflection on marginalized people’s wounds in a wider society, this book investigates the question, “How to proclaim the good news in response to first-generation Korean immigrants’ contextual suffering in the United Sates?” To answer the question, the book starts with investigating Korean immigrant hearers’ contextual predicaments in a new land to point out emerging practical-theological issues in relation to the practice of preaching. In this book, the primary subjects are first-generation Korean immigrants, especially those who have relatively low socio-economic status and struggle with the purpose of their lives as immigrants, particularly those whose material dreams have been shattered.In order to proclaim the good news, this book proposes a more appropriate immigrant theology for/in the practice of preaching by reclaiming the priorities of God’s future in our lives and confirming God’s active identification with Korean immigrant congregations in the depths of their predicament. Such reconstructive work for immigrant theology arises in response to their existential hardships, marginality, ethnic discrimination, and relative powerlessness in life.While acknowledging both the possibilities and limits of the diverse forms of current Korean immigrant preaching, the book then offers a strategic proposal for a new homiletic theory, namely “a psalmic-theological homiletic.” This proposed homiletic is deeply rooted in the theology of the Psalms and their rhetorical movement. This re-envisioned mode of eschatological and prophetic preaching in times of difficulty recovers ancient Israel’s psalmic, rhetorical tradition that aims toward faith. Its theological-rhetorical strategy intends to both transform hearers’ habitus of living in faith and enhance their hope-filled life through communal anticipation of God’s coming future on the margins. Specifically, this proposed homiletic critically adopts key features from psalms of lament and their typical, fourfold theological-rhetorical movement (i.e., lament, retelling a story, confessional doxology, and obedient vow) as now core elements of a revised Korean-immigrant preaching practice.

Performative Figures of Queer Masculinity: A Media History of Film and Cinema in Germany Until 1945

by Christiane König

This is a German history of cinema and film from the 1890s to 1945 with a focus on queer masculinity. Using media studies approaches, the study shows how film as a new medium is constituted through performative re-enactments of spectacular elements from the entertainment and knowledge cultures of the 19th century. In it, bodies, desires and identities are constantly remodelled through the formation of difference. Therefore, male queerness here does not mean the representation of male homosexuality. Rather, it is the dynamic result of complex medial processes, affects and (self-)knowledge on and off the screen. Building on Eve K. Sedgwick's queer-feminist concept of queer performativity, the author creates a historically situated model with which she traces various figures of technically anthropomorphic queer masculinity in the medium of film in an empowering sense. This book is a translation of an original German 1st edition Performative Figuren queerer Männlichkeit by Christiane König, published by J.B.Metzler, imprint of Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature in 2020. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service The author (with the friendly support of Megan Hanson) has subsequently revised the text further in an endeavour to refine the work stylistically. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support authors.

The Lives of Prehistoric Monuments in Iron Age, Roman, and Medieval Europe

This volume explores the pervasive influence exerted by some prehistoric monuments on European social life over thousands of years, and reveals how they can act as a node linking people through time, possessing huge ideological and political significance. Through the advancement of theoretical approaches and scientific methodologies, archaeologists have been able to investigate how some of these monuments provide resources to negotiate memories, identities, and power and social relations throughout European history. The essays in this collection examine the life-histories of carefully chosen megalithic monuments, stelae and statue-menhirs, and rock art sites of various European and Mediterranean regions during the Iron Age and Roman and Medieval times. By focusing on the concrete interaction between people, monuments, and places, the volume offers an innovative outlook on a variety of debated issues. Prominent among these is the role of ancient remains in the creation, institutionalization, contestation, and negotiation of social identities and memories, as well as their relationship with political economy in early historic European societies. By contributing to current theoretical debates on materiality, landscape, and place-making, The Lives of Prehistoric Monuments in Iron Age, Roman, and Medieval Europe seeks to overcome disciplinary boundaries between prehistory and history, and highlight the long-term, genealogical nature of our engagement with the world.

Doing Transitions in the Life Course: Processes and Practices (Life Course Research and Social Policies #16)

by Barbara Stauber Andreas Walther Richard A. Settersten

This open access book provides a unique research perspective on life course transitions. Here, transitions are understood as social processes and practices. Leveraging the recent “practice turn” in the social sciences, the contributors analyze how life course transitions are “done.” This book introduces the concept of “doing transitions” and its implications for theories and methods. It presents fresh empirical research on “doing transitions” in different life phases (e.g., childhood, young adulthood, later life) and life domains (e.g., education, work, family, health, migration). It also emphasizes themes related to institutions and organizations, time and normativity, materialities (such as bodies, spaces, and artifacts), and the reproduction of social inequalities in education and welfare. In coupling this new perspective with empirical illustrations, this book is an indispensable resource for scholars from demography, sociology, psychology, social work and other scientific fields, as well as for students, counselors and practitioners, and policymakers.

Social Work and Prostitution: Professional Approaches in Theory and Practice

by Martin Albert Julia Wege

Prostitution is a taboo fringe area of society, about which there is hardly any well-founded information and scientific knowledge. Women who work in prostitution have to struggle with social prejudices, social discrimination and legal disadvantages and therefore need specific counseling and low-threshold services. Social work has a long tradition of helping this target group on a case-by-case basis and advocates for the rights and dignity of women. From the perspective of professional social work, this volume provides an overview of the complexity of the field of prostitution and presents theoretical and methodological approaches.This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition Soziale Arbeit und Prostitution by Martin Albert and Julia Wege, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2015. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

Selbstmanagement und Motivation für Wissenschaftler*innen: Methoden, Modelle, Tools

by D. Georg Adlmaier-Herbst Annette Mayer

In diesem Buch lernen Sie wissenschaftlich fundierte Modelle kennen, mit denen Sie Ihr Selbstmanagement als Wissenschaftler*in systematisch und langfristig gestalten können. Im Zentrum des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens steht der Inhalt. Jedoch ist auch gutes Selbstmanagement hilfreich, um zum optimalen Ergebnis zu gelangen. Selbstmanagement meint zum einen, sich für unliebsame oder herausfordernde Aufgaben zu motivieren, wie das langwierige Recherchieren in Bibliotheken, das Verfassen von Papers, das Fertigstellen von Dissertationen etc. Zum anderen bezeichnet Selbstmanagement auch das Verringern von negativen Gefühlen, wie Lampenfieber vor Präsentationen des eigenen Forschungsvorhabens, Unsicherheit vor wichtigen Gesprächen oder Konflikte mit Kollegen und Vorgesetzten. Gerade in Zeiten der zunehmenden Digitalisierung und der Arbeit im Homeoffice wird die eigene Motivation umso bedeutender, da oft die persönliche Ansprache und die Motivation durch den Kontakt und den Austausch im Team vermisst werden. Die Kernfrage lautet, wie Selbstmanagement im Einklang mit der eigenen Persönlichkeit und der eigenen Situation gelingen kann. Die Autoren leiten Sie an, eigene Stärken und Möglichkeiten als Ressourcen zu erkennen, diese wertzuschätzen und systematisch zu nutzen. Hierdurch können Sie auf eine neue, ressourcenorientierte Art mit sich umgehen und sich selbst ein wenig besser kennenlernen. Sie stellen positive Auswirkungen auf sich und andere fest und erweitern Ihren Entscheidungsspielraum sowie Ihr Handlungsrepertoire, auch in schwierigen Situationen.

Quantitative Research on Street Interface Morphology: Comparison Between Chinese and Western Cities

by Yu Zhou

This book investigates the historical evolution, regional differences, and quantitative measurement on street interface, which forms the street space and plays a very important role in urban form. Empirical research reveals the street interface in Chinese cities are much more complicated than European and American cities. This book explores the reason and reveals the relationship between street interface and urban form in morphology. By constructing quantitative measurement method on street interface morphology, quantitative parameters can be used in urban planning guidelines in China. Both researchers and students working in architecture, urban design, urban planning and urban studies can benefit from this book.

Military Geoscience: A Multifaceted Approach to the Study of Warfare (Advances in Military Geosciences)

by Judy Ehlen Aldino Bondesan

This volume presents a selection of papers from the 13th International Conference on Military Geosciences (ICMG), held 24-28 June 2019 in Padua, Italy. It covers a wide range of subjects within the confines of military geoscience written by scientists with a variety of different backgrounds from many countries throughout the world. Many of the papers focus on subjects related to Italy and World War I, but additional subject areas include international perspectives in the military geosciences, international security, geospatial intelligence and remote sensing, subterranean and underground warfare, analyses of historical battlefields and fortifications, and military archaeology. The book will be of interest to academics (e.g., military historians, military archaeologists, military geographers and geologists), applied geoscientists (e.g., engineering geologists and geologists working in other areas of applied geology), professional geoscientists, and those with a general interest in military geoscience and history.

Beyond Hybridity and Fundamentalism: Emerging Muslim Identity in Globalized India

by Tabassum Ruhi Khan

The question of identity and especially its formation among youth, has received significant academic attention as our worlds become intricately and unpredictably connected through satellite televisions, mobile telephones, Internet and social networking platforms. Marking a distinct addition to such scholarship, this volume is an ethnographic study of the under-investigated issue of Indian Muslim youth's emergent subjectivity in a media-saturated globalized Indian society. The author develops the idea of 'convoluted modernity' to explain Muslim youth's reactions to multifarious and divergent influences both from the East as well as the West shaping their everyday life. The concept illustrates how Muslim youths' ideas about self and community draw equally on MTV as on Peace TV to create a complex truck between consumerist hedonism and globalized Islam. Introducing a new perspective to studies on globalization, media and cultural politics, this book shows how interpolation of local and global in the accelerated virtual spheres and their contextual interpretation within an expanding economy, notwithstanding Muslim youth's disadvantaged position, shape alternate modernities rife with ambiguities and beyond binaries of progress and regression.

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