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Elizabeth Finch: From the Booker Prize-winning author of THE SENSE OF AN ENDING

by Julian Barnes

We'd like to introduce you to Elizabeth Finch.We invite you to take her course in Culture and Civilisation.She will change the way you see the world.'The task of the present is to correct our understanding of the past. And that task becomes the more urgent when the past cannot be corrected.'Elizabeth Finch was a teacher, a thinker, an inspiration - always rigorous, always thoughtful. With measured empathy, she guided her students to develop meaningful ideas and to discover their centres of seriousness.As Neil, a former student, unpacks Elizabeth's notebooks, and remembers her uniquely inquisitive mind, her passion for reason resonates through the years. Her ideas unlock the philosophies of the past, and explore key events that show us how to make sense of our lives today. And underpinning them all is the story of J - Julian the Apostate, her historical soulmate and fellow challenger to the institutional and monotheistic thinking that has always threatened to divide us. This is more than a novel. It's a loving tribute to philosophy, a careful evaluation of history, an invitation to think for ourselves. It's a moment to reflect and to gently explore our own theories and assumptions. It is truly a balm for our times.-- This book has been printed with two different colour designs, blue and yellow. We are unable to accept requests for a specific cover. The different covers will be assigned to orders at random

The Green Queen

by Margaret St Clair

Bonnar had created the Green Queen thoughtlessly - all part of a day's work. But when his brain-child became a full-grown Frankenstein's monster, embodied in the girl he loved, Bonnar was terrified. For now she threatened to shatter the whole carefully balanced social structure of Viridis - as well to undermine that radioactive world's atomic shield!Only Bonnar could end the holocaust and turn the all-too-grim reality back to the illusion he had originally intended. But to do that he had to destroy the girl he loved - or be destroyed by her.

H. P. Lovecraft: Tales of Terror

by H. P. Lovecraft

When H. P. Lovecraft died in March 1937, he left a legacy of work that has since influenced countless generations of writers and filmmakers and which has seen him hailed as a master of horror and fantasy fiction. With specially commissioned illustrations and an introduction by Dr Keira McKenzie, this collection showcases nine of his most popular stories, including Dagon, The Call of Cthulhu and The Dunwich Horror.

Highways In Hiding

by George O. Smith

It was infinitely worse when everyone in the world insisted it couldn't have happened the way he knew it had. In a world where ESP and telepathy were normal, it was difficult to keep secrets. But Steve's search for his missing sweetheart brought him to the threshold of one of the greatest secrets of all time. And it was obvious that somebody would stop at nothing to keep him from uncovering it.What were the oddly sinister symbols along otherwise ordinary roads? What was behind the spreading plague called Mekstrom's Disease? Why were there "blank" spots where telepathy didn't work? Who was the elusive enemy with powers even beyond those ESP had bestowed on mankind?And, most important of all . . . could Steve find that enemy before they made him vanish too?And then it came to him that what he really wanted was to possess a body of Mekstrom Flesh, to be a physical superman. . .

The Human Angle

by William Tenn

Originally published in 1956, this collection of early gems won acclaim from reviewers all over the country, richly deserving a place as one of six simultaneously published volumes celebrating William Tenn. The Human Angle contains the following:Project HushThe Discovery of Morniel MathawayWednesday's ChildParty of the Two PartsThe Flat-Eyed MonsterThe Human AngleA Man of Family

The Invisible Man

by H. G. Wells

In the village of Iping, a strange man arrives at a local inn wrapped in bandages. He refuses to leave his room where he is carrying out experiments to make himself invisible.The stranger's success has grave implications for everyone. When he realises that he cannot reverse the experiment, he is gradually driven insane.This seminal tale acts as a powerful warning about unintended consequences. The journey on which the invisible man embarks turns out to be a penetrating, unflinching, and unsettling look into the heart of human nature.

Kemlo and the Gravity Rays (Kemlo)

by E. C. Eliott

Earth-born men had been able to travel to Space, but till now Space-born men had not been able to travel to Earth.It was left for Space-born boys - Kemlo, and his friends Kerowski and Karten - to blaze this trail.

The Last Battle (The Chronicles of Narnia #7)

by C. S. Lewis

Illustrations in this ebook appear in vibrant full colour on a full colour ebook device, and in rich black and white on all other devices.

On the Run

by Gordon R Dickson

One day Kil Bruner was a solid Class A engineer in a society of World Police and citizen Files, jet-set migrants and status-ranking Stability keys. But the Police ordered Kil to forget about his missing wife Ellen - and that was a mistake.Because Kil would move Heaven and Earth to find the woman he loved.Even when the search leads to slums filled with blade-wielding thugs and criminal Ace Kings . . . to secret societies and vast, interlocked, warring conspiracies - each out to rule the Earth or destroy it. Even when the search costs Kil his freedom, his sanity, the core of his soul - and reality itself . . .Because to find Ellen, Kil will have to move Heaven and Earth. Literally.

Pursuit Through Time

by Jonathan Burke

Pursuit Through Time depicts Clifford Marritt's daring attempt to change the course of history by time-travelling into the past.

Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Stories

by H. G. Wells

Wondrous worlds abound in the stories within. Heroes go on great adventures through magical realms, encounter alien races, and use their ingenuity to overcome impossible difficulties.From Robert E. Howard's thrilling stories of Conan the Barbarian to Nathaniel Hawthorne's subtle tale "The Artist of the Beautiful," the power of the imagination is breathtaking. The settings range from the frozen wastes of Antarctica to the red plains of Mars. Themes of space travel, apocalypse, magic, and power permeate these stories, but at their heart, as with all good fiction, are the characters - who remain as human as you or I.During the 19th century many writers such as Nathaniel Hawthorne and Ambrose Bierce, tried their hand at fantasy and science fiction, but few fully devoted themselves to the genre.It took two men to change this: H. G. Wells and Robert E. Howard. Wells was a founder of the science fiction genre whose novels The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds established him as one of the greatest writers of the time. Howard was nearly as influential on the fantasy genre, as his character Conan the Barbarian has remained immensely popular for generations.In the early 20th century, fantasy and science fiction truly established themselves in the pulp magazines. Writers like Charles B. Stilson, John York Cabot, and Harry Gore Bishop struggled to make a living even though they wrote prolifically for these magazines. The literary landscape as we know it today was established through the writing of these devoted individuals.This collection features several of the premier writers of speculative fiction. Authors include:W. L. AldenRobert BarrAmbrose BierceHarry Gore BishopJohn York CabotNictzin DyalhisFrancis FlaggGeorge GriffithNathaniel HawthorneRobert E. HowardKenneth MorrisWilliam MorrisCharles B. StilsonH. G. Wells

The Secret People

by Raymond F. Jones

When human genes go wild, reproduction can no longer be left to chance - and it is Robert Wellton, Chief of the Genetics Bureau, the most feared and hated man in the world, who decides who will mate with whom.But nobody can tell Wellton whom to mate with! He alone knows that the Genetics Program is collapsing, for fewer Normals are found each yer - and his father, who had been Genetics Chief before him, had discovered that not all Deviates are nature's failures. Some are telepathic and long-lived - like Robert Wellton himself.Thus is born the plan that Adam Wellton conceived and that Robert Wellton carries on - the creation of a Secret People. Born of Normal mothers, they are all Wellton's sons and daughters, bearing his improved genes - living hidden in a colony in the Canadian wilderness, protected from the hate and jealousy of civilization by Wellton, who stays in telepathic touch with them. But disaster strikes when a bitter powerful committee, suspecting the existence of concealed Deviates, begins a relentless search for them. Wellton knows there can be only one result - he Secret People will be hunted down and wiped out!

The Space-Born (Gateway Essentials)

by E.C. Tubb

Far from Earth, on a ship carrying the 13th and 14th generations of descendants from the original crew, life is short. You are born, learn the tasks needed to keep the ship running, help breed and train the next crew - and your death is ordered by the computer in charge.Gregson, chief of the psych-police, makes sure the computer's death-sentences are carried out quickly and painlessly. His duty is a sacred trust. He knows the intricacies of the system, how it works . . . and how it can be subverted.He is growing old. Rebellious.He also knows his name will soon come up in the computer for elimination.And he has no intention of carrying out his own death-sentence!

Star Ways: Psychotechnic League Book 1 (PSYCHOTECHNIC LEAGUE)

by Poul Anderson

"Five of our worlds are missing". That was the essence of the report that shocked the galactic Nomads at their annual meeting. For each of the mighty star-ships reported vanished was a world of its own - a man-made, self-sustaining city-state housing thousands of people. The Nomads themselves were an unplanned by-product of man's conquest of the stars. They were the gypsies of the distant future, the restless rovers of outer space. But to Joachim of the peregrine tey represented a way of life that was to be dearly defended. So it fell to him to make his own world-ship the bait in a cosmic trap set to catch the galaxy's unknown foemen!

They Shall Have Stars: Cities in Flight Book 1 (CITIES IN FLIGHT)

by James Blish

2018 AD. The time of the Cold Peace, worse even than the Cold War. The bureaucratic regimes that rule from Washington and Moscow are indistinguishable in their passion for total repression. But in the West, a few dedicated individuals still struggle to find a way out of the trap of human history. Behind the screen of official research their desperate project is nearing completion . . .

The Thirteenth Immortal

by Robert Silverberg

"Who was your father?" the mutant asked Dale Kesley. And try as he might, Kesley could not remember; his past was an utter blank. But he knew one thing - the answer to his life's riddle lay in Antarctica, the once-frozen continent, now an earthly paradise surrounded by an impenetrable barrier.But how to get there? The only means of transportation were the spindly six-legged mutant horses. And it was suicide for Kesley to travel on the American continents. Two immortal dictators had set king-size rewards for his capture - dead or alive! But somewhere in the two continents there was someone who would help him, someone he had to find. The future of the world depended on his success.(First published 1956)

Undersea Fleet (Undersea Eden #2)

by Frederik Pohl Jack Williamson

Everyone at the Academy knew that sea serpents were, without a doubt, silly superstitions. Everyone but David Craken, that is. This young cadet from Marinia had been born and raised four miles beneath the waves, and he knew that more than rich new fuel sources and precious stones lay in wait for the men who dared invade this last frontier.But when David dived into the depths at thirteen hundred feet and disappeared - only to reappear, drifting offshore months later - his friend Jim Eden learned there was more truth to certain superstitions than he cared to believe. On a strange and hazardous journey, Jim and the men of the Sub-Sea Academy suddenly found themselves up against the dangerous creatures of the deep - and embroiled in a life-against-life adventure they would never forget!

The World Set Free (Arcturus Classics)

by H. G. Wells

In this chilling science fiction novel by H.G. Wells, rich and powerful men wage the ultimate war "to end all wars". Published in 1914, The World Set Free was ahead of its time, telling the story of how newly-acquired nuclear weapons led to warfare between nations.In the book, Wells explores how social and moral dilemmas can result in self-destruction and chaos before eventually leading to solutions that create a unique utopia. Even today, this classic novel speaks to the challenges society faces due to the rise of science and technology.ABOUT THE SERIES: The Arcturus Classics series brings together high-quality paperback editions of classics works, presented with contemporary graphic cover designs. Together they make a wonderful collection which is perfect for any home library.

Atlas Shrugged (PDF)

by Ayn Rand

A towering philosophical novel that is the summation of her Objectivist philosophy, Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged is the saga of the enigmatic John Galt, and his ambitious plan to 'stop the motor of the world', published in Penguin Modern Classics. Opening with the enigmatic question 'Who is John Galt?', Atlas Shrugged envisions a world where the 'men of talent' - the great innovators, producers and creators - have mysteriously disappeared. With the US economy now faltering, businesswoman Dagny Taggart is struggling to get the transcontinental railroad up and running. For her John Galt is the enemy, but as she will learn, nothing in this situation is quite as it seems. Hugely influential and grand in scope, this story of a man who stopped the motor of the world expounds Rand's controversial philosophy of Objectivism, which champions competition, creativity and human greatness.

Blast Off at Woomera

by Hugh Walters

If the ladder hadn't slipped when Chris Godfrey was chalking up the sports results - and if Sir George Benson hadn't been passing at that very moment - it might never have happened. It had become imperative to fire a conscious human being into space and Sir George, who was Director of Research at Woomera, couldn't see how it was to be done until he met Chris. Once Chris agreed, things moved fast. Whisked to London by the R.A.F., he started his training, was fitted for a G-suit, got to know the landscape of the Moon as well as he knew the school sports ground. Then on to Woomera; and, at last, into space...

City on the Moon: Giants From Eternity, Lords Of Atlantis, And City On The Moon

by Murray Leinster

Life on the moon under anything less than optimal conditions had always been a nightmare, and as Joe Kenmore and his colleague, Moreau, drove back to the City On The Moon on that day the Earth shuttle was due to land, the nearby mountain supporting critical elements of the shuttle's landing mechanisms crumbled causing an avalanche and resulting in chaos. Optimal conditions were no where in sight that day and as Kenmore and Moreau's investigations lead to their conclusion that explosions had been responsible for the avalanche. Now they realized that they were in a race against the clock to restore the landing beam before the shuttle had reached it's point of no return prior to landing. Kenmore had more than strictly humanitarian reasons for wanting to prevent a mishap aboard the shuttle that day, because on this particular mission, Arlene Gray was aboard. Kenmore had been anxiously awaiting her arrival, and now his love's life might hang in the balance.

City Under the Sea (Gateway Essentials)

by Kenneth Bulmer

Jeremy Dodge knew the Earth would face starvation if it were not for the new science of "aquaculture". With the world's population numbering many billions, only the extra food being cultivated on the bottom of the sea could feed everyone.But, like the rest of the surface-dwellers, Jeremy did not know what a vicious monopoly underwater cultivation had become. That is, until the dreadful moment when he himself was kidnapped and dragged beneath the depths.And there he was to learn that just making his own escape would not be enough - he would have to save mankind from the tyranny of a new race of water-breathing human monsters!

The Clock of Time (Gateway Essentials)

by Jack Finney

'It is there...the relentless pressure of a million craving minds on the barrier of Time - and if it should break...'From the author of The Body Snatchers and Time and Again, a collection containing:Such Interesting NeighboursThe Third LevelI'm ScaredCousin Len's Wonderful Adjective CellarOf Missing PersonsSomething in a CloudThere is a Tide...Behind the NewsQuit Zoomin' Those Hands Through the AirA Dash of SpringSecond ChanceContents of the Dead Man's Pocket

Cycle of Fire (Gateway Essentials)

by Hal Clement

Stranded on an alien planet, light years from home, wandering from blistering heat to searing cold, Nils Kruger was not a happy man. So when he met another being - even though it wasn't human - things seemed to be looking up. The alien might be helpless, or it might be dangerous, but one thing was for sure - they stood a better chance for survival if they worked together.But as the two creatures overcame their mutual suspicion, as they worked together, as the language barrier was broken down, Nils came to a terrifying conclusion - this alien was more intelligent than a human. And to it, Nils was the alien.

Earthman's Burden: Hoka Book 1 (Hoka #1)

by Poul Anderson Gordon R Dickson

It could almost have been Earth - or so thought Ensign Alexander Braithwaite Jones, who crash-landed on the planet Taka, 500 light-years from the Solar System. Then he met the Hokas, a race of teddy-bear-like aliens, with the astounding ability to transform outdated Earth stories into riotous real life adventures.From the guns and slang of an Old West saloon to a hair-raising drug bust in Victorian England led to the by a button-nosed, pipe-puffing Hokan Sherlock Holmes, the Hokas demand that Alex Jones live it all along with them.Suddenly his ordinary military career is changed into a crazy world of intergalactic adventure, as he tries, without much success, to bring his furry, alien charges along the road to civilization, sanity, and a m ore respectable social rating in the Interbeing League.

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