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Ingres Then, and Now

by Adrian Rifkin

Ingres Then, and Now is an innovative study of one of the best-known French artists of the nineteenth century, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres. Adrian Rifkin re-evaluates Ingres' work in the context of a variety of literary, musical and visual cultures which are normally seen as alien to him. Re-viewing Ingres' paintings as a series of fragmentary symptoms of the commodity cultures of nineteenth-century Paris, Adrian Rifkin draws the artist away from his familiar association with the Academy and the Salon.Rifkin sets out to show how, by thinking of the historical archive as a form of the unconscious, we can renew our understanding of nineteenth-century conservative or academic cultures by reading them against their 'other'. He situates Ingres in the world of the Parisian Arcades, as represented by Walter Benjamin, and examines the effect of this juxtaposition on how we think of Benjamin himself, following Ingres' image in popular cultures of the twentieth century. Rifkin then returns to the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries to find traces of the emergence of bizarre symptoms in Ingres' early work, symptoms which open him to a variety of conflicting readings and appropriations. It concludes by examining his importance for the great French art critic Jean Cassou on the one hand, and in making a bold, contemporary gay appropriation on the other.Ingres Then, and Now transforms the popular image we have of Ingres. It argues that the figure of the artist is neither fixed in time or place - there is neither an essential man named Ingres, nor a singular body of his work - but is an effect of many, complex and overlapping historical effects.

Innere Sicherheit im Politischen System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Studien zur Inneren Sicherheit #2)

by Hans-Jürgen Lange

Das Buch rekonstruiert in Form einer Politikfeldstudie die internen Entscheidungsprozesse im System der "Inneren Sicherheit". Die Studie behandelt die Sicherheitseinrichtungen in der EU, im Bund und in den Ländern am Beispiel des Landes NRW. Parallel zur ökonomischen Integration ist auf der europäischen Ebene verstärkt seit 1985 ein umfassender Sicherheitsverbund entstanden. Der europäische Sicherheitsverbund beginnt zunehmend damit, die nationalstaatlich angelegten Systeme der "inneren" Sicherheit zu verändern. Das Buch zeigt auf, mit welchen Strategien und mit welchen Konsequenzen die Sicherheitseinrichtungen von Bund und Ländern in der Bundesrepublik auf die veränderten Bedingungen institutionspolitisch "reagieren". Innere Sicherheit ist hierbei als ein Netzwerk unterschiedlicher Akteurskoalitionen zu verstehen, die darum ringen, Steuerungskompetenzen im Politikfeld zu erlangen. Das Buch behandelt auf der Grundlage einer handlungstheoretisch geleiteten empirischen Rekonstruktion die bislang kaum thematisierte Bedeutung von korporatistischen Aushandlungen zwischen Regierung und Verwaltung einerseits, miteinander konkurrierenden Polizeiverbänden andererseits, die die Politik der Inneren Sicherheit bestimmen. Für diese Studie hat der Autor den Wissenschaftspreis der Polizeiführungsakademie in Münster-Hiltrup verliehen bekommen.

Innovation, Networks and Localities (Advances in Spatial Science)

by Manfred M. Fischer Luis Suarez-Villa Michael Steiner

The relationship between innovation, networks and localities is of central concern for many nations. However, despite increasing interest in the components of this research triangle, efforts in these fields are hampered by a lackofconceptual and empirical insights. This volume brings together contributions from a distinguished group of scholars working in different but related disciplines, and aims to provide a fresh look at this research triangle. The objective is to offer a concise overview of current developments and insights derived from recent studies in Europe and North America. All of the contributions are based on original research undertaken in the various regions and nations and are published here for the first time. We are grateful to all those who have contributed to this volume for their willingness to participate in the project. Without their co-operation this book would not have been possible. We should like, in addition, to thank Angela Spence for her careful linguistic editing and assistance in co-ordinating the production of the camera ready copy. Lastly, but not least, we wish to express our gratitude for support from our home institutions, and in particular the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Institute for Urban and Regional Research), the Austrian Ministry for Science and Transport, the Styrian Government (Section for Science and Research) and the Federation of Austrian Industry in Styria for the financial backing received. April 1999 Manfred M.

Innovationspolitik in globalisierten Arenen: Neue Aufgaben für Forschung und Lehre: Forschungs-, Technologie- und Innovationspolitik im Wandel

by Klaus Grimmer Stefan Kuhlmann Frieder Meyer-Krahmer

Politik soll durch Innovationen in Wirtschaft und Technik, im Sozialbereich, im Umweltschutz oder im Bildungsbereich die gesellschaftliche Entwicklung positiv fördern. Welche Unterstützung bietet die Politikwissenschaft? Stellt sie gesicherte Theorien über Innovationsmöglichkeiten oder zumindest gute Ratschläge zu Verfügung? Letzteres geschieht in sehr unterschiedlicher Form. Gesichertes Wissen, systematisch aufbereitet, gibt es bislang wenig. Innovationspolitik muß erst noch ein - interdisziplinär arbeitendes Fach - der Politikwissenschaft werden. Ein Kreis renommierter in- und ausländischer Wissenschaftler behandelt die Thematik unter dem übergreifenden Thema Globalisierung und politische Handlungsspielräume.

Insecure Prosperity: Small-Town Jews in Industrial America, 1890-1940

by Ewa Morawska

This captivating story of the Jewish community in Johnstown, Pennsylvania reveals a pattern of adaptation to American life surprisingly different from that followed by Jewish immigrants to metropolitan areas. Although four-fifths of Jewish immigrants did settle in major cities, another fifth created small-town communities like the one described here by Ewa Morawska. Rather than climbing up the mainstream education and occupational success ladder, the Jewish Johnstowners created in the local economy a tightly knit ethnic entrepreneurial niche and pursued within it their main life goals: achieving a satisfactory standard of living against the recurrent slumps in local mills and coal mines and enjoying the company of their fellow congregants. Rather than secularizing and diversifying their communal life, as did Jewish immigrants to larger cities, they devoted their energies to creating and maintaining an inclusive, multipurpose religious congregation. Morawska begins with an extensive examination of Jewish life in the Eastern European regions from which most of Johnstown's immigrants came, tracing features of culture and social relations that they brought with them to America. After detailing the process by which migration from Eastern Europe occurred, Morawska takes up the social organization of Johnstown, the place of Jews in that social order, the transformation of Jewish social life in the city, and relations between Jews and non-Jews. The resulting work will appeal simultaneously to students of American history, of American social life, of immigration, and of Jewish experience, as well as to the general reader interested in any of these topics.

Inside the Citadel: Men and the Emancipation of Women 1850-1920

by R. Symonds

This book discusses the contribution of individual men to the emancipation of women between 1860 and 1920. These include the pioneer of feminism, J.S. Mill, the allies of Josephine Butler, the men who risked imprisonment for making available information on contraception and sympathetic writers such as Meredith and Shaw. There are also chapters on the suffrage, education, religion, medicine and entry to other professions. The role of men in the removal of women's social disabilities is described as well as Gandhi's innovative involvement of women in the independence movement.

The Insistence of the Indian: Race and Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century American Culture

by Susan Scheckel

Americans' first attempts to forge a national identity coincided with the apparent need to define--and limit--the status and rights of Native Americans. During these early decades of the nineteenth century, the image of the "Indian" circulated throughout popular culture--in the novels of James Fenimore Cooper, plays about Pocahontas, Indian captivity narratives, Black Hawk's autobiography, and visitors' guides to the national capitol. In exploring such sources as well as the political and legal rhetoric of the time, Susan Scheckel argues that the "Indian question" was intertwined with the ways in which Americans viewed their nation's past and envisioned its destiny. She shows how the Indians provided a crucial site of reflection upon national identity. And yet the Indians, by being denied the natural rights upon which the constitutional principles of the United States rested, also challenged American convictions of moral ascendancy and national legitimacy.Scheckel investigates, for example, the Supreme Court's decision on Indian land rights and James Fenimore Cooper's popular frontier romance The Pioneers: both attempted to legitimate American claims to land once owned by Indians and to assuage guilt associated with the violence of conquest by incorporating the Indians in a version of the American political "family." Alternatively, the widely performed Pocahontas plays dealt with the necessity of excluding Indians politically, but also portrayed these original inhabitants as embodying the potential of the continent itself. Such examples illustrate a gap between principles and practice. It is from this gap, according to the author, that the nation emerged, not as a coherent idea or a realist narrative, but as an ongoing performance that continues to play out, without resolution, fundamental ambivalences of American national identity.

The Insistence of the Indian: Race and Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century American Culture

by Susan Scheckel

Americans' first attempts to forge a national identity coincided with the apparent need to define--and limit--the status and rights of Native Americans. During these early decades of the nineteenth century, the image of the "Indian" circulated throughout popular culture--in the novels of James Fenimore Cooper, plays about Pocahontas, Indian captivity narratives, Black Hawk's autobiography, and visitors' guides to the national capitol. In exploring such sources as well as the political and legal rhetoric of the time, Susan Scheckel argues that the "Indian question" was intertwined with the ways in which Americans viewed their nation's past and envisioned its destiny. She shows how the Indians provided a crucial site of reflection upon national identity. And yet the Indians, by being denied the natural rights upon which the constitutional principles of the United States rested, also challenged American convictions of moral ascendancy and national legitimacy.Scheckel investigates, for example, the Supreme Court's decision on Indian land rights and James Fenimore Cooper's popular frontier romance The Pioneers: both attempted to legitimate American claims to land once owned by Indians and to assuage guilt associated with the violence of conquest by incorporating the Indians in a version of the American political "family." Alternatively, the widely performed Pocahontas plays dealt with the necessity of excluding Indians politically, but also portrayed these original inhabitants as embodying the potential of the continent itself. Such examples illustrate a gap between principles and practice. It is from this gap, according to the author, that the nation emerged, not as a coherent idea or a realist narrative, but as an ongoing performance that continues to play out, without resolution, fundamental ambivalences of American national identity.

The Insistence of the Indian: Race and Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century American Culture

by Susan Scheckel

Americans' first attempts to forge a national identity coincided with the apparent need to define--and limit--the status and rights of Native Americans. During these early decades of the nineteenth century, the image of the "Indian" circulated throughout popular culture--in the novels of James Fenimore Cooper, plays about Pocahontas, Indian captivity narratives, Black Hawk's autobiography, and visitors' guides to the national capitol. In exploring such sources as well as the political and legal rhetoric of the time, Susan Scheckel argues that the "Indian question" was intertwined with the ways in which Americans viewed their nation's past and envisioned its destiny. She shows how the Indians provided a crucial site of reflection upon national identity. And yet the Indians, by being denied the natural rights upon which the constitutional principles of the United States rested, also challenged American convictions of moral ascendancy and national legitimacy.Scheckel investigates, for example, the Supreme Court's decision on Indian land rights and James Fenimore Cooper's popular frontier romance The Pioneers: both attempted to legitimate American claims to land once owned by Indians and to assuage guilt associated with the violence of conquest by incorporating the Indians in a version of the American political "family." Alternatively, the widely performed Pocahontas plays dealt with the necessity of excluding Indians politically, but also portrayed these original inhabitants as embodying the potential of the continent itself. Such examples illustrate a gap between principles and practice. It is from this gap, according to the author, that the nation emerged, not as a coherent idea or a realist narrative, but as an ongoing performance that continues to play out, without resolution, fundamental ambivalences of American national identity.

Institution Organisation Bewegung: Sozialformen der Religion im Wandel (Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie #2)

by Michael Krüggeler Karl Gabriel Winfried Gebhardt

Das Buch zeigt, daß sich religiöse Organisationen zwischen modernen Organisationsstrukturen und religiöser Semantik bewähren müssen. Dadurch wird die Erforschung religiösen Wandels erneut in den Blick gebracht. Religion als soziales System läßt sich im Spannungsfeld der Begriffe "Institutionen - Organisation - Bewegung" beschreiben. Institution und Bewegung können gleichsam als die Extremformen religiöser Vergemeinschaftung bzw. Vergesellschaftung gelten: Bewegung steht für das schöpferisch-revolutionäre Element des Religiösen. Institution steht demgegenüber für habitualisierte, sozial und rechtlich verfaßte und zum Teil hierarchisch gegliederte Formelemente des Religiösen. Mit der gegenwärtigen Deinstitutionalisierung der Konfessionskirchen entfaltet sich die Struktur des Religionssystems in seiner Komplexität: Die Kirchen als religiöse Institutionen übernehmen unter dem Druck einer sich erfolgreich organisierenden Umwelt mehr und mehr den Charakter formaler Organisationen. Auf der anderen Seite verlieren auch religiöse Bewegungen ihre charismatische Unschuld: Gesinnungsethische Normativität kann sich oftmals nur unter Einsatz hochstrukturierter Mechanismen soziale Geltung verschaffen. Der vorliegende Band analysiert das modernisierte religiöse Feld als Spannungsverhältnis von religiöser Institution, Organisation und Bewegung. Er möchte damit einer Perspektive der Erforschung religiösen Wandels unter strukturellen Aspekten erneut Aufmerksamkeit verschaffen.

Institutional Abuse: Perspectives Across the Life Course

by Jill Manthorpe Bridget Penhale Nicky Stanley

Institutional Abuse brings together a number of different research studies and accounts of institutional abuse from leading academics and researchers. Public enquiries and court cases concerning institutional abuse in a range of settings have generated considerable media interest and have highlighted the need for preventative strategies and appropriate responses. Four areas of abuse are covered: *the abuse of children *the abuse of adults with mental health problems *the abuse of adults with learning difficulties *the abuse of older people. Each section includes a chapter which reports on users' experiences of abuse and their views as to how institutional abuse can be prevented and survivors' needs met.

Institutional Abuse: Perspectives Across the Life Course

by Jill Manthorpe Bridget Penhale Nicky Stanley

Institutional Abuse brings together a number of different research studies and accounts of institutional abuse from leading academics and researchers. Public enquiries and court cases concerning institutional abuse in a range of settings have generated considerable media interest and have highlighted the need for preventative strategies and appropriate responses. Four areas of abuse are covered: *the abuse of children *the abuse of adults with mental health problems *the abuse of adults with learning difficulties *the abuse of older people. Each section includes a chapter which reports on users' experiences of abuse and their views as to how institutional abuse can be prevented and survivors' needs met.

Institutional Change and Industrial Development in Central and Eastern Europe (Routledge Revivals)

by Anne Lorentzen Brigitta Widmaier Mihály Laki

Published in 1999, this is a collection of recent research results by acknowledged researchers in the field of enterprise transformation and industrial development in Central and Eastern Europe.

Institutional Change and Industrial Development in Central and Eastern Europe (Routledge Revivals)

by Anne Lorentzen Brigitta Widmaier Mihály Laki

Published in 1999, this is a collection of recent research results by acknowledged researchers in the field of enterprise transformation and industrial development in Central and Eastern Europe.

Institutionenökonomie und Neuer Institutionalismus: Überlegungen zur Organisationstheorie (Interdisziplinäre Organisations- und Verwaltungsforschung #2)

by Thomas Edeling Werner Jann Dieter Wagner

Institutionenökonomie und Neuer Institutionalismus als konkurrierende Theoriestränge werden in ihrer Relevanz für die Organisationstheorie diskutiert. In der Anwendung auf konkrete Forschungsfelder werden Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des "ökonomischen" und "soziologischen" Institutionalismus sichtbar. Aus dem Inhalt: Ökonomische und soziologische Institutentheorie als disziplinäre Grenzen in der Organisationswissenschaft? Neo-Institutionalismus und Institutentheorie Informelle Machtbildung und Leitideen im institutionellen Wandel Organisationen als Institutionen Exklusivrechte auf die ökonomische Perspektive? Zum methodischen Status von Verhaltensannahmen in der Neuen Institutionenökonomie Zur Konkurrenz institutionenökonomischer und neoinstitutionalistischer Ansätze in der Organisationsforschung Transaktionskostentheorie - quo vadis? Vertical Integration into Electronics: Transaction Costs and Organization Domain Transaktionskosten: Anwendung auf den Non-Profit-Sektor Neoinstitutionalismus in der Finanzierungs- und Bankbetriebslehre

Insulting the Public?: The British Press and the European Union

by Tony Weymouth Peter J. Anderson

Insulting the Public? examines the way in which the European Union and issues relating to it are represented to the public. Combining theoretical and empirical research, the text explores and provides an assessment of the performance of the British Press in its representation of the European Union in the period immediately preceding the General Election of 1997 and during the British presidency of the Union from January to June 1998.

Insulting the Public?: The British Press and the European Union

by Tony Weymouth Peter J. Anderson

Insulting the Public? examines the way in which the European Union and issues relating to it are represented to the public. Combining theoretical and empirical research, the text explores and provides an assessment of the performance of the British Press in its representation of the European Union in the period immediately preceding the General Election of 1997 and during the British presidency of the Union from January to June 1998.

Integrating Environment and Economy: Strategies for Local and Regional Government

by Andrew Gouldson Peter Roberts

Integrating Environment and Economy provides a detailed and accessible examination of how integrated approaches enable economic and social activities to support environmental objectives. This is a key text for the many taught Masters courses covering the issues of environmental management and economic development Features of the book:* covers strong areas of undergraduate and postgraduate study* detailed practice-based case studies at both local and regional levels* up-to-date theory using real-life examples

Integrating Environment and Economy: Strategies for Local and Regional Government

by Andrew Gouldson Peter Roberts

Integrating Environment and Economy provides a detailed and accessible examination of how integrated approaches enable economic and social activities to support environmental objectives. This is a key text for the many taught Masters courses covering the issues of environmental management and economic development Features of the book:* covers strong areas of undergraduate and postgraduate study* detailed practice-based case studies at both local and regional levels* up-to-date theory using real-life examples

Intellektuelle Migrantinnen — Subjektivitäten im Zeitalter von Globalisierung: Eine postkoloniale dekonstruktive Analyse von Biographien im Spannungsverhältnis von Ethnisierung und Vergeschlechtlichung (Geschlecht und Gesellschaft #21)

by Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez

Das Buch behandelt den Konstitutions- und Konstruktionsprozeß von Subjektivitäten im Zeitalter der Globalisierung am Beispiel der Migrationserfahrung weiblicher Intellektueller in der Bundesrepublik. Im Zentrum stehen Differenzierungs- und Hierarchisierungsvorgänge auf der Basis von Ethnisierung und Vergeschlechtlichung. Mittels einer postkolonialen dekonstruktiven Analyse biographisch-narrativer Interviews werden Selbstverständnis, Handlungsstrategien und Verortungsperspektiven intellektueller Migrantinnen zwischen Professionalisierung und Dequalifizierung rekonstruiert.

Internal Migration in Contemporary China

by D. Davin

As China moves from a society controlling all aspects of life, including population movement, to something nearer a market economy, migration has become a live issue. Tens of millions of rural migrants have entered China's cities, meeting discrimination similar to that experienced by economic migrants in the West. This book looks to the reasons why people leave certain areas, the lives of migrants and government policy towards them. It distinguishes different types of migration and looks particularly at marriage migration and the effects of migration on the lives of women.

International Leasing: Strategy and Decision (Routledge Revivals)

by Simon S. Gao

First published in 1999, This book aims to study international leasing, in which it mainly looks at leasing on an international scale; considering how we define leasing itself and in the context of the international financial world.

International Leasing: Strategy and Decision (Routledge Revivals)

by Simon S. Gao

First published in 1999, This book aims to study international leasing, in which it mainly looks at leasing on an international scale; considering how we define leasing itself and in the context of the international financial world.

Interpersonal Communication

by Peter Hartley

This fully revised and updated second edition:* outlines the main components and distinctive characteristics of interpersonal communication* offers detailed analysis of communication structures, considering their everyday applications and implications* includes new material on race, gender and sexuality* looks to the future of interpersonal communication.

Interpersonal Communication

by Peter Hartley

This fully revised and updated second edition:* outlines the main components and distinctive characteristics of interpersonal communication* offers detailed analysis of communication structures, considering their everyday applications and implications* includes new material on race, gender and sexuality* looks to the future of interpersonal communication.

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