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Terrorism: An International Perspective

by Gus Martin Fynnwin Prager

A comprehensive investigation of modern terrorism and the global terrorist environment. The book uses a multidisciplinary approach and discusses an array of global case studies from the ideology of ISIS, to the Orlando Mass Shooting, and State-Sponsored Terrorism in Iran and Pakistan, to provide readers with an in-depth account of international terrorist violence, from its emergence through to events taking place today. Key topics examined in the book include: The Causes of Terrorism Terrorist Violence and the Role of the Media Cyberterrorism Gender-Selective Terrorism The Lone Wolf Theory The Future of Terrorism The book is supported by lecturer specific online resources, including: PowerPoint slides for each chapter, a sample syllabus, and a list of films, documentaries and journal articles linked to theories outlined in the text. Suitable reading for students studying Terrorism, International Terrorism, and Counter-terrorism.

Terrorism and Counterterrorism

by Brigitte L. Nacos

Focusing on the phenomenon of terrorism in the age of ISIS/ISIL, Terrorism and Counterterrorism investigates this form of political violence in an international and American context and in light of new and historical trends. In this comprehensive and highly readable text, renowned expert Brigitte Nacos clearly defines terrorism’s diverse causes, actors, and strategies; outlines anti- and counterterrorist responses; and highlights terrorism’s relationship with the public and media. Terrorism and Counterterrorism introduces students to the field’s main debates and helps them critically assess our understanding of, and our strategies for, addressing this complex and enduring issue. New to the Sixth Edition: Additions to terrorist developments since 2016, including the rise and decline of ISIS in Iraq and Syria. A significant expansion of the analysis of intelligence gathering and the growth of the U.S. intelligence community in the post-9/11 era. Discussion of increasing activities of extremist groups in the so-called alt-right and the ANTIFA movement in the U.S. and abroad. More explanations for the making of terrorists, including rational choice theory and new research revealing childhood trauma as a risk factor. An enlarged chapter on women and children in terrorism to include suicide missions as family projects. A new section on human rights violations in counterterrorism.

Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Understanding Threats And Responses In The Post-9/11 World (Penguin Academics Ser.)

by Brigitte L. Nacos

Focusing on the phenomenon of terrorism in the age of ISIS/ISIL, Terrorism and Counterterrorism investigates this form of political violence in an international and American context and in light of new and historical trends. In this comprehensive and highly readable text, renowned expert Brigitte Nacos clearly defines terrorism’s diverse causes, actors, and strategies; outlines anti- and counterterrorist responses; and highlights terrorism’s relationship with the public and media. Terrorism and Counterterrorism introduces students to the field’s main debates and helps them critically assess our understanding of, and our strategies for, addressing this complex and enduring issue. New to the Sixth Edition: Additions to terrorist developments since 2016, including the rise and decline of ISIS in Iraq and Syria. A significant expansion of the analysis of intelligence gathering and the growth of the U.S. intelligence community in the post-9/11 era. Discussion of increasing activities of extremist groups in the so-called alt-right and the ANTIFA movement in the U.S. and abroad. More explanations for the making of terrorists, including rational choice theory and new research revealing childhood trauma as a risk factor. An enlarged chapter on women and children in terrorism to include suicide missions as family projects. A new section on human rights violations in counterterrorism.

Terrorism and Insurgency in Asia: A contemporary examination of terrorist and separatist movements (Europa Regional Perspectives)

by Benjamin Schreer T. H. Tan Andrew

The rise of the Islamic State since 2014 has led to the re-emergence of terrorism as a serious security threat in Asia. Coupled with the ongoing terrorism and insurgency challenges from both radical religious extremists and also ethno-nationalist insurgencies, it is clear that some parts of Asia remain mired in armed rebellion despite decades of nation-building. While the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan has obviously deteriorated, there is also a growing terrorist challenge, on top of armed insurgencies, in other parts of Asia. A common theme in armed rebellions in the region has been the lack of legitimacy of the state and the presence of fundamental causes stemming from political, economic or social grievances. Addressing rebellion in the region thus requires a comprehensive approach involving transnational co-operation, addressing fundamental grievances, and also the use of more innovative approaches, such as religious rehabilitation and reconciliation programmes.

Terrorism and Insurgency in Asia: A contemporary examination of terrorist and separatist movements (Europa Regional Perspectives)

by Benjamin Schreer Andrew T. H. Tan

The rise of the Islamic State since 2014 has led to the re-emergence of terrorism as a serious security threat in Asia. Coupled with the ongoing terrorism and insurgency challenges from both radical religious extremists and also ethno-nationalist insurgencies, it is clear that some parts of Asia remain mired in armed rebellion despite decades of nation-building. While the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan has obviously deteriorated, there is also a growing terrorist challenge, on top of armed insurgencies, in other parts of Asia. A common theme in armed rebellions in the region has been the lack of legitimacy of the state and the presence of fundamental causes stemming from political, economic or social grievances. Addressing rebellion in the region thus requires a comprehensive approach involving transnational co-operation, addressing fundamental grievances, and also the use of more innovative approaches, such as religious rehabilitation and reconciliation programmes.

Terrorism and State Surveillance of Communications

by Simon Hale-Ross David Lowe

This book brings together leading counterterrorism experts, from academia and practice, to form an interdisciplinary assessment of the terrorist threat facing the United Kingdom and the European Union, focusing on how terrorists and terrorist organisations communicate in the digital age. Perspectives drawn from criminological, legalistic, and political sciences, allow the book to highlight the problems faced by the state and law enforcement agencies in monitoring, accessing, and gathering intelligence from the terrorist use of electronic communications, and how such powers are used proportionately and balanced with human rights law. The book will be a valuable resource for scholars and students of terrorism and security, policing and human rights. With contributions from the fields of both academia and practice, it will also be of interest to professionals and practitioners working in the areas of criminal law, human rights and terrorism.

Terrorism and State Surveillance of Communications

by Simon Hale-Ross David Lowe

This book brings together leading counterterrorism experts, from academia and practice, to form an interdisciplinary assessment of the terrorist threat facing the United Kingdom and the European Union, focusing on how terrorists and terrorist organisations communicate in the digital age. Perspectives drawn from criminological, legalistic, and political sciences, allow the book to highlight the problems faced by the state and law enforcement agencies in monitoring, accessing, and gathering intelligence from the terrorist use of electronic communications, and how such powers are used proportionately and balanced with human rights law. The book will be a valuable resource for scholars and students of terrorism and security, policing and human rights. With contributions from the fields of both academia and practice, it will also be of interest to professionals and practitioners working in the areas of criminal law, human rights and terrorism.

Terrorism in the Classroom: Security, Surveillance and a Public Duty to Act (Palgrave Studies in Risk, Crime and Society)

by Imran Awan Keith Spiller Andrew Whiting

This book charts contemporary developments in counter-extremism within the UK education sector. Set against the background of the controversial Prevent strategy the book focuses on the expansion of counter‑extremism into education and draws on key legislation such as the Counter Terrorism and Security Act (2015) that imposed a statutory counter-extremism duty on public sector workers in the UK. The authors provide a wide-ranging critique that draws on theories of surveillance and power, an international review of counter‑extremism educational initiatives and a series of interviews with UK lecturers. Terrorism in the Classroom highlights the problems that occur when counter-extremism becomes an objective of education and a part of the curriculum, as well as the anxiety that is felt by educators who have been deputised into the role of counter-extremism practitioners. It will be of interest to students and scholars across a range of disciplines, including Criminology, International Relations, Politics and Education.

Terrorism, Radicalisation & Countering Violent Extremism: Practical Considerations & Concerns

by Shashi Jayakumar

This book brings together research that covers perspectives and case studies on terrorism, radicalisation and countering violent extremism (CVE). Written by experts involved in these issues at the grassroots, the book bridges the academic-practitioner gap in the field. The proliferation of academic studies and conferences devoted to these subjects has meant that policymakers and practitioners in the same fields sometimes struggle to digest the sheer volume of academic output. The same critical questions keep coming up, but it is debatable the level to which there have been tangible improvements to our real state of knowledge: knowledge in especially in terms of what “best practices” exist in the field (and what can be translated, versus what approaches remain context and location specific). Written in an accessible manner for the general interested reader, practitioners, and policymakers in the field, this volume comprises edited versions of papers presented at CVE workshops run by the Centre of Excellence for National Security (CENS) at the S.Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 2016 and 2017.

Terrorism, Technology and Apocalyptic Futures

by Maximiliano E. Korstanje

This book centers on the power of mythical narratives and technology in creating the idea of a world that should be purged. The introduction of sin, the fall and other disruptive conflict have led mankind towards a world of scarcity, where suffering and sacrifice prevail. The author analyzes this apocalypse theory, which describes humans’ perversion by the use of technology, self-consciousness and knowledge. Based on an anthropological viewpoint, the book not only discusses the nature of bottom days, but explores other related sub-themes such as capitalism, terrorism, dark tourism, the essence of evil and the power of prophecy, coining the term thana-capitalism to denote a new stage of capitalism where death is the main commodity exchanged.

Terrorismus als hybride Bedrohung des 21. Jahrhunderts: Akteure, Mittel und die Notwendigkeit einer modernen Sicherheitsarchitektur in Deutschland (Sicherheit – interdisziplinäre Perspektiven)

by Dirk Freudenberg Stefan Goertz Stephan Maninger

In diesem Sammelband untersuchen Wissenschaftler und Praktiker aus dem Politikfeld Innere Sicherheit die asymmetrische Bedrohung durch den islamistischen Terrorismus in Deutschland und leiten daraus eine dringend erforderliche Anpassung der deutschen Sicherheitsarchitektur ab.Der InhaltDas Bedrohungspotenzial durch Islamismus und islamistischen Terrorismus ● Islamistisch-terroristische Radikalisierung ● Recht als Grundlage und Schranke staatlichen Handelns bei der Bekämpfung des Terrorismus ● Terrorismusabwehr und -bekämpfung im Zeitalter strategischer Ungewissheit ● Effekte von Terrorismus und Anarchismus als Führungsproblem ● Politisch motivierte Kriminalität mit CBRN-Tatmitteln ● Reichweite und Methodenspektrum im Zeitalter islamistischer AnschlägeDie HerausgeberDr. Dirk Freudenberg ist Dozent im Referat Strategische Führung und Leitung, Notfallvorsorge und -planung, pädagogische Grundlagen und Qualitätsmanagement an der Akademie für Krisenmanagement, Notfallplanung und Zivilschutz (AKNZ) im Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz- und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK).Dr. Stefan Goertz ist Beamter der Bundespolizei und Dozent an der Hochschule des Bundes, Fachbereich Bundespolizei, in Lübeck.Dr. Stephan Maninger ist Politikwissenschaftler mit zahlreichen Veröffentlichungen und Vorträgen an diversen akademischen Einrichtungen zu sicherheitspolitischen und militärgeschichtlichen Themen.

Terrorismusabwehr: Zur aktuellen Bedrohung durch den islamistischen Terrorismus in Deutschland und Europa

by Stefan Goertz

Dieses Buch analysiert mögliche Mittel und Maßnahmen zur Terrorismusabwehr in Deutschland und Europa. So werden u.a. die Akteure der Terrorismusabwehr behandelt. Es erfolgt eine dezidierte Analyse der möglichen Mittel der Terrorismusabwehr wie z.B. Videoüberwachung des öffentlichen Raumes. Außerdem behandelt dieses Buch die Thematik islamistischer Gefährder, indem die Kategorisierung, Abschiebung, Überwachung und Präventionsprogramme analysiert werden. Ebenfalls wird die Bekämpfung der Terrorismusfinanzierung untersucht.Diese überarbeitete zweite Auflage konzentriert sich in den Kapiteln eins und zwei einerseits noch ausführlicher und intensiver auf die Analyse der Phänomenbereiche islamistischer Terrorismus, Islamismus und Salafismus. Andererseits werden in diesen beiden Kapiteln aktuelle islamistisch-terroristische Anschläge wie z.B. in Hamburg sowie Barcelona und Cambrils noch intensiver und umfassender auf den Ebenen Radikalisierungshintergründe und taktisches Vorgehen der Terroristen untersucht.Der InhaltAnalyse der aktuellen Bedrohung durch den islamistischen Terrorismus in Deutschland und Europa • Ausgewählte besondere Bedrohungen durch den islamistischen Terrorismus und institutionelle Antworten • Technische Mittel zur Terrorismusabwehr • Institutionelle Bekämpfung des islamistischen Terrorismus in Deutschland und Europa • Radikalisierung im Phänomenbereich Islamismus und islamistischer Terrorismus sowie PräventionDie ZielgruppenPolitikwissenschaft, Terrorismusforschung, Politische Bildung, Polizei, Nachrichtendienste, BundeswehrDer AutorDr. Stefan Goertz ist Beamter der Bundespolizei und augenblicklich Dozent für Politikwissenschaft an der Hochschule des Bundes, Fachbereich Bundespolizei, in Lübeck.

Terrorist Movements and the Recruitment of Arab Foreign Fighters: A History from 1980s Afghanistan to ISIS (Terrorism and Extremism Studies)

by Roger Warren

This book offers the first detailed, in-depth account of how and why some Arab foreign fighters subsequently became involved in Islamist terrorism. Drawing on a personal dataset of 3,010 Arab foreign fighters compiled using biographies, martyrdom eulogies, and postings on 'jihadi' websites, Terrorist Movements and the Recruitment of Arab Foreign Fighters suggests that the subsequent involvement in Islamist terrorism by some Arab foreign fighters is primarily forged in the crucible of defensive jihad.

Terrorists as Monsters: The Unmanageable Other from the French Revolution to the Islamic State

by Marco Pinfari

From the chilling threats of the "ISIS vampire" to the view of al-Qaeda as the "Frankenstein the CIA created," terrorism seems to be inextricably bound with monstrosity. But why do the media and government officials often portray terrorists as monsters? And perhaps more puzzling, why do terrorists sometimes want to be perceived as such? This book, the first of its kind, examines the use of archetypal metaphors of monstrosity in relation to terrorism, from the gorgons of Robespierre's "reign of terror" to the dragons and lycanthropes of anarchism, the beasts and blood-licking demons of ethnonational terrorism, and the hydras and Frankenstein's monsters of Islamic jihadism. Marco Pinfari argues that politicians frame terrorists as unmanageable monsters not only in an effort at cultural "othering" and dehumanization, but also to secure popular backing for rule-breaking behavior in counter-terrorism. The book also explores the way that terrorists themselves impersonate monsters, showing that several groups have pursued such a tactic throughout the history of terrorism. It contributes to a number of ongoing public debates by highlighting how, even when actors like the Islamic State present themselves as mad and irrational, their tactics remain in essence rational. Pinfari also provides an original historical outlook on the roots of monster metaphors and discusses several types of terrorism, including state terrorism, left-wing terrorism, anarchism, ethnonationalist terrorism, and white supremacist groups. In unpacking the functions played by monster metaphors and by their impersonation, Terrorists as Monsters helps the reader understand the political processes that hide behind the fangs.

TETHERED FATES C: Companies, Communities, and Rights at Stake

by Shareen Hertel

Since the 1990s, human rights advocates, business leaders, and consumers have become increasingly attuned to mitigating sweatshop labor and other abuses in the supply chains that manufacture the clothing, electronics, and countless other products that we buy and use each day. But we know surprisingly little about how companies interact with people in the communities beyond the factory's walls. In many cases, community members are left out of the process of identifying both risks and solutions to problems in global supply chains, including how global companies could add social value in the localities where they operate. Business, governments, and civil society are supposed to be jointly responsible for shaping the remedies available to people harmed in the course of business activity, wherever it takes place. However, the answer to the question of how to do this remains underdeveloped and poorly executed. This book explores the conditions under which local communities and companies can work with one another and the types of remedies available in one of the most widespread and challenging sectors: light manufacturing. Tethered Fates draws on quantitative data (including the 7,000-company database of the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre) and original qualitative data to analyze regional and industry-specific trends in stakeholder dialogue globally and at the local level. The book features original interviews with community members in two factory towns in the Dominican Republic, whose perspectives shed light on the prospects for dialogue with companies and the challenges of everyday life in towns where light manufacturing takes place. Tethered Fates does more than simply explain why stakeholder dialogue often falls short as a vehicle for safeguarding economic rights and promoting community development. It also offers an assessment of the varieties of emerging policy alternatives for moving beyond the current state of practice.

Tetsugaku Companion to Ogyu Sorai (Tetsugaku Companions to Japanese Philosophy #2)

by W. J. Boot Daiki Takayama

This book contains short analyses (kaidai) of Ogyū Sorai’s (1666-1728) most important works, as well as a biography and a number of essays. The essays explore various aspects of his teachings, of the origins of his thought, and of the reception of his ideas in Japan, China, and Korea before and after "modernization" struck in the second half of the nineteenth century. Ogyū Sorai has come to be considered the pivotal thinker in the intellectual history of Early Modern Japan. More research has been done on Sorai than on any other Confucian thinker of this period. This book disentangles the modern reception from the way in which Sorai's ideas were understood and evaluated in Japan and China in the century following his death. The joint conclusion of the research of a number of the foremost specialists in Japan, Taiwan, and the West is that Sorai was and remains an original, innovative, and important thinker, but that his position within East-Asian thought should be redefined in terms of the East-Asian tradition to which he belonged, and not in the paradigms of European History of Philosophy or Intellectual History. The book represents up-to-date scholarship and allows both the young scholar to acquaint himself with Sorai, and the intellectual historian to compare Sorai with other thinkers of other times and of other philosophical traditions.

Texas Politics: Governing the Lone Star State

by Cal Jillson

The seventh edition of this popular text has been expanded and updated to better fit the needs of a stand-alone Texas politics course. Jillson continues to approach the politics of the Lone Star State from historical, developmental, and analytical perspectives, while giving students the most even-handed, readable, and engaging description of Texas politics available today. Students are encouraged to connect the origins and development of government and politics in Texas to its current practice and alternatives possible through change and reform. This text helps instructors prepare their students to master the origin and development of the Texas Constitution, the structure and powers of state and local government in Texas, how Texas fits into the U.S. federal system, as well as political participation, the electoral process, and public policy in Texas. Texas Politics offers instructors and students an unmatched range of pedagogical aids and tools. Each chapter opens with an engaging vignette and a series of focus questions to orient readers to the learning objectives at hand and concludes with a chapter summary, a list of key terms, review questions, suggested readings, and web resources. "Let’s Compare" boxes help students see how Texas sits alongside other states, "Texas Legends" boxes spotlight key figures in Texas political history, "Pro & Con" boxes bring conflicting political views into sharper focus and every chapter features a timeline of important events in Texas history. New to the 7th Edition Covers the 2016 national elections, the 2017 legislative session, and the 2018 state and national elections as they affect Texas. Highlights Governor Greg Abbott’s call for a constitutional convention; Texas voter ID law updates; redistricting cases; the right of secession; and Obergefell v. Hodges. Provides a detailed study of the 2018–2019 state budget and the taxing and spending decisions that went into it, including the Texas Supreme Court school funding decision of 2016.

Texas Politics: Governing the Lone Star State

by Cal Jillson

The seventh edition of this popular text has been expanded and updated to better fit the needs of a stand-alone Texas politics course. Jillson continues to approach the politics of the Lone Star State from historical, developmental, and analytical perspectives, while giving students the most even-handed, readable, and engaging description of Texas politics available today. Students are encouraged to connect the origins and development of government and politics in Texas to its current practice and alternatives possible through change and reform. This text helps instructors prepare their students to master the origin and development of the Texas Constitution, the structure and powers of state and local government in Texas, how Texas fits into the U.S. federal system, as well as political participation, the electoral process, and public policy in Texas. Texas Politics offers instructors and students an unmatched range of pedagogical aids and tools. Each chapter opens with an engaging vignette and a series of focus questions to orient readers to the learning objectives at hand and concludes with a chapter summary, a list of key terms, review questions, suggested readings, and web resources. "Let’s Compare" boxes help students see how Texas sits alongside other states, "Texas Legends" boxes spotlight key figures in Texas political history, "Pro & Con" boxes bring conflicting political views into sharper focus and every chapter features a timeline of important events in Texas history. New to the 7th Edition Covers the 2016 national elections, the 2017 legislative session, and the 2018 state and national elections as they affect Texas. Highlights Governor Greg Abbott’s call for a constitutional convention; Texas voter ID law updates; redistricting cases; the right of secession; and Obergefell v. Hodges. Provides a detailed study of the 2018–2019 state budget and the taxing and spending decisions that went into it, including the Texas Supreme Court school funding decision of 2016.

Theatrum Europaeum: Identitätspraxis und Internationale Ordnung auf Friedenskongressen (Horizonte der Internationalen Beziehungen)

by Ursula Stark Urrestarazu

Ursula Stark Urrestarazu untersucht am Beispiel von historischen Friedenskongressen (1648 - 1815 - 1919), wie sich internationale Ordnung in der Praxis internationaler Beziehungen konstituiert bzw. transformiert. Unter Anwendung vergleichender ethnographischer Methoden entwirft die Autorin ein praxisbasiertes Modell von Identität, das den konstitutiven Zusammenhang von Ordnung und Identität in den Mittelpunkt rückt.

The Theft of a Decade: How the Baby Boomers Stole the Millennials' Economic Future

by Joseph C. Sternberg

A Wall Street Journal columnist delivers a brilliant narrative of the mugging of the millennial generation-- how the Baby Boomers have stolen the millennials' future in order to ensure themselves a comfortable presentThe Theft of a Decade is a contrarian, revelatory analysis of how one generation pulled the rug out from under another, and the myriad consequences that has set in store for all of us. The millennial generation was the unfortunate victim of several generations of economic theories that made life harder for them than it was for their grandparents. Then came the crash of 2008, and the Boomer generation's reaction to it was brutal: politicians and policy makers made deliberate decisions that favored the interests of the Boomer generation over their heirs, the most egregious being over the use of monetary policy, fiscal policy and regulation. For the first time in recent history, policy makers gave up on investing for the future and instead mortgaged that future to pay for the ugly economic sins of the present. This book describes a new economic crisis, a sinister tectonic shift that is stealing a generation's future.

The Theft of a Decade: How the Baby Boomers Stole the Millennials' Economic Future

by Joseph C. Sternberg

A Wall Street Journal columnist delivers a brilliant narrative of the mugging of the millennial generation-- how the Baby Boomers have stolen the millennials' future in order to ensure themselves a comfortable presentThe Theft of a Decade is a contrarian, revelatory analysis of how one generation pulled the rug out from under another, and the myriad consequences that has set in store for all of us. The millennial generation was the unfortunate victim of several generations of economic theories that made life harder for them than it was for their grandparents. Then came the crash of 2008, and the Boomer generation's reaction to it was brutal: politicians and policy makers made deliberate decisions that favored the interests of the Boomer generation over their heirs, the most egregious being over the use of monetary policy, fiscal policy and regulation. For the first time in recent history, policy makers gave up on investing for the future and instead mortgaged that future to pay for the ugly economic sins of the present. This book describes a new economic crisis, a sinister tectonic shift that is stealing a generation's future.

Themes and Flux in British Politics: Evolution, Change and Turbulence

by Duncan McTavish

Themes and Flux in British Politics provides readers with an engaging and informative overview of the development, change and turbulence in British politics today. It explores the extent to which the ‘old approaches’ to politics and policy are becoming less relevant in the contemporary and emerging UK environment and makes sense of the most significant aspects of the moment: political and electoral alignment, referenda, Brexit and the EU, relationship between UK and devolved governments, and key impact-related developments internationally. As such, it is an essential read for students and observers of British political life who need pointed, expert coverage to help make sense of these exceptional political times. With a tripartite structure, the book first examines trends in political representation with changes in political engagement, party loyalties and electoral alignment, then places this within the turbulence and changing landscape of the policy/political environment, and finally contextualises the developments in British politics vis-à-vis international resonances and parallels. Case studies of the Scottish independence referendum, referendum to remain in or leave the EU and the EU withdrawal process are used to illustrate the key concepts and arguments advanced and to provide a sense of the current dynamic of British politics. Themes and Flux in British Politics represents a timely response to contemporary debates about the major shifts (perhaps crises) of political parties and representation and the turbulent landscape of public policy, and will be essential reading for British politics and government, Brexit, public policy and EU politics.

Themes and Flux in British Politics: Evolution, Change and Turbulence

by Duncan McTavish

Themes and Flux in British Politics provides readers with an engaging and informative overview of the development, change and turbulence in British politics today. It explores the extent to which the ‘old approaches’ to politics and policy are becoming less relevant in the contemporary and emerging UK environment and makes sense of the most significant aspects of the moment: political and electoral alignment, referenda, Brexit and the EU, relationship between UK and devolved governments, and key impact-related developments internationally. As such, it is an essential read for students and observers of British political life who need pointed, expert coverage to help make sense of these exceptional political times. With a tripartite structure, the book first examines trends in political representation with changes in political engagement, party loyalties and electoral alignment, then places this within the turbulence and changing landscape of the policy/political environment, and finally contextualises the developments in British politics vis-à-vis international resonances and parallels. Case studies of the Scottish independence referendum, referendum to remain in or leave the EU and the EU withdrawal process are used to illustrate the key concepts and arguments advanced and to provide a sense of the current dynamic of British politics. Themes and Flux in British Politics represents a timely response to contemporary debates about the major shifts (perhaps crises) of political parties and representation and the turbulent landscape of public policy, and will be essential reading for British politics and government, Brexit, public policy and EU politics.

Theodore Sorensen and the Kennedys: A Life of Public Service

by Michelle A. Ulyatt

Of the hundreds of books written about John F. Kennedy, none have yet taken the full measure of the role that Theodore Sorensen played in shaping his presidency. Serving as President Kennedy’s speechwriter from 1952 until 1963, Sorensen was a key advisor in the White House and a gatekeeper of the Kennedy legacy in the years after his assassination. This book presents a compelling portrait of Sorensen’s life and place in the American political landscape. He became an outspoken critic of corruption in politics, a vocal opponent of the militarist foreign policy approach that successive administrations adopted, and an advisor to Democratic presidential candidates such as Robert F. Kennedy and Barack Obama. Taking up questions about the role of presidential advisors and the concept of public service, an ideal that was central to the most famous of the speeches that Sorensen wrote for President Kennedy, Michelle A. Ulyatt offers new insight into Sorensen’s influence on the Kennedy years and the generation of leaders who came after.

Theologies of Guadalupe: From the Era of Conquest to Pope Francis

by Timothy Matovina

Every Spanish-speaking country in Latin America and the Caribbean has its own national representation of the Virgin Mary who is credited with helping to spread Christianity. None of these is more prominent than the Virgin of Guadalupe, patroness of Mexico. According to tradition, the Virgin appeared to a man named Juan Diego on the Hill of Tepeyac, just outside Mexico City, four times in 1531. The local bishop doubted his claim until an image of the Virgin appeared on Juan Diego's cloak. That cloak is now among the most popular religious icons in the Americas, and the Virgin of Guadalupe is among the most widely known of Marian apparitions. Our Lady of Guadalupe is also the only Marian apparition tradition in the Americas- and indeed in all of Roman Catholicism- that has since inspired a sustained series of published theological analyses. In Theologies of Guadalupe, Timothy Matovina explores the way theologians have understood Our Lady of Guadalupe and sought to assess and foster her impact on the lives of her devotees since the seventeenth century. He examines core theological topics in the Guadalupe tradition, developed in response to major events in Mexican history: conquest, attempts to Christianize native peoples, society-building, independence, and the demands for justice of marginalized groups. This book tells how, amidst the plentiful miraculous images of Christ, Mary, and the saints that dotted the sacred landscape of colonial New Spain, the Guadalupe cult rose above all others and was transformed from a local devotion into a regional, national, and then international phenomenon. Matovina traces the development of the theologies of Guadalupe from the colonial era to our own time, revealing how Christian ideas imported from Europe developed in dynamic interaction with the new contexts in which they took root.

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