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Showing 16,951 through 16,975 of 20,132 results

A Time of Changes: Nightwings, A Time Of Changes, Lord Valentine's (Gateway Essentials)

by Robert Silverberg

Three thousand years after Earth's colonization of the planet Borthan, stories of self-serving hypocrisy that occurred among the first arrivals have bred a culture that forbids emotional sharing and denies the naturally human concept of 'self.' The result is a lasting peace, but at a terrible price. For it is a peace without love, without self, where even the mention of the word "I" is taboo.Spurred on by the arrival of an Earthman with a self-baring drug, Kinnall Darival breaks the strict code of the Covenant to record the sordid details of his rebellious life from the days of his royal youth to self-appointed prophet of love. He begins his account with the greatest of heresies:'I am Kinnall Darival and I mean to tell you all about myself.'Winner of the Nebula Award for best novel, 1971

Time of the Great Freeze

by Robert Silverberg

2650 ADThe Earth has been buried beneath a sheet of ice for 300 years. In cities miles beneath the surface humanity huddles, waiting for release.Dr. Raymond Barnes waits with passion, and listens daily for evidence of life on the still Earth. Finally, a voice from across the void hails his open frequency . . . the surface awaits mankind.But not all men are anxious to return to what was . . . those in power are determined to keep man in his new place, to retain their order of fear and oppression. Barnes and his courageous group of scientists and adventurers are arrested for possession of forbidden technology; the radio is destroyed! Their punishment is swift ejection from the underground city, their only hope is to reach London - 3000 desolate miles across a frozen wasteland!

To Be Continued: The Collected Stories Volume 1

by Robert Silverberg

The Collected Stories Volume 1: To Be Continued 1953 - 1958Winner of multiple Hugo and Nebula Awards, Robert Silverberg is one of the all time greats of science fiction. A professional writer for more than half a century, his short story output has been prolific and exceptional in quality. This series of nine volumes will collect all of the short stories and novella-length that SF Grand Master Silverberg wants to take their place on the permanent shelf. Each volume will be roughly 150,000-200,000 words, with classics and lesser known gems alike. The author has also graced us with a lengthy introduction and extensive story notes for each tale. Contents: Gorgon Planet The Road to NightfallContinued Alaree The Artifact Business Collecting Team A Man of Talent One Way Journey Sunrise on Mercury World of a Thousand Colors Warm Man Blaze of Glory Why? The Outbreeders The Man Who Never Forgot There Was an Old Woman The Iron Chancellor Ozymandias CounterpartDelivery Guaranteed

To Live Again: The Complete Novels

by Robert Silverberg

Paul Kaufmann is dead - but his mind lives on.And the mind of a financial genius is always in demand.Mark Kaufmann, the old man's nephew and heir, wants it, to ensure the future of the Kaufmann empire.The ruthless and self-made John Roditis, Mark's great rival, wants it, to give him the social status he has always lacked.And Risa, Mark's self-willed and sensual daughter, wants what a mind like Paul's can give, for reasons all her own.

To Open the Sky

by Robert Silverberg

The VorstersWere the blue-robed worshippers of the atom, symbolised by the Cobalt-60 reactors that glowed blindingly on every alter in their fast-growing churches.The HarmonistsWere the green-robed heretics, a breakaway faction condemned as icon-adorers, who believed that their creed was truer to the code of Vorst, the Founder.At the beginning of the 22nd century, Earth colonies were established on Mars and Venus. But the ultimate dream - to travel to the stars - was still an impossibility. A few enlightened men believed that the Vorsters and the Harmonists could solve this seemingly insurmountable problem, if they could only forget their differences and work together. But the hatred between the two factions was too deep to be reconciled - until a conflict on Venus between a Vorster priest and his Harmonist opponent resulted in some totally unexpected developments . . .

To the Dark Star: The Collected Stories Volume 2

by Robert Silverberg

The Collected Stories Volume 2: To The Dark Star (1962 - 1969)Winner of multiple Hugo and Nebula Awards, Robert Silverberg is one of the all time greats of science fiction. A professional writer for more than half a century, his short story output has been prolific and exceptional in quality.This series of nine volumes will collect all of the short stories and novella-length that SF Grand Master Silverberg wants to take their place on the permanent shelf.Each volume will be roughly 150,000-200,000 words, with classics and lesser known gems alike. The author has also graced us with a lengthy introduction and extensive story notes for each tale.Contents: To See The Invisible Man The Pain Peddlers Neighbor The Sixth Palace Flies Halfway House To The Dark Star Hawksbill Station Passengers Bride 91 Going Down Smooth The Fangs of the Trees Ishmael in Love Ringing the Changes Sundance How It Was When the Past Went Away A Happy Day in 2381 (Now + n, Now - n) After the Myths Went Home The Pleasure of Their Company We Know Who We Are

To the Land of the Living

by Robert Silverberg

What if there were an Afterworld? Not Heaven or Hell in the conventional sense, but a place where everyone who has ever lived reawakens when they die, to live again and die again and live again, seemingly forever. This is the premise of Robert Silverberg's brilliantly inventive new fantasy novel. The central character is the legendary warrior-king Gilgamesh, who has been in the Afterworld longer than almost anyone else save the Hairy Men from before the Flood, and who in recent centuries (insofar as you can count time) has seen it change beyond recognition, as the newly dead from industrial times import their machinery, their weaponry and their attitudes. Gilgamesh's adventures in the course of the novel take him to the Afterworld realms of other quasi-mythical figures like Prester John and Simon Magus, bring him into contact with such figures from more recent history as Walter Ralegh and Pablo Ruiz (known to some as Picasso), and eventually send him in search of a gateway which is rumoured to exist somewhere in the land of the dead - a gateway which leads back to the land of the living.

Tom O'Bedlam (Gateway Essentials)

by Robert Silverberg

The 22nd century, 150 years after the Dust War destroyed America's Mid-West, and much else besides. California is a last outpost for survival and reclamation during a long epidemic of all-purpose despair.The extraordinary cult of 'Tumbonde,' a former taxi driver its prophet and leader, predicts the imminent arrival on earth of 'Gods' from the stars. The movement grows daily.Tom O'Bedlam, an apparent madman, prey since childhood to visions which seem to confirm 'Tumbonde,' goes even further. He can, he will, help others to make the Crossing. If the world doesn't go too man too soon. If well-meaning 'rationalists' don't lock him away . . .

Tower Of Glass (Gateway Essentials)

by Robert Silverberg

Simeon Krug's obsession is to see a tower built, on kilometre high, that will reach out to answer the voice from space. The Androids are his tools; superb, man-like creations of Man. The Androids take Krug for their God, and seek to become one with flesh-and-blood mankind through his wisdom. But Krug is not God - and it takes a God to control the terrible emotions Krug has stirred . . .

Trips: The Collected Stories Volume 4

by Robert Silverberg

The Collected Stories Volume 4: Trips (1972 - 1973)Winner of multiple Hugo and Nebula Awards, Robert Silverberg is one of the all time greats of science fiction. A professional writer for more than half a century, his short story output has been prolific and exceptional in quality.This series of nine volumes will collect all of the short stories and novella-length that SF Grand Master Silverberg wants to take their place on the permanent shelf.Each volume will be roughly 150,000-200,000 words, with classics and lesser known gems alike. The author has also graced us with a lengthy introduction and extensive story notes for each tale.Contents: In the Group Getting Across Ms. Found in an Abandoned Time Machine The Science Fiction Hall of Fame A Sea of Faces The Dybbuk of Mazel Tov IV Breckenridge and the Continuum Capricorn Games Ship-Sister, Star-Sister This is the Road Trips Born with the Dead Schwartz Between the Galaxies In the House of Double Minds

Up the Line (Gateway Essentials)

by Robert Silverberg

Time travel spelled problems for the couriers of the Time Service. Shuttling backwards and forwards over the centuries they had to be wary of creating paradoxes - like meeting themselves watching the sack of Rome, or sleeping with their own ancestors.Of course, it also gave them the chance to amass wealth by the discreet use of their prior knowledge. The penalties were fierce and the Time Police implacable in their pursuit of lawbreakers. But it was still worth taking the risk.Jud Elliot took it when he met the marvellous transemporal paradox called the Pulcheria. He couldn't resist her charms - the effects spanned generations, and set the Time Police on his trail!

Valentine Pontifex: Book Three Of The Majipoor Cycle (Gateway Essentials #Vol. 2)

by Robert Silverberg

'Valentine looked downward. Everything was black, a pool of night rising from the floor. That blackness seemed to be beckoning to him. Come, a quiet voice was saying, here is your path, here is your destiny: night, darkness, doom. Yield. Yield, Lord Valentine, Coronal that was, Pontifex that will never be. Yield . . .'Valentine is now established as Coronal of Majipoor, about to undertake the grand processional, but filled with inexplicable despond, still shadowed by the dark cloud that had passed across his soul in Labyrinth.His foreboding proves to be not without foundation as soon he faces a planetary crisis - the shapeshifting Metamorphs are sabotaging the crops upon which Majipoor's billions depend - and a conflict, about how the suddenly turbulent planet should be ruled, with his protégé and heir-apparent, Hissune.Only after this crisis has been overcome and the conflict with Hissune resolved can Valentine fulfil his proper destiny and succeed to the title of Pontifex.

We Are For the Dark: The Collected Stories Volume 7 (The Collected Stories #7)

by Robert Silverberg

The Collected Stories Volume 7: We Are For The Dark (1987 - 1990)Winner of multiple Hugo and Nebula Awards, Robert Silverberg is one of the all time greats of science fiction. A professional writer for more than half a century, his short story output has been prolific and exceptional in quality.This series of nine volumes will collect all of the short stories and novella-length that SF Grand Master Silverberg wants to take their place on the permanent shelf.Each volume will be roughly 150,000-200,000 words, with classics and lesser known gems alike. The author has also graced us with a lengthy introduction and extensive story notes for each tale.Contents:The Dead Man's Eyes Enter A Soldier. Later: Enter Another To The Promised Land Chip Runner A Sleep And A Forgetting In Another Country The Asenion Solution We Are For The Dark Lion Time In Timbuctoo A Tip On A Turtle

The World Inside (Gateway Essentials)

by Robert Silverberg

The year is 2381. The place is Urban Monad 116 of the constellation Chippitts. The population of this one-thousand storey super-structure is 800,000+ and always growing. After two centuries of ruthless, selective breeding, the essence of life is to be blessworthy and to multiply; to afford one's neighbours any type of sexual fulfilment and, above all, to avoid the evil of frustration.But, within this seemingly blissful vertical world there are individuals who feel such perverse desires as a longing for privacy, a wish to descend from the heights, to walk on earth and bask in the sunshine. These rebel throwbacks to an earlier Earth are dangerous, disruptive elements. And they must be destroyed - if they do not destroy themselves first . . .

World's Fair 1992

by Robert Silverberg

Bill Hastings was one in a million. He was the winner of a planet-wide contest, and the prize was a chance to spend a year working at the 1992 World's Fair. For the young xenobiology student, it was the opportunity of a lifetime.Fifty thousand miles above the Earth, a gigantic satellite moved in its elegant orbit. It would be Bill's home for a year, and host to hundreds of thousands of visitors. The 1992 World's Fair was to be an orbital extravaganza, and Bill Hastings thought that his dreams had come true. He had a lot to learn.

When The Blue Shift Comes

by Robert Silverberg Alvaro Zinos-Amaro

In the far future, Earth is about to be swallowed by a black hole in this sweeping SF epic from one of the masters of the genre.In a time so far from our own that we cannot comprehend it, humanity has spread amongst the stars and changed in more ways than we can count. But they have never forgotten their birthplace - Earth. But now Earth stands on the brink of catastrophe, at risk of being swallowed by a black hole. One man, Hanosz Prime, ruler of his world, is determined to visit Earth before it is destroyed. His abdication from his throne and his wanderlust are to prove the beginning of a much longer journey - one that will see him fall in love, meet the Oracles of Earth and perhaps, if he is very lucky, provide a means to save the cradle of humanity.Originally started by Robert Silverberg more than 20 years ago but never completed, Hanosz's story is taken up by Alvaro Zinos-Amaro. Silverberg hand-picked Zinos-Amaro to complete the book, and provided notes and guidance. The result is a remarkable collaboration between one of the masters of SF and one of the most exciting new voices in the genre.

The Double-Edged Sword: The Nowhere Chronicles Book One (NOWHERE CHRONICLES)

by Sarah Silverwood

'Sixteen's an interesting age: not quite a fully grown man, but not a kid either. Anything is possible when you're sixteen.'Finmere Tingewick Smith was abandoned on the steps of the Old Bailey. Under the guardianship of the austere Judge Harlequin Brown and the elderly gentlemen of Orrery House, Fin has grown up under a very strange set of rules. He spends alternate years at two very different schools and now he's tired of the constant lies to even his best friends, to hide the insanity of his double life. Neither would believe the truth! But on his sixteenth birthday, everything changes. The Judge is killed, stabbed in the chest with a double-edged sword that's disturbingly familiar, and from that moment on, Fin is catapulted into an extraordinary adventure. Through the Doorway in Fin's London, a hole in the boundaries of Existence, lies another London - and now both are in grave danger.For the Knights of Nowhere have kidnapped the Storyholder, the keeper of the Five Eternal Stories which weave the worlds together. Because of the Knights' actions, a black storm is coming, bringing madness with it.Fin may be just 16, but he has a long, dark journey ahead of him if he is to rescue the Storyholder and save Existence!

The London Stone: The Nowhere Chronicles Book Three (NOWHERE CHRONICLES #3)

by Sarah Silverwood

The prophecy has come to pass.The London Stone has been stolen and the Dark King rules the Nowhere. Only Mona and the new Seer dare to stand against him, leading an underground rebellion in the frozen wasteland ... but what chance do they have, against both the Army of the Mad and Arnold Mather's soldiers?There is still hope: if they can recruit a banished race to their cause, maybe Fin and his friends can force a final battle against the Dark King. But that aid will be hard-won, through an almost impossible quest, and even then there are no guarantees.It will come down to three friends, standing together against all odds. And fulfilling their destinies, whatever the cost ...

The Traitor's Gate: The Nowhere Chronicles Book Two (NOWHERE CHRONICLES #2)

by Sarah Silverwood

It's Christmas-time, and Finmere Tingewick Smith (Fin to his friends) is back in Orrery House, with Christopher, one of his two best friends. They're there for the Initiation of the new Knights of Nowhere. The boys have tried to find some normalcy after their recent adventures, but they're badly missing Joe. He's stuck in the Nowhere, guarding two of the Five Eternal Stories that weave all the worlds together; they're held inside his own body. In the Somewhere, Christmas is a time of glad tidings and gifts and goodwill, Christmas trees, carols and the celebration of good things. But there is no Christmas in the Nowhere, and in both worlds, things are not as settled as they look, for Justin Arnold-Mather is getting ready to make his move. In the Nowhere, something is moving through the streets, attacking people - random victims - and leaving them mad and disfigured. And in Orrery House, a tiny crack has appeared in the Prophecy table.The Prophecy is coming alive. The battle lines will be drawn between even the closest of friends, for the fight is on. The Dark King is rising.

Meet Me in Another Life

by Catriona Silvey

’Beautifully explored and deeply complex’ Gal Gadot Joyful, devastating, and profound, Meet Me in Another Life is a story of love and connection in every possible form that will captivate fans of Stuart Turton, Claire North, and Audrey Niffenegger.

The City of Dusk (The Dark Gods)

by Tara Sim

The Four Realms-Life, Death, Light, and Darkness-all converge on the city of dusk. For each realm there is a god, and for each god there is an heir. But the gods have withdrawn their favor from the once vibrant and thriving city. And without it, all the realms are dying. Unwilling to stand by and watch the destruction, the four heirs-Risha, a necromancer struggling to keep the peace; Angelica, an elementalist with her eyes set on the throne; Taesia, a shadow-wielding rogue with rebellion in her heart; and Nik, a soldier who struggles to see the light- will sacrifice everything to save the city. But their defiance will cost them dearly.

The Midnight Kingdom: The second instalment of the Dark Gods trilogy (The Dark Gods)

by Tara Sim

Fans of RJ Barker and Anna Smith Spark, rejoice! The divine will have their war - and not all will survive it. Scattered across the realms, the four noble heirs of Nexus walk a dangerous path, attempting to undo the damage the gods have wrought. Taesia, the shadow-wielding rebel of House Lastrider, and Nikolas, the reluctant soldier of House Cyr, find themselves stranded in Noctus, the realm of eternal night. But they are not alone. They've been followed by the unpredictable god of light, determined to destroy Noctus. Meanwhile, Risha, the peacekeeping necromancer, must navigate the treacherous realm of death, Mortri, where the spirits don't take kindly to the living. The stubborn elementalist Angelica fights a battle of her own in Vitae, trying to keep Nexus from unravelling while secretly suffering from an illness that could have disastrous repercussions for her family, her kingdom, and her dreams of the throne.As the heirs struggle to restore balance to the universe, they encounter new allies and new foes alike. But the gods grow stronger. And their descendants will need more than their magic and wits to survive the coming war...Praise for Tara Sim'A glorious tapestry of magic and murderous gods'Buzzfeed News'Lovers of epic, dark fantasies, rejoice!'Book Riot'A delightful, complex, intimate yet explosive debut'Strange Horizons'A lot to love here'Kirkus

Scavenge the Stars (Scavenge the Stars #1)

by Tara Sim

When Amaya rescues a mysterious stranger from drowning, she fears her rash actions have earned her a longer sentence on the debtor ship where she's been held captive for years. Instead, the man she saved offers her unimaginable riches and a new identity, setting Amaya on a perilous course through the coastal city-state of Moray, where old-world opulence and desperate gamblers collide. Amaya wants one thing: revenge against the man who ruined her family and stole the life she once had. But the more entangled she becomes in this game of deception-and as her path intertwines with the son of the man she's plotting to bring down-the more she uncovers about the truth of her past. And the more she realizes she must trust no one?Packed with high-stakes adventure, romance, and dueling identities, this gender-swapped retelling of The Count of Monte Cristo is the first novel in an epic YA fantasy duology, perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas, Sabaa Tahir, and Leigh Bardugo.

All Flesh is Grass

by Clifford D. Simak

A mysterious invisible barrier suddenly enclose a small, out-of-the-way American township. The agency is a galactic intelligence intent on imposing harmony and co-operation on all peoples - but fear of the unknown reduces man to the most illogical behaviour.

Cemetery World

by Clifford D. Simak

Earth: expensive, elite graveyard to the galaxy. Ravaged 10,000 years earlier by war, Earth was reclaimed by its space-dwelling offspring as a planet of landscaping and tombstones. None of them fully human, Fletcher, Cynthia, and Elmer journey through this dead world, discovering human traits and undertaking a quest to rebuild a human world on Earth.

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