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John Carter of Mars: The Collection - A Princess Of Mars; The Gods Of Mars; The Warlord Of Mars; Thuvia, Maid Of Mars; The Chessmen Of Mars (John Carter Of Mars Series)

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

A classic of early, pulp science fiction writing this volume one of Edgard Rice Burroughs popular series introduces the hero John Carter, a civil-war veteran is mysteriously transported to Mars, or as it is known to its inhabitants Barsoom. Carter, who finds that he has superhuman strength in the Martian gravity, soon become embroiled in the affairs of the various warring Martian tribes and falls in love with the humanoid Dejah Thoris, a princess on the planet. In these first three books in the series Carter transitions from an alien outsider to royalty on the planet of Barsoom.

Jungle Girl: Large Print

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Asia, vast continent of ancient civilizations and mysterious peoples, has many corners little known to the rest of the world. One such was the jungle-hidden heart of exotic Cambodia, where Gordon King, a daring American explorer, stumbled upon the thousand-year secret kingdom of THE LAND OF HIDDEN MEN. Edgar Rice Burroughs, whose Tarzan tales have enthralled millions, has written a novel of another such jungle hero that is as exciting, as adventure-packed and as imaginative as his best. The dangers Gordon King faced, his rescue of a jungle princess, and his combat against the perils of the lost city of Pnom Dhek are first-rate Burroughs to the last exciting line.

Jungle Tales of Tarzan (TARZAN #6)

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

The young Tarzan was unlike the great apes who were his only companions and playmates. Theirs was a simple, savage life, filled with little but killing or being killed. But Tarzan had all of a normal boy's desire to learn. He had painfully taught himself to read from books left by his dead father. Now he sought to apply this book knowledge to the world around him. He sought for such things as the source of dreams and the whereabouts of God. And he searched for the love and affection that every human being needs. But he was alone in his struggles to grow and understand. The life of the jungle had no room for abstractions.

The Lad and the Lion: Large Print

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

In THE LAD AND THE LION, Edgar Rice Burroughs has returned to a theme that catapulted his name to fame when he wrote "Tarzan of the Apes". For here is the story of a youth - actually a deposed king - whose life is preserved by a miracle and who grows up on a derelict ship in companion with a lion.Eventually the winds and currents deposit the strange pair on the coast of Africa, and the youth learns the lessons of the wild, helped by his closest friend and protector, the giant, black-maned lion.The book is filled with the loyalty and staunch friendship of beasts - and with the treachery of man. It has all the trills and adventure and suspense that have made fans of millions of Edgar Rice Burroughs readers.

Land of Terror: Pellucidar Book 6 (PELLUCIDAR #5)

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

If you have ever wondered what a civilized man of the twentieth century would do if catapulted into an Old Stone Age where huge cave bears, saber-toothed tigers, monstrous carnivorous dinosaurs, mammoths, and mastodons roamed the savage terrain, you need look no further thanLand of Terror, the sixth installment of Edgar Rice Burroughs's Pellucidar series. Years ago David Innes and Abner Perry bored straight down through five hundred miles of the earth's crust and landed in Pellucidar, the savage, primeval world that lies at the center of the earth. This is the story of their continuing adventures in the timeless land of perpetual noon and their encounters with the hideous creatures and savage men who pursue them. Although they encounter enemies at every turn, David and Abner find a few loyal friends as they embark on exhilarating adventures.

The Land That Time Forgot: Land That Time Forgot Book 1 (Gateway Essentials #1)

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Hidden behind towering, impassable cliffs, Caspak will not easily give up its secrets. Unique and terrible animals and peoples inhabit the island. Dinosaurs terrorise tropical jungles to the south, while menacing winged humanoids dwell in cities on a large island in the north. Caught between these threats are scattered groups of human beings. Despite their differences, however, Caspak's animals and peoples are all connected in a mysterious and marvellous way.

The Land That Time Forgot SF Gateway Omnibus

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

The son of a Civil War veteran, Edgar Rice Burroughs was a prolific writer for the early pulp magazines. Famous the world over as the creator of Tarzan - and in SF circles for his Martian tales featuring John Carter - Burroughs turned his talents to a bewildering array of settings - the African jungle, Mars, Venus, the Wild West... and the Land that Time Forgot.This omnibus collects his tales of that lost world: THE LAND THAT TIME FORGOT, THE PEOPLE THAT TIME FORGOT and OUT OF TIME'S ABYSS.

The Lost Continent: The Best Book For Readers (annotated) By Edgar Rice Burroughs (Unexpurgated Start Publishing Llc Ser.)

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

War had devastated the entire eastern hemisphere. For two hundred years America had lived in civilized isolation, while Europe had lapsed into legend.Jefferson Turck was the first man who dared recross the 30th meridian, and like Columbus centuries before him, he landed in a New World. For Europe had become the jungle home of savage beasts and her people had banded together in bloodthirsty tribes led by barbarian queens.

Lost on Venus: Venus Book 2 (Venus #2)

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

In the Room of the Seven Doors, Carson Napier faced the choice of his life. Six doors led to terrible deaths - the seventh was the door of life. But for him, this door too would lead only to the new dangers of a planet whose beasts were more frightful than those of his native Earth.But Carson sought the rescue of the planet's fairest princess, and even though he stepped from one danger to meet another, he was determined to make good an Earthman's pledge.

The Man-Eater: And The Man Eater

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

A native woman working in the little cultivated patch just outside the palisade which surrounded the mission was the first to see them. Her scream penetrated to the living room of the little thatched bungalow where the Rev. Sangamon Morton sat before a table. He had heard such screams before. The one thing always uppermost in his mind and the one, great, abiding terror of their lives there in the midst of the savage African jungle was the Wakandas.

The Monster Men

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

They called him Number Thirteen, the latest and best of Dr. Von Horn's attempts to make life from lifeless chemicals. He found himself an almost-human on Von Horn's hideaway jungle island off the coast of Borneo. He saw the monsters that had preceded him and grew used to those dreadful travesties of humanity. Not until Number Thirteen met the American girl who was Von Horn's unwilling prisoner did he realize how different he was from the others. Because, monster or not, he turned against his master and threw in his lot with the girl and his friends in their desperate effort to escape the island of terror. The story of THE MONSTER MEN is an Edgar Rice Burroughs novel of savages, primitive monsters and jungles in the best Tarzan style.

The Moon Maid: Complete And Restored

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

In the late twentieth century, Admiral Julian 3rd can get no rest, for he knows his future. He will be reborn as his grandson in the next century to journey through space and make an ominous discovery inside the moon; he will live again in the dark years of the twenty-second century as Julian 9th, who refuses to bow down to the victorious Moon Men; and as Julian 20th, the fierce Red Hawk, he will lead humanity's final battle against the alien invaders in the twenty-fifth century. The Moon Maid is Edgar Rice Burroughs's stunning epic of a world conquered by alien invaders from the moon and of the hero Julian, who champions the earth's struggle for freedom, peace, and dignity.

The Mucker: Large Print

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Billy Byrne was a product of the streets and alleys of Chicago's great West Side. From Halsted to Robey, and from Grand Avenue to Lake Street there was scarce a bartender whom Billy knew not by his first name. And, in proportion to their number which was considerably less, he knew the patrolmen and plain clothes men equally as well, but not so pleasantly. His kindergarten education had commenced in an alley back of a feed-store. Here a gang of older boys and men were wont to congregate at such times as they had naught else to occupy their time, and as the bridewell was the only place in which they ever held a job for more than a day or two, they had considerable time to devote to congregating. They were pickpockets and second-story men, made and in the making, and all were muckers, ready to insult the first woman who passed, or pick a quarrel with any stranger who did not appear too burly. By night they plied their real vocations. By day they sat in the alley behind the feedstore and drank beer from a battered tin pail. The question of labor involved in transporting the pail, empty, to the saloon across the street, and returning it, full, to the alley back of the feed-store was solved by the presence of admiring and envious little boys of the neighborhood who hung, wide-eyed and thrilled, about these heroes of their childish lives. Billy Byrne, at six, was rushing the can for this noble band, and incidentally picking up his knowledge of life and the rudiments of his education. By the time he became an adult, he was another thing entirely. . . .

The Oakdale Affair: Third Novel Of The Mucker Series

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

The beautiful young daughter of a wealthy family is robbed of her money and jewels, and she herself disappears soon after... A young man fleeing a band of murderous hobos becomes the target of a lynch mob... Frozen to silent rigidity, they sat straining every faculty to catch the minutest sound from the black void where the dead man lay. As they listened there came up to them, mingled with inexplicable footsteps, a hollow reverberation from the dank cellar - a hideous dragging of chains behind the nameless horror which had haunted them through the interminable eons of the ghastly night. Up, up it came toward the room at the head of the stairs where they huddled fearfully. They could now hear quite clearly what might have been the slow and ponderous footsteps of a heavy man dragging painfully across the rough floor. It stopped in front of their hideout and all was silent. Suddenly their rang out against the silence of the awful night a piercing shriek, and a great The Oakdale Affair force began to bend the flimsy door...

Out of Time's Abyss: Land That Time Forgot Book 3 (The Land That Time Forgot #3)

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

The third book in Burrough's Caspak series-which also includes The Land That Time Forgot and The People That Time Forgot-Out of Time's Abyss is fully enjoyable as a standalone tale. Here, Bradley, survivor of an earlier expedition to the lost continent of Caspak, near Antarctica, has been sheltered at Fort Dinosaur, and now decides to brave the dangers of the land's barbarian men and brutal dinosaurs in an attempt to get home to England.

Pellucidar: Pellucidar Book 2 (PELLUCIDAR #2)

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

In this sequel to At the Earth's Core, return to the world of Pellucidar - an exotic, savage land at the centre of our Earth, an untamed wilderness where time stands still. When American explorer David Innes first discovered Pellucidar, he fell under the spell of the strange world, earning the respect of many, the undying hatred of a few, and the love of the beautiful Dian. Torn from the arms of Dian by trickery, Innes vows revenge and returns to the Inner World in his most exciting adventure to date. But David Innes appears in Pellucidar far from the land of his beloved and is forced to cross a fierce, unyielding world to reach her. Inne's epic journey through the many strange lands of Pellucidar, including the brilliantly conceived pendant moon and Land of Awful Shadow, and his heart-pounding encounters with prehistoric beasts and strange peoples ranks as one of the best adventures ever penned by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

The Pellucidar SF Gateway Omnibus: At the Earth's Core, Pellucidar, Tanar of Pellucidar (Pellucidar)

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

From the vaults of The SF Gateway, the most comprehensive digital library of classic SFF titles ever assembled, comes an ideal introduction to the fantastic worlds of one of the greatest adventure writers of all time, Edgar Rice Burroughs. The son of a Civil War veteran, Edgar Rice Burroughs was a prolific writer for the early pulp magazines. Famous the world over as the creator of Tarzan - and in SF circles for his Martian tales featuring John Carter - Burroughs is a household name. But there was more to him than apemen and four-armed Martians! This omnibus collects his tales of the world within a hollow Earth: At the Earth's Core, Pellucidar and Tanar of Pellucidar.

The People That Time Forgot: Land That Time Forgot Book 2 (Land That Time Forgot #2)

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

In uncharted Caprona, a continent lost from the map of Earth, where Time had stopped and all the primeval creatures of long-gone ages still prowled, Bowen Tyler was lost.Strange mysteries awaited the expedition that went in search of Tyler. A barbaric, warring civilization hid there, trapped between the impassable jungle on one side and an unknown menace on the other.

Pirates of Venus: Venus Book 1 (Gateway Essentials #1)

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Carson Napier set out for Mars in a secret interplanetary rocket but found himself instead on a different world - the cloud-hidden planet of Venus. Venus was a startling world - semi-private, semi-civilised. It was a place of unmapped oceans dotted with great islands; a world whose trees pierced the clouds and whose cities squatted on their branches; a planet whose inhabitants included men, half-men, and monsters, all struggling with each other for dominance.

A Princess of Mars

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Civil War veteran John Carter is transported to a dying planet, where he must elude capture by giant green barbarians to rescue a Martian princess from certain doom. In this landmark of science fiction, the myths and mystery of the red planet supply a vibrant backdrop for a swashbuckling epic.Published in 1911, A Princess of Mars introduced a popular series of novels recounting John Carter's Martian exploits. Author Edgar Rice Burroughs, best known as the creator of Tarzan, employed a new style of writing that combined the genres of fantasy, adventure, and science fiction. His imaginative setting -- an advanced but decaying civilization, where Olympian heroics play out against malevolent forces and ever-changing fortunes -- endures as a timeless world, in which love, honor, and loyalty form the basis for fast-paced romantic adventures.Generations of readers have thrilled to Burroughs' Martian tales, including writers of science fiction and fact, such as Ray Bradbury and Carl Sagan. "I stood on the lawns of summer, raised my hands, and cried for Mars, like John Carter, to take me home," remembered Ray Bradbury, "I flew to the red planet and never returned."

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