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Essentials of Mental Health Nursing

by Karen M. Wright Mick McKeown

Are you studying mental health nursing and want a book that covers all you need to know? Look no further. As it says in the name, this is an essential text for students. Split into 5 parts, this book delves into the context of mental health, key concepts and debates, skills for care and therapeutic approaches, tailoring care to people with specific needs, and transition to practice. Updated to include more content from those with lived experience, this new edition also includes: - Voices of mental health service users and practitioners, giving you a real insight in the field - Critical thinking stop points and debates, allowing you to develop your wider skills and knowledge - Case studies to bring the content to life - Chapter summaries, so you know what the main takeaways are for each chapter - Further reading and useful websites, allowing you to do your own research The editors, Karen M. Wright and Mick McKeown come with a wealth of experience in mental health nursing. The variety of contributors also reflect different experiences in different contexts.

Essentials of Mental Health Nursing

by Karen M. Wright Mick McKeown

Are you studying mental health nursing and want a book that covers all you need to know? Look no further. As it says in the name, this is an essential text for students. Split into 5 parts, this book delves into the context of mental health, key concepts and debates, skills for care and therapeutic approaches, tailoring care to people with specific needs, and transition to practice. Updated to include more content from those with lived experience, this new edition also includes: - Voices of mental health service users and practitioners, giving you a real insight in the field - Critical thinking stop points and debates, allowing you to develop your wider skills and knowledge - Case studies to bring the content to life - Chapter summaries, so you know what the main takeaways are for each chapter - Further reading and useful websites, allowing you to do your own research The editors, Karen M. Wright and Mick McKeown come with a wealth of experience in mental health nursing. The variety of contributors also reflect different experiences in different contexts.

Essential Social Psychology

by Richard J. Crisp Rhiannon Turner Rose Meleady

Essential Social Psychology introduces you to the core topics in Social Psychology, covering its history, methods, and approaches, as well as helping you grasp key topics such as social influence, group processes, prejudice, friendship, affiliation, and love. This new edition has a strong emphasis on real-world applications, for example exploring how social psychology was applied during the Covid-19 pandemic. It has been updated to include more in-depth coverage of contemporary topics such as social media, the digital world, as well as social justice topics, such as LGBTQ+ issues in psychology. This book is ideal for undergraduate students of social psychology. Richard Crisp is Professor of Social Psychology at Durham University. Rhiannon Turner is Professor of Social Psychology at Queen’s University Belfast. Rose Meleady is an Associate Professor in Psychology at the University of East Anglia.

Positive Psychologie für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Averil Leimon Gladeana McMahon

Ihre Anleitung zum Glück Erfolg und Glück im Leben hängen maßgeblich von Ihrer Denkweise ab. Die Positive Psychologie bietet wertvolle Unterstützung, um sowohl persönlich als auch beruflich ein erfüllteres Leben zu führen. Dieser praxisorientierte Ratgeber zeigt, wie man glückliche Beziehungen gestaltet, Stress in der Kindererziehung vermeidet und das berufliche Potenzial maximiert. Identifizieren Sie Ihre Stärken, verändern Sie Ihre Denkweise positiv und verbessern Sie den Umgang mit negativen Gefühlen. Tauchen Sie in die Welt der Positiven Psychologie ein und gestalten Sie Ihr Leben selbstbestimmt. Sie erfahren Wie Sie herausfinden, was Sie wirklich glücklich macht Mit welchen Strategien Sie schwierige Zeiten überstehen Was Experten zum Thema Achtsamkeit sagen

Amazing Dads! Fatherhood Curriculum, Workbook

by Dan Griffin Harrison Crawford

The only trauma-informed curriculum designed to turn men into great dads Amazing Dads Fatherhood Curriculum teaches fathers with kids of all ages to become exceptional parents. These detailed lessons meet dads where they are, starting from the common tendencies of male socialization to help explain key concepts of healthy fathering. Through a trauma-informed approach, this curriculumcreates safety in the group setting while delving into critical topics that fathers simply do not tend to talk about with people in their lives. Unlike other fatherhood curricula, Amazing Dads addresses a breadth of topics, empowering men to discuss issues like family of origin, sexuality, how punishment can turn into abuse, self-care, and how toxic messages in the culture can hinder parent-child relationships. Each session incorporates grounding and breathing exercises, in addition to activities, exercises, and experiential opportunities that allow participants to connect with the material on a meaningful level. By the end of this course, fathers will have gained the increased self-awareness needed to enhance their relationships with their children and other family members. Lead fathers through a curriculum of targeted lessons focused on how male socialization affects their parenting Guide participants through exercises for developing relational, communication, and conflict resolution skills Connect with dads on a meaningful level by creating a safe space for discussions of trauma and other difficult subjects Explain important parenting concepts using examples, hands-on activities, and more This curriculum is excellent for use in parenting groups, behavioral health treatment programs, addiction treatment programs, and other community-based programs serving fathers. Dads of all backgrounds, with kids of all ages, will benefit from the wisdom in Amazing Dads Fatherhood Curriculum.

Gesunder Umgang mit Narzissmus für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Laura L. Smith

Großartig – leider oft auf Kosten anderer Narzissten erscheinen anfangs oft charmant, doch Partner, Freunde, Arbeitskollegen oder Familienmitglieder leiden oft unter diesen sehr speziellen Persönlichkeiten. Vermuten Sie, dass Sie selbst oder jemand in Ihrem Leben ein Narzisst ist, und möchten mehr darüber erfahren, wie Narzissten ticken? Laura L. Smith stellt typische Verhaltensweisen von Narzissten vor und erläutert die Warnzeichen, auf die Sie achten sollten. Sie bekommen Tipps, wie Sie sich vor narzisstischer Manipulation schützen können. Das Buch hilft Ihnen, sich aus narzisstischen Verstrickungen zu lösen, und erklärt die Möglichkeiten, wie Narzissmus behandelt werden kann. Sie erfahren Wie ein Mensch zum Narzissten wird Wie Sie im Umgang mit Narzissten Ihren eigenen Selbstwert bewahren können Wie Sie sich aus den Fängen von Narzissten befreien können Wie Psychotherapie bei Narzissmus hilft

Amazing Dads! Fatherhood Curriculum, Facilitator's Guide

by Dan Griffin Harrison Crawford

The only trauma-informed curriculum designed to turn men into great dads Amazing Dads Fatherhood Curriculum teaches fathers with kids of all ages to become exceptional parents. These detailed lessons meet dads where they are, starting from the common tendencies of male socialization to help explain key concepts of healthy fathering. Through a trauma-informed approach, this curriculum creates safety in the group setting while delving into critical topics that fathers simply do not tend to talk about with people in their lives. Unlike other fatherhood curricula, Amazing Dads addresses a breadth of topics, empowering men to discuss issues like family of origin, sexuality, how punishment can turn into abuse, self-care, and how toxic messages in the culture can hinder parent-child relationships. Each session incorporates grounding and breathing exercises, in addition to activities, exercises, and experiential opportunities that allow participants to connect with the material on a meaningful level. By the end of this course, fathers will have gained the increased self-awareness needed to enhance their relationships with their children and other family members. Lead fathers through a curriculum of targeted lessons focused on how male socialization affects their parenting Guide participants through exercises for developing relational, communication, and conflict resolution skills Connect with dads on a meaningful level by creating a safe space for discussions of trauma and other difficult subjects Explain important parenting concepts using examples, hands-on activities, and more This curriculum is excellent for use in parenting groups, behavioral health treatment programs, addiction treatment programs, and other community-based programs serving fathers. Dads of all backgrounds, with kids of all ages, will benefit from the wisdom in Amazing Dads Fatherhood Curriculum.

Colonised Minds: Narratives that Shape Psychology

by Akira O′Connor Erin Robbins

Psychology, as it is taught in the Global North, strives to be an objective science beyond reproach – but what happens when we examine the discipline critically, through an anti-colonial lens? This text pulls back the curtain on the existing canon to reveal the historical power structures that shaped the discipline, and examines the extent to which psychology today continues to uphold oppression. Colonised Minds situates current teaching and research of major topics in the field of psychology within the context of colonialism to better understand how some ideas were allowed to flourish while others were suppressed, censored, or left behind. This book will also direct you to critical, antiracist, and feminist approaches for the field and the modern university more generally – looking to voices and perspectives that have been marginalised for ways to rethink the way we see, and teach, psychology. Akira O’Connor is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology and the Institutional Race Equality Charter Chair at the University of St Andrews. Erin Robbins is a Lecturer in Psychology and the Director of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion for the School of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of St Andrews.

The Politics of Curiosity: Alternatives to the Attention Economy (ISSN)

Through a variety of studies in the emerging field of attentional studies, this book examines and seeks alternatives to the current attention economy. Bringing together the work of leading scholars of ‘critical attention studies’ to reflect on issues such as techno-politics, socio-politics, and the politics of distraction, it offers a new and multi-disciplinary conceptualization of attention that emphasizes the connections between attention and curiosity, distraction, decoloniality and care. Above all, The Politics of Curiosity asks us to consider the nature and ambivalence of the curious forms of politics that might be taking shape in the shadow of our current attention economy.The “attention economy” has become a household name: we all know our attention is being harvested, commodified and packaged to be sold to advertisers by capitalist platforms. We all complain about it; some of us dream of disconnection; others call to fight back. By focusing on attentional deficits, and by reducing attention to being focused, however, the common view may miss wider stakes, and more promising opportunities. This collective volume provides a new frame of analysis based on three displacements. First, it relocates attentional issues within a triangulation that explores a continuum between attention, distraction and curiosity. Second, it invites us to investigate into the mental infrastructures that socially condition our perceptions and understandings of the world. Third, it points towards emancipatory politics of curiosity to provide alternatives to the attention economy. Contributions range from pedagogy to media theory, via digital studies, epistemology, sociology, political philosophy, literary history, aesthetics, film and dance studies. They gather some of the leading scholars who shaped the study of attention, questioned the values of distraction and explored the potentials of curiosity over the recent years. They extend across nine countries, four continents and seven languages, to provide a multicultural approach to these debates. Together, they help us understand how our current mental infrastructures have taken shape, under specific regimes of power and authority, in a world dominated by capital, colonialism and patriarchy. But they also sketch what can be done to redeploy them around imperatives of respect and care – from a better awareness of our mental biases, online behaviors and bodily movements, to our collective capacity to restructure classroom interactions, to launch alternative digital platforms, to build democratic movements.The first platform for discussion of the politics of attention and curiosity – and an essential point of reference for future debate – this book will appeal to scholars of sociology, politics and psychology.

The Politics of Curiosity: Alternatives to the Attention Economy (ISSN)

by Enrico Campo Yves Citton

Through a variety of studies in the emerging field of attentional studies, this book examines and seeks alternatives to the current attention economy. Bringing together the work of leading scholars of ‘critical attention studies’ to reflect on issues such as techno-politics, socio-politics, and the politics of distraction, it offers a new and multi-disciplinary conceptualization of attention that emphasizes the connections between attention and curiosity, distraction, decoloniality and care. Above all, The Politics of Curiosity asks us to consider the nature and ambivalence of the curious forms of politics that might be taking shape in the shadow of our current attention economy.The “attention economy” has become a household name: we all know our attention is being harvested, commodified and packaged to be sold to advertisers by capitalist platforms. We all complain about it; some of us dream of disconnection; others call to fight back. By focusing on attentional deficits, and by reducing attention to being focused, however, the common view may miss wider stakes, and more promising opportunities. This collective volume provides a new frame of analysis based on three displacements. First, it relocates attentional issues within a triangulation that explores a continuum between attention, distraction and curiosity. Second, it invites us to investigate into the mental infrastructures that socially condition our perceptions and understandings of the world. Third, it points towards emancipatory politics of curiosity to provide alternatives to the attention economy. Contributions range from pedagogy to media theory, via digital studies, epistemology, sociology, political philosophy, literary history, aesthetics, film and dance studies. They gather some of the leading scholars who shaped the study of attention, questioned the values of distraction and explored the potentials of curiosity over the recent years. They extend across nine countries, four continents and seven languages, to provide a multicultural approach to these debates. Together, they help us understand how our current mental infrastructures have taken shape, under specific regimes of power and authority, in a world dominated by capital, colonialism and patriarchy. But they also sketch what can be done to redeploy them around imperatives of respect and care – from a better awareness of our mental biases, online behaviors and bodily movements, to our collective capacity to restructure classroom interactions, to launch alternative digital platforms, to build democratic movements.The first platform for discussion of the politics of attention and curiosity – and an essential point of reference for future debate – this book will appeal to scholars of sociology, politics and psychology.

May Contain Lies: How Stories, Statistics and Studies Exploit Our Biases - And What We Can Do About It

by Alex Edmans

'A powerful and punchy explanation of why misinformation is a problem that affects us all - be that in finance, politics, media, business or anywhere else. Edmans offers clear ideas about how to counter this, not just in our own lives but also across society as a whole. Timely and very provocative!' - Gillian Tett, Editor-at-Large, Financial Times'Not only brilliantly researched and written but immensely practical' - Andy Haldane, former Chief Economist at the Bank of England'A timely book and, despite the nerdy statistical theories, is often quite funny' Harry Wallop, The TimesA ground-breaking book that reveals why our human biases affect the way we receive and interpret information, with practical suggestions for how to think more critically* Featured in Adam Grant’s 8 New Idea Books to Start Spring *Our lives are minefields of misinformation. Stories, statistics and studies lie to us on a daily basis. Not only this but, as Professor Alex Edmans reveals, our brains lie to us too. He argues that we need to acknowledge and understand the role that our own human biases play in interpreting and digesting the information that we consume. It's only when we do, that we can actively resist being manipulated, and make informed decisions that improve our lives.'A passionate and dispassionate call to truth – and how to achieve it - in a world of growing disinformation' – Will Hutton, author of The State We're In

Embrace the Chaos: 52 Tactics to Make Every Day Count

by Jason Fox

Challenge your limits, change your habits and transform your life.In Embrace the Chaos, Special Forces veteran Jason Fox sets out a revolutionary programme of personal challenges designed to help you reboot, disrupt your thinking and grow your capabilities.Across 52 short chapters of practical advice - battle-tested on elite military operations and extreme expeditions - Foxy mentors you through a series of tasks that will enhance your life. Exercises range from micro-adventures and small habit changes to addressing your routine, cleansing your relationships, setting personal goals and learning new skills.Whether you are looking for adventure, in need of mental clarity, or seeking military grade productivity, Embrace the Chaos will push you physically and mentally to become the best version of yourself.Featuring:-A new challenge for every week of the year.-Practical advice and tips.-Physical and creative tasks.-Mentoring guidance through each process.-Stories from Foxy's military career and expeditions.

Unravelling Anti-Aging: A Critical Sociological Assessment (International Perspectives on Aging #41)

by Jason L. Powell

In a society where youthfulness and vitality are highly valued, the quest for anti-aging solutions has become increasingly popularized in bio-medical gerontology. However, navigating the vast sea of information, products, and treatments can be overwhelming; there is limited academic rigor and theoretic critique from sociological perspectives. This book aims to demystify the concept of anti-aging and presents critical social approaches for maintaining a healthy life. By exploring the science, lifestyle factors, and power of bio-medicine, the book will provide readers with a comprehensive monograph to unlock the politics of anti-aging drawing from social approaches.

Pädagogik für Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten: Grundlegend, prägnant und anwendungsorientiert

by Gabriele Rössler Wolfgang Mack

Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten behandeln Menschen, die durch familiäre Erziehung, durch schulische und berufliche Bildung geprägt wurden. Nicht selten gehen psychische Erkrankungen mit sozialen Problemen einher, die eine sozial- oder rehabilitations­pädagogische Begleitung erfordern. In diesem Buch finden angehende Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung in Erziehungs- und Sozialisationsprozesse sowie pädagogische Interventionen. Die Bedeutung der einzelnen Themen für die psychotherapeutische Praxis wird in jedem Kapitel gesondert erläutert.

Wilfred Bion, Thinking, and Emotional Experience with Moving Images: Being Embedded

by Kelli Fuery

Wilfred Bion’s theories of dreaming, of the analytic situation, of reality and everyday life, and even of the contact between the body and the mind offer very different, and highly fruitful, perspectives on lived experience. Yet very little of his work has entered the field of visual culture, especially film and media studies. Kelli Fuery offers an engaging overview of Bion’s most significant contribution to psychoanalysis- his theory of thinking- and demonstrates its relevance for why we watch moving images.Bion’s theory of thinking is presented as an alternative model for the examination of how we experience moving images and how they work as tools which we use to help us ‘think’ emotional experience. ‘Being Embedded’ is a term used to identify and acknowledge the link between thinking and emotional experience within the lived reception of cinema. It is a concept that everyone can speak to as already knowing, already having felt it - being embedded is at the core of lived and thinking experience. This book offers a return to psychoanalytic theory within moving image studies, contributing to the recent works that have explored object relations psychoanalysis within visual culture (specifically the writings of Klein and Winnicott), but differs in its reference and examination of previously overlooked, but highly pivotal, thinkers such as Bion, Bollas and Ogden. A theorization of thinking as an affective structure within moving image experience provides a fresh avenue for psychoanalytic theory within visual culture.Wilfred Bion, Thinking, and Emotional Experience with Moving Images will appeal to psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists, as well as scholars and students of film and media studies, cultural studies and cultural sociology and anthropology, visual culture, media theory, philosophy, and psychosocial studies.

Neuroendocrinology of Behavior and Emotions: Environmental and Social Factors Affecting Behavior (Masterclass in Neuroendocrinology #16)

by Heather K. Caldwell H. Elliott Albers

This volume highlights current research on how the neuroendocrine system helps to influence emotional states and ultimately behavioral output. Social relationships and context-appropriate behavioral responses are important for the survival of most vertebrate species. These relationships can range from transient social interactions to strong social bonding between sexual partners and social behaviors can be observed and evaluated from the individual- to the group-level. Further, behavioral output is shaped by complex interactions between the physical environment, genetics, experience, and context, and are often modulated by the neuroendocrine system. In this book, experts in the field will provide a sweeping look at novel research in the neuroendocrine regulation of important behaviors ranging from parental care to social homeostasis, with a focus on comparative studies across vertebrate species. The first part of the book is dedicated to theneuroendocrinology of relationships, including the coordination of acoustic signals in songbirds, the complexity of social relationships in primates, and cooperation and parenting in humans. The second part of the book focuses on social behaviors and provides some insights into their regulation, including the neuroendocrine regulation of maternal behavior in rodents, the roles of oxytocin and vasopressin in the modulation of sex-specific social behavior, the interactions between adult neurogenesis, the neuroendocrine system and social behavior, and a consideration of neuroendocrine influences on reproductive decision making across species. The book concludes with a section on environmental influences on neuroendocrine systems underlying behavior, including how social isolation and endocrine disrupting chemicals affect the neuroendocrinology of behavior and emotions. Given its breadth, this volume is appropriate for undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and established researchers who are interested in neuroendocrinology and behavior. This is the sixteenth volume in the International Neuroendocrine Federation (INF) Masterclass in Neuroendocrinology series, which aims to illustrate the highest standards and highlight the latest technologies in basic and clinical research and aspires to provide inspiration for further exploration into the exciting field of neuroendocrinology.

Mit ADHS erfolgreich im Beruf: So wandeln Sie vermeintliche Schwächen in Stärken um

by Heiner Lachenmeier

Was ist ADHS, und vor allem, wie verhalten sich Menschen mit ADHS? Was bedeutet das für das Erleben der Betroffenen, welchen Einfluss hat es auf ihren Zugriff auf ihre Fähigkeiten, und wie wirkt sich das auf das Arbeitsleben aus?Ausgehend von diesen Fragestellungen zeigt der Autor aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht und in leicht verständlicher, gut konsumierbarer und humorvoller Weise auf, wie sich ADHS auf das Arbeitsleben auswirkt und welche Chancen sich mit einem besseren Verständnis dieser neurologischen Variante auftun können. Denn unter bestimmten Bedingungen kann ADHS in einigen Arbeitsbereichen klare Vorteile bieten! Selbstverständlich werden aber auch mögliche Schwierigkeiten im Berufsleben beleuchtet und dafür konkret umsetzbare Lösungswege aufgezeigt. Leser mit und ohne ADHS werden die spezielle Aufarbeitung dieses wichtigen Themas ebenso schätzen wie die leichte Umsetzbarkeit der vielen praktischen Tipps&Tricks, die aus zahlreichen Studien und der langjährigen intensiven Arbeit des Autors mit Betroffenen – und dem eigenen ADHS - resultieren. Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene und deren Eltern finden hilfreiche Unterstützung, um erfolgreich in der Arbeitswelt durchzustarten – mit, trotz oder gerade wegen ADHS! Für die 2. Auflage wurde das Buch gründlich überarbeitet und erweitert, alle Abbildungen sind nun in Farbe enthalten. Neue Kapitel bieten weitere Anregungen aus dem reichhaltigen Fundus des Autors: Der Leser erfährt, wie Angst und Mut bei ADHS miteinander Hand in Hand gehen, wie Berufsbeziehungen bei ADHS gut gelingen und wie ein Perspektivwechsel gewinnbringend für Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer mit ADHS sein kann. In Anerkennung des Interesses der Vorgesetzten und Arbeitgeber, die dieses Buch lesen, wird mit einer Tabelle ein schneller Überblick der wichtigsten beruflichen ADHS-Situationen, deren Hintergründe und Tipps zum Umgang damit geboten.

Understanding Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

by Grace Iarocci Jacob A. Burack Dermot M. Bowler

Written by psychologists engaged in research, teaching, and practice, Understanding Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities encourages a nuanced, contextually informed understanding of the development of individuals with developmental disabilities. This accessible book contextualises developmental disability across the lifespan and within social systems. It will help you understand the complex interaction between genetics, environments, and experiences, in relation to specific conditions such as ADHD, autism, foetal alcohol spectrum conditions, and Down syndrome. It also introduces you to the wide range of real-world applications of developmental disabilities research and to some of the current ethical issues around genetic screening and behavioural intervention. Key learning features include: Learning objectives Focus boxes that deliver additional helpful context Chapter summaries Reflective exercises and questions, to test what you’ve learned Recommended videos This book is ideal for students studying atypical development, developmental neuropsychology, and related subjects. Grace Iarocci is Professor of Psychology and the Director of the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Lab at Simon Fraser University Jacob A. Burack is Professor of School/Applied Child Psychology and Human Development at McGill University, Director of the McGill Youth Study Team, and Scientific Director of the Summit Center for Education, Research, and Training Dermot M. Bowler is Professor of Psychology and a founder member of the Autism Research Group at City, University of London

Understanding Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

by Grace Iarocci Jacob A. Burack Dermot M. Bowler

Written by psychologists engaged in research, teaching, and practice, Understanding Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities encourages a nuanced, contextually informed understanding of the development of individuals with developmental disabilities. This accessible book contextualises developmental disability across the lifespan and within social systems. It will help you understand the complex interaction between genetics, environments, and experiences, in relation to specific conditions such as ADHD, autism, foetal alcohol spectrum conditions, and Down syndrome. It also introduces you to the wide range of real-world applications of developmental disabilities research and to some of the current ethical issues around genetic screening and behavioural intervention. Key learning features include: Learning objectives Focus boxes that deliver additional helpful context Chapter summaries Reflective exercises and questions, to test what you’ve learned Recommended videos This book is ideal for students studying atypical development, developmental neuropsychology, and related subjects. Grace Iarocci is Professor of Psychology and the Director of the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Lab at Simon Fraser University Jacob A. Burack is Professor of School/Applied Child Psychology and Human Development at McGill University, Director of the McGill Youth Study Team, and Scientific Director of the Summit Center for Education, Research, and Training Dermot M. Bowler is Professor of Psychology and a founder member of the Autism Research Group at City, University of London

Understanding Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

by Grace Iarocci Jacob A. Burack Dermot M. Bowler

Written by psychologists engaged in research, teaching, and practice, Understanding Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities encourages a nuanced, contextually informed understanding of the development of individuals with developmental disabilities. This accessible book contextualises developmental disability across the lifespan and within social systems. It will help you understand the complex interaction between genetics, environments, and experiences, in relation to specific conditions such as ADHD, autism, foetal alcohol spectrum conditions, and Down syndrome. It also introduces you to the wide range of real-world applications of developmental disabilities research and to some of the current ethical issues around genetic screening and behavioural intervention. Key learning features include: Learning objectives Focus boxes that deliver additional helpful context Chapter summaries Reflective exercises and questions, to test what you’ve learned Recommended videos This book is ideal for students studying atypical development, developmental neuropsychology, and related subjects. Grace Iarocci is Professor of Psychology and the Director of the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Lab at Simon Fraser University Jacob A. Burack is Professor of School/Applied Child Psychology and Human Development at McGill University, Director of the McGill Youth Study Team, and Scientific Director of the Summit Center for Education, Research, and Training Dermot M. Bowler is Professor of Psychology and a founder member of the Autism Research Group at City, University of London

Cerebrospinal Fluid Diagnostics in Neurology: Paradigm Change in Brain Barriers, Immune System and Chronic Diseases (essentials)

by Hansotto Reiber

This Springer essential explains the theoretical foundations for knowledge-based interpretation of medical laboratory data. Self-organization of biological structure, non-linear dynamics of complex systems and immunological network theories make it possible to describe pathomechanisms and diagnostics, especially of chronic diseases, as an expression of a phenotypic biology and to develop concepts for causal therapies.The book shows how CSF diagnostics with a diagnostic report integrating all laboratory data can identify disease-typical patterns for the differential diagnosis of bacterial, viral, parasitic, oncological, chronic inflammatory, autoimmunological and psychiatric diseases. A CSF app is provided as a tutorial program.The translation from German was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.

Oxford Textbook of Migrant Psychiatry (Oxford Textbooks in Psychiatry)

by Dinesh Bhugra

Migrant psychiatry is an evolving subdiscipline within cultural psychiatry that deals with the impact of migration on the mental health of those who have migrated and those who work with these groups and provide services to them. Stress related to migration affects migrants and their extended families either directly or indirectly. The process of migration is not just a phase, but leads on to a series of adjustments, including acculturation, which may occur across generations. Factors such as changes in diet, attitudes and beliefs, and overall adjustment are important in settling down and making the individuals feel secure. This period of adjustment will depend upon the individual migrant's pre-migration experiences, migration process and post-migration experiences, but also upon an individual's personality, social support and emotional response to migration. Socio-demographic factors, such as age, gender, educational, and economic status will all play a role in post-migration adjustment. In order to understand the impact on individuals, not only the type of migration and different stressors, but also the types of psychological mechanisms at a personal level and the resources and processes at a societal level need to be explored. Despite the number of refugees and asylum seekers around the world increasing at an astonishing rate, the mental health needs of migrants are often ignored by policy makers and clinicians. The Oxford Textbook of Migrant Psychiatry is designed to serve as the comprehensive reference resource on the mental health of migrants, bringing together both theoretical and practical aspects of the mental health needs of refugees and asylum seekers for researchers and professionals. Individual chapters summarise theoretical constructs related to theories of migration, the impact of migration on mental health and adjustment, collective trauma, individual identity and diagnostic fallacies. The book also covers the practical aspects of patient management including cultural factors, ethnopsychopharmacology, therapeutic interaction and therapeutic expectation, and psychotherapy. Finally, the book will examine special clinical problems and special patient groups. Part of the authoritative Oxford Textbooks in Psychiatry series, this resource will serve as an essential reference for psychiatrists, mental health professionals, general practitioners/primary care physicians, social workers, policy makers and voluntary agencies dealing with refugees and asylum seekers.

Amazing Dads! Fatherhood Curriculum, Workbook

by Dan Griffin Harrison Crawford

The only trauma-informed curriculum designed to turn men into great dads Amazing Dads Fatherhood Curriculum teaches fathers with kids of all ages to become exceptional parents. These detailed lessons meet dads where they are, starting from the common tendencies of male socialization to help explain key concepts of healthy fathering. Through a trauma-informed approach, this curriculumcreates safety in the group setting while delving into critical topics that fathers simply do not tend to talk about with people in their lives. Unlike other fatherhood curricula, Amazing Dads addresses a breadth of topics, empowering men to discuss issues like family of origin, sexuality, how punishment can turn into abuse, self-care, and how toxic messages in the culture can hinder parent-child relationships. Each session incorporates grounding and breathing exercises, in addition to activities, exercises, and experiential opportunities that allow participants to connect with the material on a meaningful level. By the end of this course, fathers will have gained the increased self-awareness needed to enhance their relationships with their children and other family members. Lead fathers through a curriculum of targeted lessons focused on how male socialization affects their parenting Guide participants through exercises for developing relational, communication, and conflict resolution skills Connect with dads on a meaningful level by creating a safe space for discussions of trauma and other difficult subjects Explain important parenting concepts using examples, hands-on activities, and more This curriculum is excellent for use in parenting groups, behavioral health treatment programs, addiction treatment programs, and other community-based programs serving fathers. Dads of all backgrounds, with kids of all ages, will benefit from the wisdom in Amazing Dads Fatherhood Curriculum.

Amazing Dads! Fatherhood Curriculum, Facilitator's Guide

by Dan Griffin Harrison Crawford

The only trauma-informed curriculum designed to turn men into great dads Amazing Dads Fatherhood Curriculum teaches fathers with kids of all ages to become exceptional parents. These detailed lessons meet dads where they are, starting from the common tendencies of male socialization to help explain key concepts of healthy fathering. Through a trauma-informed approach, this curriculum creates safety in the group setting while delving into critical topics that fathers simply do not tend to talk about with people in their lives. Unlike other fatherhood curricula, Amazing Dads addresses a breadth of topics, empowering men to discuss issues like family of origin, sexuality, how punishment can turn into abuse, self-care, and how toxic messages in the culture can hinder parent-child relationships. Each session incorporates grounding and breathing exercises, in addition to activities, exercises, and experiential opportunities that allow participants to connect with the material on a meaningful level. By the end of this course, fathers will have gained the increased self-awareness needed to enhance their relationships with their children and other family members. Lead fathers through a curriculum of targeted lessons focused on how male socialization affects their parenting Guide participants through exercises for developing relational, communication, and conflict resolution skills Connect with dads on a meaningful level by creating a safe space for discussions of trauma and other difficult subjects Explain important parenting concepts using examples, hands-on activities, and more This curriculum is excellent for use in parenting groups, behavioral health treatment programs, addiction treatment programs, and other community-based programs serving fathers. Dads of all backgrounds, with kids of all ages, will benefit from the wisdom in Amazing Dads Fatherhood Curriculum.

Elgar Companion to Herbert Simon

Honoring the life and work of Herbert Simon, this illuminating Companion provides an in-depth survey of one of the most prolific social scientists of our age. Mirroring the breadth of Simon’s studies, chapters analyze his contributions to artificial intelligence, economics, entrepreneurship, management, psychology and other fields.The comprehensive book outlines how Herbert Simon came to be the only person to receive both the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics and the Turing Award in Computer Science. Bounded rationality, satisficing and heuristic search are just a few of his seminal ideas that pioneered behavioral economics and artificial intelligence. Elucidating how Simon freed the study of human behavior from the dictates of subjective expected utility theory and Bayesian theory, chapters discuss how he instead promoted the development of empirically based theories on the behavior of individuals, organizations and machines. Interdisciplinary contributors thoughtfully explore his groundbreaking ideas, examining Simon’s influence on their own work and even their personal outlook on life. This Companion enables the ideas of Herbert Simon to live on. It is a foundational resource for scholars of disciplines such as cognitive science, entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, behavioral and experimental economics, econometrics, economic psychology, industrial organization, and public administration and management.

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