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Showing 10,051 through 10,075 of 10,327 results

The Blueprints To Become Rich

by Michael Frempong

Do you want to be financially free? Then you need to follow this step by step guide to enable you achieve your financial freedom. Be aware that this will involve commitment and self-discipline. This book outlines what you need to do to become rich! It suggests different tried and tested strategies, which could be useful as you journey through the path of becoming rich. Apart from the practical examples, useful books written by millionaires and entrepreneurs have been recommended to enable you to explore more as you work your way to a prosperous future. How to get out of debt and invest for the future might be difficult because it involves lots sacrifices and changes of habits, but I believe that if you are open and willing to change and to follow the strategies in this step by step guide, then you will make it. You can achieve your dream of becoming financially free.

Your Invisible Enemy, Your Invisible Power

by Loreen McKellar

Using scientific research to back up popular law of attraction teachings Your Invisible Enemy, Your Invisible Power is the first book to identify that significant numbers of fans of the law of attraction are suffering from depression, anxiety, and addictive behaviours as a consequence of growing up in a dysfunctional household. This experience has left them unable to benefit from the law of attraction. “Overcoming the lingering effects of childhood trauma is what causes the mental, emotional, and spiritual shift that allows the law of attraction to work.” The self-doubt and fear learned in your dysfunctional childhood is an invisible enemy sabotaging your very best efforts to live the life you want. Facing your past, feeling the pain and finding faith and purpose will release you from denial and project you into a powerful new world where a myriad of possibilities will reveal themselves. This book will give you clear-cut directions on how to recover from the past, find your purpose and prosper.

Deep Joy: 12 Words To Unlock Your Potential And Build An Amazingly Fulfilling Life

by Alexander Butler

A practical handbook to finally, deeply understand yourself and your place in the world. If you have ever felt lost, confused, overwhelmed or deeply frustrated, this is the book for you. Packed full of ancient wisdom, modern discoveries and down-to-earth, practical advice, DEEP JOY will give you the tools to build a new kind of life.

Through The Eyes Of The Soul

by Sophie T Henderson

Psychologist and hypnotherapist Sophie T Henderson shares an anthology of her most revealing and unconventional cases. Through The Eyes Of The Soul places the reader alongside Sophie in the therapist's chair, making them a part of real-life healing sessions. All of these stories are based on cases that highlight phenomena that call to society for more acceptance of the untraditional. Through this book you will read about past lifetime regressions that proved to be therapeutic. Henderson worked in neuroscience research before dedicating herself to therapy in 2006. She has been practising ever since.

The Golden Rule

by Robin Cade

The Golden Rule is the ancient, simple, beautiful principle, enjoyed for thousands of generations, supporting people to treat others fairly with respect as they would like others to treat them. In this refreshing presentation the wonderful concept is explored in depth and breadth with all its implications well thought out. Frequently with examples and explanations, constantly prioritising that as every human is individual; the script is based on increasing choice and options, providing important angles on the topic with some amazing points. It's such a fine topic, one that is both timely and timeless and the script provides an enjoyable read. Superbly applicable for today, The Golden Rule is definitely relevant for our cultures and one-to-one dealings with one another and the wider world. Numerous examples of situations which reduce people's quality of life and threats to the Earth are researched, asking the question that if we treated other people, other species and the Earth fairly, with respect, would quality of life and the Earth's future be improved. It's a great awakening time to step away from the things that have taken over our lives and to look at what are lives actually are and could be, day-by-day.

The Art Of Discussion: How To Have Better Conversations

by James Wyatt

When our connected world should be bringing us closer together, polarised opinions and dysfunctional conversations are pushing us further apart. The Art of Discussion has never been more important. In an entertaining and thought-provoking style, this book considers some controversial topics in a way that shifts attention away from what is right and wrong to highlight the failings in our approach. Drawing insight from great thinkers through to popular culture and an eclectic mix of fact, personal experience, psychology and left-field analogies, this engaging book introduces some guiding principles for constructive discussions that can be a catalyst for positive change.

The Amazing Power of Networks: A (research-informed) choose your own destiny book

by Chris Brown

This book is about our connections to other people and the influence these networks exert over our lives. On the plus side, networks provide us with access to a multitude of resources: from aid and assistance to knowledge and norms. But at the same time, the relationships that link people (or not) are also responsible for a range of social ills. For example, who you are connected to will determine your likely success at school, whether you will go to university, your future career, the neighbourhood in which you will live, who you will marry and whether or not you will die young.Given their influence, the aim of the book is to show how we can take charge of our networks, in order to improve our chances of doing well in life, whatever our background. In particular, the book provides cutting-edge insights that readers can deploy to help make things better for themselves, their families and their wider communities. But this book also comes with a twist. better than just reading about networks is giving readers the opportunity to see for themselves how networks operate. The best way to do this is through active exploration. Interleaved throughout this book, therefore, is the option for readers to embark on a research-informed journey, where readers get to decide which paths to take, which decisions to make and how best to tackle the obstacles that lay in their path. All good preparation for how to think about networks back in the real world.

The Juggling Act: How to juggle leadership and life

by Professor Toby Salt

Being a leader in education is an always-on job. There's always more to do, more staff and children to help. So how can a leader ensure that they are doing the right things, at the right time, without burning themselves out?Professor Toby Salt has worked in some of the hardest, most stress-inducing jobs in the wider education space, as well as juggling a large family. How did he make it work? Sometimes with great techniques, sometimes with bitter experience.The Juggling Act gives leaders in education and the wider public sector clear advice about how to manage the constant juggling act of professional and personal life. It reveals how to handle the logistics of management life: meetings, time management, technology. As well as how to handle the emotional parts: births, deaths, redundancies, missing your kids' important moments, sticking to your values, and everything in between. It is an accessible read filled with anecdotes humour and experience.

天堂与轮回相比 漫画书 作者搭玛: Nyingma In The West (Nyingma In America Ser. #Vol. 1)

by Dharma

就像人们所说的,一幅画胜过千言万语,我希望通过这些漫画,我能 更有力 得表达我的观点。我们对上帝和宗教的看法还停留在过去-我 们不断重复那 些古时候写的,已经过时的观点。就算一本书是一千 或者两千年之前写的, 也不能代表当时的人们有独特的见解,或者 众神曾在那时降临人间。 古时候的人并不坏-他们只不过是记下了他们认为是对的想法,他 们记录下 来对上帝的观点,很大程度上受到了他们那时候生活的影 响。那时,残暴的 国王/独裁者和强人统治,要求人民顺从和忠诚, 以此给他们恩惠,这样的 形象就成了上帝的模版。至少有基督教和 伊斯兰教这些当今主流的宗教是这 样的。 屈膝下跪,祈求仁慈,发誓对国王忠诚然后得到奖励-这是当时人民 的生 活,也是他们所记录的想法。不幸的是,即使今天的生活有很 大的不同,绝 大多数人仍然盲目地遵循这样的想法。 通过我的书,我希望改变言论,为宗教和灵性注入新鲜的想法。 如果您想要联系我,邮箱地址是

El Cielo Vs La Reencarnación La Historieta

by Dharma

Este libro es una pequeña versión basada en los dibujos animados de mi historieta - "El Cielo vs. La Reencarnación" escrito por Dharma. Como dice el refrán, una imagen vale más que 1.000 palabras, así que espero que al usar dibujos pueda expresar mi punto de vista con una mayor claridad. Nuestros puntos de vista sobre Dios y la Religión se han estancado en el pasado; seguimos reciclando una y otra vez ideas escritas en el pasado sin siquiera cuestionarlas. El hecho de que un libro se haya escrito hace 1.000 o 2.000 años, no implica que las personas de esa época tengan una idea especial ni mucho menos que los dioses caminaban en la tierra durante esos días. Nuestros ancestros no eran malas personas, simplemente escribieron lo que ellos consideraban correcto, expresaron SU visión de Dios, influenciados por las vidas que vivían en ese momento. Los reyes, emperadores y dictadores gobernaban de forma brutal, exigiendo obediencia y lealtad ciegas a cambio de sus favores. y esa fue la plantilla para Dios, o al menos para las religiones más grandes como el cristianismo y el islam, las cuales son dominantes en el mundo al día de hoy. Así que ponte de rodillas, suplica misericordia, jura lealtad al Rey y serás recompensado; Esa era la vida en ese momento y esas fueron las ideas que se escribieron y transmitieron de una generación a otra, lamentablemente la gran mayoría de la humanidad todavía sigue ciegamente tales ideas incluso hoy en la actualidad. Aunque la vida de hoy es muy diferente. A través de mis libros espero cambiar el discurso, difundir nuevas ideas y brindar nuevos puntos de vista sobre la religión y la espiritualidad. Pueden comunicarse conmigo al correo

स्वर्ग बनाम पुनर्जन्म कार्टून आधारित संस्करण: Presented In Honor Of Salo Wittmayer Baron (Studies In Economic History And Policy: Usa In The Twentieth Century Ser. #3)

by Dharma

स्वर्ग गर्भ, बचपन और भूतकाल का रूपक है। यह बचपन के उन खूबसूरत दिनों में वापस लौटने की उत्कंठा है जो पूर्णरूपेण चिंताओं से रहित और जिम्मेदारियों से विमुक्त व्यतीत हुए थे। हमारे परिजन हमारी देखभाल करते थे, हमें सुरक्षा प्रदान करते थे और उनसे हमें भरपूर प्रेम और स्नेह मिलता था। वे हमें भोजन कराते थे, कपड़े पहनाते थे और उनके द्वारा हम जीवन के खतरों से सुरक्षित थे; वस्तुतः हम अपने स्वप्निल संसार में आनंदमग्न थे। वहीं, पुनर्जन्म का अभिप्राय जीवन, वयस्कता और भविष्य से है। हम समय को पीछे नहीं ले जा सकते, हम भूतकाल में नहीं जी सकते। वास्तविक जीवन से भागना समाधान नहीं है। हमें 'घोंसले' से बाहर निकलना होगा और जीवन का सामना करना होगा। 'स्टारवार्स' मूवी में दिखाए गए भविष्य का जीवन एक दिन वास्तविकता होगी किंतु यह सब अपने आप ही नहीं हो जाएगा। इसके लिए हमें काम करना होगा, त्याग करने होंगे और सही चयन करने होंगे ताकि भविष्य के सपनों का संसार साकार हो सके। वे लोग जो आसमान मंे स्थित एक कपोल- कल्पित सेवानिवृत्ति का स्थान (स्वर्ग) चुनने की बजाय पुनर्जन्म अर्थात् वास्तविक जीवन को चुनंेगे, वही भविष्य की दुनिया का आनंद प्राप्त करेंगे। लेखक धर्मा को आपके विचार जानकर प्रसन्नता होगी। आप पर उनसे संपर्क कर सकते हैं।

Believe In Spirit

by Steve Bridger Janet Neville

This book is about your personal, innermost, spirituality. It explains the third element of Mind and Body, of Spirit itself. Page by page, you will realise how very special you are. You will learn that life is continuous. That you are a spiritual being. A being of pure eternal energy. Open the book, turn the pages, and let your mind run free.

The Prosperity Code

by Tatjana Valujeva

This book will both entertain you and teach you valuable real life skills that the author used to go from broke to millionaire and from wealthy but depressed to happy and fulfilled. Imagine if you had the power to have anything you ever wanted, instantly. What would it be? A million dollars? If money was the answer, why do so many people seem depressed or unhappy even though we live in seemingly successful times. And how do you become wealthy and have a fulfilling life? Tatjana made her first million at 29, had a happy family, built a house, planted a tree, but she felt something was missing in her life. She did not feel happy in spite of all her achievements. She was taught that life was for achieving, but had not learnt how to enjoy the journey. And that was a recipe for disaster. After depressive states, which created a serious illness, she got on a path of self-discovery. She travelled the World, visiting shamans in Peru, monks in Bali, healers in Russia, and learnt powerful skills for life transformation and healing. As a result, she created the Instant Transformation Technique, which helps people find their true passions and desires, feel happy and fulfilled and light up the world. She is a speaker, business owner, trader and a happy person.

Therapy In Crime

by Rahel Papis

Crime scenes have more in common with therapy than you think. When having a problem, it feels like having a dead body in the cellar, while not knowing where it actually came from. Together we're investigating the causes and roots of your problems, and then giving them a new meaning. In order for you to understand and relate to the other parts of yourself such as your victim and your gangster. You will dive into yourself, discover the real you in a dead serious, but playful way. And, all together, apply your discoveries into the different aims of your life such as love, work, fun and health. It is a fun self-therapy guide for you to understand that you have the power, within you, connect with your inner self and redesign your life.

Consumed: The need for collective change; colonialism, climate change & consumerism

by Aja Barber

'Consumed takes us through the hideously complex topic of fashion and sustainability, from its knotty colonial roots to what everyday people can do to uproot those systems, today.' - Yassmin Abdel-Magied 'SUCH integrity. Aja is no bullsh*t.' - Florence Given Aja Barber wants change. In the 'learning' first half of the book, she will expose you to the endemic injustices in our consumer industries and the uncomfortable history of the textile industry; one which brokered slavery, racism and today's wealth inequality. And how these oppressive systems have bled into the fashion industry and its lack of diversity and equality. She will also reveal how we spend our money and whose pockets it goes into and whose it doesn't (clue: the people who do the actual work) and will tell her story of how she came to learn the truth.In the second 'unlearning' half of the book, she will help you to understand the uncomfortable truth behind why you consume the way you do. She asks you to confront the sense of lack you have, the feeling that you are never quite enough and the reasons why you fill the aching void with consumption rather than compassion. And she makes you challenge this power disparity, and take back ownership of it. The less you buy into the consumer culture the more power you have.CONSUMED will teach you how to be a citizen not a consumer. 'An absolute must-read for any person who wears clothes.' - Orsola de Castro 'A hugely compelling exploration of a culture of exploitation and how, together, we can end it.' - Gina Martin 'Barber's isn't just a voice we should listen to - it is a voice we MUST listen to.' - Clementine Ford 'If you buy one book about sustainable fashion, make it this one. Consumed is an urgent call to action to demand a fashion system that is actually fair for both people and planet, not just Big Fashion billionaires. I adore Aja and I love this brilliant book.' - Venetia La Manna

GROW: Motherhood, mental health & me

by Frankie Bridge

In GROW, Sunday Times bestselling author Frankie Bridge opens up about her journey with her maternal mental health. Part narrative exploration, part first aid manual for mothers this book will discuss the hidden growing pains which take place when you become a parent.Its chapters cover the HOW TOs, WHAT IFs?, WILL Is? and WHY DOs? anxious questions all mothers ask themselves when they believe they are doing it wrong whilst also offering a brutally honest account of how hard it can be to grow a baby and raise a child whilst you are still growing into yourself.The book will combine Frankie's mental health journey into motherhood with the notes of psychologist, Maleha Khan, who will unpack the problems she experienced as she became a mother. It will also include additional guidance and parental advice from the UK's leading paediatrician Dr Ed Abrahamson.Fans of OPEN:'Brave and beautiful... a first aid manual for your mind.'- Adam Kay, bestselling author of This is Going To Hurt'Very readable. Very relatable. Intensely moving but also full of practical advice.'- Alastair Campbell

Hope... is the Thing: How to Keep Going, No Matter What You Are Facing

by Susan Elizabeth Clark

This book will make you more hopeful.Hope – it's a little word but one that carries so much weight. Like love, it's something we cannot see, smell or hold yet we all know it exists.Hope... is the Thing reminds us that, whatever circumstances we may be facing, Hope enables us to carry on. It is 'the thing' none of us would want to live without. Throughout the book – which is filled with inspirational quotes, exercises, affirmations and more – Susan Elizabeth Clark will teach you that Hope will always show up if you make space for it, and that being Hopeful is like a superpower.This little book will show you how to choose Hope when things don't go your way, and embrace all the magic it will bring to your life.

Kindness... is the New Cool: How to Open Doors, Melt Hearts & Make Everyone Happier

by Susan Elizabeth Clark

This book will make you kinder.Kindness – it is available to everybody, all of the time, and best of all, it is absolutely free. Plus, it is contagious and, once released, will happily run rampant.In Kindness... is the New Cool, Susan Elizabeth Clark will teach you that adopting a Kindness practice will not only make you feel good, it will open doors for you to realise your dreams. Featuring exercises, affirmations, rituals and more, Susan will teach you how to spread Kindness on a daily basis, making the world a better place for everyone.Choosing the path of Kindness can heal rifts, improve your health, and will change your life for the better, and this little book will show you just how to do it.

Instant Magic Oracle: Guidance to all of life’s questions from your higher self

by Semra Haksever

In these challenging times, the world seems an unpredictable and scary place. However, the answer to all of life's questions, both big and small, lie within us – your higher self can give you some cosmic insight. Instant Magic Oracle is a fun, magical guide by expert witch Semra Haksever, that will help you to navigate whatever life throws at you.The way to use the book is simple: take a few deep breaths, run your fingers along the edge of the book while thinking of a question you would like the answer to. When the time feels right, open the book and read the spiritual guidance. You might be encouraged to call a friend, set some intentions in time for the new moon, or the page could contain a spell to cast. Many people love the idea of injecting some magic into their lives but may not have the time. Semra combines her knowledge of witchcraft and spells to make this a one-of-a-kind magical book that can help you to navigate your life, instantly.Whether you want some magic every day, or to dip in just now and again for some clarity, this is the book for you.

A Year of Good Things: 365 micro-moments to bring you joy

by Jason Ward

Getting into freshly laundered sheets. A dog in the office for a day. Unexpected cake. Studies have suggested that happiness doesn't come from thinking about what might happen in the future, but by focusing on the small moments of delight we find in our daily lives.Cultivating these positive emotions makes us happier and more resilient, so writer Jason Ward has gathered 365 'micro-joys' that span the seasons of an entire year, from cherry blossoms to snow-capped rooftops; wild swimming to naps on rainy afternoons.This a feel-good collection of small, splendid things that can be dipped into for quick inspiration and will help anyone to hone their skills so that they notice – and celebrate – the goodness in life.

The Amazing Power of Networks: A (research-informed) choose your own destiny book

by Chris Brown

This book is about our connections to other people and the influence these networks exert over our lives. On the plus side, networks provide us with access to a multitude of resources: from aid and assistance to knowledge and norms. But at the same time, the relationships that link people (or not) are also responsible for a range of social ills. For example, who you are connected to will determine your likely success at school, whether you will go to university, your future career, the neighbourhood in which you will live, who you will marry and whether or not you will die young.Given their influence, the aim of the book is to show how we can take charge of our networks, in order to improve our chances of doing well in life, whatever our background. In particular, the book provides cutting-edge insights that readers can deploy to help make things better for themselves, their families and their wider communities. But this book also comes with a twist… better than just reading about networks is giving readers the opportunity to see for themselves how networks operate. The best way to do this is through active exploration. Interleaved throughout this book, therefore, is the option for readers to embark on a research-informed journey, where readers get to decide which paths to take, which decisions to make and how best to tackle the obstacles that lay in their path. All good preparation for how to think about networks back in the real world…

The Juggling Act: How to juggle leadership and life

by Professor Toby Salt

Being a leader in education is an always-on job. There’s always more to do, more staff and children to help. So how can a leader ensure that they are doing the right things, at the right time, without burning themselves out?Professor Toby Salt has worked in some of the hardest, most stress-inducing jobs in the wider education space, as well as juggling a large family. How did he make it work? Sometimes with great techniques, sometimes with bitter experience.The Juggling Act gives leaders in education and the wider public sector clear advice about how to manage the constant juggling act of professional and personal life. It reveals how to handle the logistics of management life: meetings, time management, technology. As well as how to handle the emotional parts: births, deaths, redundancies, missing your kids’ important moments, sticking to your values, and everything in between. It is an accessible read filled with anecdotes humour and experience.

21 Breaths: Breathing Techniques to Change your Life

by Oliver James

Who knew there was a breath for everything? Oliver James, a body-led therapist and growing presence in the world of breath and Breathwork, introduces us to twenty-one simple but extraordinarily effective breathing techniques that will, quite literally, change your life. Are you desperate for a good night’s sleep; do you require powerful pain relief or perhaps you wish to supercharge your fitness and self-care? 21 Breaths offers a means to look after yourself naturally, using the wisdom of your body and the extraordinary power of breath. Easy-to-follow instructions accompany beautiful sketches to help you experience the remarkable potential that has always been there, under your nose. This is a little book with huge potential and the perfect companion for 21st-Century living. Every copy of the book includes a FREE online Breathwork class with Oliver James (Ts&Cs apply).

The Lost Art of Communication

by Sharon Christiaan

A secret manuscript has been uncovered in Rotterdam that links back to the Second World War. Its hidden contents lead to the discovery of the Fourth Dimension in Communication and five power principles that will transform post-pandemic global communication. In this captivating adventure-tale, Sharon Christiaan navigates through the key aspects of Communication Intelligence and the Laws of Human Behaviour to help negotiate life's challenges and dilemmas with precision. As every principle is revealed you will instantly recognise your own communication filters that are shaped by your personal history, beliefs, values and sense of identity. Join the adventure and let the secrets of Communication Intelligence guide you through the current Communication Revolution. Learn how to: Make friends easily and quickly, Enhance your status and influence, Become a Master at handling complaints and gaining compliance, Improve engagement and productivity in the workplace. The Lost Art of Communication has the ability to transform your personal and workplace relationships. By following these principles you will communicate like a pro, and attain new levels of success in all aspects of your life.

Conversations With A Crackhead

by Rokhy Isharii

Three Characters. Two Stories. One Crackhead. Based on true live events, Conversations with a Crackhead dives into the interconnected tales of Kaiya and Rio from teendom to adulthood. Life presents a number of opportunities for both characters, but there's one thing in their way, the Crackhead. Are they the perfect first sip of a cold beer or a morning cup of coffee laced with venom? The Crackhead is an entity that can morph itself into a myriad of thoughts, emotions and feelings with an infinite number faces that is truly boundless. This book is unlike others as it has a guide with tips, tricks and exercises should you choose to implement them, that may help you with your own inner Crackhead.

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