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Showing 15,476 through 15,500 of 20,139 results

Doctor Who: The Deviant Strain (DOCTOR WHO #14)

by Justin Richards

The Novrosk Peninsula: the Soviet naval base has been abandoned, the nuclear submarines are rusting and rotting. Cold, isolated, forgotten. Until the Russian Special Forces arrive and discover that the Doctor and his companions are here too. But there is something else in Novrosk. Something that predates even the stone circle on the cliff top. Something that is at last waking, hunting, killing. Can the Doctor and his friends stay alive long enough to learn the truth? With time running out, they must discover who is really responsible for the Deviant Strain...Featuring the Ninth Doctor as played by Christopher Eccleston, together with Rose and Captain Jack as played by Billie Piper and John Barrowman in the hit Doctor Who series from BBC Television.

Doctor Who: Code of the Krillitanes (DOCTOR WHO #9)

by Justin Richards

"I blame those new Brainy Crisps. Since he started eating them, he's been too clever by half."Can eating a bag of crisps really make you more clever? The company that makes the crisps says so, and they seem to be right. But the Doctor is worried. Who would want to make people more brainy? And why? With just his sonic screwdriver and a supermarket trolley full of crisps, the Doctor sets out to find the truth. The answer is scary - the Krillitanes are back on Earth, and everyone is at risk! Last time they took over a school. This time they have hijacked the internet. Whatever they are up to, it's big and it's nasty. Only the Doctor can stop them - if he isn't already too late... A short, sharp shot of adventure, featuring the Doctor as played by David Tennant in the hit Doctor Who series from BBC Television.

Doctor Who: Martha in the Mirror (DOCTOR WHO #49)

by Justin Richards

Castle Extremis - whoever holds it can control the provinces either side that have been at war for centuries. Now the castle is about to play host to the signing of a peace treaty. But as the Doctor and Martha find out, not everyone wants the war to end. Who is the strange little girl who haunts the castle? What is the secret of the book the Doctor finds, its pages made from thin, brittle glass? Who is the hooded figure that watches from the shadows? And what is the secret of the legendary Mortal Mirror?The Doctor and Martha don't have long to find the answers - an army is on the march, and the castle will soon be under siege once more... Featuring the Tenth Doctor and Martha as played by David Tennant and Freema Agyeman in the hit sci-fi series from BBC Television.

Doctor Who: The Resurrection Casket (DOCTOR WHO #136)

by Justin Richards

Starfall - a world on the edge, where crooks and smugglers hide in the gloomy shadows and modern technology refuses to work. And that includes the TARDIS. The pioneers who used to be drawn by the hope of making a fortune from the mines can find easier picking elsewhere. But they still come for the romance of it, or old-fashioned organic mining. Or in the hope of finding the lost treasure of Hamlek Glint - scourge of the spaceways, privateer, adventurer, bandit.Will the TARDIS ever work again? Is Glint's lost treasure waiting to be found? And does the fabled Resurrection Casket, the key to eternal life, really exist? With the help of new friends, and to the horror of new enemies, the Doctor and Rose aim to find out. Featuring the Tenth Doctor and Rose as played by David Tennant and Billie Piper in the acclaimed Doctor Who series from BBC Television.

Doctor Who: Doctor Who (DOCTOR WHO #66)

by Justin Richards

'For a few moments this afternoon, it rained on the moon...'An astronaut in full spacesuit appears out of thin air in a busy shopping centre. Maybe it's a publicity stunt. A photo shows a well-dressed woman in a red coat lying dead at the edge of a crater on the dark side of the moon - beside her beloved dog 'Poochie'. Maybe it's a hoax. But as the Doctor and Amy find out, these are just minor events in a sinister plan to take over every human being on earth. The plot centres on a secret military base on the moon - that's where Amy and the TARDIS are.The Doctor is back on Earth, and without the TARDIS there's no way he can get to the moon to save Amy and defeat the aliens. Or is there? The Doctor discovers one last great secret that could save humanity: Apollo 23.A thrilling, all new adventure featuring the Doctor and Amy, as played by Matt Smith and Karen Gillan in the hit Doctor Who series from BBC Television

Doctor Who: 50th Anniversary Edition (DOCTOR WHO #169)

by Justin Richards

On a barren asteroid, the once-mighty Haddron Empire is on the brink of collapse, torn apart by civil war. The one man who might have saved it languishes in prison, his enemies planning his death and his friends plotting his escape.The Second Doctor arrives as the last act of this deadly drama is being played out – and with both terrifying killers and cunning traitors to defeat, the future hangs in the balance.An adventure featuring the Second Doctor as played by Patrick Troughton and his companions Jamie and Victoria

Doctor Who: Plague of the Cybermen

by Justin Richards

When the Doctor arrives in the 19th-century village of Klimtenburg, he discovers the residents suffering from some kind of plague – a ‘wasting disease’. The victims face a horrible death – but what’s worse, the dead seem to be leaving their graves. The Plague Warriors have returned… The Doctor is confident he knows what’s really happening; he understands where the dead go, and he’s sure the Plague Warriors are just a myth. But as some of the Doctor’s oldest and most terrible enemies start to awaken he realises that maybe – just maybe – he’s misjudged the situation. A thrilling, all-new adventure as played by Matt Smith in the spectacular hit series from BBC television.

Doctor Who: A Melody Malone Mystery

by Justin Richards

On some days, New York is one of the most beautiful places on Earth.This was one of the other days…Melody Malone, owner and sole employee of the Angel Detective Agency, has an unexpected caller. It’s movie star Rock Railton, and he thinks someone is out to kill him. When he mentions the ‘kiss of the Angel’, she takes the case. Angels are Melody’s business…At the press party for Railton’s latest movie, studio owner Max Kliener invites Melody to the film set of their next blockbuster. He’s obviously spotted her potential, and Melody is flattered when Kliener asks her to become a star. But the cost of fame, she’ll soon discover, is greater than anyone could possibly imagine.Will Melody be able to escape Kliener’s dastardly plan – before the Angels take Manhattan?

Doctor Who: Devil in the Smoke

by Justin Richards

Madame Vastra, the fabled Lizard Woman of Paternoster Row, knew death in many shapes and forms. But perhaps one of the most bizarre of these was death by snow...On a cold day in December, two young boys, tired of sweeping snow from the workhouse yard, decide to build a snowman – and are confronted with a strange and grisly mystery. In horrified fascination, they watch as their snowman begins to bleed...The search for answers to this impossible event will plunge Harry into the most hazardous – and exhilarating – adventure of his life. He will encounter a hideous troll. He will dine with a mysterious parlour maid. And he will help the Great Detective, Madame Vastra, save the world from the terrifying Devil in the Smoke.

Doctor Who: The Clockwise Man (DOCTOR WHO #73)

by Justin Richards

In 1920s London the Doctor and Rose find themselves caught up in the hunt for a mysterious murderer. But not everyone or everything is what they seem. Secrets lie behind locked doors and inhuman killers roam the streets. Who is the Painted Lady and why is she so interested in the Doctor? How can a cat return from the dead? Can anyone be trusted to tell or even to know the truth? With the faceless killers closing in, the Doctor and Rose must solve the mystery of the Clockwise Man before London itself is destroyed... Featuring the Doctor and Rose as played by Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper in the hit series from BBC Television

Doctor Who: The Monster Collection Edition (Doctor Who Ser.)

by Justin Richards

The Doctor is in Victorian London with Nyssa and Tegan – a city shrouded in mystery. When Nyssa is kidnapped in the British Museum, the Doctor and Tegan have to unlock the answers to a series of ancient questions. Their quest leads them across continents and time as an ancient Egyptian prophecy threatens future England. To save Nyssa, the Doctor must foil the plans of the mysterious Sadan Rassul. But as mummies stalk the night, an ancient terror stirs in its tomb. An adventure featuring the Fifth Doctor, as played by Peter Davison, and his companions Nyssa and Tegan

Doctor Who: Time Lord Fairy Tales (Doctor Who Ser.)

by Justin Richards

We are all stories, in the end . . .A stunning illustrated collection of fifteen dark and ancient fairy tales from the world of Doctor Who. These captivating stories include mysterious myths and legends about heroes and monsters of all kinds, from every corner of the universe. Originally told to young Time Lords at bedtime, these twisted tales are an enchanting read forDoctor Who fans of all ages.Written by Justin Richards and illustrated by David Wardle.

Doctor Who (12th Doctor novel): Doctor Who

by Justin Richards

“Vastra and Strax and Jenny? Oh no, we don’t need to bother them. Trust me.” Marlowe Hapworth is found dead in his locked study, killed by an unknown assailant. This is a case for the Great Detective, Madame Vastra. Rick Bellamy, bare-knuckle boxer, has the life drawn out of him by a figure dressed as an undertaker. This angers Strax the Sontaran. The Carnival of Curiosities, a collection of bizarre and fascinating sideshows and performers. This is where Jenny Flint looks for answers. How are these things connected? And what does Orestes Milton, rich industrialist, have to do with it all? As the Doctor and Clara joint the hunt for thr truth they find themselves thrust into a world where nothing and no one are what they seem.

Doctor Who: Thirteenth Doctor's Guide

by Justin Richards

A new edition of the ultimate and most essential guide to Doctor Who, now updated to include all thirteen incarnations of the Doctor and covering all her newest adventures from Series 11.With fascinating facts from all of space and time, as well as information on the Doctor's helpful companions and fearsome foes, this book will tell all about the Doctor's TARDIS, her regenerations, and much, much more!

The Medusa Effect (New Adventures Ser.)

by Justin Richards

Medusa - an experimental spaceship developed by the Advanced Research Department of St Oscar's University. Missing since it was launched, presumed lost in the wars, it was a project so secret that it has never been declassified.Now, twenty years on, Medusa is coming home.After one of the investigation team dies suspiciously, Professor Bernice Summerfield is assigned to help discover what went wrong. But to do so she must solve a riddle. What is the strange link between the original crew and the team now on board the drifting ship? And why do their ghosts still haunt Medusa?

Project X Alien Adventures: Grey Book Band, Oxford Level 14: Operation Holotanium

by Justin Richards

Blast off on the biggest micro-adventure yet with the popular Project X characters Max, Cat, Ant and Tiger and their new robot micro-friend, Eight. Carefully levelled and highly motivating, this book is ideal for independent reading. The micro-friends have to make an emergency landing on Planet Ashriss to try and find some holotanium.

The Suicide Exhibition: The Never War (The\never War Ser. #1)

by Justin Richards

WEWELSBURG CASTLE, 1940.The German war machine has woken an ancient threat – the alien Vril and their Ubermensch have returned. Ultimate Victory in the war for Europe is now within the Nazis’ grasp.ENGLAND, 1941Foreign Office trouble shooter Guy Pentecross has stumbled into a conspiracy beyond his imagining – a secret war being waged in the shadows against a terrible enemy.The battle for Europe has just become the war for humanity. This is The Thirty-Nine Steps crossed with Indiana Jones and Quatermass. Justin Richards has an extremely credible grasp of the period’s history and has transformed it into a groundbreaking alternate reality thriller.

The Suicide Exhibition: The Never War (The\never War Ser. #1)

by Justin Richards

WEWELSBURG CASTLE, 1940.The German war machine has woken an ancient threat – the alien Vril and their Ubermensch have returned. Ultimate Victory in the war for Europe is now within the Nazis’ grasp.ENGLAND, 1941Foreign Office trouble shooter Guy Pentecross has stumbled into a conspiracy beyond his imagining – a secret war being waged in the shadows against a terrible enemy.The battle for Europe has just become the war for humanity. This is The Thirty-Nine Steps crossed with Indiana Jones and Quatermass. Justin Richards has an extremely credible grasp of the period’s history and has transformed it into a groundbreaking alternate reality thriller.

Doctor Who: The History Collection (DOCTOR WHO #222)

by Justin Richards Steve Cole

When a squadron of RAF Hurricanes shoots down an unidentified aircraft over Turelhampton, the village is immediately evacuated. But why is the village still guarded by troops in 2001? When a television documentary crew break through the cordon looking for a story, they find they've recorded more than they'd bargained for. Caught up in both a deadly conspiracy and a historical mystery, retired Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart calls upon his old friend the Doctor. Half-glimpsed demons watch from the shadows as the Doctor and the Brigadier travel back in time to discover the last, and deadliest, secret of the Second World War. An adventure set partly in the Second World War, featuring the Sixth Doctor as played by Colin Baker and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart.

Doctor Who: The Legends of Ashildr

by Justin Richards James Goss David Llewellyn Jenny T Colgan

Ashildr, a young Viking girl, died helping the Doctor and Clara to save the village she loved. And for her heroism, the Doctor used alien technology to bring her back to life. Ashildr is now immortal – The Woman Who Lived. Since that day, Ashildr has kept journals to chronicle her extraordinary life. The Legends of Ashildr is a glimpse of some of those stories: the terrors she has faced, the battles she has won, and the treasures she has found.These are tales of a woman who lived longer than she should ever have lived – and lost more than she can even remember.An original novel featuring the Twelfth Doctor as played by Peter Capaldi, and Ashildr as played by Maisie Williams.

Doctor Who: 100 Illustrated Adventures (Doctor Who)

by Justin Richards Jon Green

A brand new guide illustrated with over 100 pieces of original fan art, showcasing the best stories from 54 years of Doctor Who. Profiling 100 of the most beloved Doctor Who TV stories, this book is filled with essential information and original art drawn by fans themselves. From thousands of entries, the illustrations inside were chosen as winning pieces as part of an official Puffin Doctor Who fan art compeition held in early 2017.Spanning the First Doctor's era to the Twelfth, this stunning book is a must-have Christmas gift and keepsake for any Doctor Who fan.

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor's Last Stand (Doctor Who Ser.)

by Justin Richards Mark Morris George Mann Paul Finch

As it had been foretold, the armies of the Universe gathered at Trenzalore. Only one thing stood between the planet and destruction – the Doctor. For nine hundred years, he defended the planet, and the tiny town of Christmas, against the forces that would destroy it. He never knew how long he could keep the peace. He never knew what creatures would emerge from the snowy night to threaten him next. He knew only that at the end he would die on Trenzalore.Some of what happened during those terrible years is well documented. But most of it remains shrouded in mystery and darkness.Until now. This is a glimpse of just some of the terrors the people faced, the monstrous threats the Doctor defeated. These are the tales of the monsters who found themselves afraid - and of the one man who was not. (Tales of Trenzalore documents four of the Doctor’s adventures from different periods during the Siege of Trenzalore and the ensuing battle: Let it Snow – by Justin RichardsAn Apple a Day – by George MannStrangers in the Outland – by Paul FinchThe Dreaming – by Mark Morris)

Wolf Creek Homecoming: Winning Over The Wrangler Wolf Creek Homecoming A Bride For The Baron The Guardian's Promise (Mills And Boon Love Inspired Historical Ser.)

by Penny Richards

ALL ROADS LEAD TO HOME Gabe Gentry used to live entirely in pursuit of carefree pleasure. It cost him his relationship with his brother, and with the one woman who believed in him. Now, with new-found faith, he’s coming home to Wolf Creek, Arkansas, hoping to find redemption and forgiveness, and maybe even a second chance at love.

Wolf Creek Wedding: The Husband Hunt The Duke's Marriage Mission Wolf Creek Wedding Finally A Bride (Mills And Boon Love Inspired Historical Ser.)

by Penny Richards

Widow Abby Carter hoped to find love again—unlikely with a man like Caleb Gentry, who doesn’t even believe in it. Their marriage isn’t ideal, but Abby’s two young children need security, and Caleb’s daughter needs a mother.

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