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Showing 30,401 through 30,425 of 100,000 results

Turkey's New Geopolitics: From The Balkans To Western China

by Graham Fuller

With the astonishing transformations in the geopolitics of the world since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Turkey has been profoundly affected by the changes on its periphery. For the first time since the beginning of the century, a Turkic world has blossomed, giving Turkey potential new foreign policy clout from the Balkans across the Caucasus a

U.s.-cuban Relations In The 1990s

by Jorge I Dominguez

The contributors and editors purpose in this book is to sketch where and why the United States and Cuba differ; to identify the issues where differences are likely to endure because they stem from the central values and interests of such different political and economic regimes; and to point to those other issues where skillful diplomacy might fin

Urbanization And Urban Policies In Pacific Asia

by Roland J Fuchs

This book is the outcome of the Conference on Population Growth, Urbanization, and Urban Policies in the Asia-Pacific Region, held in Honolulu during 8-12 April 1985. It provides wide attention among development planners, urban managers, and scholars in the field of urban and development planning.

Who Will Provide? The Changing Role Of Religion In American Social Welfare: The Changing Role Of Religion In American Social Welfare

by Mary Jo Bane

Leading scholars examine how the church, community organizations, and the government must work together to provide for America's poor in the aftermath of welfare reform. . Who will provide for Americas children, elderly, and working families? Not since the 1930s has our nation faced such fundamental choices over how to care for all its citizens. Now, amid economic prosperity, Americans are asking what government, business, and non-profit organizations can and can’t do and what they should and shouldn’t be asked to do. As both political parties look to faith-based organizations to meet material and spiritual needs, the center of this historic debate is the changing role of religion. These essays combine a fresh perspective and detailed analysis on these pressing issues. They emerge from a three-year Harvard Seminar sponsored by the Center for the Study of Values in Public Life that brought together scholars in public policy, government, religion, sociology, law, education, and non-profit leadership. By putting the present moment in broad historical perspective, these essays offer rich insights into the resources of faith-based organizations, while cautioning against viewing their expanded role as an alternative to the government’s responsibility. In Who Will Provide? community leaders, organizational managers, public officials, and scholars will find careful analysis drawing on a number of fields to aid their work of devising better partnerships of social provision locally and nationally. It was named a Choice Outstanding Academic Book of 2001..

Toward Empowerment: Women And Movement Politics In India

by Leslie J Calman

Analyzing Indian women's groups as one sector of a complex of new grass-roots, non-party political movements, Dr. Caiman considers why and how a women's movement evolved in India when it did. She describes the nature, origins, and meanings of the movement for Indian women and discusses the movement's significance for Indian politics in general as w

Troubled Lands: The Legacy Of Soviet Environmental Destruction

by D. J. Peterson

The dramatic revelations of environmental catastrophe in the Soviet Union made during the late 1980s and early 1990s were a driving force behind reform in, and later the demise of the communist party-state. But while the Union no longer exists, the independent republics confront the same dilemmas that plagued the Soviet state: Will the goal of econ

U.s. Strategic Trade: An Export Control System For The 1990s

by John Heinz

This book presents a thorough review of U.S. and allied export control policies since World War Il. It presents a historical perspective of how U.S. got into the bureaucratic logjam. The book provides practical and understandable blueprint for the reorganization of the export control function.

U.S. Relations With South Africa: An Annotated Bibliography--volume 1: Books, Documents, Reports, And Monographs

by Y. G-m. Lulat

Relations between the United States and South Africa - or the parts of the world these nations now occupy - go nearly as far back as the very beginning of their inception as permanent European colonial intrusions. This book is a critical overview of these relations from the late seventeenth century to the present. Unprecedented in its scope - and s

Up And Down Vail Mountain

by E. Lawerence Oaks

As Vail's Bob Parker tells the story, the only difference between the early days of Vail and those of the mining towns in Colorado nearly a hundred years earlier was that Vail's gold was white. Otherwise the scene was similar-the streets were dirt covered, the bars were rowdy, buildings were being constructed everywhere, and the same self-starting and chance-taking spirit prevailed. If you are new to Vail this book should serve as a guide to the trails and special features that you'll find here. If you've been to Vail before, it's possible that you've missed a run that might be perfect for you or a special feature that will help complete your skiing day. If you're an old timer, there may be new programs you're not aware of or perhaps a secluded part of Vail Mountain you haven't discovered.

Zambia's Foreign Policy: Studies In Diplomacy And Dependence

by Douglas G Anglin

This volume examines Zambia's role in the search for African independence, unity and development, particularly in the context of southern Africa. It also analyses the problems of dependence and underdevelopment and their impact on foreign policymaking. By concentrating on the key issues and major crises that confronted Zambia's decision makers during the nation's first years, the authors explain the country's current preoccupations and future prospects. Although their primary focus is on Zambia, they also treat a range of substantive and theoretical issues.

What Happened To Fairbanks?: The Effects Of The Trans-alaska Oil Pipeline On The Community Of Fairbanks, Alaska

by Mim Dixon

This book describes what Fairbanks was like during trans-Alaska oil pipeline construction and how the community responded to the project, and assesses the unplanned negative effects that, in many cases, outweighed the positive ones.

Women And Work In Africa

by Edna G. Bay

This collection of articles grows out of a symposium on the subject of women and work in Africa held on the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University of Illinois in the spring of 1979. The organizing committee for that program sought first, to update the field of economic studies of women in Africa and second, to provide a forum for the exchange and stimulation of ideas among scholars and professionals concerned for women in Africa. The publication here of the majority of the symposium papers represents a logical final step in the fulfillment of the objectives of the symposium program committee.

Western Society After The Holocaust

by Lyman H. Legters

Based on an International Scholars' Symposium convened to recall the infamous Kristallnacht in Hitler's Germany, this book represents an effort to distill from the ensuing Holocaust experience the lessons that seem most applicable to the contemporary world.

Vinyl Leaves: Walt Disney World And America

by Stephen M Fjellman

Walt Disney World is a pilgrimage site filled with utopian elements, craft, and whimsy. It’s a pedestrian’s world, where the streets are clean, the employees are friendly, and the trains run on time. All of its elements are themed, presented in a consistent architectural, decorative, horticultural, musical, even olfactory tone, with rides, shows, r

Wheat In The Third World

by Haldore Hanson

Many developing countries have adopted new wheat production techniques to expand food supplies, but opportunities for raising output further and improving farmers' livelihoods remain great. In this book, three internationally recognized experts associated with the International Center for Maize and Wheat Improvement (CIMMYT) address decision makers in developing countries and international agencies, providing essential information about the prospects for increasing wheat productivity. The authors examine the characteristics of the wheat plant as a crop and as a food, explore recent scientific findings related to producing and handling the crop and suggest important areas for future research. They also look at specific wheat production problems and potentials in eight countries and propose means of organizing and operating an effective national wheat program. The book closes with a forecast of the outlook for food, wheat, and population to the end of the century.

Words Like Colored Glass: The Role Of The Press In Taiwan's Democratization Process

by Daniel K Berman

A study of the contribution of the Press to the democratization process in Taiwan. Combining ideas from political science, communication theory and Chinese studies, the author challenges conventional wisdom on the subject.

Women's Participation In Mexican Political Life

by Victoria Rodriguez

To date, the mainstream literature on Mexican politics has said little about women, even though their participation as formal political actors has increased dramatically in the past fifteen years. Somewhat surprisingly, the political participation of women, although well documented in other Latin American countries, has been neglected in the case

Without Apology: Andrea Dworkin's Art And Politics

by Cindy Jenefsky

This is the first-ever book-length analysis of Dworkins feminist politics and the first critical analysis to examine her controversial political ideas in light of the literary dimensions of her prose. Cindy Jenefsky, with Ann Russo, looks at Dworkin’s major nonfiction works including Woman Hating, Pornography: Men Possessing Women, and Intercourse

Women In Changing Japan

by Joyce C Lebra

It is a time when women in many parts of the world are questioning the roles, life styles, and values by which women have lived for centuries. The contributors are American women engaged in studying various aspects of the life patterns of Japanese women in many walks of life and have published their findings in this volume. We come from a variety

Women At The Center: Grameen Bank Borrowers After One Decade

by Helen Todd

The Grameen Bank of Bangladesh has successfully lent small sums to poor women for income generation. This empirical study examines the programme's long-term influence and argues that credit alone can create fundamental change, even in an environment distinctly hostile to women's autonomy.

Xuanzang: A Buddhist Pilgrim On The Silk Road

by Sally Wriggins

The saga of the seventh-century Chinese monk Xuanzang, who completed an epic sixteen-year journey to discover the heart of Buddhism at its source in India, is a splendid story of human struggle and triumph. One of China's great heroes, Xuanzang is introduced here for the first time to Western readers in this richly illustrated book. Sally Hovey Wriggins, who journeyed in Xuanzang's footsteps, brings to life a man who transcended common experience. Eight centuries before Columbus, this intrepid pilgrim against the wishes of his emperor travelled on the Silk Road through Central Asia on his way to India. Before his journey ended, he had met most of Asia's important leaders and traversed 10,000 miles in search of Buddhist scriptures. He was both a mountain climber who scaled three of Asia's highest mountain ranges and a desert survivor who nearly died of thirst on the brutal flats; a philosopher and metaphysician; a diplomat who established China's ties to Central Asian and Indian kings; and above all a devout and courageous Buddhist who personally nurtured the growth of Buddhism in China by disseminating the nearly 600 scriptures he carried back from India. Wriggins gives us vivid descriptions of the perils Xuanzang faced, the monasteries he visited (many still standing today), and the eight places of Buddhist pilgrimage in India. Detailed maps and color photographs provide striking evidence of the vast distances involved and the appalling dangers Xuanzang endured; reproductions of Buddhist art from museums around the world capture the glories of this world religion while revealing a cosmopolitan era in which pilgrims were both adventurers and ambassadors of goodwill. An engaging introduction to Buddhism and Buddhist art, this unique book takes the reader on a rousing adventure that also gives a compelling view of Asian history and civilization.

Vietnamese Communism In Comparative Perspective

by William S Turley

This book focuses on how the Vietnam Communist party adapted to its environment in order to achieve and exercise power and to what degree these adaptations made the Vietnamese revolution distinctive.

Women's Informal Associations In Developing Countries: Catalysts For Change?

by Kathryn S March

Informal associations among women in developing countries constitute an important source of vitality and integrity for women. This book evaluates the impact of development programs on women’s informal associations and sharpens our understanding of them. The participation of women in development via their informal networks presents a dilemma insofar

Women In Korean Politics

by Chunghee Sarah Soh

A study of women in South Korean politics. Through life histories elicited by interviews and supplemented by published materials, Soh studies 29 women who were elected or appointed to the South Korean legislature. She asks who these chosen women are, how they attained their positions, and what motivated them. In doing so, she attempts to illuminate the systematic limits to female life in Korean culture.

Women's Ethnicities: Journeys Through Psychology

by Karen F Wyche

Eighteen women psychologists address issues of diversity while exploring the effects of essentialism - the presumed sameness of all women. By exposing how their own work incorporates their gender and ethnicities, the contributors embark on a journey of awareness built on communication and collaboration. Discussing dilemmas of gender and ethnicity

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