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Über die Rechtfertigung von Begabtenförderung: Eine Diskursanalyse am Beispiel der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (Soziologie der Konventionen)

by Arne Böker

Die Begabtenförderung an deutschen Hochschulen hat seit Beginn der 2000er Jahre ein enormes Wachstum erfahren. Zugleich nahm jedoch die öffentliche Kritik an ihrer sozialen Selektivität zu. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht dieses Spannungsverhältnis am Beispiel der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, dem größten und ältesten Begabtenförderungswerk in Deutschland. Von besonderem Interesse ist hierbei die Frage, wie die Studienstiftung die Auswahl und Förderung von etwa 0,5% aller Studierenden und deren soziale Zusammensetzung seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 1925 rechtfertigt. Aus einer diskursanalytischen Perspektive zeigt sich, dass die Rechtfertigung von Begabtenförderung im historischen Verlauf auf verschiedenen Rechtfertigungsordnungen basiert, die sich ergänzen, aber auch im Widerspruch zueinander stehen können. Die Ergebnisse der Studie eröffnen einen neuen Blick auf Fragen der sozialen Konstruktion von Begabung und der (Re-)Produktion von sozialen Ungleichheiten in der Begabtenförderung.

Intergenerationale Qualitative Forschung: Theoretische und methodische Perspektiven

by Kathrin Böker Janina Zölch

Die Familiengeschichte sowie die familialen Beziehungen eines Menschen werden als Rahmung, Hintergrund und Bestandteil der eigenen Lebensgeschichte in besonderem Maße wirksam. Daher ist es in Hinblick auf bestimmte Fragestellungen gewinnbringend oder gar unverzichtbar, nicht nur Einzelbiographien zu untersuchen, sondern mehrere Generationen einer Familie in den Blick zu nehmen.Der Sammelband zeigt die Vielfalt der methodischen und theoretischen Zugänge der intergenerationalen qualitativen Forschung auf und gibt einen Überblick über Ertrag und Potenzial der eingesetzten Methoden. In den einzelnen Beiträgen wird deutlich, wie die komplexen Verbindungen innerhalb der Daten angemessen abgebildet werden können.

#DELETED: Big Tech's Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal the Election

by Allum Bokhari

The most powerful tech companies in the world are determined to stop Donald Trump. Journalist Allum Bokhari has spent four years investigating the tech giants that dominate the Internet: Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter. He has discovered a dark plot to seize control of the flow of information, and utilize that power to its full extent - to censor, manipulate, and ultimately sway the outcome of democratic elections. His network of whistleblowers inside Google, Facebook and other companies explain how the tech giants now see themselves as "good censors," benevolent commissars controlling the information we receive to "protect" us from "dangerous" speech. They reveal secret methods to covertly manipulate online information without us ever being aware of it, explaining how tech companies can use big data to target undecided voters. They lift the lid on a plot four years in the making - a plot to use the power of technology to stop Donald Trump's re-election.

Cyber Security: Proceedings of CSI 2015 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #729)

by M. U. Bokhari Namrata Agrawal Dharmendra Saini

This book comprises select proceedings of the annual convention of the Computer Society of India. Divided into 10 topical volumes, the proceedings present papers on state-of-the-art research, surveys, and succinct reviews. The volume covers diverse topics ranging from information security to cryptography and from encryption to intrusion detection. This book focuses on Cyber Security. It aims at informing the readers about the technology in general and the internet in particular. The book uncovers the various nuances of information security, cyber security and its various dimensions. This book also covers latest security trends, ways to combat cyber threats including the detection and mitigation of security threats and risks. The contents of this book will prove useful to professionals and researchers alike.

William Robertson Smith (Anthropology's Ancestors #2)

by Aleksandar Bošković

William Robertson Smith’s influence on anthropology ranged from his relationship with John Ferguson McLennan, to advising James George Frazer to write about “Totem” and “Taboo” for the Encyclopaedia Britannica that he edited. This biography places a special emphasis on the notes and observations from his travels to Arabia, as well as on his influence on the representatives of the “Myth and Ritual School.” With his discussion of myth and ritual, Smith influenced generations of scholars, and his insistence on the connection between the people, their God, and the land they inhabited inspired many of the concepts later developed by Émile Durkheim.

African Political Systems Revisited: Changing Perspectives on Statehood and Power (Integration and Conflict Studies #26)

by Aleksandar Bošković Günther Schlee

Reexamining a classical work of social anthropology, African Political Systems (1940), edited by Fortes and Evans-Pritchard, this book looks at the colonial and academic context from which the work arose, as well as its reception and its subject matter, and looks at how the work can help with analysis of current politics in Africa. This book critically reflects upon the history of anthropology. It also contributes to a political anthropology which is aware of its antecedents, self-reflexive as a discipline, conscious of pitfalls and biases, and able to locate itself in its academic, social and political environment.

Other People's Anthropologies: Ethnographic Practice on the Margins

by Aleksandar Boškovic

Anthropological practice has been dominated by the so-called "great" traditions (Anglo-American, French, and German). However, processes of decolonization, along with critical interrogation of these dominant narratives, have led to greater visibility of what used to be seen as peripheral scholarship. With contributions from leading anthropologists and social scientists from different countries and anthropological traditions, this volume gives voice to scholars outside these "great" traditions. It shows the immense variety of methodologies, training, and approaches that scholars from these regions bring to anthropology and the social sciences in general, thus enriching the disciplines in important ways at an age marked by multiculturalism, globalization, and transnationalism.

Mask Off: Masculinity Redefined (Outspoken)

by JJ Bola

What is masculinity? Dominating the world around us, from Trump's twitter outbursts to deadly gun violence, from male suicide rates to incels on Reddit and 4chan, masculinity is perceived to be 'toxic', 'fragile' and 'in crisis'.In Mask Off, JJ Bola exposes masculinity as a performance that men are socially conditioned into. Using examples of non-Western cultural traditions, music and sport, he shines light on historical narratives around manhood, debunking popular myths along the way. He explores how LGBTQ men, men of colour, and male refugees experience masculinity in diverse ways, revealing its fluidity, how it's strengthened and weakened by different political contexts, such as the patriarchy or the far-right, and perceived differently by those around them.At the heart of love and sex, the political stage, competitive sports, gang culture, and mental health issues, lies masculinity: Mask Off is an urgent call to unravel masculinity and redefine it.

Mask Off: Masculinity Redefined (Outspoken)

by JJ Bola

What is masculinity? Dominating the world around us, from Trump's twitter outbursts to deadly gun violence, from male suicide rates to incels on Reddit and 4chan, masculinity is perceived to be 'toxic', 'fragile' and 'in crisis'.In Mask Off, JJ Bola exposes masculinity as a performance that men are socially conditioned into. Using examples of non-Western cultural traditions, music and sport, he shines light on historical narratives around manhood, debunking popular myths along the way. He explores how LGBTQ men, men of colour, and male refugees experience masculinity in diverse ways, revealing its fluidity, how it's strengthened and weakened by different political contexts, such as the patriarchy or the far-right, and perceived differently by those around them.At the heart of love and sex, the political stage, competitive sports, gang culture, and mental health issues, lies masculinity: Mask Off is an urgent call to unravel masculinity and redefine it.

Doing a Systematic Review: A Student's Guide

by Angela Boland Gemma Cherry Rumona Dickson

Written in a friendly, accessible style by an expert team of authors with years of experience in both conducting and supervising systematic reviews, this is the perfect guide to using systematic review methodology in a research project. It provides clear answers to all review-related questions, including: How do I formulate an appropriate review question? What’s the best way to manage my review? How do I develop my search strategy? How do I get started with data extraction? How do I assess the quality of a study? How can I analyse and synthesize my data? How should I write up the discussion and conclusion sections of my dissertation or thesis?

Doing a Systematic Review: A Student's Guide

by Angela Boland Gemma Cherry Rumona Dickson

Written in a friendly, accessible style by an expert team of authors with years of experience in both conducting and supervising systematic reviews, this is the perfect guide to using systematic review methodology in a research project. It provides clear answers to all review-related questions, including: How do I formulate an appropriate review question? What’s the best way to manage my review? How do I develop my search strategy? How do I get started with data extraction? How do I assess the quality of a study? How can I analyse and synthesize my data? How should I write up the discussion and conclusion sections of my dissertation or thesis?

The Struggle of Islam in Modern Indonesia (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde #59)

by B. J. Boland

With deep interest I have followed the Indonesian people's fight for freedom and independence from 1945 onwards. This interest has come to be centred in particular on the question of how religions, especially Islam, were involved in this struggle, and what role they would fulfil in the new Indonesia. After having lived and worked in Indonesia from 1946 to the end of 1959, I was twice more enabled to yisit I ndonesia thanks to grants from the Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research (WOTRO). It was during these sojourns in particular, from May to October 1966 and from February to July 1969, that the material for this study was collected, supplemented and checked. For the help I received during these visits I am greatly indebted to so many Indonesian informants that it is impossible to mention them all. Moreover, some of them would not appreciate being singled out by name. But while offering them these general thanks I am thinking of them all individually. In spite of all the help given and patience shown me, this publication is bound to be full of shortcomings. An older Muslim friend, however, once encouraged me by reminding me that perfection belongs only to God (al-kamal li'llah). Nevertheless, I should like to offer my apologies for errors and mistakes; I would appreciate it if readers drew my attention to them.

Sworn to Silence: A Young Boy, An Abusive Priest, A Buried Truth

by Brendan Boland

‘After a little while he called the other boy over. Did the same to him. I heard everything. Father Smyth was a priest, a good man … But I knew that some rule had been broken’Brendan was an eleven-year-old altar boy when he first met Father Smyth. When the abuse began, he didn’t know what to do – surely he should trust a priest? But he knew he wasn’t the only victim, and his worst nightmare was that his sisters would be next. It was three years before he plucked up the courage to tell another priest. An inquiry was quickly called, in which Brendan was sworn to secrecy. But the abuse didn’t stop. Instead, Father Smyth continued to prey on other children for two more decades until he was finally convicted, in the 1990s, of over 130 counts of child sexual abuse. This shocking memoir tells how, for years, a priest’s abuse was ignored by the Catholic Church – and how one brave small boy stood up for justice.

The Spectacle of Critique: From Philosophy to Cacophony (Contemporary Liminality)

by Tom Boland

Far from being the preserve of a few elite thinkers, critique increasingly dominates public life in modernity, leading to a cacophony of accusation and denunciation around all political issues. The technique of unmasking ‘power’ or ‘hegemony’ or ‘ideology’ has now been adopted across the political spectrum, where critical discourses are routinely used to suggest that anything and everything is only a ‘construct’ or even a ‘conspiracy’. This book draws on anthropological theory to provide a different perspective on this phenomenon; critique appears as a liminal predicament combining imitative polemical and schismatic urges with a haunting sense of uncertainty. It thereby addresses a central academic concern, with a special focus on political critique in the public sphere and within social media. Combining historical interrogations of the roots of critique, as well as examining contemporary political discourse in relation to populism, as seen in presidential elections, historical commemorations and welfare reform, The Spectacle of Critique uses anthropology and genealogy to offer a new sociology of critique that problematises critique and diagnoses its crisis, cultivating acritical and imaginative ways of thinking.

The Spectacle of Critique: From Philosophy to Cacophony (Contemporary Liminality)

by Tom Boland

Far from being the preserve of a few elite thinkers, critique increasingly dominates public life in modernity, leading to a cacophony of accusation and denunciation around all political issues. The technique of unmasking ‘power’ or ‘hegemony’ or ‘ideology’ has now been adopted across the political spectrum, where critical discourses are routinely used to suggest that anything and everything is only a ‘construct’ or even a ‘conspiracy’. This book draws on anthropological theory to provide a different perspective on this phenomenon; critique appears as a liminal predicament combining imitative polemical and schismatic urges with a haunting sense of uncertainty. It thereby addresses a central academic concern, with a special focus on political critique in the public sphere and within social media. Combining historical interrogations of the roots of critique, as well as examining contemporary political discourse in relation to populism, as seen in presidential elections, historical commemorations and welfare reform, The Spectacle of Critique uses anthropology and genealogy to offer a new sociology of critique that problematises critique and diagnoses its crisis, cultivating acritical and imaginative ways of thinking.

The Culture Industry, Information and Capitalism

by C. Bolaño

Drawing on Marxist theory and concepts, as well as on various theoretical contributions developed by prominent political economists, Bolaño develops a unique approach to understanding the culture industry, offering an interesting intervention in debates surrounding media and communication.

Methodisch Handeln – Beiträge zu Maja Heiners Impulsen zur Professionalisierung der Sozialen Arbeit (Forschung und Entwicklung in der Erziehungswissenschaft)

by Eberhard Bolay Angelika Iser Marc Weinhardt

Der vorliegende Band umfasst Beiträge des Symposiums zur Würdigung der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit von Maja Heiner, bei dem die Frage nach den Bedingungen und Möglichkeiten des professionellen Handelns in der Sozialen Arbeit intensiv diskutiert wurde. Weitere Texte zu aktuellen Forschungen und Entwicklungen zum methodischen Handeln runden den Themenkomplex ab.

Learning from the Slums for the Development of Emerging Cities (GeoJournal Library #119)

by Jean-Claude Bolay Jérôme Chenal Yves Pedrazzini

This book deals with slums as a specific question and a central focus in urban planning. It radically reverses the official version of the history of world cities as narrated during decades: slums are not at the margin of the contemporary process of urbanization; they are an integral part of it. Taking slums as its central focus and regarding them as symptomatic of the ongoing transformations of the city, the book moves to the very heart of the problem in urban planning. The book presents 16 case studies that form the basis for a theory of the slum and a concrete development manual for the slum. The interdisciplinary approach to analysing slums presented in this volume enables researchers to look at social and economic dimensions as well as at the constructive and spatial aspects of slums. Both at the scientific and the pedagogical level, it allows one to recognize the efforts of the slum’s residents, key players in the past, and present development of their neighborhoods, and to challenge public and private stakeholders on priorities decided in urban planning, and their mismatches when compared to the findings of experts and the demands of users. Whether one is a planner, an architect, a developer or simply an inhabitant of an emerging city, the presence of slums in one’s environment – at the same time central and nonetheless incongruous – makes a person ask questions. Today, it is out of the question to be satisfied with the assumption of the marginality of slums, or of the incongruous nature of their existence. Slums are now fully part of the urban landscape, contributing to the identity and the urbanism of cities and their stakeholders.

British Jewry and the Holocaust: With a New Introduction (The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization)

by Richard Bolchover

How did British Jewry respond to the Holocaust, how prominent was it on the communal agenda, and what does this response tell us about the values, politics, and fears of the Anglo-Jewish community? This book studies the priorities of that community, and thereby seeks to analyse the attitudes and philosophies which informed actions. It paints a picture of Anglo-Jewish life and its reactions to a wide range of matters in the non-Jewish world. Richard Bolchover charts the transmission of the news of the European catastrophe and discusses the various theories regarding reactions to these exceptional circumstances. He investigates the structures and political philosophies of Anglo-Jewry during the war years and covers the reactions of Jewish political and religious leaders as well as prominent Jews acting outside the community's institutional framework. Various co-ordinated responses, political and philanthropic, are studied, as are the issues which dominated the community at that time, namely internal conflict and the fear of increased domestic antisemitism: these preoccupations inevitably affected responses to events in Europe. The latter half of the book looks at the ramifications of the community's socio-political philosophies including, most radically, Zionism, and their influence on communal reactions. This acclaimed study raises major questions about the structures and priorities of the British Jewish community. For this paperback, the author has added a new Introduction summarizing research in the field since the book's first appearance.

“Vaudeville Indians†? on Global Circuits, 1880s-1930s (The Henry Roe Cloud Series on American Indians and Modernity)

by Christine Bold

Uncovering hidden histories of Indigenous performers in vaudeville and in the creation of western modernity and popular culture

Indigenous Perceptions of the End of the World: Creating a Cosmopolitics of Change (Palgrave Studies in Anthropology of Sustainability)

by Rosalyn Bold

This edited volume constructs a ‘cosmopolitics’ of climate change, consulting small-scale sustainable communities on whether the world is ending and why, and how we can take action to prevent it. By comparing scientific and indigenous accounts of the same phenomenon, contributors seek to broaden Western understandings of what climate change constitutes. In this context, existing cosmologies are challenged, opening spaces for hegemonic narratives to enter into conversation with the non-modern and construct ‘worlds otherwise’—situations of world change and renewal through climate change. Bold brings together perspectives from Central America, Mexico, the Amazon, and the Andes to converse with scientific narratives of climate change and create cracks that bring new worlds into being for readers.

The Funk Era and Beyond: New Perspectives on Black Popular Culture (Signs of Race)

by T. Bolden

The Funk Era and Beyond is the first scholarly collection to discuss the significance of funk music in America. Contributors employ a multitude of methodologies to examine this unique musical genre's relationship to African American culture and to music, literature, and visual art as a whole.

Beruflichkeit zwischen institutionellem Wandel und biographischem Projekt (Bildung und Arbeit)

by Axel Bolder Rolf Dobischat Günter Kutscha Gerhard Reutter

Der Lebensberuf, die Ausübung eines einmal „gelernten“ Berufs von der Ausbildung bis zum Ruhealter, war auch im 20. Jahrhundert in weiten Segmenten beruflich organisierter Arbeit keineswegs die Regel. Als klassisches Beispiel gelten in der Berufsforschung die Kfz-Mechaniker, die sehr oft schon bald nach ihrer Ausbildung andere Tätigkeiten ausübten – ohne dabei notwendig ihr berufliches Selbstbild aufzugeben. Die im zweiten Band der Reihe belegte Entwicklung zu Diskontinuierung und Subjektivierung von Arbeit wird im dritten Band mit der Frage aufgenommen, ob der im Zuge der europäischen Prozesse induzierte Wandel der Institutionen der Berufsbildung einen Gegentrend auf Seiten der Subjekte provoziert. So mehren sich die empirischen Hinweise, dass die im Arbeitsleben Stehenden trotz institutioneller Deregulierung und zunehmender Prekarisierung auf ihrer subjektiven Beruflichkeit bestehen, die sich nicht an Berufsklassifikationen festmacht. Sie lässt den Beruf eher als biographisches Projekt erscheinen, als permanente Herstellung eines mehr oder weniger individuellen Zuschnitts durch Ausbildung, „lebenslange“ Weiterbildung und Erfahrung geprägter Arbeitskraft und Identität.

Deregulierung der Arbeit — Pluralisierung der Bildung? (Jahrbuch Bildung und Arbeit #1999/2000)

by Axel Bolder Walter R. Heinz Günter Kutscha

Das "Jahrbuch Bildung und Arbeit" dient der kritischen Analyse von Theorien und Praxisformen im Schnittpunkt von Bildung und Arbeit sowie der Diskussion von Entwürfen, Umsetzungsansätzen und Projekten ihrer partizipativen Gestaltung. In den einzelnen Beiträgen der themenbezogenen Jahrbücher soll über den Stand der Forschung berichtet, sollen Kontroversen über den eigenen Fachhorizont hinaus ausgetragen und der Dialog auch außerhalb der Fachöffentlichkeiten vorbereitet werden. Grundlegend ist also die Idee, der durch Spezialisierung hervorgerufenen Isolation einzelner Ansätze entgegenzuwirken. Dies soll nicht nur für die verschiedenen fachwissenschaftlichen Bereiche in diesen Feldern gelten. Angestrebt wird vielmehr ebenso, zur Überwindung nationaler wissenschaftlicher Begrenzungen beizutragen - nicht zuletzt zur Überwindung der Gräben, die zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland bestehen und neu aufgerissen worden sind.

Berufsbiographien: Beiträge zu Theorie und Empirie ihrer Bedingungen, Genese und Gestaltung

by Axel Bolder Andreas Witzel

Bedingungen und Verläufe von Bildungs- und Erwerbsarbeitsbiografien sowie ihre paradigmatische Bearbeitung werden, meist vor dem Raster der jeweils eigenen Lebensgeschichte der AutorInnen, thematisiert.

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