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Showing 10,251 through 10,275 of 10,379 results

The Tokens: 11 Lessons to Help Build the Foundation of Success and Find Your Path to Greatness

by Greg S. Reid Jeff Levitan

The Tokens tells the fascinating story of Eric, a skilled craftsman and builder. During the course of his business journey, Eric struggles to take his burgeoning company to the next level. A chance encounter introduces him to Carl, a retired multimillionaire. Carl offers Eric the opportunity to take any material and supplies from his log cabin in exchange for demolishing the building. While working on the cabin, Eric discovers an unexpected and mystifying gift from Carl, a note and a wooden token. As his relationship with Carl evolves, Eric is faced with countless business challenges and growth. Carl becomes a close friend and indispensable mentor offering his wisdom, knowledge, and business tips (tokens). Eric applies these valuable lessons and discovers the importance of the core concepts that created success for the members of Carl's mastermind group. Along the way, Eric also learns to appreciate the insights and advice from his own grandfather. The Tokens is centered on the building and construction industry and each business lesson helps to build a foundation of success that is so vital for sustaining growth and overcoming challenges. Written by successful entrepreneurs and devout instructors of personal and professional development, The Tokens outlines the eleven points for developing and maintaining a successful building or construction business with many of the lessons applicable to any business. The authors explain how to build confidence, become a person of integrity and optimism, create successful relationships, learn to overcome obstacles, and much more. The Tokens is an informative, entertaining, and heartwarming parable that motivates, inspires, and teaches.

The Tokens: 11 Lessons to Help Build the Foundation of Success and Find Your Path to Greatness

by Greg S. Reid Jeff Levitan

The Tokens tells the fascinating story of Eric, a skilled craftsman and builder. During the course of his business journey, Eric struggles to take his burgeoning company to the next level. A chance encounter introduces him to Carl, a retired multimillionaire. Carl offers Eric the opportunity to take any material and supplies from his log cabin in exchange for demolishing the building. While working on the cabin, Eric discovers an unexpected and mystifying gift from Carl, a note and a wooden token. As his relationship with Carl evolves, Eric is faced with countless business challenges and growth. Carl becomes a close friend and indispensable mentor offering his wisdom, knowledge, and business tips (tokens). Eric applies these valuable lessons and discovers the importance of the core concepts that created success for the members of Carl's mastermind group. Along the way, Eric also learns to appreciate the insights and advice from his own grandfather. The Tokens is centered on the building and construction industry and each business lesson helps to build a foundation of success that is so vital for sustaining growth and overcoming challenges. Written by successful entrepreneurs and devout instructors of personal and professional development, The Tokens outlines the eleven points for developing and maintaining a successful building or construction business with many of the lessons applicable to any business. The authors explain how to build confidence, become a person of integrity and optimism, create successful relationships, learn to overcome obstacles, and much more. The Tokens is an informative, entertaining, and heartwarming parable that motivates, inspires, and teaches.

Train the Brave: Tame Your Fear, Take the Chance, Dare to Live Big

by Margie Warrell

What would you do today if you were being brave? Courage begets courage. It's a habit. Doing something brave everyday - no matter how small - unlocks new possibilities, opportunities and pathways to thrive in your work, relationships and life.Drawing on her background in business, psychology and coaching, best-selling author Margie Warrell guides you past the fears that keep you from making the changes to create your ideal life.In today's uncertain times, fear can unconsciously direct our lives. Start small, dare big, and begin today to live with greater purpose, courage and success. Originally published in 2015 as Brave, this book has been reviewed and redesigned to become part of the Wiley Be Your Best series - aimed at helping readers acheive professional and personal success.

Train the Brave: Tame Your Fear, Take the Chance, Dare to Live Big (Be Your Best)

by Margie Warrell

What would you do today if you were being brave? Courage begets courage. It's a habit. Doing something brave everyday - no matter how small - unlocks new possibilities, opportunities and pathways to thrive in your work, relationships and life.Drawing on her background in business, psychology and coaching, best-selling author Margie Warrell guides you past the fears that keep you from making the changes to create your ideal life.In today's uncertain times, fear can unconsciously direct our lives. Start small, dare big, and begin today to live with greater purpose, courage and success. Originally published in 2015 as Brave, this book has been reviewed and redesigned to become part of the Wiley Be Your Best series - aimed at helping readers acheive professional and personal success.

The Transformational Leader: How the World's Best Leaders Build Teams, Inspire Action, and Achieve Lasting Success

by Matt Mayberry

Lead teams and organizations to unparalleled excellence through transformational leadership As we face a global leadership crisis, the decade of real-world experience and research from best-selling author and renowned thought leader Matt Mayberry in The Transformational Leader has never been more timely. Mayberry shares his experience working with hundreds of corporate leadership teams, transforming underperforming teams into top performers, and coaching executives to become the leaders their organizations need through transformational leadership's four core attributes: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. This book is more than just a guide to a proven approach to achieving leadership success; it's a call to action that challenges you to step outside your comfort zone and create a culture where everyone feels valued, heard, and inspired. In this book, readers will learn about: Confronting the reality of the leadership crisis, and realizing that the actions that got us here won't get us to where we want to go How our dependence on technology has left leaders unprepared for disruption after disruption, including the arrival of AI Leadership principles grounded in robust research, empirical data, and proven success, such as agility, coaching, and influence The importance of inspirational leadership and how to become an inspirational leader yourself How to start influencing and impacting others regardless of rank, title, or position The Transformational Leader earns a well deserved spot on the bookshelves of executives, managers, and anyone seeking to make a bigger impact and influence others, adapt to changes in modern leadership and promote positive change in themselves and throughout their organizations.

The Transformational Leader: How the World's Best Leaders Build Teams, Inspire Action, and Achieve Lasting Success

by Matt Mayberry

Lead teams and organizations to unparalleled excellence through transformational leadership As we face a global leadership crisis, the decade of real-world experience and research from best-selling author and renowned thought leader Matt Mayberry in The Transformational Leader has never been more timely. Mayberry shares his experience working with hundreds of corporate leadership teams, transforming underperforming teams into top performers, and coaching executives to become the leaders their organizations need through transformational leadership's four core attributes: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. This book is more than just a guide to a proven approach to achieving leadership success; it's a call to action that challenges you to step outside your comfort zone and create a culture where everyone feels valued, heard, and inspired. In this book, readers will learn about: Confronting the reality of the leadership crisis, and realizing that the actions that got us here won't get us to where we want to go How our dependence on technology has left leaders unprepared for disruption after disruption, including the arrival of AI Leadership principles grounded in robust research, empirical data, and proven success, such as agility, coaching, and influence The importance of inspirational leadership and how to become an inspirational leader yourself How to start influencing and impacting others regardless of rank, title, or position The Transformational Leader earns a well deserved spot on the bookshelves of executives, managers, and anyone seeking to make a bigger impact and influence others, adapt to changes in modern leadership and promote positive change in themselves and throughout their organizations.

Trap Tales: So umgehen Sie die 7 Fallen des Lebens

by David M. Covey Stephan M. Mardyks

"Trap Tales" ist Ihr Leitfaden zur Vermeidung der 7 Hindernisse, die Menschen jeden Tag ablenken und aufhalten. Wir alle tappen in diese Fallen und merken es oft nicht, oder erst, wenn es zu spät ist. Wie bei Treibsand kann man leicht in Fallen geraten, aber schwer wieder herauskommen - umso mehr man es versucht, umso tiefer versinkt man darin. Aber was wäre, wenn wir diese Fallen umgehen könnten? Wenn wir sie schon aus der Ferne erkennen könnten und einen großen Bogen um sie machen würden? Im vorliegenden Buch trainieren Sie die Autoren David M. R. Covey und Stephan M. Mardyks in der Kunst der "Trapologie". Lernen Sie Alex und Victoria kennen, die in Fallen geraten sind, die Sie sicher wiedererkennen. In ihren Geschichten erfahren Sie mehr über die 7 meistverbreiteten Fallen im Leben und Beruf und wie sogar die intelligentesten und anscheinend gebildetsten Menschen in ihnen gefangen sein können - unfähig einen Weg herauszufinden. Fallen können sich meisterhaft tarnen, aber es gibt Anzeichen, die sie immer verraten. Man muss sie nur erkennen. Wenn Sie feststellen, dass Sie gerade in eine Falle getappt sind, betrachten Sie dieses Buch als Rettungsleine - die Lektionen in diesem Buch lehren Sie, den Fallen zu entkommen und ihnen in Zukunft auszuweichen. Dazu liefert "Trap Tales" im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Büchern unkonventionelle Strategien und Weisheiten, zum Beispiel: - Lernen Sie die 7 größten Falle im Privatleben und im Beruf kennen, die Menschen unbemerkt erwischen können. - Identifizieren Sie die Fallen, die Sie ganz konkret jetzt, in diesem Moment aufhalten. - Entdecken Sie Ihren Ausweg und ziehen Sie sich aus dem Treibsand. - Werden Sie zum "Trapologen" und vermeiden Sie Fallen zukünftig völlig. Die Kernbotschaft von "Trap Tales" ist Hoffnung - der Glaube, dass jeder jederzeit die Laufbahn und Entwicklung seines eigenen Lebens beeinflussen kann. Bewahren Sie sich davor, dass Fallen Ihnen Zeit, Geld, Energie und Glück stehlen. "Trap Tales" bietet ein Survival-Training der besonderen Art, das Ihnen erlaubt, Ihre eigene Erfolgsgeschichte zu schreiben.

Traumjob für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Christopher Burger

Spielen Sie mit dem Gedanken, beruflich umzusatteln? Oder sind Sie als Berufseinsteiger auf der Suche nach einem Beruf, der Sie erfüllt und begeistert? Dieses Buch hilft Ihnen, dass es nicht beim Träumen bleibt. Beginnen Sie mit einer Bestandsaufnahme (Wo stehen Sie heute?). Ermitteln Sie mithilfe einer Potenzialanalyse Ihre Stärken und Schwächen (Was können Sie?). Finden Sie heraus, welche Motive und Interessen Sie haben (Wovon träumen Sie?). Und entwickeln Sie dann einen konkreten Plan und setzen Sie ihn Schritt für Schritt in die Tat um. Christoph Burger begleitet Sie von der ersten noch vagen Idee bis hin zu Ihrem Traumjob. Der Karriereberater stellt die richtigen Fragen, unterstützt Sie mit Checklisten und handfesten Tipps und motiviert Sie durchzuhalten bis Sie beruflich am für Sie richtigen Ort angekommen sind.

True North: Leading Authentically in Today's Workplace, Emerging Leader Edition

by Bill George Zach Clayton

A Clarion Call to Emerging Leaders: Step Up and Lead Now! In True North: Emerging Leaders Edition, renowned leadership expert Bill George and Millennial tech entrepreneur Zach Clayton issue the challenge to emerging leaders—from Gen X to Millennials and Gen Z—to lead their organizations authentically through never-ending crises to make this world a better place for everyone. Emerging leaders do so by discovering their &“True North&”—who they are—and then finding their &“North Star&”—their leadership purpose. To navigate today&’s complexities, George and Clayton show emerging leaders how to lead with their hearts, not just their heads, with passion, compassion, and moral courage by being true to their values to reach their full potential as they take on great challenges and navigate complex issues. Harvard professor Bill George, with four best-selling books to his credit including the timeless classic True North, is the former CEO of Medtronic who established authentic leadership in 2003. He teams up with Zach Clayton, an emerging leader still amid his own leadership development journey, to give emerging leaders the definitive guide for leading in today&’s complex world. The Emerging Leader Edition is filled with dramatic stories from successful leaders such as Microsoft&’s Satya Nadella and Merck&’s Ken Frazier to PepsiCo&’s Indra Nooyi and General Motors&’ Mary Barra, and emerging leaders like OneTrust&’s Kabir Barday and Kanbrick&’s Tracy Britt Cool of how they overcame great challenges to build highly successful organizations. The book offers concrete suggestions for: Becoming an authentic leader, equipped to lead inclusively with moral clarity through challenges and crises Cultivating regular introspection to ground yourself with self-awareness, live your values, and use your unique strengths Integrating all aspects of your life—including who you are at home, at work, and in the community Understanding how Millennials are leading more effectively in today&’s world Being an inclusive leader prepared to take on fraught issues like stakeholder challenges, racial and sexual equality, and sexual misconduct Knowing when—and how—leaders should speak out on today&’s complex public issuesThe Emerging Leader Edition of True North is the classic guide for every current and aspiring leader to reach their full, authentic potential.

True North: Leading Authentically in Today's Workplace, Emerging Leader Edition

by Bill George Zach Clayton

A Clarion Call to Emerging Leaders: Step Up and Lead Now! In True North: Emerging Leaders Edition, renowned leadership expert Bill George and Millennial tech entrepreneur Zach Clayton issue the challenge to emerging leaders—from Gen X to Millennials and Gen Z—to lead their organizations authentically through never-ending crises to make this world a better place for everyone. Emerging leaders do so by discovering their &“True North&”—who they are—and then finding their &“North Star&”—their leadership purpose. To navigate today&’s complexities, George and Clayton show emerging leaders how to lead with their hearts, not just their heads, with passion, compassion, and moral courage by being true to their values to reach their full potential as they take on great challenges and navigate complex issues. Harvard professor Bill George, with four best-selling books to his credit including the timeless classic True North, is the former CEO of Medtronic who established authentic leadership in 2003. He teams up with Zach Clayton, an emerging leader still amid his own leadership development journey, to give emerging leaders the definitive guide for leading in today&’s complex world. The Emerging Leader Edition is filled with dramatic stories from successful leaders such as Microsoft&’s Satya Nadella and Merck&’s Ken Frazier to PepsiCo&’s Indra Nooyi and General Motors&’ Mary Barra, and emerging leaders like OneTrust&’s Kabir Barday and Kanbrick&’s Tracy Britt Cool of how they overcame great challenges to build highly successful organizations. The book offers concrete suggestions for: Becoming an authentic leader, equipped to lead inclusively with moral clarity through challenges and crises Cultivating regular introspection to ground yourself with self-awareness, live your values, and use your unique strengths Integrating all aspects of your life—including who you are at home, at work, and in the community Understanding how Millennials are leading more effectively in today&’s world Being an inclusive leader prepared to take on fraught issues like stakeholder challenges, racial and sexual equality, and sexual misconduct Knowing when—and how—leaders should speak out on today&’s complex public issuesThe Emerging Leader Edition of True North is the classic guide for every current and aspiring leader to reach their full, authentic potential.

True North Fieldbook, Emerging Leader Edition: The Emerging Leader's Guide to Leading Authentically in Today's Workplace (J-B Warren Bennis Series)

by Bill George

An unmatched exercise in leadership and self-discovery, written by a best-selling author and the preeminent thought leader on authentic leadership today In the newly revised Emerging Leader Edition of the True North Fieldbook, seasoned executive and Harvard Business School Executive Fellow Bill George delivers an eye-opening discussion of how to find your leadership purpose: your True North. Through a series of reflective exercises, you&’ll become a better leader by reconnecting with what makes you effective and unique. In the guide, the author walks you through your own life story, sharpening your personal narrative through an intimate process of personal discovery. You&’ll discover the same lessons taught to MBA students at Harvard Business School and senior executives in many Fortune 100 companies. The Emerging Leader Edition of the True North Fieldbook also offers: New and updated case studies and content from up-and-coming leaders about navigating crises Strategies for encouraging diversity and inclusivity without engaging in tokenism Ways to generate a customized, behaviorally anchored Leadership Development Plan that supports immediate action and impactA can&’t-miss roadmap to authentic leadership efficacy, the True North Fieldbook will open your eyes to the once-in-a-lifetime leadership opportunities that await you.

True North Fieldbook, Emerging Leader Edition: The Emerging Leader's Guide to Leading Authentically in Today's Workplace (J-B Warren Bennis Series)

by Bill George

An unmatched exercise in leadership and self-discovery, written by a best-selling author and the preeminent thought leader on authentic leadership today In the newly revised Emerging Leader Edition of the True North Fieldbook, seasoned executive and Harvard Business School Executive Fellow Bill George delivers an eye-opening discussion of how to find your leadership purpose: your True North. Through a series of reflective exercises, you&’ll become a better leader by reconnecting with what makes you effective and unique. In the guide, the author walks you through your own life story, sharpening your personal narrative through an intimate process of personal discovery. You&’ll discover the same lessons taught to MBA students at Harvard Business School and senior executives in many Fortune 100 companies. The Emerging Leader Edition of the True North Fieldbook also offers: New and updated case studies and content from up-and-coming leaders about navigating crises Strategies for encouraging diversity and inclusivity without engaging in tokenism Ways to generate a customized, behaviorally anchored Leadership Development Plan that supports immediate action and impactA can&’t-miss roadmap to authentic leadership efficacy, the True North Fieldbook will open your eyes to the once-in-a-lifetime leadership opportunities that await you.

The Two But Rule: Turn Negative Thinking Into Positive Solutions

by John Wolpert

An inspiring and exciting guide to building unstoppable momentum for your transformative ideas In The Two But Rule: Turn Negative Thinking Into Positive Solutions veteran tech innovator John Wolpert delivers an exciting, hands-on guide to using the principles of Momentum Thinking to get you—and your organization—unstuck. You’ll learn how to build unstoppable velocity for your big idea, product, or strategy as you blast through the endless objections and counterarguments that bedevil every innovator and changemaker. You’ll discover how to address common “but” complaints, like “But that’s too expensive,” or “But that won’t work,” at the same time as you refine your idea and polish it into a gem worthy of attention and implementation. In the book, you’ll also find: Explanations for why a “but” statement should always be followed by another “but” statement Discussions of why “toxic positivity” and blind optimism can be just as harmful as constant naysaying Step-by-step strategies for transforming momentum-killing objections into momentum-boosting innovation rocket fuelA can’t-miss resource for managers, executives, directors, and business leaders everywhere, The Two But Rule is also perfect for product managers, professionals in any field, government and academic leaders, and anyone else ready to successfully tackle their most stubborn and intractable problems.

The Two But Rule: Turn Negative Thinking Into Positive Solutions

by John Wolpert

An inspiring and exciting guide to building unstoppable momentum for your transformative ideas In The Two But Rule: Turn Negative Thinking Into Positive Solutions veteran tech innovator John Wolpert delivers an exciting, hands-on guide to using the principles of Momentum Thinking to get you—and your organization—unstuck. You’ll learn how to build unstoppable velocity for your big idea, product, or strategy as you blast through the endless objections and counterarguments that bedevil every innovator and changemaker. You’ll discover how to address common “but” complaints, like “But that’s too expensive,” or “But that won’t work,” at the same time as you refine your idea and polish it into a gem worthy of attention and implementation. In the book, you’ll also find: Explanations for why a “but” statement should always be followed by another “but” statement Discussions of why “toxic positivity” and blind optimism can be just as harmful as constant naysaying Step-by-step strategies for transforming momentum-killing objections into momentum-boosting innovation rocket fuelA can’t-miss resource for managers, executives, directors, and business leaders everywhere, The Two But Rule is also perfect for product managers, professionals in any field, government and academic leaders, and anyone else ready to successfully tackle their most stubborn and intractable problems.

The Ultimate Guide to Storytelling in Business: A Proven, Seven-Step Approach To Deliver Business-Critical Messages With Impact

by Samir Parikh

A one-stop shop for everything that you need to know about storytelling in business. How often have you had to deliver a pitch, convey a message or empower an audience with only one chance to get it right? Perhaps a job interview, an important sales presentation, or the announcement of major changes within your organization? Have you ever had a powerful idea that was never adopted because your peers didn’t recognize its value? Storytelling is mission-critical to the advancement of our careers and our businesses. In the book, you’ll learn how to create compelling presentations, write persuasive reports, and convey important messages in meetings with stories that capture the attention of your audiences. The author explains how to convey complex ideas with simplicity, win the acceptance of others, speed up decision-making, and demonstrate your contributions as a thought leader. You’ll discover: A proven methodology, based on seven steps, enabling you to build and deliver stories in a structured, reliable and repeatable way. The importance of creating a one-page story blueprint to road-test your story. How the subtle use of emotional triggers will help you to control the reactions of your audience. A rich library of industry examples, from multi-million dollar sales opportunities to strategic change initiatives, the introduction of new business models and the launch of ground-breaking technical ideas. A 23-point checklist to ensure that you are ready for your next storytelling endeavor. Perfect for managers, directors, executives, as well as early career professionals, The Ultimate Guide to Storytelling in Business is a can’t-miss resource for generating impact and getting your ideas recognized.

The Ultimate Guide to Storytelling in Business: A Proven, Seven-Step Approach To Deliver Business-Critical Messages With Impact

by Samir Parikh

A one-stop shop for everything that you need to know about storytelling in business. How often have you had to deliver a pitch, convey a message or empower an audience with only one chance to get it right? Perhaps a job interview, an important sales presentation, or the announcement of major changes within your organization? Have you ever had a powerful idea that was never adopted because your peers didn’t recognize its value? Storytelling is mission-critical to the advancement of our careers and our businesses. In the book, you’ll learn how to create compelling presentations, write persuasive reports, and convey important messages in meetings with stories that capture the attention of your audiences. The author explains how to convey complex ideas with simplicity, win the acceptance of others, speed up decision-making, and demonstrate your contributions as a thought leader. You’ll discover: A proven methodology, based on seven steps, enabling you to build and deliver stories in a structured, reliable and repeatable way. The importance of creating a one-page story blueprint to road-test your story. How the subtle use of emotional triggers will help you to control the reactions of your audience. A rich library of industry examples, from multi-million dollar sales opportunities to strategic change initiatives, the introduction of new business models and the launch of ground-breaking technical ideas. A 23-point checklist to ensure that you are ready for your next storytelling endeavor. Perfect for managers, directors, executives, as well as early career professionals, The Ultimate Guide to Storytelling in Business is a can’t-miss resource for generating impact and getting your ideas recognized.

Unashamedly Superhuman: Harness Your Inner Power and Achieve Your Greatest Professional and Personal Goals

by Jim Steele

Tap into pools of pure potential you didn&’t even know you had In Unashamedly Superhuman: Harness Your Inner Power and Achieve Your Greatest Professional and Personal Goals, celebrated speaker, strategist, executive coach, and author Jim Steele delivers an incisive and eye-opening guide to unlocking the hidden wells of potential in each of us. Grounded in the latest neuroscience research and some of the best executive coaching techniques on the market today, the book shows you how to minimize distraction, eliminate unnecessary uncertainty and indecision, and reveal what you&’re truly capable of. In the book, you&’ll discover how to realize your wildest professional and personal goals by: Harnessing the power of flow to increase your productivity beyond what you thought possible Tap into mindfulness to uncover what your mind is really capable of Meaningfully challenge yourself – without creating intolerable frustration – by leading yourself and others on adventuresAn indispensable resource for executives, managers, and other business leaders, Unashamedly Superhuman is the can&’t-miss guide to peak performance you&’ve been waiting for.

Unashamedly Superhuman: Harness Your Inner Power and Achieve Your Greatest Professional and Personal Goals

by Jim Steele

Tap into pools of pure potential you didn&’t even know you had In Unashamedly Superhuman: Harness Your Inner Power and Achieve Your Greatest Professional and Personal Goals, celebrated speaker, strategist, executive coach, and author Jim Steele delivers an incisive and eye-opening guide to unlocking the hidden wells of potential in each of us. Grounded in the latest neuroscience research and some of the best executive coaching techniques on the market today, the book shows you how to minimize distraction, eliminate unnecessary uncertainty and indecision, and reveal what you&’re truly capable of. In the book, you&’ll discover how to realize your wildest professional and personal goals by: Harnessing the power of flow to increase your productivity beyond what you thought possible Tap into mindfulness to uncover what your mind is really capable of Meaningfully challenge yourself – without creating intolerable frustration – by leading yourself and others on adventuresAn indispensable resource for executives, managers, and other business leaders, Unashamedly Superhuman is the can&’t-miss guide to peak performance you&’ve been waiting for.

Undisruptable: A Mindset of Permanent Reinvention for Individuals, Organisations and Life

by Aidan McCullen

Understand the barriers to change and cultivate a reinvention mindset that will make you impervious to disruption In our world of incessant change, we are all threatened by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity—at the individual and organizational levels. Undisruptable will give you a new lens through which to consider change as an opportunity rather than an obstacle. You’ll be inspired to consider the big questions of today: What does the future hold? What does the exponential growth of technology mean for the world of work? What does a changing job market mean for future generations? What do waves of disruption mean for business leaders? Society is evolving at breakneck speed. What does this mean for all of us? Read Undisruptable to bridge the chaos and build the resilience you need to move forward. While we cannot see into the future, there are repeatable patterns that we can understand. Undisruptable demystifies the principles of change through a blend of analogies, innovation frameworks and exemplars of change such as Fujifilm and Arnold Schwarzenegger. The first step to becoming undisputable is to realize that evolution is a natural part of life, and nature provides many examples. Undisruptable will help you to: Understand the principles of change Overcome the barriers to change See change as an opportunity and not an obstacle Utilize simple frameworks and examples to guide you on your transformation By the end of this book, you will have the essential tools and techniques to foster a reinvention mindset that will help you and your organization to become Undisruptable. This book is part of a 3-part series. Part 2 looks at the biases and mental obstacles that prevent change. Part 3 examines the best ways to communicate change within an organization.

Undisruptable: A Mindset of Permanent Reinvention for Individuals, Organisations and Life

by Aidan McCullen

Understand the barriers to change and cultivate a reinvention mindset that will make you impervious to disruption In our world of incessant change, we are all threatened by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity—at the individual and organizational levels. Undisruptable will give you a new lens through which to consider change as an opportunity rather than an obstacle. You’ll be inspired to consider the big questions of today: What does the future hold? What does the exponential growth of technology mean for the world of work? What does a changing job market mean for future generations? What do waves of disruption mean for business leaders? Society is evolving at breakneck speed. What does this mean for all of us? Read Undisruptable to bridge the chaos and build the resilience you need to move forward. While we cannot see into the future, there are repeatable patterns that we can understand. Undisruptable demystifies the principles of change through a blend of analogies, innovation frameworks and exemplars of change such as Fujifilm and Arnold Schwarzenegger. The first step to becoming undisputable is to realize that evolution is a natural part of life, and nature provides many examples. Undisruptable will help you to: Understand the principles of change Overcome the barriers to change See change as an opportunity and not an obstacle Utilize simple frameworks and examples to guide you on your transformation By the end of this book, you will have the essential tools and techniques to foster a reinvention mindset that will help you and your organization to become Undisruptable. This book is part of a 3-part series. Part 2 looks at the biases and mental obstacles that prevent change. Part 3 examines the best ways to communicate change within an organization.

The Unexpected Leader: Discovering the Leader Within You

by Jacqueline M. Baker

Expand your leadership skill set by looking for it in unexpected places Effective leadership isn&’t confined to easily identifiable silos. It appears everywhere, and sometimes in the most unexpected of places. In The Unexpected Leader: Discovering the Leader Within You, veteran leadership trainer and consultant Jacqueline M. Baker delivers an incisive and actionable discussion of how to refine, define, and elevate leadership by absorbing lessons from other leaders and actualizing the leader within. You&’ll learn how to meet the demands of a rapidly changing workforce with a new approach to leadership development. In the book, you&’ll find: Examples of how exemplary leadership can show up anywhere and in anyone New strategies for implementing the latest leadership techniques in a demographically and culturally diverse workforce Modern lessons on unique and authentic leadership from people unexpectedly thrust into positions where great leadership was essentialAn ideal resource for everyday leaders at all levels, executives and managers, The Unexpected Leader: Discovering the Leader Within You is an essential read for anyone who hopes to expand their concept of leadership beyond the traditional.

The Unexpected Leader: Discovering the Leader Within You

by Jacqueline M. Baker

Expand your leadership skill set by looking for it in unexpected places Effective leadership isn&’t confined to easily identifiable silos. It appears everywhere, and sometimes in the most unexpected of places. In The Unexpected Leader: Discovering the Leader Within You, veteran leadership trainer and consultant Jacqueline M. Baker delivers an incisive and actionable discussion of how to refine, define, and elevate leadership by absorbing lessons from other leaders and actualizing the leader within. You&’ll learn how to meet the demands of a rapidly changing workforce with a new approach to leadership development. In the book, you&’ll find: Examples of how exemplary leadership can show up anywhere and in anyone New strategies for implementing the latest leadership techniques in a demographically and culturally diverse workforce Modern lessons on unique and authentic leadership from people unexpectedly thrust into positions where great leadership was essentialAn ideal resource for everyday leaders at all levels, executives and managers, The Unexpected Leader: Discovering the Leader Within You is an essential read for anyone who hopes to expand their concept of leadership beyond the traditional.

The Unlocked Leader: Dare to Free Your Own Voice, Lead with Empathy, and Shine Your Light in the World

by Hortense le Gentil

The most effective leaders are “human leaders:” leading with empathy, vulnerability, and authenticity. But many still adhere to the outdated myth that leaders must be “superhero leaders: infallible, unflappable, and fearless." Tragically, their innate ability to inspire remains locked within, blunting their impact. In The Unlocked Leader veteran executive leadership coach Hortense le Gentil combines real life stories, rigorous research, and practical tools to explain how superhero leaders can become effective human leaders. You’ll discover: · How to identify the mental obstacles that stand between you and leadership authenticity, and sap your energy and impact - your mindtraps. · How to confront your fears and escape those traps by operating a mindshift. · Practical strategies to better connect with yourself and others - a mindbuild. The journey from superhero leader to human leader not only transforms the lives of leaders themselves - both at work and beyond. It also makes a profound and lasting difference in the lives of people around them and the organizations they lead. This is how human leaders make an impact and shine their light in the world: by changing the way they connect with themselves and other people, they start a chain reaction that reverberates throughout their organizations and beyond them, because we are all part of interconnected networks of human relationships. An indispensable leadership manual for people who wish to lead not just with their heads, but with their heart and soul as well, The Unlocked Leader belongs on the bookshelves of leaders and aspiring leaders at all levels looking for a fresh new perspective on effective, powerful leadership in service of something bigger than themselves.

The Unlocked Leader: Dare to Free Your Own Voice, Lead with Empathy, and Shine Your Light in the World

by Hortense le Gentil

The most effective leaders are “human leaders:” leading with empathy, vulnerability, and authenticity. But many still adhere to the outdated myth that leaders must be “superhero leaders: infallible, unflappable, and fearless." Tragically, their innate ability to inspire remains locked within, blunting their impact. In The Unlocked Leader veteran executive leadership coach Hortense le Gentil combines real life stories, rigorous research, and practical tools to explain how superhero leaders can become effective human leaders. You’ll discover: · How to identify the mental obstacles that stand between you and leadership authenticity, and sap your energy and impact - your mindtraps. · How to confront your fears and escape those traps by operating a mindshift. · Practical strategies to better connect with yourself and others - a mindbuild. The journey from superhero leader to human leader not only transforms the lives of leaders themselves - both at work and beyond. It also makes a profound and lasting difference in the lives of people around them and the organizations they lead. This is how human leaders make an impact and shine their light in the world: by changing the way they connect with themselves and other people, they start a chain reaction that reverberates throughout their organizations and beyond them, because we are all part of interconnected networks of human relationships. An indispensable leadership manual for people who wish to lead not just with their heads, but with their heart and soul as well, The Unlocked Leader belongs on the bookshelves of leaders and aspiring leaders at all levels looking for a fresh new perspective on effective, powerful leadership in service of something bigger than themselves.

The UnNoticed Entrepreneur: Step Into the Spotlight

by Jim James

Classic and outside-the-box tactics for taking your company to the next level The UnNoticed Entrepreneur: Step Into the Spotlight gives you practical advice for drawing customers into your vision and rising above the rabble. Specifically, this book shows you how you can share the vision for your company, the why behind your product or service. If you can do that, customers will come. The secret? You already have everything you need to become famous in your market. You don’t need expensive ad agencies and faddish strategies. After all, you started your business, so you have the best understanding of what you're doing. This book shows you how to communicate your purpose creatively, simply, and authentically through telling your story, personalising your marketing, engaging with customers and prospects, and getting the attention of the right people in the right channels. If you’re passionate about creating value, making a difference, and benefitting others, this is the book for you. This collection of essays will give you ideas, help you make connections, and motivate you to put in the work you need to get noticed for all the good that you do. You’ll learn how to: Construct a unique story around your business and communicate that story through effective branding Stand out from the competition by creating more compelling marketing materials and reaching out in a more targeted way Generate buzz around your business with creative offerings like podcasts, media interviews, surveys, AI content, and more Rise to the top of your market by using marketing technology, leveraging digital platforms, and understanding today's marketing work This is the perfect book for business owners and budding entrepreneurs looking for no-nonsense advice on how to really get ahead. You've got the ambition, and The UnNoticed Entrepreneur can help you realize it.

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