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Showing 5,926 through 5,950 of 10,327 results

Ties that Bind: A 52-Week Devotional for Mothers and Daughters

by Kristin Armstrong

"A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." -- Ecclesiastes 4:12A mother and daughter relationship is one of the most important and defining relationships in life. Just like when we braid our daughter's hair, as we raise our girls we weave three strands together: our faith and their faith, together with God's love. If we can do this well, the cord is not easily broken.In this weekly devotional there are common themes supported by scripture, with one reading specifically for mothers, the other for daughters. Each week is intended to generate connection and conversation, with questions included to spark discussion.Topics include:GossipBody ImageForgivenessContentmentRelationshipsPurityComparisonPerfectionHealthy Friendshipsand many more!This year long journey together will deepen your faith, and your relationship in addition to offering introspection and personal growth for women of every age.

Lecturas Diarias Tomadas de ¡Dé el Salto!: 365 Devociones para Superar las Barreras y Vivir una Vida Extraordinaria

by Joel Osteen

Find uplifting quotes, thought-provoking prayers, and life-changing inspiration with this daily reading companion to Break Out! from Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen.We were not created to just get by with average, unrewarding or unfulfilling lives. God created us to leave our marks on our generations. Every person has seeds of greatness planted within by the Creator. This devotional will help readers break out and break free so they can believe bigger, increase their productivity, improve their relationships, and accomplish their dreams. Filled with faith and motivation, Daily Readings from Break Out! challenges readers to have a new perspective, to let nothing hold them back, and to reject any labels that might limit them.

Lecturas Diarias Tomadas de ¡Dé el Salto!: 365 Devociones para Superar las Barreras y Vivir una Vida Extraordinaria

by Joel Osteen

Find uplifting quotes, thought-provoking prayers, and life-changing inspiration with this daily reading companion to Break Out! from Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen.We were not created to just get by with average, unrewarding or unfulfilling lives. God created us to leave our marks on our generations. Every person has seeds of greatness planted within by the Creator. This devotional will help readers break out and break free so they can believe bigger, increase their productivity, improve their relationships, and accomplish their dreams. Filled with faith and motivation, Daily Readings from Break Out! challenges readers to have a new perspective, to let nothing hold them back, and to reject any labels that might limit them.

Aprendamos de los Gigantes: Lecciones Tomadas de la Biblia Acerca de la Vida y el Liderazgo

by John C. Maxwell

If you could spend a few minutes with the giants of faith in the Old Testament in person, what lessons would they share with you? In LEARNING FROM THE GIANTS John C. Maxwell draws on fifty years of studying the Bible to share the stories of Elijah, Elisha, Job, Jacob, Deborah, Isaiah, Jonah, Joshua and Daniel. These people fought and won epic battles, served kings, and endured great hardships for God to come out on the other side transformed through His grace. Through them Maxwell explores timeless lessons we can learn about leadership, ourselves, and our relationship with God.

Aprendamos de los Gigantes: Lecciones Tomadas de la Biblia Acerca de la Vida y el Liderazgo (Giants of the Bible)

by John C. Maxwell

If you could spend a few minutes with the giants of faith in the Old Testament in person, what lessons would they share with you? In Learning From the Giants John C. Maxwell draws on fifty years of studying the Bible to share the stories of Elijah, Elisha, Job, Jacob, Deborah, Isaiah, Jonah, Joshua and Daniel. These people fought and won epic battles, served kings, and endured great hardships for God to come out on the other side transformed through His grace. Through them Maxwell explores timeless lessons we can learn about leadership, ourselves, and our relationship with God.

Destino: Láncese hacia su propósito

by T. D. Jakes

Remember feeling a pull, sensing a divine guide that was leading you to the right place or person? DESTINY, that inner compass, directs you to fulfillment of your highest purpose. When you reflect on your life, you may be amazed that your greatest moments resulted from circumstances that you did not control or initiate. You were destined!Stepping into your destiny means fulfilling the role you were created to play in life. You thrive and find the great elixir of contentment when you have the courage to pursue your true purpose.Life offers more when destiny is our focus! Our divine purpose maneuvers us past challenges, pains, and shortcuts and even what appears on the surface to be failure. On deeper reflection, we understand them as catalysts that shift us toward authentic self-identity, greater exposure, and bold life adventures. Whether you are just starting out, starting over, or wondering if there is greater success than what you've already accomplished, now is the time to reset your inner compass. Clear your path of distractions and disruptions. Correct places where you have veered off course. Get unstuck. Embrace your God-given purpose and, with this revelatory guide from T.D. Jakes, dare to pursue the unseen order in your life circumstances that is your DESTINY.Discover the divine purpose of your dreams with this insightful guide from Bishop T. D. Jakes -- and learn how Biblical principles will propel your life to the next level.Have you ever sensed the pull of a divine guide that was leading you to the right place or person? Destiny, that inner compass, directs you to fulfillment of your highest purpose. When you reflect on your life, you may be amazed that you didn't control or initiate your greatest moments -- you were destined!Stepping into your destiny means fulfilling the role you were created to play in life. You will thrive and find contentment when you have the courage to pursue your true purpose.Life offers more when destiny is our focus! Our divine purpose maneuvers us past challenges, pains, and shortcuts. On deeper reflection, we understand our trials and failures as valuable lessons, the catalysts that shift us toward authentic self-identity, greater exposure, and bold life adventures.Whether you are starting out, starting over, or dreaming of greater success, now is the time to reset your inner compass, clear your path of distractions and disruptions, and correct places where you have veered off course. Get unstuck. Embrace your God-given purpose and, with this revelatory guide from T.D. Jakes, dare to pursue the unseen order in your life circumstances and fulfill your Destiny.

¡Viva con esperanza!: Crea que algo bueno puede sucederle todos los días

by Joyce Meyer

#1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer teaches readers how to transform their lives by tapping into the power of hope. One of the most powerful forces in the universe is hope -- the happy and confident anticipation that something good is going to happen. Regardless of where one is in life, it is impossible to live successfully and to the fullest without hope. With Get Your Hopes Up! Joyce will help readers achieve a lasting sense of hope, built on their faith in God. Hope is only as strong as its source. This book will help readers avoid misplacing their trust in unreliable things, and help them ground their hope steadfastly in God for limitless joy and possibilities for their lives. As Joyce explains, "Without hope in God, there isn't much you can do, but with Hope in God, there isn't much you can't do."

Perfecto amor: Usted puede experimentar la completa aceptaci¿n de Dios

by Joyce Meyer

Ayer. Hoy. Mañana. Dios te ama perfectamente, todo el tiempo. Pero si a veces te sientes indigno, desconfías de ti mismo o crees que Él está enojado contigo, Joyce Meyer, la autora de éxitos de ventas número 1 del New York Times, quiere ayudarte a entender la verdad poderosa de que Dios te acepta totalmente. No importa lo que hayas hecho o dónde te encuentres en el viaje de tu vida, tú estás destinado a recibir este regalo. La Palabra de Dios declara que su amor por ti no cambia y Él te ama simplemente porque así lo desea. En Perfecto amor, Joyce revela cómo se puede desarrollar la certeza de que Dios te ama completamente y sin condiciones, ahora mismo. Combinando su propia experiencia personal con conocimiento bíblico, Joyce te ayudará a aumentar tu comprensión del carácter genuino de Dios para que puedas vivir plenamente, disfrutar de un sentido de confianza duradera y experimentar su amor en un nivel completamente nuevo. Algunos títulos de los capítulos son: Aprender a ver claramente; Ser la persona que Dios quiso que fueras tu potencial; Sorprendente gracia; and Sentirse cómodo con Dios."¡Dios te ama perfectamente y sin condiciones en este momento!" -Joyce Meyer

Perfecto amor: Usted puede experimentar la completa aceptaci¿n de Dios

by Joyce Meyer

Ayer. Hoy. Mañana. Dios te ama perfectamente, todo el tiempo. Pero si a veces te sientes indigno, desconfías de ti mismo o crees que Él está enojado contigo, Joyce Meyer, la autora de éxitos de ventas número 1 del New York Times, quiere ayudarte a entender la verdad poderosa de que Dios te acepta totalmente. No importa lo que hayas hecho o dónde te encuentres en el viaje de tu vida, tú estás destinado a recibir este regalo. La Palabra de Dios declara que su amor por ti no cambia y Él te ama simplemente porque así lo desea. En Perfecto amor, Joyce revela cómo se puede desarrollar la certeza de que Dios te ama completamente y sin condiciones, ahora mismo. Combinando su propia experiencia personal con conocimiento bíblico, Joyce te ayudará a aumentar tu comprensión del carácter genuino de Dios para que puedas vivir plenamente, disfrutar de un sentido de confianza duradera y experimentar su amor en un nivel completamente nuevo. Algunos títulos de los capítulos son: Aprender a ver claramente; Ser la persona que Dios quiso que fueras tu potencial; Sorprendente gracia; and Sentirse cómodo con Dios."¡Dios te ama perfectamente y sin condiciones en este momento!" -Joyce Meyer

Palabras de Poder: Lo que usted diga puede cambiar su vida

by Joyce Meyer

Los pequeños cambios pueden hacer una gran diferencia. Sencillamente escogiendo hablar de una forma más optimista sobre sus circunstancias, usted puede desatar el poder del positivismo en su vida y alcanzar las cosas que Dios tiene reservadas para usted. La autora de éxitos de ventas No. 1 del New York Times, Joyce Meyer quiere ayudarle a comprender cómo todo se afecta por la palabras que utiliza: su actitud, su sentido del gozo e incluso su éxito. Ella explica que cuando usted alinea sus palabras con La Palabra de Dios, todos los aspectos de su vida cambian para bien. Usted se vuelve más pacífico, esperanzado y positivo acerca de su futuro. Joyce revela cómo su propia vida fue transformada al cambiar la manera en que hablaba, mientras le guía a través de consejos y escrituras que le ayudarán a lograr los mismos resultados. Usted no tiene que vivir bajo la carga de la negatividad. PALABRAS DE PODER le enseñará cómo alcanzar el gozo ilimitado aprendiendo a hablar en acuerdo con Dios. Utilice PALABRAS DE PODER para comenzar a vivir la mejor vida de Dios para usted ¡hoy!

La conexión de la mente: Cómo los pensamientos que usted elige afectan su estado de ánimo, su comportamiento y sus decisiones

by Joyce Meyer

LA CONEXIÓN DE LA MENTELos pensamientos parecieran venir al azar y sin sentido, pero ellos impactan su vida todos los días. Lo que usted piensa afecta sus palabras, decisiones y emociones, e influencia la manera en que se relaciona con otras personas, y con Dios. La buena noticia es que Dios le ha equipado para tomar el control de su pensamiento y aumentar su felicidad.En LA CONEXIÓN DE LA MENTE, Joyce Meyer expande la sabiduría de sus libros de mayor ventas, El campo de batalla de la mente y Pensamientos de poder, para explicar la forma de mejorar la calidad de sus pensamientos y su vida. Ella explora la innegable conexión entre la mente, la boca, los estados de ánimo y las actitudes, para que pueda desarrollar y mantener la mentalidad correcta para superar todos los desafíos que enfrente. A través del consejo práctico y el conocimiento de las Escrituras, Joyce le ayudará a aprender a pensar con propósito, ganar mayor confianza, y reclamar la vida de gozo que estaba destinado a llevar.Algunos de los títulos de capítulos son:La vida que siempre ha querido vivirHable consigo mismo positivamenteEl poder de enfocarse¡Cómo recuperar su mente cuando siente como que la ha perdido!Joyce Meyer es una de las maestras de la Biblia líderes en el mundo. Su programa diario, Disfrutando la vida diaria, se transmite por cientos de canales de televisión y estaciones de radio en todo el mundo.Joyce ha escrito más de 100 libros inspiradores. Algunos de sus éxitos de ventas son: Pensamientos de poder; Dios no está enojado contigo; Cómo formar buenos hábitos y romper malos hábitos; Hazte un favor a ti mismo . . . perdona; Adicción a la aprobación; Vive por encima de tus sentimientos; El campo de batalla de la mente; Luzca estupenda, siéntase fabulosa; Mujer segura de sí misma; y La Biblia de la vida diaria.Joyce viaja extensamente, teniendo congresos a lo largo del año, hablando a miles de personas alrededor del mundo.

Worry-Free Living: Trading Anxiety for Peace

by Joyce Meyer

In this compact adaptation of Be Anxious for Nothing, #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer shows readers how to rid themselves of worry and fear by drawing on the peace of God.Difficult times are part of living in this world. However, God has provided a way for us to enjoy peace as part daily life. We can choose either to allow ourselves to be burdened with worry and anxiety or to live in the peace and joy that God wants for our lives. Joyce Meyer shows how to rely on God's strength during difficult circumstances by revealing the nature of God's peace as found in Scripture. She explains how to trade anxiety for joy, develop a childlike attitude of faith, and give our worries to the Lord.

Conozca a Dios íntimamente: Tan cerca de Él como usted quiera estar

by Joyce Meyer

Si usted está en búsqueda de Dios, o si es un creyente que siente que le falta algo, Joyce Meyer, la autora de éxitos de ventas número 1 del New York Times, quiere mostrarle cómo experimentar el gozo profundo que proviene de una relación verdaderamente íntima con Dios.Utilizando la Escritura y ejemplos poderosos de la vida real, Joyce revela maneras prácticas donde usted puede crecer más cerca de Dios a través de su relación personal con Él. Para lograrlo, ella ofrece una imagen clara de cuatro niveles de intimidad que usted puede experimentar. En cada nivel, desde reconocer la presencia de Dios hasta dejar que su amor transforme su vida por completo, Joyce muestra cómo moverse, paso a paso, más cerca de Dios y descubrir todo lo que Él tiene para usted.¿Está tan cerca de Dios como quiere estar? ¿Quiere saber qué tan profundo puede llegar en su relación con Él? En CONOZCA A DIOS ÍNTIMAMENTE, Joyce Meyer le da las claves para tener una verdadera intimidad con Él todos los días, en cada área de su vida. Él está esperando; la decisión es suya. ¿Abrirá usted la puerta?

Conozca a Dios íntimamente: Tan cerca de Él como usted quiera estar

by Joyce Meyer

Si usted está en búsqueda de Dios, o si es un creyente que siente que le falta algo, Joyce Meyer, la autora de éxitos de ventas número 1 del New York Times, quiere mostrarle cómo experimentar el gozo profundo que proviene de una relación verdaderamente íntima con Dios.Utilizando la Escritura y ejemplos poderosos de la vida real, Joyce revela maneras prácticas donde usted puede crecer más cerca de Dios a través de su relación personal con Él. Para lograrlo, ella ofrece una imagen clara de cuatro niveles de intimidad que usted puede experimentar. En cada nivel, desde reconocer la presencia de Dios hasta dejar que su amor transforme su vida por completo, Joyce muestra cómo moverse, paso a paso, más cerca de Dios y descubrir todo lo que Él tiene para usted.¿Está tan cerca de Dios como quiere estar? ¿Quiere saber qué tan profundo puede llegar en su relación con Él? En CONOZCA A DIOS ÍNTIMAMENTE, Joyce Meyer le da las claves para tener una verdadera intimidad con Él todos los días, en cada área de su vida. Él está esperando; la decisión es suya. ¿Abrirá usted la puerta?

INSTINCT for Graduates: The Power to Unleash Your Inborn Drive and Face Your Unlimited Future

by T. D. Jakes

Learn how your relationship with God will lead you to untold success in this gift book for graduates based on Instinct, T. D. Jakes' #1 New York Times bestseller.Graduation is an exciting accomplishment -- and with God as your guiding light, you'll be able to find incredible opportunities and tap into the hidden potential of your future. With this faith-based guide, you'll learn how to:Create a plan with clear direction for your life that makes the most of your potentialMake new friends, and maintain (or let go of) old relationshipsChoose and live with roommatesForm an adult relationship with your parents -- cut the cord, without tearing the relationshipManage your finances and debtHunt for the right jobs, interview successfully, and begin an outstanding careerNavigate the ins and outs of dating, relating, and getting marriedEquipped with the wisdom of Instinct, this book will help you discover your greatest gifts, succeed in every opportunity, and stride confidently into the future.

Blessed in the Darkness: How All Things Are Working for Your Good

by Joel Osteen

Find comfort in dark times and grow your trust and faith in God with this inspiring and insightful guide from Lakewood Church pastor and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen. All of us will go through dark times that we don't understand: a difficulty with a friend, an unfair situation at work, a financial setback, an unexpected illness, a divorce, or the loss of a loved one. Those types of experiences are part of the human journey. But when we find ourselves in such a place, it's important that we keep a positive perspective. Joel Osteen writes that if we stay in faith and keep a good attitude when we go through challenges, we will not only grow, but we will see how all things work together for our good. Through practical applications and scriptural insight, Blessed in the Darkness focuses on how to draw closer to God and trust Him when life doesn't make sense.If we will go through the dark place in the valley trusting, believing, and knowing that God is still in control, we will come to the table that is already prepared for us, where our cup runs over.

Blessed in the Darkness: How All Things Are Working for Your Good

by Joel Osteen

Find comfort in dark times and grow your trust and faith in God with this inspiring and insightful guide from Lakewood Church pastor and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen. All of us will go through dark times that we don't understand: a difficulty with a friend, an unfair situation at work, a financial setback, an unexpected illness, a divorce, or the loss of a loved one. Those types of experiences are part of the human journey. But when we find ourselves in such a place, it's important that we keep a positive perspective. Joel Osteen writes that if we stay in faith and keep a good attitude when we go through challenges, we will not only grow, but we will see how all things work together for our good. Through practical applications and scriptural insight, Blessed in the Darkness focuses on how to draw closer to God and trust Him when life doesn't make sense.If we will go through the dark place in the valley trusting, believing, and knowing that God is still in control, we will come to the table that is already prepared for us, where our cup runs over.

The Power of Favor: The Force That Will Take You Where You Can't Go on Your Own

by Joel Osteen

Learn how declaring God's love will bless you with favor and fulfillment in this uplifting book--perfect for anyone who is determined to find success and spiritual inspiration. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545} God helps you accomplish what you couldn't manage on your own. With His blessings, you stand out in the crowd and get breaks that you didn't deserve. The psalmist said, "God's favor surrounds us like a shield." That means that everywhere you go, you have an advantage, a divine empowerment, and a key to open up the right doors. With Joel's encouragement, you'll see how God's goodness uplifts you every day. He wants you to reach new levels of fulfillment, new levels of increase, new levels of promotion, new levels of victory. You have been called out, set apart, and chosen to live a distinctively favored life.When you realize you have been marked for blessings, you will feel the force of His favor and overcome challenges that you can't face on your own.

Your Greater Is Coming: Discover the Path to Your Bigger, Better, and Brighter Future

by Joel Osteen

New York Times bestselling author and host of the Joel Osteen Radio on SiriusXM wants you to know that now is the time to get your hopes up and start expecting that better is on the way. Whether you&’re climbing toward the next level, stretching for an out-of-reach goal, or doing your utmost to overcome a challenge, it&’s time to step into a better life filled with more. When your patience strains to meet your expectations, you have to remember that where you are now is not where you&’re about to be! In Your Greater Is Coming, #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen challenges your perception of your present situation and inspires you to persevere for the best that&’s just ahead. Whatever you&’re experiencing, don&’t lose faith or give up on your dreams. Wait for your greater, because your greater is coming—greater joy, greater strength, greater relationships. Greater opportunities, greater success, and greater peace are all yours. Whatever you&’ve been waiting for, working for, praying for, and hoping for is on the way. Your Greater Is Coming will nourish your soul and empower your heart to push through pain and master the mundane. Your story is far from over, and the best is yet to come. Don&’t give up just as you&’re about to discover a new level of increase, ease, and joy. Glimpse your breakthrough just ahead and hold on just a little longer—your greater is coming!

Your Greater Is Coming: Discover the Path to Your Bigger, Better, and Brighter Future

by Joel Osteen

New York Times bestselling author and host of the Joel Osteen Radio on SiriusXM wants you to know that now is the time to get your hopes up and start expecting that better is on the way. Whether you&’re climbing toward the next level, stretching for an out-of-reach goal, or doing your utmost to overcome a challenge, it&’s time to step into a better life filled with more. When your patience strains to meet your expectations, you have to remember that where you are now is not where you&’re about to be! In Your Greater Is Coming, #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen challenges your perception of your present situation and inspires you to persevere for the best that&’s just ahead. Whatever you&’re experiencing, don&’t lose faith or give up on your dreams. Wait for your greater, because your greater is coming—greater joy, greater strength, greater relationships. Greater opportunities, greater success, and greater peace are all yours. Whatever you&’ve been waiting for, working for, praying for, and hoping for is on the way. Your Greater Is Coming will nourish your soul and empower your heart to push through pain and master the mundane. Your story is far from over, and the best is yet to come. Don&’t give up just as you&’re about to discover a new level of increase, ease, and joy. Glimpse your breakthrough just ahead and hold on just a little longer—your greater is coming! A study guide as well as a Spanish edition, Algo grande viene para ti, are also available for purchase.

Impulse sus prioridades: Un plan de mejoramiento de 90 días (JumpStart)

by John C. Maxwell

En esta guía de crecimiento de 90 días, el autor de éxitos de ventas número uno del New York Times, John C. Maxwell, ayuda a los lectores a establecer prioridades y hacer que cada día cuente hacia el cumplimiento de sus objetivos, basado en su éxito de ventas del Businessweek, Hoy es importante.John C. Maxwell explica la importancia de aprovechar el presente. La manera en que usted establece sus prioridades y pasa su tiempo cada día impacta su habilidad para triunfar. No importa si usted es un líder novato o busca expandir su éxito, él le ayudará a enfocarse al explorar cómo maximizar el potencial del día más importante de su vida: hoy.Ofreciéndole citas y lecciones inspiradoras, preguntas que provocan el pensamiento, y espacio para notas de reflexión, por unos tres meses este libro le ayudará a aprender cómo dominar el momento y establecerle en la ruta hacia la realización de sus aspiraciones.In this 90-day growth guide, #1 New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell helps readers prioritize their lives to make each day count toward fulfilling their goals, based on his Businessweek bestseller Today Matters.John C. Maxwell offers his roadmap for success by helping you seize the present. The way you prioritize and spend your time each day impacts your ability to reach your goals. Whether you are new to leadership or looking to expand on your success, this book will help you focus by exploring how to maximize the potential of the most important day of your life--today. Offering inspiring quotes and lessons, thought-provoking questions, and space for reflective notes, over the course of three short months this book will help you learn to master the moment and set you on the path toward fulfilling your aspirations.

Impulse sus prioridades: Un plan de mejoramiento de 90 días (JumpStart)

by John C. Maxwell

In this 90-day growth guide, #1 New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell helps you prioritize your life to make each day count toward fulfilling your goals.Based on his Businessweek bestseller Today Matters, John Maxwell offers his roadmap for success by helping you seize the present. The way you prioritize and spend your time each day impacts your ability to reach your goals. Whether you are a new leader or looking to expand on your success, this book will help you focus by exploring how to maximize the potential of the most important day of your life -- today. Offering inspiring quotes and lessons, thought-provoking questions, and space for reflective notes, over the course of three short months this book will help learn to master the moment and set you on the path toward fulfilling your aspirations.

Impulse su pensamiento: Un plan de mejoramiento de 90 d¿as (JumpStart)

by John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell, la autoridad no. 1 en liderazgo en los Estados Unidos con sobre 25 millones de libros vendidos 90 días para convertirse en un mejor pensador... Es un compromiso que puede cambiar su futuro. El autor de éxitos de ventas no. 1 del New York Times John C. Maxwell, describe los secretos para maximizar su potencial de pensamiento en esta guía de 90 días de modo que pueda alcanzar sus metas. A través de lecciones diarias, preguntas que hacen reflexionar y ejercicios para estimular su mente, Maxwell le ayuda a entender y desarrollar la habilidad de pensamiento que comparten todas las personas exitosas. Comenzar esta jornada revolucionará su manera de pensar, equipándole con las herramientas necesarias para comprender y desarrollar la estrategia mental de las personas exitosas. Ya sea que aspire a dirigir, ande en busca de una ventaja o desee romper barreras en su carrera; el consejo en este libro le ayudará a llegar donde desea ir. El éxito comienza en su mente. Es hora de que IMPULSE SU PENSAMIENTO.

Lo que saben sobre el liderazgo las personas exitosas: Consejos de la autoridad en liderazgo No. 1 de Estados Unidos

by John C. Maxwell

#1 New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell responds to the most popular questions he's received to help readers achieve greater success. John Maxwell, America's #1 leadership authority, has mastered the art of asking questions, using them to learn and grow, connect with people, challenge himself, improve his team, and develop better ideas. In this compact derivative of Good Leaders Ask Great Questions, he gives detailed answers to the most popular and intriguing questions posed to him by people at all stages of their careers, including: · How can you be a leader if you're at the bottom? · How do you motivate an unmotivated person? · How can you succeed with a leader who is difficult to work with? · How do you find balance between leading others and producing? · What gives a leader sustainability? No matter whether you're a seasoned leader or wanting to take the first steps into leadership, this book will provide helpful and applicable advice and improve your professional life.

Lo que saben sobre el liderazgo las personas exitosas: Consejos de la autoridad en liderazgo No. 1 de Estados Unidos (Successful People)

by John C. Maxwell

#1 New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell responds to the most popular questions he's received to help readers achieve greater success. John Maxwell, America's #1 leadership authority, has mastered the art of asking questions, using them to learn and grow, connect with people, challenge himself, improve his team, and develop better ideas. In this compact derivative of Good Leaders Ask Great Questions, he gives detailed answers to the most popular and intriguing questions posed to him by people at all stages of their careers, including: · How can you be a leader if you're at the bottom? · How do you motivate an unmotivated person? · How can you succeed with a leader who is difficult to work with? · How do you find balance between leading others and producing? · What gives a leader sustainability? No matter whether you're a seasoned leader or wanting to take the first steps into leadership, this book will provide helpful and applicable advice and improve your professional life.

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