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Showing 4,051 through 4,075 of 62,186 results

A New Stoicism (PDF)

by Lawrence C. Becker

What would stoic ethics be like today if stoicism had survived as a systematic approach to ethical theory, if it had coped successfully with the challenges of modern philosophy and experimental science? A New Stoicism proposes an answer to that question, offered from within the stoic tradition but without the metaphysical and psychological assumptions that modern philosophy and science have abandoned. Lawrence Becker argues that a secular version of the stoic ethical project, based on contemporary cosmology and developmental psychology, provides the basis for a sophisticated form of ethical naturalism, in which virtually all the hard doctrines of the ancient Stoics can be clearly restated and defended. Becker argues, in keeping with the ancients, that virtue is one thing, not many; that it, and not happiness, is the proper end of all activity; that it alone is good, all other things being merely rank-ordered relative to each other for the sake of the good; and that virtue is sufficient for happiness. Moreover, he rejects the popular caricature of the stoic as a grave figure, emotionally detached and capable mainly of endurance, resignation, and coping with pain. To the contrary, he holds that while stoic sages are able to endure the extremes of human suffering, they do not have to sacrifice joy to have that ability, and he seeks to turn our attention from the familiar, therapeutic part of stoic moral training to a reconsideration of its theoretical foundations.

A New Stoicism (PDF)

by Lawrence C. Becker

What would stoic ethics be like today if stoicism had survived as a systematic approach to ethical theory, if it had coped successfully with the challenges of modern philosophy and experimental science? A New Stoicism proposes an answer to that question, offered from within the stoic tradition but without the metaphysical and psychological assumptions that modern philosophy and science have abandoned. Lawrence Becker argues that a secular version of the stoic ethical project, based on contemporary cosmology and developmental psychology, provides the basis for a sophisticated form of ethical naturalism, in which virtually all the hard doctrines of the ancient Stoics can be clearly restated and defended. Becker argues, in keeping with the ancients, that virtue is one thing, not many; that it, and not happiness, is the proper end of all activity; that it alone is good, all other things being merely rank-ordered relative to each other for the sake of the good; and that virtue is sufficient for happiness. Moreover, he rejects the popular caricature of the stoic as a grave figure, emotionally detached and capable mainly of endurance, resignation, and coping with pain. To the contrary, he holds that while stoic sages are able to endure the extremes of human suffering, they do not have to sacrifice joy to have that ability, and he seeks to turn our attention from the familiar, therapeutic part of stoic moral training to a reconsideration of its theoretical foundations.

A History of Western Ethics

by Lawrence C. Becker Charlotte B. Becker

This newly revised and updated edition of A History of Western Ethics is a coherent and accessible overview of the most important figures and influential ideas of the history of ethics in the Western philosophical tradition.

Rücktritte von politischen Ämtern: Perspektiven auf das Ende von politischen Karrieren

by Manuel Becker Volker Kronenberg Christopher Prinz

Politikwissenschaftliche und zeitgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu den Karrieren deutscher Spitzenpolitiker*innen beschäftigten sich bislang vor allem mit deren Aufstieg und weniger mit dem Ende von politischen Laufbahnen. Aus welchen Gründen treten Politiker*innen aus dem Amt zurück? Was sind die Hintergründe, Motive und Konsequenzen einer solchen Entscheidung? Müssen Rücktritte zwingend Resultat eines Scheiterns sein oder kann es auch „erfolgreiche“ Rücktritte geben? In diesem Band werden theoretische Grundlagen der Rücktrittsforschung aus rechtlicher und politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive erarbeitet, Rücktrittskulturen in unterschiedlichen Ländern vergleichend untersucht sowie verschiedene Fallbeispiele in ihren spezifischen Einzelfallbedingungen unter die Lupe genommen.

Handbuch Familiensoziologie

by Oliver Arránz Becker Karsten Hank Anja Steinbach

Dieser Band bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in die große thematische Breite und Tiefe der familiensoziologischen Forschung. Dabei geht es um die Konstanten und Differenzierungen des familialen Lebens in den verschiedensten Regionen der Welt sowie die unterschiedlichen methodischen und theoretischen Ansatzpunkte in der Familienforschung. Schließlich wird eine Vielzahl familialer und sozialstruktureller Fragestellungen einschließlich ihrer empirischen Fundierung aufgegriffen, referiert und kritisch kommentiert. Heiratsmarkt, Fertilität, Arbeitsteilung, Generationenbeziehungen, Trennung, Bildung, Mobilität, Familienpolitik und -recht sind nur einige Beispiele für den breiten thematischen Zugriff des vorliegenden Bandes, welcher in vier thematischen Abschnitten und dreiunddreißig Beiträgen systematisch das Feld der Familiensoziologie beschreibt.

Handbuch Europäische Union

by Peter Becker Barbara Lippert

​In diesem Handbuch wird das grundlegende Wissen über die Europäische Union auf dem aktuellen Stand der Forschung präsentiert. Ausgewiesene Expertinnen und Experten befassen sich in den rund vierzig Einzelbeiträgen mit der Entstehungsgeschichte, den Institutionen und Akteuren sowie den wichtigsten Politikbereichen und Zukunftsfragen der EU. Die Darstellungen gehen von den normativen, vertragsrechtlichen Grundlagen aus, geben Einblicke in die politische Praxis und greifen problemorientiert Kontroversen in Politik und Wissenschaft auf.

Patientenautonomie und informierte Einwilligung: Schlüssel und Barriere medizinischer Behandlungen

by Pia Becker

Pia Becker entwirft eine Konzeption von Patientenautonomie, die sich im Gegensatz zu in der Medizinethik bisher dominierenden Konzeptionen an der grundsätzlichen Fähigkeit des Patienten zur Autonomie orientiert. Ausgangspunkt bildet die Notwendigkeit der informierten Einwilligung, die neben der Patientenautonomie vor allem auch die körperliche Integrität des Patienten schützt. Als Adäquatheitsbedingungen dienen die beiden normativen Funktionen der Patientenautonomie als Barriere und Schlüssel einer medizinischen Behandlung. Diese Konzeption von Patientenautonomie hat den Vorteil, Patienten besser vor Überforderungen zu bewahren und deren Bedarf an Unterstützungsangeboten zur Förderung der Patientenautonomie deutlicher hervorzuheben.

Research Handbook on the Sociology of Education (Research Handbooks in Sociology series)

by Rolf Becker

Presenting original contributions from the key experts in the field, the Research Handbook on the Sociology of Education explores the major theoretical, methodological, empirical and political challenges and pressing social questions facing education in current times. This Research Handbook covers the theoretical foundations of the discipline; methodological problems; the effects of modernization; educational systems; benefits of continued education; migration and social integration; and wider policy implications. Chapters discuss education as a life-long process as well as adults returning to education. Schools, families and other social contexts and influences are also considered, as well as skills formation and ways to measure achievement. Offering an analysis of policy outcomes from an empirical social-scientific perspective and emphasizing the impact of social and ethnic inequality in educational opportunity, this influential Research Handbook defines the discipline and its agenda for future research. Researchers and students interested in education, sociology and social policy including the effects of inequality will find this Research Handbook a highly relevant reference tool. It also offers an important message for policy makers and other stakeholders in the field of educational policy and training.

Open Varieties of Capitalism: Continuity, Change and Performances

by U. Becker

Presenting capitalisms as open, system-like configurations, this book argues four ideal-typical varieties (liberal, statist, corporatist, meso-communitarian) and analyzes the socio-economic performances of advanced capitalisms.

Die Methodenschule der Objektiven Hermeneutik: Eine Bestandsaufnahme

by Roland Becker-Lenz Andreas Franzmann Axel Jansen Matthias Jung

Mit dem Ziel, eine aktuelle Standortbestimmung vorzunehmen, skizzieren die Autoren dieses Buches aus unterschiedlichen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen und Perspektiven den Einsatz der Objektiven Hermeneutik in verschiedenen Forschungsfeldern. Diese Methode gilt gegenwärtig als das theoretisch und methodisch am umfassendsten ausgearbeitete hermeneutische Verfahren in den Sozialwissenschaften. Neben einem Rückblick auf die Anfänge und Begründung der Objektiven Hermeneutik, werden deren Entwicklungspotenziale und künftige Herausforderungen vorgestellt und diskutiert.

Steuerung der Implementation von Flughäfen: Eine Untersuchung des Flughafenbaus in Frankfurt a.M. und Berlin-Brandenburg

by Luisa Becker-Ritterspach

Luisa Becker-Ritterspach geht der Frage nach, warum Großprojekte wie der Bau der Flughafenerweiterung Frankfurt am Main und der Bau des Flughafens Berlin Brandenburg unter so langen Planungszeiten leiden. Die Autorin versteht den Bau von Großprojekten als eine doppelte Implementation, da nicht nur konkret gebaut und fertig gestellt werden muss, sondern auch jedes einzelne formelle wie informelle Verfahren implementiert werden muss. Die Begründung für lange Planzeiten in der Vielzahl der Akteure und ihrer speziellen Interessen zu suchen, wie es die Implementationsforschung versucht, reicht nicht mehr aus. So wurden die Fallbeispiele an Hand des Governance-Ansatzes, des Akteursorientierten Institutionalismus und der Organisationtheorie untersucht, die die Ursachen auch in den Institutionen sehen.

Verification of Object-Oriented Software. The KeY Approach: Foreword by K. Rustan M. Leino (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #4334)

by Bernhard Beckert Reiner Hähnle Peter H. Schmitt

The ultimate goal of program verification is not the theory behind the tools or the tools themselves, but the application of the theory and tools in the software engineering process. Our society relies on the correctness of a vast and growing amount of software. Improving the software engineering process is an important, long-term goal with many steps. Two of those steps are the KeY tool and this KeY book.

Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Software: International Conference, FoVeOOS 2010, Paris, France, June 28-30, 2010, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #6528)

by Bernhard Beckert Claude Marché

This book presents the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the International Conference on Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Software, FoVeOOS 2010, held in Paris, France, in June 2010 - organised by COST Action IC0701. The 11 revised full papers presented together with 2 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 21 submissions. Formal software verification has outgrown the area of academic case studies, and industry is showing serious interest. The logical next goal is the verification of industrial software products. Most programming languages used in industrial practice are object-oriented, e.g. Java, C++, or C#. FoVeOOS 2010 aimed to foster collaboration and interactions among researchers in this area.

The Searchers: Five Rebels, Their Dream of a Different Britain, and Their Many Enemies

by Andy Beckett

From the acclaimed author of Promised You a Miracle and When the Lights Went Out, the untold story of British politics in modern times, through the triumphs and disasters of its five most radical figuresIn the great revolutionary year of 1968, Tony Benn was a respectable Labour minister in his forties, and he was restless. While new social movements were shaking up Britain and much of the world, Westminster politics seemed stuck. It was time, he decided, for a different approach.Over the next half century, the radicalized Benn helped forge a new left in Britain. He was joined by four other politicians, who would become comrades, collaborators and rivals: Ken Livingstone, John McDonnell, Diane Abbott and Jeremy Corbyn.For Andy Beckett, the story of these admired and loathed political explorers - both their sudden breakthroughs and long stretches in the wilderness - is the untold story of British politics in modern times. As he reveals, their project to create a radically more equal, liberal and democratic Britain has been much more influential than electoral history might suggest, and can be seen from the shape of our city life to the causes of our culture wars.For their many detractors, this influence was and remains dangerous: a form of extremism that must be stamped out. But as these five searchers believed, in politics there is no total victory - nor total defeat.

Labour Rights and the Catholic Church: The International Labour Organisation, the Holy See and Catholic Social Teaching (Law and Religion)

by Paul Beckett

This book explores the extent of parallelism and cross-influence between Catholic Social Teaching and the work of the world’s oldest human rights institution, the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Sometimes there is a mutual attraction between seeming opposites who in fact share a common goal. This book is about just such an attraction between a secular organisation born of the political desire for peace and justice, and a metaphysical institution much older founded to bring peace and justice on earth. It examines the principles evident in the teachings of the Catholic Church and in the secular philosophy of the ILO; together with the theological basis of the relevant provisions of Catholic Social Teaching and of the socio-political origins and basis of the ILO. The spectrum of labour rights covered in the book extends from the right to press for rights, i.e., collective bargaining, to rights themselves – conditions in work – and on to post-employment rights in the form of social security and pensions. The extent of the parallelism and cross-influence is reviewed from the issue of the Papal Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII Rerum Novarum (1891) and from the founding of the ILO in 1919. This book is intended to appeal to lay, professional and academic alike, and will be of interest to researchers and academics working in the areas of international human rights, theology, comparative philosophy, history and social and political studies. On 4 January 2021 it was granted an Imprimatur by the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Liverpool, Malcolm P. McMahon O.P., meaning that the Catholic Church is satisfied that the book is free of doctrinal or moral error.

Labour Rights and the Catholic Church: The International Labour Organisation, the Holy See and Catholic Social Teaching (Law and Religion)

by Paul Beckett

This book explores the extent of parallelism and cross-influence between Catholic Social Teaching and the work of the world’s oldest human rights institution, the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Sometimes there is a mutual attraction between seeming opposites who in fact share a common goal. This book is about just such an attraction between a secular organisation born of the political desire for peace and justice, and a metaphysical institution much older founded to bring peace and justice on earth. It examines the principles evident in the teachings of the Catholic Church and in the secular philosophy of the ILO; together with the theological basis of the relevant provisions of Catholic Social Teaching and of the socio-political origins and basis of the ILO. The spectrum of labour rights covered in the book extends from the right to press for rights, i.e., collective bargaining, to rights themselves – conditions in work – and on to post-employment rights in the form of social security and pensions. The extent of the parallelism and cross-influence is reviewed from the issue of the Papal Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII Rerum Novarum (1891) and from the founding of the ILO in 1919. This book is intended to appeal to lay, professional and academic alike, and will be of interest to researchers and academics working in the areas of international human rights, theology, comparative philosophy, history and social and political studies. On 4 January 2021 it was granted an Imprimatur by the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Liverpool, Malcolm P. McMahon O.P., meaning that the Catholic Church is satisfied that the book is free of doctrinal or moral error.

The Complete Dramatic Works of Samuel Beckett (Faber Drama Ser.)

by Samuel Beckett

The present volume gathers all of Beckett's texts for theatre, from 1955 to 1984. It includes both the major dramatic works and the short and more compressed texts for the stage and for radio.'He believes in the cadence, the comma, the bite of word on reality, whatever else he believes; and his devotion to them, he makes clear, is a sufficient focus for the reader's attention. In the modern history of literature he is a unique moral figure, not a dreamer of rose-gardens but a cultivator of what will grow in the waste land, who can make us see the exhilarating design that thorns and yucca share with whatever will grow anywhere.' - Hugh KennerContents: Waiting for Godot, Endgame, Happy Days, All That Fall, Acts Without Words, Krapp's Last Tape, Roughs for the Theatre, Embers, Roughs for the Radio, Words and Music, Cascando, Play, Film, The Old Tune, Come and Go, Eh Joe, Breath, Not I, That Time, Footfalls, Ghost Trio,...but the clouds..., A Piece of Monologue, Rockaby, Ohio Impromptu, Quad, Catastrophe, Nacht und Traume, What Where.

The Licensed City: Regulating drink in Liverpool, 1830-1920

by David Beckingham

In nineteenth-century Britain few cities could rival Liverpool for recorded drunkenness. Civic pride at Liverpool’s imperial influence was undercut by anxieties about social problems that could all be connected to alcohol, from sectarian unrest and prostitution in the city’s streets to child neglect and excess mortality in its slums. These dangers, heightened in Liverpool by the apparent connections between the drink trade and the city’s civic elite, marked urban living and made alcohol a pressing political issue. As a temperance movement emerged to tackle the dangers of drink, campaigners challenged policy makers to re-imagine the acceptable reach of government. While national leaders often failed to agree on what was practically and philosophically palatable, social reformers in Liverpool focused on the system that licensed the sale of drink in the city’s pubs and beerhouses. By reforming licensing, they would later boast, Liverpool had tackled its reputation as the drunkenness capital of England. The Licensed City reveals just how battles over booze have made the modern city. As such, it confronts whether licensing is equipped to regulate today’s problem drinking.

Thomas Cromwell: Tudor Minister

by B.W. Beckingsale

Codici cifrati: Arne Beurling e la crittografia nella II guerra mondiale

by Bengt Beckman

Durante la II guerra mondiale hanno avuto luogo numerosi risultati di rilievo nel campo della crittografia militare. Uno dei meno conosciuti è quello usato dal servizio di intelligence svedese, nei confronti del codice tedesco per le comunicazioni strategiche con i comandi dei paesi occupati nel nord Europa, le cui linee passavano per la Svezia. In tal modo, durante la fase più critica della guerra la direzione politica e militare svedese era in grado di seguire i piani e le disposizioni dei Tedeschi, venendo a conoscenza dei più arditi progetti per modificare la propria politica, tenendo la Svezia fuori dalla guerra. La violazione del codice tedesco è narrata in dettaglio, per la prima volta, con elementi che gli permettono di essere un’ottima introduzione al campo della crittografia, oltre che un ritratto vitale e umano della società del tempo: una disperata condizione bellica, l'intrigo politico e spionistico, il genio del matematico Arne Beurling, le difficoltà e i trucchi del mestiere, e il lavoro sistematico e oscuro di una folla di decrittatori.

Between Desire and Pleasure: A Deleuzian Theory of Sexuality (Plateaus - New Directions in Deleuze Studies)

by Frida Beckman

Intervening into fields including posthumanist, disability, animal and feminist studies, and current critiques of capitalism and consumerism, Frida Beckman recovers a theory of sexuality from Deleuze's work.

Between Desire and Pleasure: A Deleuzian Theory of Sexuality (Plateaus - New Directions in Deleuze Studies)

by Frida Beckman

Intervening into fields including posthumanist, disability, animal and feminist studies, and current critiques of capitalism and consumerism, Frida Beckman recovers a theory of sexuality from Deleuze's work.

Deleuze and Sex

by Frida Beckman

Exploring central aspects of the role of sexuality in Deleuze's philosophy For Deleuze, sexuality is a force that can capture as well as liberate life. Its flows tend to be repressed and contained in specific forms at the same time as they retain revolutionary potential. There is immense power in the thousand sexes of desiring-machines and sexuality is seen as a source of becoming. This book gathers prominent Deleuze scholars to explore the restricting and liberating forces of sexuality in relation to a spread of central themes in Deleuze's philosophy, including politics, psychoanalysis, and friendship as well as specific topics such as the body-machine, disability, feminism, and erotics. Key features * the first and only book-length study on sex in Deleuze

Deleuze and Sex (Deleuze Connections)

by Frida Beckman

This collection of essays offers a fresh and new philosophical approach to the study of sex and sexuality as practicein the philosophy of Deleuze.

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Showing 4,051 through 4,075 of 62,186 results