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Showing 5,601 through 5,625 of 10,365 results

Eternal Echoes: Exploring Our Hunger To Belong

by John O'Donohue

There is a divine restlessness in the human heart today, an eternal echo of longing that lives deep within us and never lets us settle for what we have or where we are. Now, in this exquisitely crafted, inspirational book, John O'Donohue explores that most basic of human desires - the desire to belong. It is a desire that constantly draws us towards new possibilities of self-discovery, friendship and creativity. In Eternal Echoes John O'Donohue embarks upon a journey of discovery into the heart of our post-modern world - a hungry, homeless world that suffers from a deep sense of isolation and fragmentation. With the thousand-year-old shelter of divine belonging now shattered, we seem to have lost our way in this magical, wondrous universe. Here, as we explore perennial themes and gain insight from a range of ancient beliefs, we draw inspiration from Ireland's rich spiritual heritage of Celtic thought and imagination. It is a heritage of profound, mystical wisdom that will open pathways to peace and contentment, and lead us to live with creativity, honour and compassion the one life that has been given to us.Destined to become a timeless classic of vision and hope, this is an imaginative tour de force by one of today's most inspirational writers.

Anam Cara: Spiritual Wisdom from the Celtic World

by John O'Donohue

When St Patrick came to Ireland in the 5th century AD, he encountered the Celtic people and a flourishing spiritual tradition that had already existed for thousands of years. He also discovered that where the Christians worshipped one God, the Celts had many and found divinity all around them: in the rivers, hills, sea and sky. The ancient Celtic reverence for the spirit in all things survives today - a vibrant legacy of mystical wisdom that is unique in the Western world. Now, in this exquisite book, Irish poet and schollar John O'Donohue shares with us the secrets of this ancient world. Using authentic Irish prayers and blessings, he reveals the treasures that lie hidden within your own soul and the 'secret divinity' in your relationships. As he traces the cycles of life and nature, he draws from the holy waters of Ireland's spiritual heritage to lead you to a place where your heart can be healed and nourished. It is a place wher you will disocer your own anam cara, your true 'soul friend'.

Conamara Blues

by John O'Donohue

Conamara in the West of Ireland has a strange and beautiful landscape - a landscape of intense contrasts uniquely dependent on light and shade. In daylight, a subtle radiance of gentle colours envelops the place. Yet on the threshold of darkness, the fading light reveals an almost haunted vista of mysterious beauty.In this exquisitely crafted collection of poetry, John O'Donohue evokes the vital energy and rhythm of the Conamara landscape, engaging with earth, sky and sea, and the majestic mountains that silently preside over this glorious region. Here too, as he draws upon the ancient memory and history of this sacred place, he focuses upon the power of language and the vagaries of human need and passion, tenderly revealing the fragile vulnerability of love and friendship.Written with penetrating insight and a deftness of touch, Conamara Blues offers a unique, imaginative vision of a landscape steeped in mystery and legend - a landscape of hope and possibility that is at once both familiar and unknown.

The Luck Factor: The Scientific Study of the Lucky Mind

by Richard Wiseman

Why do some people lead happy successful lives whilst other face repeated failure and sadness? Why do some find their perfect partner whilst others stagger from one broken relationship to the next? What enables some people to have successful careers whilst others find themselves trapped in jobs they detest? And can unlucky people do anything to improve their luck - and lives? Ten years ago, Professor Richard Wiseman decided to search for the elusive luck factor by investigating the actual beliefs and experiences of lucky and unlucky people. The results reveal a radical new way of looking at luck. In this book, Wiseman identifies the four simple behavioural techniques that have been scientifically proven to help you attract good fortune. He then shows how you can use these methods to revolutionise every area of your life - including your relationships, personal finances and career.

Did You Spot The Gorilla?: How To Recognise The Hidden Opportunities

by Richard Wiseman

In a recent series of ground-breaking psychological experiments, volunteers were shown a 30-second film of some people playing basketball and told to count the number of passes made with the ball. After just a few seconds, a man dressed as a gorilla slowly walked into frame, beat his chest at the camera, and sauntered off. Unbelievably, almost none of the people watching the film noticed the gorilla. Exactly the same psychological mechanisms that cause people to miss the gorilla also make them miss unexpected but vitally important opportunities in their professional and personal lives. This book outlines the scientific evidence and thinking behind this remarkable new phenomenon, and shows you how you can spot gorillas in your life - and what to do when you see one.

Radical Acceptance: Awakening the Love that Heals Fear and Shame

by Tara Brach

'Radical Acceptance offers us an invitation to embrace ourselves with all our pain, fear and anxieties, and to step lightly yet firmly on the path of understanding and compassion. Please enjoy this nourishing and healing book.' Thich Nhat HanhIn the West, most of us have suffered the fear of not being 'good enough', feeling insecure about our appearance, our sexuality, our intelligence, our spiritual progress or - often most importantly - being worthy of love. When these feelings of insufficiency or self-aversion are strong, we fear abandonment and rejection. Many people have already found the Buddhist perspective on our emotional life to be extremely valuable - and this book will be a major practical contribution to the subject.

Stop Arguing, Start Talking: The 10 Point Plan for Couples in Conflict (Relate Guides Ser.)

by Susan Quilliam

For some people, an argument with a loved one is a catastrophe, a sign that a relationship must surely be over, for others a heated discussion is a way of letting off steam, a way of ensuring that passion is kept alive. But what is 'normal' communication for couples? How can you get past the raised voices or silent disapproval, to listen and understand what is really being said by your partner? Relationships change over time, and the way we communicate does too. This practical, readable and sometimes humorous book, based on over 60 years of cumulative experience from Relate, the marriage guidance experts, will help couples to break free of old patterns of behaviour and avoid using words as weapons when the going gets tough. It will help encourage upfront discussion rather than resorting to nagging, and will give you the skills you need to understand what your partner is really trying to say to you - to bring discussion rather than confrontation back into your relationships.

The Future Of Buddhism

by Sogyal Rinpoche

In this fascinating collection of articles, Sogyal Rinpoche, author of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, draws on his experience of twenty-five years of teaching in the West. In The Future of Buddhism, he reflects on some of the vital issues facing Buddhism in the modern world, issues such as adaptation, training, integration and the support of the sangha. He highlights the role of mind in health in The Spiritual Heart of Tibetan Medicine, delving into the practices of 'lojong' - training the mind - and meditation, and the ultimate healing that comes through recognizing the nature of mind. Finally, Rinpoche gives advice on how to survive the spiritual path in View and Wrong View and Misunderstandings. For when we follow a spiritual path, it is more important than ever to see through the mind and its delusions, and to know just how misunderstandings can come to dominate our lives.

P.U.S.H. for Success

by Saira Khan

Loud, gutsy and ballsy, Saira Khan won the hearts of the nation in the first series of the smash hit BBC2 TV programme The Apprentice. In P.U.S.H. for Success Saira shares the secrets of her success.Saira has already proved herself to be highly motivated and brilliant at inspiring people to recognise and realise their full potential. Coming from a strict Muslim background - her parents and her brother were all born in Pakistan before emigrating to the United Kingdom - she has had to work hard to throw off the stereotypical image young Muslim women have and to prove herself in twenty-first century Britain. Using Saira's unique four-pronged approach - P = Be Proactive; U = Understanding; S = Sell Yourself; H = High Standards - and written in her lively, inimitable style, P.U.S.H. for Success will let some of the Saira factor into your life.

Turn-Around: When Your Life is in Crisis

by Mary-Alice Jafolla Richard Jafolla

Here is a book for people at the very end of their tethers and desperate. From positive thinking to positive prayer, they feel they have tried everything yet remain tortured by a situation which has resisted every attempt to get rid of it.Nobody can wave a magic wand but if your own life is in crisis, help at last is in your hands. Whatever the situation you face, illness, addiction, financial ruin, unhappy relationship, Turn-Around will be a close companion, a concerned, worldly-wise uncle and aunt to take you through the practical steps that will lead to your overcoming your trauma and transforming your life.Written from a psychologically sound and spiritually centered perspective, this is not a religious tract but rather a spirited and earnest book written with compassion as well as humour. Succinct and to the point, it delivers the sort of straightforward help for which you have been starved. We guarantee genuine and even dramatic results.

Aromatherapy An A-Z: The most comprehensive guide to aromatherapy ever published

by Patricia Davis

This is the most comprehensive encyclopaedia of aromatherapy available today, with over 400 entries covering more than 200 conditions, and 82 essential oils. It explains the properties of essential oils and the health conditions that benefit from them. There is also advice on hazardous oils. There are recipes and formulae for baths, creams and tonics. All the entries are comprehensive, fluently written and provide an easy-to-understand introduction to a wide range of topics.'The simple fact that the a-z has sold over 300,000 copies worldwide since it was first published speaks for itself. It has earned and kept its place amongst the handful of indispensable reference books on aromatherapy ... this book has been justly subtitled 'the aromatherapist's Bible' - Aromatherapy Quarterly'... one of the most thoroughly researched books written on aromatherapy' - The International Journal of Aromatherapy

The Natural Way For Dogs And Cats: Natural treatments, remedies and diet for your pet

by Midi Fairgrieve

As more and more people are choosing natural medicine for themselves, they are also seeking it for their pets. This book tells you everything you need to know about natural health care for dogs and cats, including:·How to make a fresh, balanced natural diet for your pet·How natural medicine works and why you should choose to use it·Which treatments and remedies are available for animals·Which conditions respond best to which treatments·Using herbs , food supplements and natural remedies for specific ailments·How to treat a variety of common complaints safely and effectively at home·What to include in a natural first-aid kit·Where to find a practitioner to treat your pet·How to give your pet a healthier, happier, and longer lifeFilled with practical help, The Natural Way for Dogs and Cats details simple and effective cures for a variety of common complaints. From skin problems and arthritis, to behavioral problems and digestive disorders, this book will help you chose the most effective treatment or remedy for your pet. It describes in detail the major holistic treatments for animals, including acupuncture, herbs, aromatherapy, chiropractic, flower remedies, healing, homeopathy, and nutrition. If you’re looking for healthy alternatives to commercial pet foods, drugs or surgery, but do not know where to start, this inspirational book is for you – and your pet!

The Crystal Healer: A Guide to Understanding Crystals and their Healing Gifts

by Marianna Sheldrake

At last - a book that explains the mysteries of Crystal Healing in a language that anyone can understand. Marianna Sheldrake has been healing with crystals for over twenty years. Now she shares her understanding and knowledge without the trappings of obscure terminology.Her fresh approach to this subject offers advice and instruction to the novice and practitioner alike. She takes the reader on a journey of exploration, from choosing a crystal to understanding its relationship with the universal energies.

Horses Talking: How to share healing messages with the horses in your life

by Margrit Coates

Following the success of 'Healing for Horses', in this book, Margrit Coates explains how readers can learn to interact with equines on a deep level. She gives practical advice on how to tune into your horse and understand what he or she is trying to communicate to you about wellbeing. You will discover how to sense what your horse is feeling and when it is healthy or suffering. You will also learn how to exchange healing messages, soul to soul, with your horse in order to improve their health and yours, and to strengthen the bond between you. Included are many fascinating case histories of horses and those who care for them, showing how they have mutually benefited by learning to open channels of communication. Intended for every horse owner, rider and handler - and the many thousands of people around the world who work with horses including vets, complementary therapists, grooms, stable hands, trainers, instructors and breeders. This book is for anyone who loves horses.

Rituals For An Enchanted Life: Simple steps to make your world wonderful

by Lynn Williams

Many people are searching for ways to bring richness and meaning back into their lives. Rituals provide powerful tools for doing this, and for facilitating personal transformation and spiritual development. As well as providing opportunities for peace and focus in a busy day, they encourage reconnection with the world around us, and with ourselves. Rituals for an Enchanted Life will help us to energise, connect with, process and release or anchor our thoughts and feelings. They include--Rituals for use at home, creating sanctuaries, attracting positive energies --Ways to create magical places - using altars as personal 'power points'--Empowering rituals for improving relationships, for enhancing or changing them --Ways to release negativity and achieve personal goals--Rituals for use at work, in the office, and throughout the year-

Fast Track to Happiness: From fed-up to fabulous in ten days

by Lynda Field

Each of us wants to be happy but we often don't know where to start and how to continue: we need a good plan to encourage us step by step along the way. Fast Track to Happiness offers just such a plan to create and attract joy into your life.Using the very latest research in medicine, psychology and social science, combined with Lynda Field's accessible, practical style, this remarkable book offers not only clear guidelines to the reader but also interesting exercises, quizzes and checklists to enable you to work out what is going wrong.By the end of the book you will be able to:* Find your own strengths* Become an optimist* Discover what's holding you back* Get yourself onto the right path* Identify your purpose* Learn how relaxation is a key * Begin to feel fabulous* Turn towards happiness for the rest of your life

Weekend Love Coach: How to Get the Love You Want in 48 Hours

by Lynda Field

'Weekend Love Coach' is written in the friendly and interactive style of 'Weekend Life Coach' and includes tips, strategies, exercises, questionnaires, relaxation techniques, with many celebrity case histories. 'Weekend Love Coach' shows you how to get smart about how relationships really work. Why do some people seem to have everything going for them; how can they be so positive and brimming with enthusiasm as well as have brilliant relationships? Did these people just get lucky in love as well as in everything else? These people are no different from you; they have no special tricks up their sleeve, they just decided that they deserved the very best that life and love could offer and they got clear about their goals and then they went for them! 'Weekend Love Coach' offers you the chance to get your love life in order once and for all! First allocate some time to spend alone relaxing with this book and focusing on you and your needs. Put yourself first, and have a 48-hour personal love-coaching session-for only £7.99!

Weekend Life Coach: How to get the life you want in 48 hours

by Lynda Field

Snappy, feisty and fun - and full of brilliant ideas, questionnaires, exercises and strategies, Weekend Life Coach is the book to re-motivate and inspire even the most depressed and hopeless!Weekend Life Coach shows you how to take advantage of stress-free time, not only to relax but also to concentrate on your own needs, dreams and goals, and transform any aspect of your life - how to be more confident, lose weight, have great relationships, make a new career move, increase your finances or just to be happy in your own skin. Following her unique no pressure/high enjoyment approach, Lynda Field shows that all you need is some quiet time for yourself, a comfortable chair and the desire to take control of your life, and Weekend Life Coach will provide the rest.Change is easy when you can unwind and focus on yourself, so just make the most of this special, personal time and take this golden opportunity to step into your fabulous new life.

Living On The Seabed: A memoir of love, life and survival

by Lindsay Nicholson

'The morning after John's death, I remember feeling absolutely enraged that the world had kept turning and the sun had come up as if nothing had happened.'Lindsay Nicholson and her husband, the Observer journalist John Merritt, were regarded as a golden couple. But their world was turned upside down when John contracted leukaemia. His death at the age of 35 left Nicholson bereft with grief, now the single parent of two beautiful daughters. Then, in a tragic twist of fate, her elder daughter Ellie also contracted the same disease, dying shortly after. Nicholson found that nothing could prepare her for the emotions she was feeling. In this courageous and heart-rending memoir, Lindsay Nicholson reflects on her grieving process and the battle she faced to survive it. Her resilience and spirited determination are an inspiration to us all.

Compassionate Coaching: How to Heal Your Life and Make Miracles Happen

by Arielle Essex

This surprisingly generous book maps out an incredibly effective, easy-to-follow framework for guiding you through the process of turning your dreams into reality. It also adds valuable learning tools and provides essential back-up material for coaching clients. The carefully designed format leads you gently from creating a compelling outcome, increasing your motivation to achieve it, appreciating your gifts, becoming more aligned with your heart, and then clearing whatever holds you back. Using lots of real life stories to illustrate each topic, this book can help you manifest miracles happening in your life.

The GI Plan: Lose weight forever

by Azmina Govindji Nina Puddefoot

The glycaemic index (GI) is one of the hottest topics in weight loss today. Like Atkins, it's based on carbohydrates but unlike Atkins it's based on the quality of the carbs and allows much more flexibility for the dieter. This book uses GI in a groundbreaking fashion: simply by adding up the GiP value of each food and keeping to an allocated number of GiPs a day, it's possible to lose weight quickly, effortlessly, enjoyably - and permanently. Unlike other diet books, this is not about avoiding foods - it's about eating what you want within healthy boundaries. Importantly, it's about balancing your meal - by eating certain foods together, you can ensure you get a healthy, delicious and low-GI meal - and lose those kilos.

The Secrets Of Happiness: 100 Ways To True Fulfilment

by Ben Renshaw

The Secrets of Happiness is essential reading for anyone looking for true fulfilment and peace of mind, which are often hard to find in life today. A fresh approach in pocket book form, full of witty and practical tips, this delightful book brings succinct advice from a master - written in a positive, uplifting and inspiring style.

Prescriptions For Living: Inspirational Lessons for a Joyful, Loving Life (Prescriptions For Living Ser.)

by Dr Bernie Siegel

A pioneer in mind-body medicine, Dr Bernie Siegel has led the way in demonstrating how a positive attitude and an ability to give and receive love can influence our health, our ability to heal and most importantly, the quality of our lives. In this extraordinary book he addresses all of us who are seeking a more joyful and productive life, and uses personal anecdotes and touching stories that go far beyond his previous work. Full of wise insights and Siegel's deep compassion, Prescriptions for Living undoubtedly has the ability to transform our lives.

Peace, Love And Healing: Bodymind Communication And The Path To Self-healing (Arrow New-age Ser.)

by Dr Bernie Siegel

Full of inspiring stories of patients who have achieved remissions and miraculous cures for illnesses such as mulitple sclerosis and cancer, Dr Siegel shows us how emotions such as love, hope, joy and peace of mind have strong physiological effects on each of us, as do depression and dispair. Peace, Love and Healing teaches us to be receptive to the messages our mind gives our body through dreams and symbols, and how to view illness as a 'reset button' enabling us to redirect our lives. Equally importantly the book explains how to give your body healing messages therough the use of meditation, visualization and relaxation. Although the important role of modern medicine is recognised, Bernie Siegel offers us many examples and case studies of the remarkable results that we can achieve through body-mind communication and reiterates his essential point - that love heals.

Sam The Magic Genie

by Brian Mayne

An enchanting adventure tale which shows by analogy how positive thoughts can enrich and actively change all of our lives. The main character, a boy called Joseph, struggles with life and feelings of being unloved, when lo and behold Sam the magic genie appears to take him on a journey of his mind! Flying around Joseph's mind on a magic carpet, Sam teaches Joseph about positive thinking and how negative thoughts lead to negative consequences. Joseph learns how to achieve happiness and well being even in the face of fear and doubt. Sam the Magic Genie is clear and concise in its teachings and practical in application. It offers a brand new approach to positive thinking helping adults and children alike to create and steer change within their lives through the power of thought.'Think about what you want, not what you fear'

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