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Everything is Extraordinary: True stories about how we live, love and pay attention

by Cole Moreton

'Clive James raged against the dying of the light, as you would expect from a man who had punched out prose like a prizefighter all his life; yet he also showed grace and gratitude at being allowed to stay in that light for a little while longer. He saw beauty in even the smallest things. Every moment was potentially precious, because there were so few left. As his daughter Claerwen said, for him "Everything was Extraordinary."'What if we could learn to live with such awareness long before the end? To appreciate every moment, and every encounter with another human or with the natural world around us? Might we, too, learn that everything is extraordinary? That we are interconnected and interdependent? Each encounter we have with another person is potentially meaningful because our very humanity depends on being connected with others. As Desmond Tutu says: 'I couldn't be a human being on my lonesome, I wouldn't know what to do.'In a set of lyrical meditations, award-winning writer and interviewer Cole Moreton takes us face-to-face with the famous, the infamous -- and others with insights to share -- from Scarlett Johansson, Tiger Woods and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to Zahra, a refugee who crossed the Channel on a tiny, overladen rubber boat. We meet all of them as equals and each fascinating story tells us something about the way we live, love and reach out to find each other, whoever we are.Everything Is Extraordinary builds into a mesmerising and lyrical meditation on the joy of being alive and open to the world. All we need to do is pay attention.

The Monastic Heart: 50 Simple Practices for a Contemplative and Fulfilling Life

by Sister Joan Chittister

Activist, nun and spiritual guide Joan Chittister invites us to create a monastery within ourselves: to cultivate wisdom and resilience, so we can live more easily and give of ourselves more fully, no matter our circumstances.'In every beating heart is a silent undercurrent that calls each of us to a place unknown, to the vision of a wiser life, to become what we feel we must be - but cannot name.' So begins Sister Joan Chittister's words on monasticism, offering a way of living and seeing life that brings deep human satisfaction. Amid the recent global disruptions, Sister Joan calls readers to cultivate the spiritual seeker within all of us, however that may look across our diverse journeys.The Monastic Heart carries the weight and wisdom of the Benedictine spiritual tradition into the twenty-first century. Sister Joan draws deeply from Saint Benedict, a young man who sought moral integrity in the face of an empire in the sixth century, not by conquering or overpowering the empire, but by simply living an ordinary life extraordinarily well. This same monastic mindset can help us grow in wisdom, equanimity and strength of soul as we seek restoration and renewal both at home and in the world. At a time when people around the world are bearing witness to human frailty - and, simultaneously, the endurance of the human spirit - The Monastic Heart invites readers to embrace a new beginning of faith. Without stepping foot in a monastery, we can become, like those before us, a deeper, freer self, a richer soul - and, as a result, a true monastic.'Essential reading for anyone wishing to find the compass of their heart and the wellspring from which to live fully.' Gregory Boyle, New York Times bestselling author of Tattoos on the Heart

Repackaging Christianity: Alpha and the building of a global brand

by Andrew Atherstone

The story of Alpha is of major significance for understanding the place of religious faith in the modern world, but that story has never been told - until now.Since its launch in 1993, the Alpha movement has evolved from 'supper party evangelism' in the Kensington suburbs into a global brand of Christian outreach. Today, over a million people attend Alpha every year, but the history of its rise to popularity has never been documented. What caused such spiritual renewal in an age of scepticism? And what propelled Alpha into a phenomenon that is recognised across the globe?Alpha is far more than an introductory course to Christianity. At the core of its brand identity is a 'repackaging' of the Christian message for contemporary audiences. Innovation and cultural adaptability are built into Alpha's DNA, one of the chief reasons for its longevity and influence. Nimbly utilising the multimedia and digital revolutions, it has contextualised into cultures and languages across the planet. And led by charismatic, savvy individuals, it has attracted people from across the social spectrum, making waves in national media.Andrew Atherstone leaves no stone unturned as he presents this fascinating history. With exclusive access to original archives, Atherstone recounts the miraculous stories of HTB's early years, the first full account of Nicky Gumbel's conversion, and the strategic decisions that launched Alpha onto the global stage of Christian influence. With sharp historical analysis, Andrew Atherstone uncovers the story of Christian resurgence in our contemporary age.

The Creed in Slow Motion: An exploration of faith, phrase by phrase, word by word

by Martin Kochanski

I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth...The Creed is the bones of our faith. In all our different ways, it makes us who we are. But when we stand up and recite the Creed in unison, we have no time to contemplate what it is that we are committing ourselves to. The words rush past, their meaning blurred by familiarity. If we could only slow them down and hear them properly, they would have the power to change worlds. That is what The Creed in Slow Motion aims to do. This is a book for people who like to think things through from first principles. It will not tell you what to believe. (It is for you to engage your mind and discover that for yourself. And for unbelievers to learn what exactly they disbelieve, and why.)In forty short chapters, with clarity and wit, The Creed in Slow Motion draws examples from real-life stories, history and even science to uncover the core claims of Christianity. By turns it is deep, heartening, startling, revolutionary and even, by the world's standards, outrageous.

The Life We're Looking For: Reclaiming Relationship in a Technological World

by Andy Crouch

'A fascinating and eye-opening book' - Tom Holland, author of Dominion: The Making of the Western MindOur greatest need is to be recognised - to be seen, loved, and embedded in rich relationships with the people around us. But for the last century, we've displaced that need with the ease of technology. We've dreamed of power that doesn't require relationship (what the premodern world called magic) and abundance that doesn't require dependence (what Jesus called Mammon). Yet even before a pandemic disrupted that quest, we felt threatened and strangely out of place: lonely, anxious, bored amid endless options, oddly disconnected amid infinite connections. In The Life We're Looking For, bestselling author and cultural critic Andy Crouch reveals how we traded lives of rich relationship for a world of impersonal power - and how each of us can fight back. From the generosity of early Christians to the efforts of entrepreneurs working to create more humane technology, Crouch shows how we can restore true community and put people first in a world dominated by money, power and devices. There is a way out of our impersonal world, into a world where knowing and being known is the heartbeat of our days, our households, and our economies. Where our human vulnerabilities are seen not as something to be escaped but the actual key to our becoming who were made to be together. Where technology serves us rather than masters us - and helps us become more human, not less.

The Power of Thank You: Discover the Joy of Gratitude

by Joyce Meyer

Each moment that you're given is a precious gift from God. You can choose to have a thankful attitude and live each moment full of joy, simply because God is good. In The Power of Thank You, renowned Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer encourages us to take a look at ourselves and the importance of being thankful.Living life with a heart of gratitude for who God is and what He has done lifts your burdens and allows you to see everything in a different light. Regularly giving thanks to God not only helps you fully realize how He's working in your life, it gives you a new perspective-your mind is renewed, your attitude is improved, and you're filled with joy.Things will certainly happen to you that don't seem fair, and it's much easier to make excuses and feel sorry for yourself. Keep saying, "I trust You, God, and I believe You will work it all out for my good." If you find The Power of Thank You in every situation, truly believing that God is working everything out for your good, you will end up with the victory every single time.

Loving People Who Are Hard to Love: Transforming Your World by Learning to Love Unconditionally

by Joyce Meyer

How do you love the people in your life who are hard to love?We're never going to be able to prevent people from saying or doing things that hurt our feelings. We will always have opportunities to get offended. But if we do things God's way, we can choose to save ourselves a lot of misery and hardship. This doesn't mean we allow people to abuse us. No, there is a time for confronting people and dealing with situations. However, the Bible commands us to love our enemies and forgive those who have wronged us, even when it feels impossible.Everything the Lord asks us to do in the Bible is ultimately for our good. In fact, when we choose to love our enemies and forgive those who have hurt us, we are actually helping ourselves more than anyone else. Because whatever the Lord commands us to do, He is going to give us the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish it - and that includes loving and being good to difficult people! God's love flowing through us is strong enough to melt even the hardest hearts, so use kindness as a weapon to overcome the meanness in people.

Daily Devotions from the Psalms: 365 Daily Inspirations

by Joyce Meyer

Discover a powerful and positive mindset each day of the year with uplifting insights and motivational Bible verses provided by #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer.The Book of Psalms offers readers ways to rejoice in prayer, to bow in worship, and to exalt God for all he does and for all his blessings to us, and at the heart of Psalms, there is a deep trust in God. When you spend time with God-reading His Word, listening, and praying for His direction-God will strengthen and enable you to handle life peacefully and wisely instead of merely trying to get through the day.With the constant demands and pressures of daily life, it can be hard to regularly pause to be with and listen to God's voice. Joyce's practical teaching format in this 365-day devotional will encourage you to take the time for yourself so that you can fully receive the wisdom found in Psalms.

The Hardest Problem: God, Evil and Suffering

by Rupert Shortt

How can a supposedly all-powerful and all-loving God permit evil and suffering on a grand scale?The question has assailed people across cultures at least as far back as the biblical Book of Job. To sceptics, it forms clinching evidence that all talk of providence is childish -- or even a dangerous delusion. Writing clearly and concisely but avoiding simplistic answers, Rupert Shortt argues that belief in a divine Creator is intellectually robust, despite apparent signs to the contrary. Having cleared the ground, he goes on to show how a Christian understanding, in particular, points the way forward through terrain where raw feelings, intellectual inquiry and the toughest trials of the spirit often overlap.The Hardest Problem takes its place alongside the work of C. S. Lewis as an essential guide to one of life's deepest dilemmas for a new generation of readers.

A Gift of Joy and Hope

by Pope Francis

'This is Christian hope: the certainty of walking towards something that exists, not something I hope might be there.' In response to the devastating loss the world faced during the pandemic, Pope Francis was inspired to write a book to help people find hope and meaning. God is joyful, he writes. And God's compassion is no less than the deepest expression of God's joy, and the heart of all Christian preaching. The liberating revolution of the Gospel is encapsulated here. We are not supposed to carry burdens heavier than those we already have, but to bear witness to a new, beautiful and surprising horizon: to share a joy that has been prepared for everyone. From the anxieties of the age to the importance of nature, A Gift of Joy and Hope encourages readers to look outside themselves to embrace authentic beauty, change attitudes that exclude others, overcome life's challenges with courage and, trust that joy and hope are still possible, even in challenging times; for joy has the last word - always.

The Good and Beautiful You: Discovering the Person Jesus Created You to Be

by James Bryan Smith

The Christian faith is about much more than belief and practices - it's also about the kind of people that we become. Yet some of the biggest barriers to our transformation come from our own toxic narratives about ourselves, narratives that shape the way we see ourselves and the way we interact with the world. We are made with a deep longing in our souls to be wanted, loved, alive and connected to God. Healing our souls requires more than knowing what God thinks about us. Our healing comes not through reason alone, but through revelation. 'The best practice I have seen in Christian spiritual formation' was Dallas Willard's endorsement of the Good and Beautiful series a decade ago. Now this fourth book in the series, The Good and Beautiful You, addresses the self-narratives that hinder spiritual growth and the desires of the soul that only God can satisfy. James Bryan Smith reminds us how Scripture reveals the beauty and goodness of our own souls and how we long for healing that only God can provide. Complete with spiritual practices that help us live into that reality, The Good and Beautiful You will serve as a welcome companion on your journey to discover who you truly are in Christ.

Reflections on the Sunday Gospel (YEAR A): How to More Fully Live Out Your Relationship with God

by Pope Francis

We live in an unprecedented time that has threatened to upend our daily rhythms, our work, our homes - even our faith. More than ever, we need books like Reflections on the Sunday Gospel to stir us to hope, to comfort, to peace. We need to remember what we live for and how good God is. These reflections - published in English for the first time, drawn both from homilies given by Pope Francis and readings from the Fathers of the Church, including Saint Augustine, Saint Jerome, and Saint Ambrose - do more than offer a way to enter into the liturgical year with weekly readings to enrich your devotional time. They offer Christ, and the power of his resurrection. They offer his words of assurance: 'I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world'.Ultimately, as Pope Francis guides us through these timeless words, we will glean how even the giants of the faith needed God as much as we do, and how we can draw near to a good and faithful God no matter where we are or what season we're in.

Loving Our Own Bones: Rethinking disability in an ableist world

by Julia Watts Belser

Open the Bible, and disability is everywhere. Moses stutters and thinks himself unable to answer God's call. Isaac's blindness lets his wife trick him into bestowing his blessing on his younger son. Jesus heals the sick the blind, the paralyzed, and the possessed. For centuries, these stories have been told and retold by commentators who treat disability as misfortune, as a metaphor for spiritual incapacity, or as a challenge to be overcome.Loving Our Own Bones turns that perspective on its head. Drawing insights from the hard-won wisdom of disabled folks who've forged difference into fierce and luminous cultural dissent, Belser offers fresh and unexpected readings of familiar biblical stories, showing how disability wisdom can guide us all toward a powerful reckoning with the complexities of the flesh. She talks back to biblical commentators who traffic in disability stigma and shame, challenging interpretations that demean disabled people and diminish the vitality of disabled lives. And she shows how Sabbath rest can be a powerful counter to the relentless demand for productivity, an act of spiritual resistance in a culture that makes work the signal measure of our worth.With both a lyrical love of tradition and incisive political analysis, Belser braids spiritual perspectives together with keen activist insights-inviting readers to claim the power and promise of spiritual dissent, to nourish their own souls through the revolutionary art of radical self-love.

The Inkwell Chronicles: The Ink of Elspet

by J. D. Peabody

When their father goes missing after a mysterious train crash, Everett and his little sister Bea find a curious pen in his belongings, and its magical Ink begins to rewrite their once-ordinary lives. The Ink leads them to a world they never knew existed-one teeming with impossible magic, formidable allies, and villains who are determined to destroy everything they hold dear. Together, Everett and Bea embark on an adventure through secret tunnels in England and Scotland to find and protect the last Inkwell, and ultimately to save their father. But in order to do so, Everett must find a way to tap into the most magical power of all: his courage. Perfect for fans of The Silver Arrow, the Bookwanderers, and Inkheart, this classic battle of good and evil pits creativity against the forces that would seek to blot it out for good.

Godforsaken: The Cross - the greatest hope of all

by Stephen Cottrell

In the Gospel of Mark's account of the Passion narrative, Jesus calls out from the cross 'Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?' which is the Aramaic for 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?' - the first line of Psalm 22. It's an anguished expression - traditionally ascribed to King David - of defeat, failure, abandonment and despair.This series of reflections, written for Lent and Holy Week 2023 by the Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell, ponders the significance of these words. What does it mean for Jesus to have quoted them, at the very end of his life? What do those words mean for us? This is a beautiful and compelling exploration of the dark, suffering side of the Passion - and how Jesus' words lead us to the greatest hope of all.

P is for Pilgrim (Hodder Faith Young Explorers)

by Stephen Cottrell

As you explore the Christian faith, you will soon encounter some challenging words: Trinity, Sacrament, Reconciliation, Sin, Incarnation, even the word 'Christ' itself. It isn't Jesus's surname! It is a title with a meaning and history.Sooner, or later, these words, and the ideas behind them, must be addressed and understood. It is simply not possible to be a Christian, without understanding sin and forgiveness, knowing what a sacrament is, or accepting Jesus as the Christ.This book is here to help. It explores and explains most of the key concepts and ideas that underpin the Christian faith."I had assumed that someone else had already written a book like this. It seemed such an obvious thing to do. But while I could find weighty tomes on the topics explored here, I couldn't find a book which covered all these things in ways that were accessible, comprehensive and friendly: a simple book about complex things, one which just about anyone could read and find helpful. So, I wrote one." - Archbishop Stephen Cottrell

Every Rising Sun: For a thousand and one nights Shaherazade told stories. This is hers.

by Jamila Ahmed

Before she was the legendary Persian queen who spun a thousand tales, Shaherazade was a girl who saw something she shouldn't have.She told the king.She thought she was doing what was right.She couldn't have imagined what was to come.The Seljuk Empire is on fire and the king is on a rampage after learning of his wife's infidelity. Unsated by her execution, he has gone on to wed and behead a new wife night after night. Fear spreads through the city and Shaherazade must do something, anything, to halt the horror she has set in motion. When the king starts searching for his next bride, Shaherazade steps forward.As the sun sets on her wedding night, she begins to weave a tale that will go down in history.'A sumptuous, moreish novel infused with the joys of storytelling' LEILA ABOULELA, author of Minaret'I was entranced by this marvel of a book, wound about by the weave of its tales, unable to put it down' CLAIRE GILBERT, author of I, Julian

Romans: A Letter That Makes Sense of Life

by Andrew Ollerton

'On all my travels, if I had the Gospels, Paul's letter to the Romans and Andrew Ollerton's book I would need nothing else!'Sir David SuchetWith his trademark straightforward teaching style, Andrew Ollerton guides readers through Romans - one of the most theologically complex books of the Bible - to discover how an understanding of Paul's longest letter unlocks the whole story of Scripture and helps us make sense of life.It's been said that if the New Testament were the Himalayas, Paul's Epistle to the Romans would be Mount Everest. The chapters of this book therefore imagine the contents of the letter as a great mountain landscape - complex, challenging but highly rewarding. Together, we will take on the challenge of ascending to the summit, taking in the view and then descending to put it into practice on the other side.Readers will not only come away with a greater understanding of Romans, but as invigorated disciples, equipped for the adventure of life and faith, and emboldened to share the Gospel with others.Each chapter includes suggested Bible readings and questions for reflection, making this book a great choice for devotional reading for Lent 2023. Romans is a perfect follow-up read for fans of Andrew's first book The Bible, those who've completed Bible Society's 'The Bible Course', or the Alpha course.

Pembrick's Creaturepedia

by Andrew Peterson

This detailed companion is essential to all who travel to the lands of Skree, and a must-have for all Wingfeather Saga fans. Now with all-new illustrations!Sketcher, adventurer, disguiser, and sneaker Ollister B. Pembrick roamed all of Skree with a sketchbook and pen, searching behind every tree stump and under every stone, in every river and on every hill, to discover and document the endless living wonders of the Maker's world. He risked life and limb--quite literally--to compile sketches and details of the creatures of Skree, usually from the cover of a hollow log, a hedge, or a pile of leaves.Refer to this carefully documented Creaturepedia before traversing through the Stony Mountains or harvesting fartichokes within a fortnight after a sandstorm. The drawings and field notes about squeeblins, toothy cows, oiples, and more will surely save any explorer's life and will definitely keep them--and their appendages--from being gobbled. Tread carefully, young adventurer. The creatures within are not to be trifled with.

An Easter Anthology: Scripture readings, reflections and prayers for Holy Week and Easter

by Arthur Howells

A beautiful gift anthology for the season of Easter with material from Tom Wright, Timothy Radcliffe, Basil Hume, Rowan Williams, Brian McLaren, Paula Gooder, Henri Nouwen, Desmond Tutu, Maria Boulding. Compiled by Canon Arthur Howells, a retired canon in the Church in Wales, this delightful collection is the perfect gift for the Lenten season.

The Knight-Waite Tarot Guidebook: Meanings & Readings

by Michele Knight-Waite

A BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED AND INCLUSIVE TAROT GUIDE THAT SPEAKS TO US ALLSome people can pick up a Tarot deck and instantly read like a pro. Others take longer to develop an affinity with the cards. The truth is, there's no right or wrong way to read them. And although none of the cards have set meanings, there are plenty of ways to peel back the layers and decide how each relates to your life. The Knight-Waite Tarot Guidebook features all the beautiful illustrations and artwork from the Knight-Waite Tarot Deck and includes 'traditional' interpretations of every card in the deck, sample spreads showing different ways to conduct a reading, and write-in sections for recording your interpretations. Tarot uses a symbolic language that tugs at your unconscious, dragging to the surface both treasure and truths. Using this guide alongside your Tarot will help you tune in to the story the cards are telling you, enjoying guidance, wisdom and answers, right when you need it. It will open the door to your higher intuition and reveal astonishing truths about yourself and your life.The answers you've been looking for are right here.REMEMBER TO SEARCH FOR THE ACCOMPANYING CARD DECK: The Knight-Waite Tarot Deck Cards and Quick Start Guide

Deck the Hall: The Stories of our Favourite Christmas Carols

by Andrew Gant

'Christmas carols are sung in church, therefore Christmas carols have always been sung in church.Christmas carols have these words and this tune, therefore Christmas carols have always had these words and this tune.Well, not really.Our carol tradition, like us, is a rich and dynamic mixture. An ecosystem, not a still life.' Written with effervescent charm and professional knowledge, composer and conductor Andrew Gant reveals the fascinating musical and social history behind our favourite Christmas carols.From the Annunciation to Epiphany, the episodes of the Christmas story link the tales and anecdotes behind twenty-seven carols from a variety of traditions and places of origin: those that come from folk song; those we owe to Victorian moralists, and those that are, in fact, French. As Andrew says, 'Some carols were born to Christmas, some have achieved Christmas, and some have had Christmas thrust upon them.'This wonderful, rich musical treat gives us a unique insight into our Yuletide traditions and customs. A delightful gift for anyone who loves to sing, or who just loves Christmas trivia, this is the ideal companion with which to while away those lazy days between Christmas and New Year. 'Ding dong! This is my kind of Christmas present. A musical Christmas cracker - fascinating and full of interesting surprises.' Gyles Brandreth 'Enlightening and entertaining. You'll never hear or sing these carols in the same way again' Anne-Marie Minhall 'And I thought I knew about Christmas carols.' John Rutter

I, Julian: The fictional autobiography of Julian of Norwich

by Claire Gilbert

'So I will write in English, pressing new words from this beautiful plain language spoken by all. Not courtly French to introduce God politely. Not church Latin to construct arguments. English to show it as it is. Even though it is not safe to do so.'From the author of Miles to Go before I Sleep comes I, Julian, the account of a medieval woman who dares to tell her own story, battling grief, plague, the church and societal expectations to do so. Compelled by the powerful visions she had when close to death, Julian finds a way to live a life of freedom - as an anchoress, bricked up in a small room on the side of a church - and to write of what she has seen. The result, passed from hand to hand, is the first book to be written by a woman in English. Tender, luminous, meditative and powerful, Julian writes of her love for God, and God's love for the whole of creation. 'All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.' 'Written with profound insight, spiritual and psychological, and a rare sensitivity to the everyday world of the fourteenth century, I, Julian is a brilliantly illuminating companion to one of the greatest works of spiritual writing in English.' Rowan Williams, Magdalene College, Cambridge University

Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools: An Invitation to the Wonder and Mystery of Prayer

by Tyler Staton

'What if, until now, you've never really prayed. Not like Jesus designed it, anyway.'Prayer is the source of Jesus's most astonishing miracles and the subject of Jesus' most audacious promises, and yet, most people - even most Bible-believing Christians - find prayer to be boring, obligatory, disappointing, confusing, or, most often, all of the above.If you've ever felt this way, Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools is your invitation to trade your conceptions and misconceptions about prayer for prayer in its purest form: a vital, sustaining, powerful connection with God that is more real and alive than you could have ever imagined. In these pages, Tyler Staton - author, pastor, and national director of the 24/7 Prayer movement - addresses common roadblocks to prayer and gives you the confidence to come to God just as you are.Through biblical teaching, powerful storytelling, and insights on historic Christian practices, Staton helps you ...· Express your doubts and disappointments about prayer· Discover and practice multiple postures of prayer, including silence, persistence, confession, and more· Understand and embrace the wonder and mystery of prayer in everyday life· Realize that prayer is a powerful invitation to partner with God in the redemption of a fallen world· And, ultimately, open or reopen the line of communication with your Creator and experience afresh his divine power on earth.Prayer is a journey, and this book will help you transition your prayer life from a path littered with half-hearted requests to a treasured journey of ever-deepening, adventurous relationship with Jesus.

Searching for Enough: The High-Wire Walk Between Doubt and Faith

by Tyler Staton

Do you ever find yourself thinking, 'I'm not enough, and I'm never going to be. And I know I'm not supposed to say this, but God's not enough for me either.'Whether or not we attend church, deep down we wonder if the biblical story of faith is really enough for the complexity of the world in which we live. We fill our lives with other things, hoping that maybe the next experience or accomplishment will complete us. Yet with every goal we reach, we still feel discouraged and anxious.In Searching for Enough, Pastor Tyler Staton draws on ancient and modern insights to introduce us, as if for the first time, to Jesus' disciple Thomas: history's most notorious sceptic. Like Thomas, we are caught between two unsatisfying stories: we want to believe in God but can't reconcile his presence with our circumstances and internal struggles.But what if there's a better story than shame? What if there's redemption so complete that there's nothing left to hide? What if there is a God who can heal your resentments, fears, and loneliness in such a profound way that you feel whole?From a place of spiritual companionship and deep authenticity, Tyler shows us that it is not an empty tomb that will change our lives, but the presence of the living God. Whether you are a distant skeptic, an involved doubter, or a busy but bored Christian, Searching for Enough invites you to find enough in a God who offers the only promises that never disappoint.

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