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Body Words and the Analyst’s Use of Self: Transforming the Unspeakable in Clinical Process (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series)

by Barbara Pizer

In this book, it becomes impossible to stand apart from the analytic field as abstract concepts, such as dissociation, intersubjectivity, and unconscious communication, as well as newly coined ones, like "Relational (K)not" and "Body Words," come alive through a vivid unfolding of analytic process.You are invited into the mind of the analyst as she draws from reverie, memory, and affect to inspire offerings that enliven the moment, moving the analytic pair forward in affective freedom and self-definition. Body Words identify the subjective linkages we make to describe experiencing within and between self and other that leads us to know whether we or our patient are delivering the message in a manner that feels real. Each chapter illustrates how Pizer arrived at this important concept and others in a way that is full of rich, experience-near clinical moments that posed significant challenges. Body Words and the Analyst's Use of Self is a rare window that allows readers—new and seasoned clinicians of various theoretical persuasions—to become intimate witnesses to the analyst's subjectivity and the creativity of the analytic partnership.

Body Words and the Analyst’s Use of Self: Transforming the Unspeakable in Clinical Process (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series)

by Barbara Pizer

In this book, it becomes impossible to stand apart from the analytic field as abstract concepts, such as dissociation, intersubjectivity, and unconscious communication, as well as newly coined ones, like "Relational (K)not" and "Body Words," come alive through a vivid unfolding of analytic process.You are invited into the mind of the analyst as she draws from reverie, memory, and affect to inspire offerings that enliven the moment, moving the analytic pair forward in affective freedom and self-definition. Body Words identify the subjective linkages we make to describe experiencing within and between self and other that leads us to know whether we or our patient are delivering the message in a manner that feels real. Each chapter illustrates how Pizer arrived at this important concept and others in a way that is full of rich, experience-near clinical moments that posed significant challenges. Body Words and the Analyst's Use of Self is a rare window that allows readers—new and seasoned clinicians of various theoretical persuasions—to become intimate witnesses to the analyst's subjectivity and the creativity of the analytic partnership.

The Feuerstein Method: A Cognitive Approach to Autism

This book is designed to help parents and professionals respond to the behavioral potential of children and adults diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) through the application of the Feuerstein method, an approach that brings an alternative and innovative treatment modality that uncovers and enhances the learning potential that traditional diagnoses and treatment methods often overlook or discourage.The method is based on Reuven Feuerstein’s formulations of cognitive modifiability and has been implemented successfully and confirmed by both research results and the experiences of teachers and parents. This book is a valued resource for treatment, including descriptions of the basic concepts of the method and their application to the assessment and treatment of those functioning within the spectrum. Each chapter is specifically written by members of the Feuerstein Institute clinical and research team. The chapters are interspersed with case studies that illustrate the principles and practices described therein and is written in an accessible and clear language for practitioners and parents.Presenting a new and optimistic paradigm in defining and responding to ASD, this is an invaluable resource for parents and practitioners concerned about meeting the needs of the ASD individual and acquiring insights and techniques for seeking or implementing treatment.

The Feuerstein Method: A Cognitive Approach to Autism

by Refael S. Feuerstein

This book is designed to help parents and professionals respond to the behavioral potential of children and adults diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) through the application of the Feuerstein method, an approach that brings an alternative and innovative treatment modality that uncovers and enhances the learning potential that traditional diagnoses and treatment methods often overlook or discourage.The method is based on Reuven Feuerstein’s formulations of cognitive modifiability and has been implemented successfully and confirmed by both research results and the experiences of teachers and parents. This book is a valued resource for treatment, including descriptions of the basic concepts of the method and their application to the assessment and treatment of those functioning within the spectrum. Each chapter is specifically written by members of the Feuerstein Institute clinical and research team. The chapters are interspersed with case studies that illustrate the principles and practices described therein and is written in an accessible and clear language for practitioners and parents.Presenting a new and optimistic paradigm in defining and responding to ASD, this is an invaluable resource for parents and practitioners concerned about meeting the needs of the ASD individual and acquiring insights and techniques for seeking or implementing treatment.

My Amazing ADHD Brain: A Child's Guide to Thriving with ADHD

by Emily Snape

Pip is a confident little monster who has ADHD. In this book, they share what that means for them and how it has some really brilliant benefits.My Amazing ADHD Brain is packed with reassuring words, practical advice and skill-building activity ideas, and has a fun, relatable voice.

The Age of Magical Overthinking: Notes On Modern Irrationality

by Amanda Montell

In the modern information age, our brain’s coping mechanisms have been overloaded, and our irrationality turned up to eleven. Amanda Montell blends cultural criticism and personal narrative to explore our modern cognitive biases and the power, disadvantages and highlights of magical overthinking.

Engaged Decision Making: From Team Knowledge to Team Decisions

by Etiënne A. Rouwette L. Alberto Franco

In the knowledge economy, teams play a central role in decisions made within and across organisations. The reason why teams with diverse compositions are often used is arguably their ability to develop solutions that none of their members could have produced alone. Systems design, strategy and policy development, risk management, and innovation are just a few of the areas that call for team decisions. Unfortunately, a considerable number of behavioural research studies show that teamwork is fraught with difficulties. Teams often underestimate their fallibility, struggle with conflict, or are unable to share and integrate critical information effectively. Indeed, the evidence shows that two out of three teams do not achieve their goals and half of organisational decisions – many of which are team decisions – fail.In this book, the authors draw from research in psychology, decision and systems sciences – as well as their own research and consulting work that spans more than 20 years – to show how designed interventions can enable team decision making to become rigorous, transparent, and defensible. They cover theory and practice regarding the design, delivery, and evaluation of interventions to support team decision making in situations of varied complexity. Written as an applied resource for researchers and advanced students in particular, this book offers a guide to proven interventions that enhance the process of making team decisions and increase the chances of superior team results.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

Designing Democratic Schools and Learning Environments: A Global Perspective

by Linda F. Nathan Jonathan F. Mendonca Gustavo Rojas Ayala

This open access book explores democratic schools and learning environments globally. The book focuses on a newly developed framework for democratic education. The authors describe existing schools and concept schools—those that are ideas but not in operation. The first section includes the editors’ own journeys. Pillar 1 includes schools that emphasize the open flow of ideas and choices, regardless of their popularity. Pillar 2 maintains that it is impossible to have a high quality education that ignores equity. Chapters explore how many diverse ‘marginalized’ communities experience education and some innovations that hold great promise for inclusion. Pillar 3 provides examples of schools where active engagement, consensus and compromise support the ‘common good.’ Pillar 4 investigates schools which organize students, parents, social institutions and the larger community collaboratively to achieve its goals and to solve theirs and society’s most urgent challenges.

Self-Regulated Learning in the Inverted Classroom: Motivational Effects Using the Example of Engineering Students

by Marion Rink

The Inverted Classroom is a blended learning scenario that consists of two phases: In the Online Phase the learners acquire learning content using interactive learning materials, primarily videos, provided by the teacher online. In a second stage, there is an Attendance Phase at the higher education institution with the purpose of learners processing, practising and deepening their understanding of what they have already learnt in a class with other stakeholders. Based on the Self-Determination Theory of Richard M. Ryan and Edward L. Deci, this qualitative study examines how learning in the Inverted Classroom affects the basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness of higher education engineering students. A central aspect is the promotion of the students' intrinsic learning motivation through support measures and appropriate didactical design.

De zorg voor pleegkinderen

by M. A. Maaskant A. Reinders

Dit toegankelijke boek legt vanuit de theorie uit wat de gevolgen zijn voor de ontwikkeling van een pleegkind, dat – zoals meestal – veel spanning en onveiligheid heeft doorgemaakt en niet bij de eigen ouders op kan groeien. Daarnaast worden er vanuit de praktijk aan de hand van sprekende voorbeelden, tips en adviezen gegeven. Die maken duidelijk hoe (aanstaande) pleegouders, ouders en leerkrachten met pleegkinderen kunnen omgaan. In het boek komen de volgende vragen aan de orde: Wat is pleegzorg precies? Met welke problemen krijgen pleegkinderen en hun pleegouders vaak te maken? Wat betekent het voor de ouders bij wie een kind uit huis geplaatst is? Waar krijgen pleegouders (en leerkrachten) allemaal mee te maken bij de opvoeding van een pleegkind? En zeker niet in de laatste plaats: wat betekent het voor het betrokken kind?Het boek is bestemd voor pleegouders, pleegzorgwerkers, jeugdbeschermers, biologische ouders van pleegkinderen, en voor professionals werkzaam in de jeugdzorg/ggz en voor leerkrachten.

Denken + Doen = Durven - werkboek voor ouders

by S.M. Bögels

Ieder kind is wel eens bang en dat is heel normaal. Echter te grote angsten kunnen het leven van uw kind belemmeren, we spreken dan van angststoornissen. Aan angststoornissen is zeker wat te doen! Dit boek beschrijft een zeer effectief bewezen programma om te grote angsten bij kinderen tussen 8 en 18 jaar oud aan te pakken. Tevens wordt de rol van de ouders daarbij uitgelegd.Het boek begint met uitleg over wat angst is en wat eraan te doen is, en welke steun ouders kunnen bieden. Daarna zijn er veel oefeningen voor uw kind om zijn of haar angst aan te pakken. Voor de ouders zijn er tips en oefeningen hoe u uw kind hierbij kunt helpen. De meeste gezinnen en kinderen volgen dit programma bij een therapeut. De therapeut zal het gezin steeds vertellen wat te lezen en welke oefeningen te doen. De therapeut helpt met hoe uw kind zo goed mogelijk oefent, en wat u en uw kind kunnen doen als iets moeilijk gaat. Als u zo'n therapeut zoekt, kunt u het beste even naar uw huisarts gaan, die kan u en uw kind verder helpen. Voor kinderen is er Denken+DoenDurven, werkboek voor jezelf. Dit boek helpt het kind om met zijn of haar angsten om te gaan. Voor de psychologen, orthopedagogen, psychiaters en andere hulpverleners die met deze kinderen werken is er Behandeling van angststoornissen bij kinderen en adolescenten. 

Schemagerichte therapie: Handboek voor therapeuten

by J.E. Young J.S. Klosko M.E. Weishaar

Wanneer disfunctionele denk– en gedragspatronen hardnekkig zijn, liggen er vaak zogeheten "schema"s" aan ten grondslag. Dit zijn belangrijke overtuigingen en gevoelens die het individu aanneemt zonder zich daarover vragen te stellen. Schema"s ontwikkelen zich in de kindertijd en breiden zich daarna uit. Schema"s houden zichzelf in stand en bieden sterke weerstand tegen verandering. Traditionele therapieën blijken dan ook doorgaans te beperkt te zijn om die schema"s omver te werpen.Schemagerichte therapie is een geïntegreerde therapeutische benadering waarin elementen uit cognitieve, gedragstherapeutische en psychodynamische modellen, hechtingsmodellen en gestaltmodellen met elkaar worden gecombineerd. Deze therapie is erop gericht schema"s bij de patiënt te onderkennen en te doorbreken. Het is een effectieve behandeling voor een breed scala van klinische problemen, zelfs bij patiënten die immuun voor behandeling lijken. Dit boek is het eerste uitgebreide werk voor clinici dieschemagerichte therapie in hun praktijk willen toepassen. Het conceptuele model van de therapie wordt op uiterst heldere wijze beschreven. Vervolgens worden er behandelprotocollen gegeven. Het geheel wordt geïllustreerd aan de hand van praktijkvoorbeelden en therapiefragmenten. De auteurs bespreken in deze uitgave niet alleen de behandeling van patiënten met as–I–stoornissen, maar er worden ook recent ontwikkelde protocollen gegeven voor de behandeling van borderline–patiënten en narcistische patiënten.Met dit boek, geschreven door onder anderen de grondlegger van de schemagerichte therapie, Jeffrey Young, beschikken therapeuten eindelijk over een allesomvattende handleiding voor de behandeling van die bijzonder lastige patiënten met chronische, langdurige schema's en patronen.

Suïcidepreventie in de praktijk

by A.J.F.M. Kerkhof and J.B. Luyn

Nederland kent internationaal gezien een laag suïcidecijfer, namelijk 1.500 suïcides per jaar. Toch is elke suïcide er een te veel. Met dit boek willen de auteurs een bijdrage leveren aan de terugdringing van suïcides. Suïcidepreventie in de praktijk richt zich primair op wat je moet doen: welke vragen stel je, hoe stel je ze, wanneer en aan wie, hoe zorg je voor continuïteit, waar moet je op letten etc. De onderwerpen variëren van de onderkenning van suïcidale jongeren op school tot de behandeling van de chronisch suïcidale patiënt. Er worden preventief georiënteerde programma’s beschreven, handvatten geboden voor de opvang van suïcidepogers in het ziekenhuis en crisisinterventie, maar ook de hulp aan nabestaanden van een suïcide komt aan bod. Ook besteden de auteurs aandacht aan specifieke groepen zoals verslaafden, mensen met een persoonlijkheidsstoornis en ouderen met een doodswens. Daarnaast behandelen zij praktische methoden als cognitief-gedragstherapeutische interventies, interventies vanuit de dialectische gedragstherapie en de aanpak van dwangmatig piekeren over zelfdoding. Dit praktijkboek bevat vele gevalsbeschrijvingen.

Dyslexie de baas!: Aanpak van psychosociale problemen van jongeren met dyslexie

by Caroline Poleij Yvonne Stikkelbroek

Bij sommige jongeren kan dyslexie helaas leiden tot faalangst, somberheid, en minder zelfvertrouwen. Dit geldt voor basisschoolkinderen, maar in nog sterkere mate voor jongeren in het voortgezet onderwijs. Op het voortgezet onderwijs wordt immers, wat lees- en schrijfvaardigheid betreft, een hogere verwerkingssnelheid verwacht dan op de basisschool. Met het oog op een goed verloop van de persoonlijkheidsontwikkeling van dyslectische jongeren is het belangrijk om aandacht te schenken aan de mogelijke sociaal-emotionele gevolgen van dyslexie.In dit boek wordt een behandelingsprotocol gepresenteerd van een groepstraining voor het beter kunnen hanteren van dyslexie, waardoor de kans op het ontwikkelen van secundaire problemen wordt geminimaliseerd. Het behandelingsprogramma richt zich op dyslectische jongeren in de leeftijdscategorie van tien tot en met zestien jaar met (beginnende) psychische klachten. De training omvat elf sessies, één terugkomsessie en twee ouderbijeenkomsten.Voor de jongeren zelf is een bijbehorend werkboek ontwikkeld. Dit werkboek is apart te bestellen.

Time of Death: A Sociological Exploration

by Glenys Caswell

Addressing a gap in social science research to explore the meanings, understandings, and experiences of time at life’s most critical point, Time of Death takes a thoughtful sociological approach to questions about how humans use and experience time in relation to when someone dies. Considering temporal theories and drawing on a range of disciplines, Glenys Caswell discusses efforts to measure and record times of death, as well as the ways in which people who undergo bereavement experience time during that process. Looking at the impact of digital technologies, the differences in interpretation of what counts as death in varied social contexts, assisted dying and temporal dissonance, and global cases of people dying alone, the author poses critical questions. To what extent is this measurement the province of the medical and legal professions, and official state statistics? How accurate is this data and is there need for its collection? How does time in relation to death become fluid in a previously non-experienced way? Investigating this conceptual focus and questioning what it can add to our knowledge of the human relationship with time, Caswell brings together studies on death and temporality to create a valuable resource for scholars across disciplines.

Time of Death: A Sociological Exploration

by Glenys Caswell

Addressing a gap in social science research to explore the meanings, understandings, and experiences of time at life’s most critical point, Time of Death takes a thoughtful sociological approach to questions about how humans use and experience time in relation to when someone dies. Considering temporal theories and drawing on a range of disciplines, Glenys Caswell discusses efforts to measure and record times of death, as well as the ways in which people who undergo bereavement experience time during that process. Looking at the impact of digital technologies, the differences in interpretation of what counts as death in varied social contexts, assisted dying and temporal dissonance, and global cases of people dying alone, the author poses critical questions. To what extent is this measurement the province of the medical and legal professions, and official state statistics? How accurate is this data and is there need for its collection? How does time in relation to death become fluid in a previously non-experienced way? Investigating this conceptual focus and questioning what it can add to our knowledge of the human relationship with time, Caswell brings together studies on death and temporality to create a valuable resource for scholars across disciplines.

Hidden Healers: The Unexpected Ways Women in Prison Help Each Other Survive

by Stephanie S. Covington

A gripping and deeply-felt examination of incarcerated women's lives With unflinching clarity, Hidden Healers cuts through the myths about incarcerated women to expose the all-too-real brutalities they face within a criminal legal system never designed for them. Backed by three decades' experience providing therapeutic programs inside prisons across the United States, trauma specialist Dr. Stephanie Covington has used her unique access to amplify the voices of the women themselves. Their stories illuminate realities most never see: that most women who get caught up in the criminal justice system have themselves been victims of harm, that the degradations of today's prisons and jails only magnify their trauma- and that incarcerated women regularly risk punishment to tend to one another's well-being in unexpected acts of kindness. Grounded in research and rich with personal narrative, Hidden Healers is a poignant and riveting look inside women's prisons and jails- and what we can do to help.

Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior: Evidence-based Lessons for Creating Sustainable Organizations

by Steve M. Jex Thomas W. Britt Cynthia A. Thompson

An integrated perspective on organizational psychology and organizational behavior Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior is a major revision of the well-regarded textbook, whose previous title was Organizational Psychology: A Scientist-Practitioner Approach. This new edition offers a comprehensive overview organizational science, drawing insights from the closely aligned fields of organizational psychology and organizational behavior. Appropriate as a textbook for introductory courses in either field, this engaging and readable book encourages students to think actively about the material, providing numerous features to connect concepts to real-world people, situations, and challenges. In this Fourth Edition, the authors introduce coverage of diversity and inclusion, as well as climate change and environmental sustainability. They have also streamlined the text, moving detail into appendices where appropriate, to further promote student engagement. Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior also covers: Data collection and analysis methods, along with a discussion of research ethics Strategies for managing the work-life interface and promoting employee wellbeing Methods for promoting productive workplace behavior and addressing counterproductive behavior Leadership, organizational culture, and other precursors to job satisfaction and employee motivation By identifying how behaviors and attitudes can be influenced by hiring practices, leadership strategies, and beyond, Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior offers a comprehensive guide to the theory and application of behavioral science in the workplace.

Explorations in Dynamic Semiosis (Theory and History in the Human and Social Sciences)

by Elli Marie Tragel

This anthology is a manifold combining semiotics and psychology. Chapters in the book are authored by young scholars making sense of semiosis in irreversible time from a multitude of perspectives. The central focus on the dynamics of meaning-making comes together in a variety of topics that align in the core idea of dynamic nature of human making and use of signs. First, this book gives a comprehensive overview of relational dynamics of the sign. The overview is followed by a collection of chapters focusing on various topics relevant for humanities and social sciences, such as experience of time, (cultural) memory, musical signification, human-computer interactions, death and eternity, freedom and responsibility, authenticity, methods for practice and research in psychology, etc. This anthology contributes to the integration of the fields of semiotics and psychology, building on the classic traditions of the Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics (established by Juri Lotman) and contemporary cultural psychology that has unified social sciences in the recent three decades. Examples of how new semiotic models are applied to various domains of human lives will be given, anticipating the future and addressing its past. As such, this book is a relevant read for everyone interested in the complex nature of meaning-making, and inclusion of dynamics in all expressions of life, including academic research.

Mental Health in Bangladesh: From Bench to Community

by S. M. Yasir Arafat

This book is about mental health in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a densely populated country in South Asia with a population of about 170 million. It has seen significant economic growth over the last decades, and it has recently improved from being a low-income country to a lower middle-income country. Currently, Bangladesh is facing a double burden of disease, i.e., both communicable and non-communicable. About 60% of the disease burden is incured by non-communicable diseases. Mental disorders are one of the top five burdens of non-communicable disease in the country. However, psychiatry is a neglected issue in Bangladesh. There are high stigma, services gaps, out-of-pocket expense, low mental health literacy, and extreme scarcity of budget. Academically, it has also been under-addressed and under-researched. Therefore, the editor aims to provide a comprehensive book on mental health in Bangladesh, based on existing evidence and expertise, focusing on academic aspects of community mental health service.

Madness and Distress in Music Education: Toward a Mad-Affirming Approach

by Juliet Hess

Madness and Distress in Music Education offers an in-depth exploration of mental health and emotional distress in the context of music education, offering new ways of thinking about these experiences and constructing ways to support distress through affirming pedagogy, practices, and policies in music education. Centering the lived experiences of 15 people in a range of roles across music education who self-identify an issue with their mental health, the volume addresses impacts on both students and educators. The author draws on Mad Studies and disability studies to present new paradigms for thinking about Madness and distress in the music context. An essential resource for music educators, music education researchers, and preservice students seeking to understand the complexities of mental health in the music classroom, this book considers how people conceptualize their mental health, how distress impacts participation in music education, how music education may support or exacerbate distress, and what supports for distress can be implemented in music education.

Madness and Distress in Music Education: Toward a Mad-Affirming Approach

by Juliet Hess

Madness and Distress in Music Education offers an in-depth exploration of mental health and emotional distress in the context of music education, offering new ways of thinking about these experiences and constructing ways to support distress through affirming pedagogy, practices, and policies in music education. Centering the lived experiences of 15 people in a range of roles across music education who self-identify an issue with their mental health, the volume addresses impacts on both students and educators. The author draws on Mad Studies and disability studies to present new paradigms for thinking about Madness and distress in the music context. An essential resource for music educators, music education researchers, and preservice students seeking to understand the complexities of mental health in the music classroom, this book considers how people conceptualize their mental health, how distress impacts participation in music education, how music education may support or exacerbate distress, and what supports for distress can be implemented in music education.

Psychologische Begutachtung von Familien mit Migrationshintergrund

by Helen A. Castellanos

Die psychologische Begutachtung von Familiensystemen, die kulturell und sprachlich nicht originär in Deutschland verwurzelt sind, stellt eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Die Immigrationswellen der vergangenen Jahre haben deutlich gemacht, dass zum Teil Erziehungsstrategien mitgebracht werden, die nicht mit den hier geltenden rechtlichen und gesellschaftlichen Zielen vereinbar sind. Wie sollen oder dürfen Sachverständige Verhaltensmuster und Wertvorstellungen dieser Familien bewerten und beurteilen, ob bereits die Grenze zur Kindeswohlgefährdung überschritten ist? Wie kann zwischen kulturell geprägten Verhaltensmuster und Anzeichen einer psychischen Erkrankung unterschieden werden? Dieses Buch bietet einen Überblick über die Auswirkung unterschiedlicher kultureller Prägungen und von Migration auf Familien, das konkrete Vorgehen von Sachverständigen bei der familienpsychologischen Begutachtungen von Familien mit Migrationshintergrund und darüber, wie erhobene Befunde bewertet werden können

Meaningful Journeys: Autoethnographies of Quest and Identity Transformation

by Alec Grant Elizabeth Lloyd-Parkes

Meaningful Journeys is an edited collection of autoethnographies underpinned by the conceptual, philosophical, and etymological origins of ‘journeying,’ ‘questing,’ and traditional and modern understandings of ‘pilgrimage.’The volume contains chapters on the ways in which all these concepts intersect with identity and identity transformation. These range across narratives of sport; adventure; preferred identity; curative religion; revered location; nostalgia; grief resolution; ‘out of suitcase’ travels; and pilgrimage journeys understood in more traditional senses. The collection showcases and promotes the identity transformational quest as an important conceptual nuance of narrative autoethnography. Readers will engage with the ways in which contributing authors craft their emerging selves into preferred identities, which showcase personal and relational change in action.This book is essential reading for students and practitioners of autoethnography and qualitative research internationally and others interested in identity transformation in narrative inquiry.

Meaningful Journeys: Autoethnographies of Quest and Identity Transformation

Meaningful Journeys is an edited collection of autoethnographies underpinned by the conceptual, philosophical, and etymological origins of ‘journeying,’ ‘questing,’ and traditional and modern understandings of ‘pilgrimage.’The volume contains chapters on the ways in which all these concepts intersect with identity and identity transformation. These range across narratives of sport; adventure; preferred identity; curative religion; revered location; nostalgia; grief resolution; ‘out of suitcase’ travels; and pilgrimage journeys understood in more traditional senses. The collection showcases and promotes the identity transformational quest as an important conceptual nuance of narrative autoethnography. Readers will engage with the ways in which contributing authors craft their emerging selves into preferred identities, which showcase personal and relational change in action.This book is essential reading for students and practitioners of autoethnography and qualitative research internationally and others interested in identity transformation in narrative inquiry.

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