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The European Community: A Superpower in the Making (Routledge Library Editions: International Security Studies #7)

by Johan Galtung

This book, first published in 1973, analyses the European Community in a global perspective. It asks and answers two main questions: what does the European Community mean to the masses of the world, and what does it mean to the world community in general? Most critical studies of the EC were made from an internal point of view, and this book is rare in having an external perspective. The author discussed the EC with diverse audiences in 16 countries, and his analyses are invaluable in putting the European project in an international context.

The European Community: A Superpower in the Making (Routledge Library Editions: International Security Studies #7)

by Johan Galtung

This book, first published in 1973, analyses the European Community in a global perspective. It asks and answers two main questions: what does the European Community mean to the masses of the world, and what does it mean to the world community in general? Most critical studies of the EC were made from an internal point of view, and this book is rare in having an external perspective. The author discussed the EC with diverse audiences in 16 countries, and his analyses are invaluable in putting the European project in an international context.

European Monetary Unification: (pdf)

by Giovanni Magnifico

European Technology: The Politics of Collaboration (Routledge Revivals)

by Roger Williams

First published in 1973, European Technology analyses the possibilities for cooperation and collaboration and suggests how the technology ‘gap’ between Europe and the United States can be bridged. Concentrating mainly on aerospace, nuclear and computer fields Roger Williams looks at the aspirations and achievements in technological cooperation both within the EEC and without. How can commitment to join projects be generated? What are the internal managerial and external political problems associated with joint action? How will technological collaboration contribute to wider European economic and political integration. The strength of the European economy will depend to a large extent on improved technological and industrial cooperation. This book provides the first theoretical foundation for policy making in this vital field. This book is a must read for scholars and researchers of European politics, European history and British politics.

European Technology: The Politics of Collaboration (Routledge Revivals)

by Roger Williams

First published in 1973, European Technology analyses the possibilities for cooperation and collaboration and suggests how the technology ‘gap’ between Europe and the United States can be bridged. Concentrating mainly on aerospace, nuclear and computer fields Roger Williams looks at the aspirations and achievements in technological cooperation both within the EEC and without. How can commitment to join projects be generated? What are the internal managerial and external political problems associated with joint action? How will technological collaboration contribute to wider European economic and political integration. The strength of the European economy will depend to a large extent on improved technological and industrial cooperation. This book provides the first theoretical foundation for policy making in this vital field. This book is a must read for scholars and researchers of European politics, European history and British politics.

Evolution and International Organization: Toward a New Level of Sociopolitical Integration (Studien zur Regierungslehre und Internationalen Politik #5)

by V. Rittberger

unlike the historical-descriptive or legalistic approaches still pervading the majority of publications on international organization, has an implicit (empirical-) theoretical orientation. As a concomitant development, Yalem notes an increasing methodological 6 sophistication among some students of international organization. However, except for some favorable comments on the evolving theory of international community formation, Yalem does not evaluate the contribution of the empirical-theory-cum­ methodology literature to the study of international organization. More recently, Riggs and his associates (1970) and Alger (1960-70; 1970) have taken it upon themselves to do just this. The analysis of the impact of bthavioralism on the study of the United Nations system by Robert Riggs and his associates is a rather devastating indictment. Though demonstrating a concern to present balanced and qualified conclusions from their pemsal of the relevant literature, they summarize their assessment in the following statement: Behavioral research has probably been the most disappointing in the area of its central concern, that of theory-building. The grand theories tend to be heuristic in nature, divorced from the essential data base; and the best-supported proposi­ tions have the natrowest theoretical significance. Despite its aims and pretensions, the approach has not yet produced a coherent set of explanatory propositions to bring order or scientific exactness to the study of international organization or any substantial segment of it (Riggs et al. , 1970: 230).

Evolution and International Organization: Toward a New Level of Sociopolitical Integration (Studien Zur Regierungslehre Und Internationalen Politik Ser. #5)

by Volker Rittberger

phase two spanned the time from the late 1930's to about 1950 (Sohn's period III and Yalem's periods II and III). The literature produced during these years revealed an ambivalent reaction toward the apparent inability of international organizations, particularly the League of Nations, to control violence or contribute to the solution of conflicts among major powers. The advocates of a world state saw vindicated their position that an even stronger tmiversal supranational authority was required to assure the repression or deterrence of international aggression. However, the 'realist' position, laying claim to greater scientific validity, argued 'the inlportance of political and ideo­ logical conflicts as barriers to international cooperation' (Yalem, 1966: 2). The excellent analysis by Ronald Rogowski (1968) shows how the twin positions of 'idealism' and 'realism' proceed from an identical paradigm of world politics: a nation-state system with little or no integrative superstructure. They differ, however, in their epistemological outlook. The realists display a positivistic standpoint: taking the inter­ national system and its premise, power politics, as unalterable givens, they inquire into the feasibility of international organization under these circumstances. The idea­ lists adopt what one might call a critical approach toward social analysis: they do not deny the positive validity of the realists' fmdings, but they reject the notion that power politics is an mlalterable impediment.

The Evolution of the British Welfare State: A History of Social Policy since the Industrial Revolution

by Derek Fraser

An established introductory textbook that provides students with a full overview of British social policy and social ideas since the late 18th century. Derek Fraser's authoritative account is the essential starting point for anyone learning about how and why Britain created the first Welfare State, and its development into the 21st century.This is an ideal core text for dedicated modules on the history of British social policy or the British welfare state - or a supplementary text for broader modules on modern British history or British political history - which may be offered at all levels of an undergraduate history, politics or sociology degree. In addition it is a crucial resource for students who may be studying the history of the British welfare state for the first time as part of a taught postgraduate degree in British history, politics or social policy.New to this Edition:- Revised and updated throughout in light of the latest research and historiographical debates- Brings the story right up to the present day, now including discussion of the Coalition and Theresa May's early Prime Ministership- Features a new overview conclusion, identifying key issues in modern British social history

Exact Philosophy: Problems, Tools, and Goals (Synthese Library #50)

by Donald Davidson

The papers that follow were read and discussed at the first Symposium on Exact Philosophy. This conference was held at Montreal on November 4th and 5th, 1971, to celebrate the sesquicentennial of McGill University and establish the Society for Exact Philosophy. The expression 'exact philosophy' is taken to signify mathematical phi­ losophy, i.e., philosophy done with the explicit help of mathematical logic and mathematics. So far the expression denotes an attitude rather than a fully blown discipline: it intends to convey the intention to try and pro­ ceed in as exact a manner as we can in formulating and discussing phi­ losophical problems and theories. The kind of philosophy we wish to practice and promote is disciplined rather than wild, systematic rather than disconnected, and capable of being argued over rather than oracular. We believe that even metaphysics, notoriously riotous, can be subjected to the control of logic and mathematics. Even the history of philosophy, notoriously unsystematic, can benefit from an exact reconstruction of some classical ideas.

Examens-Fragen Neurologie (Examens-Fragen)

by K. L. Birnberger D. Burg

Exercise Testing and Training in Coronary Heart Disease

by J.M.R. Detry

This study on "Exercise testing and training in coronary heart disease" is a remarkable compilation of numerous research studies, primarily from labora­ tories in Europe and the United States over the last decade or more. The topic reflects a growing awareness of and concern about the rapidly expanding understanding of the pathophysiology of coronary atherosclerotic heart disease. Since muscular exercise increases aerobic metabolism of myocardial and working skeletal muscles, greater flow of oxygenated blood is required by each; yet underlying vascular disease restricts these responses. This implicit paradox is here considered forthrightly. Examination of these relationships in symptomatic patients requires care and caution, because of the potential and occasionally real risks entailed. Accordingly, indirect assessment, particularly by noninvasive techniques, becomes increasingly important to detecting and monitoring - for the safety of the patients studied - the evidence of myocardial ischemia and impairment of left ventricular function under stress. Adequate assessment requires well-designed experimental studies to quantify true relationships and to measure the limits of functional capacity and the mechanisms of its impairment. Further­ more, alterations can be induced by therapy, whether this be pharmacological, medical or surgical, or achieved by physical reconditioning through exercise training. Not only is the cardiovascular system impaired by discrete and diffuse vascular lesions at central sites, but the degree of impairment is dynamic rather than static.

The Expansion of Social Work in Britain (Routledge Revivals)

by Philip Seed

First published in 1973, The Expansion of Social Work in Britain presents an overview of the history of social work to develop an understanding of what modern social work ‘is’ and of what the rapid expansion of social work ‘means’ as a social phenomenon. Divided into three parts, Part I examines the traditions and the forms of social action in the nineteenth century from which social work originated. Part II presents the period following the Second World War and concentrate particularly on the development of family casework in relation to what was sometimes called ‘the problem of the problem family.’ Part III examines the context of the expansion of social work in Britain into the field of community work. This book is an essential read for students of social work and social work professionals.

The Expansion of Social Work in Britain (Routledge Revivals)

by Philip Seed

First published in 1973, The Expansion of Social Work in Britain presents an overview of the history of social work to develop an understanding of what modern social work ‘is’ and of what the rapid expansion of social work ‘means’ as a social phenomenon. Divided into three parts, Part I examines the traditions and the forms of social action in the nineteenth century from which social work originated. Part II presents the period following the Second World War and concentrate particularly on the development of family casework in relation to what was sometimes called ‘the problem of the problem family.’ Part III examines the context of the expansion of social work in Britain into the field of community work. This book is an essential read for students of social work and social work professionals.

Experience and Reason: The Phenomenology of Husserl and its Relation to Hume’s Philosophy

by R.A. Mall

In this work the author has tried to present a brief exposition of the phenomenology of HusserI. In doing this, he had in mind a two-fold purpose. He wanted on the one hand to give a critical exposition, interpretation and appreciation of the most leading concepts of HusserI­ ian phenomenology. On the other hand, he tried to show that a true comprehensive understanding of HusserI's phenomenology culminates in his teaching of experience and reason. It is the strong conviction of the author that the central-most teaching of HusserI's phenomenology is the discovery of the "noetic­ noematic" correlativity. In the reduced realm of "constituting­ intentionality," the distinction between reason and experience seems to vanish, and these two concepts become interchangeable terms. The present study suffers from one great limitation, and this must be made clear right here in order to avoid any misconception about the author's intentions. The author has not discussed the other important theories of experience and reason. He has undertaken the humble task of giving an account of HusserI's phenomenology of experience and reason. The bringing in of Hume serves, as would be clear in the course of the book, a two-fold purpose. It tries on the one hand to show the pro­ grammatic similarity between the philosophies of these two philoso­ phers. On the other hand, it implicitly maintains that the philosophical continuity from Hume to HusserI runs not so much via Kant, but rather via Meinong, Brentano, A venarius, James and so forth.

The Experimental Study Of Freudian Theories (Psychology Revivals)

by Hans Eysenck Glenn Wilson

Originally published in 1973 the editors of this book collected together those studies which had been considered at the time to yield the best evidence in support of Freudian theory, and found on close examination that they failed to provide any such proof. Each paper is printed in full and is followed by a critical discussion which raises questions of statistical treatment, sufficiency of controls and alternative interpretations. The particular usefulness of this format is that it allows readers to form their own opinions while providing helpful suggestions and guidelines on how to approach experimental studies with a critical mind.

The Experimental Study Of Freudian Theories (Psychology Revivals) (PDF)

by Hans Eysenck Glenn Wilson

Originally published in 1973 the editors of this book collected together those studies which had been considered at the time to yield the best evidence in support of Freudian theory, and found on close examination that they failed to provide any such proof. Each paper is printed in full and is followed by a critical discussion which raises questions of statistical treatment, sufficiency of controls and alternative interpretations. The particular usefulness of this format is that it allows readers to form their own opinions while providing helpful suggestions and guidelines on how to approach experimental studies with a critical mind.

Explanation: New Directions in Philosophy

by The Faculty Philosophy

This volume initiates a series of American University Publications in Phi· losophy. It is expected that, as occasion permits, volumes will be added to the series, contributing to the dialogue that is contemporary philosophy. The essays in this volume were written by the faculty in philosophy at The American University during the academic year 1970·71 and appear here for the first time. In a variety of modes the essays cluster around epistemological problems collateral with theories of explanation. In view of recent attention to such theories, this volume explores several new directions in the explanation of behavior, language, and religion. We are especially appreciative of the secretarial assistance of Mrs. Madaline Shoemaker, whose magic turned many an unreadable manuscript into an intelligible essay. We are also grateful to Miss Maria Wilhelm for the final typing of the volume, and to the Office of the Dean for Graduate Studies, The American University, for encouragement and for a financial grant toward typing expenses. Barry L. Blose Harold A. Durfee David F. T. Rodier Editorial Committee T ABLE OF CONTENTS Preface v CONTEMPORARY DIRECTIONS THE SPIRIT OF CoNTEMPORARY AMERICAN PHILosoPHY, Roger T.

Explorations in Phenomenology: Papers of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (Selected Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy #4)

by David Carr E.S. Casey

Contrary to popular belief, professional philosophers want and need to be heard. Lacking a large and general public in this country, they turn to audiences of peers and rivals. But these audiences are found either in giant, unfocused professional bodies, or in restrictive groups of specialists. In this respect, the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy can claim a unique role among academic organizations in this country. Now in its tenth year, it has become one of the most important forums in America for the open exchange of ideas. The Society has grown considerably since its founding, and its annual meetings attract scholars in philosophy and other disciplines from across the country and abroad. But these meetings differ markedly from others: too large to be dominated by any single clique or doctrine, they are at the same time small enough to encourage lively discussion within its organized sessions and not just in the corridors outside. The Society derives its focus from the two closely allied philosophical "directions" indicated in its title. Yet from the beginning it has included in its meetings a sizeable number of contributors who are not identified with or even sympathetic to these directions, but are at least willing to engage in a dialogue with those who are. Furthermore, the Society has accomplished to a limited degree something rare indeed in American intellectual life: an interdisciplinary ex- 2 INTRODUCTION change.

Extended Atmospheres and Circumstellar Matter in Spectroscopic Binary Systems (International Astronomical Union Symposia #51)

by A. H. Batten

The proposal to organize a Symposium on circumstellar matter and extended atmo­ spheres in binary systems was first made by the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory to the Executive Committee of the International Astronomical Union in the summer of 1969. It received the support of the presidents of Commissions 29 (Stellar Spectra), 30 (Radial Velocities), 36 (Stellar Atmospheres), and 42 (Photometric Double Stars). Approval in principle was given by the Executive Committee almost immediately, and the Committee further suggested that the Symposium be officially designated the Struve Memorial Symposium. Final approval was given at the time of the 1970 General Assembly of the Union. when the dates of the Symposium were set for August or September, 1972. The Organizing Committee set up consisted of K. O. Wright (Chairman), A. H. Batten, K. -H. B6hm, A. A. Boyarchuk, G. Larsson-Leander, and M. Plavec. In addition, J. Sahade and F. B. Wood acted as advisory members. Local organization was entrusted to a committee consisting of A. H. Batten, E. K. Lee, and C. D. Scarfe. The final dates selected were September 6-12, 1972, and the Sym­ posium was held at the Island Hall Hotel, Parksville, B. C. , on Vancouver Island some 90 miles from Victoria. The Organizing Committee attempted to arrange a Symposium of the type in which no contributed papers would be presented and discussion would range as widely as possible over the field covered by the six invited review papers.

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