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Showing 326 through 350 of 20,132 results

Deep Freeze

by Jonathan Burke

Scientific progress has taken human beings to remote planes in far galaxies and enabled them to build comfortable homes there. But when that science proved a deadly enemy and had to be abandoned, the pioneers were isolated in alien surroundings. There was no way home. Earth, which had once been home, had ceased to exist. And when the men of the planet Demeter died out in space, the destiny of the human race was left to a group of women.Clare Monkton worked to establish a feminist world. She used the resources of science to assure the continuance of the race ... but the resulting children were to be brought up according to her ideas.There was bound to be a challenge. When there were once more young men growing up on the planet, it was inevitable that they should oppose the authority of the women. And when one of those young men proved to come from such a dangerous ancestry, Clare knew she had a battle on her hands...

Earth 2

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

Into a world armed to the teeth there suddenly comes a strange gospel of disarmament. Briefed to investigate the intrigue is Sidney Boyd of MI5, and from a murdered diplomat his adventures take him to the fantastic Earth Two, an exact duplicate of our own planet in so far as living beings are con­cerned, and it falls to him-with the help of Orwena Exburg of Earth Two-to try and smash the deadly plan which is being matured against the peaceful nations of the world. Boyd and Orwena solve the mystery of Earth Two after making a landing on the moon and discovering something about it never before suspected by Earth scientists...

Earthman, Come Home: Cities in Flight Book 3 (Gateway Essentials)

by James Blish

When the cities left Earth, they exchanged a simple environment for one of constant, sometimes shattering change. The Universe was littered with cultures in every conceivable stage of development. Only the iron hand of the germanium-backed economy and occasional interventions by the Earth police imposed some kind of order on the spaceways. Even John Amalfi never got used to the life - and he had been mayor of New York for nearly five hundred years now.

The End of Eternity

by null Isaac Asimov

The best time-travel story since H.G. Wells’s The Time Machine, by the Grand Master of science fiction, the story of Andrew Harlan, Technician and Eternal. Andrew Harlan’s job is to range through past and present centuries monitoring and even altering Time’s myriad cause-and-effect relationships. As a Technician with the Allwhen Council, he initiates Reality Changes that may affect the lives of as many as fifty billion people – and a million or more of them may be so drastically affected as to be considered new individulas. Above all, therefore, a Technician must be dispassionate. An emotional make-up is a distinct handicap. Then Harlan meets Noÿs and falls victim to a phenomenon older than Time itself – love. Years of self-discipline are cast aside as Harlan uses the awesome techniques of the Eternals to twist Time so that he and Noÿs might survive… together.

The Fittest (Prologue Science Fiction Ser.)

by J. T. McIntosh

It all started when a scientist called Paget performed some fantastic experiments on dogs, cats, rats and mice in an attempt to heighten animal intelligence. He was far too successful.When a few of the specimens escaped from their cages, people were amused by the strange creatures. But as they rapidly bred and spread, and new generations combined vastly sharpened intelligence with a natural hatred of man, amusement turned to stark horror.One man seemed to know too much about the net "paggets" for his own safety - but not enough to avoid getting caught squarely in the middle of mankind's final, desperate battle, a savage struggle for supremacy in the world that would be won only by . . . THE FITTEST.

The Girls From Planet Five

by Richard Wilson

The mysterious spaceship hovered over Washington and the whole nation was alerted. A small craft detached itself from the ship and came down to earth the occupants emerged-a host of lovely ladies from outer space who invade a USA already dominated by women. It's as exciting as it is deft and entertaining.

Hell's Pavement

by Damon Knight

A voice in your brain warning you away from that one drink too many, or the crime of violence, guiding your every move from birth to death - that's the Analogue Machine, a terrifying and ingenious psychological device for compelling conformity. Analogue Men is an exploration of man and society written with dazzling ingenuity and plausibility.

Kemlo and the Craters of the Moon (Kemlo)

by E. C. Eliott

Were they the first men on the moon - or not?If they were not, then what had raised those magnificent buildings, apparently a deserted city, that Kemlo and his friends found standing beneath the cratered crust?

Kemlo and the Space Lanes (Kemlo)

by E. C. Eliott

How Kemlo won his spurs in the first and last great Battle of Space. For, yes, even to Space, that final goal of all Man's earthly dreams, enmity and war eventually came. But in Space, as always in the end on Earth, good was to triumph over evil - though not until a hideous and terrifying danger had been averted.

Kemlo and the Star Men (Kemlo)

by E. C. Eliott

Solid land inside a cloud of 'star dust' - where no solid land should be. And the weird voices - where are they coming from?Forced down on a minor star galaxy, Kemlo and his friends of Satellite Belt K discover a secret of Space which gives scientists information for which they have been searching for years.

The Long Tomorrow (S.F. MASTERWORKS)

by Leigh Brackett

'No city, no town, no community of more than one thousand people or two hundred buildings to the square mile, shall be built or permitted to exist anywhere in the United States of America.'Thirtieth Amendment to the Constitution of the United StatesTwo generations after the nuclear holocaust, rumors persisted about a secret desert hideaway where scientists worked with dangerous machines and where men plotted to revive the cities. Almost a continent away, Len Coulter heard whisperings that fired his imagination. Then one day he found a strange wooden box ...

The Long Way Home

by Poul Anderson

You can't go home again. For home is not merely a place, but a situation and when that situation changes, home is no more. Captain Edward Langely of the experimental starship Explorer was to learn this the hard way...

Martians, Go Home (Gateway Essentials)

by Fredric Brown

THEY WERE GREEN, THEY WERE LITTLE, THEY WERE BALD AS BILLIARD BALLS AND THEY WERE EVERYWHERE!Luke Devereaux was a science fiction writer, holed up in a desert shack waiting for inspiration. He was the first to see a Martian - but he certainly wasn't the last.It was estimated that one billion of them had arrived - one to every three human beings on Earth. Obnoxious green creatures who could be seen and heard (but not harmed) and who probed private sex lives as shamelessly as they exposed government secrets.No one knew why they had come. No one knew how to make them go away - except perhaps, Luke Devereaux. Unfortunately he was going slightly bananas, so it wouldn't be easy.But for a science fiction writer nothing was impossible...

No Boundaries

by Henry Kuttner C.L. Moore

Here is an anthology that explores the furthest reaches of imagination and the closest areas of emotion with power and with humour and with a sense of human purpose. This is Kuttner and Moore at their best.

Of All Possible Worlds (Gateway Essentials)

by William Tenn

Suppose... a man who was blasted into our time from the future arrived without any clothes? Suppose... a man who craved the love of beautiful women got too much of it? Suppose... a conscientious young realtor refused to rent a floor in an office building because it didn't exist? On such faintly horrifying, delightfully absurd speculations are some of these stories founded. With a keen satiric touch William Tenn uses his insight into contemporary life as a springboard into an absolutely believable, if slightly wacky, future.

The Other Side of Here

by Murray Leinster

Newark . . . Manhattan . . . Baltimore - one by one they went out. A succession of thriving communities suddenly put out like a guttered flame. Men, women, children sprawled like grotesque manikins. Steve Waldron knew it couldn't be plague. There had to be some connection with the disappearance of the nation's top scientists. And then he plunged to the center of a dead city and gaped at an unbelievable truth. What could he do against a force fearsome enough to engulf the entire nation?

The Paradox Men (Gateway Essentials #494)

by Charles L. Harness

Set after the Third Great War, North and South America are united into one country: Imperial America. A slave state run by a small noble elite who flaunt their wealth by using, and abusing, the one commodity that only the rich can have: human labour. But working underground, persecuted by the police, is an organization dedicated to the overthrow of government and the existing way of life and the establishment of freedom.The Society of Thieves was the only organization that flouted authority in America Imperial: they robbed the rich to buy freedom for the slaves. They were well equipped and trained for their job and had friends and informers in high places ready to reveal where the wealth of the nobles was hidden. And Alar was the best Thief of them all - for he had senses not found in ordinary men, senses that accurately warned him when danger was near. But Alar had amnesia and did not know his true identity though sometimes he sensed that there was a purpose in his actions that was not entirely his own volition. When Keiris, wife of the Imperial Chancellor saw him, she sensed that he was something special and helped him to elude pursuit even though it put her own life in danger. And in trips to the Moon and even the Sun itself, Alar begins to see what part he is destined to play in the struggle for men's freedom.

Revolt on Alpha C

by Robert Silverberg

Robert Silverberg's debut novel, first published in 1955.

The Stars, Like Dust

by Isaac Asimov

Mankind has conquered space and moved toward the starry heart of the galaxy. Earth is a planet of no importance, riddled with radioactivity by long-forgotten wars.

Agent of the Unknown

by Margaret St Clair

Don Haig had been content to lie around and drink in the synthetic beauty of the pleasure planetoid Fyon, until a woman came into his life. A woman more beautiful and more perfect than any other female in the galaxy. A woman who brought about a curious change in Don.For she was a pocket-sized foll - a very strange and miraculous puppet who shed constant tears and held powers that Don never even dreamed of.But what Don did know was that dangerous alien forces were swiftly focusing on him and his living puppet - and that he had to discover the doll's super-scientific secret before his own life was smashed into atoms.

Arcturus Landing

by Gordon R Dickson

Johnny Parent was driven by a furious anger - anger against the cocky aliens from outer space and anger against the company which had hired him to build the space drive which would lift the quarantine against Earth.It was a tough problem - made tougher by the company's double-dealing. And Johnny didn't relish the thought of cracking it with a whip on his back and a knife at his throat.Then he stumbled upon an eccentric young playboy, his pretty but ambitious secretary and weird little alien with colossal strength. Together they plotted the piratical flight into space which would earn Earth its due place in the Universe.But they had to hurry - because the company's strong men were right behind them - and the sola time clock was running out!

The Chronicles of Narnia 7-in-1 Bundle with Bonus Book, Boxen (The Chronicles of Narnia)

by C. S. Lewis

This collection contains all seven books in the classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia, without art, to appeal to older readers. This special ebook edition includes an introduction by C. S. Lewis’s stepson, Douglas Gresham and full text and art for Lewis’s very first work – Boxen!

Clarges (Gateway Essentials)

by Jack Vance

The city of Clarges is a near-utopia, surrounded by barbarism throughout the rest of the world. Abundant resources and the absence of political conflict lead to a pleasant life that should be stress-free. However, nearly everyone is obsessed with a perpetual scramble for status, called slope. Medical technology has led to a great lengthening of the human lifespan, but, in order to prevent the Malthusian horrors of over-population, it is awarded only to those citizens who have made notable contributions.The Grayven Warlock was one of those accomplished few, but he has become a fugitive after a feud with another Amaranth resulted in the latter's death. Masquerading as his own relict, using the name Gavin Waylock, he lives in obscurity, looking for the accomplishment that will reinstate him among the immortals. However, Waylock's dramatic stratagems may result in changes to society far beyond anything he had intended...

Colonial Survey

by Murray Leinster

Centuries, eons from now the peculiar, fantastic, astounding mind if man will conquer strange new worlds and probe the meaning of the central core of infinity with instruments of incredible scientific precision! In the far-off era when man will defy gravity, space, time - to explore the universe and make immensity his own!

The Edgar Allan Poe Collection

by Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe is regarded as one of the foremost American writers. The stories, poems and novels included here span the breadth of Edgar Allan Poe's unparalleled imagination.From the gothic horror of the classic short story "The Tell-Tale Heart" and his macabre poem "The Raven" to the enticing murder mystery, "The Murders in the Rue Morgue", and other works such as The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, this fascinating collection showcases Poe's lyrical writing and masterful plotting.Mysterious, morbid and undeniably fascinating, the tales collected here are a perfect introduction to America's master of horror.A few of his masterpieces included in this collection are:BereniceThe RavenThe Tell-Tale HeartThe Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pymof NantucketThe Murders in the Rue MorgueMetzengersteinThe Masque of the Red DeathThe Fall of the House of Usher

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