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Showing 61,276 through 61,300 of 62,089 results

Kindness Wars: The History and Political Economy of Human Caring

by Noel A. Cazenave

Kindness Wars rescues our understanding of kindness from the clutches of an intellectually and morally myopic popular psychology and returns it to the stage of big ideas, in keeping with the important Enlightenment-era debates about human nature and possibilities. Cazenave conceptualizes kindness not just as a benevolent feeling, a caring thought, or a generous action but as a worldview, a theory, or an ideology that explains who we are and justifies how we treat others. Here “kindness wars” refer to the millennia-old “kindness theory” and ideological conflicts over what kind of societies humans can and should have. The book’s title denotes the two types of kindness wars it analyzes, conflict over (1) whether to be kind or not (i.e., the conflicts between kindness and other societal values and ideologies) and (2) what it means to be kind (i.e., the wars within kindness over different ideas as to what it means to be kind and to whom). Using a conflict theoretical perspective, Kindness Wars examines the history of the kindness concept; its many struggles with opposing notions of our true nature and possibilities; and what the lessons of that history and those battles offer us toward the development of a large, robust, and politically engaged conceptualization of kindness.

Kōjin Karatani’s Philosophy of Architecture

by Nadir Lahiji

In this book, Nadir Lahiji introduces Kōjin Karatani’s theoretical-philosophical project and demonstrates its affinity with Kant’s critical philosophy founded on ‘architectonic reason’. From the ancient Greeks we have inherited a definition of the word ‘philosophy’ as Sophia—wisdom. But in his book Architecture as Metaphor Kōjin Karatani introduces a different definition of philosophy. Here, Karatani critically defines philosophy not in association with Sophia but in relation to foundation as the Will to Architecture. In this novel definition resides the notion that in Western thought a crisis persistently reveals itself with every attempt to build a system of knowledge on solid ground. This book reveals the implications of this extraordinary exposition. This is the first book to uncover Kōjin Karatani’s highly significant ideas on architecture for both philosophical and architectural audiences.

Kōjin Karatani’s Philosophy of Architecture

by Nadir Lahiji

In this book, Nadir Lahiji introduces Kōjin Karatani’s theoretical-philosophical project and demonstrates its affinity with Kant’s critical philosophy founded on ‘architectonic reason’. From the ancient Greeks we have inherited a definition of the word ‘philosophy’ as Sophia—wisdom. But in his book Architecture as Metaphor Kōjin Karatani introduces a different definition of philosophy. Here, Karatani critically defines philosophy not in association with Sophia but in relation to foundation as the Will to Architecture. In this novel definition resides the notion that in Western thought a crisis persistently reveals itself with every attempt to build a system of knowledge on solid ground. This book reveals the implications of this extraordinary exposition. This is the first book to uncover Kōjin Karatani’s highly significant ideas on architecture for both philosophical and architectural audiences.

Klimaverantwortung: Gesellschaftsaufgabe und Bildungsauftrag

by Meike Neuhaus

Der Klimawandel ist eine der größten – wenn nicht sogar die größte – Herausforderung unserer Zeit. Bereits heute sind deutliche Auswirkungen auf Ökosysteme, Wirtschaft und soziokulturelle Strukturen spürbar, und es ist zu erwarten, dass diese in Zukunft weiter zunehmen werden. Dass wir Menschen maßgeblich zu diesem Problem beigetragen haben, ist inzwischen überwiegender Konsens. Auch sind sich die meisten Menschen darüber bewusst, dass Maßnahmen ergriffen werden müssen, um dem fortschreitenden Klimawandel entgegenzuwirken. Doch welche konkreten Schritte sind erforderlich? Und wer trägt dafür die Verantwortung? Diesen und anderen Fragen widmen sich die interdisziplinären Beiträge in diesem Buch. Die Diskussion wird ergänzt durch praxisnahe Unterrichtsbeispiele sowie Vorschläge für die Implementierung einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) in der Lehrkräfteausbildung.

Knowing COVID-19: The pandemic and beyond (The pandemic and beyond)

by Des Fitzgerald Fred Cooper

Knowing COVID-19 demonstrates how researchers in the humanities shone a light on some of the many hidden problems of COVID-19, in the very depths of the pandemic crisis. Drawing on eight COVID-19 research projects, the volume shows how humanities researchers, alongside colleagues in the clinical and life sciences, addressed some of the major critical unknowns about this new infectious disease – from the effects of racism to the risks of deploying shame; from how to design an effective instructional leaflet to how to communicate effectively to bus passengers. Across eight novel case studies, the book showcases how humanities research during a pandemic is not only about interpreting the crisis when it has safely passed, but how it can play a vital, collaborative and instrumental role as events are still unfolding.

Knowing COVID-19: The pandemic and beyond (The pandemic and beyond)

by Fred Cooper and Des Fitzgerald

Knowing COVID-19 demonstrates how researchers in the humanities shone a light on some of the many hidden problems of COVID-19, in the very depths of the pandemic crisis. Drawing on eight COVID-19 research projects, the volume shows how humanities researchers, alongside colleagues in the clinical and life sciences, addressed some of the major critical unknowns about this new infectious disease – from the effects of racism to the risks of deploying shame; from how to design an effective instructional leaflet to how to communicate effectively to bus passengers. Across eight novel case studies, the book showcases how humanities research during a pandemic is not only about interpreting the crisis when it has safely passed, but how it can play a vital, collaborative and instrumental role as events are still unfolding.

Kokoro: Japanese Wisdom for a Life Well Lived

by Beth Kempton

kokoro [n.] intelligent heart, feeling mind One year. Two devastating losses. Three sacred Japanese mountains. A major life transition, a heart full of grief and a revelation that changes everything. Join Japanologist Beth Kempton on a pilgrimage through rural Japan in search of answers to some of life's biggest questions: How do we find calm in the chaos and beauty in the darkness? How do we let go of the past and stop worrying about the future? What can an awareness of impermanence teach us about living well?Together you will journey to the deep north of Japan, hike ancient forests, watch the moon rise over mountains of myth and encounter a host of wise teachers along the way - Noh actors, chefs, taxi drivers, coffee shop owners, poets, philosophers and the spirits that inhabit the land. You will contemplate the true nature of time at one of the world's strictest Zen temples and nothing will be quite the same again.This book is an invitation to cultivate stillness and contentment in an ever-changing, uncertain world. It all begins with the kokoro, a profound Japanese term which represents the intelligent heart, the feeling mind and the embodied spirit of every human being.To explore the kokoro is to explore the very essence of what it means to be human in this tough yet devastatingly beautiful world. When you learn to live guided by the light in your kokoro, everything changes, and anything is possible.

Kontingenz und Bildung: Migrationspädagogische Überlegungen zu einem politischen Bildungsbegriff (Pädagogik)

by Matthias Rangger

Migration ist eines der zentralen Themen der Gegenwart. Migrationsphänomene spiegeln dabei nicht nur die machtvolle Bestimmtheit der sozialen Welt, sondern auch ihre grundlegende Unbestimmtheit. Matthias Rangger geht der Frage nach, wie Bildung unter dieser Bedingung gedacht werden kann. Mittels der Modellierung hegemonietheoretischer Perspektiven leistet er eine migrationspädagogische Akzentuierung eines politisch gedachten Bildungsbegriffs in einer postkolonialen Welt. Bildung zeigt sich hier als Bewegung, die nach einem grundlegend anderen Verhältnis zu sich selbst, zu anderen und zur Welt sucht, um darüber bessere Lebensbedingungen für alle zu ermöglichen.

Koran für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Sohaib Sultan

Alles Wissenswerte über die heilige Schrift des Islam Der Koran ist die heilige Schrift von über 1,8 Milliarden Muslimen auf allen Kontinenten. Er ist die Offenbarung Allahs an den Religionsstifter Mohammed, hohe Literatur und zugleich Leitfaden für das tägliche Leben der Gläubigen. Was sagt der Koran über den Glauben, über Frauen, über die Familie, über Andersgläubige, über Verbrechen und ihre Bestrafung? Sohaib Sultan berichtet über die Entstehung der heiligen Schrift und erläutert die Sprache des Koran. Er räumt Missverständnisse über den Koran aus dem Weg und eröffnet damit Möglichkeiten zu einem besseren Verständnis des Islam. Sie erfahren Wie der Koran entstanden und wie er aufgebaut ist Wie vielfältig sich der Koran interpretieren lässt Wie ein Leben nach dem Koran heute aussieht Was der Koran zu gesellschaftlichen Fragen sagt

Kripke's Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language at 40 (Cambridge Philosophical Anniversaries)

by Claudine Verheggen

Saul Kripke's Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language is one of the most celebrated and important books in philosophy of language and mind of the past forty years. It generated an avalanche of responses from the moment it was published and has revolutionized the way in which we think about meaning, intentionality, and the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein. It introduced a series of questions that had never been raised before concerning, most prominently, the normativity of meaning and the prospects for a reductionist account of meaning. This volume of new essays reassesses the continuing influence of Kripke's book and demonstrates that many of the issues first raised by Kripke, both exegetical and philosophical, remain as thought-provoking and as relevant as they were when he first introduced them.

Kritische Pädagogik und Bildungsforschung: Anschlüsse an Paulo Freire (Kritische Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaft)

by Rita Braches-Chyrek Joachim Schroeder Wassilios Baros Solvejg Jobst

Der Band greift theoretische und methodische Ansätze Paulo Freires auf, dessen Kampf für Gerechtigkeit und Solidarität beispielhaft für eine radikale Kritik am bestehenden, postkolonialen neoliberalen System ist. In der Auseinandersetzung mit Freires Position der kritischen Erziehungswissenschaft eröffnen sich neue, die bisherigen Grenzen überschreitende Möglichkeiten.

Kritische Theorie aktualisieren: Adorno und Foucault in den Kraftfeldern von Subjekt, Macht und Ideologie (Edition Moderne Postmoderne)

by Paul Erxleben

Gibt es eine Macht ohne Gewalt? Sind Ideologien eine Form des Wissens? Und wie werden unterworfene Individuen zu mündigen Subjekten? Paul Erxleben sucht Antworten, indem er Theodor W. Adorno mit Michel Foucault ins Gespräch bringt. Kritische Gesellschaftstheorie, so zeigt seine Analyse, aktualisiert sich in der Reflexion auf den Zeitkern zentraler Begriffe. Durch deren Redefinition greifen beide öffentliche Intellektuelle in ihr jeweiliges Theorie-Praxis-Gefüge ein. Vor diesem Hintergrund finden Begriffe von Adorno und Foucault in drei Kraftfeldern zu einer Konstellation zusammen. Aus dem Vergleich erwachsen Thesen über Ohnmacht, positionale Ideologiekritik und mündige Subjektivierungsweisen.

Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions at 60 (Cambridge Philosophical Anniversaries)

by K. Brad Wray

Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions has sold more than one million copies since its publication in 1962, is one of the most cited academic books of all time, and continues to be read and studied today. This volume of new essays evaluates the significance of Kuhn's classic book in its changing historical context, including its initial reception and its lasting effects. The essays explore the range of ideas which Kuhn made popular with his influential philosophy of science, including paradigms, normal science, paradigm changes, scientific revolutions, and incommensurability; and they also look at less-studied themes in his work, including scientific measurement, science education, and science textbooks. Drawing on the latest scholarship as well as unpublished material in the Thomas Kuhn Archives at MIT, this volume offers a comprehensive way into Kuhn's philosophy and demonstrates the continuing relevance of his ideas for our understanding of science.

Künstliche Intelligenz und ethische Verantwortung (Edition Moderne Postmoderne)

by Michael Reder Christopher Koska

Wie sieht ethische Verantwortung im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung, Datafizierung und Künstlichen Intelligenz aus? Die Beiträger*innen geben fundierte Einsichten in die KI-gestützte Entscheidungs- und Urteilsfindung. Von der digitalen Operationalisierung über die Rolle des Menschen im Zentrum des technischen Fortschritts bis hin zur Konzeption von vertrauenswürdigen Systemen - im Fokus steht die Diskussion von Chancen und Herausforderungen, die nicht nur Akademiker*innen vielseitige Anregungen zur weiteren Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema gibt.

Kurt Gödel: Metamathematisches Genie

by William D. Brewer

Zu seinen Lebzeiten war Kurt Gödel außerhalb der Fachwelt der Mathematiker, Philosophen und theoretischen Physiker kaum bekannt. Zu Beginn seiner Karriere schuf er beeindruckende Arbeiten zur Vollständigkeit und Beweisbarkeit formaler logischer Systeme, die zu seiner Dissertation und seiner Habilitations-schrift wurden und ihn unter Fachleuten weltberühmt machten. Seine Unvoll-ständigkeitssätze läuteten das Ende der formal-logischen Programme der Logizisten (Russell et al.) und der Formalisten (Hilbert et al.) ein. Später erzielte er auch signifikante Ergebnisse in der Mengenlehre. Nach seiner Emigration in die USA (Princeton), widmete er sich mehr der Philosophie, dem Leitmotiv seines Lebens, und er fand auch eine einzigartige Lösung zu Einsteins Feld-gleichungen der Gravitation, sein “Gödel-Universum“. Dieses Buch beschreibt sowohl den Gödel, der ein genialer Wissenschaftler war, und der gewagte und neuartige Hypothesen zu den Fundamenten der Mathe-matik und Physik hervorbrachte, ‒ als auch den Gödel, der ein perfekter Rationalist war, aber sein Alltagsleben nur mit Mühe meistern konnte und zeitlebens unter Depressionen, Angstneurosen und Hypochondrie litt. Ein Leben voller Paradoxen, in dem er trotz all seiner psychischen Probleme Beachtliches leistete und zu einem Vorbild für viele jüngere Wissenschaftler wurde. Das Buch liefert den Kontext zu seinen Errungenschaften, die ein verblüffend breites Spektrum intellektueller Unternehmungen darstellen, und zu seiner zunehmenden Geisteskrankheit; und es zeigt, wie er eine lange und erfolgreiche Karriere mit Hilfe seiner loyalen Ehefrau Adele und einigen seiner Freunde durchlaufen konnte. Dies ist eine faszinierende Geschichte der wissen-schaftlichen Genialität und der menschlichen Natur.

La correspondance entre Henri Poincaré et les mathématiciens (Publications des Archives Henri Poincaré Publications of the Henri Poincaré Archives)

by Jean Mawhin David Rowe Klaus Volkert Scott A. Walter Philippe Nabonnand Olivier Bruneau Jeremy J. Gray Gerhard Heinzmann Philippe Henry

Indispensable for understanding Henri Poincaré's vast activity in the mathematical sciences. Provides new sources revealing Poincaré's involvement as president of the "Commission permanente du Répertoire bibliographique des sciences mathématiques" as an actor in the "Dreyfus Affair," and on his links with the editors of the major mathematical journals.The letters, many of which are unpublished, are fully annotated with an emphasis on the academic, cultural and technical contexts. An introduction underlines the lessons that can be drawn from the reading of these correspondences on Poincaré's position in the mathematical and academic communities. Three indexes facilitate the reading.Le volume de la correspondance de Poincaré consacré à ses échanges avec les mathématiciens permet de suivre son investissement dans le champ des sciences mathématiques de ses débuts comme étudiant brillant et prometteur préparant une thèse jusqu’à ses derniers jours, où devenu une icone pour la communauté mathématique depuis de longues années, sa correspondance traduit autant son activité dans la recherche que son implication dans les questions académiques, institutionnelles et organisationnelles. Les questions liées à la théorie des équations différentielles et l’entreprise du Répertoire bibliographique des sciences mathématiques ont suscité une activité épistolaire particulièrement sensible par le nombre de lettres qui y font allusion et par la diversité des correspondants qui abordent les questions de bibliographie mathématique. Les correspondances sont aussi l’occasion de multiples partages d’informations mathématiques, académiques et éditoriales.

Lamarckism and the Emergence of 'Scientific' Social Sciences in Nineteenth-Century Britain and France (History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences #36)

by Snait B. Gissis

The book presents an original synthesizing framework on the relations between ‘the biological’ and ‘the social’. Within these relations, the late nineteenth-century emergence of social sciences aspiring to be constituted as autonomous, as 'scientific' disciplines, is described, analyzed and explained. Through this framework, the author points to conceptual and constructive commonalities conjoining significant founding figures – Lamarck, Spencer, Hughlings Jackson, Ribot, Durkheim, Freud – who were not grouped nor analyzed in this manner before. Thus, the book offers a rather unique synthesis of the interactions of the social, the mental, and the evolutionary biological – Spencerian Lamarckism and/or Neo-Lamarckism – crystallizing into novel fields. It adds substantially to the understanding of the complexities of evolutionary debates during the last quarter of the nineteenth century. It will attract the attention of a wide spectrum of specialists, academics, and postgraduates in European history of the nineteenth century, history and philosophy of science, and history of biology and of the social sciences, including psychology.

Lateral Solutions to Mathematical Problems (AK Peters/CRC Recreational Mathematics Series)

by Desmond MacHale

Lateral Solutions to Mathematical Problems offers a fresh approach to mathematical problem solving via lateral thinking. Lateral thinking has long been used informally by good mathematics teachers and lecturers to spice up their material and interest their students in the more artistic aspects of mathematical problem solving. In this book, the author attempts to carry out this process formally, with reference to specific, non-technical problems that are easily understood and explained at an intermediate level.This book is appropriate for interested high school students, undergraduates and postgraduates, looking for relief from technical material and also looking for insight into the methodology of mathematics; for teachers and lecturers looking for a novel approach to course material; and anyone interested in both mathematics and lateral thinking.

Lateral Solutions to Mathematical Problems (AK Peters/CRC Recreational Mathematics Series)

by Desmond MacHale

Lateral Solutions to Mathematical Problems offers a fresh approach to mathematical problem solving via lateral thinking. Lateral thinking has long been used informally by good mathematics teachers and lecturers to spice up their material and interest their students in the more artistic aspects of mathematical problem solving. In this book, the author attempts to carry out this process formally, with reference to specific, non-technical problems that are easily understood and explained at an intermediate level.This book is appropriate for interested high school students, undergraduates and postgraduates, looking for relief from technical material and also looking for insight into the methodology of mathematics; for teachers and lecturers looking for a novel approach to course material; and anyone interested in both mathematics and lateral thinking.

The Law and Ethics of Data Sharing in Health Sciences (Perspectives in Law, Business and Innovation)

by Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci Timo Minssen Mark Fenwick Mateo Aboy Kathleen Liddell

Data sharing – broadly defined as the exchange of health-related data among multiple controllers and processors – has gained increased relevance in the health sciences over recent years as the need and demand for collaboration has increased. This includes data obtained through healthcare provisions, clinical trials, observational studies, public health surveillance programs, and other data collection methods. The practice of data sharing presents several notable challenges, however. Compliance with a complex and dynamic regulatory framework is essential, with the General Data Protection Regulation being a prominent example in a European context. Recent regulatory developments related to clinical trial transparency, trade secrecy, data access, AI training data, and health data spaces further contribute to the difficulties. Simultaneously, government initiatives often encourage scientists to embrace principles of “open data” and “open innovation.”The variety of regulations in this domain has the potential to impede widespread data sharing and hinder innovation. This edited volume, therefore, compiles comparative case studies authored by leading scholars from diverse disciplines and jurisdictions. The book aims to outline the legal complexities of data sharing. By examining real-world scenarios from diverse disciplines and a global perspective, it explores the normative, policy, and ethical dilemmas that surround data sharing in the health sciences today.Chapter Patient Perspectives on Data Sharing, Chapter Supplementary Measures and Appropriate Safeguards for International Transfers of Health Data after Schrems II are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

The Law of Cryonics: A Legal Philosophical and Financial Analysis

by Pierre de Gioia Carabellese Camilla Della Giustina

This book, through the lens of interdisciplinary legal analysis, draws a subtle balance between bioethics and financial regulation, with the latter playing an unexpectedly crucial role in the way life may potentially be governed. The legal topic of human preservation or cryoconservation was initially developed in the United States in the case of Donaldson v. van de Kamp. More recently, the subject arose in Europe as a result of a decision of the High Court, Family Division, London. This new theme of cryoconservation has unfolded through multifaceted forms, including its impact on regulation. In an area that may, at least prima facie, be regarded as belonging to the traditional realm of medical law, the findings presented here suggest that its potential has strong economic implications. The work argues that it is necessary also to look at this subject from a more interdisciplinary perspective, drawing a fil rouge between two otherwise seemingly opposing areas of law: medical law and financial regulation. The legal framework draws on the Anglo-American, and the United Kingdom in particular, along with civil law analysis from Italy. The work will be of interest to researchers and academics in the areas of medical law, legal philosophy, financial law, property law and insurance law.

The Law of Cryonics: A Legal Philosophical and Financial Analysis

by Pierre de Gioia Carabellese Camilla Della Giustina

This book, through the lens of interdisciplinary legal analysis, draws a subtle balance between bioethics and financial regulation, with the latter playing an unexpectedly crucial role in the way life may potentially be governed. The legal topic of human preservation or cryoconservation was initially developed in the United States in the case of Donaldson v. van de Kamp. More recently, the subject arose in Europe as a result of a decision of the High Court, Family Division, London. This new theme of cryoconservation has unfolded through multifaceted forms, including its impact on regulation. In an area that may, at least prima facie, be regarded as belonging to the traditional realm of medical law, the findings presented here suggest that its potential has strong economic implications. The work argues that it is necessary also to look at this subject from a more interdisciplinary perspective, drawing a fil rouge between two otherwise seemingly opposing areas of law: medical law and financial regulation. The legal framework draws on the Anglo-American, and the United Kingdom in particular, along with civil law analysis from Italy. The work will be of interest to researchers and academics in the areas of medical law, legal philosophy, financial law, property law and insurance law.

Law, Selfhood and Feminist Philosophy: Monstrous Aberrations

by Janice Richardson

At the intersection of law, feminism and philosophy, this book analyses the ways in which certain bodies and ‘selves’ continue to be treated as monstrous aberrations from the ‘ideal’ figure or norm. Employing contemporary feminist philosophy to rethink accepted legal ideas, the book is divided into three sections. The first focuses on the different relational ontologies of philosophers Adriana Cavarero and Christine Battersby – also considering their work via a third term: Spinoza. The second turns to diverse feminist engagements with the social contract theorists. The third section employs insights from throughout the book to focus more explicitly on law – and, in particular privacy law and the so-called ‘wrongful birth’ cases. Bringing together more than twenty years of sustained reflection, this book offers an insightful account of how contemporary feminist philosophy can contribute to a richer understanding of law. It will be of enormous interest to scholars and students working in the areas of legal theory, feminist thought and philosophy.

Law, Selfhood and Feminist Philosophy: Monstrous Aberrations

by Janice Richardson

At the intersection of law, feminism and philosophy, this book analyses the ways in which certain bodies and ‘selves’ continue to be treated as monstrous aberrations from the ‘ideal’ figure or norm. Employing contemporary feminist philosophy to rethink accepted legal ideas, the book is divided into three sections. The first focuses on the different relational ontologies of philosophers Adriana Cavarero and Christine Battersby – also considering their work via a third term: Spinoza. The second turns to diverse feminist engagements with the social contract theorists. The third section employs insights from throughout the book to focus more explicitly on law – and, in particular privacy law and the so-called ‘wrongful birth’ cases. Bringing together more than twenty years of sustained reflection, this book offers an insightful account of how contemporary feminist philosophy can contribute to a richer understanding of law. It will be of enormous interest to scholars and students working in the areas of legal theory, feminist thought and philosophy.

Leaders of the Nation: A Political History of Kazakhstan (The Steppe and Beyond: Studies on Central Asia)

by Ainash Mustoyapova

The book tells about people who lived in an era of historical cataclysms, wars and revolutions, changes in political formations. The generation of the Kazakh intelligentsia responded to the historical challenge facing the Kazakhs at a turning point in history. These are people born at the end of the 19th century, educated in different countries and united by the idea of overcoming colonial dependence on the Russian Empire.The author aims to form a holistic view of a galaxy of outstanding personalities who, in an important historical period, were able to take responsibility for the people and their future. The history of the country is perceived through the prism of their destinies, views, activities and death.The material of the book is a biographical sketch and covers the history of Kazakhstan in the first third of the twentieth century, until the period of the Great Terror (1937–1938).

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