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by Austin Wright

Harry Field, an elderly professor looking after his baby granddaughter, allows Oliver, the child's absentee father, to take her to the park. Only too late do Harry and his daughter Judy realise that the child has fallen into the hands of the cult to which Oliver belongs - a group led by Miller, a dangerous man who claims to be God...

The Disconnected Man: Breaking Down Walls and Restoring Intimacy with Him

by Jim Turner

THE DISCONNECTED MAN tracks the journey of one man's surprise discovery of his own disconnectedness and his desire to help other men, and the women who love them, before it is too late. Disconnected men hide out in plain view: in our churches, in our families and in our communities. They are competent, capable men who quietly 'do their duty' and attract little attention. They are fairly happy guys, relatively unemotional and capable of carrying heavy loads of responsibility, but are very difficult to get to know beyond superficial friendship. A closer examination inside their marriages reveals a desert strewn with emotionally emaciated spouses. While their competence may build the church, organize a group, or run a company, they haven't the slightest notion how to connect intimately with those they love. Their wives suffer, usually in silence, while the church and culture press past this couple secretly falling apart. Jim Turner was that disconnected man going about his life, happily fulfilling his duty within his own self-protective bubble, until God suddenly burst it in a most horrific way. His story starts when that devastation left him clinging precariously to the remaining shreds of his broken marriage. Jim longs to share with other disconnected men what he learned through that ordeal, to help them understand their disobedience and show how they can achieve real connection with those they love.

The Disconnected Man: Breaking Down Walls and Restoring Intimacy with Him

by Jim Turner

The Disconnected Man tracks the journey of one man's surprise discovery of his own disconnectedness and his desire to help other men, and the women who love them, before it is too late. Disconnected men hide out in plain view: in our churches, in our families and in our communities. They are competent, capable men who quietly 'do their duty' and attract little attention. They are fairly happy guys, relatively unemotional and capable of carrying heavy loads of responsibility, but are very difficult to get to know beyond superficial friendship. A closer examination inside their marriages reveals a desert strewn with emotionally emaciated spouses. While their competence may build the church, organize a group, or run a company, they haven't the slightest notion how to connect intimately with those they love. Their wives suffer, usually in silence, while the church and culture press past this couple secretly falling apart. Jim Turner was that disconnected man going about his life, happily fulfilling his duty within his own self-protective bubble, until God suddenly burst it in a most horrific way. His story starts when that devastation left him clinging precariously to the remaining shreds of his broken marriage. Jim longs to share with other disconnected men what he learned through that ordeal, to help them understand their disobedience and show how they can achieve real connection with those they love.

Discourses of Religion and Secularism in Religious Education Classrooms

by Karin Kittelmann Flensner

This book answers the question on how students and teachers talk about religion when the mandatory and nonconfessional school subject of Religious Education is on the schedule in the “world’s most secular country” To do this, it analyses discourses of religion as they occur in the classroom practice. It is based on findings from participant observation of Religious Education lessons in several upper secondary schools in Sweden. The book discusses different aspects of the role and function of nonconfessional integrative Religious Education in an increasingly pluralistic, multireligious, yet also secularized society, at a general level. It looks at the religious landscape, different perspectives on school subjects, various models and the development of Religious Education, and discourses of religion of a secularist, spiritual and nationalistic nature.Religious Education is a school subject that manoeuvres in the midst of a field that on the one hand concerns crucial knowledge in a pluralistic society, and on the other hand deals with highly contested questions in a society characterized by diversity and secularity. In the mandatory, integrative and non-confessional school subject of Religious Education in Sweden, all students are taught together regardless of religious or secular affiliation. The subject deals with major world religions, important non-religious worldviews and ethics, from a non-confessional perspective. Thus, in the classroom, individuals who identify with diverse religious and non-religious worldviews, with a different understanding of what religion could be and what it might mean to be religious, are brought together. The book examines questions raised in this pluralistic context: What discourses of religion become hegemonic in the classroom? How do these discourses affect the possibility of reaching the aim of Religious Education which concerns understanding and respect for different ways of thinking and living in a society characterized by diversity?

Disfrute su jornada: Encuentre el tesoro escondido de cada día

by Joyce Meyer

La autora de éxitos de ventas núm. 1 del New York Times, Joyce Meyer, ofrece un resumen conciso y poderoso del libro Disfrute dónde está camino a dónde va.¿Disfruta de su vida a diario? ¿O se dice a sí mismo y a los demás que encontrará la felicidad una vez que haya alcanzado una meta o posición específica? Jesús vino para que pueda tener vida y disfrutarla (Juan 10:10). En este compendio compacto, Joyce Meyer combina principios bíblicos con experiencias personales para explicar cómo puede disfrutar cada día en su jornada por la vida. ¡Aprenderá lecciones sobre cómo tomar la decisión de disfrutar la vida, cómo deshacerse del remordimiento, cómo experimentar la simplicidad en la vida, cómo encontrar el contentamiento durante los momentos de espera, y mucho más! Disfrutar de la vida es una actitud del corazón, y puede aprender a disfrutar dónde está camino a dónde va.#1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer offers a powerful, concise abridgment of Enjoying Where You Are on the Way to Where You Are Going. Are you enjoying every day of your life? Or do you tell yourself and others that you will find happiness once you have achieved a specific goal or position? Jesus came so that you might have and enjoy life (John 10:10). In this compact abridgment, Joyce Meyer combines biblical principles with personal experiences to explain how you can enjoy every day on your journey through life. You will learn such lessons as how to make the decision to enjoy life, how to rid yourself of regret, how to experience simplicity in life, how to find joy during times of waiting, and much more! Enjoying life is an attitude of the heart, and you can learn how to enjoy where you are on the way to where you are going.

Disfrute su jornada: Encuentre el tesoro escondido de cada día

by Joyce Meyer

La autora de éxitos de ventas núm. 1 del New York Times, Joyce Meyer, ofrece un resumen conciso y poderoso del libro Disfrute dónde está camino a dónde va.¿Disfruta de su vida a diario? ¿O se dice a sí mismo y a los demás que encontrará la felicidad una vez que haya alcanzado una meta o posición específica? Jesús vino para que pueda tener vida y disfrutarla (Juan 10:10). En este compendio compacto, Joyce Meyer combina principios bíblicos con experiencias personales para explicar cómo puede disfrutar cada día en su jornada por la vida. ¡Aprenderá lecciones sobre cómo tomar la decisión de disfrutar la vida, cómo deshacerse del remordimiento, cómo experimentar la simplicidad en la vida, cómo encontrar el contentamiento durante los momentos de espera, y mucho más! Disfrutar de la vida es una actitud del corazón, y puede aprender a disfrutar dónde está camino a dónde va.#1 New York Times bestselling authorJoyce Meyer offers a powerful, concise abridgment ofEnjoying Where You Are on the Way to Where You Are Going.Are you enjoying every day of your life? Or do you tell yourself and others that you will find happiness once you have achieved a specific goal or position? Jesus came so that you might have and enjoy life (John 10:10). In this compact abridgment, Joyce Meyer combines biblical principles with personal experiences to explain how you can enjoy every day on your journey through life. You will learn such lessons as how to make the decision to enjoy life, how to rid yourself of regret, how to experience simplicity in life, how to find joy during times of waiting, and much more! Enjoying life is an attitude of the heart, and you can learn how to enjoy where you are on the way to where you are going.

Dispelling the Darkness: A Jesuit's Quest for the Soul of Tibet

by Donald S. Lopez Jr. Thupten Jinpa

In a remote Himalayan village in 1721, the Jesuit priest Ippolito Desideri wrote a treatise in classical Tibetan intended to refute key Buddhist doctrines and dispel the darkness of idolatry from Tibet. Dispelling the Darkness provides extended excerpts from this unfinished masterpiece and a full translation of a companion work.

Dispelling the Darkness: A Jesuit's Quest for the Soul of Tibet

by Donald S. Lopez Jr. Thupten Jinpa

In a remote Himalayan village in 1721, the Jesuit priest Ippolito Desideri wrote a treatise in classical Tibetan intended to refute key Buddhist doctrines and dispel the darkness of idolatry from Tibet. Dispelling the Darkness provides extended excerpts from this unfinished masterpiece and a full translation of a companion work.

Divine Agency and Divine Action, Volume I: Exploring and Evaluating the Debate

by William J. Abraham

Divine Agency and Divine Action, Volume I lays the groundwork for a constructive contribution to the contemporary debate regarding divine action. Noted scholar, William J. Abraham argues that the concept of divine action is not a closed concept-like knowledge-but an open concept with a variety of context-dependent meanings. The volume charts the history of debate about divine action among key Anglophone philosophers of religion, and observes that they were largely committed to this erroneous understanding of divine action as a closed concept. After developing an argument that divine action should be understood as an open, fluid concept, Abraham engages the work of William Alston, Process metaphysics, quantum physics, analytic Thomist philosophy of religion, and the theology of Kathryn Tanner. Abraham argues that divine action as an open concept must be shaped by distinctly theological considerations, and thus all future work on divine action among philosophers of religion must change to accord with this vision. Only deep engagement with the Christian theological tradition will remedy the problems ailing contemporary discourse on divine action.

DIVINE AGENCY & DIVINE ACTION V2 C: Soundings in the Christian Tradition

by William J. Abraham

Divine Agency and Divine Action, Volume II builds on Volume I, which established that no generic concept of action will suffice for understanding the character of divine actions explicit in the Christian faith. Volume II argues that in order to understand divine action, one must begin with the array of specific actions predicated of God in the Christian tradition. William J. Abraham argues that one must practice theology in order to analyze properly the concept of divine action. Abraham offers a careful review and evaluation of the particularities of divine action as they appear in the work of biblical, patristic, medieval, and Reformation-era theologians. Particular attention is given to the divine inspiration of scripture, creation, incarnation, transubstantiation in the Eucharist, predestination, and divine concurrence. The work does not simply repeat the doctrinal formulations found in the Christian tradition, but examines them in order to find fresh ways of thinking about these issues for our own time, especially with respect to the contemporary debates about divine agency and divine action.

Divine Freedom and the Doctrine of the Immanent Trinity: In Dialogue with Karl Barth and Contemporary Theology

by Paul D. Molnar

Divine Freedom and the Doctrine of the Immanent Trinity is widely acclaimed by scholars in the field of Christian systematic theology. Molnar's quest to place the doctrine of the immanent Trinity on the agenda of the Christian doctrine of God has proven to be a signal contribution to the debate in contemporary Christian theology.The material in this second edition has been thoroughly updated: it contains a new preface and a new introduction, as well as a revised bibliography. The book includes a brand new chapter titled 'Divine Freedom Revisited' which addresses those questions that have arisen in connection with Molnar's original presentation of the divine freedom. Molnar re-visits here his discussion of the Logos Asarkos, the theologies of Karl Rahner and Wolfhart Pannenberg. He sheds new light on Rahner's and Torrance's discussions of the Resurrection; and incorporates modern discussions by contemporary theologians to offer new insights into Eberhard Jüngel's thinking.

Divine Generosity and Human Creativity: Theology through Symbol, Painting and Architecture

by David Brown

Partly in a desire to defend divine freedom and partly because it is seen as the only way of preserving a distinctive voice for theology, much contemporary theology has artificially restricted revelation and religious experience, effectively cutting off those who find God beyond the walls of the Church. Against this tendency, David Brown argues for divine generosity and a broader vision of reality that sees God deploying symbols (literary, visual and sacramental) as a means of mediating between the divine world and our own material existence. A sustained argument for divine interaction and more specifically the ways in which God speaks in the wider imaginative world, this volume calls for a careful listening exercise since symbols are richer and more open in their possibilities than their users often suppose. Not only is this true of the imagery of Scripture, even inanimate objects like buildings or hostile but creative artists can have important things to say to the believing Christian. An ideal introduction that also moves the conversation forward, this volume addresses foundations, the multivalent power of symbols, artists as theologians and meaning in religious architecture.

Divine Generosity and Human Creativity: Theology through Symbol, Painting and Architecture

by David Brown

Partly in a desire to defend divine freedom and partly because it is seen as the only way of preserving a distinctive voice for theology, much contemporary theology has artificially restricted revelation and religious experience, effectively cutting off those who find God beyond the walls of the Church. Against this tendency, David Brown argues for divine generosity and a broader vision of reality that sees God deploying symbols (literary, visual and sacramental) as a means of mediating between the divine world and our own material existence. A sustained argument for divine interaction and more specifically the ways in which God speaks in the wider imaginative world, this volume calls for a careful listening exercise since symbols are richer and more open in their possibilities than their users often suppose. Not only is this true of the imagery of Scripture, even inanimate objects like buildings or hostile but creative artists can have important things to say to the believing Christian. An ideal introduction that also moves the conversation forward, this volume addresses foundations, the multivalent power of symbols, artists as theologians and meaning in religious architecture.

Divine Power and Evil: A Reply to Process Theodicy (Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies)

by Kenneth K. Pak

Evil perplexes us all and threatens to undermine the meaningfulness of our existence. How can we reconcile the reality of evil with the notion of a God who is perfectly good and powerful? Process theodicy, whose foremost proponent is David Griffin, suggests one answer: because every being possesses its own power of self-determination in order for God to attain the divine aim of higher goodness for the world, God must take the risk of the possibility of evil. Divine Power and Evil responds to Griffin's criticisms against traditional theodicy, assesses the merits of process theodicy, and points out ways in which traditional theism could incorporate a number of Griffin's valuable insights in progressing toward a philosophically and theologically satisfactory theodicy. It provides a new and important contribution to a long-standing debate within philosophy of religion and theology.

Divine Power and Evil: A Reply to Process Theodicy (Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies)

by Kenneth K. Pak

Evil perplexes us all and threatens to undermine the meaningfulness of our existence. How can we reconcile the reality of evil with the notion of a God who is perfectly good and powerful? Process theodicy, whose foremost proponent is David Griffin, suggests one answer: because every being possesses its own power of self-determination in order for God to attain the divine aim of higher goodness for the world, God must take the risk of the possibility of evil. Divine Power and Evil responds to Griffin's criticisms against traditional theodicy, assesses the merits of process theodicy, and points out ways in which traditional theism could incorporate a number of Griffin's valuable insights in progressing toward a philosophically and theologically satisfactory theodicy. It provides a new and important contribution to a long-standing debate within philosophy of religion and theology.

Divine Powers in Late Antiquity

by Anna Marmodoro Irini-Fotini Viltanioti

Is power the essence of divinity, or are divine powers distinct from divine essence? Are they divine hypostases or are they divine attributes? Are powers such as omnipotence, omniscience, etc. modes of divine activity? How do they manifest? In which way can we apprehend them? Is there a multiplicity of gods whose powers fill the cosmos or is there only one God from whom all power(s) derive(s) and whose power(s) permeate(s) everything? These are questions that become central to philosophical and theological debates in Late Antiquity (roughly corresponding to the period 2nd to the 6th centuries). On the one hand, the Pagan Neoplatonic thinkers of this era postulate a complex hierarchy of gods, whose powers express the unlimited power of the ineffable One. On the other hand, Christians proclaim the existence of only one God, one divine power or one 'Lord of all powers'. Divided into two main sections, the first part of Divine Powers in Late Antiquity examines aspects of the notion of divine power as developed by the four major figures of Neoplatonism: Plotinus (c. 204-270), Porphyry (c. 234-305), Iamblichus (c.245-325), and Proclus (412-485). It focuses on an aspect of the notion of divine power that has been so far relatively neglected in the literature. Part two investigates the notion of divine power in early Christian authors, from the New Testament to the Alexandrian school (Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Athanasius the Great) and, further, to the Cappadocian Fathers (Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa), as well as in some of these authors' sources (the Septuagint, Philo of Alexandria). The traditional view tends to overlook the fact that the Bible, particularly the New Testament, was at least as important as Platonic philosophical texts in the shaping of the early Christian thinking about the Church's doctrines. Whilst challenging the received interpretation by redressing the balance between the Bible and Greek philosophical texts, the essays in the second section of this book nevertheless argue for the philosophical value of early Christian reflections on the notion of divine power. The two groups of thinkers that each of the sections deal with (the Platonic-Pagan and the Christian one) share largely the same intellectual and cultural heritage; they are concerned with the same fundamental questions; and they often engage in more or less public philosophical and theological dialogue, directly influencing one another.

Divine Time Management: The Joy of Trusting God's Loving Plans for You

by Elizabeth Grace Saunders

Time is a precious gift. When you invest it well, it's marked with meaning and unforgettable moments of joy. But if you're like so many, you feel rushed. Overwhelmed. Pressured by your daily obligations and others' expectations. The need to please, to succeed, and to make a difference wears away at your joy and leaves you feeling empty or exhausted.Elizabeth Grace Saunders, internationally recognized time management expert, has helped everyone from busy moms to small business owners to corporate clients reorder their lives for success. She knows there are endless apps, books, and useful methods for becoming self-disciplined, organized, and more successful, but these tools alone aren't enough to provide true freedom from the stress of how to best manage time.Yet when Elizabeth's longtime faith intersected with her work, it unlocked the power of DIVINE TIME MANAGEMENT. After a season of unusually high stress, where traditional time management methods fell short, she found a transformative sense of peace by surrendering her plans to God. Pursuing God's wisdom in time management, Elizabeth discovered that by trusting Him she could achieve the happy, prosperous, confident life He lovingly planned for her. Now she shares how you can find purpose, joy, and the peace that comes from letting God guide your actions.DIVINE TIME MANAGEMENT offers you: a path to deeper intimacy with God centered on trust in Him; an understanding of what God wants for your life, to inform how you set priorities; biblical and personal encouragement to embrace your God-given desires; effective ways to faithfully navigate major decisions; and proven time-saving methods.God delights in His children experiencing His best. DIVINE TIME MANAGEMENT will help you align your life with God's best for you, for lasting joy with Christ at the center of your world.

Divine Time Management: The Joy of Trusting God's Loving Plans for You

by Elizabeth Grace Saunders

Time is a precious gift. When you invest it well, it's marked with meaning and unforgettable moments of joy. But if you're like so many, you feel rushed. Overwhelmed. Pressured by your daily obligations and others' expectations. The need to please, to succeed, and to make a difference wears away at your joy and leaves you feeling empty or exhausted.Elizabeth Grace Saunders, internationally recognized time management expert, has helped everyone from busy moms to small business owners to corporate clients reorder their lives for success. She knows there are endless apps, books, and useful methods for becoming self-disciplined, organized, and more successful, but these tools alone aren't enough to provide true freedom from the stress of how to best manage time.Yet when Elizabeth's longtime faith intersected with her work, it unlocked the power of Divine Time Management. After a season of unusually high stress, where traditional time management methods fell short, she found a transformative sense of peace by surrendering her plans to God. Pursuing God's wisdom in time management, Elizabeth discovered that by trusting Him she could achieve the happy, prosperous, confident life He lovingly planned for her. Now she shares how you can find purpose, joy, and the peace that comes from letting God guide your actions.Divine Time Management offers you: a path to deeper intimacy with God centered on trust in Him; an understanding of what God wants for your life, to inform how you set priorities; biblical and personal encouragement to embrace your God-given desires; effective ways to faithfully navigate major decisions; and proven time-saving methods.God delights in His children experiencing His best. Divine Time Management will help you align your life with God's best for you, for lasting joy with Christ at the center of your world.

Divining the Woman of Endor: African Culture, Postcolonial Hermeneutics, and the Politics of Biblical Translation (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies #644)

by J. Kabamba Kiboko

An examination of the language of divination in the Hebrew Bible, particularly in 1 Samuel 28:3-25-the oft-called “Witch of Endor” passage. Kiboko contends that much of the vocabulary of divination in this passage and beyond has been mistranslated in authorized English and other translations used in Africa and in scholarly writings. Kiboko argues that the woman of Endor is not a witch. The woman of Endor is, rather, a diviner, much like other ancient Near Eastern and modern African diviners. She resists an inner-biblical conquest theology and a monologic authoritarian view of divination to assist King Saul by various means, including invoking the spirit of a departed person, Samuel. Kiboko carries out a Hebrew word-study shaped by the theories of Mikhail M. Bakhtin regarding the utterance, heteroglossia, and dialogism in order to understand the designative, connotative, emotive, and associative meanings of the many divinatory terms in the Hebrew Bible. She then examines 1 Samuel 28 and a number of prior translations thereof, using the ideological framework of African-feminist-postcolonial biblical interpreters and translation theories to uncover the hidden ideology or transcript of these translations. Finally, using African contextual/cultural hermeneutics and cross-cultural translation theory, Kiboko offers new English, French, and Kisanga translations of this passage that are both faithful to the original text and more appropriate to an inculturated-liberation African Christian hermeneutic, theology, and praxis.

»Doch ist das Wirkliche auch vergessen, so ist es darum nicht getilgt«: Beiträge zum Werk Siegfried Kracauers (Kulturelle Figurationen: Artefakte, Praktiken, Fiktionen)

by Jörn Ahrens Paul Fleming Susanne Martin Ulrike Vedder

Siegfried Kracauers Werk in seiner Breite und Originalität steht im Zentrum dieses Bandes, der in internationaler und interdisziplinärer Perspektivierung eine Vielzahl der Themen, Denkfiguren und Schreibweisen des Autors analysiert. Kaum ein Intellektueller steht wohl so konsequent und facettenreich für das 20. Jahrhundert wie Siegfried Kracauer, dessen Todestag sich am 26. November 2016 zum 50. Mal jährt. Wie nur wenige andere hat Kracauer ein Spektrum an Interessen und Disziplinen abgedeckt, das für die kulturellen und intellektuellen Konstellationen seiner Zeit paradigmatische Geltung besitzt.

Does Religion Cause Violence?: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Violence and Religion in the Modern World (Violence, Desire, and the Sacred)

by Scott Cowdell Chris Fleming Joel Hodge Carly Osborn

One of the most pressing issues of our time is the outbreak of extremist violence and terrorism, done in the name of religion. This volume critically analyses the link made between religion and violence in contemporary theory and proposes that 'religion' does not have a special relation to violence in opposition to culture, ideology or nationalism. Rather, religion and violence must be understood with relation to fundamental anthropological and philosophical categories such as culture, desire, disaster and rivalry.Does Religion Cause Violence? explores contemporary instances of religious violence, such as Islamist terrorism and radicalization in its various political, economic, religious, military and technological dimensions, as well as the legitimacy and efficacy of modern cultural mechanisms to contain violence, such as nuclear deterrence. Including perspectives from experts in theology, philosophy, terrorism studies, and Islamic studies, this volume brings together the insights of René Girard, the premier theorist of violence in the 20th century, with the latest scholarship on religion and violence, particularly exploring the nature of extremist violence.

Does Religious Education Matter?

by Mary Shanahan

In the current climate, and in an age of increasing hostility towards religion and the study of religion, religious education is a much-debated area. Bringing together an interdisciplinary team of contributors from the USA, Britain and Ireland, and Australia, representing a variety of religious perspectives, Does Religious Education Matter? provocatively demonstrates that it is vital that religious education is presented as it ’really’ is: a valuable and rich resource that, when taught and engaged with appropriately, stimulates essential qualities for global and responsible citizenship: critical thinking, tolerance, respect, and mutual understanding.

Does Religious Education Matter?

by Mary Shanahan

In the current climate, and in an age of increasing hostility towards religion and the study of religion, religious education is a much-debated area. Bringing together an interdisciplinary team of contributors from the USA, Britain and Ireland, and Australia, representing a variety of religious perspectives, Does Religious Education Matter? provocatively demonstrates that it is vital that religious education is presented as it ’really’ is: a valuable and rich resource that, when taught and engaged with appropriately, stimulates essential qualities for global and responsible citizenship: critical thinking, tolerance, respect, and mutual understanding.

The Dog That Whispered: A Novel

by Jim Kraus

Bestselling author Jim Kraus returns with a heartwarming tale about a dog who has people convinced he can talk. Wilson Steele is a single professor and Vietnam veteran who likes living alone, insisting it's too late for him to have a family. His mother disagrees. When she impulsively adopts a rescued black lab mix, she insists Thurman is special, and has whispered of the coming of grandchildren. Wilson brushes the notion off as fantasy. When his mother learns of her retirement community's 'no pets' policy, she forces Wilson to take the lovable dog. Wilson notices Thurman's growls do sound like words, but he knows he's just projecting his own thoughts on the animal. If Wilson is talking to neighbors on their walks, and spending time with Emily, a widow with three children, it isn't because Thurman encouraged him. After all, everyone knows dogs can't talk...can they?

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