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Showing 5,851 through 5,875 of 10,366 results

God's Doodle: The Life and Times of the Penis

by Tom Hickman

Throughout history man has revered his penis as his 'most precious ornament'. Yet, ambivalently, his penis has always been the source of man's deepest neuroses too. Do women find it, in the erect state, inherently ridiculous? Why can't a man be certain his penis will stand and deliver when he commands? If and when it steadfastly refuses, what can he do to remedy the situation? And then, of course, there's the matter of size...To possess a penis, Sophocles said, is to be 'chained to a madman'. God's Doodle examines the schizophrenic relationship between man and this madman - and the joint relationship this odd couple has with the female sex. God's Doodle is the tale of the penis and the ups and downs of history - the macabre and the bloodcurdling, the funny and the sad, distilled from myth, world cultures, religion, literature, science, medicine and contemporary life - all told with mordant wit.

Red Ted Art: Cute and Easy Crafts for Kids

by Margarita Woodley

Crafting has never been more popular and Maggy Woodley, the creative force behind Red Ted, is passionate about making things with her children, Max, four, and Pippa, two. Using recycled materials and bits and bobs collected when out and about, here are over 60 utterly irresistible things to make with your kids. From adorable peanut shell finger puppets to walnut babies, loo roll marionettes and egg carton fairy lights, fabric mache bowls, stick men and shell crabs, stone people, and many more, these are projects for all the family to have fun with. And what's more, the end results are so cute and desirable that they look great around the home, or make wonderfully unique and personal gifts.With a funky, modern design and vibrant full colour photography throughout, this is a must-have addition to every young family's bookshelf.

Stay Alive All Your Life

by Norman Vincent Peale

'The Power of Positive Thinking outlines how to think positively about your problems. Stay Alive All Your Life attempts to show you how to put these positive thoughts into action, and by believing and having faith in their power, succeed in achieveing what you want out of life' . Norman Vincent Peale in to the reader. THIS BOOK WILL MAKE YOU FEEL GLAD TO BE ALIVE This book looks at how you can achieve the powerful combination of personal faith and action in order to live the life you want. Norman Vincent Peale makes it clear that finding lasting fulfilment is an active process. Action is necessary to defeat the daily assaults of doubt, hesitation, fear, worry and spiritual depression, all of which block the road to accomplishment. This book demonstrates that positive action, supported by strong belief can never lose the Battle of Life.

Self Power: Spiritual Solutions to Life's Greatest Challenges

by Dr Deepak Chopra

From the man who has inspired millions of people to transform their lives and create their heart's desire comes his latest book on seeking and embracing the power source within.Deepak Chopra has made clear his conviction that it is within the potential of every human being to live an enriching, self-aware, magnificent life. But to reach that state of empowerment is a difficult task, calling for courage, will power and - often - guidance. In Self-Power, Chopra offers that guidance and encouragement, while inspiring his readers to take their lives into their own capable hands no matter what challenges they may confront, be they job loss, financial difficulties, relationship issues, health problems or spiritual questions.

Intuition: the Key to Divination Awaken Your Intuitive Powers For Success Astrology, Dreams, Tarot, Numerology, I Ching, Runes

by Gina Giacomini

Divination has been practised for thousands of years as an art that uses images, patterns and symbols to reveal what is hidden. Rather than foretell the future, most divination techniques, including consultation of the famous Oracle at Delphi, offer insight into what is behind a given situation and suggest strategies that can be used to deal with it. Intuition: The Key to Divination is the first book to focus on how you can develop your intuition specifically for use with the 6 major systems of divination that are popular today. Gina Giacomini explains that gaining insight into your future can be gained by cultivating a connection to your intuition and a working knowledge of an age-old system of "seeing". In this fascinating, practical and original book, you can discover:--The origins, philosophy and tools of the trade of Astrology, Dreams, Tarot, Numerology, I Ching and the Runes--How to access your personal interpreter - your intuition - so that you can delve into this ancient wisdom on your own.--Techniques for looking within for answers to problems in any area of your life including health, relationships, finances, career and home life --A deeper awareness of your soul's purpose

The Cubicle Manifesto: Change the Way You Work and Reinvent Your Life

by Mainak Dhar

Welcome to THE CUBICLE. The desk space you occupy for hours on end. Where creativity is dead and stress levels are high. Where you feel guilty for leaving, but reluctant to arrive. Where you eat lunch, plan, strategize and phone home to say how late you'll be tonight. Is this the place you'd really like to be? Is there a better way to work?Stressed office worker Mayukh can't believe his misfortune when his computer gets infected by a virus. With enough work on his plate to last a lifetime, he can do without computer malfunctions. However, the virus seems to have its own agenda and it soon starts a revolution that will change how Mayukh works forever.The Cubicle Manifesto is a business parable for the modern age that will transform the way you work. Essential reading for anyone who wants to reduce stress and achieve better work-life balance. Read this book and join the revolution. #endcubicletyranny

Connecting with Horses: The Life Lessons We Can Learn from Horses

by Margrit Coates

Margrit Coates is internationally acclaimed for her work as an animal healer and communicator, and is the author of Healing with Horses and Horses Talking. Now, for the first time, she explains how horses can offer healing and guidance to us, the people in their lives.Connecting with Horses explores the key lessons that we can learn from these magnificent animals. When we really understand how to interact with horses and how to interpret their roles in our lives, we will learn how to improve our relationships with others and much more. This extraordinary book draws upon powerful true stories and practical experience to explore themes and offer profound insights ranging from creativity through to potential and success. As you will discover, even your own horse or pony is an incredible animal that has much to teach you...

Happiness: The Thinking Person's Guide

by Richard O'Connor

One of the basic beliefs of contemporary society has been that increasing prosperity and comfort will automatically lead to greater happiness. But we now have the data to prove that it's just not so...Happiness: The Thinking Person's Guide teaches you how to be happier by exploring the science of happiness in human beings and revealing why we feel joy and sorrow when it often makes more sense to feel the opposite.Did you know that survival instincts left over from caveman days make us want things that are no longer good for us? Ever wondered why men tend to seek power and status and women worry about their physical appearance? Answering these questions and many more Richard O'Connor explains why we feel the way we do and trains us to:- Develop core skills that we need to feel happiness today- Fight the 'I see, I want' elements in ourselves that lead to unhappiness- Manipulate dissatisfaction to change the way we view life- Distinguish between second-rate desire and true happinessUsing self-assessment exercises combined with fascinating science this practical self-help guide will teach you how to rewire your brain to feel more joy; it's simply a learning process.

The Sleepeasy Solution: The exhausted parent's guide to getting your child to sleep - from birth to 5

by Jennifer Waldburger Jill Spivack

Is your child a night owl or a nap resister? Help has arrived with The Sleepeasy Solution!Jill Spivack and Jennifer Waldburger have earned their reputation as two of America's leading experts on children and sleep because they give parents the key ingredients for success - a customised sleep plan, clear step-by-step instructions and plenty of emotional support. Their 'least-cry' approach ensures that healthy sleep habits are established quickly without any guessing and without any guilt.- Teach your child to sleep through the night and take regular naps- Say goodbye to early morning waking- End bedtime battles- Find easy solutions to common problems such as teething, illness, travelling and managing multiple siblings

The Holistic Approach To Cancer

by Ian Pearce

When people are told they have cancer, they are apt to feel shocked, angry and frightened. They usually still have the idea that they have 'caught' a fatal disease, and, unless it has been found early on, that they will inevitably slip towards death within a measurable period of a few years or even a few months. Furthermore, most patients still think that only the doctors can help them, and tend to assume that even this help is regrettably limited. For most patients have not yet heard of a very different idea about the nature of cancer and its cure, which is now gaining ground.You have been told that you have cancer. There is a great deal you can do to help yourself. You have a good chance of reversing your cancer. Take courage!No one can promise a cure. What can be said is that a growing number of people have pulled themselves round by the methods described in this book, taking responsibility for their health upon themselves. This is not an alternative to orthodox therapy; it is complementary to it, and greatly enhances its effects. It is extending orthodox therapy into areas which it does not usually reach at present.You can improve the quality of your life, and give the restorative healing forces a better chance to accomplish their task.So get started on it right away.

Master Key to Riches: The Secret to Making Your Fortune (Dover Empower Your Life Ser.)

by Napoleon Hill

Unlock the door to your fortune using the secrets revealed in this book.Based on Andrew Carnegie's famous formula for money-making, Master Key to Riches has been revised for the 21st century. As well as explaining the practical philosophy for success, in this inspiring book Napoleon Hill describes the key that will convert all your past failures into priceless assets and lead you to the attainment of the twelve great riches. Drawing on the experiences of hundreds of the world's most powerful and wealthy people, this book will show you how to succeed in any walk of life.

Healing Quest: A Journey of Transformation

by Marie Herbert

When her two daughters were approaching the finish of their education Marie Herbert felt the need to mark the end of the child-rearing phase of her life by a rite of passage, a way to find herself a new place in the grand scheme of things. Long drawn to the Native American spiritual tradition, she planned a visit to the United States and an extraordinary journey of personal transformation under the guidance of Native American Healers. However, the end of her time of motherhood coincided tragically with the sudden death of one of her daughters and so her odyssey was to become far sadder and more urgent than she could have imagined. HEALING QUEST is the fascinating description of Marie Herbert's inner and outer journey of the heart. Vivid portraits of the people she met along the way are combined with honest accounts of the change in her feelings - together with ideas about how the readers, too, may learn from what she experienced and so gain insights into his or own life, whether in practical, emotional or spiritual terms.

Little Book Of Confident Children: How to Have Strong Confident Children (Mars And Venus Ser.)

by John Gray

John Gray provides ultimate little tips for parenting, honoring the unique bond that exists between parents and children. You will find inspiring tips to help you from when your child is first born right through to their teens.

Why Women Talk and Men Walk: How to Improve Your Relationship Without Discussing It

by Patricia Love Steven Stosny

You know how it can get when a relationship turns sour. Women want to talk things through. Men want to walk away and ignore the problem. By explaining that it is the fundamental differences between men and women that can make relationships so hard, authors Patricia Love and Steven Stosny reveal that the key to a great relationship is rediscovering and maintaining the spark that brought you and your partner together. By following their groundbreaking techniques you will learn how to engage with your partner and reignite the feelings you had when you first met.

The 7 Day Parent Coach: Halve the stress, double your energy and become a great parent

by Lorraine Thomas

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding, most important jobs you'll ever do in your life - and it's also the most challenging. A growing number of parents are seeking professional help from parent coaches to help them cope with the struggles of family life.Lorraine Thomas, the UK's leading parent coach has written this book based on her extensive experience and expertise. Her approach is unique. She doesn't offer general advice, counselling or therapy, but instead provides a practical framework for parents to focus on solutions to common family problems and develop tailor-made strategies to help achieve them within a manageable timeframe - just 7 days.With accessible advice on the top problems that all parents are faced with, The 7-Day Parent Coach also offers information on: - how to communicate with your children- how to deal with the guilt of being a working parent- how to survive the family evening 'arsenic hours'And much more! This is the essential guide for all twenty-first century parents.

Calmer Sutra

by Ann Summers

With the kind of raunchy approach you would expect from Ann Summers, this unabashed cartoon version of the world's most famous sex manual reveals the amusing truth about what really goes on in the bedroomThe Kama Sutra says that sex can sometimes give us a glimpse of heaven. The Calmer Sutra demonstrates that the Elephant Posture and the Yawning can just as easily result in an embarrassing situation.

Practical Miracles For Mars And Venus: How To Change Your Life For Lasting Love, Increased Success And Vibrant Health

by John Gray

From the best selling author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, a practical guide on how to live your life in these times of tremendous change.In Practical Miracles for Mars And Venus, renowned self-help guru John Gray turns his successful healing advice to how we live in modern times and gives news advice on Love and all relationships- from couples and friends, to parents and beyond. He explains the amazing benefits of committing to change and returning to what’s most important in order to create a life of lasting love, health and happiness. He also practical principles to live by, including:·Love as if you have never been hurt before-positive thinking·Dance as if no one is watching-vulnerability·Work as if you don’t need the money- responsibility ·Believe as if miracles can happen-acceptanceIn Practical Miracles for Mars And Venus, John Gray provides the ultimate guide for lasting love, increased success and vibrant health in the new millennium.

The Road He Travelled: The Revealing Biography of M Scott Peck

by Arthur Jones

M. Scott Peck was hailed as 'a prophet to the Seventies' when The Road Less Travelled was published. His book spent in excess of 10 years on the New York Times bestseller list - longer than achieved by any other living author. Millions of readers understood his message that life is difficult and that it is by overcoming a constant stream of problems that personal and spiritual fulfilment is attainable, operating at the interface of psychology and theology. M. Scott Peck died in 2005 from Parkinsons Disease, having recently divorced his wife, Lily, after 40 years of marriage. The Road He Travelled makes sense of the fascinating paradoxes associated with his life and work - modern guru, bad father and husband, excellent writer, self-centred prophet, genuine seeker, a decent person trying sometimes to be better, the wounded carer, the healing physician, the great encourager...

Wayne Dyer - How To Manifest Your Hearts Desire: How To Manifest Your Heart's Desires

by Leon Nacson

Dr. Wayne Dyer is one of the most widely read, internationally renowned authors in the field of personal development. He has written many bestselling books, including Everysy Wisdom, Your Erroneous Zones, real Magic and Your Sacred Self, developed a number of audio and video tapes and appeared on thousands of television and radio programmes worldwide. In this engaging book, he gives straight answers to the most frequent questions he is asked on matters of personal growth, self-help, relationships, abundance and on creating miracles for yourself. Dyer Straight is essential reading for anyone interested in getting to the core of Wayne Dyer's thoughts and his message to the world.

How to do Relationships: A step-by-step guide to nurturing your relationship and making love last

by Anjula Mutanda Relate

The course of true love isn’t always smooth, but rocky relationships needn’t be a recurring pattern. Part of the bestselling Relate series, this guide will help you learn what makes relationships work, where they can falter, and how you can maintain a lasting, meaningful and loving connection. - Discover how your personalities and past experiences affect you both - Break negative patterns to build a happier foundation - Navigate relationship choices, such as moving in together, marriage and starting a family - Overcome any relationship obstacle with problem-solving techniques With guidance and support on every aspect of loving relationships, from the moment you meet ‘the one’ to growing old together, this positive and accessible book is the ultimate relationship guide.

The Five Lessons Of Life: A Powerful Spiritual Odyssey

by Bill Adams

An inspiring, beautifully written, true story, this extraordinary book is the account of how the author, Bill Adams, went walking in the Himalayas where he met a mysterious local man of the mountains who gradually imparted his five 'Lessons of Life', before disappearing. These lessons concern how to know youself better, how to fulfil your needs, how to become more effective in everything you do, how to deal with problems, and guidance on your behaviour with others. After searching for and dispairing of ever finding the man again, Adams is visited in New Delhi by a computer engineer who, by an extraordinary coincidence, brings a message from the guru, a message Adams cannot refuse: it is now time to share the Five Lessons of Life.

Ballet Beautiful: Transform Your Body And Gain The Strength, Grace, And Focus Of A Ballet Dancer

by Mary Helen Bowers

Get the strong, toned and graceful figure of a dancer – without the rigorous training! Mary Helen Bowers has helped tone and sculpt the bodies of a whole host of celebrities, including Natalie Portman for her role in Black Swan, plus Liv Tyler, Zooey Deschanel and Helena Christensen. Now, in this fantastic fitness guide, she reveals her exercise, diet and lifestyle plan for transforming your whole body. - Achieve the long, toned and powerful body shape of a dancer - Target trouble areas, such as legs, bum and tummy - Get a dancer's beautiful posture and elegance - Lose weight and turn fat into muscle - Radically transform your physique - Noticeable results in just 14 days

The Road Less Travelled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth (Arrow New-age Ser.)

by M. Scott Peck

Confronting and solving problems is a painful process which most of us attempt to avoid. Avoiding resolution results in greater pain and an inability to grow both mentally and spiritually. Drawing heavily on his own professional experience, Dr M. Scott Peck, a psychiatrist, suggests ways in which facing our difficulties - and suffering through the changes - can enable us to reach a higher level of self-understanding. He discusses the nature of loving relationships: how to distinguish dependency from love; how to become one's own person and how to be a more sensitive parent.This is a book that can show you how to embrace reality and yet achieve serenity and a richer existence. Hugely influential, it has now sold over ten million copies - and has changed many people's lives round the globe. It may change yours.

Creating True Peace: Ending Conflict in Yourself, Your Community and the World

by Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh has been the world's foremost peace activist for the past four decades. A highly respected Buddhist spiritual leader who is also a philosopher, scholar and student of human nature, he is, in many ways, very similar to the Dalai Lama. His unrivalled knowledge, wisdom and experience of peacemaking - a subject that he has very much made his own ever since he took a non-violent stance on the Vietnam War - make him the perfect candidate to talk authoritatively on this very topical subject. Creating True Peace is his most definitive book on peacemaking to date. In this remarkable manifesto he shows conflict to be an inappropriate response that we can no longer afford on a personal or global level. He also offers practical - previously unpublished - spiritual training for individual and world peace which reveals the powerful daily actions and interactions that can root out conflict from us all. 'Thich Nhat Hanh shows us the connection between personal, inner peace and peace on earth' Dalai Lama'Among Buddhist leaders influential in the West, Thich Nhat Hanh ranks second only to the Dalai Lama' New York Times

Super Brain: Unleashing the explosive power of your mind to maximize health, happiness and spiritual well-being

by Dr Deepak Chopra Rudolph E. Tanzi

Two pioneers in health - Dr Deepak Chopra and Prof Rudolph E. Tanzi, one of the world's foremost experts on the causes of Alzheimer's - share a bold new understanding of the brain and a prescriptive plan for how we can use it to achieve physical, mental and spiritual well-being. In his bestselling books Ageless Body, Timeless Mind and Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul, Deepak Chopra reveals 'the forgotten miracle' - the body's infinite capacity for change and renewal. Now, Chopra focuses his attention on a part of the body undergoing intense study and radical reevaluation: the brain. No one is better able to share the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience than preeminent neurologist Rudolph E. Tanzi and, together, Chopra and Tanzi present a new vision of the brain together with a practical plan for how to use it to achieve higher levels of success and fulfilment. They contend that by using techniques and skills such as mindfulness, intention and meditation, we can create new neural pathways in the brain. Thus, we can transform it into our most powerful tool for achieving health, happiness and enlightenment.

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