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Faltungsgleichungen und Projektionsverfahren zu ihrer Lösung (Lehrbücher und Monographien aus dem Gebiete der exakten Wissenschaften #49)

by I. Gohberg Feldmann

VI A. S. MARKUS, A. A. SEMENCUL und 1. B. SIMONENKO für die Diskussionen über verschiedene Fragen und für ihre wertvollen Bemerkungen. Die Autoren bringen ihre Dankbarkeit dem Redakteur des Buches, F. V. SIROKOV, zum Ausdruck. Seine Hilfe trug maßgeblich zur einfachen und exakten Darlegung bei. Kisinev, am 18. Februar 1970 VORWORT ZUR DEUTSCHEN AUSGABE Die vorliegende Ausgabe dieses Buches unterscheidet sich nur in einem Teil wesentlich von dem russischen Original. Es handelt sich dabei um den Schluß des dritten Kapitels, wo Verfahren zur Umkehrung endlicher TOEPLITz-Matrizen und ihrer stetigen Analoga dargelegt werden. Die beiden letzten Paragraphen von KapitelIII (§ 6 und § 7) der russischen Ausgabe sind durch drei neue Paragraphen (§ 6, § 7, § 8) ersetzt worden. Die neue Darlegung ist vollständiger und zeichnet sich auch durch größere Allgemeinheit und Einfachheit aus. Darüber hinaus sind die Literaturhinweise sowie das Literaturverzeichnis er­ weitert worden. Es wurden einige unbedeutende Druckfehler berichtigt. Die Autoren danken aufrichtig Herrn Prof. Dr. S. PRÖSSDORF, der der Initiator dieser übersetzung ist, sowie dem Akademie-Verlag und den beiden übersetzern, Herrn Dr. J. LEITERER und Herrn Dr. R. LEHMANN. Kisinev Die Autoren 1. Mai 1972 INHALTSVERZEICHNIS Einführung ................................................................ 1 Kapitel I. Allgemeine Sätze über WIENER-HoPF-Gleichungen ...................... 9 § 1. Polynome von einseitig umkehrbaren Operatoren ......................... 9 1. Einige Hilfssätze. ................................................. 9 2. Einseitig umkehrbare Operatoren. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . • 3. Umkehrung von Polynomen von einseitig umkehrbaren Operatoren. ...... 16 § 2. Stetige Funktionen von einseitig umkehrbaren Operatoren. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 18 .

The Fear of Looking or Scopophilic — Exhibitionistic Conflicts

by David W. Allen

The Fear of Looking or Scopophilic–Exhibitionistic Conflicts presents the importance of socophilic–exhibitionistic or look–show factors in neuroses, in the treatment situation, and in everyday life. This book examines some of the implications of scopophilic–exhibitionistic cathexes for creativity.Organized into six chapters, this book begins with an overview of the emotional impact made through scopophilic–exhibitionistic modalities. This text then explains that the social, fighting, and mating rituals of many species involve looking and showing. Other chapters consider the typical connection between the screen function of a memory or remembered fantasy and the screen function of compulsive scopophilic–exhibitionistic reenactment in reducing current anxiety. This book discusses as well the partial instincts of scopophilia and exhibitionism that are present in everyone. The final chapter deals with the concept of psychic masochism that predominates in scopophilic–exhibitionistic suffering.This book is a valuable resource for psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, and behavioral scientists.

The Fearful Void

by Geoffrey Moorhouse

'It was because I was afraid that I had decided to attempt a crossing of the great Sahara desert, from west to east, by myself and by camel. No one had ever made such a journey before . . .'In October 1972 Geoffrey Moorhouse began his odyssey across the Sahara from the Atlantic to the Nile, a distance of 3,600 miles. His reason for undertaking such an immense feat was to examine the roots of his fear, to explore an extremity of human experience.From the outset misfortune was never far away; and as he moved further into that 'awful emptiness' the physical and mental deprivation grew more intense. In March 1973, having walked the last 300 miles, Moorhouse, ill and exhausted, reached Tamanrasset, where he decided to end his journey. The Fearful Void is the moving record of his struggle with fear and loneliness and, ultimately, his coming to terms with the spiritual as well as the physical dangers of the desert.

Feed Me I'M Yours: Baby Food Made Easy

by Vicki Lansky

America's classic cookbook for parents of young children The 30th anniversary edition of this classic cookbook for parents of tots and toddlers contains some of the most popular recipes for baby food, finger food, snacks and desserts ever published. Fully updated, this new edition includes information on the newest Food Pyramid Guide, sample servings for young children, organic baby food options, when to introduce new solids and which to try first, vegetarian baby food options, handling and storing baby food, safe uses of microwaves, the latest equipment for making baby food at home, foods likely to cause allergies and how long to delay introduction of these foods. More than just a cookbook, Feed Me I'm Yours provides time-saving, trouble-saving, and money-saving tips. It also contains entertaining "edible craft" activities for celebrating birthdays, the seasons and major holidays.

Feldspar Minerals: 2 Chemical and Textural Properties

by J.V. Smith

33 14. 3. 5 REE between Plagioclase and Aqueous Fluid 0 Cullers et al. (1973) measured the distribution of REE at 850 C and 750 bars pressure between a natural plagioclase, An , and gaseous water. The rare earths 65 favored the plagioclase by a factor which varies from about 25 for Ce to 10 for Lu. Data were also obtained for forsterite, diopside, enstatite and two rhyolite glasses, on the one hand, and water on the other hand, thereby permitting estimation of the partition coefficients between all pairs of phases. 14. 4 Chemical Substitution in Natural Feldspars 14. 4. 1 Introduction It is quite impracticable to give all the data on chemical substitution in natural feldspars: indeed many of the details are significant only to some particular pegmatite or rock body. As far as possible, emphasis is placed on features of general interest to crystal chemists and to petrologists. Ironically the well­ established features can be described more easily than the uncertain ones, and unfortunately it is necessary to use valuable space on data of dubious value. The bibliography is fairly complete, but it was impracticable to locate all data, especially those in obscure journals. Each reference is followed by a list of the elements referred to in the paper, thereby permitting a reader to compile a fairly compre­ hensive set of references on any chosen element. Not all papers are mentioned in the text. The book on Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Rare Elements, etc.

Feldspar Minerals: Crystal Structure and Physical Properties 1

by J.V. Smith

During the past two centuries, crystallography, mineralogy and petrology have evolved from simple compilations of data to powerful disciplines based on interlocking networks of laws, hypotheses and rules-of-thumb. While many data still consist of isolated facts which defy synthesis, a gratifying portion can be organized according to physical and chemical principles. Unfortunately the separation of physical sciences into sub-divisions, especially at the teaching level, makes it difficult to integrate the different approaches to minerals. This separation is worsened by the increasing technical demands of chemical and physical theories, by the number and complexity of experimental methods, by the sheer mass of facts in an observational discipline such as mineralogy or petrology, and by the explosion of papers. This book concentrates on those aspects of the genesis and properties of feldspar minerals which can be related to physical and chemical principles. My main aim is frankly pedagogic: I wish to show how chemical and physical principles can be combined with geologic observation to produce an enhanced level of understanding of the genesis of minerals. The feldspars which demonstrate almost all of the general principles provide the most suitable example.

Ferroelectrics Literature Index (Solid State Physics Literature Guides)

by T. F. Connolly

Research on ferroelectricity and ferroelectric materials started in 1920 with the discovery by Valasek that the variation of spontaneous polarization in Rochelle salt with sign and magnitude of an applied electric field traced a complete and reproducible hysteresis loop. Activity in the field was sporadic until 1935, when Busch and co-workers announced the observation of similar behavior in potassium dihydrogen phosphate and related compounds. Progress thereafter continued at a modest level with the undertaking of some theoretical as well as further experimental studies. In 1944, von Hippel and co-workers discovered ferroelectricity in barium titanate. The technological importance of ceramic barium titanate and other perovskites led to an upsurge of interest, with many new ferroelectrics being identified in the following decade. By 1967, about 2000 papers on various aspects of ferroelectricity had been published. The bulk of this widely dispersed literature was concerned with the experimental measurement of dielectric, crystallographic, thermal, electromechanical, elastic, optical, and magnetic properties. A critical and excellently organized cpmpilation based on these data appeared in 1969 with the publica­ tion of Landolt-Bornstein, Volume 111/3. This superb tabulation gave instant access to the results in the literature on nearly 450 pure substances and solid solutions of ferroelectric and antiferroelectric materials. Continuing interest in ferroelectrics, spurred by the growing importance of electrooptic crystals, resulted in the publication of almost as many additional papers by the end of 1969 as had been surveyed in Landolt-Bornstein.

Festkörperprobleme 14 (Advances in Solid State Physics #14)

by H. J. Queisser

Feudal Nobility and the Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1174-1277

by J.Riley- Smith

This is a study of the feudal nobles in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem; their status in Palestinian society, their lordships and their political ideas; and the development of these ideas as expressed in constitutional conflicts with kings and regents from 1174 to 1277.

Field-Effect Transistors in Integrated Circuits (PDF)

by J. T. Wallmark L. G. Carlstedt

Field-Effect Transistors in Integrated Circuits

First Year Technician Mathematics: For Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunications (PDF)

by Rhys Lewis

First Year Technician Mathematics For Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunications

For Dirk Struik: Scientific, Historical and Political Essays in Honor of Dirk J. Struik (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science #15)

by Robert S. Cohen J. J. Stachel Marx W. Wartofsky

It is fitting that Professor Dirk Jan Struik be greeted with this melange of mathematical, scientific, historical, sociological and political essays. The authors are also appropriately varied: different countries, outlooks, religions, generations, and we suppose - of course we did not as- different politics too. Many more would have joined us, we know, but the good friends in this book make a fine and representative assembly of the intersection of two (mathematical!) classes: affectionately respect­ ful admirers of Dirk Struik, and the best thinkers of this troubled century. Struik has been among the most steadfast supporters of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science, that discussion group which we have been holding at Boston University since 1960, but his luminous collaboration has been welcome, in Boston and Cambridge, for nearly five decades among mathematicians, physicists, philosophical and political thinkers, and especially among the students. It has not mattered whether they have been his own students or not, whether at M.LT. or elsewhere, whether scholars or dropouts, nature-lovers or book worms, anarchists or Republicans, Catholics or Unitarians, Communists or communists, prim or liberated. No doubt he has his preferences! But the main thing for Struik has been to educate and respect the other person.

Forced Labor: Pergamon Studies in Critical Sociology

by Nancy Stoller Shaw

Forced Labor: Maternity Care in the United States provides information pertinent to the fundamental aspects of hospital child birth in the U.S. This book discusses and analyzes the features of maternity care that vary considerably from one hospital or service to another. Organized into six chapters, this book begins with an overview of the basic stages in the care of the pregnant woman, including prenatal care, labor and delivery, and postpartum treatment for mother and child. This text then describes the major characters in the hospital that will usher the patient through her pregnancy, delivery, and recovery. Other chapters consider the structural and institutional sources of unsatisfactory experience of many patients in a prenatal clinic. The final chapter deals with the intensive study of childbirth context. This book is a valuable resource for all women who will face pregnancy. Gynecologists, nurses, and clinicians will also find this book extremely useful.

Fördern von Frischbeton, insbesondere von Leichtbeton, durch Rohrleitungen (Forschungsberichte des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen)

by Manfred Rössig

Die Förderung von Beton durch Rohrleitungen hat bereits seit Jahrzehnten Probleme aufgegeben. Daß diese Förderung seit einigen Jahren fester Be­ standteil der Praxis beim Bau ist, besagt nicht, diese Probleme seien in­ zwischen gelöst; dies zeigt sich an den allgemeinen Einschränkungen und an immer wieder auftretenden Schwierigkeiten bei der Förderung von Normal­ beton sowie an den noch nicht gelösten Problemen der Förderung von Leicht­ beton. Es hat deshalb auch nicht an Versuchen gefehlt, Zusammenhänge einzelner, für die Förderung bedeutsamer Komponenten zu erforschen und hieraus För­ derbedingungen zu entwickeln. Im Bereich des Normalbetons haben sich so eine Reihe von praxisgerechten Regeln ergeben, die verbunden mit der im Umgang mit Betonpumpen erworbenen Erfahrung eine entsprechend zufrieden­ stellende Förderung dieses Betons gestatten. Die vorliegende Arbeit hatte die Entwicklung einer umfassenden Beschrei­ bung des Fördermechanismus und der diesen Prozeß tragenden Größen zum Ziel; denn nur eine Lösung der Gesetzmäßigkeiten im allgemeinen kann er­ warten lassen, daß die speziellen Bedingungen, wie sie etwa von der Art des Betons oder von'den Anforderungen durch die Abmessungen der Rohrlei­ tungen gestellt werden, uneingeschränkt erkennbar sind. In dieser Weise bietet die Arbeit eine theoretische, im Versuch erprobte und bestätigte Beschreibung des Fördervorganges, so daß sich sowohl die Konstruktion, als auch die Anwendung von Betonpumpen systematisch ausrichten kann.

Forest Policy for the Future: Conflict, Compromise, Consensus (Routledge Revivals)

by Marion Clawson

The use and management of forests in the United States, especially the public owned ones, have been the focus of considerable controversy. First published in 1974, this volume, a collection of papers originally delivered at the RFF Forest Policy Forum, explores alternative forest management programmes to see what is biologically, economically, socially and politically possible. This title is a valuable resource for students interested in environmental studies, as well as for policy makers.

Forest Policy for the Future: Conflict, Compromise, Consensus (Routledge Revivals)

by Marion Clawson

The use and management of forests in the United States, especially the public owned ones, have been the focus of considerable controversy. First published in 1974, this volume, a collection of papers originally delivered at the RFF Forest Policy Forum, explores alternative forest management programmes to see what is biologically, economically, socially and politically possible. This title is a valuable resource for students interested in environmental studies, as well as for policy makers.

The Formation and Dynamics of Galaxies (International Astronomical Union Symposia #58)

by J. R. Shakeshaft

Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 58 held in Canberra, Australia, August 12-15, 1973

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