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Koffein: Genussmittel oder Suchtmittel?

by Wolfgang Beiglböck

Dieses Buch stellt die aktuellen Forschungsergebnisse zum therapeutischen Nutzen von Kaffee und Koffein vor, fragt aber auch, wo die medizinischen und psychologischen Gefahren des überhöhten Genusses liegen: Genießen Sie Ihren Kaffee oder werden Sie ohne ihn morgens nicht wach? Nehmen Sie Medikamente und spüren Wechselwirkungen mit Ihrem Kaffeekonsum? Koffein ist weltweit neben Nikotin die am häufigsten ge- und vielleicht auch missbrauchte psychoaktive Substanz. Sie ist Bestandteil unserer täglichen Ernährung, ohne dass wir uns dessen bewusst sind. Geschrieben für interessierte Laien, aber auch Psychotherapeuten, Ärzte, Psychologen, Ernährungswissenschaftler, Gesundheitsberater, Pflegepersonal.

Handbuch der klinisch-psychologischen Behandlung

by Wolfgang Beiglböck Senta Feselmayer Elisabeth Honemann

Das "Handbuch der klinisch-psychologischen Behandlung" bietet eine konkrete Umsetzung von wissenschaftlichen Theorien und Modellen in die alltägliche Praxis. Internationale Experten behandeln nach einem einheitlichen Aufbauschema für jedes Störungsbild folgende Aspekte: • Beschreibung des Störungsbildes nach ICD-10 mit Querverweisen zu ICD-9 und zu DSM-IV • klinisch-psychologische Diagnostik • spezifische Interventionstechniken • Indikation/Kontraindikation • Integration mit medizinischen oder anderen Verfahren • empirische Studien • Ausschnitt aus einem Fallbeispiel • Zusammenfassung • Fachliteratur und Literatur für Patienten Im Anhang werden für die wichtigsten Störungsbilder nach ICD-10 und DSM-VI die verschiedenen psychologischen Interventionsformen und Behandlungstechniken systematisch zusammengestellt.

Handbuch der klinisch-psychologischen Behandlung

by Wolfgang Beiglböck Senta Feselmayer Elisabeth Honemann

Das Handbuch der klinisch-psychologischen Behandlung bietet umfassende Handlungsanleitungen und praxisorientierte Hinweise zur Behandlung psychischer Störungen. Experten aus dem deutschen Sprachraum geben einen Überblick über die aktuellsten theoretischen Entwicklungen und veranschaulichen deren praktische Anwendung in der Diagnostik und Behandlung psychischer Störungen an zahlreichen Fallbeispielen. Übersichtlich nach dem ICD-10 aufgebaut, wird in den Beiträgen anhand der einzelnen Störungsbilder dargestellt, wie in der täglichen psychologischen Arbeit wissenschaftliche Theorien und Modelle konkret umgesetzt werden. In der zweiten Auflage wurden neue Entwicklungen speziell in der Neuropsychologie einbezogen und es wird verstärkt auf sexuelle Funktionsstörungen und Angststörungen eingegangen. Fachliteratur, aber auch Patientenliteratur vervollständigen die einzelnen Kapitel. Im Anhang findet sich zur kurzen Orientierung eine tabellarische Darstellung der wichtigsten Informationen zu jedem Störungsbild.

Suchtbehandlung und Digitalisierung: Suchtprävention und Suchttherapie zwischen menschlicher Begegnung und virtueller Realität

by Wolfgang Beiglböck Gabriele Gottwald-Nathaniel Wolfgang Preinsperger Oliver Scheibenbogen

Dieses Buch gibt einen Überblick über die organisatorischen Veränderungen der Suchtbehandlung durch digitale Anwendungen, die durch die Corona-Pandemie beschleunigt wurden, und stellt praktische Tipps bei der Anwendung v.a. synchroner, direkter digitaler Suchttherapie vor:Es zeigt die Möglichkeiten der E-Mental-Health in Behandlung und Prävention auf, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf appbasierter Behandlung. Des Weiteren werden Vorteile und praktische Vorgehensweisen im Rahmen einer multiprofessionellen „digitalisierten“ Behandlung einer Suchterkrankung dargestellt: In einzelnen Kapiteln werden telemedizinische, telepsychologische/-psychotherapeutische und telesozialtherapeutische Behandlungsansätze präsentiert, wobei besonderer Wert auf die praktische Vorgangsweise gelegt wird.Auch mögliche Gefahren oder Nachteile der Digitalisierung im Hinblick auf die Suchterkrankung werden nicht außer Acht gelassen, wie z. B. ein niedrigschwelligerer Zugang zu Suchtmitteln über das Darknet oder ein möglicher pathologischer PC-Gebrauch.Eine kurze Skizze der juristischen Voraussetzungen der Digitalisierung in der Suchtbehandlung in der D-A-CH-Region und ein Ausblick auf die „Zukunftsaussichten“ der Digitalisierung in diesem Bereich runden den Inhalt ab.Das Buch richtet sich an PraktikerInnen in Psychiatrie, klinischer Psychologie, Psychotherapie, Sozialarbeit und alle weiteren praktisch in der Suchthilfe aktiven Berufsgruppen.

The Self and Memory (Studies in Self and Identity)

by Denise R. Beike James M. Lampinen Douglas A. Behrend

Noted scholars from a broad range of sub-disciplines in psychology discuss the ways in which the memories of our lives come to influence who we are, our personalities, and our emotional functioning. Other topics covered include how our personalities and self-concepts influence what we remember from our lives, and the notion of memory and the self as interdependent psychological phenomena.

The Development of Prosocial Behavior (Developmental Psychology)

by Harry Beilin

Developmental Psychology Series: The Development of Prosocial Behavior focuses on the advancement of techniques, methodologies, and approaches involved in studies on prosocial behavior, including moral reasoning and judgment, altruism, liberalism, and conservatism. The publication first elaborates on the general conceptual and theoretical issues in the study of prosocial and altruistic behavior; early development and socialization of prosocial behavior; and the relationship between prosocial behavior and moral reasoning. The text then takes a look at the generality of altruism in children, social learning theory and development of prosocial behavior, and the development of altruism. Discussions focus on directions for research on prosocial behaviors; research findings and interpretations on the early forms of altruism; social learning of prosocial behavior and moral judgment; and generality of prosocial behavior. The manuscript examines personality development and liberal sociopolitical attitudes, development of prosocial motivation, and the effects of mood on prosocial behavior in children and adults. Topics include motivational mechanisms of prosocial acts, dialectics of development, antecedents of liberalism and conservatism in adults, and personality and socialization in relation to adolescents' political orientations. The book is a dependable source of data for researchers interested in the development of prosocial behavior.

Piaget's Theory: Prospects and Possibilities (Jean Piaget Symposia Series)

by Harry Beilin Peter Pufall

This volume marks the 20th Anniversary Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society. Some of the American contributors were among the first to introduce Piaget to developmental and educational psychology in the United States, while some of the international contributors worked with Piaget to develop his program of genetic epistemology and continue to make significant contributions to it. Within this volume the possibility of Piaget's paradigm is reviewed not only as the stuff of normal science, yielding fascinating empirical questions that linger within it, but also, and more importantly, as the stuff of revolutionary science, with continuing potential to comprehensively structure our thinking about developmental theory. The constructive contribution Piaget's theory has for developmental theory emerges as four central themes in the volume: understanding the intentional or semantic aspect of mental life without abandoning the Piagetian assumption that is rational and committed to truth testing; examining mental life and its development as a dialectical relation of function and structure--a relation Piaget introduced in his study of the developmental relation between procedural and operational knowledge; exploring new and interdisciplinary perspectives on equilibration as the driving force of constructive adaptive processes; understanding social and historical forces in individual and cultural development--not necessarily as forces antithetical to Piaget's perspective but as forces that take on new meaning within his framework which avoids erroneous dichotomies such as the distinction between subjective and objective knowledge.

Piaget's Theory: Prospects and Possibilities (Jean Piaget Symposia Series)

by Harry Beilin Peter B. Pufall

This volume marks the 20th Anniversary Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society. Some of the American contributors were among the first to introduce Piaget to developmental and educational psychology in the United States, while some of the international contributors worked with Piaget to develop his program of genetic epistemology and continue to make significant contributions to it. Within this volume the possibility of Piaget's paradigm is reviewed not only as the stuff of normal science, yielding fascinating empirical questions that linger within it, but also, and more importantly, as the stuff of revolutionary science, with continuing potential to comprehensively structure our thinking about developmental theory. The constructive contribution Piaget's theory has for developmental theory emerges as four central themes in the volume: understanding the intentional or semantic aspect of mental life without abandoning the Piagetian assumption that is rational and committed to truth testing; examining mental life and its development as a dialectical relation of function and structure--a relation Piaget introduced in his study of the developmental relation between procedural and operational knowledge; exploring new and interdisciplinary perspectives on equilibration as the driving force of constructive adaptive processes; understanding social and historical forces in individual and cultural development--not necessarily as forces antithetical to Piaget's perspective but as forces that take on new meaning within his framework which avoids erroneous dichotomies such as the distinction between subjective and objective knowledge.

How The Body Knows Its Mind: The Unseen Influence Of Your Physical Environment On Your Thoughts And Feelings

by Sian Beilock

If you've ever gestured wildly with your hands in order to coax a word from your memory, or if you've sat up straighter in a meeting to feel more confident and alert, then you already know some of the ways the body can make an impact on the mind. But what if that's just the tip of the iceberg? Recent research shows that the extent to which the body affects the brain is greater than we'd ever imagined. Now How the Body Knows Its Mind reveals extraordinary ways you can use your body to improve your mind and performance in all areas of life.We often think of the brain as the master control centre - interpreting experiences, deciding what to do, and pulling the levers of the body. Sian Beilock, a leading expert on the brain science behind human performance and professor in the psychology department at the University of Chicago, turns our understanding of the mind upside down in How the Body Knows Its Mind.Your brain doesn't make that much of a distinction between what happens in your body and what happens in your mind. In fact, our bodies actually hack our brains. The way we move affects our thoughts, our decisions, and our preferences, and kids absorb more when they use their bodies as a learning tool. Called "embodied cognition," this new science illuminates the power of the body and its physical surroundings to shape how we think, feel, and behave: pacing around the room can enhance creativity; walking in nature boosts concentration skills; Botox users experience less depression; fit children score higher on tests in school.From the tricks used by advertisers to the ways body language can improve your memory to how to master public speaking, Beilock explains a wealth of fascinating interconnections between mind and body and shows how mastering them can make you happier, safer, and more successful.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Wellness and Recovery: Interventions and Activities for Diverse Client Needs

by Andrew Bein

This hands-on guide addresses the present day realities of applying dialectical behavior therapy in a mental health and substance abuse recovery context. The book presents the DBT concept, Wise Mind, as adapted by author Andrew Bein, as central to a simple, powerful, empirically supported framework that respectfully engages clients in their own efforts to enhance personal well-being. The book includes empirically supported exercises with an emphasis on collaboration and client empowerment using a recovery oriented model for client treatment and improved outcomes.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Wellness and Recovery: Interventions and Activities for Diverse Client Needs

by Andrew Bein

This hands-on guide addresses the present day realities of applying dialectical behavior therapy in a mental health and substance abuse recovery context. The book presents the DBT concept, Wise Mind, as adapted by author Andrew Bein, as central to a simple, powerful, empirically supported framework that respectfully engages clients in their own efforts to enhance personal well-being. The book includes empirically supported exercises with an emphasis on collaboration and client empowerment using a recovery oriented model for client treatment and improved outcomes.

The Zen of Helping: Spiritual Principles for Mindful and Open-Hearted Practice

by Andrew Bein

Bring compassion, self-awareness, radical acceptance, practitioner presence, and caring to the relationships you have with you patients by utilizing the advice in The Zen of Helping: Spiritual Principles for Mindful and Open-Hearted Practice. As a mental health professional, you will appreciate the vivid metaphors, case examples, personal anecdotes, quotes and poems in this book and use them as a spiritual foundation for your professional practice. Connect Zen Buddhism with your human service and address issues like dealing with your own responses to your client’s trauma and pain.

The Zen of Helping: Spiritual Principles for Mindful and Open-Hearted Practice

by Andrew Bein

Bring compassion, self-awareness, radical acceptance, practitioner presence, and caring to the relationships you have with you patients by utilizing the advice in The Zen of Helping: Spiritual Principles for Mindful and Open-Hearted Practice. As a mental health professional, you will appreciate the vivid metaphors, case examples, personal anecdotes, quotes and poems in this book and use them as a spiritual foundation for your professional practice. Connect Zen Buddhism with your human service and address issues like dealing with your own responses to your client’s trauma and pain.

Effective Supervisory Relationships: Best Evidence and Practice

by Helen Beinart Susan Clohessy

Effective Supervisory Relationships: Best Evidence and Practice is the first book to explore in detail the Supervisory Relationship, which research has consistently found to be the most critical component of any supervisory process. Helen Beinart and Sue Clohessy – two experts in the field – draw on world-wide studies that cover all major therapeutic approaches to the Supervisory Relationship, and include detailed coverage of cultural competence and issues of effective multicultural supervision. The result is a comprehensive resource that offers cutting-edge, internationally relevant information in order to inform study, training, continuing professional development and practice.

Effective Supervisory Relationships: Best Evidence and Practice

by Helen Beinart Susan Clohessy

Effective Supervisory Relationships: Best Evidence and Practice is the first book to explore in detail the Supervisory Relationship, which research has consistently found to be the most critical component of any supervisory process. Helen Beinart and Sue Clohessy – two experts in the field – draw on world-wide studies that cover all major therapeutic approaches to the Supervisory Relationship, and include detailed coverage of cultural competence and issues of effective multicultural supervision. The result is a comprehensive resource that offers cutting-edge, internationally relevant information in order to inform study, training, continuing professional development and practice.

Clinical Psychology in Practice

by Helen Beinart Paul Kennedy Susan Llewelyn

Academic, clinical and research aspects are offered in collaboration with clinical practitioners, who provide the clinical experience to foster the development of competencies in Health and Social Care. Provides a clear, authoritative and lively introduction to the practice of clinical psychology Explains succinctly the range of competencies which a psychologist is expected to possess, and how these can be applied in a variety of contexts Key issues covered include awareness of the social context, the need for responsive and flexible practice, and respect for diversity Examples and principles are provided which demonstrate the clinical psychologist in action, and explain why and how they work as they do

Strategische Personalentwicklung: Psychologische, pädagogische und betriebswirtschaftliche Kernthemen (Meet the Expert: Wissen aus erster Hand)

by Andrea Beinicke Tanja Bipp

In diesem Buch beantworten führende Expertinnen und Experten aus den Bereichen der Psychologie, Erwachsenenbildung und Betriebswirtschaftslehre praxisbezogene relevante Fragen zur Thematik der beruflichen Weiterbildung in der heutigen Arbeitswelt. Sie erfahren mehr zum Thema Personalentwicklung im Wandel der Zeit, verschiedene Weiterbildungssettings und wie Weiterbildungsserfolge sichergestellt werden können. Sie erhalten auch wissenschaftlich fundierte Erkenntnisse über Coaching und Mentoring und weitere Kernthemen wie: - Wie wirkt sich die alternde Arbeitsgesellschaft auf die betriebliche Weiterbildung aus?- Wie stellt man den Erfolg von Trainingsmaßnahmen im Arbeitsalltag sicher, so dass sich Investitionen in solche Maßnahmen lohnen? - Wie können Führungskräfte ihre Mitarbeitenden dazu befähigen, notwendige Kompetenzen für das heutige und zukünftige Arbeitsleben zu entwickeln? - Ist Coaching von Mitarbeitenden effektiv oder können auch negative Effekte auftreten?Dieses Buch richtet sich an Professionals aus der Praxis, die im Bereich Human Resource Development tätig sind wie Personalverantwortliche, Personalentwickler, Personalleiter sowie Mitarbeitende aus Weiterbildungseinrichtungen. Aber auch Studierende, Lehrende, und Wissenschaftler und alle, die Interesse haben, sich mit aktuellen und zukunftsweisenden Fragen der Personalentwicklung zu beschäftigen, sind zur Lektüre eingeladen.

Strategische Personalentwicklung: Psychologische, pädagogische und betriebswirtschaftliche Kernthemen (Meet the Expert: Wissen aus erster Hand)

by Andrea Beinicke Tanja Bipp

In diesem Buch beantworten führende Expertinnen und Experten aus den Bereichen der Psychologie, Erwachsenenbildung und Betriebswirtschaftslehre praxisbezogene relevante Fragen zur Thematik der beruflichen Weiterbildung in der heutigen Arbeitswelt.Sie erfahren mehr zum Thema Personalentwicklung im Wandel der Zeit, verschiedene Weiterbildungssettings und wie Weiterbildungsserfolge sichergestellt werden können. Sie erhalten auch wissenschaftlich fundierte Erkenntnisse über Coaching und Mentoring und weitere Kernthemen wie:Wie wirkt sich die alternde Arbeitsgesellschaft auf die betriebliche Weiterbildung aus?Wie stellt man den Erfolg von Trainingsmaßnahmen im Arbeitsalltag sicher?Wie können Führungskräfte ihre Mitarbeitenden dazu befähigen, notwendige Kompetenzen für das heutige und zukünftige Arbeitsleben zu entwickeln?Ist Coaching von Mitarbeitern effektiv oder können negative Effekte auftreten?Dieses Buch richtet sich an Professionals aus der Praxis, die im Bereich Human Resource Development tätig sind wie Personalverantwortliche, Personalentwickler, Personalleiter sowie Mitarbeitende aus Weiterbildungseinrichtungen. Aber auch Studierende, Lehrende, und Wissenschaftler und alle, die Interesse haben, sich mit aktuellen und zukunftsweisenden Fragen der Personalentwicklung zu beschäftigen, sind zur Lektüre eingeladen.

APA Style Simplified: Writing in Psychology, Education, Nursing, and Sociology

by Bernard C. Beins

This is a compact but comprehensive guide to writing clearly and effectively in APA style. Demonstrates how to write objective scientific research papers using interesting prose Incorporates guidelines from the 6th edition of the APA publication manual Explores how to develop ideas, connect them to what others have written, and express them clearly Discusses the differences between written, oral, and poster presentations and offers instructions for applying APA style to each

APA Style Simplified: Writing in Psychology, Education, Nursing, and Sociology

by Bernard C. Beins

This is a compact but comprehensive guide to writing clearly and effectively in APA style. Demonstrates how to write objective scientific research papers using interesting prose Incorporates guidelines from the 6th edition of the APA publication manual Explores how to develop ideas, connect them to what others have written, and express them clearly Discusses the differences between written, oral, and poster presentations and offers instructions for applying APA style to each

APA Style Simplified: Writing in Psychology, Education, Nursing, and Sociology

by Bernard C. Beins

Master the fundamentals of 7th Edition APA style with this newly updated one-step resource The newly and thoroughly revised Second Edition of APA Style Simplified: Writing in Psychology, Education, Nursing, and Sociology delivers a concise but comprehensive guide to writing clearly and effectively in APA style. It incorporates fresh guidelines from the Seventh Edition of the APA publication manual. Distinguished psychologist, academic, and author Dr. Bernard C. Beins walks readers through how to write objective scientific research papers using engaging prose. He explains how to develop ideas, connect them to what others have written, and express them clearly. The book also describes the differences between written, oral, and poster presentations and offers instructions for applying APA style to each one. APA Style Simplified: Writing in Psychology, Education, Nursing, and Sociology 2nd Edition goes beyond mere structural conventions and teaches readers the importance of choosing effective wording, the right and wrong times to use technical language, and avoiding commonly encountered mistakes in word and sentence selection. The author also includes sections on: How to write an engaging and informative introduction, including an interesting hypothesis How to describe your chosen experimental method, including participants and subjects, materials and apparatus selection, procedure, and design How to effectively communicate statistics and statistical concepts by keeping your mind on the point you're trying to make How to show your results and relate them back to your hypothesis, including a few points about how to present your results to others Perfect for students pursuing psychology, education, nursing, or sociology programs at any level, from undergraduate to postgraduate, APA Style Simplified also belongs on the bookshelves of working professionals in the same fields who hope to sharpen their APA-style writing, communication, and presentation skills.

APA Style Simplified: Writing in Psychology, Education, Nursing, and Sociology

by Bernard C. Beins

Master the fundamentals of 7th Edition APA style with this newly updated one-step resource The newly and thoroughly revised Second Edition of APA Style Simplified: Writing in Psychology, Education, Nursing, and Sociology delivers a concise but comprehensive guide to writing clearly and effectively in APA style. It incorporates fresh guidelines from the Seventh Edition of the APA publication manual. Distinguished psychologist, academic, and author Dr. Bernard C. Beins walks readers through how to write objective scientific research papers using engaging prose. He explains how to develop ideas, connect them to what others have written, and express them clearly. The book also describes the differences between written, oral, and poster presentations and offers instructions for applying APA style to each one. APA Style Simplified: Writing in Psychology, Education, Nursing, and Sociology 2nd Edition goes beyond mere structural conventions and teaches readers the importance of choosing effective wording, the right and wrong times to use technical language, and avoiding commonly encountered mistakes in word and sentence selection. The author also includes sections on: How to write an engaging and informative introduction, including an interesting hypothesis How to describe your chosen experimental method, including participants and subjects, materials and apparatus selection, procedure, and design How to effectively communicate statistics and statistical concepts by keeping your mind on the point you're trying to make How to show your results and relate them back to your hypothesis, including a few points about how to present your results to others Perfect for students pursuing psychology, education, nursing, or sociology programs at any level, from undergraduate to postgraduate, APA Style Simplified also belongs on the bookshelves of working professionals in the same fields who hope to sharpen their APA-style writing, communication, and presentation skills.

Successful Research Projects: A Step-by-step Guide

by Bernard C. Beins

Successful Research Projects: A Step-by-Step Guide is a concise and accessible text that guides students through each component of the research process. Using a step-by-step active learning approach, acclaimed professor and researcher Dr. Bernard C. Beins discusses each of the key actions required for students to confidently develop, perform, analyze, and report the results of their research in a thorough, accurate, and methodologically sound manner. Throughout the text, they will discover not only how to complete each step, but how the steps at any point relate to other aspects of their research and writing.

Effective Writing in Psychology: Papers, Posters,and Presentations (Wiley Desktop Editions Ser.)

by Bernard C. Beins Agatha M. Beins

The second edition of Effective Writing in Psychology helps users produce crisp scientific communication, form concise unambiguous arguments, and render technical information clear and comprehensible. The new edition incorporates the latest guidelines contained within the 6th edition of the APA Publication Manual. Clear guidelines on effective writing illustrate how to generate strong and compelling prose, even when the writing is not aimed at a research audience Incorporates changes to the guidelines contained in the 6th edition of the APA publication manual Includes material on how to adapt APA style for poster presentations using PowerPoint, and for oral presentations Contains a new section on using the Internet to present research papers and a new chapter on conducting a literature search, to guide students through databases, keywords, sources, and connections between articles Highlights methods for selecting a research topic and organizing papers Features a sample manuscript showing common deviations from correct APA style and a version demonstrating appropriate use of APA style

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