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The 28 Day Alcohol-Free Challenge: Sleep Better, Lose Weight, Boost Energy, Beat Anxiety

by Andy Ramage Ruari Fairbairns

Be happier, healthier and more productive by taking a break from booze! An illustrated day-by-day guide packed with inspiration and practical help, The 28 Day Alcohol-Free Challenge is the only book you need to reset your drinking habits and discover a hangover-free world of quality time to achieve your goals. Drawing on their own experiences of ditching the drink, and bringing together the collective experience of the thousands of people they have helped, Andy and Ruari bring you unparalleled insight into how you can make your break from alcohol an empowering, life-changing experience. Andy Ramage and Ruari Fairbairns started their website One Year No Beer to connect with like-minded people who no longer wanted to deal with the adverse effects of drinking alcohol. In The 28 Day Alcohol-Free Challenge Andy and Ruari share their extensive experience of going alcohol free, including having a great time at parties, resisting appeals from friends to 'just have the one', and, most importantly, how to make the most of the health benefits of going sober.

Side Hustle: Build a Side Business and Make Extra Money – Without Quitting Your Day Job

by Chris Guillebeau

From the New York Times bestselling author of $100 Startup comes this accessible guide to building a side business from scratch - without having to give up your day job.Side Hustle is about much more than just making some extra cash; it’s about freedom and job security in today’s unstable business environment. That’s because when you receive income from multiple different sources, you are no longer dependent on the whims of a single employer. It affords you choices and options.In the style of $100 Startup, full of practical exercises and peppered with inspiring stories, Side Hustle shows readers how to brainstorm, choose, implement, launch and refine their side business in just 27 days – with little to no budget and without having to quit their current job.

One Mission: How Leaders Build A Team Of Teams

by Chris Fussell Charles Goodyear

In One Mission, former Navy SEAL Chris Fussell draws on his extensive experience of high-pressure team work to show how organizations can apply lessons from the field to successfully transform their way of doing business – becoming flatter, quicker, and much more collaborative across departments and divisions. 'Chris Fussell is one of the most dynamic thinkers of our day. His ideas and his perspectives have challenged many of my own assumptions and pushed me to think bigger. I’m smarter because of Chris Fussell. Read this book!'Simon Sinek, bestselling author of Start With WhyWhilst sharing his own military experience, Fussell explores examples of transition in companies ranging from industry titans like Intuit and Under Armour to small businesses, which have all adopted the ‘Team of Teams’ model in order to unite everyone around single compelling mission. The result is a ‘shared consciousness’ that drives consistently better results with less friction and inter-group rivalry.One Mission is a practical handbook for any leader looking to evolve their workforce into a highly mobile and effective unit and inspire their teams to look beyond their narrow field of vision to understand – and effectively contribute to – the organization’s one true mission.The steps of transition include:· Achieving strategic alignment: communicating organizational priorities down the chain of command.· Determining operating rhythm: organizing regular company catch up and feedback sessions.· Setting up communication and decision-making processes: developing a hybrid decision-making structure to empower and inspire every person on the team.· Shifting leadership behaviour: ensuring successful transition with radical humility by starting with the leader and continuing down the chain of command.

Rebel Talent: Why it Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life

by Francesca Gino

'Great stories, great science, and great practical advice about how, when, and why to break the rules' - Angela Duckworth, international bestselling author of Grit.Do you want to follow a script — or write your own story?Award-winning Harvard Business School professor Francesca Gino shows us why the most successful among us break the rules, and how rebellion brings joy and meaning into our lives.Rebels have a bad reputation. We think of them as troublemakers, outcasts, contrarians: those colleagues, friends, and family members who complicate seemingly straightforward decisions, create chaos, and disagree when everyone else is in agreement. But in truth, rebels are also those among us who change the world for the better with their unconventional outlooks. Instead of clinging to what is safe and familiar, and falling back on routines and tradition, rebels defy the status quo. They are masters of innovation and reinvention, and they have a lot to teach us.Francesca Gino, a behavioral scientist and professor at Harvard Business School, has spent more than a decade studying rebels at organizations around the world, from high-end boutiques in Italy’s fashion capital, to the World’s Best Restaurant, to a thriving fast food chain, to an award-winning computer animation studio. In her work, she has identified leaders and employees who exemplify “rebel talent,” and whose examples we can all learn to embrace.Gino argues that the future belongs to the rebel — and that there’s a rebel in each of us. We live in turbulent times, when competition is fierce, reputations are easily tarnished on social media, and the world is more divided than ever before. In this cutthroat environment, cultivating rebel talent is what allows businesses to evolve and to prosper. And rebellion has an added benefit beyond the workplace: it leads to a more vital, engaged, and fulfilling life.Whether you want to inspire others to action, build a business, or build more meaningful relationships, Rebel Talent will show you how to succeed — by breaking all the rules.

This Really Isn't About You

by Jean Hannah Edelstein

'A magnificent, beautifully written memoir. Unsentimental but heartbreaking, the voice – true and clear. Brilliant.' Nina StibbeIn 2014 I moved back to the United States after living abroad for fourteen years, my whole adult life, because my father was dying from cancer. Six weeks after I arrived in New York City, my father died. Six months after that I learned that I had inherited the gene that would cause me cancer too.When Jean Hannah Edelstein's world overturned she was forced to confront some of the big questions in life: How do we cope with grief? How does living change when we realize we're not invincible? Does knowing our likely fate make it harder or easier to face the future? How do you motivate yourself to go on your OkCupid date when you’re struggling with your own mortality?Written in her inimitable, wry and insightful voice, Jean Hannah Edelstein's memoir is by turns heart-breaking, hopeful and yet also disarmingly funny. This Really Isn't About You is a book about finding your way in life. Which is to say, it’s a book about discovering you are not really in control of that at all.

Good Habits, Bad Habits: How to Make Positive Changes That Stick

by Wendy Wood

'The world's leading expert on habits' – Matthew Syed, The Sunday Times‘Wendy Wood is the world’s foremost expert in the field, and this book is essential’ – Angela Duckworth, bestselling author of Grit.What if you could harness the extraordinary power of your unconscious mind, which already determines so much of what you do, to achieve your goals?Shockingly, we spend nearly half our day repeating things we've done in the past without thinking about them. How we respond to the people around us; the way we conduct ourselves in meetings; what we buy; when and how we exercise, eat and drink – a truly remarkable number of things we do every day, we do by habit.And yet, whenever we want to change something about ourselves, we rely on willpower alone. We hope that our determination and intention will be enough to effect positive change. And that is why almost all of us fail.Professor Wendy Wood is the world's foremost expert on habits. By drawing on three decades of original research, she explains the fascinating science of how we form habits and provides the key to unlocking our habitual mind in order to make the changes we seek.Combining a potent mix of neuroscience, case studies and experiments conducted in her lab, Good Habits, Bad Habits is a comprehensive, accessible and highly practical book that will change the way you think about almost every aspect of your life.

Mindfulness on the Run: Quick Effective Techniques for Busy People

by Dr Chantal Hofstee

'We live in fast-paced, stressful times. Science has proven that chronic stress is harmful for both our mind and body and reduces our chances of living happy, fulfilling lives.Mindfulness can release us from the stress trap and help us towards living a life we love. But how do you implement it in your life if you’re so busy that you simply don’t have time for anything else? Here’s where Mindfulness on the Run can help.Dr Chantal Hofstee, a busy psychologist, wife and mother, has developed a quick, effective programme that enables you to slot mindfulness into your life without the need for formal meditation practice.This book guarantees:- a calmer mind- less stress- more focus- greater productivity- increased efficiency- enhanced creativity and, most importantly,- a happier, more enjoyable life.Packed with practical exercises that can be done in minutes, this is mindfulness that can be done anywhere, anytime - even when you don’t have time!

Hyperfocus: How to Work Less to Achieve More

by Chris Bailey

A practical guide to managing your attention – the most powerful resource you have to become more creative, get stuff done, and live a more meaningful life'The best productivity plans call for strategy, not just hacks or tactics—and Hyperfocus gives you strategy in spades. When you read this book, get ready to do your most important work!' Chris GuillebeauIn Hyperfocus, you will learn:- How working fewer hours can increase our productivity- How drinking caffeine strategically instead of habitually gives us more energy- How we get more done by making our work harder, not easier- How we do our best creative work when we're the most tiredOur attention has never been as overwhelmed as it is today and we've never been so busy while accomplishing so little. In Hyperfocus, the bestselling author of The Productivity Project provides profound insights into how we can best manage our attention. Chris Bailey reveals how the brain switches between two mental modes – hyperfocus, our deep concentration mode, and scatterfocus, our creative, reflective mode – and how the surest path to being our most creative and efficient selves at work is to combine them both.

The Wisdom of Sundays: Life-Changing Insights and Inspirational Conversations

by Oprah Winfrey

The Wisdom of Sundays features insightful selections from the most meaningful conversations between Oprah Winfrey and some of today's most admired thought leaders.Visionaries like Tony Robbins, Arianna Huffington and Shonda Rhimes share their lessons in finding purpose. World-renowned teachers like Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson, and Wayne Dyer explain our complex relationship with the ego and the healing powers of love and connection. And bestselling writers like Cheryl Strayed, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Elizabeth Lesser explore forgiveness and letting go.Organized into ten chapters – each one representing a powerful step in Oprah's own spiritual journey, and introduced with a personal essay by Oprah herself – the moments of inspiration that have enlightened millions on the three-time Emmy Award-winning Super Soul Sunday are collected in The Wisdom of Sundays, a cherishable, deeply affecting book.Paired with more than 100 beautiful photographs, including many from Oprah's private property in California, The Wisdom of Sundays promises to be a timeless keepsake that will help readers awaken to life's wondrous possibilities.Oprah Winfrey says, "If you want to be more fully present and live with a wide-open heart, this is where your journey begins."

Stress Less, Accomplish More: The 15-Minute Meditation Programme for Extraordinary Performance

by Emily Fletcher

Achieve more with this fifteen-minute meditation programme.In Stress Less, Accomplish More Emily Fletcher shares an ancient meditation technique designed for busy lives. The focus of the practice is stress relief, mental clarity and improved productivity, so it's perfect for the fast pace of modern life. This style of meditation was developed specifically for people with a lot of demands on their time – those with busy jobs, lives and families – and so it has been designed to work anywhere, anytime. All you need is somewhere to sit, a little training and a few minutes to yourself. Throughout the book, Emily explains what meditation is, how you do it and the many exciting ways that it can change your life. Stress Less, Accomplish More destigmatises meditation for the average person, making it attractive, understandable and easy to implement for all. This book has a very simple message: do less – without the stress – and accomplish more.Emily Fletcher is a leading expert in meditation for high performance and has taught meditation to executives at global corporations like Google, Barclays and Viacom as well as busy parents, NBA players, Oscar winners, entrepreneurs and everyone in between.

Modern Mindfulness: How to Be More Relaxed, Focused, and Kind While Living in a Fast, Digital, Always-On World

by Rohan Gunatillake

Previously published as This is HappeningRohan Gunatillake, creator of the best-selling buddhify app, argues that to lead more mindful, calm and happy lives, switching off is the last thing we need to do. Instead he gives you the ideas, principles and techniques to bring awareness, composure and kindness to wherever you are and whatever you are doing. Filled with over sixty practical exercises which you can plug into your life straight away, the mobile mindfulness approach of Modern Mindfulness presents a way to get the benefits from meditation however busy your life is.

The Kindness Method: Changing Habits for Good

by Shahroo Izadi

Map your habits, set your own goals, and treat yourself with the kindness you truly deserve. Shahroo Izadi has a revolutionary message: treating yourself kindly is the only way to make changes that last. She is living proof that her method works – after years of yo-yo dieting she shed over 8 stone (and has kept it off ever since). Professional training coupled with personal experience led her to develop The Kindness Method™, where traditional strict regimes are turned upside down to leave you feeling empowered, positive and ready to embrace change.Whether it’s weight loss, cutting down on drinking, improving relationships or ditching a dull job for one that you love, The Kindness Method will help you change any unwanted habit. Because when you shift your focus to your individual strengths and skills (rather than what you can’t do), you too will find you have the power to change – for good.

A Beginner's Guide to Being Mental: An A-Z

by Natasha Devon

‘Am I normal?’‘What’s an anxiety disorder?’‘Does therapy work?’These are just a few of the questions Natasha Devon is asked as she travels the UK campaigning for better mental health awareness and provision. Here, Natasha calls upon experts in the fields of psychology, neuroscience and anthropology to debunk and demystify the full spectrum of mental health. From A (Anxiety) to Z (Zero F**ks Given – or the art of having high self-esteem) via everything from body image and gender to differentiating ‘sadness’ from ‘depression’.Statistically, one in three of us will experience symptoms of a mental illness during our lifetimes. Yet all of us have a brain, and so we ALL have mental health – regardless of age, sexuality, race or background. The past few years have seen an explosion in awareness, yet it seems there is still widespread confusion. A Beginner's Guide to Being Mental is for anyone who wants to have this essential conversation, written as only Natasha - with her combination of expertise, personal experience and humour - knows how.

The Last Diet: Discover the secret to losing weight – for good

by Shahroo Izadi

This is the last diet you'll ever need. Transform your relationship with food and your body for good with The Last Diet from Behavioural Change Specialist, Shahroo Izadi. Shahroo Izadi presents the best approach to losing weight, without telling you what or how to eat. Shahroo goes deeper than traditional diet plans, using her professional experience working in addiction treatment and personal experience of struggling with her own weight and body image to help you find the best diet for your body and your life.She shares how the same evidence-based tools she used effectively with her clients in active addiction helped her to lose eight stone in weight, increase her self-esteem and help her self-manage a range of unwanted habits around food and negative self-talk. Shahroo introduces her revolutionary kindness method and highlights the importance of positive self-perception, showing how to embrace self-kindness and self-respect. Diets often offer quick short-term fixes and so-called miracle cures, but the real challenge is managing weight and changing habits over a sustained period of time. Everybody's journeys and needs are different: it is all about changing the way we communicate with ourselves and our bodies every single day, in every aspect of our lives. The Last Diet helps you identify where your unhealthy habits come from, and how to accept them, change them and what to do when you slip up through self-tailored exercises to maintain your physical and mental wellbeing. Shahroo guides you through every step, helping you to draw out your own wisdom and find motivation for changing long-term habits and losing weight – for good.

Fully Human: A New Way of Using Your Mind

by Steve Biddulph

A mother of small children trusts her 'gut feelings' and it saves her life.A young dad is able to grieve for his lost baby – using a song.What if there were parts of our minds which we never use, but if awakened, could make us so much happier, connected and alive? What if awakening those parts could bring peace to the conflicts and struggles we all go through?From the cutting edge, where therapy meets neuroscience, Steve Biddulph explores the new concept of 'supersense' – the feelings beneath our feelings – which can guide us to a more awake and free way of living every minute of our lives. And the Four-storey Mansion, a way of using your mind that can be taught to a five-year-old, but can also help the most damaged adult.In Fully Human, Steve Biddulph draws on deeply personal stories from his own life, as well of those of his clients, and from the frontiers of thinking about how the brain works with the body and the wisdom of the `wild creature' inside all of us. At the peak of a lifetime's work, one of the world's best-known psychotherapists and educators shows how you can be more alive, more connected. More FULLY HUMAN.From the bestselling author of Raising Boys.

Happiness in This Life: A Passionate Meditation on Material Existence and the Meaning of Life

by Pope Francis

Pope Francis explores the idea of happiness and shows how we can bring more meaning and purpose to our lives. For Pope Francis, the appreciation of our everyday lives is a spiritual undertaking. Joy is a divine attribute and creating joy around us an essential part of faith. Happiness in This Life delivers, in warm, engaging language accessible to believers and nonbelievers alike, key lessons instructing readers on how to find love and happiness in a chaotic world.Along the way, Pope Francis discusses the sanctity of women’s rights, the challenges that face today's young people, and why fighting discrimination is the essence of loving thy neighbour. He shares personal stories and anecdotes from his life and provides comforting messages of hope. The core ideas of his Holiness’ papacy – mercy, support for marginalized people, and diplomacy – shine through.Full of inspiration and guidance for personal growth, this life-affirming book will help readers find the path towards spiritual well-being and living a happy life.

Life Honestly: Strong Opinions from Smart Women

by The Pool

Life Honestly is a complete guide to modern life from some of today's most talented and insightful writers including Bryony Gordon, Dolly Alderton, Natasha Devon, Lauren Laverne and Yomi Adegoke.Within these pages you’ll find an un-airbrushed selection of advice, comment and opinion. These are intimate stories from bad sex to bad boys, from workplace inequality to the sheer joy of learning something new, that will spark hope, triumph and occasionally outrage. In Life Honestly you will find fresh perspectives on everything from age milestones and friendship, motherhood and weddings, and why you should always, always, tell someone when you like their earrings. This book will make you feel empowered, supported and more prepared than ever to take on anything life has to offer because, honestly, we're all in this together.Featuring an introduction by The Pool co-founder Sam Baker, this fabulous collection is full of articles to inspire you. The pieces vary in length, which makes this a perfect collection to dip into for a few minutes while you wait for the kettle to boil, or something meatier for your morning commute. Some are long and some are short but they all pack a punch. From Sali Hughes on blended families to Viv Groskop offering fresh perspectives on daily problems, Life Honestly is a collection of advice, comment and opinion that acts as a complete guide to modern life.These writers are empowering, engaging and unapologetic about their views: Life Honestly is full of lessons and observations on what it means to be a woman or non-binary person now.

Help Me!: One Woman's Quest to Find Out if Self-Help Really Can Change Her Life

by Marianne Power

'I love it! Hilarious and thought-provoking!' - Fearne Cotton'A sweet sharp read' - Jessie Burton'A laugh-out-loud funny book.' - Lucy DiamondMarianne Power was stuck in a rut. Then one day she wondered: could self-help books help her find the elusive perfect life?She decided to test one book a month for a year, following their advice to the letter. What would happen if she followed the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? Really felt The Power of Now? Could she unearth The Secret to making her dreams come true?What begins as a clever experiment becomes an achingly poignant story. Because self-help can change your life – but not necessarily for the better . . .Help Me! is an irresistibly funny and incredibly moving book about a wild and ultimately redemptive journey that will resonate with anyone who’s ever dreamed of finding happiness.Perfect for readers who enjoyed Everything I know About Love by Dolly Alderton, Mad Girl by Bryony Gordon and Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig.

The Path to Change: Thoughts on Politics and Society

by Pope Francis Dominique Wolton

Pope Francis has thoroughly re-engaged the Catholic Church with the modern world, by tackling the difficult and urgent questions that we face as a civilization, in order to illuminate the path to change. French sociologist Dominique Wolton interviewed Pope Francis regularly over the course of a year, and their open, warm dialogue builds a detailed picture of how Pope Francis became the most popular leader the Catholic Church has ever seen.The Pope’s clarity, humility and humanity are brought to the fore by Dominique Wolton’s engaging and relevant questions. As well as revealing fascinating insights into his early life, in The Path to Change Pope Francis freely addresses the major issues of our time: peace and war, politics and religion, globalization and cultural diversity, fundamentalism and secularism, Europe and migrants, ecology, family, time, trust and joy.

Ten to Zen: Ten Minutes a Day to a Calmer, Happier You

by Owen O'Kane

Ten to Zen is a simple, effective and fuss-free guide to help you start your day in the right head-space to prepare for the challenges it may bring. Each morning most of us will spend about ten minutes in the shower, ten minutes making and eating breakfast but no time at all clearing our minds. Ten to Zen uses a combination of four therapeutic models – Mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Psychotherapy and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy – in a simple, easy-to-follow programme.You will learn:> How to settle your mind quickly> How to focus and retrain your brain on dealing with stress> How to restructure unhelpful patterns of thinking > How to develop ways of communicating that are more effectiveTen to Zen was developed by Owen O'Kane to encourage new principles for living based on his experience as a psychotherapist and his many years of caring for the dying in the field of palliative care, which has hugely influenced how he works and how he views life.

Just Eat It: How Intuitive Eating Can Help You...

by Laura Thomas

'Truly life-changing' Dolly Alderton'The only 'diet' book worth reading this new year' Alexandra Heminsley, GraziaJust Eat It isn’t just a book. It’s part of a movement to help us take back control over our bodies. To free us from restrictive dieting, disordered eating and punishing exercise. To reject the guilt and anxiety associated with eating and, ultimately, to help us feel good about ourselves.This anti-diet guide from registered nutritionist Laura Thomas PhD can help you sort out your attitude to food and ditch punishing exercise routines. As a qualified practitioner of Intuitive Eating – a method that helps followers tune in to innate hunger and fullness cues – Thomas gives you the freedom to enjoy food on your own terms.There are no rules: only simple, practical tools and exercises including mindfulness techniques to help you recognise physiological and emotional hunger, sample conversations with friends and colleagues, and magazine and blog critiques that call out diet culture.So, have you ever been on a diet? Spent time worrying that you looked fat when you could have been doing something useful? Compared the size of your waistline to someone else's? Felt guilt, actual guilt, about the serious crime of . . . eating a doughnut? You're not alone. Just Eat It gives you everything you need to develop a more trusting, healthy relationship with food and your body.

Dressology: The Science of Power Dressing

by Nandita Pandey

The corporate world is competitive and challenging, where a crucial survival skill is dressing according to the job profile and that organization’s culture. Nandita Pandey’s Dressology: The Science of Power Dressing talks directly to the working Indian man and woman with references that are local and relatable. Full of tips and tricks that can be easily incorporated into one’s daily life, this easy-to-read guide focuses on simple steps that can help present oneself appropriately, confidently and successfully in a corporate setting. Featuring interviews of top industry executives in India, this book reveals the secrets to making a great first impression.

In Love with the World: What a Buddhist Monk Can Teach You About Living from Nearly Dying

by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

A rare, intimate account of a world-renowned Buddhist monk’s near-death experience and the life-changing wisdom he gained as a result.'One of the most generous, beautiful, and essential books I’ve ever read – thoroughly engaging, so clear, so honest, so courageous and full of wisdom.' George Saunders, Booker Prize-winning author of Lincoln in the Bardo'This book makes me think enlightenment is possible and necessary.' Russell BrandYongey Mingyur Rinpoche’s experience begins the night he has chosen to embark on a four-year wandering retreat, slipping past the monastery gates. Alone for the first time in his life, he sets out into the unknown. His initial motivation is to step away from his life of privilege and to explore the deepest, most hidden aspects of his being, but what he discovers throughout his retreat – about himself and about the world around us – comes to define his meditation practice and teaching.Just three weeks into his retreat, Rinpoche becomes deathly ill and his journey begins in earnest through this near-death experience. Moving, beautiful and suffused with local colour, In Love with the World is the story of two different kinds of death: that of the body and that of the ego, and how we can bridge these two experiences to live a better and more fulfilling life. Rinpoche’s skilful and intimate account of his search for the self is a demonstration of how we can transform our dread of dying into joyful living.

Every Body Yoga: Let Go of Fear, Get On the Mat, Love Your Body.

by Jessamyn Stanley

From the unforgettable teacher Jessamyn Stanley comes Every Body Yoga, a book that breaks all the stereotypes. It&’s a book of inspiration for beginners of all shapes and sizes: If Jessamyn could transcend these emotional and physical barriers, so can we. It&’s a book for readers already doing yoga, looking to refresh their practice or find new ways to stay motivated. It&’s a how-to book: Here are easy-to-follow directions to 50 basic yoga poses and 10 sequences to practice at home, all photographed in full color. It&’s a book that challenges the larger issues of body acceptance and the meaning of beauty. Most of all, it&’s a book that changes the paradigm, showing us that yoga isn&’t about how one looks, but how one feels, with yoga sequences like &“I Want to Energize My Spirit,&” &“I Need to Release Fear,&” &“I Want to Love Myself.&” Jessamyn Stanley, a yogi who breaks all the stereotypes, has built a life as an internationally recognized yoga teacher and award-winning Instagram star by combining a deep understanding for yoga with a willingness to share her personal struggles in a way that touches everyone who comes to know her. Now she brings her body-positive, emotionally uplifting approach to yoga in a book that will help every reader discover the power of yoga and how to weave it seamlessly into his or her life.

Life Is a Joke: 100 Life Lessons (with Punch Lines)

by The Javna Brothers

The wit and wisdom of jokes. In that order. Did you hear the one about the man who was convinced he was dead? It&’s a classic, and like the 99 other joke in this book, you&’ll delight in the reading and even more in the telling. There&’s also the one about Einstein and his chauffeur. The woman who went on vacation and left her pet cat with her sister. The farmer with the three-legged pig. But when the laughter settles, something else happens. In the masterful hands of the Javna brothers, each joke reveals insights into human behavior—and tips for putting that insight into action—that you&’ll want to share as readily as the jokes themselves.

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