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Showing 69,601 through 69,625 of 100,000 results

Model Cases: On Canonical Research Objects and Sites

by Monika Krause

In Model Cases, Monika Krause asks about the concrete material research objects behind shared conversations about classes of objects, periods, and regions in the social sciences and humanities. It is well known that biologists focus on particular organisms, such as mice, fruit flies, or particular viruses when they study general questions about life, development, and disease. Krause shows that scholars in the social sciences and humanities also draw on some cases more than others, selecting research objects influenced by a range of ideological but also mundane factors, such as convenience, historicist ideas about development over time, schemas in the general population, and schemas particular to specific scholarly communities. Some research objects are studied repeatedly and shape our understanding of more general ideas in disproportionate ways: The French Revolution has profoundly influenced our concepts of revolution, of citizenship, and of political modernity, just like studies of doctors have set the agenda for research on the professions. Based on an extensive analysis of the role of model cases in different fields, Krause argues that they can be useful for scholarly communities if they are acknowledged and reflected as particular objects; she also highlights the importance of research strategies based on neglected research objects and neglected combinations of research objects and scholarly concerns.

Republicanism and Democracy: Close Friends? (Contributions to Political Science)

by Skadi Siiri Krause Dirk Jörke

This book discusses whether democracy and republicanism are identical, complementary, or contradicting ideas. The rediscovery of classic republicanism a few decades ago made it clear how profoundly modern notions of democracy had been shaped by the republican tradition. But defining these two concepts remains difficult, and the views diverge widely. The overarching aim of this book is to discuss the extent to which democracy and republicanism are identical, complementary or mutually contradicting ideals / ideas. Pursuing this open approach to the subject means calling into question a widely used formula according to which modern democracy is composed of liberal principles such as individualism, the rule of law and human rights, on the one hand, and of republican principles such as focusing on the common good and popular sovereignty, on the other. This book will appeal to students, researches, and scholars of political science interested in a better understanding of political theory and political history.

Betriebswirtschaftliche Implikationen der digitalen Transformation (ZfbF-Sonderheft #72/17)

by Stefan Krause Bernhard Pellens

Das ZfbF-Sonderheft „Betriebswirtschaftliche Implikationen der digitalen Transformation" bietet das Perspektivenspektrum von 19 Arbeitskreisen der Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft zum aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Wandel.Aufgrund der Summe verschiedener Einflüsse aus Technologie, Verfahren, Denkweisen, kulturellen Systemen, Recht und Wissenschaft kann man diesen zutreffend als "disruptiv" beschreiben. Die digitale Transformation bietet große Chancen. Es gilt aber auch, gewaltige Umbrüche und die damit verbundenen Risiken zu meistern. Die Beiträge der Arbeitskreise sind fünf Bereichen zugeordnet: Teil I ist dem Wandel von Organisation und Führung gewidmet. In Teil II kommen drei Arbeitskreise zu Wort, die sich mit den Folgen der durch die fortschreitende Digitalisierung induzierten Veränderungen der Wertschöpfungsprozesse auseinandersetzen. Business Model Innovations und die Transformation ganzer Branchen stehen im Mittelpunkt von Teil III des Sonderhefts. Teil IV beinhaltet Beiträge zur digitalen Transformation der administrativen und operativen Unternehmensprozesse im Bereich von Finance und Accounting. In Teil V diskutieren drei Arbeitskreise die Folgen der Digitalisierung für die Themenschwerpunkte Prüfung und Reporting.Das ZfbF-Sonderheft zeugt von der Breite und Intensität der Diskussionen, die in den Schmalenbach-Arbeitskreisen geführt werden. Die Beiträge belegen eindrucksvoll, dass der An­spruch der Schmalen­bach-Gesellschaft, Wissenschaftler und Praxisvertreter zur wissenschaftlich fundierten Beantwortung von praxisrelevanten Fragestellungen an einen Tisch zu bringen, auch nach 75 Jahren nichts an Aktualität verloren hat. Im Gegenteil: Die zunehmende Komplexität der Unternehmensführung und die Veränderungsgeschwindigkeit von Geschäftsmodellen bedingen einen derartigen Dialog mehr denn je.

Civil Society and Women Activists in the Middle East: Islamic and Secular Organizations in Egypt (Library of Modern Middle East Studies)

by Wanda Krause

In the Middle East, and in Egypt in particular, there has always been a tendency to accord complete supremacy to the authority and might of the state, and to see 'society' as a separate, powerless entity. However, after the uprisings which began in early 2011, this assumption was turned on its head. And it is the wide range of political activity beyond the remit of the official state where Wanda Krause locates a dynamic potential for political change from the bottom up. She looks in particular at the influential role of women's private voluntary organisations in shaping concepts of civil society and democracy, contextualizing their demands within a situation which sees the neglect of services and basic needs of the poor by the Egyptian state.Since the late 1970s, beginning with the Bread Riots, Egyptian unskilled and skilled labourers, factory workers and civil servants have carried out a number of strikes and demonstrations - many prompted by women. And in the twenty-first century, with the rumours that Hosni Mubarak would attempt to devolve power to his son, Gamal Mubarak, protests increased, culminating in the extraordinary scenes on Tahrir Square. Here, Krause explores the role of the female as the political actor in many of these calls for protest and reform, arguing that female activists are changing the face of Egyptian politics by instilling democratic values from the bottom up. Moreover, and as a surprise to many, it may not only be those who profess to be progressive, secular and liberal who are significant in this respect. By looking at the activities and women involved in both secular and 'Islamist' organizations, she offers a steadfast critique of the view that Islamic women activists are insignificant, 'backward' or 'uncivil', also pointing out the often-ignored contextual dimensions of secular feminist action.Krause's examination of women activists in Egypt today is vital for those interested in Middle East and Gender Studies, as well as those researching the wider issues of civil society and democratization.

Flexible Firm: The Design of Culture at Bang & Olufsen

by Jakob Krause-Jensen

Bang & Olufsen, the famous Danish producer of high-end home electronics, is well known as an early exponent of value-based management: the idea that there should be consistency in what the organisation does, a certain continuity between what the company develops and sells, and the beliefs and practices of the employees. This study investigates how company values are communicated and the collective identity is articulated through the use of such concepts as ‘culture’, ‘fundamental values’, and ‘corporate religion’, as well as how employees negotiate these ideas in their daily working lives. As this book reveals, the identification of values, meant to create cohesion and solidarity among employees, came to symbolise and engender a split between the staff and the other parts of the company. By examining the rise and fall of the value-based management approach, this volume offers the indispensible insight of anthropological enquiry to expose how social realities challenge conventional management strategies and therefore must be considered in the development of new management techniques.

Teen TV: Repräsentationen, Lesarten und Produktionsweisen aktueller Jugendserien

by Florian Krauß Moritz Stock

Das Teen TV boomt. Aktuelle Jugendserien auf Streaming-Plattformen sind ein klares Indiz, haben in der deutschsprachigen Medienwissenschaft bislang aber kaum Beachtung gefunden. Dieser Sammelband führt grundlegend in das serielle Teen TV ein und nimmt zentrale Fallbeispiele in Blick, von 13 Reasons Why bis zu DRUCK, der deutschen Adaption des norwegischen Transmedia-Jugenddramas SKAM. Neben den Inhalten und der Ästhetik der seriellen Jugendnarrationen geht es um ihre Rezeption und Produktionskontexte.

Parlamentarisierung der europäischen Außenpolitik: Das Europäische Parlament und die Vertragspolitik der Europäischen Union (Forschung Politik #62)

by Stephan Krauß

Die Studie skizziert den Parlamentarisierungsprozeß europäischer Vertragspolitik und zeigt dessen Konsequenzen für das politische System der EU sowie für deren Rolle als internationaler Verhandlungspartner auf. Außenpolitik gilt gewöhnlich nicht als originäres Bewährungsfeld parlamentarischer Kontrolle. Dennoch findet dort, wo die Außenpolitik der EU am deutlichsten ausgeprägt ist, in der Vertragspolitik, ein beachtlicher Prozeß der Parlamentarisierung statt. Alle internationalen Verträge mit großer politischer Reichweite, die die EU in den neunziger Jahren abgeschlossen hat, waren bereits von der Zustimmung des Europäischen Parlaments (EP) abhängig. Die Studie erfaßt den graduellen Kompetenzzuwachs des EP in seiner Bedeutung für die Formulierung europäischer Vertragspolitik und analysiert dessen Auswirkungen auf die Akteursrolle der EU gegenüber Drittstaaten. Fallstudien zur Zollunion mit der Türkei, zur Uruguay-Runde des GATT sowie zur Kategorie der Beitrittsabkommen klären, wie ein positives Votum des EP zustandekommt, obwohl der EU im Vergleich zu parlamentarischen Regierungssystemen auf nationaler Ebene das Charakteristikum einer loyalen Regierungsmehrheit im Parlament fehlt.

Hybridisierung Chinas: Modernisierung und Mitgliedschaftsordnung der chinesischen Gesellschaft

by Reuß-Markus Krauße

Reuß-Markus Krauße entflechtet den Wandel der chinesischen Gesellschaft, indem er Modernisierung, Globalisierung und soziostrukturelle Hintergründe aufeinander abstimmt. Damit liefert er einen neuen universalen Ansatz zur Untersuchung von Modernisierung dieser und auch anderer Gesellschaften. Indem er die Verbindung zwischen gesellschaftlichem Wandel, den Funktionsbereichen – Politik, Wirtschaft, Recht, Wissenschaft – und dem Kommunikationssystem darstellt, überwindet er die Erklärungsdefizite bisheriger Darstellungen, die kulturalistische oder normative Gründe für den chinesischen Wandel nennen. So stellt sein Buch heraus, dass vielseitige Zugänge notwendig sind, um die gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen in China zu verstehen.

Jewish Survival: The Identity Problem at the Close of the 20th Century

by Ernest Krausz

These essays address Jewish identity, Jewish survival, and Jewish continuity. The authors account for and analyze trends in Jewish identification and the reciprocal effects of the relationship between the Diaspora and Israel at the end of the twentieth century.Jewish identification in contemporary society is a complex phenomenon. Since the emancipation of Jews in Europe and the major historic events of the Holocaust and the establishment of the State of Israel, there have been substantial changes in the collective Jewish identity. As a result, Jewish identity and the Jewish process of identification had to confront the new realities of an open society, its economic globalization, and the impacts of cultural pluralism. The trends in Jewish identification are toward fewer and weaker points of attachment: fewer Jews who hold religious beliefs with such beliefs held less strongly; less religious ritual observance; attachment to Zionism and Israel becoming diluted; and ethnic communal bonds weakening. Jews are also more involved in the wider society in the Diaspora due to fewer barriers and less overt anti-Semitism. This opens up possibilities for cultural integration and assimilation. In Israel, too, there are signs of greater interest in the modern world culture. The major questions addressed by this volume is whether Jewish civilization will continue to provide the basic social framework and values that will lead Jews into the twenty-first century and ensure their survival as a specific social entity.The book contains special contributions by Professor Julius Gould and Professor Irving Louis Horowitz and chapters on "Sociological Analysis of Jewish Identity"; "Jewish Community Boundaries"; and "Factual Accounts from the Diaspora and Israel."

Jewish Survival: The Identity Problem at the Close of the 20th Century

by Ernest Krausz

These essays address Jewish identity, Jewish survival, and Jewish continuity. The authors account for and analyze trends in Jewish identification and the reciprocal effects of the relationship between the Diaspora and Israel at the end of the twentieth century.Jewish identification in contemporary society is a complex phenomenon. Since the emancipation of Jews in Europe and the major historic events of the Holocaust and the establishment of the State of Israel, there have been substantial changes in the collective Jewish identity. As a result, Jewish identity and the Jewish process of identification had to confront the new realities of an open society, its economic globalization, and the impacts of cultural pluralism. The trends in Jewish identification are toward fewer and weaker points of attachment: fewer Jews who hold religious beliefs with such beliefs held less strongly; less religious ritual observance; attachment to Zionism and Israel becoming diluted; and ethnic communal bonds weakening. Jews are also more involved in the wider society in the Diaspora due to fewer barriers and less overt anti-Semitism. This opens up possibilities for cultural integration and assimilation. In Israel, too, there are signs of greater interest in the modern world culture. The major questions addressed by this volume is whether Jewish civilization will continue to provide the basic social framework and values that will lead Jews into the twenty-first century and ensure their survival as a specific social entity.The book contains special contributions by Professor Julius Gould and Professor Irving Louis Horowitz and chapters on "Sociological Analysis of Jewish Identity"; "Jewish Community Boundaries"; and "Factual Accounts from the Diaspora and Israel."

Politics and Society in Israel

by Ernest Krausz

This series of the Israeli Sociological Society, whose object is to identify and clarify the major themes that occupy social research in Israel today, gathers together the best of Israeli social science investigation that was previously scattered in a large variety of international journals. Each book in the series is introduced by integrative essays. Each volume focuses on a particular topic; the first volume seeks out the dynamics of conflict and integration in a new society; the second volume is concerned with the sociology of a unique Israeli social institution—the kibbutz. The third volume presents sociological perspectives on political life and culture in Israel. Articles by leading scholars deal with: historical development; political culture and ideology; political institutions and behavior; the social basis of politics; and social change. Volume III also includes a select bibliography. Contributors to Volume III (tentative): Karl W. Deutsch, Yonathan Shapiro, Dan Horowitz, Moshe Lissak, Daniel Elazar, Asher Arian, Charles Liebman, Erik Cohen, Yoram Peri, Ephraim Yaar, S. Smooha.

Politics and Society in Israel

by Ernest Krausz

This series of the Israeli Sociological Society, whose object is to identify and clarify the major themes that occupy social research in Israel today, gathers together the best of Israeli social science investigation that was previously scattered in a large variety of international journals. Each book in the series is introduced by integrative essays. Each volume focuses on a particular topic; the first volume seeks out the dynamics of conflict and integration in a new society; the second volume is concerned with the sociology of a unique Israeli social institution—the kibbutz. The third volume presents sociological perspectives on political life and culture in Israel. Articles by leading scholars deal with: historical development; political culture and ideology; political institutions and behavior; the social basis of politics; and social change. Volume III also includes a select bibliography. Contributors to Volume III (tentative): Karl W. Deutsch, Yonathan Shapiro, Dan Horowitz, Moshe Lissak, Daniel Elazar, Asher Arian, Charles Liebman, Erik Cohen, Yoram Peri, Ephraim Yaar, S. Smooha.

Sociology of the Kibbutz

by Ernest Krausz

This is the second volume of the publication series of the Israeli Sociological Society, whose object is to identify and clarify the major themes that occupy social research in Israel today. Studies of Israeli Society gathers together the best of Israeli social science investigation, which was previously scattered in a large variety of international jour-nals. Each book in the series is in-troduced by integrative essays.The contents of volume two focus on the sociology of a unique Israeli social institution—the kibbutz. Kib-butz society constitutes an impor-tant laboratory for the investigation of a variety of problems that have been of perennial concern to the social sciences. Topics in this volume include relevant contem-porary issues such as the dynamics of social stratification in a "classless" society, the function and status of the family in a revolutionary society, relations between generations, industrializa-tion in advanced rural communities, and collective economies versus the outside world. The questions of the concept and development of the kib-butz, social differentiation and socialization, and work and produc-tion within the kibbutz possess a significance far beyond their im-mediate social context. Does the kibbutz offer a model for an alter-native, communal lifestyle for the modern world? How has the kibbutz changed over the past decadeswithin the context of a rapidly modernizing Israeli society?Emphasizing the "nonfailure" of the kibbutz experiment and con-trasting it with many socialist, cooperative, and communal ex-periments that clearly did fail, Martin Buber, in his analysis, attributes this success to the kib-but/'s undogmatic character, its ability to adapt structures and in-stitutions to changing conditions, while preserving its essential values and ideals.This volume presents an excellent review of the social research under-taken on the kibbutz in the past decades, and provides an introduc-tion to the growing scientific literature on the kibbutz.Contributors: Melford E. Spiro, Menachem Rosner, Martin Buber, Joseph Ben-David, Daniel Katz, Naftali Golomb, Erik Cohen, Arye Fishman, Michael Saltman, S.N. Eisenstadt, Eva Rosenfeld, Amitai Etzioni, Ephraim Yuchtman, Eliezer Ben-Rafael, Nissim Cohen, Yonina Talmon-Garber, Joseph Shepher, Lionel Tiger, Edward C. Devereux, Reuben Kahane, Ivan Vallier, David Barkin, John W. Bennet, Yehuda Don, Uri Leviatan, Eliette Orchan, Shimon Shur and David Glanz.

Starting the Twenty-first Century: Sociological Reflections and Challenges

by Ernest Krausz Gitta Tulea

Jrgen Habermas, speaking of postmodern society, remarked that extension of the means of communication not only allows a wide range of information, but it also encourages permanent connections between different peoples, cultures, and social discourses. It thus facilitates better general understanding, a clarifying of real or apparent contradictions. But this process becomes truly positive only when it is performed between equal members. Globalization of information does not minimize the possibility of conflict or terrorism, if fundamental social problems are not resolved or at least approached in an active way.This volume examines the major upheavals of the twentieth century and views within the framework of these events and challenges implications for the future. "Values and Cultural Changes in the Postmodern World," by Zygmunt Bauman explores the changing meaning of space in the globalizing environment; S.N. Eisenstadt analyzes the destructive components of modernity; and Irving Louis Horowitz draws attention to the classical values of the common universal culture. "Social Development and Policies in Contemporary Society," by Michael M. Cernea, examines the importance of the applied and policy-orientated research, especially in the developing countries, and David Marsland stresses the positive role of sociology in pointing to the possibilities of improving healthcare in modern society. "Societies in Transition-Eastern Europe," emphasizes transitions that have occurred in Eastern Europe. Rozalina Rjyvkina and Leonid Kosals provide an incisive study of the situation in Russia, while Jerzy J. Wiatr presents a comparative analysis of postcommunist societies, with special reference to Poland. "The Jewish World: Pre- and Post-Holocaust," by Regina Azria, discusses the identity problems in the Diaspora confronting modernity; Eva Etzioni-Halevi considers the newly developed Israeli society from the point of view of the exercise and distribution of power; and a most interesting contribution by Annette Wieviorka concerns the material and spiritual effects of the Holocaust on the Jews of France.Social historians and students of Judaica, as well as a general public interested in cultural pluralism will find this well-developed volume essential reading.

Threat of Dissent: A History of Ideological Exclusion and Deportation in the United States

by Julia Rose Kraut

In this first comprehensive overview of the intersection of immigration law and the First Amendment, a lawyer and historian traces ideological exclusion and deportation in the United States from the Alien Friends Act of 1798 to the evolving policies of the Trump administration. Beginning with the Alien Friends Act of 1798, the United States passed laws in the name of national security to bar or expel foreigners based on their beliefs and associations—although these laws sometimes conflict with First Amendment protections of freedom of speech and association or contradict America’s self-image as a nation of immigrants. The government has continually used ideological exclusions and deportations of noncitizens to suppress dissent and radicalism throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, from the War on Anarchy to the Cold War to the War on Terror. In Threat of Dissent—the first social, political, and legal history of ideological exclusion and deportation in the United States—Julia Rose Kraut delves into the intricacies of major court decisions and legislation without losing sight of the people involved. We follow the cases of immigrants and foreign-born visitors, including activists, scholars, and artists such as Emma Goldman, Ernest Mandel, Carlos Fuentes, Charlie Chaplin, and John Lennon. Kraut also highlights lawyers, including Clarence Darrow and Carol Weiss King, as well as organizations, like the ACLU and PEN America, who challenged the constitutionality of ideological exclusions and deportations under the First Amendment. The Supreme Court, however, frequently interpreted restrictions under immigration law and upheld the government’s authority. By reminding us of the legal vulnerability foreigners face on the basis of their beliefs, expressions, and associations, Kraut calls our attention to the ways that ideological exclusion and deportation reflect fears of subversion and serve as tools of political repression in the United States.

Black Slaves, Indian Masters: Slavery, Emancipation, and Citizenship in the Native American South

by Barbara Krauthamer

From the late eighteenth century through the end of the Civil War, Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians bought, sold, and owned Africans and African Americans as slaves, a fact that persisted after the tribes' removal from the Deep South to Indian Territory. The tribes formulated racial and gender ideologies that justified this practice and marginalized free black people in the Indian nations well after the Civil War and slavery had ended. Through the end of the nineteenth century, ongoing conflicts among Choctaw, Chickasaw, and U.S. lawmakers left untold numbers of former slaves and their descendants in the two Indian nations without citizenship in either the Indian nations or the United States. In this groundbreaking study, Barbara Krauthamer rewrites the history of southern slavery, emancipation, race, and citizenship to reveal the centrality of Native American slaveholders and the black people they enslaved. Krauthamer's examination of slavery and emancipation highlights the ways Indian women's gender roles changed with the arrival of slavery and changed again after emancipation and reveals complex dynamics of race that shaped the lives of black people and Indians both before and after removal.

Bürgerliche Frauenbilder im 19. Jahrhundert: Die Zeitschrift »Der Bazar« als Verhandlungsforum weiblichen Selbstverständnisses (Historische Geschlechterforschung #4)

by Barbara Krautwald

»Der Bazar« war zwischen 1854 und 1900 eine der im Bürgertum bekanntesten und meistgelesenen Zeitschriften, die neben Themen wie Mode und Handarbeiten auch die Rolle der Frau diskutierte. Was ist die Natur der Frau? Welche Art der weiblichen Bildung ist angemessen? Welche Lebensentwürfe sind neben dem der Ehefrau und Mutter noch denkbar? Diese und weitere Fragen werden im »Bazar« über Jahrzehnte hinweg verhandelt. Anhand der von konservativ bis liberal reichenden Standpunkte untersucht Barbara Krautwald die sich darin widerspiegelnden sozialen Entwicklungen von generellem weiblichen Selbstverständnis bis hin zum Frauenstudium.

Cancer Mortality and Morbidity Patterns in the U.S. Population: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Statistics for Biology and Health)

by Julia Kravchenko Igor Akushevich K.G. Manton

The purpose of this book is to examine the etiology of cancer in large human populations using mathematical models developed from an inter-disciplinary perspective of the population epidemiological, biodemographic, genetic and physiological basis of the mechanisms of cancer initiation and progression. In addition an investigation of how the basic mechanism of tumor initiation relates to general processes of senescence and to other major chronic diseases (e.g., heart disease and stroke) will be conducted.

Women’s Contributions to Development in West Africa: Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives (Globalization, Urbanization and Development in Africa)

by Kelly Ann Krawczyk Bridgett A. King

This book examines women’s participation in social, economic and political development in West Africa. The book looks at women from the premise of being active agents in the development processes within their communities, thereby subverting the dominate narrative of women as passive recipients of development.

Victorian Detectives in Contemporary Culture: Beyond Sherlock Holmes

by Lucyna Krawczyk-Żywko

In contrast to the main body of current Victorian detective criticism, which tends to concentrate on Conan Doyle’s creation and only uses other detectives as a backdrop, the texts gathered in this volume examine various contemporary ways of (re)presenting real and fictional detectives that originated in or are otherwise associated with that era: Inspector Bucket, Sergeant Cuff, Inspector Reid, Tobias Gregson, Flaxman Low, and psychiatrists as detectives. Such a collection allows for a critical re-assessment of both the detectives’ importance to the Victorian literature and culture and provides a better basis for understanding the reasons behind their contemporary returns, re-imaginings and re-creations, contributing to the creation of a base for further cultural and critical works dealing with reworkings of the Victorian era.

Victorian Detectives in Contemporary Culture: Beyond Sherlock Holmes

by Lucyna Krawczyk-Żywko

In contrast to the main body of current Victorian detective criticism, which tends to concentrate on Conan Doyle’s creation and only uses other detectives as a backdrop, the texts gathered in this volume examine various contemporary ways of (re)presenting real and fictional detectives that originated in or are otherwise associated with that era: Inspector Bucket, Sergeant Cuff, Inspector Reid, Tobias Gregson, Flaxman Low, and psychiatrists as detectives. Such a collection allows for a critical re-assessment of both the detectives’ importance to the Victorian literature and culture and provides a better basis for understanding the reasons behind their contemporary returns, re-imaginings and re-creations, contributing to the creation of a base for further cultural and critical works dealing with reworkings of the Victorian era.

Generation Transformation?: Einstellungen zu Freiheit und Gleichheit in Polen, Tschechien und Deutschland

by Marian Krawietz

Anknüpfend an die Tradition umfragedatenbasierter Werteforschung untersucht Marian Krawietz Ähnlichkeit und Veränderung von Wertorientierungen zu „Freiheit“ und „Gleichheit“ im Kontext liberal-ökonomischer „Westernisierung“, post-sozialistischer Transformation und europäischer Integration zwischen 1981-2006 in Tschechien, Polen und Deutschland. Im Fokus steht die Suche nach einer jungen „Generation-Transformation“, die einerseits ähnlichere Werthaltungen, andererseits aufgrund der Sozialisation in die Umbruchsphase hinein, kritischere Einstellungen zu den liberal-ökonomischen Werten aufweisen sollte. Indes ist eine kritische junge Generation lediglich in Tschechien und in Ansätzen in Ostdeutschland im Rahmen der hier ausgewählten Indikatoren nachweisbar. Der Autor zeigt mit einem komplexen historischen Kohortenmodell Werthaltungen im Kontext unterschiedlicher historischer Entwicklungslinien auf.

Maya-British Conflict at the Edge of the Yucatecan Caste War

by Christine A. Kray

Maya-British Conflict at the Edge of the Yucatecan Caste War interrogates the 1862 alliance forged between the San Pedro Maya and the British during the Caste War of Yucatán (1847–1901). Illuminating the complex interactions among Maya groups, Yucatecans of Spanish descent, and British settlers in what is now Belize, Christine A. Kray uses storytelling techniques, suspense, and humor, via historical documents and oral history interviews to tell a new story about the dynamics at the heart of the Social War. Official British declarations of neutrality in the Caste War were confounded by a variety of political and economic factors, including competing land claims befuddled by a tangled set of treaties, mahogany extraction by British companies in contested territories, Maya rent demands, British trade in munitions to different groups of Maya combatants, and a labor system reliant on debt servitude. All these factors contributed to uneasy alliances and opportunistic crossings of imagined geopolitical borders in both directions, ultimately leading to a new military conflict in the western and northern regions of the territory claimed by Britain. What frequently began as hyper-local disputes spun out into international affairs as actors called upon more powerful groups for assistance. Evading reductionism, this work traces the decisions and actions of key figures as they maneuvered through the miasma of violence, abuse, deception, fear, flight, and glimpses of freedom. Positioning the historiographic and ethnographic gaze on the English side without adopting the colonialist narratives and objectives found in English repositories, Maya-British Conflict at the Edge of the Yucatecan Caste War is an important and original contribution to a neglected area of study. It will appeal to students, scholars, and general readers interested in anthropology, Latin American cultures and history, Central American history, British imperialism, Indigenous rights, political anthropology, and colonialism and culture.

Race, Gender, and Political Culture in the Trump Era: The Fascist Allure

by Christine A. Kray Uli Linke

This book demonstrates the fragility of democratic norms and institutions, and the allure of fascist politics within the Trump era. The chapters consider the antagonistic cultural practices through which divergent political machinations, including white (patriarchal) nationalism, are staged, and examine the corresponding policies and governing practices that threaten the civil rights, security, and wellbeing of racialized minorities, immigrants, women, and gender nonconforming people. The book contributes to social theory on nation-building by delineating processes of exclusion, intimidation, and violence, with a focus on rhetoric, performance, semiotics, music, affectivity, and the power of media. Various chapters also analyze creative, restorative, and at times unruly practices of community building, which reknit the social fabric with expansive visions of the polity. This anthropology-led volume incorporates contributions from a number of disciplines including sociology, American studies, communication, and Spanish, and will be of interest to scholars across the social sciences and humanities.

Race, Gender, and Political Culture in the Trump Era: The Fascist Allure

by Christine A. Kray Uli Linke

This book demonstrates the fragility of democratic norms and institutions, and the allure of fascist politics within the Trump era. The chapters consider the antagonistic cultural practices through which divergent political machinations, including white (patriarchal) nationalism, are staged, and examine the corresponding policies and governing practices that threaten the civil rights, security, and wellbeing of racialized minorities, immigrants, women, and gender nonconforming people. The book contributes to social theory on nation-building by delineating processes of exclusion, intimidation, and violence, with a focus on rhetoric, performance, semiotics, music, affectivity, and the power of media. Various chapters also analyze creative, restorative, and at times unruly practices of community building, which reknit the social fabric with expansive visions of the polity. This anthropology-led volume incorporates contributions from a number of disciplines including sociology, American studies, communication, and Spanish, and will be of interest to scholars across the social sciences and humanities.

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