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Institutional Reform and Economic Development in the Chinese Countryside

by Keith Griffin

First Published in 1985. This volume contains material prepared over a three week field trip by the authors in rural China in July and August of 1982 and then again in September 1983. Including field work in the areas of Shaanxi, and the Chongqing municipality.

Institutional Reform and Economic Development in the Chinese Countryside

by Keith Griffin

First Published in 1985. This volume contains material prepared over a three week field trip by the authors in rural China in July and August of 1982 and then again in September 1983. Including field work in the areas of Shaanxi, and the Chongqing municipality.

Integrated Optics: Theory and Technology (Springer Series in Optical Sciences #33)

by Robert G. Hunsperger

Our intent in producing this book was to provide a text that would be comprehensive enough for an introductory course in integrated optics, yet concise enough in its mathematical derivations to be easily readable by a practicing engineer who desires an overview of the field. The response to the first edition has indeed been gratifying; unusually strong demand has caused it to be sold out during the initial year of publication, thus providing us with an early opportunity to produce this updated and improved second edition. This development is fortunate, because integrated optics is a very rapidly progressing field, with significant new research being regularly reported. Hence, a new chapter (Chap. 17) has been added to review recent progress and to provide numerous additional references to the relevant technical literature. Also, thirty-five new problems for practice have been included to supplement those at the ends of chapters in the first edition. Chapters I through 16 are essentially unchanged, except for brief updating revisions and corrections of typographical errors. Because of the time limitations imposed by the need to provide an uninterrupted supply of this book to those using it as a course text, it has been possible to include new references and to briefly describe recent developments only in Chapter 17. However, we hope to provide details of this continuing progress in a future edition.

Integrated Programmes for Handicapped Adolescents and Adults

by Roy I. Brown

First published in 1984, Integrated Programmes for Handicapped Adolescents and Adults explores the need to develop integrated programmes for adolescents and adults with developmental disabilities. Whilst the training models and concepts examined largely relate to formal areas of education, such as reading, mathematics, and writing, the book also pays close attention to social education skills, including home management, budgeting, meal preparation, and the development of positive familial relationships. Integrated Programmes for Handicapped Adolescents and Adults presents a number of projects from different parts of the world, with an emphasis on linking research and practice.

Integrated Programmes for Handicapped Adolescents and Adults

by Roy I. Brown

First published in 1984, Integrated Programmes for Handicapped Adolescents and Adults explores the need to develop integrated programmes for adolescents and adults with developmental disabilities. Whilst the training models and concepts examined largely relate to formal areas of education, such as reading, mathematics, and writing, the book also pays close attention to social education skills, including home management, budgeting, meal preparation, and the development of positive familial relationships. Integrated Programmes for Handicapped Adolescents and Adults presents a number of projects from different parts of the world, with an emphasis on linking research and practice.

Intentionality, Sense and the Mind (Phaenomenologica #94)

by M.J. Harney

Interactive Decision Analysis: Proceedings of an International Workshop on Interactive Decision Analysis and Interpretative Computer Intelligence Held at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria September 20–23, 1983 (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems #229)

by M. Grauer A. P. Wierzbicki

During the week of September 20-23, 1983, an International Workshop on Interactive Decision Analysis and Interpretative Computer Intelligence was held at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Laxenburg, Austria. More than fifty scientists representing seventeen coun­ tries participated. The aim of the Workshop was to review existing approaches to problems involving multiple conflicting objectives, to look at methods and techniques for interactive decision analysis, and to demonstrate theuse of existing interactive decision-support systems. The Workshop was motivated, firstly, by the realization that the rapid development of computers, especially microcomputers, will greatly increase the scope and capabilities of computerized decision-support systems. It is important to explore the potential of these systems for use in handling the complex technological, environmental, economic and social problems thatface the world today. Research in decision-support systems also has another, less tangible but possibly more important, motivation. The development of efficient sys­ tems for decision support requires a thorough understanding of the dif­ ferences between the decision-making processes in different nations and cultures. An understanding of the different rationales underlying decision making is not only necessary for the development of efficient decision­ support systems, but is also an important factor in encouraging inter­ national understanding and cooperation.

Interactive Graphics in CAD

by Y. Gardan Lucas

In a society in which the use of information technology is becoming commonplace it is natural that pictures and images produced by elec­ tronic means should be increasing in importance as a means of com­ munication. Computer graphics have only recently come to the atten­ tion of the general public, mainly through animated drawings, advertise­ ments and video games. The quality of the pictures is often such that, unless informed of the fact, people are unaware that they are created with the help of computers. Some simulations, those developed in con­ nection with the space shuttle for example, represent a great and rapid progress. In industry, computer graphic techniques are used not only for the presentation of business data, but also in design and manufacture processes. Such computer-assisted systems are collectively represented by the acronym CAX. In CAD/CAM (computer-assisted design/manufacture), interactive graphic techniques have attained considerable importance. In CAD/CAM systems a dialogue can be established between the user and the machine using a variety of easy to operate communication devices. Due to the recent developments in hardware and software (for modelling, visual display, etc), a designer is now able to make decisions based on the information presented (plans, perspective drawings, graphics, etc) with the help of interactive, graphic techniques. These constitute the most visible and perhaps most spectacular aspect of CAD/CAM systems.

Interaktion in der Familie

by W. Becker

Interaktive grafische Datenverarbeitung: Eine einführende Übersicht (XLeitfäden der angewandten Informatik)

by Peter Gorny Axel Viereck

Mit der grafischen Darstellung von Information mithilfe elektronischer Geräte hat sich der Mensch ein neues Medium geschaffen. Die Leichtigkeit und die Geschwindigkeit, mit der jetzt Bilder kreiert und verändert werden können, wird - zusammen mit den elektronischen Massenmedie- auch die menschliche Denkweise und die Vorstellungskraft für abstrakte Zusammenhänge beeinflußen. So wie die Informationstechnologien insgesamt dringt die grafische Da­ tenverarbeitung in (fast) alle Bereiche des beruflichen und privaten Lebens ein. Wir wissen, daß sie oft genug nicht zum Nutzen der betrof­ fenen Mitarbeiter und Kunden, sondern wegen kurzfristiger und kurzsich­ tiger Vorteile im Konkurrenzkampf oder zum Bau immer schrecklicherer Waffen und deren Abwehr eingesetzt wird. Trotzdem haben wir uns - zö­ gernd und mit schlechtem Gewissen - in diesem Buch auf die Methoden der grafischen Datenverarbeitung zur Bildgenerierung beschränkt und die Darstellung nicht mit einer Diskussion von Nutzen und Schädlichkeit verknüpft. Wir fordern deshalb unsere Leser auf selbst zu prüfen, wo und wann der Einsatz von grafischer Datenverarbeitung - aber auch Datenver­ arbeitung allgemein - gesellschaftlich verantwortet werden kann oder abzulehnen ist.

Interferons and Their Applications (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology #71)

by J. Armstrong

Today, the basic mood of researchers and clinical investigators, both at the center and on the periphery of interferon studies, is optimistic regarding the future of interferons as therapeutic substances. Many also feel these polypeptides will prove invaluable probes in unraveling certain fundamental biochemical processes which control the life cycle and developmental pattern of many human cells. In contrast, only a year or two ago, this optimism had given way to an attitude almost of disenchantment as public and scientific expectations were raised steeply, then rapidly waned, as it turns out, prematurely. Both the mUltiple actions of interferons (a virtual cascade of biochemical reactions may be induced, as documented herein) and the high visibility of interferon research provided by the millions of dollars invested both by national health agencies and by multinational pharmaceutical companies, contributed to an upsweep in public attention to drug development probably unprecedented in this century. Virtually every oncologist, it would seem, was plagued by requests for the experimental agent, although they already had therapies of more proven value. As recently as 1980, even though interferon had achieved success against certain cancers and certain viral diseases, the variability in clinical results was seemingly ever present and little evidence emerged to suggest interferons could cure advanced diseases. Why then the resurgence of an optimistic mood? There are almost always many elements which contribute to happiness, and this is certainly true of the broad frontier of interferon and its place in biochemical research and treatment.

International Calibration Study of Traffic Conflict Techniques (NATO ASI Subseries F: #5)

by E. Asmussen

The concept of traffic conflict was initiated in the Uni ted States in the 60s and raised a lot of interest in many countries : it was an opening towards the develop­ ment of a new tool for safety evaluation and the diagnosis of local safety pro­ blems. The need for such a tool was great, because of the many situations where accident data was either scarce, unsatisfactory or unavailable. Development of Traffic Conflict Techniques (TCT) started simultaneously in the 70s in several European count ries and new studies were also undertaken in the Uni ted States, Canada and Israel. The need for international cooperation was rapidly feIt, in order to exchange data, compare definitions and check progresses. An Association for International Cooperation on Traffic Conflict Techniques (ICTCT) was therefore created, grouping researchers and safety administrators, with the aim of promoting and organising exchange of information and common practical work. Three Traffic Conflict Techniques Workshops were organised, in Oslo (1977), Paris (1979) and Leidschendam (1982). A small scale international experiment of calibra­ tion of TCTs was also carried out in Rouen, France, in 1979, and five teams took part in it from France, Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States; results of this first experiment were used as a basis for the present enterprise. To be acknowledged as a safety measuring tool, traffic conflict techniques had to be validated in relation to traditional safety indicators such as injury-accidents.

International Commodity Control: A Contemporary History and Appraisal (Routledge Library Editions: Commodities #1)

by Fiona Gordon-Ashworth

Originally published in 1984, at a time when international commodity control was brought from the periphery to the centre of international trade policy, this book provided a new and more comprehensive approach to, and an analytical appraisal of, international commodity controls, from their origins in the 1920s to their widespread acceptance as an important element in international trade policy in the 1970s. The first part establishes the economic and institutional background against which controls were introduced and includes sections on a wide range of issues such as the changing structure of world commodity trade and the roles of GATT, UNCTAD and the former EEC. Part 2 considers the principal control mechanisms which have been used at the international level and review the national counterparts and alternatives. Part 3 assesses on a commodity-by-commodity basis how the control worked in practice. It covers all the international commodity agreements to 1982 and also considers examples of raw material cartels.

International Commodity Control: A Contemporary History and Appraisal (Routledge Library Editions: Commodities #1)

by Fiona Gordon-Ashworth

Originally published in 1984, at a time when international commodity control was brought from the periphery to the centre of international trade policy, this book provided a new and more comprehensive approach to, and an analytical appraisal of, international commodity controls, from their origins in the 1920s to their widespread acceptance as an important element in international trade policy in the 1970s. The first part establishes the economic and institutional background against which controls were introduced and includes sections on a wide range of issues such as the changing structure of world commodity trade and the roles of GATT, UNCTAD and the former EEC. Part 2 considers the principal control mechanisms which have been used at the international level and review the national counterparts and alternatives. Part 3 assesses on a commodity-by-commodity basis how the control worked in practice. It covers all the international commodity agreements to 1982 and also considers examples of raw material cartels.

International Comparative Research: Social Structures and Public Institutions in Eastern and Western Europe

by Manfred Niessen Jules Peschar Chantal Kourilsky

International Comparative Research: Social Structures and Public Institutions in Eastern and Western Europe is a seven-chapter book prepared for the Second International Seminar on Cross-National Comparative Research. Chapters 1 and 2 describe developments in comparative research on social structure and comparisons of social mobility in different socio-economic systems. Subsequent chapters explore structural changes and mobility in a capitalist and a socialist society; comparative research on public institutions; a comparative perspective on social problems and the law; and comparison of public institutions, their organization, and procedures. The last chapter considers high level public officials in Eastern and Western European countries.

The International Crisis in the Caribbean (Routledge Library Editions: Revolution #15)

by Anthony Payne

This book, first published in 1984, presents a comprehensive survey of the forces of change that operate in the Caribbean, an area of political instability at the time. It examines the internal politics of the different countries and considers the roles of the United States, Cuba, the European and new Latin American powers in the political conflicts, coups and revolutions.

The International Crisis in the Caribbean (Routledge Library Editions: Revolution #15)

by Anthony Payne

This book, first published in 1984, presents a comprehensive survey of the forces of change that operate in the Caribbean, an area of political instability at the time. It examines the internal politics of the different countries and considers the roles of the United States, Cuba, the European and new Latin American powers in the political conflicts, coups and revolutions.

International Diffusion of Pharmaceuticals

by J.E.S. Parker

International Dimensions Of Land Reform

by John D Montgomery

Land reform became an international issue in the aftermath of World War II, when the United States planned to dispossess the Junker in Prussia and actually participated in major land redistribution programs in Japan, the Republic of China, and Korea. It became a canon of United States foreign policy in the Philippines, Thailand, and Iran, as

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