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Jesus Beyond Nationalism: Constructing the Historical Jesus in a Period of Cultural Complexity (BibleWorld)

by Ward Blanton James G. Crossley Halvor Moxnes

The study of Jesus has rarely looked at its own scholarly context, at how the representation of Jesus might be shaped by those who study him. 'Jesus beyond Nationalism' examines how - since the beginnings of historical Jesus studies in the nineteenth century - representations of Jesus have been used to promote hegemonic or mono-cultural views. The ideology behind such representation has operated to deny difference in society, difference in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality. Examining depictions of Jesus in a range of contexts - from the Russian Christ and Jesus as 'Holy Anarchist' to Jesus in Muslim thought - Jesus Beyond Nationalism reveals the politics behind the ways in which Jesus has been constructed and presented.

Islam und Sozialisation: Aktuelle Studien

by Gerald Blaschke-Nacak Stefan Hößl

Der Band leistet einen differenzierten Beitrag zur Frage nach Verhältnisbestimmungen von Islam und Sozialisation, indem er Einblicke in qualitativ ausgerichtete Forschungsarbeiten bietet, die der Frage nach der Bedeutung islamischer Religiosität für das Aufwachsen bzw. das ‚Sein in der Welt‘ nachgehen. Die Beiträge richten die Aufmerksamkeit u.a. auf Prozesse der Adressierung und Kategorisierung, Bedeutungsdimensionen der Anerkennung, bildungsbezogene Praktiken und deren biographische Bedeutung, moralische Orientierungen und ästhetische Rezeptionsformen sowie geschlechtsbezogene Rollenverständnisse im Zusammenhang mit islamischer Religiosität.

Handbuch Innovationsforschung: Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven

by Birgit Blättel-Mink Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer Arnold Windeler

Das Handbuch erörtert umfassend das komplexe Gebiet der sozialwissenschaftlichen Innovationsforschung. Es ordnet die Innovationsforschung geschichtlich, begrifflich und vom Gegenstand her ein. Es präsentiert etablierte und sich neu herausbildende theoretische Ansätze der sozialwissenschaftlichen Innovationsforschung. Und es informiert über empirische Befunde und Entwicklungen aus einer Vielzahl von Bereichen und Feldern der Innovation.

Modern Privacy: Shifting Boundaries, New Forms

by Harry Blatterer Pauline Johnson Maria R. Markus

Modern Privacies addresses emergent transformations of privacy in western societies from a multidisciplinary and international perspective. It examines social and cultural trends in new media, feminism, law, work and intimacy which indicate that our perceptions, evaluations and enactments of privacy in constant flux.

The Others: They would rather die than be mothers in this page-turning thriller

by Sarah Blau

The timely and controversial Israeli bestseller about four women and their fatal promise not to have childrenThey would rather die than become mothersA serial killer is on the loose in Tel Aviv. Each victim is found tied to a chair with a baby doll glued to their hands, the word ‘mother’ carved into their foreheads like a mark of Cain.Stowed away between the wax figurines of the Bible museum where she works, Sheila Heller suspects that she alone knows the connection between the victims. The killings seem to be linked by a pact their group all made at university – to never have children.What Sheila doesn’t know is who is committing these gruesome acts of ritualistic violence, and whether she herself might be the next target.Sarah Blau is an author and playwright, recipient of the 2015 Prime Minister’s Prize for Hebrew Literature and the 2017 Bar-Ilan University Alumni Achievement Award in recognition of her contribution to enriching culture in Israel. She currently lives in Tel Aviv and The Others is her fourth novel but the first to be translated into English.

Micropolitics in Contemporary China (Routledge Revivals)

by Marc J. Blecher Gordon White

This title was first published in 1980. One of the most prevalent and significant issues facing socialist countries is the role of intellectuals. In the poorer countries like China, this has presented itself with particular acuity in the relationship of scientists and technicians to the process of socialist economic modernization. Since the Cultural Revolution has come to a close, its impact on China’s intellectual life— especially on scientists, technicians, and the development of scientific and technical work— has been the subject of lively inquiry in China. In turn, this inquiry has provided a major focus for reevaluating the Cultural Revolution as a political movement and as a way of dealing with the inequalities and bureaucratic inefficiencies that have arisen and will continue to arise in the centrally planned Chinese economy during a period when rapid economic growth and modernization have been given the highest priority. This monograph intends to address some of these issues by presenting a detailed case study of a Chinese technical unit over the period from 1966 to 1974.

Micropolitics in Contemporary China (Routledge Revivals)

by Marc J. Blecher Gordon White

This title was first published in 1980. One of the most prevalent and significant issues facing socialist countries is the role of intellectuals. In the poorer countries like China, this has presented itself with particular acuity in the relationship of scientists and technicians to the process of socialist economic modernization. Since the Cultural Revolution has come to a close, its impact on China’s intellectual life— especially on scientists, technicians, and the development of scientific and technical work— has been the subject of lively inquiry in China. In turn, this inquiry has provided a major focus for reevaluating the Cultural Revolution as a political movement and as a way of dealing with the inequalities and bureaucratic inefficiencies that have arisen and will continue to arise in the centrally planned Chinese economy during a period when rapid economic growth and modernization have been given the highest priority. This monograph intends to address some of these issues by presenting a detailed case study of a Chinese technical unit over the period from 1966 to 1974.

Until We All Come Home: A Harrowing Journey, a Mother's Courage, a Race to Freedom

by Kim de Blecourt

When Kim de Blecourt and her husband decided to adopt a child from Ukraine, they knew that the process might be challenging. Nothing, however, could have prepared de Blecourt for the twisted nightmare she would endure. During her year-long struggle to extricate her newly adopted little boy from that post-Soviet country's corrupt social service and judicial systems, de Blecourt was intimidated, physically assaulted, and arrested. Worse, her months of loneliness, worry, and fear drove her to the brink of spiritual despair. But God had no intention of abandoning de Blecourt or her family. Her amazing story-culminating in a spine-chilling race to freedom-offers dramatic proof that God's light shines on even in the deepest darkness.

Werewolf Histories (Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic)

by Willem De Blécourt

Werewolf Histories is the first academic book in English to address European werewolf history and folklore from antiquity to the twentieth century. It covers the most important werewolf territories, ranging from Scandinavia to Germany, France and Italy, and from Croatia to Estonia.

Covering Muslims: American Newspapers in Comparative Perspective

by Erik Bleich A. Maurits van der Veen

An examination of how American newspaper articles on Muslims are strikingly negative by any measure. For decades, scholars and observers have criticized negative media portrayals of Muslims and Islam. Yet most of these critiques are limited by their focus on one specific location, a limited time period, or a single outlet. In Covering Muslims, Erik Bleich and A. Maurits van der Veen present the first systematic, large-scale analysis of American newspaper coverage of Muslims through comparisons across groups, time, countries, and topics. The authors demonstrate conclusively that coverage of Muslims is remarkably negative by any measure. They show that American newspapers have been consistently negative across the two-decade period between 1996 and 2016 and that articles on Muslims are more negative than those touching on groups as diverse as Catholics, Jews, Hindus, African Americans, Latinos, Mormons, or atheists. Strikingly, even articles about mundane topics tend to be negative. The authors suggest that media outlets both within and outside the United States may contribute to pervasive Islamophobia and they encourage readers and journalists to "tone check" the media rather than simply accepting negative associations with Muslims or other marginalized groups.

Covering Muslims: American Newspapers in Comparative Perspective

by Erik Bleich A. Maurits van der Veen

An examination of how American newspaper articles on Muslims are strikingly negative by any measure. For decades, scholars and observers have criticized negative media portrayals of Muslims and Islam. Yet most of these critiques are limited by their focus on one specific location, a limited time period, or a single outlet. In Covering Muslims, Erik Bleich and A. Maurits van der Veen present the first systematic, large-scale analysis of American newspaper coverage of Muslims through comparisons across groups, time, countries, and topics. The authors demonstrate conclusively that coverage of Muslims is remarkably negative by any measure. They show that American newspapers have been consistently negative across the two-decade period between 1996 and 2016 and that articles on Muslims are more negative than those touching on groups as diverse as Catholics, Jews, Hindus, African Americans, Latinos, Mormons, or atheists. Strikingly, even articles about mundane topics tend to be negative. The authors suggest that media outlets both within and outside the United States may contribute to pervasive Islamophobia and they encourage readers and journalists to "tone check" the media rather than simply accepting negative associations with Muslims or other marginalized groups.

The Beauty of Holiness: Re-Reading Isaiah in the Light of the Psalms

by Joseph Blenkinsopp

Joseph Blenkinsopp presents an intertextual reading of Isaiah and the Psalms furthering his previous well-known work on the text of Isaiah. Blenkinsopp argues that, read together, these two biblical books can be shown to form a single religious vision, a way of experiencing and articulating a commitment to the fundamentals of the faith of Israel, with its own distinctive character. Blenkinsopp shows how the emphasis in Isaiah and the Psalms is on affect and emotion, the expression of joy and sorrow articulated in music, singing, and dancing; in praise, thanksgiving and lament. This represents a key difference from other parts of the Hebrew Bible where the focus is more on the Law and on the covenant at Sinai – in Isaiah and the Psalms these terms rarely occur, the focus is instead on Zion and on the Temple. Blenkinsopp shows how the temple singers, with their close connections with the circles which transmitted and eventually committed to writing the Book of Isaiah, demonstrate that the divine word is not incompatible with other forms of religious experience and expression, affective and even mystical, articulated and embodied in the performance of music, song, ritual prayer, and dance. The beauty of the Psalms is echoed strongly in Isaiah, and the Isaian vision of a Creator God, Lord of nature and history beyond the bounds of Israel, is joyfully proclaimed by the psalmists.

The Beauty of Holiness: Re-Reading Isaiah in the Light of the Psalms

by Joseph Blenkinsopp

Joseph Blenkinsopp presents an intertextual reading of Isaiah and the Psalms furthering his previous well-known work on the text of Isaiah. Blenkinsopp argues that, read together, these two biblical books can be shown to form a single religious vision, a way of experiencing and articulating a commitment to the fundamentals of the faith of Israel, with its own distinctive character. Blenkinsopp shows how the emphasis in Isaiah and the Psalms is on affect and emotion, the expression of joy and sorrow articulated in music, singing, and dancing; in praise, thanksgiving and lament. This represents a key difference from other parts of the Hebrew Bible where the focus is more on the Law and on the covenant at Sinai – in Isaiah and the Psalms these terms rarely occur, the focus is instead on Zion and on the Temple. Blenkinsopp shows how the temple singers, with their close connections with the circles which transmitted and eventually committed to writing the Book of Isaiah, demonstrate that the divine word is not incompatible with other forms of religious experience and expression, affective and even mystical, articulated and embodied in the performance of music, song, ritual prayer, and dance. The beauty of the Psalms is echoed strongly in Isaiah, and the Isaian vision of a Creator God, Lord of nature and history beyond the bounds of Israel, is joyfully proclaimed by the psalmists.

Creation, Un-creation, Re-creation: A discursive commentary on Genesis 1-11

by Joseph Blenkinsopp

Joseph Blenkinsopp provides a new commentary on Genesis 1-11, the so-called 'Primeval History' in which the account of creation is given. Blenkinsopp works with the conviction that, from a biblical point of view, creation cannot be restricted to a single event, nor to two versions of an event (as depicted in Genesis 1-3) but, rather, must take in the whole period of creation arranged in the sequence: creation - uncreation - recreation (as can be derived from Genesis 1-11). Through the course of the commentary, presented in continuous discussion rather than in a rigid verse-by-verse form, Blenkinsopp takes into account pre-modern interpretations of the texts, especially in the Jewish interpretative tradition, as well as modern, historical-critical interpretations. Blenkinsopp works from the perspective of acknowledging the text's literary integrity as an 'authored' work, rather than focusing simply on the its background in various sources (whilst of course paying due attention to those sources). This enables Blenkinsopp's engaging discussion to focus upon the literary and theological artistry of the material at hand.

Families of the Bible: A New Perspective (Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality)

by Kamila Blessing

Reinterpreting the Bible through Family Systems Theory, this fascinating exploration shows how the theology of creation, restoration, and salvation can be meaningfully and uniquely understood through the lens of the biblical family.It is not possible to recreate a "biblical" family in the modern world. Thus, we must think of the principles of faithful family life demonstrated in the Bible and express them in a new way. That is the idea underlying Families of the Bible: A New Perspective. Examining themes related to family health, connection, spirituality, and psychology, the author relates stories from the Bible to modern-day experience in an effort to help readers strengthen and heal their own families, whatever their structure.While the book addresses the family of the patriarchs and other major traditional families in the Bible, it also specifically examines Jesus's new definition of family, showing how his psycho-spiritual family has a different—and more inclusive—shape than the "natural family." The author, who is an Episcopal priest, insists that the Bible shows God as faithful in providing for his people. The many disadvantaged in our society, as well as those who are alone and those who have found that wealth does not provide satisfaction, will benefit from this thoughtful reinterpretation.

British Foreign Policy and the Anglican Church: Christian Engagement with the Contemporary World

by Timothy Blewett Adrian Hyde-Price

Whilst the views of leaders within the Church of England are frequently canvassed during periods of national crisis, little attention has been devoted to finding out whether there are Church perspectives on contemporary foreign policy issues. The Church of England has not been regarded as an actor with a strong input into international affairs, preferring to speak out on domestic and individual issues. Yet world politics present fundamental ethical dilemmas which call for careful deliberation and the Church has a role to play both in shaping the debate and arguing for particular policy directions. To what extent is national policy shaped by underlying Christian values. Do the campaigning efforts of faith groups really exert influence and guide the development of state policy? This book seeks to elucidate whether there are particular Christian perspectives on the role that Great Britain should play in the world today. It investigates the role that the Church of England has played in contemporary foreign policy issues: including the use of force - intervention, counter-terrorism and arms sales - and overseas trade, aid and debt forgiveness. The book brings together senior individuals from within the Church, academia and non-governmental organisations to investigate these various ethical dilemmas.

British Foreign Policy and the Anglican Church: Christian Engagement with the Contemporary World

by Timothy Blewett Adrian Hyde-Price

Whilst the views of leaders within the Church of England are frequently canvassed during periods of national crisis, little attention has been devoted to finding out whether there are Church perspectives on contemporary foreign policy issues. The Church of England has not been regarded as an actor with a strong input into international affairs, preferring to speak out on domestic and individual issues. Yet world politics present fundamental ethical dilemmas which call for careful deliberation and the Church has a role to play both in shaping the debate and arguing for particular policy directions. To what extent is national policy shaped by underlying Christian values. Do the campaigning efforts of faith groups really exert influence and guide the development of state policy? This book seeks to elucidate whether there are particular Christian perspectives on the role that Great Britain should play in the world today. It investigates the role that the Church of England has played in contemporary foreign policy issues: including the use of force - intervention, counter-terrorism and arms sales - and overseas trade, aid and debt forgiveness. The book brings together senior individuals from within the Church, academia and non-governmental organisations to investigate these various ethical dilemmas.

'While the Bridegroom is with them': Marriage, Family, Gender and Violence in the Gospel of Matthew (The Library of New Testament Studies #292)

by Marianne Blickenstaff

Interpreters of Matthew's Parable of the Wedding Feast (22.1-14) typically associate the 'king' with God and then justify his violent attacks against city and guests; interpreters of the Parable of the Ten Virgins (25.1-13) typically associate the 'bridegroom' with Jesus and then justify his extreme rejection of the 'foolish virgins.' Questioning such allegorical interpretations, this study first details how Hebrew, Greek, and Roman texts depict - without requiring allegorical understandings - numerous bridegrooms associated not only with joy but also with violence and death. Second, this project appeals to the disruptive nature of parables, the feminist technique of resisting reading, and the Matthean Jesus's own ethical instructions to argue that in the parables, those who resist violent rulers and uncaring bridegrooms are the ones worthy of the Kingdom. The study then shows how the Matthean Jesus - the brideless, celibate bridegroom -- creates a fictive family by disrupting biological and marital ties, redefining masculinity, and undermining the desirability of marriage and procreation.JSNTS 292

The Oxford Handbook of the Abrahamic Religions (Oxford Handbooks)

by Moshe Blidstein

The Oxford Handbook of the Abrahamic Religions includes authoritative yet accessible studies on a wide variety of topics dealing comparatively with Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, as well as with the interactions between the adherents of these religions throughout history. The comparative study of the Abrahamic Religions has been undertaken for many centuries. More often than not, these studies reflected a polemical rather than an ecumenical approach to the topic. Since the nineteenth century, the comparative study of the Abrahamic Religions has not been pursued either intensively or systematically, and it is only recently that the comparative study of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam has received more serious attention. This volume contributes to the emergence and development of the comparative study of the Abrahamic religions, a discipline which is now in its formative stages. This Handbook includes both critical and supportive perspectives on the very concept of the Abrahamic religions and discussions on the role of the figure of Abraham in these religions. It features 32 essays, by the foremost scholars in the field, on the historical interactions between Abrahamic communities; on Holy Scriptures and their interpretation; on conceptions of religious history; on various topics and strands of religious thought, such as monotheism and mysticism; on rituals of prayer, purity, and sainthood, on love in the three religions and on fundamentalism. The volume concludes with three epilogues written by three influential figures in the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim communities, to provide a broader perspective on the comparative study of the Abrahamic religions. This ground-breaking work introduces readers to the challenges and rewards of studying these three religions together.

The Oxford Handbook of the Abrahamic Religions (Oxford Handbooks)

by Moshe Blidstein

The Oxford Handbook of the Abrahamic Religions includes authoritative yet accessible studies on a wide variety of topics dealing comparatively with Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, as well as with the interactions between the adherents of these religions throughout history. The comparative study of the Abrahamic Religions has been undertaken for many centuries. More often than not, these studies reflected a polemical rather than an ecumenical approach to the topic. Since the nineteenth century, the comparative study of the Abrahamic Religions has not been pursued either intensively or systematically, and it is only recently that the comparative study of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam has received more serious attention. This volume contributes to the emergence and development of the comparative study of the Abrahamic religions, a discipline which is now in its formative stages. This Handbook includes both critical and supportive perspectives on the very concept of the Abrahamic religions and discussions on the role of the figure of Abraham in these religions. It features 32 essays, by the foremost scholars in the field, on the historical interactions between Abrahamic communities; on Holy Scriptures and their interpretation; on conceptions of religious history; on various topics and strands of religious thought, such as monotheism and mysticism; on rituals of prayer, purity, and sainthood, on love in the three religions and on fundamentalism. The volume concludes with three epilogues written by three influential figures in the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim communities, to provide a broader perspective on the comparative study of the Abrahamic religions. This ground-breaking work introduces readers to the challenges and rewards of studying these three religions together.

Purity, Community, and Ritual in Early Christian Literature (Oxford Studies in the Abrahamic Religions)

by Moshe Blidstein

Purity, Community, and Ritual in Early Christian Literature investigates the meaning of purity, purification, defilement, and disgust for Christian writers, readers, and listeners from the first to third centuries. Anthropological and sociological works over the past decades have demonstrated how purity and defilement rituals, practices, and discourses harness the power of a raw emotion in order to shape and manipulate cultural structures. Moshe Blidstein builds on such theories to explain how early Christian writers drew on ancient Jewish and Greco-Roman traditions on purity and defilement, using them to create new types of community, form Christian identity, and articulate the relationship between body, sin, and ritual. Blidstein discusses early Christian purity issues under several headings: dietary law, death defilement, purity of the heart, defilement of outsiders, and purity of the community. Analysis of the motivations shaping the development of each area of discourse reveals two major considerations: polemical and substantive. Thus, Christian writing on dietary law and death defilement is essentially polemical, constructing Christian identity by marking the purity practices and beliefs of others as false. Concerning the subjects of baptism, eucharist, and penance, however, the discourse turns inwards and becomes more substantive, seeking to create and maintain theories of ritual and human nature coherent with the theological principles of the new religion.

Purity, Community, and Ritual in Early Christian Literature (Oxford Studies in the Abrahamic Religions)

by Moshe Blidstein

Purity, Community, and Ritual in Early Christian Literature investigates the meaning of purity, purification, defilement, and disgust for Christian writers, readers, and listeners from the first to third centuries. Anthropological and sociological works over the past decades have demonstrated how purity and defilement rituals, practices, and discourses harness the power of a raw emotion in order to shape and manipulate cultural structures. Moshe Blidstein builds on such theories to explain how early Christian writers drew on ancient Jewish and Greco-Roman traditions on purity and defilement, using them to create new types of community, form Christian identity, and articulate the relationship between body, sin, and ritual. Blidstein discusses early Christian purity issues under several headings: dietary law, death defilement, purity of the heart, defilement of outsiders, and purity of the community. Analysis of the motivations shaping the development of each area of discourse reveals two major considerations: polemical and substantive. Thus, Christian writing on dietary law and death defilement is essentially polemical, constructing Christian identity by marking the purity practices and beliefs of others as false. Concerning the subjects of baptism, eucharist, and penance, however, the discourse turns inwards and becomes more substantive, seeking to create and maintain theories of ritual and human nature coherent with the theological principles of the new religion.

Klinische Seelsorgegespräche mit todkranken Patienten

by Thomas Bliesener Heiko Hausendorf Christoph Scheytt

In einer Zeit, in der die Frage des Umgangs mit todkranken Menschen zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt, bringt dieses Buch entscheidende Hinweise und neue Ansätze für den Bereich der Klinikseelsorge. Das Gespräch zwischen Klinikseelsorger und Patienten wird hier erstmals unter gesprächsanalytischen und institutionsspezifischen Gesichtspunkten untersucht. Dabei wird Klinikseelsorge als eigenständiges Forschungsfeld mit unmittelbar umsetzbaren Konsequenzen für den Alltag dargestellt. Aus Analysen von Seelsorgegesprächen mit todkranken und sterbenden Menschen werden für diesen hochsensiblen Bereich klare Empfehlungen für eine nicht-direktive Gesprächsführung abgeleitet. Dabei wird sowohl nach dem Sinn und der Berechtigung als auch nach der Qualität der Seelsorgegespräche mit todkranken Patienten gefragt und der Berührungspunkt zwischen theologischer Reflexion und Gesprächsanalyse aufgezeigt.

The Gate of Remembrance (The Paranormal)

by Frederick Bligh Bond

The Paranormal, the new ebook series from F+W Media International Ltd, resurrecting rare titles, classic publications and out-of-print texts, as well as new ebook titles on the supernatural – other-worldly books for the digital age. The series includes a range of paranormal subjects from angels, fairies and UFOs to near-death experiences, vampires, ghosts and witchcraft. A collection of 'automatic writing sessions' performed by Fredrick Bligh Bond and his colleague John Alleyne, obtaining information about lost parts of Glastonbury Abbey.

Bethlehem: Biography of a Town

by Nicholas Blincoe

The town of Bethlehem carries so many layers of meaning--some ancient, some mythical, some religious--that it feels like an unreal city, even to the people who call it home. Today, the city is hemmed in by a wall and surrounded by forty-one Israeli settlements and hostile settlers and soldiers. The population is undergoing such enormous strains it is close to falling apart. Any town with an eleven-thousand-year history has to be robust, but Bethlehem may soon go the way of Salonica or Constantinople: the physical site might survive, but the long thread winding back to the ancient past will have snapped, and the city risks losing everything that makes it unique.Still, for many, Bethlehem remains the "little town" of the Christmas song. Nicholas Blincoe will tell the history of the famous little town, through the visceral experience of living there, taking readers through its stone streets and desert wadis, its monasteries, aqueducts and orchards, showing the city from every angle and era. Inevitably, a portrait of Bethlehem will shed light on one of the world's most intractable political problems. Bethlehem is a much-loved Palestinian city, a source of pride and wealth but also a beacon of co-existence in a region where hopelessness, poverty and violence has become the norm. Bethlehem could light the way to a better future, but if the city is lost then the chances of an end to the Israel-Palestine conflict will be lost with it.

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