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Carrie's Protector (Mills And Boon Intrigue Ser.)

by Rebecca York

Bodyguard Wyatt Hawk’s new mission is to protect photographer Carrie Mitchell when she testifies about a terrorist plot – instead, an ambush sends them on the run.

Diagnosis: The Legend Of Smuggler's Cave Relentless Diagnosis: Attraction (Mindbenders #4)

by Rebecca York

Dr. Matt Delano's life is turned upside down by his intense connection to a beautiful amnesiac.

Guarding Grace (Mills And Boon Intrigue Ser. #1215)

by Rebecca York

Brady had no choice but to rescue the woman who’d witnessed his brother’s murder. In the wrong place at the wrong time, Grace had become a target, and only he could keep her alive. But Brady was convinced the mysterious beauty knew more than she was telling.

Her Baby's Father (Mills & Boon Intrigue)

by Rebecca York

The last thing Sara remembers is driving to the hospital as she was going into labour…then crashing.

Powerhouse (Maximum Men Ser. #3)

by Rebecca York

It had been five years since he’d last laid eyes on Shelley, but now, with fear for his son’s safety lying heavily in his heart, Colorado rancher Matt needs her help. And working together quickly rekindles an attraction that was never truly extinguished.

Prince of Time (Mills And Boon Vintage Intrigue Ser. #338)

by Rebecca York

Frozen in Time…

Riley's Retribution (Big Sky Bounty Hunters #5)

by Rebecca York


Royal Lockdown (Lights Out #1)

by Rebecca York

Experience the thrill of life on the edge and set your adrenalin pumping! These gripping stories see heroic characters fight for survival and find love in the face of danger. “Are you afraid of the dark?”

Solid as Steele (43 Light Street #28)

by Rebecca York

P.I. Mack Steele had loved Jamie Shepherd from the moment he'd met herbut she'd always been off-limits - until her frantic phone call reached out to him in the dead of night.

Sudden Attraction (Mindbenders #2)

by Rebecca York

When Gabrielle met Luke they established the most intimate connection of their lives. So vulnerable, so dangerous…so right. But when being together means exposing themselves to a danger that neither of them can predict, can they begin to think about a future together that will put both their lives at risk?

Sudden Insight (Mindbenders #1)

by Rebecca York

New Orleans tarot card reader Rachel foresaw a dark, sexy stranger, but she had no idea Jake would be her soulmate. In fact, when they were both nearly killed, Rachel had a feeling they were never meant to be together.

Till Death Us Do Part (Mills And Boon Vintage Intrigue Ser. #318)

by Rebecca York

Undercover Fiancé Marissa Devereaux discovered that paradise wasn't all it was cracked up to be when she was abducted by extremists on the Caribbean island of Costa Verde…. But things only got worse when Jed Prentiss showed up, claiming to be fiancé.

Undercover Encounter (New Orleans Confidential #1)

by Rebecca York


Act of Violence (Isis Large Print Ser.)

by Margaret Yorke

Peaceful Mickleburgh is the perfect English market town - or so it seems. In fact, it is a perfectly constructed façade, having successfully hidden the secrets of its inhabitants for generations. But the casual murder of a man trying to prevent an act of vandalism shatters the genteel appearance. Parents are forced to consider whether their children could be involved, friends avoid each other's eyes, and partners word their conversations carefully. Somebody in the community is close to the murderer - someone with a past that threatens to resurface, bringing damage and devastation to a whole community.

Admit To Murder

by Margaret Yorke

The daughter of a well-to-do family and recovering from a hopeless love affair, Louise Vaughan vanishes one night while returning home from a choir practice. Her car is discovered, together with her handbag, but no trace of Louise is found. Her family are forced to accept that she is dead. Twelve years later David Marsh, who worked on the original investigation, returns to the area as its Chief Superintendent. He'd never forgotten the case and decides to have a fresh look at the facts and the people involved. He learns that Louise's parents and their adopted son are still in the area - the former surviving in a blanket of grief, the latter wheeling and dealing while teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. Her parents are physically supported by Norah, who'd come into their lives as an evacuee during the war and who has another, more binding tie to the family. And there is Louise's ex-lover, now a sleekly prosperous businessman. Marsh knows they all have secrets to reveal, but can he persuade the really guilty one to admit to murder?

Almost The Truth

by Margaret Yorke

Bicklebury is a small village of some three hundred inhabitants, a church and a pub, but no shop, no school, and certainly no crime - until two ex-cons decide it is the ideal location to pull a robbery. Derek Jarvis and his daughter Hannah are home when the two armed men break in, and Derek, fearing for their safety, urges Hannah not to resist. The tactic backfires as one of the men brutally attacks her, leaving her broken and revolted. Derek's marriage and his daughter are never the same again. As his family falls apart, he finds his wife and daughter blame him for what happened, refusing to forgive him even after the men are caught. And so Derek Jarvis, a mild-mannered accountant, conceives a plan to avenge his family. But Derek has never truly looked at himself or anticipated the terrifying twist his quest for revenge may take, as it leads him down the darkest back alleys of the psyche, strips away his controls and confronts his soul with a shocking choice . . .

A Case To Answer

by Margaret Yorke

Jerry and Peter have been successfully conning vulnerable householders for years. But then Jerry decides to try the straight and narrow, getting an honest job in a chip shop. Once there he meets Imogen, pregnant and temporarily living with her step-grandmother, Charlotte Frost. In his new role as a good citizen - and hopeful suitor - Jerry agrees to tackle Charlotte's neglected garden.But Charlotte has her own troubled past. Recently widowed, her departed husband's family are deeply suspicious. And as her life becomes entangled with Jerry's, lies and deceits from their pasts begin to surface, until on a night none of them will ever forget, Charlotte disappears, and Jerry is the number one suspect.A novel of subtle suspense and creeping tension, A Case to Answer is effortlessly crafted crime fiction, in which human weakness and vulnerability lead to secrets, lies and tragedy.

Cause For Concern (Charnwood Large Print Ser.)

by Margaret Yorke

What secret could be so terrible that a mother would endure years of abuse to keep it concealed?Susan Trent is in her sixties, living in a house she loves, in a prosperous village. She has a nice job in the local estate agents which keeps her active, and she very much enjoys her garden: she ought to be well-satisfied with her lot. Instead she lives in constant terror of her semi-employed, abusive, middle-aged son. Her friends suspects that the cuts and bruises she explains away as her own clumsiness are really caused by his fists, but no-one steps in, unsure of why she puts up with it.Then a stranger comes to lodge in the village, triggering a series of events which will eventually bring to light why Susan has really been so protective of her son. But not until much more of her blood has been spilled.

The Cost Of Silence

by Margaret Yorke

Emma Widnes might have died at any moment, or she could have lived for years. Her husband, Norman, was certainly the kindest nurse his invalid wife could wish for. But then Norman was so pleasant to everyone - a blameless shopkeeper in a quiet town.The murdered body of Emma Widnes shocked the most experienced of CID detectives, and soon Bidbury was alive with all manner of dark rumours and idle conjecture. And skeletons could be heard, rattling in the most unlikely cupboards . . .

Crime In Question

by Margaret Yorke

With her customary skill, Margaret Yorke weaves an enthralling web of suspense and tension out of seemingly ordinary and unrelated events. Denis is living on the edge of society: neglected and unwanted, he scrapes by on his earnings as an odd-jobber. His is the sort of desperation that will tip into lawlessness at the drop of a monkey-wrench. A chance encounter with Len, inmate of the local open prison, enables Denis to prove himself as the accessory to a cunningly contrived crime . . . which ends in murder and has Denis running for his life.

Criminal Damage

by Margaret Yorke

Something murderous is about to happen in Middle Bardolph. The sunny village seems as neat and proper as the orderly life of Mrs Newton, the grey-haired widow in an impeccably kept house. Yet a trifle more scrutiny will soon reveal a darker picture of this picture-postcard existence . . . one where acts of greed and obsession are about to turn Mrs Newton's prim life upside-down.Unknown to Mrs Newton, an ex-convict and some unsavoury associates are as near as next door, her recently jilted grown daughter is going murderously mad with grief, and her middle-aged son is so desperate for his inheritance he just may try to collect it prematurely. Any of the above could endanger an elderly lady's life, but there is something more. A most sinister secret belongs to Mrs Newton herself - and the truth will come out with perhaps deadly results . . .

Deceiving Mirror (Murder Room Ser.)

by Margaret Yorke

Nesta Falconer, an attractive widow, lives with her fifteen-year-old daughter Philippa, managing brother-in-law Charles Falconer's household after the breakdown of his marriage. Nesta's comfortable position is threatened when her sister Claire, returning from America, comes to stay at her cottage.Charles realises that Nesta is a menace to Philippa's happiness, and that she has been responsible for much distress. His mother, a formidable old lady, plays a part in revealing Nesta not only to her family but to herself as a negative person who contributes little to the happiness of others.

Evidence To Destroy (Isis (cds) Ser.)

by Margaret Yorke

On the evening that Lydia Cunningham drives to the train station to meet her daughter Thelma, the pretty little coastal town of Milton St Gabriel is sleeping quietly. The town's utter normality is reflected in Lydia, a respectable widow of advanced years. But Thelma's arrival will shatter the peace of Milton St Gabriel forever. Thelma brings with her Edward, a young and not altogether appealing casual pick-up with a penchant for arson, and the two of them unleash events that reveal a sordid and long-hidden tale of illegitimacy and death. But this is only the groundwork for what lies ahead as Lydia, encountering her past, falls over the edge of sanity into a nightmarish world of revenge and murder.

False Pretences

by Margaret Yorke

When Isabel's god-daughter, Emily, turns up after years of no contact and in need of help, she feels duty-bound to take her under her wing. To her surprise, Emily is determined to be independent and takes a job as nanny. Emily's charge turns out to be the illegitimate child of the naïve daughter of a well-to-do couple and a ne'er-do-well conman who disappeared before the baby was born. And now he is back, intent on exploiting his parental status in return for cash.Before she knows it, Emily is caught up in his botched attempts at blackmail, trying desperately to protect her charge from harm, while also shielding Isabel from becoming entangled in the drama. But when events beyond her control force her to act instinctively, with horrendous effect, all their lives are put terribly at risk.

Find Me A Villain

by Margaret Yorke

A chance encounter with a stranger, Priscilla Blunt, seems to offer Nina Crowther an escape from her problems. Middle-aged, struggling to recover from the shock of her husband divorcing her to marry a younger (and pregnant) woman, Nina happily falls in with Priscilla's idea to house-sit for her while she and her husband visit South Africa. When the phone rings on her first night in the Blunts' Berkshire manor house she expects it to be one of her daughters, but when she lifts the receiver no one speaks. All Nina hears is a shuddering sigh. As the calls persist Nina fears she has attracted an unwelcome suitor - or is it the man who is brutally murdering women in a nearby village? Or could it be one and the same person?

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