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The Death of God: The Culture of our Post-Christian Era (Insurrections: Critical Studies In Religion, Politics And Culture)

by Gabriel Vahanian

“The most exciting theological book I have read in many years. In some ways, it is a parallel to Karl Barth’s Römerbrief.”—RUDOLF BULTMANN“An unhesitating, unflinching analysis of an age which, Vahanian believes, has no concerns even to deny God…a cultural analysis of the religious, political, artistic, literary and societal movements of our era.”—PAUL RAMSEY“In his preface to The Death of God, Paul Ramsey, Professor of Religion at Princeton university, explains that we are now in the second phase of the period post-mortem Dei—the first phase was anti-Christian, ours is post-Christian…Vahanian’s message has to do with the ‘dishabilitation’ of the Christian tradition, with its replacement by bourgeois religiosity and a theology of ‘immanentism,’ with the desperate effort of Western culture to shake off the ‘crippling shackles’ of a superannuated piety.“The quality of mind which enters into this book is unique and fascinating…Vahanian is a fierce but eloquent prophet of the Lord.”—ROBERT E. FITCH, New York Times Book Review

Deep is the Hunger: Meditations for Apostles of Sensitiveness

by Howard Thurman

Howard Thurman, the Pastor of The Church for the Fellowship of all Peoples, was one of San Francisco’s most sought-after preachers at college chapels. His contribution to the large audiences he addressed each year across the country and to his own inter-racial congregation consisted not only of prophetic quality, but also of an ability to lead a group into an atmosphere of devotion.In Deep is the Hunger: Meditations for Apostles of Sensitiveness, Dr. Thurman provides the devotional reader with twenty-five working papers for meditations, which grew out of his weekly messages at The Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples. The book is divided into four parts: (1) A sense of history; (2) A sense of self; (3) A sense of presence; and (4) For the quiet time.“The attempt is not to set forth a connected series of observations or reflections, but rather to throw a shaft of light on aspects of thought, of life, of religious experience, as they are encountered in the daily round.”—Howard Thurman, Preface“This is a book of rare quality, indeed, admirably suited for use during the season for personal or group devotions…Dr. Thurman has an unusual and extraordinary gift for using the penetrating word, phrase and illustration…This book and the meditations deal with problems everyone can all relate to…One of the best devotional books of the year.”—Kirkus Review

Deliverance from Fear and Sickness

by Oral Roberts

MIRACLE OF THE LENGTHENED LEGI SAW LITTLE WILLIE LOOKING SO lost and helpless. Something got hold of me, and I entered the room. I said, “Son, do you want to be healed?”Little Willie said, “Yes sir!”I was too tired to pray, so I just reached out with my forefinger and touched his forehead and prayed a brief prayer in the name of Jesus of Nazareth for God to heal the deformed leg of Willie Phelps. Then I left the building.The next day, Willie couldn’t go to school, because he had built-up shoe wouldn’t fit him. God had lengthened his leg two and one-half inches overnight. His mother took him to town and brought a normal pair of shoes, and for the first time in four years he walked without his crutches and without a limp.Willie arrived at school late that morning and when he walked in on normal shoes without his crutches, he almost broke up the school. He told his class what the Lord had done for him, and the teacher put her head down on the desk and cried like a baby….So Oral Roberts tells in his never-to-be-forgotten style the story of God’s mighty works in Deliverance From Fear and From Sickness.

The Divine Comforter: The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

by J. Pentecost

“...he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever.”—John 14:16Personal, intimate fellowship between the believer and the Spirit is essential for spiritual growth. God’s purpose in redemption is to bring believers into fellowship with Himself. He has therefore given the believer a mind to know Him, a heart to love Him, and a Person to commune with him—the person of the Holy Spirit.Internationally known author and Bible teacher J. Dwight Pentecost examines the Person and ministry of the Holy Spirit in this thorough yet practical work that seeks to know the Spirit’s work in daily life. “It is my desire,” he writes, “to bring you face-to-face with a Person so that you might enjoy fellowship with Him.”Some of the subjects discussed in the eighteen chapters of this work include the nature of the Spirit, the filling of the Spirit, the baptism of the Spirit, the Spirit and the inspiration of Scripture, the witness of the Spirit to the world, and gifts of the Spirit.

A Do-It-Yourself Retreat: How To Bring Out the Real Good In You

by Joseph Hogan

The do-it-yourself appeal which is somewhat popular today is not just a fad. It meets the basic need in man to be creative.This DO-IT-YOURSELF RETREAT makes the same appeal to your highest creative instincts.However, in this case, you are shown not how to make some thing, but HOW TO BRING OUT THE REAL GOOD IN YOU and make yourself into the truly great person that God intended you to be. These pages will help you to discover who you really are, and the discovery will prove to be encouraging and consoling.Although you are doing-it-yourself, this retreat follows a time-tested and approved method. It is progressive. Step by step it helps you to bring out the potential for all the goodness and greatness which is present in you.You are also following a mystery story—these are God’s mysteries—so you do not peek at the chapters ahead. One step at a time is best, and God be with you on the way.This book is for...Those who have never made a retreat, and those to whom the word may sound strange or even forbidding. I think you will like it, and though you start it as an experiment, you may find it so interesting and worthwhile that you will want the fuller and richer experience at a retreat house.Those who would like to make a closed retreat but cannot, especially God’s beloved sick and suffering and those in the evening of life.Those who have made a retreat and who would like to retain the clarity of vision and the peace of soul it gave them.Husbands and wives who would like to make a retreat at home, either together or individually. It can help to oneness in outlook.Finally, but finally only for emphasis, this book is for students who are making an open retreat and want a companion book—collateral reading—to keep them in the spirit of the retreat.

A Fairy Tale Wedding: Jubiläumsedition Zum 102. Todesjahr Von Karl May (Correct Times)

by Peggy D.  Mercer

He's popped the question. The ring is on your finger. Now comes the stressful part. You want to throw the wedding of your dreams, but you?re not Donald Trump's kid. What do you do? Statistics say the average wedding costs $20,000. Most young girls dream of the fairy tale wedding: long white gown, 8 bridesmaids, a sit-down dinner, the band everyone dances to. Many brides have been dreaming about their wedding day since childhood. These dreams come with an expensive price tag and the realisation of their fairytale day may be distant. Although weddings are very costly today, your dream day can happen. I am going to share some tips to cut corners and save money without making huge sacrifices. By taking the time to plan and investigate, you will be amazed at the amount of money that you save. Would you arrive at an interview for your dream job without prior preparation? No, you would not and that is why preparation and research will make your wedding a success without re-mortgaging the house! It's only natural to want the Cinderella fantasy wedding, complete with ice sculptures, a heavenly cake, and thousands of guests who've flown in from around the world to enjoy the accompanying dinner. It's only human to cry at the bill that this dream can rack up. Costs can add up quickly. Factor in the meal, the liquor, the music, the dress, the flowers, the photographer, the decorations and the dream wedding can seem way out of your league. But it doesn't have to be. How can the average person have a beautiful wedding with all the bells and whistles on a working person's salary? Perhaps the three letters/words that say it best are DIY (do it yourself!) Spending your life savings on your big day is crazy. You can have elegant, beautiful weddings without breaking the bank. Having a cheap wedding doesn't mean giving up style or sentimentality. It means using your imagination, using your own hands or the help of friends and family. Ask anyone you know to help out. Almost everyone will be happy to oblige. They'll be part of your special day which makes them special as well! This book will give you the best tips and tricks from the experts to cut costs without cutting class and sophistication. No one will know that your budget equals the grocery bill of a family of four. They'll be oblivious as they toast the new couple and enjoy a party to put all other party's to shame! We'll explore ways to save on all aspects of your wedding. Don't think you have to give up anything because it can all be covered. All it takes is the cooperation of your family and friends coupled with a little positive self-talk and perseverance. I have been married twice (don't worry, I got it right the second time!) For both of my weddings, I had amazing ceremonies and receptions for around $2,000. They were the talk of the town both now and then. Throughout this book, I will tell you what we did to save money and still have an amazing wedding / reception. Hopefully, you can gain some insight into a dream event for not a lot of money just like we had! Enjoy your ebook"A FAIRY TALE WEDDING (ON A SHOESTRING BUDGET)!"

Fortunes For All

by Vash Young

HOW TO BE HAPPIER AND MORE SUCCESSFUL BY SIMPLE CHANGES IN MENTAL ATTITUDEThis is the sixth book Vash Young has written to share with others the philosophy responsible for the success and happiness he has enjoyed. His other books were bestsellers, and FORTUNES FOR ALL is undoubtedly his most important work. First published in 1959, it written during Vash Young’s active retirement at the age of 70, when he was able to look back over his amazing life and career and speak with the voice of one who conquered the obstacles of fear, inhibition, and failure to become the successful salesman of $80 million worth of life insurance and lead a full, rich life by applying his philosophy for happiness.“I know I have a good key to happiness because I have used it personally with almost unbelievable results.”“This state of mind has not grown old and useless. It is more potent within me today than back in the depression years when I was changing the thinking of thousands of distressed individuals.”“…we can see the human body, which has a chemical value of approximately 97 cents. But we do not see the thinking which motivates a human body. This thinking may be worth $500,000.”“All of the scientific advances being made are of very little use to the individual and his personal problems….Self-help is what he needs most of all, and that is what I am trying to supply in this book.”FORTUNES FOR ALL seeks to bring together the background, philosophy and methods that had secured Vash Young’s fortune as a handbook for generations to follow.

The Four Hundred Years: From Malachi to Matthew

by Harry Ironside

With the publication of The Four Hundred Years Silent Years in 1914, author Henry A. Ironside himself stated that he “sought to trace the history to the same people through the years of waiting that elapsed from the time when the voice of inspiration ceased until the heavens resounded with the glad announcement of ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men,’ thus heralding Messiah’s long-promised advent.“It will be observed that my object has been, not merely to give a chronological outline of events, or a series of biographical sketches, but to trace throughout lessons and warnings for any who today, as those in the days of Nehemiah, have sought to return to and obey the word of God, in separation from the infidelity and apostasy of the times. Such are exposed to similar dangers—though of a spiritual character—as those which confronted the Jews. From their history we may therefore obtain valuable suggestions, and by carefully considering the causes of their failures, be preserved from falling into the same snares.“History repeats itself in manifold ways, and he who is wise will not despise its instruction. ‘Happy is the man that feareth alway;’ for he who thinks he stands, is the one who is exhorted to take heed lest he fall.”

The Game of Life and How to Play It: How To Make It Work For You With Updated Material (Dover Empower Your Life Ser.)

by Florence Scovel Shinn

Informal, friendly, and humorous, this little book has inspired thousands since its 1925 publication. Its practical examples show how positive attitudes can make you a "winner" in life. Self-improvement expert Norman Vincent Peale endorsed it as an essential guide, helping readers to "find prosperity, solve problems, have better health."Written by an artist and teacher in an entertaining, easy-to-read style, this volume presents brief, concise instructions. Author Florence Scovel Shinn draws upon Biblical examples to explain the timeless principles behind her recipe for success. Real-life stories of her many clients illustrate how life can be transformed from a losing battle to a winning game.

The Gentlemen's Book of Etiquette: A Manual of Politeness from a Gentler Time

by Cecil B. Hartley

What should you do if you find a bug on your plate? How do you ask someone to dance? What's the least offensive way to enjoy your cigar? These and other questions of social decorum are answered in this classic etiquette book. Published just before the Civil War, this volume offers enduring advice for courtesy-challenged men. Common-sense suggestions for socializing, exercise, flirting, dining, and dressing reveal that the basics of proper behavior haven't changed all that much ― and in situations where they have, today's gentlemen may find something worth learning from their predecessors.Suggestions for the best way to behave, as well as how not to behave, include conduct in the street ("Avoid striking your umbrella against those which pass you"); making calls ("No man in the United States, excepting His Excellency, the President, can expect to receive calls unless he returns them"); and dating ("Any lover-like airs or attitudes, although you may have the right to assume them, are in excessively bad taste in public"). These and other etiquette tips provide intriguing glimpses of nineteenth-century society in addition to a wealth of timeless counsel on behaving with sincerity, dignity, and kindness in our own day and age.

George Fox: The Red-Hot Quaker

by Major Douglas

The story of George Fox’s life suffers from two great disadvantages which the reader should always bear in mind.In the first place, the old, strange, stilted language, used by all in his day, makes it difficult for us to feel as much at home with him as we should do. We must remember that even Salvationists in our own days are tempted when they write to give up their simple, everyday language, and to wrap up their thoughts more fashionably. But those who will try to see George Fox, as he so often was to be found, praising the Lord in a stinking prison cell, will be able in spite of his strange words to grasp his glorious meaning.And then we have also to remind ourselves that he had little chance either to observe or to organize any regular and effective warfare. For over a hundred years England had been victimized by religious discussions until the very idea of real worship had been almost lost. No wonder at poor George’s perplexities when his hungry soul began to long for God, and no wonder that the great note of his whole life thereafter was so largely that of avoiding whatever others did. If he could anywhere have seen how singing processions, flags, music, open-air demonstrations could be used in the power of the Holy Ghost to the salvation of the people; and if he could have been allowed to organize accordingly, all England would have been stirred and perhaps delivered at once from the curses of formalism and spiritual death. But it may be that God only granted him light according to what it was then possible to do. He lived a prophet’s life leaving to us in these days of liberty, not a complete description of our duties, but an example of fearless, devoted service, that, alas, but few have ever attempted to follow.

A Goat for Azazel: A Novel of Christian Origins (Testament Of Man Ser.)

by Vardis Fisher

LUST AND REDEMPTION, SIN AND SALVATION—THE EPIC NOVEL OF A YOUNG ROMAN IN THE FLESHPOTS OF AN ANCIENT WORLD.HE SAW HIS MOTHER BURNED AT THE STAKEThis soul-searching experience changed an innocent young Roman into a pleasure-seeking hedonist lusting for flesh. Yet, there was something about the new religion that obsessed him. What was it that made Christian martyrs go to their deaths with a smile on their lips?...Christ had preached love; only through love could man be re-born. So it was that Damon set out in search of the answers to puzzling riddles about love and lust, the spirit and the flesh, barbarian pantheism and gentle Christianity…The latest in Vardis Fisher’s TESTAMENT OF MAN series. ‘The most ambitious project in present-day fiction!’—The New York Herald TribuneDAMON SOUGHT LOVE—from Levilla, the beautiful young Christian, who withheld her ripe body from him;—from Murdia, the sensualist, who knew how to arouse men with passionate abandon;—from Ayla, the voluptuous dancing girl, whose cloying movements invited a strange relationship;—from the father he never knew; from the religion he yearned to believe in...Here is the fascinating odyssey of a young Roman who sated himself in the dissolute world of the First Century...until he finally found the goal of his quest for love in a new and sublime experience.

God Is My Landlord

by Raymond Jeffreys

Perry Hayden was a Christian who wanted to prove that the law of tithing was in fact the divine law of prosperity. To prove his theory, he set up an experiment in 1940 where he planted one cubic inch of wheat seed. His intention was to tithe the tenth each year from the crop. American industrialist and business magnate Henry Ford became interested in this effort and lent his support by loaning Mr. Hayden farmland in Tecumseh, Michigan to plant on and equipment to harvest his crop with.GOD IS MY LANDLORD, which was first published in 1947 and was dedicated to Henry Ford, who had died in April of that same year, tells the sensational inside story how Perry Hayden and Henry Ford proved through their spectacular Biblical Wheat Experiment that it pays to tithe and share with the Lord.The book contains 32 pages of priceless pictures of Henry Ford taking part in this phenomenal demonstration as his last public activity, as well as many other celebrities from every walk of life. Members of almost every faith, color and creed took part in this world-famous six-year project, which made many Biblical truths a living reality

God Never Fails

by Mary Kupferle

This inspiring book, God Never Fails, is devoted to teaching how you can make your life better by applying Christian principles.First published in 1958, it remains a classic within the Unity movement to this day.

God’s Formula for Success and Prosperity

by Oral Roberts

Here are eleven personal biographies, gathered and edited by G. H. Montgomery, Editor of Oral Roberts’ magazine, HEALING, to dramatically illustrate GOD’S FORMULA FOR SUCCESS AND PROSPERITY, and to prove what the power of God will do for those who use their faith in Him and live according to His laws.These eleven people tried to “out-give God,” and failed, for the more they gave of their substance and themselves, the more God prospered them.Here are eleven inspiring stories which are true. You will read them and enjoy them, and when you are discouraged, and feel that you have been passed by you will read them again and be encouraged. For this is the proof of what Oral Roberts preaches, shown in his lives of men who are unusual only because they believed, they trusted, and they gave what they had without thought of reward—and were prospered.GOD’S REAL ESTATE MANGOD’S PLOWMANGOD’S DAIRY MANGOD’S TOOL AND DIE MAKERGOD’S AUTOMOBILE MANGOD’S CONTRACTORGODS POULTRY MANGOD’S MINISTERING SERVANTGOD’S BANKERGOD’S KEEPER OF THE TOMBGOD’S MAN FOR THIS HOUR

The Gospel of the Holy Twelve: Known Also as The Gospel of the Perfect Life

by Gideon Ouseley

The Gospel of the Holy Twelve is a publication from the early Christian era which was first serialised in The Lindsey and Lincolnshire Star newspaper between July 30, 1898 and March 10, 1901. The first collected edition of essays (or ‘Lections’) by the author, a former clergyman, Rev. Gideon Jasper Richard Ouseley (1834-1906) was published in 1901.The Gospel of the Holy Twelve presents vegetarian versions of traditional teachings and events described in the canonical New Testament. This Christian Dispensation that was pieced together from the most ancient and complete collection of Christian fragments, preserved in one of the Monasteries of the Buddhist monks in Tibet, where it was hidden by some of the Essene community for safety from the hands of the Corrupters and for the first time to be translated from the Aramaic.

Great Interviews of Jesus

by Clarence Macartney

MOST OF THE GREAT UTTERANCES OF JESUS WERE MADE in conversation with individuals. He did, indeed, on occasion preach to the multitudes, but the things which we remember best in his teachings were spoken in these personal interviews with men and women.It is the personal touch and the personal word that counts, and here in these memorable interviews of Jesus we have that personal word and that personal touch. These interviews take in the whole ministry of Christ—heaven, earth, and hell. They strike every chord of human sorrow and temptation and sin and hope, and every chord, too, of the gospel of grace and redemption.—Clarence Edward Macartney

The Heavens Declare

by Prof. Maurice Thaddeus Brackbill

If you thrill at the sight of the heavenly blue backdrop with innumerable silver stars twinkling at you so far below on the spinning earth, come, draw up your chair and share this book. This book is written to give the reader a greater appreciation of the stars in the heavens, and of the God who created them.“With humor and whimsy and inspiration, and with scientific acceptability that heightens these other qualities, Maurice T. Brackbill shares his viewpoint of the heavens in this delightful series of essays. Through everything he writes shines his deep feeling for the eternal and universal meanings behind the sensible reality.“Professor Brackbill’s book is in your hands. You will read it, and will reread it to others, and you’ll reread it to yourself, time and time again. Preachers will find in this volume the texts for many sermons, kindergarten teachers will discover that the thinking fits into the capability of the youngest mind, and the student will recognize the sound science which mantles every vivid paragraph. Everyone who reads will sense and approve the deep spiritual motivation which underlies the science.”—ARMAND N. SPITZ

Help Your Child Learn to Read: Jubiläumsedition Zum 102. Todesjahr Von Karl May (Correct Times)

by Sofia Mattews

"Why?"?This is the question we parents are always trying to answer. It's good that children ask questions: that's the best way to learn. All children have two wonderful resources for learning--imagination and curiosity. As a parent, you can awaken your children to the joy of learning by encouraging their imagination and curiosity.?Helping Your Child Learn to Read is one in a series of books on different education topics intended to help you make the most of your child's natural curiosity. Teaching and learning are not mysteries that can only happen in school. They also happen when parents and children do simple things together.?For instance, you and your child can: sort the socks on laundry day-sorting is a major function in math and science; cook a meal together-cooking involves not only math and science but good health as well; tell and read each other stories--storytelling is the basis for reading and writing (and a story about the past is also history); or play a game of hopscotch together playing physical games will help your child learn to count and start on a road to lifelong fitness.?By doing things together, you will show that learning is fun and important. You will be encouraging your child to study, learn, and stay in school. Enjoy your ebook "Help Your Child Learn To Read"!

How to Live on 24 Hours a Day with the Human Machine (Dover Empower Your Life Series)

by Arnold Bennett

Leave your everyday concerns behind and start focusing on your true desires! Achieve your full potential with proven techniques on: • Time-saving • Reflection • Concentration • Study and more One of the first self-help books ever published, this classic of personal time management has inspired millions to make the most of "the daily miracle": the fresh allowance of time that comes with each new day. This edition features a bonus offering of Bennett's The Human Machine, a guide to improving social relationships.

The Human Wisdom of St. Thomas: A Breviary of Philosophy from the Works of St. Thomas Aquinas

by Josef Pieper

Josef Pieper has attached no commentary to the texts brought together in this breviary of the philosophy of St. Thomas, preferring that the reader should encounter them, “on his own”. His work has been one of selection, in which he has sought to assemble such passages as will provide an introduction to the form and design of the whole Thomistic system. Yet he has so ordered his texts as to impress upon the reader a special feature of St. Thomas’s thought, what he calls its double aspect: St. Thomas sees the whole scheme of reality ordered and penetrable by reason; yet the mystery of Being itself remains: “The effort of human thought has not been able to track down the essence of a single gnat.”Josef Pieper, one of the most highly regarded Thomistic philosophers of the twentieth century, wrote numerous philosophical works including Leisure: The Basis of Culture, Guide to Thomas Aquinas, Only the Lover Sings and many more.

If Ye Shall Ask…[First Edition]

by Oswald Chambers

Originally published as If Ye Shall Ask, this small book on prayer comprises lectures Chambers gave at the Bible Training College in London where he focused on all aspects of prayer, from prayer’s simplicity to intercessory prayer for others. He believed that prayer changes the one praying as much as prayer moves the hand of God. The foreword introduces readers to a simple man of keen insight who, regardless of who he was with or what they were doing, without warning would say, Off with your hats, it is good to pray everywhere, followed by a brief prayer. Chambers was a spiritual realist who believed prayer enabled God to perform His order through those who pray, even though he didn’t consider prayer a natural function of the worldly minded. However, he knew prayer was a way of getting to know God that would develop the life of God in those who prayed. This powerful book on prayer, filled with wisdom and keen perception, is one to savor slowly and return to time and time again. Written by a devout man of God who shows us what we are missing when we don’t have the life of God in us. There aren’t enough stars to value its worth, whether five, ten, fifty or a hundred. Cited from review by Gail Welborn, Seattle Christian Book Review Examiner.

If You Need Healing Do These Things

by Oral Roberts

IF YOU NEED HEALINGOral Roberts is setting a pattern in these times of confusion for a strong, dynamic faith in God.In the presence of Oral Roberts the confusion disappears, faith is restored and we are healed, but whether we hear him in his great tent, the auditorium, or by Radio, there are intervals between meetings or broadcasts when he is not available to us personally.Brother Roberts has written this book—putting into it the very heart of his healing ministry—so that those who cannot come into his presence when trouble besets them, can read and find deliverance.Here for your daily guidance Oral Roberts has WRITTEN A BOOK FOR YOU, and proves for you in his own words that faith in God is power. As you read you will learn how to use the power of your own faith for healing, for comfort, for guidance of your daily life and to receive the good things in life that God intends those who believe to have.READ THIS BOOK EVERY DAY.WHAT THIS BOOK WILL REVEAL TO YOU1. The power of faith over spiritual, mental and physical illnesses2. How you can use your faith to achieve peace and happiness3. The 7 rules of faith that bring you what you want4. How to turn your faith loose5. How to enter a Healing Line6. How to overcome fear and frustration7. How to write your own ticket with God.

In the Secret of His Presence: Helps for the Inner Life When Alone with God

by George Knight

APART from strictly devotional books, a large proportion of the practical Christian literature of the day concerns itself rather with the outer manifestations of the Christian life than with its inner experiences. The Christian as he moves among men is in view, rather than the Christian as he is alone with God.Books of this class are invaluable helps to Christian living, and can hardly be multiplied too much.But, along with these, there may be some room for books of another class, books dealing specially with the inner soul-experiences which vitalise the life that is seen.This volume is meant to be of such a kind: to set forth in some degree the sacred privilege of secret fellowship with God, and to urge the need of making that intercourse with Him more frequent and more prolonged.If it helps any reader of it to realise more fully the joy to be found in the secret place of meditation and prayer, its purpose will be fulfilled.

Kateri of the Mohawks

by Marie Buehrle

FROM SAVAGE TO SAINTFirst published in 1954, this book tells the story of a Mohawk chieftain’s daughter who may soon may be canonized as North America’s first native saint.THE daughter of a Mohawk chieftain, Kateri Tekakwitha was born in 1656. Her mother, an Algonquin Christian captured in a Mohawk raid, was the brief but enduring influence in Tekakwitha’s life. Whatever chance she may have had to teach her child about Christianity was lost when both parents died in a smallpox epidemic.Tekakwitha was ten years old when she heard for the first time of Rawenniio, the white man’s God. But a full ten years passed before a Blackrobe, the Jesuit Father James de Lamberville, baptized her on Easter Sunday, 1676.She practiced her new faith with ever increasing fervor. After fleeing to the mission settlement in Canada, where she could join other Christians in the undisturbed practice of their faith, she performed extreme penances.Through a close companion, Kateri’s words have been preserved for us, revealing the spirit of love and atonement with which she entered into this voluntary mortification. Soon her spent body could no longer contain her soaring soul. She died at the age of twenty-four, leaving all near her convinced that they were witnessing the passing of a saint.

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