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by Gail Hamilton

As a Matter of Course

by Annie Payson Call

Annie Call wrote for The Ladies Home Journal. Her main interest was mental health. Call states that when we no longer put up resistance to the things in life that seem to be painful and evil we can then reach interior freedom. We free our natural love of self. The preface begins, "The aim of this book is to assist towards the removal of nervous irritants, which are not only the cause of much physical disease, but materially interfere with the best possibilities of usefulness and pleasure in everyday life." Topics covered include physical care, amusements, brain impressions, the triviality of trivialities, moods, tolerance, sympathy, others, one's self, children, illness, sentiment versus sentimentality, and problems.

God's Faithfulness in Trials and Testings

by Sandy Edmonson

This short booklet is filled with encouraging insights, drawn from Scripture. The author writes with compassion, and explains Bible passages in a way that is clear and easy to understand. The author of this book donated a digital copy to Join us in thanking Crusader Books for providing its accessible digital book to this community.

Absolute Surrender

by Andrew Murray

'My Lord, O King, according to thy saying, I am thine, and all that I have.'Words of absolute surrender with which every child of God ought to yield himself to his Father. If our hearts are willing for that, there is no end to what God will do for us, and to the blessing God will bestow.'How many times have you left a prayer meeting or revival service determined to dedicate every area of your life to God, only to feel frustrated and defeated a few days later? We all want to be absolutely surrendered to God, and yet we hardly dare utter the words. We don't exactly know how.Andrew Murray clearly and simply explains full surrender to God and shows the way to a victorious life in Him.


by Thiruvalluvar

Organized into three sections Thirukural is the one most ancients texts in Tamil that focuses on ethics. Known popularly as Ullaga Podhu Marai, Thirukural is made up of the three sections, viz, Arattu Paal, Porutpaal and Kaamattupaal

Expository Thoughts on the Gospels: Mark

by J. C. Ryle

If the best way to understand the Christian Faith is to read the Gospels, then the next books in order of importance have to be those which aid in the understanding of those Gospels. Observing this need in his own parish, J. C. Ryle prepared his Expository Thoughts on the Gospels which have encircled the earth for more than a century with undiminished popularity and usefulness. Ryle's 'plain and pointed' words are a great stimulus to the reading of the Bible itself. While his chief aim is to help the reader to know Christ he also has another object in view. He writes so that his commentary on Mark can be read aloud to a group. Unlike many authors he is equally good, read or heard. There are many other fuller Commentaries on the Gospels, but no others make such compelling listening - whether it be in the family, in neighbourly groups, or over the air - as those of J. C. Ryle.

A Cosmist Manifesto: Practical Philosophy for the Posthuman Age

by Ben Goertzel

[from the back cover] "The term Cosmism was introduced by [Konstantin] Tsiolkovsky and other Russian Cosmists around 1900. Goertzel's Cosmist Manifesto gives it new life and a new twist for the 21st Century. Cosmism, as Goertzel presents it is a practical philosophy for the posthuman era. Rooted in Western and Eastern philosophy as well as modern technology and science, it is a way of understanding ourselves and our universe that makes sense now, and will keep on making sense as advanced technology exerts its transformative impact as the future unfolds. Among the many topics considered are AI, nanotechnology, uploading, immortality, psychedelics, meditation, future social structures, psi phenomena, alien and cetacean intelligence and the Singularity. The Cosmist perspective is shown to make plain old common sense of even the wildest future possibilities.

Building Strategy and Performance

by Kim Warren

The fundamental challenge facing business leaders is to drive performance into the future--the dynamics of strategy. To tackle this effectively, they need a clear understanding of what causes performance to improve or deteriorate and what power they have to change this trajectory for the better. Without this understanding, they risk making poor choices about their future--failing to exploit promising opportunities, pursuing unachievable aims, or falling victim to competitive and other threats. Building Strategy and Performance Through Time sets the agenda for building business strategy in powerful, actionable, and accessible terms. It gives executives clear frameworks for answering three fundamental questions: * Why is our business performance following its current path? * Where is it going if we carry on as we are? * How can we design a robust strategy to transform this future? The existing strategy tools most widely used help guide management's choices about where to compete--which customers to serve, with what products and services, and how to deliver those products and services to those customers effectively and profitably. While this choice is important, it is not often changed in any fundamental way; having found a reasonably strong and profitable position on these issues, few firms will, or should, set off in a new direction. But there is still much to be done to deliver that strategy, powerfully and sustainably over time. Many decisions need to be made, continually and holistically, across all functions of the business and adapted as conditions change from month to month and year to year. Pricing, product development, marketing, hiring, service levels, and other decisions cannot be made in isolation but must take into account other choices being made, elsewhere and at different times. Building Strategy and Performance Through Time explains a reliable, practical method, known as strategy dynamics, that creates a living picture of how an enterprise actually works and delivers performance. This picture shows exactly where the levers are that management controls and how to choose what to do, when, and how much, to accomplish your specific goals. It shows, too, how the same approach can be used to defeat competitors, cope with other outside forces, and keep delivering performance.

Against the Megamachine: Essays on Empire and its Enemies

by David Watson

David Watson's wide-ranging essays ponder such themes as the state, empire and war, humanity's tragic relation to the natural world, and the contemporary mass society generated by industrial capitalism and modern technology. His impassioned critique offers a vision of social transformation open to diverse possibilities, and suggests where a new politics must begin: as a radical challenge to the mystique of progress, in defense of nature, memory and spirit.

Making Skills Everyone's Business: A Call to Transform Adult Learning in the United States


Skills matter. In the past year, a remarkable convergence of data, analysis, and policy informed us of just how much they matter to individuals, their families and communities, and to the economy overall. This report presents a vision for making adult skill development--upskilling--more prevalent, efficient, effective, and convenient. This vision rests on an understanding that foundation skills--the combination of literacy, numeracy, and English language as well as employability skills required for participation in modern workplaces and contemporary life--are a shared responsibility of, and value and benefit to the entire community<P><P> This report begins with a deeper look at the data before articulating seven strategies to transform adult learning in the United States, illustrated with "Innovation in Action" vignettes from around the country. It includes a section describing the efforts undertaken by ED subsequent to the OECD Survey to gather facts, analyze trends, and seek input from a broad range of stakeholders in roundtable discussions.

Tennessee Comprehensive Driver License Manual

by Tennessee Department of Safety Homeland Security

The purpose of this manual is to provide a general understanding of the safe and lawful operation of a motor vehicle.

Talk, Thinking and Philosophy in the Primary Classroom

by John Smith

Talk, thinking and philosophy are crucial components of children's learning. This book is a practical and readable guide to the ways in which teachers can provide children with the opportunities to develop and use these skills to their greatest effect. It begins by asking why talking and thinking should be taught and examines current approaches in this area. It goes on to look at how teachers can develop talking and thinking skills across the six Areas of Learning to help children gain confidence and deepen understanding.

Child Development: Birth to 16 years (PDF)

by Carolyn Meggitt

Enables you to build up a picture of a child's progress throughout their development. Guides you through the age-related behaviour to expect from a growing child. It can reassure you that a child is developing normally or allow you to identify a child who, for some reason, may not be following developmental milestones. The safety, ICT and nutrition guidelines provided throughout offer useful tips to bear in mind when working with children.

Disciplinary Decadence: Living Thought In Trying Times

by Lewis R. Gordon

In this book, philosopher and social critic Lewis Gordon explores the ossification of disciplines, which he calls disciplinary decadence. In response, he offers a theory of what he calls a teleological suspension of disciplinarity, in which he encourages scholars and lay intellectuals to pay attention to the openness of ideas and purposes on which their disciplines were born. Gordon builds his case through discussions of philosophy of education, problems of secularization in religious thought, obligations across generations, notions of invention in the study of ideas, decadence in development, colonial epistemologies, and the quest for a genuine postcolonial language. These topics are examined with the underlying diagnosis of the present political and academic environment as one in which it is indecent to think. 9781594512551 978159451256-8 1594512558

Disciplinary Decadence: Living Thought In Trying Times (PDF)

by Lewis R. Gordon

In this book, philosopher and social critic Lewis Gordon explores the ossification of disciplines, which he calls disciplinary decadence. In response, he offers a theory of what he calls a teleological suspension of disciplinarity, in which he encourages scholars and lay intellectuals to pay attention to the openness of ideas and purposes on which their disciplines were born. Gordon builds his case through discussions of philosophy of education, problems of secularization in religious thought, obligations across generations, notions of invention in the study of ideas, decadence in development, colonial epistemologies, and the quest for a genuine postcolonial language. These topics are examined with the underlying diagnosis of the present political and academic environment as one in which it is indecent to think. 9781594512551 978159451256-8 1594512558

The Confident Teacher: Developing The Habits, Characteristics And Pedagogy For Success

by Alex Quigley

The Confident Teacher offers a practical, step-by-step guide to developing the habits, characteristics and pedagogy that will enable you to do the best job possible. It unveils the tacit knowledge of great teachers and combines it with respected research and popular psychology. Covering topics such as organisation, using your body language effectively, combatting stress, managing student behaviour, questioning and feedback, and developing confident students, it shows how you can build the confidence and skill to flourish in the classroom. This book will be an essential resource for all qualified and trainee teachers wanting to reach their full potential in this challenging but rewarding profession.

Managing Change, Creativity and Innovation (2nd edition) (PDF)

by Constantine Andriopoulos Patrick Dawson

This bestselling text continues to provide a fresh approach to organisational change by linking it to the key drivers of creativity and innovation, but now contains improved coverage of approaches to change. It explores change as a human and social process, looking at the vital role leadership, entrepreneurship and creativity play in change management, rather than viewing it as a series of systems and mechanisms. In doing so, it provides all the theoretical and practical understanding you will need as both a student of change and a future manager. The second edition comes with access to a range of learning and revision aids online and is packed with cases and examples from around the globe. Visit the companion website today at www. uk. sagepub. com/dawson. Lecturers/instructors - request a free digital inspection copy here

Your Research Project: A Step-by-step Guide For The First-time Researcher (PDF)

by Nicholas Walliman

In this new edition of Your Research Project, Nicholas S. R. Walliman has made this bestselling book even better with the addition of a number of new features whilst retaining all the benefits of the original. New features include: more elaboration on the differing needs of masters and PhD students; a new overview of the entire research chronology from start to finish; student checklists throughout; a new chapter on research ethics; new sections on critical reading skills and compiling literature reviews; examples from a wide range of disciplines and a student glossary. Alternate ISBN 9781412901314

Your Dissertation In Education (PDF)

by Nicholas Walliman Scott Buckler Nicholas S. R. Walliman

Your Dissertation in Education provides a systematic, practical approach to dissertation and project writing for students in education. This is a revised edition of Nicholas Walliman's best-selling Your Undergraduate Dissertation, specifically developed for students from a range of educational disciplines, including teacher training, early childhood and education studies. This book is unique in being the first devoted to providing a guide that is tailored to fit the specific needs of education students. The contents chart the whole dissertation-writing process, from establishing a question and thinking about research, to completing the writing, and dissemination. Throughout, the emphasis is on providing practical, down-to-earth advice that addresses common questions, such as: How do I get started? How do I write a research proposal? How do I write an introduction? How do I write a literature review? How do I argue my point effectively? How do I write a methodology chapter? How can I work effectively with my supervisor? How do I cope with stress? Practical examples, summary sections and additional references are incorporated throughout, providing the reader with a comprehensive and easy-to-follow guide to completing their dissertation successfully. Nicholas Walliman is Senior Lecturer and Researcher, Oxford Brookes University Scott Buckler is Senior Lecturer, Institute of Education, University of Worcester. Alternate ISBN 9781412946223

Your Undergraduate Dissertation In Health and Social Care (PDF)

by Nicholas Walliman Jane V. Appleton

Your Undergraduate Dissertation in Health and Social Care provides a practical step-by-step guide to both the theoretical and practical aspects of the process of doing an undergraduate dissertation, equipping the reader with all the skills necessary to plan, conduct and write up a research project successfully. This is a revised edition of Nicholas Walliman's best-selling Your Undergraduate Dissertation, which has been specially tailored to the needs of those studying health, social care and related subjects. All the central topics are covered, with comprehensive information and guidance on crucial issues such as ethics, research governance and appraising the quality of the evidence. Relevant 'real life' examples are also included, drawn from a wide range of settings. This guide offers a genuinely accessible and supportive source of advice that will be welcomed by undergraduates in working towards their final year dissertation in health and social care. SAGE Study Skills are essential study guides for students of all levels. From how to write great essays and succeeding at university, to writing your undergraduate dissertation and doing postgraduate research, SAGE Study Skills help you get the best from your time at university. Visit the SAGE Study Skills website for tips, quizzes and videos on study success! Alternate ISBNs 9781847870698

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