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Showing 15,426 through 15,450 of 20,132 results

Equality In the Year 2000

by Mack Reynolds

Julian West had been put into a hypnotic trance and placed in a sealed room. Then the house burned down and he was forgotten...until he awoke forty years later. It was the year 2000, and it seemed like Utopia.But would it be Utopia for Julian West? He was a man of the past, totally unable to adapt to the unbelievable social, political and cultural changes; totally unable to assimilate the explosive advances in all branches of knowledge. Julian West was a child, lost among the wonders of the Twenty-First Century - but he would have to adapt and learn if he wanted to survive.

The Five-Way Secret Agent

by Mack Reynolds

The world situation has become so confused that a young American living on Negative Income Tax finds himself drafted into an international espionage assignment by no less than 5 opposing interests. It is a story of humour and adventure that will be hard to forget.

The Fracas Factor

by Mack Reynolds

GUNS WERE ILLEGALUnless you were a member of Category Military, no one on Earth could own a gun. So who was shooting at Joe Mauser? And why?He'd been a mercenary, but he'd been thrown out when he saved Field Marshal Cogswell's life. Whose enemies were after him now - his own, or Cogswell's?In a world where the computers kept track of you, Mauser had to disappear - and stay alive long enough to reach the Field Marshal!

Galactic Medal of Honour

by Mack Reynolds

It was the highest and most coveted award of all time. It was given only to the bravest among those defending Earth from the mysterious Kradens. Many had sacrificed their lives for it. The current bearer of the medal became the idol of all mankind - a man above the law, a man who would never want for anything. Everyone on Earth sought that medal. One man was going to cheat to win it - and live to regret it.

Lagrange Five

by Mack Reynolds

The Wide syndromeIt is the not-too-distant future. The space colony Lagrangia, on the moon's orbit, is an idyllic utopia of parks, mountains, streams and blue skies. Lulled by its beauty, citizens can sometimes forget that the 'stream' are recycled water, and the 'blue skies' are titanium strips bound together. But there are a few who can never forget. There are the victims of the Wide syndrome - a terrifying form of contagious, claustrophobic madness that can strike anyone - at any time - on Lagrange Five.

Looking Backward From the Year 2000 (Gateway Essentials)

by Mack Reynolds

They put him into a hypnotic trance in a sealed room to cure him. Then the house burnt down and he was forgotten.Until he awoke forty years later and could not - dared not - believe what he saw . . .

Mercenary From Tomorrow: Mercenary From Tomorrow

by Mack Reynolds

Is the story of 21st Century Earth - a world where work is forgotten, where the masses fight boredom with trank pills and telly, and where it is almost impossible to leave the social class you were born in. You could break the class barrier only by hiring yourself out as a mercenary to fight in the prime-time wars that are fought to keep the telly-viewing public satisfied. That is the only way to move up the ladder - if you could stay alive long enough.

Of Godlike Power

by Mack Reynolds

His words alone could change the world - completely and irrevocably.His words alone DID change the world.Was it mass hypnosis, a hex, or THE POWER?

Perchance to Dream

by Mack Reynolds

It looked remarkably like a sterile, cold metallic coffin. It was the Intuitive Computer, a fantastic invention that would allow a user to assume the identity of any historical figure - Napoleon, Cleopatra, Hitler - anyone who ever existed. The possessor of this top-secret device would be able to witness the building of the pyramids, the crucifixion, the discovery of America.The Intuitive Computer would revolutionise the studies of history, archaeology, anthropology; it would eventually revolutionise the entire entertainment and leisure industry. The lives of every person on Earth would be changed because of it.IT WAS PROBABLY THE MOST DANGEROUS INVENTION IN THE HISTORY OF THE HUMAN RACE.

Planetary Agent X

by Mack Reynolds

Newly accepted as a Special Agent of the star-spanning United Planets organization, Ronny Bronston found that his first assignment was one which had taken the lives of dozens of agents before him: he was to track down a man named Tommy Paine.'We've been trying to catch him for twenty years,' said Ronny's section chief. 'How long before that he was active, we have no way of knowing. It was some time before we became aware that half the revolts, coups d'états and assassinations that occur in the United Planets have his dirty finger stirring around in them.''But what motivates him?' Ronny asked. 'What's he get out of all the war and killing he stirs up?''Nobody seems to know. But the best guess is that he's insane - a homicidal maniac on an intergalactic scale. He's dangerous, Ronny, and you've got to get him!'

Police Patrol: 2000 A. D.

by Mack Reynolds

Mack Reynolds has always been admired for his ability to portray the world of the future in its varied aspects - social, political, scientific and economic. Now, he presents his readers with an imaginative and action-packed look into the everyday life of a twenty-first century policeman.

The Rival Rigelians

by Mack Reynolds

The team from Earth had the task of raising backward planets to the home world's high level. The situation on Rigel was this:"The most advanced culture on Rigel's first planet is to be compared to the Italian cities during Europe's feudalistic yeas. The most advanced of the second planet is comparable to the Aztecs at the time of the Spanish conquest.""These planets are in your control to the extent that no small group has ever dominated millions before. No Caesar ever exerted the power that will be in your collective hands. For half a century, you will be as gods and goddesses!"But the Rigelians were themselves descended from the lost colonists of old Earth and they could learn their lessons as fast as they could be taught.In fact, they could even teach their teachers a thing or two. And therein lay the peril the professors from space never dreamed of.

Rolltown (Bat Hardin #3)

by Mack Reynolds

In Rolltown, Reynolds has turned his productive imagination towards the growing phenomenon of mobile living in America. Taking us decades into the future, he tells the story of a world where people have taken to the road en masse, in huge mobile "towns" composed of hundreds or even thousands of inhabitants, attempting to deal with a hostile and over-organized world.

Satellite City

by Mack Reynolds

The most expensive, the most luxurious resort in the history of man. Where no request, no whim or pleasure, was denied. Where anything was possible - for a price.SATELLITE CITYThe haven and the playground of only the very rich and the most powerful. It was the most amazing pleasure complex ever built - and it looked down on the Earth from an orbit 22,000 miles high.Yet, for all its glitter, there was something ominous about Satellite City - no nation or international body had any jurisdiction there, it was a law unto itself; no one knew who owned it; or what went on within its secret council rooms.Until one man penetrated the wall of secrecy and discovered satellite city's hidden masters.

Section G: United Planets

by Mack Reynolds

Legally, the United Planets Organization could do nothing about the repressive, backward planetary governments of Falange, Stalin and Doria. It was imperative, however, that something be done. The UP had proof that a race of highly advanced, warlike aliens existed somewhere in the depths of space - the human-held worlds ad to be ready to meet the challenge when it came.For this reason the secret corps, Section G, was formed. No government could be allowed to hold up the progress of mankind; Section G was ordered to bring them down - by any means necessary!

The Space Barbarians

by Mack Reynolds

John of the Hawks was a proud, young man, proud of his people, proud of his heritage, and proud of his ability to count coup on his clann's traditional enemies. He knew what was right and what was wrong - the four great books had laid down the way things had to be.Which is why the uncouth ways of the clannless drifters from space outraged him so. Not only did these peddlers know nothing of the finesse of proper combat, they knew nothing of the respect due to such things as the coup stick, the right way to capture a wife, and the sanctity of the clann's elders.Worse still, they had some idiotic notion that that cheap silvery metal so commonly used for plumbing and horse-bits, known as platinum, was somehow of special merit.Well, one could excuse an outrage or two on the grounds of ignorance, but there came a time when any good clannsman, such as John certainly was, must decide to teach these barbarians from space a lesson!

Space Pioneer

by Mack Reynolds

New Arizona a lush, virgin planet teeming with rich vegetation and a vast hoard of mineral wealth. A company had been formed to colonise and exploit it, and the spaceship Titov set out with the Board of Directors and two thousand colonists. And shortly after the trip had begun, the trouble started.The Board of Directors was only interested in the vast profits that could be made by stripping the planet of its natural resources which could be sold to the highest bidder. Not for them the gradual establishment of a pioneer community, of farmlands and villages.The Colonists had given up everything by leaving Earth, and they wanted a new planet where they could work, prosper and establish a new and better way of life. They were determined to thwart the directors by any means they could find.And after landing on New Arizona, someone smashes the radio and sabotages the life-craft. Now the balance is more even - but when a real crisis erupts it seems as if neither side will be alive to win!

Space Search

by Mack Reynolds

WAS VENU'S FATHER ADRIFT IN SPACE, CAPTIVE...OR DEAD?Life changed abruptly for 16-year-old Venu Jhabulova when his father disappeared. Venu had been heir to a large fortune and his father's title...but now his uncle forced him to leave school and work for the family business. Venu's only wish - that he be allowed to search the star system for his father - was denied.Venu knew, deep inside, that his father still lived. So he escaped his uncle, fleeing from world to world in a desperate search. With the help of a mercenary who teaches him the proper use of violence and the ways of several planets, Venu learns and grows...during his SPACE SEARCH.

Space Visitor

by Mack Reynolds

It is sometime I the near future. The nations of Earth have drawn closer together - there is even hope of a new era of co-operation and progress will soon begin.These dreams of lasting peace are shattered by one momentous discovery. One of the members of an international team of scientists stationed on the moon has found an alien spacecraft - with all its incredible technology and weaponry intact. The discovery shatters the illusion of peace on Earth, as each nation joins the mad scramble to learn the terrible secrets entombed by alien visitors eons before.Only one thing prevents total war - Werner Brecht, the discoverer of the vehicle, is the only one who knows its location, and he has disappeared into thin air.

Time Gladiator

by Mack Reynolds

IT SEEMED AS IF EVERYONE WAS A SPY!The political situation in the 21st century was coming to the boil: one man, a scientist, held what might be the important key to ultimate power in the struggle between the three blocs: West-world, Sov-world, and Common Europe. The scientist, Auguste Bazaine, disappears, and each bloc accuses the other of kidnapping.There was only one way to settle the difference! So nine men were chosen to fight to the death in a trial by combat organised by the World Court. The winner will put his country on top. But when an American and a Russian meet face to face - the result is not what was expected!

Tomorrow Might Be Different

by Mack Reynolds

What would the world be like if the Russians discovered how to beat us at our own capitalistic game, and began dumping inexpensive, quality goods on the world market?In this brand new novel, Mack Reynolds deposits us into just such a future. It is a world where America is rapidly being turned into a second-rate power as its industries go bankrupt. A world that is falling under the wheels of the Soviet juggernaut, peacefully and passively. It is a world where the U.S. has only one way to retaliate - by bringing a little religion into the Soviet Union, a very special religion.

The Towers of Utopia (Bat Hardin Ser. #Vol. 2)

by Mack Reynolds

SHYLER-DEME IS UNDER SEIGE!The enemy has no face. It does not show on the scanners. It avoids the world's most sophisticated surveillance system. But it leaves a wake of profitless crime and motiveless murder...And puts the future of mankind's paradise-on-earth in peril!

Trample an Empire Down

by Mack Reynolds

UTOPIA WAS NO FUNThey had a Guaranteed Annual Income and an automated world where no one had to work - but there was nothing to do!When Morris and his friends ran out of beer, there was only one alternative - they decided to overthrow the government!

The Search for the Dice Man

by Luke Rhinehart

The sequel to the cult classic The Dice Man, available in e-book format for the first time.

The Dangerous Type: In The Wake Of The Templars, Book One (In The Wake Of The Templars Ser. #1)

by Loren Rhoads

Set in the wake of a galaxy-wide war and the destruction of a human empire, The Dangerous Type follows the awakening of one of the galaxy's most dangerous assassins and her quest for vengeance. Entombed for twenty years, Raena has been found and released.Thallian has been on the lam for the last fifteen years; a wanted war criminal whose entire family has been hunted down and murdered for their role in the galaxy-wide genocide of the Templars. His name is the first on Raena's list, as he's the one that enslaved her, made her his assassin, and ultimate put her in a tomb. But Thallian is willing to risk everything-including his army of cloned sons-to capture her. Now it's a race to see who kills whom first.Alternatively, Gaven has spent the last twenty years trying to forget about Raena, whom he once saved and then lost to the clutches of Thallian. Raena's adopted sister, Ariel, has been running from the truth: the one about Raena, about her and Gaven, and doesn't know if she'll be able to face either of them.

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