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Showing 14,326 through 14,350 of 100,000 results

Health and Human Rights (Human Rights Law in Perspective)

by Thérèse Murphy

This book aims to bolster the burgeoning discourse of health and human rights. In so doing, it charts the history of the linkage between health and human rights. It also pinpoints the sense of imperative that surrounds this relationship. More importantly, the book identifies a series of threats and challenges facing attempts to link health and human rights and proposes how these might be addressed. Amongst other things, it asks: is conflict between risk and rights inevitable in the context of infectious disease control? Is reproductive choice a bad argument in the context of reproductive technologies? Is it sensible for human rights to make use of measurement tools such as indicators? Is the 'cost of human rights' an argument that can and should be used by proponents of human rights? The answers it gives to these questions are original and engaging and will be of great interest to a diverse audience, including scholars and policy-makers in these areas.

Stadt im Spannungsfeld von Kompaktheit, Effizienz und Umweltqualität: Anwendungen urbaner Metrik

by Clemens Deilmann Iris Lehmann Ulrich Schumacher Martin Behnisch

Wie dieses Buch betont, sind Kompaktheit, Effizienz und Umweltqualität aktuelle, konkurrierende Ziele der Stadtentwicklung. Es stellt sich die Frage, wie diese in ihrem Zusammenspiel beschrieben werden können. Viele physische Ausprägungen des Städtischen (Formen/Strukturen) stehen in engem Zusammenhang mit Aspekten der Umwelt-/Lebensqualität, der Ressourcen-/Energieeffizienz, der Mobilität und städtischen Vielfalt. Das Buch zeigt, dass auf Grundlage formanalytischer Analysen eine vergleichende quantitative Beschreibung von Städten durchführbar ist und die genannten qualitativen Zusammenhänge visualisiert werden können.

Globalization: Strategies and Effects

by Bent Jesper Christensen Carsten Kowalczyk

This volume uses cutting-edge theory and empirical analysis of channels of international interaction to build new knowledge about strategies of entrepreneurs, domestic and multinational firms, governments, and international organizations facing increasing globalization. The ongoing process of globalization implies the continuing expansion and intensification of economic, political, social, cultural and judicial relations across borders. It is furthered by reductions in transportation and communication costs, the rise of new information technologies, such as the internet, and liberalizations in the markets for goods, services, labor, capital, and technology. Globalization presents new opportunities to some, but risks and threats to others. The volume presents new research and findings by leading scholars on international trade, labor markets, financial markets, economic integration, political science, law, management, the humanities, developing countries, and international relations.

Flächeninanspruchnahme in Deutschland: Auf dem Wege zu einem besseren Verständnis der Siedlungs- und Verkehrsflächenentwicklung

by Martin Behnisch Odette Kretschmer Gotthard Meinel

Dieses Buch behandelt konzeptionelle und methodische Grundlagen zur Beschreibung und Erklärung der Flächennutzung und Flächenentwicklung. Ausgewählte Autorinnen und Autoren aus verschiedensten Forschungs- und Planungsinstitutionen stellen eine breite Vielfalt an aktuellen Forschungsansätzen zur Umwidmung von Freiflächen in Siedlungs- und Verkehrsflächen (Flächeninanspruchnahme) in Deutschland vor.In den einzelnen Kapiteln wird auf wichtige Fragen eingegangen: Wie messen und erklären wir Zustand und Struktur der Flächennutzung? Welche Instrumente können langfristig eine nachhaltige Flächenentwicklung unterstützen? Welche Herausforderungen bestehen für das Flächenmanagement im ländlichen Raum? Welche Einflussgrößen prägen die Siedlungsstruktur und Siedlungsentwicklung in Deutschland? Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die sich für den schonenden Umgang mit der begrenzten Ressource Boden, die räumliche Struktur und Entwicklung der Flächeninanspruchnahme, das komplexe Ursachenbündel der Siedlungs- und Verkehrsflächenentwicklung und die Instrumente einer nachhaltigen und klimagerechten Flächennutzungsentwicklung interessieren.

Prima Klima: Schule ist mehr als Unterricht (Kritisch hinterfragt)

by Marion Reindl Burkhard Gniewosz

Dieses Buch zeigt auf, was ein „PRIMA KLIMA“ für Schüler, Eltern und Lehrkräfte im Schulumfeld bedeutet und welche Faktoren die positive Wahrnehmung schulischer Umwelten prägen. Es richtet sich an alle Personen, die in den Bildungs- und Entwicklungsprozess von Kindern und Jugendlichen involviert sind. In unterhaltsamer Weise können sich sowohl Eltern, Lehrpersonen aber auch Jugendliche selbst über die Bedeutung eines PRIMA KLIMAS informieren. Die Schule ist für Kinder und Jugendliche ein wichtiger Ort sich neues Wissen anzueignen, Freundschaften zu schließen, aber auch Toleranz gegenüber anderen Einstellungen zu fördern. Nicht zuletzt ist die Schule auch ein Arbeitsplatz. Je nachdem wie PRIMA die schulische Umwelt wahrgenommen wird, desto positiver ist auch der Einfluss auf die Entwicklung von Schülerinnen und Schülern sowie Lehrerinnen und Lehrern. Für die Darstellung der schulischen Umwelt versucht dieses Buch eine ganzheitliche Sichtweise einzunehmen. Das heißt die Fragen dieses Werkes gehen über das Unterrichtsgeschehen hinaus: Welchen Einfluss hat die Wertschätzung von Bildung in Deutschland (Bildungsklima)? Welche Bedeutung hat die schulische Organisation (Schulklima)? Wie können Klassenkameraden das Bedürfnis der Zugehörigkeit erfüllen (Klassenklima)? Wie können Unterrichtsprozesse die Leistung beeinflussen (Unterrichtsklima)? Wo kommen diese Klimawahrnehmungen her? Wie können diese positiv beeinflusst bzw. verändert werden? Dieses Buch deckt gängige Mythen auf und ist ein Gewinn für alle, die sich über diese Thematik informieren möchten.

From Republic to Restoration: Legacies and departures

by Janet Clare

Explores the diffuse impact of the civil wars and the Republic on the Restoration

Things a Bright Girl Can Do

by Sally Nicholls

Shortlisted for the YA Book PrizeThrough rallies and marches, in polite drawing rooms and freezing prison cells and the poverty-stricken slums of the East End, three courageous young women join the fight for the vote.Evelyn is seventeen, and though she is rich and clever, she may never be allowed to follow her older brother to university. Enraged that she is expected to marry her childhood sweetheart rather than be educated, she joins the Suffragettes, and vows to pay the ultimate price for women's freedom.May is fifteen, and already sworn to the cause, though she and her fellow Suffragists refuse violence. When she meets Nell, a girl who's grown up in hardship, she sees a kindred spirit. Together and in love, the two girls start to dream of a world where all kinds of women have their place.But the fight for freedom will challenge Evelyn, May and Nell more than they ever could believe. As war looms, just how much are they willing to sacrifice?

Ressourcenallokation, Wettbewerb und Umweltökonomie: Wirtschaftspolitik in Theorie und Praxis

by Klaus Deimer Martin Pätzold Volker Tolkmitt

Dieses Lehrbuch beschreibt systematisch die Wirkungsweisen von Märkten, Marktungleichgewichten, Marktversagen, Allokationspolitik und Gesamtwohlfahrt und erklärt sie in ihren Zusammenhängen. Nach einer Darstellung der Theorie des Marktes sowie des Marktgleichgewichts werden die Ursachen und Konsequenzen des Marktversagens analysiert. Im Anschluss werden die Aufgaben und Möglichkeiten der Allokationspolitik im Rahmen der Wirtschaftspolitik betrachtet. Darauf aufbauend wird das allgemeine Instrumentarium der Wettbewerbspolitik beschrieben und hinsichtlich seiner Eignung erörtert. In der speziellen Analyse werden dann Zielstellung und Instrumente der Umweltökonomie als Teil der Wirtschaftspolitik untersucht. Dabei steht nicht die Bewertung der Staatsaktivität im Fokus, sondern die Beurteilung des umweltpolitischen Instrumentariums nach den Kriterien Effizienz, Zielerreichung, politische Durchsetzbarkeit und Anreizdynamik.Der InhaltOptimale Ressourcenallokation und MarktErscheinungsformen der AllokationspolitikWirtschaftspolitische SchlussfolgerungenDie AutorenDr. Klaus Deimer ist Professor für VWL an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht in Berlin.Dr. Martin Pätzold, MdB, ist Lehrbeauftragter an der Hochschule Mittweida.Dr. Volker Tolkmitt ist Professor für Risiko- und Finanzmanagement an der Hochschule Mittweida und Mitglied des Hochschulrats der Hochschule Mittweida.

Local democracy, civic engagement and community: From New Labour to the Big Society

by Hugh Atkinson

Focuses on local democratic politics in Britain over the last decade and a half from the election of the New Labour Government right up to the current Conservative/Liberal Democrat Coalition government.

The National Council for Civil Liberties and the policing of interwar politics: At liberty to protest

by Janet Clark

Explores the origins of the NCCL, its political orientation, and the political and personal agendas of its supporters.

Understanding Chinese politics: An introduction to government in the People's Republic of China

by Andrew Cottey Neil Collins

Provides a comprehensive introduction to China’s political system, outlining the major features of the Chinese model and highlighting its claims and challenges.

The power of the centre: Central governments and the macro-implementation of EU public policy (European Politics)

by Dionyssis Dimitrakopoulos

The central governments of the member states play a crucial role in the transformation of EU public policy into reality. This book examines the way in which the Greek, French and British central governments perform this role.

Paradoxes of internationalization: British and German trade unions at Ford and General Motors 1967–2000 (Critical Labour Movement Studies)

by Thomas Fetzer

Paradoxes of Internationalization deals with British and German trade union responses to the internationalization of corporate structures and strategies at Ford and General Motors between the late 1960s and the early twenty-first century.

Energy Economics: Theory and Applications (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)

by Peter Zweifel Aaron Praktiknjo Georg Erdmann

This book provides an introduction to energy economics. It shows how to apply general economic theory as well as empirical and advanced econometric methods to explain the drivers of energy markets and their development. Readers learn about the specific properties of energy markets as well as the physical, technological, environmental, and geopolitical particularities of energy sources and products. The book covers all types of energy markets, ranging from liquid fuels, gaseous fuels, and solid fuels to electricity. It also addresses emission allowances, energy efficiency, and nuclear risks. The authors discuss the engineering properties of energy technologies including renewables, the economics of natural resources and environmental protection, market liberalization, and energy trade as well as the experience of the German energy transformation. This book will serve students as a textbook and practitioners as a reference for their understanding of energy markets and their development.

Reconstructing Conservatism?: The Conservative party in opposition, 1997–2010 (New Perspectives on the Right #New Perspectives on the Right)

by Richard Hayton

Considers in depth four particular dilemmas for contemporary Conservatism: European integration; national identity and the ‘English Question’; social liberalism versus social authoritarianism; and the problems posed by a neo-liberal political economy.

Democracy, social resources and political power in the European Union

by Niilo Kauppi

Democracy, social resources and political power in the European Union' develops a structural constructivist theory of the European Union and critically analyses, through French and Finnish empirical cases, the political practices that maintain the Union's 'democratic deficit'.

The British left and Zionism: History of a divorce

by Paul Kelemen

The changes and divisions on the British Left over the Israel-Palestine conflict forms the central theme of this archive based study.

Collieries, communities and the miners' strike in Scotland, 1984–85 (Critical Labour Movement Studies #Critical Labour Movement Studies)

by Jim Phillips

This book analyses the 1984-5 miners’ strike by focusing on its vital Scottish dimensions, especially the role of workplace politics and community mobilisation.

The evolving role of nation-building in US foreign policy: Lessons learned, lessons lost

by Thomas Seitz

How and why did the United States get involved in nation-building overseas, and how have these policies evolved? How has Washington understood the relationship between development abroad and security at home, and how has this translated into policy? What is the relationship between security, order and development in nation-building and stabilisation efforts? This book explores the processes through which nation-building approaches originated and developed over the last seven decades as well as the concepts and motivations that shaped them. Weaving together International Relations theory and a rich history drawing mainly on declassified documents, interviews and other primary sources, this book contributes to theoretical discussions of nation-building while offering a critique of Realist and Critical Security School analyses of US policy in the developing world. Ultimately, the book illuminates lessons relevant to today’s nation-building, crisis management, stability, 'good governance' and reconstruction missions.

The politics of housing: Power, consumers and urban culture

by Peter Shapely

This book is concerned with the interaction of traditional politics, culture and social groups, of local and national influences, of ideals and individuals. It looks at local government, social groups and housing policy in the twentieth century. This is a remarkable story of how these factors were interwoven to create and manage policy.

Defectors and the Liberal Party 1910–2010: A study of inter-party relationships

by Alun Wyburn-Powell

This book is the first analysis of political defections over a long time span. It investigates all the Liberal/Liberal Democrat MPs and former MPs who defected from the party between the elections of December 1910 and May 2010 - around one sixth of all those elected - as well as the smaller number of inward defectors. Each of the 122 defections was an expert judgment on the state of the party at a specific date. The research investigates the timing and reasons for all the defections and reveals long-term trends and underlying causes and apportions responsibility between leaders for them. The author finds some significant differences which distinguished defectors from loyalists and draws wider conclusions about the underlying factors which lead MPs to defect. This book will be of interest to students and lecturers of British politics and anyone interested in the relationship between British political parties in the last century.

Flight MH17, Ukraine and the new Cold War: Prism of disaster (Geopolitical Economy)

by Kees Van Pijl

A revealing investigation of the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 amid the Ukrainian civil war, emphasising the geopolitical and economic context of the West’s standoff with Russia, the BRICS bloc, and the struggles over the EU’s energy supply.

Soldered states: nation-building in Germany and Vietnam

by Claire Sutherland

The book examines the power of nationalism to solder nation-states back together rather than break them apart. In this innovative, cross-continental comparison of nation-building in Germany and Vietnam, the focus is on their shared experience of division, communism and regional integration.

Revolution, democratic transition and disillusionment: The case of Romania (Perspectives on Democratic Practice)

by Anca Pusca

Using Romania as a case study, this book develops a fresh perspective on the transition from communism to capitalism by arguing that transition and democratisation studies should turn their attention towards processes of illusion formation and disillusionment as key to understanding the shift from one ideological framework to another.

Essays on the welfare state (reissue)

by Richard Titmuss

Richard Titmuss (1907-1973) was a pioneer in the field of social administration (now social policy) and this reissued classic contains a selection of his most famous writing on social issues. It covers subjects ranging from the position of women in society, changes in family life, and the social effects of industrialisation, to the problems of an ageing population, pensions, social security and taxation policy, and the development of the national health service. This collection contains one of Titmuss’s most original contributions to the analysis of welfare policy – his reflections on ‘The social division of welfare’. The book stands the test of time as representative of his thinking, and as an inspiration to those who wrestle with the complex issues of our welfare state.

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