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Showing 1,726 through 1,750 of 7,817 results

Forever England: The Life of Rupert Brooke

by Mike Read

Rupert Brooke, strikingly good-looking, effortlessly charming and prodigiously gifted, has become the tragic embodiment of the generation lost between 1914 and 1918. Upon the poet's tragic untimely death, Winston Churchill declared that 'we shall never see his like again', yet Brooke immortalised himself in his own poignant verse: 'If I should die, think only this of me: That there's some corner of a foreign field that is forever England'. Brooke died serving king and country on the anniversary of Shakespeare's birth, St George's Day 1915, en route to fight at Gallipoli. As the tributes poured in and the war gathered momentum, the press heralded him as a hero - a focal point for the nation's grief. Already an acclaimed poet and dramatist in his youth, his romantic war poetry contrasts starkly with the work of some of his more disillusioned contemporaries. But the private letters of 'the handsomest man in all of England' reveal a far more troubled, and often misunderstood, individual... In this updated edition of Forever England, Mike Read, founder of the Rupert Brooke Society, explores the poet's fascinating life and legacy. From a tangled web of secret affairs, literary circles, mental illness and a previously unknown lovechild emerges the intriguing personality and enduring poetry of Rupert Brooke - the voice of a country torn apart by war.

Fragrant Palm Leaves: Journals, 1962-196600

by Thich Nhat Hanh

'It isn't likely that this collection of journal entries will pass the censors. If it can't be published, I hope my friends will circulate it among themselves. I'll leave Vietnam tomorrow...' Thus Thich Nhat Hanh begins his 11 May 1966 journal entry. Since that time, he has been unable to return to his homeland but, now based in France, he has become one of the world's most respected spiritual leaders. Fragrant Palm Leaves reveals a vulnerable and questioning young man reflecting on the many difficulties he and his fellow monks faced in Vietnam trying to make Buddhism relevant to the people's needs. We follow him, in 1964, as he helps establish the movement known as 'engaged Buddhism': starting self-help villages, a new university, a Buddhist order and many other efforts for peace. Fragrant Palm Leaves is regarded by many Vietnamese as Thich Nhat Hanh's most endearing and stimulating book. It offers readers a glimpse into the mind of a great thinker and activist and shows how to live fully, with awareness, during a time of challenge and upheaval.

Giraffes Can't Dance (Orchard Picturebooks)

by Giles Andreae Guy Parker-Rees

Number One bestseller Giraffes Can't Dance from author Giles Andreae has been delighting children for over 15 years. Gerald the tall giraffe would love to join in with the other animals at the Jungle Dance, but everyone knows that giraffes can't dance . . . or can they? A funny, touching and triumphant picture book story about a giraffe who finds his own tune and confidence too, with joyful illustrations from Guy Parker Rees and a foiled cover.

Green Writing: Romanticism and Ecology

by James McKusick

This book describes the emergence of ecological understanding among the English Romantic poets, arguing that this new holistic paradigm offered a conceptual and ideological basis for American environmentalism. Coleridge, Wordsworth, Blake, John Clare, and Mary Shelley all contributed to the fundamental ideas and core values of the modern environmental movement; their vital influence was openly acknowledged by Emerson, Thoreau, John Muir, and Mary Austin. By revealing hitherto unsuspected links between English and American nature writers, this book elucidates the Romantic origins of American environmentalism.

Hammered Dulcimer (Swenson Poetry Award)

by Lisa Williams

Lisa William's poems are infused with what John Hollander calls "a guarded wonder." A poet of unique vision, she seems always to be "looking at," with special attention to the experience of the senses. Moreover, Williams is equally concerned with epistemology—the how of seeing. And it is perhaps this quality of attention that informs her interest in the formulations of poetry itself, in its constructed dimension. Her control of the line, of rhythmic possibilities, of structures both formal and free, is evident in every poem. Together, William's original voice and her poetic finesse allow her to create those harmonies of wonder evoked by the very instrument, the hammered dulcimer, that gives her collection its name. Judge for the 1998 May Swenson Poetry Award was John Hollander, poet, critic, professor. Long a major figure in American letters, Hollander was a personal friend to May Swenson, and has influenced the work of many of our best emerging poetic voices.

Heine-Jahrbuch 2000: 39. Jahrgang

by Heinrich-Heine-Gesellschaft

Drei Beiträge des Heine-Jahrbuchs 2000 wenden sich einzelnen Heine-Texten zu: Tanja Rudtke und Gerhard Kluge beschäftigen sich mit dem Karnevalesken, Grotesken und Karikaturhaften in den »Memoiren des Herren von Schnabelewopski«; Anne Maximiliane Jäger stellt »Vitzliputzli« in den Mittelpunkt ihrer Anaylse. Das von gegenseitiger Abneigung geprägte Verhältnis zwischen Heine und Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy untersucht Thomas Schmidt-Beste. Achim Hölter geht dem literarischen Schicksal des Elefanten auf der Place de la Bastille nach. Bei den kleineren Beiträgen umreißt Alfredo Bauer die schwierige Frage der Emanzipation und Assimilation der Juden im 19. Jahrhundert. Beschlossen wird das Jahrbuch wie üblich durch einen Rezensionsteil und die Jahresbibliografie.

Her Book: Poems 1988-1998 (Faber Poetry Ser.)

by Jo Shapcott

Poems 1988-1998 is a compendium from Jo Shapcott's award-winning books Electroplating the Baby, Phrase Book and My Life Asleep. It reveals her to be a writer of ingenious, politically acute and provocative imagination and justifies her reputation as one of the most original and daring voices of her generation.

In Defence of T. S. Eliot

by Craig Raine

His pieces, on the literary world and some of its most fascinating figures and classics, bear his hallmark of vitality and distinctive approach. Raine’s knowledge of the span of literary theory (and anecdote) and the incisiveness of his thinking uncover as far more contradictory and complex in their successes writers customarily held in reverence. The essays range from a powerful piece on the KGB’s literary archive to thoughts about tragedy in Kipling’s life, from Auden, Nabokov and Beckett to the state of health of Samuel Johnson’s testicles. This book celebrates the diversity of the world of books and Raine is a supremely entertaining and thought-provoking guide. ‘Raine pounces on writers lacking his own high degree of linguistic resolution and independence. The citizenly impulse behind these arresting critical interventions is usually commendable. One gets the impression of a man simmering in long silence, coming reluctantly to the boil because someone has to speak up’ Geoff Dyer, Guardian

Interpreting Shakespeare on Screen

by Hester Bradley

This book explores Shakespeare films as interpretations of Shakespeare's plays as well as interpreting the place of Shakespeare on screen within the classroom and within the English curriculum. Shakespeare on screen is evaluated both in relation to the play texts and in relation to the realms of popular film culture. The book focuses on how Shakespeare is manipulated in film and television through the representation of violence, gender, sexuality, race and nationalism. Cartmell discusses a wide range of films, including Orson Welles' Othello (1952), Kenneth Branagh's Much Ado About Nothing (1993), Peter Greenaway's Prospero's Books (1991), Baz Luhrmann's William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (1996) and John Madden's Shakespeare in Love (1998).

Interpreting Shakespeare on Screen

by Hester Bradley

This book explores Shakespeare films as interpretations of Shakespeare's plays as well as interpreting the place of Shakespeare on screen within the classroom and within the English curriculum. Shakespeare on screen is evaluated both in relation to the play texts and in relation to the realms of popular film culture. The book focuses on how Shakespeare is manipulated in film and television through the representation of violence, gender, sexuality, race and nationalism. Cartmell discusses a wide range of films, including Orson Welles' Othello (1952), Kenneth Branagh's Much Ado About Nothing (1993), Peter Greenaway's Prospero's Books (1991), Baz Luhrmann's William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (1996) and John Madden's Shakespeare in Love (1998).

John Keats (Poet To Poet Ser.)

by John Keats

In this series, a contemporary poet selects and introduces a poet of the past. By their choice of poems and by the personal and critical reactions they express in their prefaces, the editors offer insights into their own work as well as providing an accessible and passionate introduction to the most important poets in our literature.A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:Its loveliness increases; it will neverPass into nothingness; but still will keepA bower quiet for us, and a sleepFull of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.-- Endymion

Journals Of Sylvia Plath

by Sylvia Plath

The Journals of Sylvia Plath offers an intimate portrait of the author of the extraordinary poems for which Plath is so widely loved, but it is also characterized by a prose of vigorous immediacy which places it alongside The Bell Jar as a work of literature. These exact and complete transcriptions of the journals kept by Plath for the last twelve years of her life - covering her marriage to Ted Hughes and her struggle with depression - are a key source for the poems which make up her collections Ariel and The Colossus. 'Everything that passes before her eyes travels down from brain to pen with shattering clarity - 1950s New England, pre-co-ed Cambridge, pre-mass tourism Benidorm, where she and Hughes honeymooned, the birth of her son Nicholas in Devon in 1962. These and other passages are so graphic that you look up from the page surprised to find yourself back in the here and now . . . The struggle of self with self makes the Journals compelling and unique. ' John Carey, Sunday Times

Juggling with Gerbils (Puffin Poetry Ser.)

by Brian Patten

A great new collection of poetry, wide-ranging in both form and subject matter. Full of Brian Patten's wonderful wit and moments of beauty as in GERANIUMS IN THE SNOW: Like children snuggling down under a white duvet Slowly the red geraniums Vanish under the snow. Brilliantly complemented by Chris Riddell's illustrations.

Kalakuta Republic

by Chris Abani

This powerful collection of poems details the harrowing experiences endured by Abani and other political prisoners at the hands of Nigeria's military regime in the late 1980s. Abani vividly describes the characters that peopled this dark world, from prison inmates such as John James, tortured to death at the age of fourteen, to the general overseers. First published after his release from jail in 1991, Kalakuta Republic remains a paean to those who suffered and to the indomitable human spirit. 'Reading Abani's poems is like being singed by a red hot iron.' Harold Pinter 'Abani's poetry resonates with a devastating beauty which cuts to the heart of human strength, survival and tyranny.' Pride Magazine 'Stunning poems ... Abani conveys the experience in words shaped into art and made unforgettable by their quietness.' New Humanist 'A beautiful work of art ... elevates art and humanity above meanness and inhumanity.' World Literature Today 'A brave and challenging book ... I was moved as much by what the poems have achieved as by what they have rescued from that nightmare world. Reading, I found myself in tears.' Sunday Tribune 'An unheralded chunk of authentic literature' New Statesman 'Abani's ...poems contain moments of grace, humanity and humor.' Susannah Tarbush, Diwaniya 'Chris has emerged with poems that are graceful pieces of art, almost ready to be hung in a gallery for others to come and enter them and rest in them and weep in them and admire them.' Kwame Dawes, professor of English literature, University of Columbia, South Carolina, USA

Kleist-Jahrbuch 1999 (Kleist-Jahrbuch)

Unter dem Titel »Kleists Duelle« behandelte die internationale Jahrestagung der Heinrich-von-Kleist-Gesellschaft im Juni 1998 in Hamburg vielfältige Aspekte von Kleists Streitkultur.

Kleist-Jahrbuch 2000 (Kleist-Jahrbuch)

Das diesjährige Kleist-Jahrbuch widmet sich schwerpunktmäßig dem Rahmenthema Kleist und die Weltliteratur", u.a. mit Beiträgen von Anthony Stephens (Melbourne), Wolfgang Pircher (Wien) zu "Vergeltung Recht und Politik bei Kleist", Christian Moser (Bonn) zu "Fallgeschichten bei Kleist und Montaigne", Claudia Liebrand Köln) zu Kleists Re-Lektüren von Boccaccios Novellen, Walburga Hülk-Althoff (Siegen) über Kleist und Flaubert sowie Ingo Breuer Köln) zur Tradition der Novelle. Des weiteren enthält der Band die Abteilung "Abhandlungen", u.a. mit einem Beitrag von Michael Wetzel (Kassel), sowie einen umfangreichen Rezensionsteil."

Medienpoesie: Moderne Lyrik zwischen Stimme und Schrift

by Klaus Schenk

Moderne Lyrik ist zugleich Medienpoesie, die auf die Herausforderungen einer modernen Medienlandschaft reagiert. In moderner Lyrik kann die Funktion von Schrift deshalb nicht mehr als nebensächlich abgetan werden. Vielmehr deutet das veränderte Verhältnis zwischen Lautgestalt und Schriftbild auf wesentliche Veränderungen innerhalb der Gattung hin. Ausgehend von dieser grammatologischen These wird in der vorliegenden Studie die Funktion von Schriftlichkeit für moderne Lyrik überdacht. Dabei können Zusammenhänge zwischen den Experimenten der poetischen Avantgarde und der aktuellen Schriftdiskussion aufgezeigt werden. Besonders die Arbeiten der Konkreten Poesie haben eine Auseinandersetzung um die Visualisierung von poetischen Texten entfacht. Aber auch in den Schreibweisen von Lyrikern wie Ingeborg Bachmann, Paul Celan, Günter Grass, Peter Rühmkorf und Hans Magnus Enzensberger läßt sich eine verdeckte Integration von Schriftaspekten in die poetologischen Konzeptionen aufzeigen. Neben detaillierten Analysen von Texten der genannten Lyriker werden in diesem Band ebenso methodische Zugänge eröffnet, die es erlauben, den poetologischen Stellenwert von Schriftlichkeit in der Schreibweise moderner Lyrik neu zu bewerten.

Men In The Off Hours (Vintage Contemporaries Ser.)

by Anne Carson

Following her widely acclaimed Autobiography of Red ('a spellbinding achievement' - Susan Sontag): a new collection of poetry and prose that displays Anne Carson's intoxicating mixture of opposites - the classic and the modern, cinema and print, narrative and verse. In Men in the Off Hours, Carson re-invents figures as diverse as Oedipus, Emily Dickinson and Audubon. She views the writings of Sappho, St Augustine and Catullus through a modern lens. She sets up startling juxtapositions (Lazarus among video paraphernalia; Virginia Woolf and Thucydides discussing war). And, in a final prose poem, she meditates on the recent death of her mother. With its quiet, acute spirituality, its fearless wit and sensuality, and its joyful understanding that 'the fact of the matter for humans is imperfection', Men in the Off Hours is profound, provocative and unforgettable.

Nation's Favourite: Comic Poems

by Griff Rhys Jones

This wonderful anthology contains some of the nation's all-time favourite comic poetry. From much-loved classics such as Lewis Carroll's curious 'Jabberwocky' to lesser known and forgotten gems such as Gelett Burgess's 'The Purple Cow', Griff Rhys Jones takes us on a poetic tour of witty, nonsensical and plain laugh-out-loud funny poems. The selection brings together poets from every age and every walk of life, from Shakespeare to Victoria Wood and from Keats to Benjamin Zephaniah. There is Roald Dahl's cunning variation on 'Little Red Riding Hood', Spike Milligan's brilliantly ridiculous 'On the Ning Nang Nong' as well as several entries from the ever-elusive Anon, including one delightfully succint 'Peas'. Remembered, half-remembered, cherished or written on a tea towel, here are some of the nation's favourite comic poems.

Naughtiest Children I Know

by Anne Harvey

An A-Z of the 100 naughtiest children ever! From Untidy Amanda and Bad Boy Benjamin to Naughty Dan, Greedy George and Sulky Susan. They're all inside, so open up and see if there's a poem in here about you . . .As you read through this book you will realise what bad company some of these poets kept. There are many way of being extremely mischievous, and these poems will probably give a few extra ideas besides! There is a poem in here for every misdemeanour know to man, from traditional poems such as Heinrich Hoffman's Shockheaded Peter and Hillaire Belloc's Cautionary Verse (and everyone knows what happened to Matilda!) to those by modern poets such as Colin West and Kit Wright. A deliciously wicked poetry book about all the things that we do in childhood at the risk of grown-up wrath. Not that we condone such dreadful behaviour . . .

The Odyssey: 1 (Bloomsbury Revelations)

by Homer Jasper Griffin

'Muse, tell me of a man: a man of much resource, who was made to wander far and long, after he had sacked the sacred city of Troy. Many were the men whose lands he saw and came to know their thinking: many too the miseries at sea which he suffered in his heart, as he sought to win his own life and the safe return of his companions.' Recounting the epic journey home of Odysseus from the Trojan War, The Odyssey - alongside its sister poem The Iliad - stands as the well-spring of Western Civilisation and culture, an inspiration to poets, writers and thinkers for thousands of years since. This authoritative prose translation by Martin Hammond brings Homer's great poem of homecoming to life as Odysseus battles through such familiar dangers as the cave of the Cyclops, the call of the Sirens and his hostile reception back in his native land of Ithaca.

The Other Lover (Phoenix Poets)

by Bruce Smith

The Other Lover is a collection of bittersweet American love poems. Writing with jazz-like verbal panache, Bruce Smith reaches for the paradoxical pulls between sweetness and bitterness. With carefully crafted rhyming stanzas and unpredictable free verse rhythms, these poems bristle and pop like the riffs of a virtuoso horn player. The book is a personal, passionate, disturbing collection that places the reader both inside and outside of the poet's life. Deftly filtering personal experiences through improvisatory structures and a wide range of idioms, Smith communicates the want, the lack, the desire for what is missing, the sweetness of absence and pain. The pleasure of The Other Lover is in the imagination's dance in the erotic spaces between the poet and the reader.

Paradise Lost: A Poem In Twelve Books - Primary Source Edition

by John Milton John Leonard

In Paradise Lost Milton produced poem of epic scale, conjuring up a vast, awe-inspiring cosmos and ranging across huge tracts of space and time. And yet, in putting a charismatic Satan and naked Adam and Eve at the centre of this story, he also created an intensely human tragedy on the Fall of Man. Written when Milton was in his fifties - blind, bitterly disappointed by the Restoration and briefly in danger of execution - Paradise Lost's apparent ambivalence towards authority has led to intensedebate about whether it manages to 'justify the ways of God to men', or exposes the cruelty of Christianity.

Poems and Ballads & Atalanta in Calydon

by Kenneth Haynes

This volume brings together Swinburne's major poetic works, ATALANTA IN CALYDON (1865) and POEMS AND BALLADS (1866). ATALANTA IN CALYDON is a drama in classical Greek form, which revealed Swinburne's metrical skills and brought him celebrity. POEMS AND BALLADS brought him notoriety and demonstrates his preoccupation with de Sade, masochism, and femmes fatales. Also reproduced here is 'Notes on Poems and Reviews', a pamphlet Swinburne published in 1866 in response to hostile reviews of POEMS AND BALLADS.

Poetic Occasion from Milton to Wordsworth (Early Modern Literature in History)

by J. Dolan

John Dolan takes a new approach to the evolution of the modern English lyric, emphasising the way in which several generations of poets, reacting to post-Reformation readers' dislike for invented poetic narratives, competed for the right to commemorate important public occasions and slowly expanded the range of acceptable occasion. This book demonstrates that many fundamental features of a typical modern lyric actually evolved as responses to the limitations of occasional poetry.

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