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Lebensläufe — hüben und drüben

by Carl-Christoph Schweitzer Dieter Haack Annegret Krätschell Johannes Richter

Über 40 Jahre waren die Deutschen östlich und westlich der Eibe voneinander getrennt. Mit zunehmend perfektionierter "Grenzsicherung" im Jargon der SED, "Mauer und Schießbefehl" in der sicherlich exakteren Charakterisierung im freien Teil Deutschlands, waren sie dann mehr oder weniger völlig voneinan­ der abgeschottet. Westliche Rundfunkanstalten, speziell westliches Fernsehen zu empfangen, war zunächst geflihrIich für die im Machtbereich Pankows und Moskaus lebenden Deutschen, ist im Laufe der Jahre dann nicht mehr zu ver­ hindern gewesen, wurde aber bis zuletzt offiziell verurteilt. Später sollte sich ge­ rade das Medium Fernsehen als ein zweischneidiges Instrument westlicher Auf­ weichung des kommunistisch-totalitären Herrschaftsgefüges erweisen - zwei­ schneidig, weil positiv gesehen die Stimmen und Stimmungen der Freiheit an die Substanz des Unterdrückungsregimes gehen mußten, negativ, weil viele un­ reflektiert Nachrichten konsumierende Deutsche in den heutigen neuen Bundes­ ländern sicherlich auch ein verzerrtes Bild vom uneingeschränkten Glück und Wohlstand in einer scheinbaren westlichen Überflußgesellschaft bewußt oder unbewußt in sich aufnahmen. Demgegenüber wurden Ost-Rundfunkanstalten, Ost-Fernsehen und Ost-Zeitungen von den Deutschen im Westen völlig zu Recht genauso wenig als seriöse Instrumente objektiver Aufklärung betrachtet, wie dies bei der Masse der Bevölkerung im Osten selber der Fall war.

Legacy of Injustice: Exploring the Cross-Generational Impact of the Japanese American Internment (Critical Issues in Social Justice)

by Donna K. Nagata

At the age of 6, I discovered a jar of brightly colored shells under my grandmother's kitchen sink. When I inquired where they had come from, she did not answer. Instead, she told me in broken English, "Ask your mother. " My mother's response to the same question was, "Oh, I made them in camp. " "Was it fun?" I asked enthusiastically. "Not really," she replied. Her answer puzzled me. The shells were beautiful, and camp, as far as I knew, was a fun place where children roasted marshmallows and sang songs around the fire. Yet my mother's reaction did not seem happy. I was perplexed by this brief exchange, but I also sensed I should not ask more questions. As time went by, "camp" remained a vague, cryptic reference to some time in the past, the past of my parents, their friends, my grand­ parents, and my relatives. We never directly discussed it. It was not until high school that I began to understand the significance of the word, that camp referred to a World War II American concentration camp, not a summer camp. Much later I learned that the silence surrounding discus­ sions about this traumatic period of my parents' lives was a phenomenon characteristic not only of my family but also of most other Japanese American families after the war.

The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader

by Henry Abelove

Bringing together forty-two groundbreaking essays--many of them already classics--The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader provides a much-needed introduction to the contemporary state of lesbian/gay studies, extensively illustrating the range, scope, diversity, appeal, and power of the work currently being done in the field. Featuring essays by such prominent scholars as Judith Butler, John D'Emilio, Kobena Mercer, Adrienne Rich, Gayle Rubin, and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader explores a multitude of sexual, ethnic, racial, and socio-economic experiences. Ranging across disciplines including history, literature, critical theory, cultural studies, African American studies, ethnic studies, sociology, anthropology, psychology, classics, and philosophy, this anthology traces the inscription of sexual meanings in all forms of cultural expression. Representing the best and most significant English language work in the field, The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader addresses topics such as butch-fem roles, the cultural construction of gender, lesbian separatism, feminist theory, AIDS, safe-sex education, colonialism, S/M, Oscar Wilde, Gertrude Stein, children's books, black nationalism, popular films, Susan Sontag, the closet, homophobia, Freud, Sappho, the media, the hijras of India, Robert Mapplethorpe, and the politics of representation. It also contains an extensive bibliographical essay which will provide readers with an invaluable guide to further reading.Contributors: Henry Abelove, Tomas Almaguer, Ana Maria Alonso, Michele Barale, Judith Butler, Sue-Ellen Case, Danae Clark, Douglas Crimp, Teresa de Lauretis, John D'Emilio, Jonathan Dollimore, Lee Edelman, Marilyn Frye, Charlotte Furth, Marjorie Garber, Stuart Hall, David Halperin, Phillip Brian Harper, Gloria T. Hull, Maria Teresa Koreck, Audre Lorde, Biddy Martin, Deborah E. McDowell, Kobena Mercer, Richard Meyer, D. A. Miller, Serena Nanda, Esther Newton, Cindy Patton, Adrienne Rich, Gayle Rubin, Joan W. Scott, Daniel L. Selden, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Barbara Smith, Catharine R. Stimpson, Sasha Torres, Martha Vicinus, Simon Watney, Harriet Whitehead, John J. Winkler, Monique Wittig, and Yvonne Yarbro-Bejarano

The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader

by Henry Abelove

Bringing together forty-two groundbreaking essays--many of them already classics--The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader provides a much-needed introduction to the contemporary state of lesbian/gay studies, extensively illustrating the range, scope, diversity, appeal, and power of the work currently being done in the field. Featuring essays by such prominent scholars as Judith Butler, John D'Emilio, Kobena Mercer, Adrienne Rich, Gayle Rubin, and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader explores a multitude of sexual, ethnic, racial, and socio-economic experiences. Ranging across disciplines including history, literature, critical theory, cultural studies, African American studies, ethnic studies, sociology, anthropology, psychology, classics, and philosophy, this anthology traces the inscription of sexual meanings in all forms of cultural expression. Representing the best and most significant English language work in the field, The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader addresses topics such as butch-fem roles, the cultural construction of gender, lesbian separatism, feminist theory, AIDS, safe-sex education, colonialism, S/M, Oscar Wilde, Gertrude Stein, children's books, black nationalism, popular films, Susan Sontag, the closet, homophobia, Freud, Sappho, the media, the hijras of India, Robert Mapplethorpe, and the politics of representation. It also contains an extensive bibliographical essay which will provide readers with an invaluable guide to further reading.Contributors: Henry Abelove, Tomas Almaguer, Ana Maria Alonso, Michele Barale, Judith Butler, Sue-Ellen Case, Danae Clark, Douglas Crimp, Teresa de Lauretis, John D'Emilio, Jonathan Dollimore, Lee Edelman, Marilyn Frye, Charlotte Furth, Marjorie Garber, Stuart Hall, David Halperin, Phillip Brian Harper, Gloria T. Hull, Maria Teresa Koreck, Audre Lorde, Biddy Martin, Deborah E. McDowell, Kobena Mercer, Richard Meyer, D. A. Miller, Serena Nanda, Esther Newton, Cindy Patton, Adrienne Rich, Gayle Rubin, Joan W. Scott, Daniel L. Selden, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Barbara Smith, Catharine R. Stimpson, Sasha Torres, Martha Vicinus, Simon Watney, Harriet Whitehead, John J. Winkler, Monique Wittig, and Yvonne Yarbro-Bejarano

Lesbian Mothers: Accounts of Gender in American Culture (The Anthropology of Contemporary Issues)

by Ellen Lewin

Within a society that long considered "lesbian motherhood" a contradiction in terms, what were the experiences of lesbian mothers at the end of the twentieth century? In this illuminating book, lesbian mothers tell their stories of how they became mothers; how they see their relationships with their children, relatives, lovers, and friends and with their children’s fathers and sperm donors; how they manage child-care arrangements and financial difficulties; and how they deal with threats to custody. Ellen Lewin’s unprecedented research on lesbian mothers in the San Francisco area captured a vivid portrait of the moment before gay and lesbian parenting moved into the mainstream of U.S. culture. Drawing on interviews with 135 women, Lewin provided her readers with a new understanding of the attitudes of individual women, the choices they made, and the texture of their daily lives.

Leserbriefe in Tageszeitungen der DDR: Zur „Massenverbundenheit“ der Presse 1949–1989 (Studien zur Sozialwissenschaft #113)

by Ellen Bos

Der Band beschäftigt sich mit der Funktion von Leserzuschriften in der ehemaligen DDR. In der zeitgeschichtlichen Analyse werden die pressepolitischen und journalistikwissenschaftlichen Vorgaben für die Analyse von Leserbriefen aufgearbeitet, gleichzeitig wird ihre Umsetzung in der redaktionellen Praxis untersucht. Die systematische Auswertung von nahezu 4000 veröffentlichten Leserzuschriften und die Recherchen in verschiedenen Zeitungsredaktionen geben nicht nur einen Einblick in typische Funktionsweisen und Strukturprobleme der Pressearbeit in der DDR, sondern können darüber hinaus zum Verständnis des gesellschaftlichen Alltags und der Herrschaftsausübung im SED-Staat beitragen.

Life Is A Little Better: Redistribution As A Development Strategy In Nadur Village, Kerala

by Richard W Franke

This ethnography of Nadur Village explores the ramifications of Kerala State's policy of wealth redistribution to achieve equality. The author shows a decline in income inequality and an improved quality of life for most villagers despite high unemployment, low incomes and the persistence of inequalities that redistribution has not overcome. This e

Life Is A Little Better: Redistribution As A Development Strategy In Nadur Village, Kerala

by Richard W Franke

This ethnography of Nadur Village explores the ramifications of Kerala State's policy of wealth redistribution to achieve equality. The author shows a decline in income inequality and an improved quality of life for most villagers despite high unemployment, low incomes and the persistence of inequalities that redistribution has not overcome. This e

Like a Film: Ideological Fantasy on Screen, Camera and Canvas

by Timothy Murray

In this stimulating collection of theoretical writings on film, photography, and art, Timothy Murray examines relations between artistic practice, sexual and racial politics, theory and cultural studies. Like a Film investigates how the cinematic apparatus has invaded the theory of culture, suggesting that the many destabilising traumas of our culture remain accessible to us because they are structured so much like film. The book analyses the impact of cinematic perceptions and productions on awide array of cultural practices: from the Renassance works of Shakespeare and Caravaggio to modern sexual and political fantasy; and the theoretical work of Lyotard, Torok, Barthes, Ropars-Wuilleumier, Zizek, Silverman and Laplanche.Like A Film responds to current multicultural debates over the value of theory and the aim of artistic practice.

Like a Film: Ideological Fantasy on Screen, Camera and Canvas

by Timothy Murray

In this stimulating collection of theoretical writings on film, photography, and art, Timothy Murray examines relations between artistic practice, sexual and racial politics, theory and cultural studies. Like a Film investigates how the cinematic apparatus has invaded the theory of culture, suggesting that the many destabilising traumas of our culture remain accessible to us because they are structured so much like film. The book analyses the impact of cinematic perceptions and productions on awide array of cultural practices: from the Renassance works of Shakespeare and Caravaggio to modern sexual and political fantasy; and the theoretical work of Lyotard, Torok, Barthes, Ropars-Wuilleumier, Zizek, Silverman and Laplanche.Like A Film responds to current multicultural debates over the value of theory and the aim of artistic practice.

Literacy, Power, And Democracy In Mozambique: The Governance Of Learning From Colonization To The Present

by Judith Marshall

This book explores the relations between literacy and "people's power" in the context of Mozambique's project of socialist construction. It probes the tensions between literacy as a tool for grassroots democracy versus literacy as a tool for mobilizing at the base for top-down initiatives.

Literacy, Power, And Democracy In Mozambique: The Governance Of Learning From Colonization To The Present

by Judith Marshall

This book explores the relations between literacy and "people's power" in the context of Mozambique's project of socialist construction. It probes the tensions between literacy as a tool for grassroots democracy versus literacy as a tool for mobilizing at the base for top-down initiatives.

Literarische Interessenbildung im Mittelalter: DFG-Symposion 1991 (Germanistische Symposien)

Herausgeber und Autoren dieses Symposionbandes erprobten, ob die Frage nach der Ausbildung und Entwicklung des Interesses an Literatur helfen könnte, die vielfältig divergenten sozial- und funktionsgeschichtlichen Fragestellungen in einer übergreifenden Perspektive zusammenzusehen und weiterzuführen.

Literature & Medicine During the Eighteenth Century (Routledge Revivals)

by Marie Mulvey Roberts Roy Porter

First published in 1993, Literature & Medicine During the Eighteenth Century analyses the close interplay of medicine and literature by paying special attention to questions of body language and the representation of inner life. Although today, medicine and literature are widely seen as falling on different sides of the ‘two cultures’ divide, this was not so in the eighteenth century when doctors, scientists, writers, and artists formed a well-integrated educated elite. Locke, Smollett and Goldsmith were doctors, and physicians such as Erasmus Darwin doubled as poets. Written by leading historians of medicine and eighteenth-century literary critics, this book uncovers the interconnections between medical and psychological theory and ideas of taste, beauty, and genius. Its contributors explore the rich cultural milieu of the period and investigate the ways in which medicine itself contributed to informing a gendered discourse of the world. This book will be of interest to historians, literary scholars and medical historians.

Literature & Medicine During the Eighteenth Century (Routledge Revivals)

by Marie Mulvey Roberts Roy Porter

First published in 1993, Literature & Medicine During the Eighteenth Century analyses the close interplay of medicine and literature by paying special attention to questions of body language and the representation of inner life. Although today, medicine and literature are widely seen as falling on different sides of the ‘two cultures’ divide, this was not so in the eighteenth century when doctors, scientists, writers, and artists formed a well-integrated educated elite. Locke, Smollett and Goldsmith were doctors, and physicians such as Erasmus Darwin doubled as poets. Written by leading historians of medicine and eighteenth-century literary critics, this book uncovers the interconnections between medical and psychological theory and ideas of taste, beauty, and genius. Its contributors explore the rich cultural milieu of the period and investigate the ways in which medicine itself contributed to informing a gendered discourse of the world. This book will be of interest to historians, literary scholars and medical historians.

Literaturwissenschaft und Systemtheorie: Positionen, Kontroversen, Perspektiven

by Siegfried J. Schmidt

Seit Anfang der achtziger Jahre werden in der Literaturwissenschaft verstärkt soziologische Systemkonzepte bzw. -theorien (N. Luhmann, T. Parsons) eingesetzt, um moderne Literatursysteme als institutionalisierte und ausdifferenzierte gesellschaftliche Teilsysteme zu beschreiben. Die Beiträge des Bandes diskutieren, zum Teil kontrovers, zentrale Aspekte dieses interdisziplinären Diskurses. Dabei stehen Systemkonzepte nicht nur als literaturtheoretische Instrumentarien auf dem Prüfstand, sondern auch in allgemeineren semiotischen, kommunikationstheoretischen und medienwissenschaftlichen Zusammenhängen.

Lives on the Edge: Single Mothers and Their Children in the Other America

by Valerie Polakow

One out of five children, and one out of two single mothers, lives in destitution in America today. The feminization and "infantilization" of poverty have made the United States one of the most dangerous democracies for poor mothers and their children to inhabit. Why then, Valerie Polakow asks, is poverty seen as a private issue, and how can public policy fail to take responsibility for the consequences of our politics of distribution? Written by a committed child advocate, Lives on the Edge draws on social, historical, feminist, and public policy perspectives to develop an informed, wide-ranging critique of American educational and social policy. Stark, penetrating, and unflinching in its first-hand portraits of single mothers in America today, this work challenges basic myths about justice and democracy.

LIVING WITHIN LIMITS: Ecology, Economics, And Population Taboos

by Garrett Hardin

Local Suppliers Of Credit In The Third World 1750-1960

by K Sugihara Gareth Austin

Machine Learning Methods for Planning

by Steven Minton

Machine Learning Methods for Planning provides information pertinent to learning methods for planning and scheduling. This book covers a wide variety of learning methods and learning architectures, including analogical, case-based, decision-tree, explanation-based, and reinforcement learning.Organized into 15 chapters, this book begins with an overview of planning and scheduling and describes some representative learning systems that have been developed for these tasks. This text then describes a learning apprentice for calendar management. Other chapters consider the problem of temporal credit assignment and describe tractable classes of problems for which optimal plans can be derived. This book discusses as well how reactive, integrated systems give rise to new requirements and opportunities for machine learning. The final chapter deals with a method for learning problem decompositions, which is based on an idealized model of efficiency for problem-reduction search.This book is a valuable resource for production managers, planners, scientists, and research workers.

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