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Environmental Psychology: A Psycho-social Introduction (PDF)

by Mirilia Bonnes Professor Gianfranco Secchiaroli

This textbook provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to the rapidly expanding field of environmental psychology. The authors start with a review of the history of environmental psychology, highlighting its interdisciplinary nature. They trace its roots in architecture, ecology and geography, and examine the continuing relationship of these subjects to the psychological tradition. The book then moves through key contemporary lines of research in the field, contrasting models from perception and cognition, such as those of Gibson and Brunswick, with major social psychological approaches as represented by Lewin, Barker and others. The book concludes with an analysis of the most promising areas of research and practice.

Hardship Duty: Women's Experiences with Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, and Discrimination in the U.S. Military (Interpersonal Violence)

by Stephanie Bonnes

In the past thirty years, it has become evident that the U.S. military faces widespread and ongoing challenges related to harassment and sexual assault. Despite prevention efforts, estimated sexual assaults are increasing, reporting is decreasing, and the problem persists across all branches of the military. Servicewomen who have experienced and survived these abuses drive the analysis in this book, and their voices are central to these pages. In Hardship Duty: Women's Experiences with Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, and Discrimination in the U.S. Military, Stephanie Bonnes focuses on the puzzle of how sexual abuse remains highly prevalent in an organization that has dynamic policies, prevention strategies, and evolving education programs designed to combat sexual violence. Drawing primarily on in-depth interviews with fifty servicewomen, Hardship Duty uncovers how masculinity and misogyny are entangled in the organization's structure, policies, values, physical spaces, and culture in ways that create sexual abuse vulnerability. Bonnes demonstrates how privileging masculinity and denigrating femininity at the organizational level encourages harassment at the interpersonal level, how servicewomen are often forced to cope with harassment and sexual abuse on their own--despite policies designed to assist victims--and how women who do report are often treated like institutional enemies, harassed more, and face resistance from the institution. With multiple stories of sexual harassment and sexual assault from U.S. servicewomen, this book not only opens the doors to a normally closed institution, but it also gives voice to those who are marginalized and often silenced within it.

Hardship Duty: Women's Experiences with Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, and Discrimination in the U.S. Military (Interpersonal Violence)

by Stephanie Bonnes

In the past thirty years, it has become evident that the U.S. military faces widespread and ongoing challenges related to harassment and sexual assault. Despite prevention efforts, estimated sexual assaults are increasing, reporting is decreasing, and the problem persists across all branches of the military. Servicewomen who have experienced and survived these abuses drive the analysis in this book, and their voices are central to these pages. In Hardship Duty: Women's Experiences with Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, and Discrimination in the U.S. Military, Stephanie Bonnes focuses on the puzzle of how sexual abuse remains highly prevalent in an organization that has dynamic policies, prevention strategies, and evolving education programs designed to combat sexual violence. Drawing primarily on in-depth interviews with fifty servicewomen, Hardship Duty uncovers how masculinity and misogyny are entangled in the organization's structure, policies, values, physical spaces, and culture in ways that create sexual abuse vulnerability. Bonnes demonstrates how privileging masculinity and denigrating femininity at the organizational level encourages harassment at the interpersonal level, how servicewomen are often forced to cope with harassment and sexual abuse on their own--despite policies designed to assist victims--and how women who do report are often treated like institutional enemies, harassed more, and face resistance from the institution. With multiple stories of sexual harassment and sexual assault from U.S. servicewomen, this book not only opens the doors to a normally closed institution, but it also gives voice to those who are marginalized and often silenced within it.

Theorie der konvexen Körper (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und Ihrer Grenzgebiete. 1. Folge #3)

by T. Bonnesen W. Fenchel

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Theorie der Konvexen Körper (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und Ihrer Grenzgebiete. 1. Folge #3)

by T. Bonnesen W. Fenchel

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

The Black Kingdom of the Nile (The\nathan I. Huggins Lectures #1000)

by Charles Bonnet

For centuries, Egyptian civilization has been at the origin of the story we tell about the West. But Charles Bonnet’s archaeological excavations have unearthed extraordinary sites in modern Sudan that challenge this notion and compel us to look to black Africa and the Nubian Kingdom of Kush, where a highly civilized state existed 2500–1500 BCE.

Wissenschaft und Praxis: Zur Wissenschaftsphilosophie in Frankreich und Österreich in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts Wiener Kreis #22)

by Christian Bonnet Elisabeth Nemeth

Die Wissenschaftsphilosophie des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts ist reichhaltiger und differenzierter in ihren Standpunkten als lange vermutet. Die Autoren zeigen das anhand der nur teilweise erforschten Interaktion zwischen den Wissenschaftsphilosophen des deutschen und französischen Sprachraums. Das Buch liefert neue Erkenntnisse zur Rolle der Philosophiekongresse in Prag 1934 und Paris 1937 sowie zur Bedeutung einzelner Akteure wie Marcel Boll, der die Rezeption des Logischen Empirismus in Frankreich beförderte. Die Spuren, die Ernst Mach, aber auch der weniger bekannte deutsche Physiologe und Hirnforscher Ewald Hering in der französischen Wissenschaftsphilosophie hinterließen, verfolgen die Autoren bis hin zu den Ideen Jean Piagets. Im Mittelpunkt des Buchs stehen Philosophen aus Frankreich, Deutschland und Österreich und ihre Leistung, die Wissenschaften nicht nur erkenntnistheoretisch und logisch durchleuchtet, sondern auch erkannt zu haben, dass ihre theoretische Struktur nur dann vollständig erfasst werden kann, wenn ihre praktische Dimension mit einbezogen wird. Dafür steht Henri Poincaré, der die tragende Rolle der Konventionen für die Theoriebildung in der Mathematik herausstellte. Sichtbar wird der Bezug zur Praxis auch in Moritz Schlicks Überlegungen zu einer auf Empirie basierenden Ethik oder in der Arbeit Otto Neuraths, der eine aus den modernen Wissenschaften gewonnene Konzeption menschlichen Erkennens für das Projekt der gesellschaftlichen Aufklärung fruchtbar machen wollte.

The Names of the Gods in Ancient Mediterranean Religions (Classical Scholarship in Translation)

by Corinne Bonnet Ralph Häussler

From Greece to Palmyra, Tyre or Babylon, the names of the gods, like 'Thundering Zeus', 'Three-faced Moon', 'Baal of the Force' or the enigmatic YHWH, reveal their history, family ties, fields of competence and capacity for action. Shared or specific, these names bring to light networks of gods: the Saviour gods, the Ancestral gods, the gods of a city or a family. Names tell stories about the relationship between men and gods, gods and places, places and cultures and so on. They show how gods travel and spread, how they appear and disappear, how they participate in the political, social, intellectual history of each community. Through the study of divine names, the twelve chapters of this book unfold a gallery of portraits that reveal the changing aspects of the divine throughout the ancient Mediterranean.

Analgésie et sédation en réanimation (Le point sur ...)

by Francis Bonnet Thomas Lescot Jean-Louis Vincent Claude Martin

Cet ouvrage se propose de faire le point sur l’avancée des connaissances scientifiques et médicales dans les domaines de l’analgésie et de la sédation en réanimation. Le lecteur pourra y trouver aussi bien des rappels pharmacologiques que les modalités d’administration et de sevrage de ces thérapeutiques quotidiennement utilisées dans ce contexte. La place des techniques d’analgésie systémique et locorégionales en réanimation sera discutée. Le thème de la sédation sera abordé sous l’angle des différentes spécialités.

Eddy Structure Identification (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences #353)

by J. P. Bonnet

This book is a unique opportunity to present in a single volume information that is needed for both experimentalists, theoreticians and computationalists for the detection, analysis, prediction and control of eddy structures in turbulent shear flows. Major identification techniques of Eddy Structures in Turbulent Shear Flows are presented together with applications to vortex dynamics, turbulence management and flow control, for experimental and numerical applications with new prediction methods: Eduction Schemes, Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, Stochastic Estimation, Pattern Recognition Analysis, Wavelet Transform. Illustrations of the use of the different methods are given.

Eddy Structure Identification in Free Turbulent Shear Flows: Selected Papers from the IUTAM Symposium entitled: “Eddy Structures Identification in Free Turbulent Shear Flows” Poitiers, France, 12–14 October 1992 (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications #21)

by J. P. Bonnet M. N. Glauser

The existence and crucial role played by large-scale, organized motions in turbulent flows are now recognized by industrial, applied and fundamental researchers alike. It has become increasingly evident that coherent structures influence mixing, noise, vibration, heat transfer, drag, etc... The accelera­ tion of the development of both experimental and computational programs devoted to this topic has been evident at several recent international meet­ ings. One of the first questions which experimentalists or numerical analysts are faced with is: how can these structures be separated from the background turbulence? This is a nontrivial task because the coherent structures are gen­ erally embedded in a random field and the technique used to determine when and where certain structures are passing, or their averaged characteristics (in the more probable or dominant role sense) is directly related to the definition of the coherent structure. Several methods or approaches are available and the choice of a particular one is generally dependent on the desired informa­ tion. This choice depends not only on the definition of the structure, but also on the experimental and numerical capabilities available to the researcher.

Phantoms on the Bookshelves

by Jacques Bonnet

This enchanting study on the art of living with books considers how our personal libraries reveal our true nature: far more than just places, they are living labyrinths of our innermost feelings. The author, a lifelong accumulator of books both ancient and modern, lives in a house large enough to accommodate his many thousands of books, as well as overspill from the libraries of his friends. While his musings on the habits of collectors past and present are learned, witty and instructive, his advice on cataloguing may even save the lives of those whose books are so prodigiously piled as to be a hazard... The Phantoms on the Bookshelves ranges from classical Greece to contemporary Iceland, from Balzac and Moby Dick to Google, offering up delicious anecdotes along the way. This elegantly produced volume will be a lasting delight to specialist collectors, librarians, bibliophiles and all those who treasure books.

Kunststoffe in der Ingenieuranwendung: verstehen und zuverlässig auswählen

by Martin Bonnet

Als Grundlage für die Auswahl polymerer Werkstoffe in der Ingenieurpraxis werden deren Struktur-/Eigenschaftsbeziehungen genauer beleuchtet. Die Möglichkeiten zur Optimierung der Anwendungseigenschaften über die geeignete Auswahl von Kunststoffadditiven werden dargestellt. Es wird auch ein Überblick über gängige Verfahren zur Kunststoffverarbeitung und deren Einfluss auf die Werkstoffeigenschaften gegeben. Hilfen zur Werkstoffauswahl an konkreten Anwendungsbeispielen geben wertvolle Hinweise für die tägliche Arbeit.

Kunststofftechnik: Grundlagen, Verarbeitung, Werkstoffauswahl und Fallbeispiele

by Martin Bonnet

Dieses Lehrbuch zeigt verständlich und anschaulich, wie der Einsatz von Kunststoffen in vielen Bereichen erfolgreich zu völlig neuen Produkten geführt und Ingenieuren neue Perspektiven zur Umsetzung ihrer Ideen eröffnet hat. Der Leser erhält einen Überblick über die Eigenschaften und deren Optimierung durch den Einsatz von Additiven und eine verlässliche Hilfestellung zur richtigen Auswahl für konkrete Anwendungsfälle. Dies wird anhand von Praxisbeispielen mit ausgeführter Lösung aus verschiedenen Bereichen der Technik dargestellt. In der aktuellen Auflage wurden zwei Fallbeispiele ergänzt, die Qualität und Aussagekraft von Abbildungen verbessert sowie Kurzzusammenfassungen der einzelnen Hauptkapitel ergänzt.

Kunststofftechnik: Grundlagen, Verarbeitung, Werkstoffauswahl und Fallbeispiele

by Martin Bonnet

Kunststoffe haben in vielen Bereichen nicht nur altbekannte Werkstoffe ersetzt, sondern auch zu völlig neuen Produkten geführt und Ingenieuren neue Perspektiven zur Umsetzung ihrer Ideen eröffnet. Dieses Lehrbuch gibt auf verständliche Weise einen Überblick über die Eigenschaften der Kunststoffe, deren Optimierung durch den Einsatz von Additiven und schließlich verlässliche Hilfestellung zur richtigen Auswahl für den konkreten Anwendungsfall. Dies wird anhand von Praxisbeispielen mit ausgeführter Lösung aus verschiedenen Bereichen der Technik dargestellt. In der aktuellen Auflage wurde ein Kapitel zur Vorauswahl des richtigen Kunststoffes ergänzt sowie die Zahl der praktischen Fallbeispiele weiter erhöht.

Microsurgery of Retinal Detachment

by Mireille Bonnet

From the foreword: "Microsurgery of Retinal Detachment is an important contribution to the practice of vitreoretinal surgery. In this comprehensive volume, Dr. Bonnet shares her extensive experience in the management of conditions ranging from retinal tears and primary retinal detachment to giant retinal breaks and vitreoretinal surgery. The field of microsurgery has continued to evolve over the last twenty years, both for the anterior segment surgeon and, since 1970, for the vitreoretinal surgeon. Although there have been extensive descriptions of vitrectomy techniques, little has been written about microsurgical techniques for scleral buckling operations. This subject is well covered in the present edition, which consequently will be a valuable resource to the majority of retinal surgeons who do not as a rule employ microsurgery in the repair of retinal detachments."

Enterprise Data Governance: Reference and Master Data Management Semantic Modeling

by Pierre Bonnet

In an increasingly digital economy, mastering the quality of data is an increasingly vital yet still, in most organizations, a considerable task. The necessity of better governance and reinforcement of international rules and regulatory or oversight structures (Sarbanes Oxley, Basel II, Solvency II, IAS-IFRS, etc.) imposes on enterprises the need for greater transparency and better traceability of their data. All the stakeholders in a company have a role to play and great benefit to derive from the overall goals here, but will invariably turn towards their IT department in search of the answers. However, the majority of IT systems that have been developed within businesses are overly complex, badly adapted, and in many cases obsolete; these systems have often become a source of data or process fragility for the business. It is in this context that the management of ‘reference and master data’ or Master Data Management (MDM) and semantic modeling can intervene in order to straighten out the management of data in a forward-looking and sustainable manner. This book shows how company executives and IT managers can take these new challenges, as well as the advantages of using reference and master data management, into account in answering questions such as: Which data governance functions are available? How can IT be better aligned with business regulations? What is the return on investment? How can we assess intangible IT assets and data? What are the principles of semantic modeling? What is the MDM technical architecture? In these ways they will be better able to deliver on their responsibilities to their organizations, and position them for growth and robust data management and integrity in the future.

Enterprise Data Governance: Reference and Master Data Management Semantic Modeling

by Pierre Bonnet

In an increasingly digital economy, mastering the quality of data is an increasingly vital yet still, in most organizations, a considerable task. The necessity of better governance and reinforcement of international rules and regulatory or oversight structures (Sarbanes Oxley, Basel II, Solvency II, IAS-IFRS, etc.) imposes on enterprises the need for greater transparency and better traceability of their data. All the stakeholders in a company have a role to play and great benefit to derive from the overall goals here, but will invariably turn towards their IT department in search of the answers. However, the majority of IT systems that have been developed within businesses are overly complex, badly adapted, and in many cases obsolete; these systems have often become a source of data or process fragility for the business. It is in this context that the management of ‘reference and master data’ or Master Data Management (MDM) and semantic modeling can intervene in order to straighten out the management of data in a forward-looking and sustainable manner. This book shows how company executives and IT managers can take these new challenges, as well as the advantages of using reference and master data management, into account in answering questions such as: Which data governance functions are available? How can IT be better aligned with business regulations? What is the return on investment? How can we assess intangible IT assets and data? What are the principles of semantic modeling? What is the MDM technical architecture? In these ways they will be better able to deliver on their responsibilities to their organizations, and position them for growth and robust data management and integrity in the future.

Sustainable IT Architecture: The Progressive Way of Overhauling Information Systems with SOA (Iste Ser.)

by Pierre Bonnet Jean-Michel Detavernier Dominique Vauquier

This book focuses on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), the basis of sustainable and more agile IT systems that are able to adapt themselves to new trends and manage processes involving a third party. The discussion is based on the public Praxeme method and features a number of examples taken from large SOA projects which were used to rewrite the information systems of an insurance company; as such, decision-makers, creators of IT systems, programmers and computer scientists, as well as those who will use these new developments, will find this a useful resource.

Sustainable IT Architecture: The Progressive Way of Overhauling Information Systems with SOA

by Pierre Bonnet Jean-Michel Detavernier Dominique Vauquier

This book focuses on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), the basis of sustainable and more agile IT systems that are able to adapt themselves to new trends and manage processes involving a third party. The discussion is based on the public Praxeme method and features a number of examples taken from large SOA projects which were used to rewrite the information systems of an insurance company; as such, decision-makers, creators of IT systems, programmers and computer scientists, as well as those who will use these new developments, will find this a useful resource.

Solar Phenomena in Stars and Stellar Systems: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Bonas, France, August 25–September 5, 1980 (Nato Science Series C: #68)

by R. M. Bonnet A. K. Dupree

This book represents the proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute which was held at Bonas from August 25 till Sep­ tember 5, 1980 and was devoted to the study of "Solar Phenomena in Stars and Stellar Systems". It is intended for a broad audi­ ence. Students and post-doctoral scientists for example can dis­ cover new aspects of astrophysics. The general spirit of the ASI was aimed at presenting a unified aspect of astrophysical phenomena which can be studied intensively on the Sun although they are of a much more general nature. On the other hand, spe­ cialists in solar or stellar physics will find here the latest theoretical developments and/or the most recent observations made in their own field of research. An extensive bibliography will be found throughout the various sections, to which the reader may refer, for more detailed developments in various specific areas. In the past, stellar and solar astrophysics have more or less followed their own independent tracks. However, with the rapid development of modern techniques, in particular artificial satellites like the International Ultraviolet Explorer and the Einstein Observatory, which provide a new wealth of data, it appears that chromospheres, coronae, magnetic fields, mass loss and stellar winds, etc . . . . , are found not only in the Sun but occur also in other stars. Frequently these other stars represent quite different conditions of gravity, lumino~ity, and other parameters from those occurring in the Sun.

Surviving 1000 Centuries: Can We Do It? (Springer Praxis Books)

by Roger-Maurice Bonnet Lodewyk Woltjer

The circumstances that will shape the long-term future of our planet will be constrained by what is physically possible and what is not. This full color book provides a quantitative view of our civilization over the next 100,000 years, in comparison to the 40-60,000 years it took for modern humans to emerge from Africa, on the basis of contemporary scientific and technological knowledge. The evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere and the origin of water are highlighted as the most important factors for the emergence and the development of life. The authors consider both cosmic and natural hazards, pointing out that scientific information provided by satellites and communication systems on the ground could prevent many unnecessary casualties by forward planning and the installation of elementary precautions. The Earth’s evolving climate is considered, showing how greenhouse gases have played an important role in the past climate, whereas human industrial and agricultural emissions will greatly impact our future.

The Age of Islands: In Search of New and Disappearing Islands

by Alastair Bonnett

'Extraordinary... A fascinating and intelligent book.' Sunday TimesNew islands are being built at an unprecedented rate whether for tourism or territorial ambition, while many islands are disappearing or fragmenting because of rising sea levels. It is a strange planetary spectacle, creating an ever-changing map which even Google Earth struggles to keep pace with. In The Age of Islands, explorer and geographer Alastair Bonnett takes the reader on a compelling and thought-provoking tour of the world's newest, most fragile and beautiful islands and reveals what, he argues, is one of the great dramas of our time.From a 'crannog', an ancient artificial island in a Scottish loch, to the militarized artificial islands China is building in the South China Sea; from the disappearing islands that remain the home of native Central Americans to the ritzy new islands of Dubai; from Hong Kong and the Isles of Scilly to islands far away and near: all have urgent stories to tell.

Anti-Racism (Critical Studies In Racism And Migration Ser.)

by Alastair Bonnett

This introductory text provides students for the first time with an historical and international analysis of the development of anti-racism. Drawing on sources from around the world, the author explains the roots and describes the practice of anti-racism in Western and non-Western societies from Britain and the United States to Malaysia and Peru. Topics covered include:* the historical roots of anti-racism* race issues within organisations* the practice of anti-racism* the politics of backlash.This lively, concise book will be an indispensable resource for all students interested in issues of race, ethnicity and in contemporary society more generally.


by Alastair Bonnett

This introductory text provides students for the first time with an historical and international analysis of the development of anti-racism. Drawing on sources from around the world, the author explains the roots and describes the practice of anti-racism in Western and non-Western societies from Britain and the United States to Malaysia and Peru. Topics covered include:* the historical roots of anti-racism* race issues within organisations* the practice of anti-racism* the politics of backlash.This lively, concise book will be an indispensable resource for all students interested in issues of race, ethnicity and in contemporary society more generally.

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