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Hackers: Crime and the Digital Sublime

by Paul Taylor

The practice of computer hacking is increasingly being viewed as a major security dilemma in Western societies, by governments and security experts alike.Using a wealth of material taken from interviews with a wide range of interested parties such as computer scientists, security experts and hackers themselves, Paul Taylor provides a uniquely revealing and richly sourced account of the debates that surround this controversial practice. By doing so, he reveals the dangers inherent in the extremes of conciliation and antagonism with which society reacts to hacking and argues that a new middle way must be found if we are to make the most of society's high-tech meddlers.

Hakka Chinese Confront Protestant Christianity, 1850-1900: With the Autobiographies of Eight Hakka Christians, and Commentary

by Jessie Gregory Lutz Rolland Ray Lutz

This work focuses on the 19th-century mission conducted by Chinese evangelists among the Hakka, an ethnic minority in south China. The principal part of the text comprises the autobiographies of eight pioneer missionaries who offer insight into village life and customs of the Hakka people.

Hakka Chinese Confront Protestant Christianity, 1850-1900: With the Autobiographies of Eight Hakka Christians, and Commentary

by Jessie Gregory Lutz Rolland Ray Lutz

This work focuses on the 19th-century mission conducted by Chinese evangelists among the Hakka, an ethnic minority in south China. The principal part of the text comprises the autobiographies of eight pioneer missionaries who offer insight into village life and customs of the Hakka people.

Handbook of Disruptive Behavior Disorders

by Herbert C. Quay Anne E. Hogan

The purpose of this Handbook is to provide the researcher, clinician, teacher and student in all mental health fields with comprehensive coverage of Disruptive Behavior Disorders (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder). With over 50 contributors and 2600 references, this Handbook is the most complete resource available on this important topic.

Handbook of Interpersonal Commitment and Relationship Stability (Perspectives on Individual Differences)

by Warren H. Jones Jeffrey M. Adams

A fundamental assumption underlying the formation of our most important relationships is that they will persist indefinitely into the future. As an acquaintanceship turns into a friend­ ship, for example, both members of this newly formed interpersonal bond are likely to expect that their interactions will become increasingly frequent, diverse, and intimate over time. This expectation is perhaps most apparent in romantically involved couples who, through a variety of verbal and symbolic means, make explicit pledges to a long-lasting relationship. In either case, it is clear that these relationships represent something valuable to the individuals in­ volved and are pursued with great enthusiasm. Virtually all close relationships are formed within the context of mutually rewarding in­ teractions and/or strong physical attraction between partners. Friends and romantically in­ volved couples alike are drawn to one another because of similarity of attitudes, interests, and personality and, quite simply, because they enjoy one another's company. This enjoyment, cou­ pled with the novelty that characterizes new relationships, almost makes the continuation of the relationship a foregone conclusion. As relationships progress, however, their novelty fades, conflicts may arise between partners, negative life events may occur, and the satisfaction that previously characterized the relationships may diminish.

Handbook of Marriage and the Family

by Marvin B. Sussman Suzanne K. Steinmetz Gary W. Peterson

In a thoroughgoing revision of the first edition of this classic text and reference, published by Plenum in 1987, the editors have assembled a distinguished group of contributors to address such topics as past, present, and future perspectives on family diversity; theory and methods of the family; changing family patterns and roles; the family and other institutions; and family dynamics and processes.

Handbuch der kommunalen Sozialpolitik

by Berthold Dietz Dieter Eißel Dirk Naumann

Das Handbuch bietet einen breiten Überblick über Grundlagen, Handlungskonzepte und Handlungsalternativen kommunaler Sozialpolitikfelder.

Handbuch des Museumsrechts 7: Öffentliches Recht (Berliner Schriften zur Museumskunde #7)

by Wilhelm Mößle

Das Handbuch befaßt sich mit den Museen der öffentlichen Hand, ihrer Rechtsstellung und Organisation, den Voraussetzungen für ihre Benutzung und mit den Grundzügen ihres Haushaltsrechts. Es soll darstellen, welche organisationsrechtlichen Institute zur Errichtung und zum Betrieb von Museen zur Verfügung stehen und welche Rechtsfolgen sich hieraus ergeben

Handbuch Elternbildung: Band 2: Wissenswertes im zweiten bis vierten Lebensjahr des Kindes

by Wassilios E. Fthenakis Martina Eckert Michael von Block

Das DFV-Handbuch Elternbildung informiert umfassend über die Arbeit mit Paaren im Übergang zur Elternschaft. Durch die Mischung von wissenschaftlichem Basiswissen, praktischen Übungen und organisatorischen Tips schlägt es eine Brücke zwischen Theorie und Praxis in der Familienbildung. Das Handbuch richtet sich an Gruppenleiterinnen und Gruppenleiter, sowie Träger der Familienbildung, die mit Paaren ganzheitlich im Übergang zur Elternschaft arbeiten möchten. Sein Ziel ist es, die präventive Elternbildungsarbeit in der Familienbildung voranzutreiben. Das zugrundeliegende theoretische und bildungspraktische Modell orientiert sich an der Arbeit des amerikanischen Forscherpaares Carolyn und Philip Cowan. Es werden neben praxiserprobten Übungen sowohl die theoretischen als auch die organisatorischen Aspekte der Elternbildungsarbeit erörtert. Die über 40Expertenbeiträge von WissenschaftlerInnen und PraktikerInnen bieten außerdem eine Informationsbasis für alle Themen von der Schwangerschaft bis zum vierten Lebensjahr eines Kindes.

Handbuch Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung

by Rudolf Tippelt

Erwachsenbildung und Weiterbildung stehen mehr denn je im Fokus erziehungswissenschaftlicher und bildungspolitischer Diskurse. Als Grundlagenwerk zu Geschichte, Theorien, Forschungsmethoden und Institutionen vermittelt das Handbuch einen systematischen Überblick über den vielfältigen Themenbereich.

Handel und Umwelt: Zur Frage der Kompatibilität internationaler Regime

by Thomas Bernauer Dieter Ruloff

Die Verregelung gesellschaftlicher Beziehungen auf innerstaatlicher und internationaler Ebene hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten stark zugenommen. Internationale Regimes wie auch innerstaatliche Normen und Regeln entstehen vielfach in unkoordinierter Weise, was bisweilen zu Inkompatibilitäten und Konflikten zwischen den beteiligten Akteuren führt. Bei steigender Regulierungsdichte stellt sich die bislang in der Disziplin der Internationalen Beziehungen kaum untersuchte Frage, wie regulatorische Eingriffe in verschiedenen Politikbereichen und auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen miteinander koordiniert und harmonisiert werden können. Die Autoren dieses Buches entwickeln einen theoretischen und methodischen Rahmen zur Analyse der Frage nach der Kompatibilität internationaler Regimes und ihren Folgen und evaluieren diesen anhand von Fallstudien zur Beziehung zwischen Handelsliberalisierung und Umweltschutz.

Hanseatische Gewerbeausstellungen im 19. Jahrhundert: Republikanische Selbstdarstellung, regionale Wirtschaftsförderung und bürgerliches Vergnügen (Sozialwissenschaftliche Studien #37)

by Oliver Korn

Das Buch ist eine quellenorientierte Studie zur vergleichenden Geschichte des Ausstellungswesens der Hansestädte Hamburg, Bremen und Lübeck vom späten 18. bis zum frühen 19. Jahrhundert.

Hard Ball: The Abuse of Power in Pro Team Sports

by James Quirk Rodney D. Fort

What can possibly account for the strange state of affairs in professional sports today? There are billionaire owners and millionaire players, but both groups are constantly squabbling over money. Many pro teams appear to be virtual "cash machines," generating astronomical annual revenues, but their owners seem willing to uproot them and move to any city willing to promise increased profits. At the same time, mayors continue to cook up "sweetheart deals" that lavish benefits on wealthy teams while imposing crushing financial hardships on cities that are already strapped with debt. To fans today, professional sports teams often look more like professional extortionists.In Hard Ball, James Quirk and Rodney Fort take on a daunting challenge: explaining exactly how things have gotten to this point and proposing a way out. Both authors are professional economists who specialize in the economics of sports. Their previous book, Pay Dirt: The Business of Professional Team Sports, is widely acknowledged as the Bible of sports economics. Here, however, they are writing for sports fans who are trying to make sense out of the perplexing world of pro team sports. It is not money, in itself, that is the cause of today's problems, they assert. In fact, the real problem stems from one simple fact: pro sports are monopolies that are fully sanctioned by the U.S. government. Eliminate the monopolies, say Quirk and Fort, and all problems can be solved. If the monopolies are allowed to persist, so will today's woes.The authors discuss all four major pro team sports: baseball, football, basketball, and hockey. Hard Ball is filled with anecdotes, case studies, and factual information that are brought together here for the first time. Quirk and Fort devote chapters to the main protagonists in the pro sports saga--media, unions, players, owners, politicians, and leagues--before they offer their own prescription for correcting the ills that afflict sports today. The result is an engaging and persuasive book that is sure to be widely read, cited, and debated. It is essential reading for every fan.

The Hard-pressed Researcher: A research handbook for the caring professions

by Anne Edwards Robin Talbot

Working in the fields of education, health and social care demands a great deal of energy, effort and commitment on the part of the practitioner or trainee. When a research project is added to a workload the pressures can be great, particulary if the would-be-researcher is not confident about the process involved.The Hard-pressed Researcher provides practical guidance on how to undertake a research project. It has been written specially for practitioners and students in the fields of education, health and social care and assumes no specific knowledge of the research process.This revised and updated version of the first edition covers the major modes of research (experimental research, survey work, case study, interpretative research and action research) and provides step-by-step guidance from conceptualization through to report writing. Each chapter provides sources for further reading and the book ends with a series of statistical tables.All those studying or working in the caring professions will welcome the very straightforward and sympathetic approach of the authors, both of whom have considerable experience in the supervision of research work.

The Hard-pressed Researcher: A research handbook for the caring professions

by Anne Edwards Robin Talbot

Working in the fields of education, health and social care demands a great deal of energy, effort and commitment on the part of the practitioner or trainee. When a research project is added to a workload the pressures can be great, particulary if the would-be-researcher is not confident about the process involved.The Hard-pressed Researcher provides practical guidance on how to undertake a research project. It has been written specially for practitioners and students in the fields of education, health and social care and assumes no specific knowledge of the research process.This revised and updated version of the first edition covers the major modes of research (experimental research, survey work, case study, interpretative research and action research) and provides step-by-step guidance from conceptualization through to report writing. Each chapter provides sources for further reading and the book ends with a series of statistical tables.All those studying or working in the caring professions will welcome the very straightforward and sympathetic approach of the authors, both of whom have considerable experience in the supervision of research work.

Hate Speech, Pornography, And Radical Attacks On Free Speech Doctrine

by James Weinstein

This book, devoted to acquainting reader with the basics of American free speech doctrine, presents a description of the radical attack on modern free speech doctrine. It discusses whether banning this speech would be a remedy for the harms hate speech and pornography are said to cause.

Hate Speech, Pornography, and Radical Attacks on Free Speech Doctrine (PDF)

by James Weinstein

Does American free speech doctrine discriminate against women and minorities? In Hate Speech, Pornography, and the Radical Attack on Free Speech Doctrine, James Weinstein carefully examines the charge that in interpreting the First Amendment as protecting hate speech and pornography while allowing myriad other exceptions to free speech, American courts have privileged the interests of the rich and powerful over the interests of women and people of color. The author concludes that while free speech doctrine is not in any deep sense as neutral as some of its apologists believe, the claim that free speech decisions and principles systematically discriminate against women and minorities does not withstand scrutiny. He shows that this claim of discrimination is based upon a profound but widely shared misunderstanding of the actual workings of free speech doctrine.

Haut und Psyche: Medizinisch-psychologische Problemfelder in der Dermatologie (Psycholsoziale Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften)

by Kurt Seikowski

Ausgehend von den psychosozialen Problemen hautkranker Personen werden medizinisch-psychologische Grundlagen in ihrer Wertigkeit für die Betreuung dieser Patienten zur Anwendung gebracht. Zunächst wird bei Patienten mit chronisch rezidivierender Urtikaria, Alopezie, Psoriasis und Neurodermitis gezeigt, daß kritische Lebensereignisse in engem, aber unterschiedlichem Zusammenhang mit diesen Erkrankungen stehen. Des weiteren werden die Krankheitsmodelle bei Psoriasis- und Neurodermitispatienten analysiert. Nach der Reflexion über psychodiagnostische Konsequenzen schließt die Arbeit mit Untersuchungen zur Effektivität psychotherapeutischer Interventionen bei Hautpatienten. Hypnose und Autogenes Training kamen bei Patienten mit progressiver Sklerodermie zur Anwendung, während die Thematische Gruppentherapie zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität bei Neurodermitispatienten führte.

Health and Exclusion: Policy and Practice in Health Provision

by Michael Purdy David Banks

Health and Exclusion is a pioneering examination of those policies and practices of exclusion currently experienced by health 'customers' in the UK. Chapters document examples of exclusion in a number of controversial areas, including: *the impact of poverty on the health of children *exclusion in maternity care *exclusion of those with mental health problems *exclusion of the elderly in health care *the silenced voice of the patient *barriers to recruitment and advancement within the health professions. The authors challenge whether New Labour policies sufficiently address the inequalities in health experienced by some sectors of society. Moreover they suggest that health professionals at times actively contribute to exclusion and suggest strategies and practices to combat marginalisation and resist exclusion.

Health and Exclusion: Policy and Practice in Health Provision

by David Banks Michael Purdy

Health and Exclusion is a pioneering examination of those policies and practices of exclusion currently experienced by health 'customers' in the UK. Chapters document examples of exclusion in a number of controversial areas, including: *the impact of poverty on the health of children *exclusion in maternity care *exclusion of those with mental health problems *exclusion of the elderly in health care *the silenced voice of the patient *barriers to recruitment and advancement within the health professions. The authors challenge whether New Labour policies sufficiently address the inequalities in health experienced by some sectors of society. Moreover they suggest that health professionals at times actively contribute to exclusion and suggest strategies and practices to combat marginalisation and resist exclusion.

Health and Work: Critical Perspectives

Occupational health issues have been identified as crucially important in the debate about socio-economic determinants of health and illness. Yet few texts have addressed issues of work and health in any depth, while interest in the field continues to grow. Health and Work explores current debates about inequalities in health, focusing on the consequences of new patterns of employment for health, stress and the quality of working life. Drawing on multidisciplinary perspectives in an international, global context, each chapter examines changing discourses of risk and health and identifies implications for policy and practice within the health care arena, as well as in relation to the management of the work environment.

Health Care and Cost Containment in the European Union (Routledge Revivals)

by Elias Mossialos Julian Le Grand

First published in 1999, this volume aims to describe and analyse the experience of cost containment in Europe over the last fifteen years in order to understand that experience and to determine, as best we can, which methods were successful and which were not. Part I provides an overview of healthcare in the European Union, an overview of recent expenditure trends. Part II complements the first, examining in detail cost containment policies in each EU Member State. The country-based chapters refer to developments up to mid-1997.

Health Care and Cost Containment in the European Union (Routledge Revivals)

by Elias Mossialos Julian Le Grand

First published in 1999, this volume aims to describe and analyse the experience of cost containment in Europe over the last fifteen years in order to understand that experience and to determine, as best we can, which methods were successful and which were not. Part I provides an overview of healthcare in the European Union, an overview of recent expenditure trends. Part II complements the first, examining in detail cost containment policies in each EU Member State. The country-based chapters refer to developments up to mid-1997.

The Health Care Provider's Guide to Facing the Malpractice Deposition

by Constance G. Uribe M.D.

An anesthesiologist chips a patient's tooth during a difficult intubation. A surgeon leaves tiny abrasions on a patient's abdomen during a delicate surgical procedure. And an operating room nurse accidentally nips a patient's finger with a pair of scissors.Not all of these examples of medical mistakes will result in malpractice suits. But for the o

Health Ecology: Health, Culture and Human-Environment Interaction

by Morteza Honari Thomas Boleyn

This ground-breaking study offers new challenges to those teaching, studying or developing strategies and policies in health and the environment.Bringing together a variety of approaches from different perspectives and different locations, the contributors examine the various dimensions of health ecology in a human ecology framework, examining how local, regional and global factors impinge upon the health and environment of individuals, communities and the globe.

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